Patterico's Pontifications


Harvard “Hate Crime” Almost Certainly a Hoax

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:11 am


On November 20, I had this to say about the latest alleged racial atrocity at a campus:

Privately, I put the odds at over 90%, but you want to be conservative with your public statements.

It didn’t take any special genius to predict this. All you had to do was be a sentient being who pays attention to such things.

And here is the fairly overwhelming and very entertaining proof, spread out over four joyous, well-written, sardonic, and brilliantly argued blog posts, that the hoax was perpetrated to publicize the latest racial grievance, which was not getting traction until the hoaxsters decided to give the cause a fraudulent burst of fame.

Enjoy. It’s a lot of fun to read.

UPDATE: Further reading: Randall Kennedy (who is cited in the debunking linked above) seems quite nonplussed in the New York Times. Still, the Royall Asses are probably thrilled that he even brought up their pet issue. (Read their debunking to see what I mean. I’m not publicizing it further here.)

11 Responses to “Harvard “Hate Crime” Almost Certainly a Hoax”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (84cca9)

  2. When you reward something, you generally get more of it.

    And the ironic part? The folks doing this actually are working against their supposed best interests.

    Except, for these folks, the only “interest” is getting publicity.

    Like the college president told me long ago, some people would rather have a cause than an effect.

    Simon Jester (9df838)

  3. UPDATE: Further reading: Randall Kennedy (who is cited in the debunking linked above) seems quite nonplussed in the New York Times. Still, the Royall Asses are probably thrilled that he even brought up their pet issue. (Read their debunking to see what I mean. I’m not publicizing it further here.)

    Patterico (84cca9)

  4. if i were african american i would stay far far away from the Harvard place

    also if i were white

    happyfeet (831175)

  5. Take alan grayson, hls ’83, please.

    narciso (a1aef7)

  6. Not a hoax. A real act of petty vandalism designed to generate racial animus against white people.

    Gonzalo de Sandoval (aa7ab9)

  7. I didn’t know there could be more animus against white people. Any time I see white and or black people get together to talk on TV it’s almost always about how bad white people are.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  8. Any time I see white and or black people get together to talk on TV it’s almost always about how bad white people are.

    But generally non-liberal, non-leftist white people.

    For example, look at a sleazy liberal white woman like Hillary and her trashy liberal white husband, Bill. Moreover, they’re both known to use either the “N” word or to single out “Jews” in a contemptuous manner. Yet the folks of all races or ethnicities most likely to bad mouth white people in general tend to zip their lips if the topic is the badness of white liberals or white leftists like the Clintons.

    Mark (74fce8)

  9. Watching “Watters World Holiday Edition” on FOX. These are the kids our colleges are turning out. Future Perry’s.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  10. This one smells like another “hate crime” hoax. Most of the news reporting as if it really happened.

    If this is a true story, this cab driver has the address of the gunman who went inside to get his gun. So why does the article only focus on the alleged words rather than on the fact that the Pittsburgh Police Department has the address and description of the alleged shooter? What is wrong with the WaPo putting out this racism-baiting story rather than focus on solving this alleged crime? The shooter would already be under arrest or the PPD would have an APB out on him and the stories would be about the Wanted Shooter on the loose. THIS STORY IS PROPAGANDA

    MCreamer (7e7c45)

  11. That Royall Asses blog is outstanding

    JD (34f761)

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