Patterico's Pontifications


Those Severed Baby Heads Are Sure Funny

Filed under: General — Dana @ 5:18 pm

[guest post by Dana]

Stem Express CEO Cate Dyer is seen discussing different aspects of providing fetal baby parts in the latest Planned Parenthood video released today by the Center for Medical Progress:

StemExpress: I know we get requests for neural [tissue]. It’s the hardest thing in the world to ship.

Buyer: You do it as the whole calvarium.

StemExpress: That’s it, yeah, that’s the easiest way. And I mean we’ve actually had good success with that in the past.

Buyer: Yeah, Make sure the eyes are closed!

StemExpress: [Loud Laughter] Tell the lab it’s coming. So they don’t open the box and go, “Oh God!” [Laughter] So yeah, whereas so many of the academic labs cannot fly like that. They’re just not capable.

Buyer: Why is that? I don’t understand that.

StemExpress: It’s almost like they don’t want to know where it comes from. I can see that. Where they’re like, “We need limbs, but no hands and feet need to be attached.” […] They want you to take it all off, like, “Make it so that we don’t know what it is.”

Buyer: Yeah. Bone the chicken for me and then I’ll eat it.

StemExpress: That’s it. But we know what it is [Laughter]. […] Their lab techs freak out, and have meltdowns, and so it’s just like, yeah.

If their collective conscience was clear and they had no qualms about what they were doing, there wouldn’t be any meltdowns happening or any need to remove the brutal reality of the baby’s original form. After all, it wasn’t ever human, right? But they know. Clearly, on some level, they know.

There is also a discussion about getting intact babies:

SE: Oh, yeah, I mean if you had intact cases [abortions] which we’ve done alot. We sometimes ship those back to our labs in their entirety.

And then there’s the issue of quantity:

Buyer: What would make your lab happy?

SE: Another 50 livers a week.


28 Responses to “Those Severed Baby Heads Are Sure Funny”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (86e864)

  2. Oh, my God!

    nk (dbc370)

  3. These abortionists sure drink a crap load of wine, don’t they?

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  4. billion dollar babies

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  5. A real thigh slapper, severed heads.

    Steve57 (3b2e7d)

  6. I will repeat what I said a few days ago.

    It would be interesting to see the list of StemExpress customers who get those fetal remains, paying even ad they try to ignore what those remains signify.

    (And since Dyer is ridiculing them, and their willful blindness, I would say her laughter/scorn is appropriate, even if, as you say, it is self incriminating.)

    kishnevi (91d5c6)

  7. This is not inciting, soliciting, advocating, or implying that it would under any circumstances be appropriate to commit an unlawful act of violence. It is only information that this device exists.

    nk (dbc370)

  8. This is interesting:

    Since the TRO was lifted late last week, StemExpress has denied it receives or ships intact aborted babies, stating “intact case” refers only to body parts.

    This denial is an attempt to preclude charges of being an accessory to murder, since orders for tissue often specify that no feticides be present in tissue, since these would contaminate. In other words, these orders specify babies not be killed before the abortion procedure is started. And intact aborted babies are evidence of potential live births.

    Dana (86e864)

  9. The two paragraphs in my comment should have been in quotes.

    Dana (86e864)

  10. For those who think this fetal parts are indispensable and necessary for medical research purposes, scientists have used skin cells (pluripotent stem cells, not fetal cells) to make a lab-grown rudimentary human brain. It mimics a 5-week-old fetal brain.

    DRJ (1dff03)

  11. Dana, thank you again for keeping up with these videos. The more publicity on as many sites as possible, the better. Because of the media blackout many people still have no idea this is going on. Thank God for social media, too.

    This post reminded me of a story I read a long time ago in this book (which I still own) that one abortion “clinic” worker came back from a vacation only to open the lab fridge and inside was an unborn baby’s head on a plate. A little index card was folded next to it: “Hi. Remember me?” The nightmares the “clinic” workers and doctors describe are even more horrific.

    no one of consequence (325a59)

  12. For those who think this fetal parts are indispensable and necessary for medical research purposes, scientists have used skin cells (pluripotent stem cells, not fetal cells) to make a lab-grown rudimentary human brain. It mimics a 5-week-old fetal brain.
    DRJ (1dff03) — 8/25/2015 @ 6:36 pm

    Does anyone know if it’s still true (it was a few years ago) that adult stem cells were responsible for progress in a lot of diseases but fetal stem cells were responsible for none?

    no one of consequence (325a59)

  13. Fetal stem cells are no longer regarded as a likely source of treatments for a number of diseases we used to hear about them treating. But they sure got a lot of mileage out of Nancy Reagan supporting their use.

    “Researchers have apparently known for some time that embryonic stem cells will not be an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s, because as two researchers told a Senate subcommittee in May, it is a ‘whole brain disease,’ rather than a cellular disorder (such as Parkinson’s). This has generally been kept out of the news. But now, Washington Post correspondent Rick Weiss, has blown the lid off of the scam, reporting that while useful abstract information might be gleaned about Alzheimer’s through embryonic stem cell research, ‘stem cell experts confess . . . that of all the diseases that may be someday cured by embryonic stem cell treatments, Alzheimer’s is among the least likely to benefit.'”

    Gerald A (949d7d)

  14. This is not intended to jump the thread, but this kind of perverted sick awful evil is why Donald Trump stepping on some toes doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Our country, our very existence, is hanging by a thread. We won’t straighten it out by electing a milquetoast. This carnage on the unborn has to stop or else as a people we don’t deserve to exist.

    Mark Johnson (a64489)

  15. I found what Shane Vander Hart said to be very to-the-point.

    Shane Vander Hart
    11 hrs ·

    A couple of verses come to mind.

    “But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed,” (Romans 2:5, ESV).

    “They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart,” (Ephesians 4:18, ESV).

    John Hitchcock (b2e740)

  16. I am always shocked by the incredible ignorance displayed by those who say that Holy Scripture is not relevant.

    felipe (56556d)

  17. This is not intended to jump the thread, but this kind of perverted sick awful evil is why Donald Trump stepping on some toes doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Our country, our very existence, is hanging by a thread. We won’t straighten it out by electing a milquetoast. This carnage on the unborn has to stop or else as a people we don’t deserve to exist.

    Mark Johnson (a64489) — 8/25/2015 @ 7:53 pm

    Are you citing these revelations specifically as a reason to elect Trump? He supports Planned Parenthood. His claim to have converted to pro-life doesn’t seem very credible in light of that.

    Gerald A (e1ec12)

  18. I have not made a point of keeping up with it, but AFAIK, there has not been any striking advances due to fetal/embryonic stem cells,
    but there have been advances, along with what was said above, of taking cells that do not come from killed babies and inducing behavior/traits identical to fetal/embryonic stem cells,
    so it would seem, at this point in history, even if something did “depend” on “embryonic stem cells”, there would still be no need to kill a baby for it.

    Once upon a time, though, this would not have mattered. At one point in history, though I do not know if it was universal and if so for how long, that the scientific and medical communities condemned the use of data accumulated from the likes of Nazi doctors and others. (Though I have read claims that some of that was due to a belief that the science of such people would be suspect anyway and it was as much a “practical” consideration as much as an “ethical”).

    It seems that feets has yet to figure out a way to try to undermine the contents of this video.

    Interesting to see what is still yet to be released.

    Again, I have not watched the videos, but neither am I surprised a bit by them. If anything, I am a bit surprised by the uproar over them as in my mind all of this is obvious. Once people have somehow justified the killing of innocents, their conscience can only somehow keep that crime out of their consciousness by doing worse and worse,
    if they dare to face the truth
    they cannot keep doing it

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  19. FWIW, I remember going to a lecture here in Philly at Wistar by a visitor I think from U of Minn pre-2000 describing all of the ways they had induced adult stem cells to behave like precursors.

    There are reasons to do things
    and there are justification.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  20. i’m a busy lil pikachu mr. dr.

    happyfeet (831175)

  21. mostly cause of my boss quit

    happyfeet (831175)

  22. 🙁

    happyfeet (831175)

  23. Kinda sorta related, I think.

    Some guy killed a TV journalist and a cameraman while they were on camera, then posted his home video on Twitter

    (CNN)Police say a former WDBJ-TV reporter sought in connection with the on-air slayings of two of the TV station’s employees shot himself Wednesday on Interstate 66 in Virginia after police confronted him, a law enforcement official told CNN.

    Why do I think they’re related? It seems we jumped some hurdle a while back, and now all things are possible. Now it’s just all a matter of deciding who is expendable.

    Steve57 (3b2e7d)

  24. what word can be used to describe beyond creepy?

    seeRpea (a7b697)

  25. Once people have somehow justified the killing of innocents, their conscience can only somehow keep that crime out of their consciousness by doing worse and worse,

    I see it another way: once people have justified the killing of innocents, everything after is easy. And yet, everything after will also be increasingly worse. Evil unleashed. Just rationalize your way past those initial hurdles of a screaming conscience and a still as yet unturned heart and you’re on the way to crossing to the other side and becoming reprobate. Mans capacity for evil knows no limits, and everything can be justified, one way or another.

    Dana (86e864)

  26. new video is out Tuesday.

    fully formed and intact fetuses are revealed.

    seeRpea (aa5346)

  27. I think it’s unfair to @&&holes, seeRpea.

    nk (dbc370)

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