Patterico's Pontifications


Student Sues School Over Mattress Stunt

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:55 am

Offered without comment:

A Columbia University student who officials cleared of rape allegations has filed a lawsuit claiming the school allowed his accuser to harass and defame him by permitting her to carry a mattress on her back on its New York campus as a protest.

Paul Nungesser, a graduating senior at the prestigious Ivy League school, was accused by Emma Sulkowicz of raping her in August 2012. She complained to school officials, but they later cleared Nungesser. He maintains the sex was consensual.

In protest, Sulkowicz began carrying a mattress with her at all times on campus in what she said was an artistic statement entitled “Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight).” The performance piece earned the visual arts student national headlines and an award from the National Organization for Women.

In his lawsuit, filed on Thursday, Nungesser argues he was a victim of harassment and defamation and that the university allowed him to suffer in a hostile educational environment, according to a statement from his attorney, Andrew Miltenberg.

How about that.

114 Responses to “Student Sues School Over Mattress Stunt”

  1. I’m wondering why he’s not suing the person who actually harassed and defamed him.

    Chuck Bartowski (11fb31)

  2. Good for him. The school restricted his movements and encouraged the harassment by giving the stalker credits towards graduation for her actions.

    They deserve to pay.

    Mr. Bartowski, suing her gives her a forum to rant again and she doesn’t have the money Columbia does. Suing Columbia has the effect of showing other schools that they can no longer get away with harming half the student body in their zeal to be Social Justice Warriors.

    NJRob (d36337)

  3. Not sure how I feel about this one.
    On the one hand what I definitely wouldn’t want to be in his place.
    On the other hand how ‘innocent’ was he? Really didn’t do it or just wasn’t enough evidence to prove he did it? (03e182)

  4. Wow! Two, count them two Snowflakes in a legal peeing contest. Yeah, Columbia is obviously a “prestigious” school. And classy too!

    Hoagie (58a3ec)

  5. Here’s one take on whether he is innocent or not…

    Mustang51 (2dd274)

  6. You just knew, these campus tribunals were going to attract the lawyers, like sharks to blood!

    Mike Giles (ea55d1)

  7. carrying around a mattress at a failmerican rapeversity seems like a less-than-wise thing to do

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  8. Good.

    SarahW (6f3980)

  9. Wondering how these ninny children perpetuating stunts are accepted to college int the first place. I guess they are good at

    SarahW (6f3980)

  10. Upsetting to see love-lorn girls extracting revenge and being praised and rewarded for it.

    SarahW (6f3980)

  11. Maybe today’s crop of young ladies didn’t have the life preparation we did, not even the foreshadowing of jump rope rhymes. No jump rope waiting at the bus stop, no bouncing on the blacktop.

    Cinderella dressed in yellla/ went upstairs to kiss a fella/ made a mistake/ and kissed a snake/ how many doctors did it take

    SarahW (6f3980)

  12. carrying around a mattress at a failmerican rapeversity seems like a less-than-wise thing to do

    Mattresses are heavy, so it probably gave her strong muscles. And she didn’t have to deal with the crowds at the campus fitness center.

    JVW (f443d5)

  13. Time123 – didn’t do it, and that is rather obvious to anyone that takes even a moment to look into it.

    JD (2b209d)

  14. Mr. Bartowski, suing her gives her a forum to rant again

    She’d be under oath, and subject to cross-examination. If she’s lying, I would think any lawyer would love to tear her apart on the stand.

    and she doesn’t have the money Columbia does.

    THAT, I suspect, is the actual reason she’s not being sued.

    While I don’t deny Columbia University has some responsibility, the woman making the false accusations is far more culpable. She should be held accountable for her actions, too.

    Chuck Bartowski (11fb31)

  15. Mattress Girl just one of many attention-seekers out there. With all that heavy-lifting/carrying exercise, she should be ripped enough to fight off any and all untoward schoolboys.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  16. It is too bad that Gillibrand wasn’t sued, too.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  17. It is too bad that Gillibrand wasn’t sued, too.

    Didn’t that wretched president of the University of Virginia also hold up mattress girl as a hero of the rape hysteria movement?

    JVW (63a6d0)

  18. Free country, right? Free expression? How is this not protected speech? She can argue her case if she wants.

    If FIRE is going to fight campus speech codes (which it should), then it should be defending Columbia’s support of this girl as well. The principle doesn’t change just because you find the cause annoying.

    Leviticus (01884d)

  19. Leviticus, is slander/false accusation protected speech?

    This is not annoying speech. This is speech that is possibly criminal.

    kishnevi (adea75)

  20. defamation isn’t protected speech. Without intending any comment on the truth of her accusations, if she’s been lying, she doesn’t get to rely on the first amendment.

    matt d (7b78f2)

  21. maybe if she carried her mattress around topless it would be more for reals artistic and not feel so much like a weird freaky angry screwed-up loser cutter chick plea for attention

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  22. Of course defamation isn’t protected speech – and of course this isn’t defamation. It’s he said, she said. There is no true/false toggle for something like this.

    Leviticus (01884d)

  23. As Dave “Iowahawk” Burge tweeted recently (paraphrasing): As I understand matters from liberals, colleges are places filled with rape and racism, and everyone should attend.

    Mitch (341ca0)

  24. Is he going to provide decisive proof that she consented to whatever happened? With her denying same? I seriously doubt it.

    Leviticus (01884d)

  25. Leviticus–As a young man who presumably dates, doesn’t this bother you?

    The lawsuit includes dozens of Facebook messages between the two friends — far more than were included in the Daily Beast article in which Nungesser finally told his side of the story. The messages contained many declarations of Sulkowicz’s love for Nungesser before and after the alleged rape.

    Seven months after the alleged rape, Sulkowicz filed a report with the university. The school spent another seven months investigating and after a two-hour hearing found Nungesser “not responsible.” He would cleared of the charges even though he wasn’t allowed to introduced the Facebook messages sent after the alleged rape showing no signs of distress from Sulkowicz.

    elissa (ead9c9)

  26. Thank goodness at least they won’t be marrying and saddling any children with the surname Sulkowicz-Nungesser.

    elissa (ead9c9)

  27. Yeah, it bothers me. So does a bus full of Oklahoma frat boys chanting about lynching. But that doesn’t mean it’s not protected speech.

    Leviticus (01884d)

  28. campus rape is a serious issue

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  29. more or less

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  30. To sue her would risk perpetuating her grievance (it might be perpetual already, but still.)

    Columbia needs to be sued because of what Columbia (a) did do and (b) didn’t do subsequently and (c) allowed her to do and (d) they tried to claim “no harm no foul” when he was obviously being harmed.

    Is she using a real mattress now? I thought it had been replaced by a ballon dummy that only weighed a couple of pounds.

    htom (4ca1fa)

  31. Isn’t the lawsuit about the college allowing a hostile environment? This would and should be a free speech issue but, if the hostile environment laws exist and apply to colleges, this is an issue.

    DRJ (e80d46)

  32. Gee, who’d-a-thunk: A “hostile educational environment” for the goose is a “hostile educational environment” for the gander.

    “EQUALITY!!!!” wins.

    A_Nonny_Mouse (a3831a)

  33. Again from the examiner article–more about the university’s role.

    About six months after Sulkowicz’s appeal failed, Nungesser’s name was published in the school newspaper alleging he was an unpunished rapist. Sulkowicz then filed a report with police, but after a three-hour conversation with the District Attorney’s office, no charges were filed. Three weeks later, according to the lawsuit, Sulkowicz claimed that it was she who stopped the police investigation.

    Sulkowicz at that time began a whirlwind media tour for her art project, wherein she carried a mattress around claiming to be a rape survivor (and Nungesser being the rapist).

    Her professor is included in the lawsuit because of his statements regarding the art project. In one article for the Columbia Spectator, her professor said “carrying around your university bed — which was also the site of your rape — is an amazingly significant and poignant and powerful symbol.

    elissa (ead9c9)

  34. “rape survivor” is an inexcusably gay way to put english words together in a phrase

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  35. Wonder if this Nungesser is a relative of Charles Eugène Jules Marie Nungesser, French WWI ace, who disappeared on an attempted transatlantic flight 2 weeks before Lindbergh made his.

    Gordon Pasha (e67fc8)

  36. There is no true/false toggle for something like this.

    1) He is not suing her.

    2) He is suing the school because it, and a professor, suggested he was a rapist even after the schools process and the police both determined he was not.

    The school has a responsibility towards students, that constrains its actions and statements. It violated these, it violated its own policies, and it allowed an employee to do so repeatedly. All these actions contributed to shaming defaming the student, and intentionally so.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  37. at the very least Mr. Leviticus the poor guy deserves his day in court

    he’s been through a really hard time

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  38. If her speech isn’t defamatory, the school is right for allowing it to proceed.

    Leviticus (01884d)

  39. well that’s what the court will look at

    meanwhile I wanna see that ex machina movie about the sex robot that has her own agenda

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  40. Isn’t the lawsuit about the college allowing a hostile environment? This would and should be a free speech issue but, if the hostile environment laws exist and apply to colleges, this is an issue.

    I think Leviticus is correct, though, that those of us who take a jaundiced eye towards the whole “hostile environment” racket should probably stand with Columbia. But a university can’t have it both ways and pick and choose which one of their favored grievance groups gets to play that card.

    JVW (887036)

  41. Exactly.

    DRJ (e80d46)

  42. I assume the courts will decide if the lawsuit proceeds, not the school.

    DRJ (e80d46)

  43. Agreed.

    Leviticus (01884d)

  44. I know your “Agreed” was for JVW’s earlier comment, not my comments.

    DRJ (e80d46)

  45. Not that we disagree, only that we cross-posted.

    DRJ (e80d46)

  46. Regardless of any award (geesh, I hope that it is substantial), this forces the school to defend its actions and gives the court a chance to slap them down explicitly.

    Further, I hope that the suit names individuals as well as the school as defendants, and requests that any damages assessed against them must come from their personal funds. This dam well should include the little performance artist. Words have meanings, dontcha know.

    NeoCon_1 (0a21d6)

  47. I assume the courts will decide if the lawsuit proceeds, not the school.

    I wonder if Columbia has a history of providing redress to students who claim a hostile environment. If so, it seems they would have a tough argument against letting the case proceed. Maybe the best possible outcome is that Columbia and other colleges will reevaluate the degree to which they patronize these children, er, students.

    JVW (887036)

  48. If the undergraduate administrators are anything like the Law School Dean, they may double down.

    DRJ (e80d46)

  49. maybe it will not hold up legally as defamation,
    but being publicly accused of being a rapist may certainly have a negative effect on one’s life if one didn’t do it
    and if the school essentially supported the girl then they are guilty of something,

    if nothing else, maybe this will make college administrations be eager to let the police handle criminal investigations with due process

    once upon a time, I think, people were quicker to try to handle things without lawyering up and apparently taking hints from PR firms (hey, even Gitmo terrorists can be made to look like innocent victims).

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  50. Dean Leebron has apparently forgotten that hypotheticals are, er, hypothetical. And intended to make students think.

    Or perhaps he does remember, and wants them to not think.

    kishnevi (91d5c6)

  51. columbia mattress
    performing art
    columbia leaders
    performance farce

    mg (31009b)

  52. ‘thinking is a microaggression’ over there,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  53. 51. …and wants them to not think.

    kishnevi (91d5c6) — 4/24/2015 @ 4:48 pm

    The higher education establishment has long been in the business of not wanting them to think.

    Look who is calling the tune. She’s the ideal product of the establishment. Which exists to fill her head with prejudices, not thinking ability.

    Steve57 (cd6f9a)

  54. A lot of information, plus the mattress-girl complaint, at the Daily Caller.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  55. I do know of a case of alleged rape, at a certain Big Name Ivy League School, which was handled through the criminal justice system, about 15 years ago. The young man in question ended up spending a year in jail before the guilty verdict was overturned by an appeals court. It did not totally derail his life, since his own teachers, the Dental School faculty, supported him and helped him begin his career…but he had to move to a different state to do so, and while in jail his fiancee’s family persuaded her to break up with him, even though they claimed to believe his innocence. (The fiancee was a younger cousin of mine, which is why I know about it. The incident took place before she met him.)

    kishnevi (91d5c6)

  56. you know who carries around mattresses on their backs?


    It’s not exactly one of them brain teasers.

    happyfeet (831175)

  57. Sort of an aside. One of the first losing causes I espoused was women in combat back in the ’90s. Mostly because the reasons why it was a grand idea, I was told, really were rather stupid. For instance, while admitting that even with hours of daily training a woman could develop 60% of the upper body strength of similarly aged and sized man, they had more education!

    Oh. We would accept this argument from Pakistan? One of the sexes gets more of a public good.

    Also, if you read the Harvard Crimson article you’ll see why I never found the Maoist Red Guards the universities produce particularly useful. If I needed the ready room rewaxed it was much better to have a high school dropout as opposed to the higher educated who could explain to me why my white privilege made the whole job a crime against the minorities.

    Just because I was better at hauling damage control equipment up and down a ship’s ladder didn’t mean I was a better person than a woman who I could outrun. Or do more pushups than. Prisons are full of guys who are better at those things than I am.

    The two-and-a-half year period in which the Marine Corps’ Infantry Officer Course became gender-integrated for research will end without a single female graduate.

    Eventually if you’re in the infantry you’ll have to drop trow on the trail and relieve yourself because your case of diarrhea won’t allow for anything else. No moving off to find a bush to hide behind; right now. Funny. A lot of women don’t find the certainty of doing this in front of a bunch of 18 year old guys an attractive career choice. Which among their other fine qualities means they’re smarter than me.

    The peeps who push for women in combat, as in ground combat, aren’t women who have been exposed to the realities of the situation. They’re Hillary!, who thinks her ambitions to become Commander in Chief will be derailed unless she can shove some other dumb broad into the infantry. Not Chelsea; she gets a six figure no show job at TV network.

    The other broads just ain’t so dumb, it turns out.

    Steve57 (cd6f9a)

  58. Couldn’t have happen to a better school.

    Bill (66398d)


    Trigger alerts and safe places in this instance are no longer necessary. The danger of a feminist witnessing an unneutered lion has been averted.

    I’m all kinds of crazy to share foxholes or gun tubs with these people.

    Steve57 (cd6f9a)

  60. Reading through the complaint, I’m not sure he really has a case under Title IX. Columbia can probably show that even if they discriminated against this man, they don’t discriminate against men as a group.

    The contract case is a little stronger, but the language of the contract/student code is pretty vague on the obligations for the school, with lots of things that the University “may” do, but I didn’t see anything it “must” do.

    The defamation case is where the Plaintiff wins. It’s also the best chance for meaningful damages.

    Although I’m reminded of the line (paraphrasing): “who do I sue to get my reputation back?”

    egd (1ad898)

  61. One of the first losing causes I espoused was women in combat back in the ’90s. Mostly because the reasons why it was a grand idea, I was told, really were rather stupid. For instance, while admitting tha

    That reminds me of a comedy sketch I saw, circa 1980. Might have been on SNL. The subject was women in the draft. The commentator said, “Go ahead, draft women. In fact, draft all women. Then when the Russians beat us, we can say, ‘Big deal. Who did you beat? A bunch of girls! We weren’t even trying!’ “

    Chuck Bartowski (3e0e89)

  62. pity Mattress Girl
    crossed the platform from Sleep Train
    to the Crazy Train!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  63. “Sort of an aside…”

    – Steve57

    Sort of?

    Leviticus (01884d)

  64. Libard Mattress GIRL
    Seeking much attention now
    obviously NUTS

    Gus (7cc192)

  65. 64. …Sort of?
    Leviticus (01884d) — 4/24/2015 @ 11:02 pm

    Yes it was quite the tangent. I meant under the heading of apparently lost causes. And fighting the good fight anyway.

    Steve57 (cd6f9a)

  66. Mattress guy, where are you?

    mg (31009b)

  67. Thanks for that link, kevin M.
    Assuming that is anything close to accurate,
    she should sue the school for encouraging her instead of getting her help.
    (Making a point, not suggesting a practical action).
    maybe I don’t know enough about how this facebook thing works, but I’m assuming when she was posting things on it that the content was not private between the two of them, correct? (Or do people use it for one to one communication in stead of an email?)
    I think at onetime if a dean of students saw a young woman posting on facebook a concern for her reputation because she got an STD…that the dean might have asked the student into the office for a little chat and suggested some professional help.

    Of course, I guess we really know very little of all that transpired here, other than she went very public with her claims.

    Interesting story, kishnevi, good to hear the fellow had the needed support.
    certainly going through the criminal justice system does not guarantee a proper result, but generally it is better than college administrators reacting to RS articles.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  68. There is no true/false toggle for something like this.

    Yes, there is.

    JD (3b5483)

  69. mattress on her back
    held promise but Manson Lamps
    you run, Young Man, RUN!!!!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  70. her Girl Scout motto
    “Be Prepared” also warning
    to all who crossed path

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  71. In his lawsuit, filed on Thursday, Nungesser argues he was a victim of harassment and defamation

    More commonly such people are coming from a stereotypical liberal versus conservative type of angle, often a devotee of women’s rights hollering “I’m suing you!” in regards to a “male chauvinist” or a non-liberal, if not conservative, organization or company.

    But nothing is surprising any longer in this age of insanity, in this era of a confused, upside-down, increasingly desensitized America:, April 24, 2015: After months of speculation that he was transitioning into a woman, Bruce Jenner confirmed the news in an interview with Diane Sawyer that aired on ABC Friday night, clarifying that he is also a Republican and a Christian.

    When asked about Barack Obama addressing LGBT rights in his State of the Union, the 65-year-old former Olympic athlete said that didn’t affect him much.

    “I’ve always been more on the conservative side,” Jenner said.

    Mark (607f93)

  72. If the allegations of the Complaint are true, then Columbia allowed and, at times, assisted a female student in harassing a male student. It’s the college edition of Mean Girls.

    DRJ (e80d46)

  73. should you cross her path
    the fuggin’ you will get’s not

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  74. his thoughts turned to Springs
    but one look in her wild eyes
    nuts were Raisinets

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  75. Unsuspecting Nerds
    the wild eyes say she’s not your
    Average Hose Beast

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  76. heh Columbia
    The Days of Rage replaced by
    her Daze of Craze… HA!!!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  77. young Vito was shocked
    learned “going to the mattress”
    had a new meaning

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  78. crazy Mattress Girl
    she screamed “fug me in the butt!”
    he was chlam chowdah

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  79. Student sues school over mattress stunt

    lad learns lesson from crazed Mattress _unt

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  80. As she stuffs briefcase after cash-stuffed briefcase in her Serta, Hillary! shows who’s the for reals Mattress Girl

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  81. Coronello, you’re on fire.

    Good thing I have an extinguisher.

    Steve57 (08cad4)

  82. maybe I don’t know enough about how this facebook thing works, but I’m assuming when she was posting things on it that the content was not private between the two of them, correct? (Or do people use it for one to one communication in stead of an email?)

    You can set posts for “only friends”. Then it depends on who’s on the list.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  83. Did I show you this? I think I showed you this.

    It’s one thing to for well meaning children to sign onto this, but check out who else did. The Virginia AG. Most of the commonwealths attorneys (including my own county, Henricoh, every campus police and security operation in the region, at every institution, private and public and t every tier (uviersity ofRichmond, virginia Commonwealth University, Wiliam and Mary, the community colleges….

    SarahW (6f3980)

  84. But that doesn’t mean it’s not protected speech.

    Did you read any of the material ? I doubt it. The suit names the University, its president and the idiot professor who authorized harassment as “art.”

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  85. As far as I am concerned the current “Rape Culture” is another example of Moral Panic like the Salem witch trials of the “recovered memory” scandal of the 80s. The latter example ended suddenly when a father who had been accused by a daughter who was being treated by a psychologist for bulimia was encouraged to believe her father had molested her. The father won a big lawsuit against Western Medical Center in Orange County and the major insurance company that provided malpractice insurance for psychologists announced it would no long cover “recovered memory” treatment. The practice stopped like a light switch had been turned off.

    A big loss by Columbia, after the Duke case settlement, should make a huge difference in the present Rape Culture hysteria.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  86. Sorry for the awkward sentence in that comment. The whole rape culture thing is a lie and part of the war on men and boys.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  87. So Columbia’s giving her both college credit toward graduation and publicity of her “art” as repayment for carting around her mattress? Yeah, for that and a few other reasons I’d say the university may be in some trouble, here. And, see, she can’t stop now even if she wants to (not to suggest she wants to) because the activists and Columbia and cause journalists don’t want her to. She is serving a purpose to them.

    After reading the lawsuit complaint which is quite entertaining, I am so glad I managed to get through my college career before the age of facebook, texting, and twitter. Ugh.

    It’s clear Paul’s motivation for the lawsuit right now centers around his being able to inoculate himself against her claims and to expose her lies and motivations sufficiently to be able to find employment in the United States following his graduation from Columbia in May. I hope there may be some damages money involved, too.

    It’s certainly seems that Gillibrand’s invite to the SOU as her guest further emboldened Emma and her handlers and helped to “legitimize” Emma in the international media even though her claims had already been dismissed by both the police and the university.

    elissa (ac7320)

  88. Mike–

    There was also the 90’s panic over sexual abuse of children, which led to the McMartin Preschool witch-burning. There, the problem was false memories, implanted by endlessly-repeated leading questions from “investigators.”

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  89. I think they should have sued Gillibrand as well. Her immunity does not include unofficial statements, and a sitting senator’s “opinions” come with significant weight. The invite to the SOtU would be an example of this. Certainly the invite defamed Paul.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  90. #90… false allegations against parents or other authority figures – most so incredibly far-fetched that only maroons or vindictive people with agendas would ever buy-in – went on in a big way in the Bakersfield, Ca. area in recent decades. Prosecutors went all in, as well

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  91. and I think “McMartin” was in the 8o’s, but could be wrong.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  92. yes and Fusters in South Florida, and the Amireaults in Boston

    narciso (ee1f88)

  93. Kevin, you may want to read what’s at the link. I did a long post on Chicagoboyz about all those cases.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  94. I’m having some trouble with the whole “hostile educational environment” concept, as a spin-off from the relatively new hostile work environment created by sexual harassment law. It will be interesting to see what they define as hostile since the concept, although not necessarily the practice, of these institutions is to educate the students which may well cause them to be exposed to things, ideas, that are new to them and possibly contrary to ideas they held dear when they arrived for that education. I knew such hostile environments in the distant past, before any of this was codified when confronted with Differential Equations. I’m pretty sure that the statute has run, so I’ll just chalk it up to life-in-general.

    What do these people do when they graduate and face the real world….?

    Gramps, the original (9e1415)

  95. Safest thing now for undergrad women to do is become LUGs before entering real rape culture outside of sheltered academic life.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  96. Sadly, it seems that the only way to keep schools from caving in to SJW demands as the path of least resistance is for the victims of said caving to sue them blind–like the corrupt judge who received bribes from both sides said: “How about you two give me the same amount and we decide things on the merits?”

    M. Scott Eiland (a742b7)

  97. Via CBS news website here’s Emma’s response to the suit.:

    In an email responding to a request for comment, Sulkowicz wrote: “I think it’s ridiculous that Paul would sue not only the school but one of my past professors for allowing me to make an art piece.”

    “It’s ridiculous that he would read it as a ‘bullying strategy,’ especially given his continued public attempts to smear my reputation, when really it’s just an artistic expression of the personal trauma I’ve experienced at Columbia. If artists are not allowed to make art that reflect on our experiences, then how are we to heal?”

    elissa (64443d)

  98. she sounds like a very hurt angry and scornful person

    where dem pups

    happyfeet (831175)

  99. Therapy dogs should simply not be expected to have to deal with this sort of thing, Mr. feets.

    elissa (64443d)

  100. you’re so right they’re spread mighty thin as it is

    i do not know the answer

    happyfeet (831175)

  101. I’m assuming when she was posting things on it that the content was not private between the two of them, correct?

    No, these were probably private messages. In addition to the public and semi-private posts that you may be familiar with, FB also has an “instant message” feature, where you basically text with another person.

    These texts are not public. These private messages are, I believe, the source of the intimate exchanges between the two people that are part of the brief.

    Pious Agnostic (4e1a81)

  102. What do these people do when they graduate and face the real world….?

    I suspect that this may have much to do with the increase in “diversity” administrative staff in universities. What else are they qualified for ? Note that she and the UVa case both involved women administrators with a history of “sexual oppression.”

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  103. “i do not know the answer”

    Mr. Feets – I think she needs to journal about her bad choices.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  104. she could burn her mattress Mr. daley it would be very cathartic

    then she would be free of the chains of rape

    and she could scamper joyfully in the meadows, and all of her tomorrows she would greet with celebration

    if only she were free

    happyfeet (831175)

  105. Thank yous for explaining some of the nuances of FaceBook.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  106. The lawsuit is merely his artistic expression of the pain of his experienced!

    htom (4ca1fa)

  107. Sounds like reason number 1 for not using Facebook.

    Columbia’s endowment is an approximately $8 billion portfolio of equities, commodities, fixed-income … This ranks it the 8th largest university endowment in the United States (including the .

    From many years ago. I’m sure the grand total is marginally higher. The point being Columbia University is the very definition of morbidly obesely wealthy out of all proportion to their station in the scheme of things.
    I hope the young man cures them of their Scrooge McDuck billions. Take a big dollop of that ill gotten loot Paul. But don’t stint on making it noisy and public, otherwise it’s all for naught.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  108. Lesson: Colleges should heed ancient advice regarding “A woman scorned….” That’s all this whole thing is about. Dude simply couldn’t abide an invite to anal that horse-faced little slut.

    Maximum Gronk (f4747e)

  109. WTF Sen. Gillibrand?

    Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) said that she hopes coverage like the Rolling Stone UVA rape hoax is “putting more of a spotlight on the problem” of campus sexual assault in an interview at the Women in the World summit released on the summit’s YouTube page on Friday.

    Gillibrand was asked, “in terms of the exposés and the articles — and Rolling Stone is — what’s your opinion — all that coverage, is it helping, is it hurting? Just speak to that.”

    Gillibrand stated, “Well, I hope it’s just putting more of a spotlight on the problem. I hope it’s not undermining our advocacy. Because this is important, these are lives of women and men, young lives that are being destroyed and ruined because there is no justice if you are a survivor of rape. Whether it’s the criminal justice system, or whether it’s a campus adjudication process. And it’s very problematic when we are not valuing our daughters, and we are not valuing our sons when these incidents happen. We have to hold perpetrators accountable.”

    elissa (d83127)

  110. rape in the spotlight eff yeah

    happyfeet (831175)

  111. Freddie Gray would not want this.

    happyfeet (831175)

  112. 73. If the allegations of the Complaint are true, then Columbia allowed and, at times, assisted a female student in harassing a male student. It’s the college edition of Mean Girls.

    DRJ (e80d46) — 4/25/2015 @ 7:25 am

    In clear violation of the school’s own confidentiality policies. And, as the complaint alleges, in violation of state and federal laws.

    It’s clear reading all the private FB messages the girl was clearly nuts. And from those as well as other evidence in the complaint an inveterate liar. Guys, don’t get involved with clearly insane women.

    papertiger @109, I believe Columbia’s endowment is now around $9.2 billion.

    Steve57 (08cad4)

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