Patterico's Pontifications


Open Thread

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:59 am

More Obama Photoshops tonight.

Hagel in trouble?

What’s on your mind?

147 Responses to “Open Thread”

  1. I think a dimbulb like Hagel what will dimly oversee the dimming of our military strengths is just what this country voted for

    well, that and food stamps

    happyfeet (ce327d)

  2. I’m still astonished at how brazenly the Obama administration ignores the law – the most recent example being that the admin was granting immigration petitions in contravention of the law regarding public assistance.

    SPQR (768505)

  3. food stamp only ignores the law in direct proportion to which the propaganda whore media ignores his ignoring of it

    so it’s really not his fault

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  4. Good, I can’t be OT here!

    Favorite highlite: 1/3 of student loans are ‘sub-prime’, and 1/3 of those are 90 days in arrears.

    Glad the public sector owns this market now. Oh wait..

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  5. Wrong link, but you knew that.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  6. First Obama then the Ravens? What next?!

    in_awe (7c859a)

  7. I wonder if Rubio knows he’s already history, in the bad way.

    Speaking of over, that’s GOP prospects now that Rove is lining up all the big money to snooker the Tea Baggers.

    I note that Elliot Abrams has garroted Condi before the Dhimmis have even selected the minority winning POTUS next time. She backed the UN last time Syria was 6 months from eradicating the Jewish problem.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  8. Just in from the POTUS …

    Remember that budget thing that I was supposed to send to Congress by the first Tuesday in February according to the Budget Control Act (you know .. the law) ?

    You see .. it’s not that I am a clusterf*ck (well .. OK, I am) but …

    my dog ate my budget

    … which leaves me as one sorry law-breaker, too.

    Neo (d1c681)

  9. I read some things in Discover and other places.

    1) Radioactive half lives may not be an absolutely stable amount. It is affected by the position of the earth’s orbit and by solar flares – and may even be used to predict them.

    2) Whooping cough vaccine doesn’t work after a few years. It was changed to a partial match (because it had a lot of side effects) in 1992 and now the bacteria has mutated as well.

    Children aged 8-12 (during a pause between shots)
    have as much of a chance of coming down with whooping cough as children who have not been vaccinated for whooping cough at all. At age 11-12 the last booster shot is given and that gives about 70% immunity after 5 years.

    3) When you are fighting an infection, you get stupider. This may have something to do with the immune system.

    4) There may be a great deal more lab contamination going on in scientific studies than people realize. There was a false cause of chronic fatigue syndrome beinbg touted for a good numnber of years.

    5) Drinking water laced with hydrogen gas might be a good treatment for stroke, preventing further damage. At least it helps nerve cells them survive oxygen or glucose deprivation.


    An essential part of treatment for malnutrition is antibiotics. Why not? It’s good for chickens and other farm animals.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  10. I was watching Ed Koch’s eulogies from 11 pm to 12:30 pm.

    He was a good man, but he was not a good mayor.

    I was working at Penn and Schoen in 1986. One day they snet mne upstairs. I discoverd in the garbage letters that had been sent to him. They were actuaklly resoponses to campaign fund raising letters. they had been kept for a while then eventually discarded. They told about all kinds of things he was doing wrong or that were not working.

    Ed Koch’s response to any kind of complaint was that there was something wrong with the people complaining. (not on those letters. the point is they were ignored)

    He would have been a better Governor than he was mayor.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  11. Obama is an admitted illegal drug user. It is illegal for him to possess a firearm, yet we have a photo of him shooting in August of 2012. Is anyone going to do anything about that, or does this just confirm that laws are for the little people?

    K (51311a)

  12. Re: Rove’s new SCF PAX “In 2012, there were 27 Republican challengers yet only three were elected. All three were SCF-backed, anti-establishment conservatives: U.S. Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), and Deb Fischer (R-NE).”

    Now, Rubio and Flake, in an effort to move immigration in a political environment unlikely to permit success may immolate themselves.

    Add that outcome to one of starting with an unproven boat anchor and prospects are stacked against Amerikkka.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  13. PAC, Doh.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  14. So now Todd Akin was TEA fave. Not Brunner, not Steelman, but Akin.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  15. 10. Comment by K (51311a) — 2/4/2013 @ 10:38 am

    Obama is an admitted illegal drug user. It is illegal for him to possess a firearm,

    No, it isn’t. The provision of the law prohibiting felons from owning guns does not apply to anyone who did the crime, but only to people convicted of a felony – or you didn’t realize this?

    yet we have a photo of him shooting in August of 2012. Is anyone going to do anything about that, or does this just confirm that laws are for the little people?

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  16. Sammy must be fighting off an infection.

    JD (b63a52)

  17. There is no glory for Richard III

    They paved Plantagenet and put up a parking lot

    Chuck Bartowski (ad7249)

  18. Akin is a rape-maundering weirdo

    Akin is a rape-maundering weirdo even for Missouri

    this has nothing to do with stopping food stamp’s insane spending orgy

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  19. did ums need more proof ums is living in a little country what values your freedom cheaply cheaply?

    mr. drudge has a new one today

    the file is getting really thick

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  20. Watched the ex Cleveland Browns win a 2nd Super Bowl.

    It hurt and now there’s just a rumor that professional football is being played in Cleveland.

    scott (b8618e)

  21. Over at Powerline, Mirengoff predictably gives Crossroads the “sagacity” advantage over your fly-by-nite Baggers consortium in chosing “the most conservative [doorstop] who can win”.

    While they’re at it they can measure them for a blue suit and pine box and its a wrap.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  22. Since the superbowl was yesterday-
    is the brain damage post concussions in football largely due to people tackling with their helmets instead of their shoulders?
    or do heads get knocked around even if you’re not trying to punish people with your helmet?

    I guess I always thought one could play the game rough without playing it dirty or stupidly.

    gary- do you think Rubio has sunk his ship by proposing an immigration bill that doesn’t deport everyone? or do you think he will get drawn into a deal that doesn’t secure the border and that will be the problem?
    What I heard him describe on rush last week sounded about as reasonable as we could ever hope for, if it indeed was passed and implimented like he is proposing.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  23. do heads get knocked around even if you’re not trying to punish people with your helmet?

    Yes. Especially in cold weather. Or cold weather on natural grass.

    JD (b63a52)

  24. 20.Watched the ex Cleveland Browns win a 2nd Super Bowl.

    Never thought about it that way.

    Of course, back in the day they were in the same division as Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, and with Pittsburgh’s many super bowl victories and Cincinnati getting there twice in the 80’s only to lose to the 49’s, they had a tough time just winning their division or getting a wild-card slot.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  25. Do you think there would be less brain damage if people didn’t use their heads for tacking or blocking, or would the general knocking around and hitting the cold hard turf do essentially the same amount of damage anyway?

    I remember years ago they made the “head slap” illegal, where the defensive lineman liked to whack the offensive lineman in the head just for a start.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  26. I think there would be less brain damage if they swam instead of playing football. There are lots of schools of thought – technology advancements, size and speed of modern players, playing surfaces. The leading with the head types of injuries you brought up are a fraction of the overall, which seem to have more to do with repeated impacts over time.

    JD (b63a52)

  27. Likewise, in soccer apparently it is not heading the ball that is the problem:

    fencing is one of the safest sports. Most of the movement is forward and back even, and you don’t have as many ankle/knee injuries as basketball.

    Would playing football without helmets (or just the old leather caps) actually make it safer, because people would not think their heads were indestructible with that fancy helmet on?

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  28. my understanding is that even with a robust concussion your average football player is going to bring more qualifications to the table for a senate bid than Tagg Romney

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  29. sammy, once again you don’t know what you are talking about.

    SPQR (32cdad)

  30. Would playing football without helmets (or just the old leather caps) actually make it safer, because people would not think their heads were indestructible with that fancy helmet on?

    Many would argue yes. It would not give the false sense of security that the state of the art helmet gives, and would force people to actively protect their head. On the other hand, it would increase the likelihood of injury due to contact with the ground, so all in all, helmets seem to be better.

    JD (b63a52)

  31. Look at rugby and the lack of gear that sport uses. The excessive padding and helmet of US football encourages hits that increase injuries.

    SPQR (768505)

  32. obviously we need GoogleHelmets Mr. JD

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  33. here go

    it’s the future

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  34. “The lawsuit itself may prove less significant than the message it sends,” said Manns, the law professor. “Filing a high-profile lawsuit against S&P tells the rating industry at large that the government is serious about holding rating agencies responsible, and that they must be much more careful.”

    so their ratings need to more accurately reflect the risks associated with the burgeoning indebtedness of the institutions they rate?

    somehow I don’t think that’s what the government is after here

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  35. “Shut up, slave!”

    mojo (8096f2)

  36. There’s a bigger picture. As I noted when one of Rove’s water boys attacked me personally in 2010 and sneered at Tea Party activists for their inexperience and lack of proper credentials, these GOP barons demand that we all sit quietly with our hands folded at our desks while they regale us with stories of Master Rove’s achievements and policy victories.

    Who needs democrats when her majesty attacks

    Of course the undocumented personal attack made upon her is followed by her own undocumented personal attack.

    Michelle Malkin screeching again – go figure – its soo sad when Twitchey must

    EPWJ (590d06)

  37. There’s a bigger picture. As I noted when one of Rove’s water boys attacked me personally in 2010 and sneered at Tea Party activists for their inexperience and lack of proper credentials, these GOP barons demand that we all sit quietly with our hands folded at our desks while they regale us with stories of Master Rove’s achievements and policy victories.

    Who needs democrats when her majesty attacks

    Of course the undocumented personal attack made upon her is followed by her own undocumented personal attack.

    Michelle Malkin screeching again – go figure – its soo sad when Twitchey must

    EPWJ (590d06)

  38. There’s a bigger picture. As I noted when one of Rove’s water boys attacked me personally in 2010 and sneered at Tea Party activists for their inexperience and lack of proper credentials, these GOP barons demand that we all sit quietly with our hands folded at our desks while they regale us with stories of Master Rove’s achievements and policy victories.

    Who needs democrats when her majesty attacks

    Of course the undocumented personal attack made upon her is followed by her own undocumented personal attack.

    Michelle Malkin screeching again – go figure – its soo sad when Twitchey must

    EPWJ (590d06)

  39. Titchey must not be covering ner narcissist lifestyle.

    EPWJ (590d06)

  40. But of course she’s a victim….

    EPWJ (590d06)

  41. If you repeat something enough times………….

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  42. What was Rove’s success rate this time, I mean those powerhouses of Thompson, Mack, and Berg,
    and he backed Dewhurst, whose campaign was stealng blind,

    narciso (3fec35)

  43. EPWJ is attacking Michelle Malkin.
    Like most “conservatives” are instinctively motivated to do !

    Elephant Stone (dd4ee9)

  44. You know George Soros agrees with him, what could go wrong?

    narciso (3fec35)

  45. There is a reason that you can’t find anyone here who credits anything EPWJ writes.

    SPQR (768505)

  46. what’s a narcissist lifestyle?

    I thought that was more of an obama thing

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  47. narciso, SPQR,

    Good points.
    Next thing we know, he’ll be telling us how Chuck Hagel is “misunderstood.”

    Elephant Stone (dd4ee9)

  48. rove and his flock of lost sheep have been tanking conservatives for years.

    mg (31009b)

  49. ah yes the electorial genius “Michelle of Screechy” has delivered soo many votes.

    Whats her politial resume say… oh thats right nothing,

    How many millionauire job creators donate to her political pac’s – zero

    lets listen to her…

    EPWJ (590d06)

  50. W T F ?!

    JD (8fc815)

  51. I’ve got my own little contribution to the Photoshop issue, devoted to the rule of law.

    Rhymes With Right (c6e21c)

  52. everyone is hungover today bless their hearts

    I was in airports yesterday but I’m still feeling the Templeton Rye from Saturday

    I wanted to bring some home but then you have to pay checked bag fees and it gets silly

    but Des Moines, which I’d never really been to, is a wonderful beautiful classy little city and I have to go back

    the zombie burgers changed my life – I had the undead elvis – what has the peabnut bubber and fried nanners – it was just a very special experience – I gave half mine away and figured we’d come back

    also they have fried brussels sprouts! you get two sauces with it and everyone loved it.. plous they have make very tasty poutine and we had them split some cereal shakes for us (these ones had alcohol) – my favorite was the rice crispies one

    also here I discovered bleu cheese coleslaw which everyone already kinda knows about cause of apparently costco is doing a bleu cheese potato salad but of course nobody told me… it’s a really fun accompaniment for a steak which they make out of iowa cows, which are among the very best kind

    lastly I discovered a place called Dos Rios which has an appetizer they call “spiced shrimp” which is sorta kinda in the risotto family and it will make you cry, for it is delicious beyond earthly comprehension

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  53. Mr. JD can you liberate my last comment it had too many linkers

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  54. *plous they have make very tasty poutine* was supposed to be expressed in english

    oh and I said I figured we’d go back to zombie…

    we did go back on Saturday around 1 in the afternoon – they said it would be a 90 minute wait

    so plan accordingly if you go

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  55. Will do in about an hour.

    JD (8fc815)

  56. no worries it’ll keep

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  57. EPWJ,

    Michelle Malkin is a journalist, and opinion pundit. And author. And entrepreneur.
    Nobody is funding her because she isn’t running for office.

    Seriously, the Cialis is cutting off the blood flow to your brain.

    Elephant Stone (dd4ee9)

  58. As above, so below.

    ropelight (67442e)

  59. 15, 29. Il Douche has a wife and kids because he hadn’t been convicted of prostitution.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  60. hey Pat:

    check your FB page for more p-shops of Skeeter McThinskin

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  61. Argentina today, tomorrow USA, USA, USA!

    “So to summarize: first capital controls, then a currency crisis, then expectations of sovereign default, then a rise in military tensions, and finally – price controls, after which all out chaos usually follows.

    Study this sequence well: it is coming to every “developed” country near you in the months and years ahead.

    But, as with every other hyperinflationary implosion, there is a silver lining: the stock market is soaring… ”

    Mrs. Kirchner just froze grocery prices.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  62. that means food shortages for our argentinian friends

    me personally if there’s one thing I cannot abide it’s a food shortage

    happyfeet (ce327d)

  63. that includes cupcakes, pikachu.

    narciso (3fec35)

  64. Quote from a citizen of Houston during recent military exercises in town:

    “It’s easy to see why their doing this, its to protect our kids”.

    Rural Amerikkka would never so misconstrue the motive.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  65. which is why we have to disarm those bitter clingy savages gary.

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  66. 53, 63. I too was eager to host company last evening. Leftovers. Main event chili and cornbread best this gringo ever done, summer sausage, olives, Mrs. made mushroom and sun-dried tomato crostini, …

    The game was on but hardly a focus.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  67. chili and cornbread leftovers would’ve been nice to come home to but I have to hit the no carb dinner thing straightaway

    my new job takes me by my favorite cupcake place and not once yet have I stopped Mr. narciso

    cupcakes is not the boss of me

    happyfeet (ce327d)

  68. How about the Audi ad that Ace is defending? Maybe it’s my legal background but coming up to someone and kissing them without their consent is usually called assault. Hey guys, what if some queer came up to you and stole a cute little kiss? That’d be cool, right? No? You mean its only okay when guys go up to girls and kiss them? Or is it okay because she actually liked it? But if she didn’t, then it would be bad? Is that it? What about grabbing tits? Can I grab a chicks tits and that’s cool or can I just kiss her? If she likes the tit-grabbing, I guess its okay then. Help me out here.

    And don’t get me started on the jealous boyfriend coming in to save the girl.

    Am I really the only hardcore conservative who found this ad incredibly insulting?

    saddam who's sane (177c20)

  69. probably not the only one but pretty close I’d guess

    happyfeet (ce327d)

  70. ‘shirley you can’t be serious’

    narciso (3fec35)

  71. @71 yeah, I agree. But I still haven’t heard a great rationalization for “go ahead and grab her tits and if she likes it, then no harm, no foul.” Someone needs to convince me that’s an acceptable approach to life.

    Don’t get me wrong…I’d love to go through life grabbing women’s tits and giving them big kisses but I think maybe after a few hundred I’d find that one crazy chick who didn’t find my awesome advances welcome and I’d end up in jail.

    saddam who's sane (177c20)

  72. Saddam whoses sane or Adam B,

    Your comments must follow our copyright policy. Commenters who do not use a consistent name, and/or who use a proxy to post, are subject to banning. Profane language will place your comment in moderation. If you are following the rules and your comment does not appear, do not assume I banned you; instead, e-mail me.

    If you have an issue with Ace, take it up with Ace. You will note, this is not his site, and the people that comment here are not responsible for his views.

    JD (b63a52)

  73. i just think this kinda falls under the it’s just an ad umbrella and in some ways it’s crediting you with having the it’s-just-an-ad sensibility

    i wish our propaganda whore pseudojournalists on the cnn or the sad dying today show would credit us all with having an it’s-just-propaganda sensibility

    but they’re too busy tittering just off camera while stabbing the other propaganda sluts in the back

    happyfeet (ce327d)

  74. Why do you hate gay people?

    JD (b63a52)

  75. and yes things can fall under umbrellas it happens all the time

    happyfeet (ce327d)

  76. @71 yeah, I agree. But I still haven’t heard a great rationalization for “go ahead and grab her tits and if she likes it, then no harm, no foul.” Someone needs to convince me that’s an acceptable approach to life.

    You seem to be the only person advancing this idea.

    JD (b63a52)

  77. one time a long while ago as I walked into Ralph’s this guy walked up to me and hugged me and yelled “I HAVE AIDS!!!”

    turns out it was really cold and he just wanted someone to call the cops on him and the Ralph’s manager was very obliging

    but I was a little startled by this and I was hyperalert all the way home

    he didn’t have to yell

    happyfeet (ce327d)

  78. “Am I really the only hardcore conservative who found this ad incredibly insulting?”

    saddam who’s sane – What kind of a hardcore conservative are you?

    Are you a lifelong concerned conservative Christian?

    Are you a small government socially conservative Tea Party type person?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  79. Sorry JD. I always forget my login name.

    And I thought this was an open “what’s on your mind?” thread. Apologies again.

    I prefer PP’s comment thread. Smarter than Ace’s “moron hoard”. When I get the chance, I try and comment here. I guess the open thread wasn’t the chance.

    And finally, you mean the idea I can assault someone and its cool if she likes it (let’s hope!)? That’s the idea of the ad.

    saddam who's sane (177c20)

  80. @80 Definitely the latter.

    saddam who's sane (177c20)

  81. Are you related to Joel Mathis?

    JD (b63a52)

  82. What does conservatism have to do with the defense of a “rapey” ad? Why would you bring queers into this? I suspect you are finding people getting the vapors over the ad because – 1) it was an ad, 2) your issues appear to be with Audi and thei ad agency, and 3) you are kind of being douchey about it. Add in your whole rapey can I grab tits and what if a queer did that to you, and it is not hard to see why people are not responding to you in a manner that you would prefer. Just my 2 cents.

    JD (b63a52)

  83. Bringing up homosexuality was an attempt to personalize the assault. A guy stealing an unwelcome kiss from a girl is acceptable.

    To the guy.

    So how to turn this around? I could have used a fat, ugly chick instead of a gay man in my example. I chose homosexuality. It made the point.

    And I brought up grabbing tits because that’s the next step, right. Or is it pinching a woman’s ass? Draw the line and then tell me why the line is drawn there. An unwanted kiss is okay but an unwanted tit-grab isn’t. Why? Or are they both okay and the line is drawn somewhere else?

    And I bring up conservatism because this issue seems to be falling along political lines. And that’s bizarre to me.

    saddam who's sane (177c20)

  84. no I don’t want to mess this thing up I don’t want to push too far

    happyfeet (ce327d)

  85. It iOS falling along political lines because the usual suspects are venting their spleens over this rapey ad. There is not a bit of daylight between your position and that of Amanda Marcotte. You choose to give yourself the vapors over a theme that has been used over and over and over and over. Every first kiss is a potentially unwelcome kiss, unless you get a signed and notarized permission slip in advance.

    JD (b63a52)

  86. Ad hominems and straw men.

    Ah well.

    saddam who's sane (177c20)

  87. As opposed to your nonsense expecting us to support your contrived narrative, and if we don’t, we support rape, tit grabbing, and assault?

    JD (b63a52)

  88. And I bring up conservatism because this issue seems to be falling along political lines. And that’s bizarre to me.

    I was walking across a bridge one day and the first billy goat gruff said stop. I shot it.


    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  89. This open thread has kinda turned surreal.

    JD (b63a52)

  90. This open thread has kinda turned surreal.

    JD: You say that as if it’s a bad thing.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  91. Hey does anybody remember that iconic photo shot by Eisenstaedt in Times Square on VJ day where the ecstatic solder grabbed a nurse in the crowd, leaned her back and kissed her soundly?

    elissa (bf0e12)

  92. “And I bring up conservatism because this issue seems to be falling along political lines.”

    saddam who’s sane – Really? Because you like to say “tits” a lot and fantasize about gay men kissing you or something that makes it political?

    Somehow I have trouble believing you are a real hardcore conservative Adam, but that’s just me.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  93. And here’s a fun article about that iconic picture. Also, duh, it was a sailor.

    elissa (bf0e12)

  94. ==Somehow I have trouble believing you are a real hardcore conservative Adam, but that’s just me.==

    You are a very cynical man Mr daley. I like that in a person.

    elissa (bf0e12)

  95. happyfeet… Have not been here for over year. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed you. Thnks

    Highpockets (4dacff)

  96. it would appear that our little visitor accidentally dropped the “?” off the end of his handle…

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  97. “You are a very cynical man Mr daley. I like that in a person.”

    elissa – Heh. Sometimes you scratch a self-identifying hardcore conservative and find another troll, but I’m sure Mr. Saddam is down with Sen. Bob “Jailbait Hooker” Menendez resigning his seat, because that’s not a political issue.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  98. It would not surprise me if a wonderkind in the social media dept of one of Audi’s car company competitors is who’s pushing/planting this idiocy.

    elissa (bf0e12)

  99. cynicism is what delusional people accuse rational people of when they apply previous experience to current events.

    as in “i’m not cynical, i’m experienced.”

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  100. 2-23-13
    Tea Partiers unite in protest of tyranny.
    Show up and support the fight against dems and republicans.
    This is the chance to turn the page.

    mg (31009b)

  101. 100. A few of us might be better termed misanthropes.

    Oh, look, a grouping.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  102. 91, 97. “So how to turn this around? I could have used a fat, ugly chick instead of a gay man in my example. ”

    Is there a surer sign of a puddin-soiled, dog-eared, discarded sex toi than they want to talk about ‘their art’?

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  103. Ace on Subtard Adam/saddam/whatever:

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  104. 60 Gee I would love to hear their commentary on the famous picture of the rape in Time Square.

    You know, when the sailor celebrating the end of WWII kissed the random Nurse…

    He should have been thrown in jail!! I guess…

    Saddam who’s sane would have just grabbed her tits and pinched her ass.

    JD (8fc815)

  105. There really is nothing more to be said:

    Kill da phat phuck, kwill da phat phuck!

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  106. Brave Saddam could not be found in the Audi thread, debating Ace on Ace’s views. He chose to come here and whine, and talk about queers and grabbing tits.

    JD (b63a52)

  107. I thought the quip from ‘Airplane’ resolved the matter;

    narciso (3fec35)

  108. Oh, on MM’s “Miers dreadfully underqualified”, I think Beldar, DRJ, et al., put that albatross to bed.

    The fault was Rove’s for doing nothing to prepare the ground for her nomination. We see however how well the Robert’s appointment has turned out.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  109. I’m beginning to think all the pocket pool from Top It at DHS, like ordering billions of rounds, is just trying to tie up market forces, a delay tactic.

    What could floating its ambitions for the Presidency be but a distraction for El Cero’s sake?

    They’re marking time until they have an idea, anything brilliant.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  110. Sorry. Had to go to bed. I know this thread is abandoned but for posterity, I’ll keep going.

    Let me try the same argument a different way. I’m an absolutist. I’m an absolutist regarding free speech. I’m an absolutist regarding gun ownership. I’m also a moral absolutist.

    Moral absolutism states that the moral righteousnous of an act can be determined prior to the act being committed, without regard to outcome. Conversly, moral relativism states that the moral righteousnous of an act is determined by measuring the good or harm that results from an act. If, on the whole, an act causes more harm than good, it is immoral. Moral absolutism states that an act is either moral or immoral, regardless of the outcome. Moral absolutism is commonly associated with religion while moral relativism is associated with progessivism.

    So, let’s start with the premise that, in at least some circumstances, an uninvited kiss is an assault. If that’s the case, than the proposition that some uninvited kisses are okay and some are unacceptable is a relativistic one.

    Let’s say the guy in the commercial was black and he kissed a white girl. Would that make it bad? What if he was extremely ugly and had horrible breath. Would that make it bad? What if it was a guy kissing a guy. Would that make it bad? Why? Is it because in each of these cases, the advances of the kisser are more likely to be rejected than if the guy is cute? But that falls into the relativistic trap of arguing for the morality of an act by virtue of the harm caused.

    She liked it, so it is okay. If she didn’t like it, it would have been bad. But fortunately we didn’t need to cross that bridge, right? That’s the relitavist argument. I don’t buy it.

    Adam B (ca60d7)

  111. First off, I would note that it is cowardly to go around trashing Ace at other sites when you did not even engage him at his own.

    So, let’s start with the premise that, in at least some circumstances, an uninvited kiss is an assault. If that’s the case, than the proposition that some uninvited kisses are okay and some are unacceptable is a relativistic one.

    And there are only about 73645272847562728847552 levels of nuance and circumstance between your two extremes.

    Let’s say the guy in the commercial was black and he kissed a white girl. Would that make it bad?

    In what world is that bad?

    What if he was extremely ugly and had horrible breath. Would that make it bad?

    See above

    What if it was a guy kissing a guy. Would that make it bad? Why?

    See above.

    Is it because in each of these cases, the advances of the kisser are more likely to be rejected than if the guy is cute? But that falls into the relativistic trap of arguing for the morality of an act by virtue of the harm caused.

    Absolutists suck

    As Elissa and I both asked you above, you would have had the famous soldier kissing stranger nurse to celebrate end of the war arrested for assault.

    I think, based on observation, you want to talk about grabbing boobs, queers, now, race, etc …. And are attempting to inject those into an ad that has a theme as old as high school boys and girls have been around. Your alleged beef is with Audi, their ad company, and apparently Ace. Yet you addressed none of those, claiming it to fall on a partisan split. Well, even Tourè thinks you are a clown, and he is a socialist.

    JD (b63a52)

  112. He really ‘dialed up to 13’ JD, and I didn’t think that was possible.

    narciso (3fec35)

  113. Actually, I’m trying to find where the line is drawn on the spectrum of behavior and why.

    I assume that we can agree that at the far end the the spectrum, raping strangers is bad. Why? Because the harm is great and the likelyhood that it will be accepted positively by the victim is extremely remote (but it is still not zero).

    And on this end of the spectrum, kissing strangers is okay. Why? I assume because the harm is minimal and the likelyhood it will be accepted is, what? 50%? Doesn’t matter. It exists.

    So, my examples are an attempt to establish where and why, on this spectrum, the line is drawn. By changing the actors (gay, ugly, black), does it change the likelyhood that the advance will be accepted or rejected? Does that change where the line is drawn? By changing the act, I change the harm done. A kiss? That’s nothing. An ass grab? Well, that’s worse but still okay. Tit squeeze? Well, that’s over the line. Okay, fine.

    And in the end, when we parse this down enough, we’ll all disagree. Each person will have his own line drawn based on his own set of values. Moral relativists are comfortable with this. I don’t like it. Because moral relativism is commonly associated with progressivism, I expected more conservatives to understand this. My bad.

    Adam B (ca60d7)

  114. I assume that we can agree that at the far end the the spectrum, raping strangers is bad. Why? Because the harm is great and the likelyhood that it will be accepted positively by the victim is extremely remote (but it is still not zero).

    For the sake of argument, how is it not zero? The person being raped, by definition, does not consent, does not wish to participate.

    So, absolutist, you would charge the sailor kissing the nurse with assault?

    When would you allow a high schoolers to move in for a first kiss?

    JD (b63a52)

  115. “Moral absolutism is commonly associated with religion by progressives while moral relativism is associated with progessivism.”

    Adam B. – FTFY

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  116. “I’m an absolutist. I’m an absolutist regarding free speech. I’m an absolutist regarding gun ownership. I’m also a moral absolutist.”

    Adam B. – Then why are you trying to use relatavistic arguments to claim the Audi advertisement was bad?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  117. ‘this has gotten very silly indeed’

    narciso (3fec35)

  118. Re: rape-Sorry, by rape I meant to imply the uninvited forcing of intercourse on a stranger. Uninvited being different from nonconsensual. We can imagine at least one person on the planet who would not object to the uninvited sex. In that way it is greater than zero.

    Re: the sailor-Free from context, yes, it is clearly an assault. If it isn’t, then it is permissible for each of us to walk down the street kissing everyone we pass. You can’t be arguing in favor of that.

    Which leads into the third question, about context. I never said that context wasn’t important. It is, in fact, critical. Lying is wrong. Lying to protect the jews in my attic is right.

    The context of the sailor kiss (V day celebratory atmosphere) makes it arguably permissible. I’d argue that that the taboo against grabbing strangers and kissing them is precisely what makes the picture so special. An acknowledgement that we’ll break the rules because of the context.

    But what if the woman objected? Would we tell her to “just get over it”? And again, on the spectrum of acts, what must she “just get over” and what is she right to object to?

    So when should high schoolers move in for the first kiss? Depends on context. Somewhere between just kissing anyone you please and getting a notarized contract. The prelude to physical contact is a series of small, subtle interactions by both parties to determine receptiveness, right? Precisely because a mistake results in embarrasment, at least.

    The Audi ad had no context. There was no prior indication of receptivity by the girl. The argument I’m making is that forcing a kiss on someone without any prior indication of receptivity or context, is wrong.

    Adam B (ca60d7)

  119. Outlaw rapey kisses and romantic movies where the underdog boy/girl gets the girl/boy in the end, or the terrorists will have won!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  120. “The Audi ad had no context.”

    Adam B – How often do people tell you that you have no imagination?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  121. Comment by JD (b63a52) — 2/4/2013 @ 11:42 am

    16.Sammy must be fighting off an infection.

    No, it’s not that, but a home computer I use, an iMac3, now doesn’t boot. The best I can get is Err No 5, with no clue as to what I could do about it.

    I don’t think the computer has a virus either – it just got overloaded or something.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  122. Comment by gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 2/4/2013 @ 10:44 am

    Now, Rubio and Flake, in an effort to move immigration in a political environment unlikely to permit success may immolate themselves.

    It’s the true Third Rail (touch it and you die) of American politics (Social Security isn’t)

    People are trapped in a morass of sophistry, and there is no way out without deciding that certain things conceded at the outset do not matter and must be disregarded. It can’t be finessed because there are lobbies won’t them do it.

    They have to break through the sophistry.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  123. Adam – did you bring this up with Audi yet? Ace?

    By your standards, without explicitly asking “may I lean in and kiss you on the lips” attempting a kiss is wrong.

    This is so far beyond surreal.

    JD (b63a52)

  124. “How often do people tell you that you have no imagination?”

    That’s basically what my wife said. I showed her the ad and she thought it was funny. When I told her my objections, she said that she just figured there was some background information they weren’t showing. Not sure if it means anything but she’s a hopeless romantic and a devout progressive.

    Adam B (ca60d7)


    When she exited the subway with her girlfriend, an unknown sailor grabbed and kissed the then 27 year old nurse which was photographed in spontaneity by the acclaimed LIFE Magazine photographer Alfred Eisenstadt. The picture appeared as an inside small picture that encapsulated the historic day the following month in LIFE Magazine. Edith, who subscribed the the magazine at the time, was “embarrassed” when she saw the photo of herself and would not tell the world who she was until she wrote to Eisenstadt (“Eisie” as she would call him) in 1982 and told him she was the famed nurse that held the curiosity of millions throughout the decades. Eisie would testify that Edith was indeed the mystery nurse in the photo and they became good friends until his passing at the age of 98 years.

    Edith moved to Los Angeles, California in 1947 and became an elementary school teacher. Over a dozen men over the decades had written to Edith claiming to have been the sailor. In retrospect, Edith would laugh and tell her public that she simply did not know who the sailor was because her eyes where closed. “It was a long long kiss, but I figured since he was fighting for our country, I would let him kiss me.” The kiss became immortal and is even resilliant amongst today’s youth. The image recently appeared in the movie “Night Out At the Museum.” Edith attended the 60th anniversary of the celebration of VJ Day in Times Square which is celebrated August 15th. The President to the Times Square Alliance claimed that it was the largest attendance of photographers in any event he had seen in the city. Edith accredited her good health and longevity to a healthy diet, cardio exercise and a good attitude. She was grand marshall of numerous parades commemorating Veterans nationwide, she laid the wreath at the WWII tomb in DC, and has appeared in numerous television appearances. She received a proclamation from the President of the United States claiming the photo to be a symbol of world peace. A 25 foot statue was erected in San Diego, California of the famous kiss by the acclaimed artist Seward Johnson of Johnson & Johnson. People who know the picture loved the photo, however, when people met Edith personally, they found out that the historic iconic figure was just as beautiful as the photo itself.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  126. Really, General, and you’ve discovered water is damp;

    narciso (3fec35)

  127. You: “By your standards, without explicitly asking “may I lean in and kiss you on the lips” attempting a kiss is wrong.”

    Me: “The prelude to physical contact is a series of small, subtle interactions by both parties to determine receptiveness”

    Adam B (ca60d7)

  128. 129. The problem is they are linking it to Al Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb, when the connections are probably much stronger to Egypt – except that nothing in Egypt is called “Al Qaeda”

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  129. And yes, I tried to resurrect the thread at AoSHQ but it is dead. So I wrote an email directly to Ace.

    Adam B (ca60d7)

  130. Al Harzi even though he was Tunisian, is likely to have tied to the predecessor of AQIM, GSFC, but the evidence points more Eastward.

    narciso (3fec35)

  131. Then you are a relativist, not an absolutists. An absolutist would not leave the answer to the subjective whims of interpreting subtle social cues.

    JD (b63a52)

  132. Not at all. That is not the definition of relative morality. Like in the example I used. Lying is wrong. Lying about jews in the attic is right. The difference between absolute and relative morality is whether the action can be determined prior to the act or only after the act, based on the consequences. Relative morality says that, under the exact same conditions, an act can be both moral and immoral, depending on the outcome. Absolute morality says that the conditions themselves determine to morality of the act, not the outcome.

    Adam B (ca60d7)

  133. “So I wrote an email directly to Ace.”

    Adam B – Feel free to reproduce the email here.

    How long do you believe the commercial needed to be to provide the context you believe you were missing apart from the context it already provided at the beginning. Was the context contained in the commercial too subtle for you to grasp?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  134. And exactly how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

    SPQR (768505)

  135. SPQR – it depends on whether or not you are a concerned Christian conservative.

    JD (8fc815)

  136. You want my email to Ace? Oh boy. This really is surreal. But here you go:

    “I’m sorry to write you personally about a post on your site but I am struck with almost paralyzing cognitive dissonance and I need your help. I agree with you on pretty much everything and where I disagree, it is a mere quibble. But I couldn’t disagree more about the Audi advertisement. Here is what I wrote in the thread: [post] Am I way off base? What am I missing?”

    Not sure what you want that for, but there ya go!

    Adam B (ca60d7)

  137. Ace’s reply: Virtual wrap-around wedgie hung under the chin.

    Go away Constance, you bother me.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  138. 222 The ad was insulting. Insulting to men and to women. What if a gay man came up to you, embraced you and gave you a big fat smooch. That would be cute, right? Not an invasion of your personal space or anything. Just a cute little fag kiss. Nothing to worry about. Hopefully you’d have a male there to protect you, though. Idiots.

    @ 223 Help me out here. Where do I draw the line? Can I go grab a chick’s tits now? Is that cool? If she likes it, its cool. But if she doesn’t, its assualt. I’m a pretty big fan of defending every person’s personal space. Even black people and women! I know, crazy shit, right?

    And if I grab a girls tits or pinch her ass or, god forbid, frottage…and she likes it. Then we’re all good.
    And if the ad displayed some sort of representation of consent before the kiss, no problem.
    But are we cool with the “tit-grabbing and hoping she likes it” society? I’m alone in thinking that’s wrong here?

    I cannot imagine why your reception was less than warm.

    JD (b63a52)

  139. Adam B – Have you tried emailing Neblett Toure? He liked the Audi ad and he’s about as progressive as you can get.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  140. Did anyone bookmark that post on some blog that listed all of the Federal agencies that are allowed to be armed, and the quantities of firearms and ammo they each have? I can’t find it now.

    htom (412a17)

  141. This website truly has all of the info I wanted about
    this subject and didn’t know who to ask.

    Stop by my page – Roslyn

    Roslyn (c44630)

  142. In the news this weekend:

    On September 11, 2012, Obama spent only half an hour in a pre-scheduled meeting discussing the events in Cairo and Benghazi (outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta estimated about 20 minutes of that meeting was devoted to that) but then he spent twice as much time (1 hour) on the telephone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    Senator Lindsey Graham does not seem happy with this, and he wants a report on what President Obama did the rest of that night, which he thinks is nothing, or else he’ll prevent a vote on the nominations of Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense and John Brennan for Director of the CIA.

    I think maybe he’s trying any excuse to delay the confirmations of Hagel and Brennan, hoping something will come up.

    Obama avoids or has avoided being photographed with Netanyahu, presumably because he thinks it will impact relationships with the Arab world, but now he is traveling to Israel for the first time since he became President. (He was there during the 2008 campaign)

    Obama turned down a proposal to arm the rebels in Syria.

    He was alone in his cabinet on this, only supported by some people in the CIA who probably were on the payroll of Saudi Arabia or Qatar, in my opinion. These moles later on managed to get rid of Petraeus.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

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