Patterico's Pontifications


White House: By Saying He Understood Why the Chinese had Their One Child Policy and Wasn’t Second Guessing it, Biden was Actually Arguing that the Policy Was Repugnant

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 5:01 pm

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.  Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]

Did you think that Biden was expressing support or at least neutrality when he said that he “understands” why China has a one child policy and wasn’t going to second guess it?

Nay!  Nay, silly man!  He meant that he considered it a horrible practice and was like totally tell them that, or so the White House would have you believe.  Via Guy Benson, we have the official White House position by Kendra Barkoff:

The Obama Administration strongly opposes all aspects of China’s coercive birth limitation policies, including forced abortion and sterilization.  The Vice President believes such practices are repugnant.  He also pointed out, in China, that the policy is, as a practical matter, unsustainable.  He was arguing against the One Child Policy to a Chinese audience.

Now, earlier today I suggested that the explanation might be that Biden is a moron.  I take this as tacit endorsement of that theory by the White House.  Which raises the question: if Joe Biden is such a bumblefrak with the language that he says one thing and his plain words mean literally the opposite from what he meant…  why is he allowed anywhere near a delicate diplomatic situation?  Why not give him tinker toys and let him play in the corner instead?  How about a Nintendo 3DS? Something to keep him occupied…

And that is assuming this wasn’t really a Kinsley gaffe.

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

44 Responses to “White House: By Saying He Understood Why the Chinese had Their One Child Policy and Wasn’t Second Guessing it, Biden was Actually Arguing that the Policy Was Repugnant”

  1. They actually closed the comments to this at Political Punch. I’ve never seen them do that before.
    There were a lot of people actually supporting the policy.

    MayBee (081489)

  2. I just want to say that though I understand it and am not going to second guess it, I find Bashir Assad’s protest control policy to be completely unsustainable.

    JVW (4d72aa)

  3. none of this is gonna help Kim find her earring

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  4. Also, though I understand it and am not going to second guess it, I find the city of Bell’s public pension plan to be unsustainable.

    JVW (4d72aa)

  5. I think its a good indication of just what policies Obama does not care if they succeed or fail when Joe Biden is turned loose upon them. Remember how Biden was going to monitor the stimulus for effectiveness?

    Obama does not let Biden near anything he wants to succeed, including the recent debt limit negotiations that succeeded despite Obama allowing Biden near them. To Obama’s surprise.

    SPQR (49c0cb)

  6. Why do you think they closed comments, MayBee? I guess it’s embarrassing when their liberal supporters sound exactly like Communists.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  7. This is like Arafat, saying one thing to the Western press and the opposite to the Arab press.

    Machinist (b6f7da)

  8. DRJ- I can’t tell if they are trying to keep the liberal supporters’ embarrassing comments to a minimum, or if they are trying to protect Biden.

    MayBee (081489)

  9. You know what’s funny? Rick Perry thinking he could be president.

    Sorry, just seeing what it’s like to be sporty.

    I have to go take a shower now.

    Ag80 (9a213d)

  10. I can’t tell if they are trying to keep the liberal supporters’ embarrassing comments to a minimum, or if they are trying to protect Biden.

    Heh. Either way, it’s incredibly revealing, no?

    Dana (4eca6e)

  11. “why is he allowed anywhere near a delicate diplomatic situation? Why not give him tinker toys and let him play in the corner instead?”


    Tinker toys are beyond his IQ capabilities. 🙂

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  12. Very telling, Dana.

    MayBee (081489)

  13. Shouldn’t Biden have a dog or chimp or some other service animal to help him with the “hard” questions?

    RS (0a7bfc)

  14. Tinker toys are also above his pay-grade.

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  15. sweet fancy Moses. I hate being “that guy” that references 1984, but seriously, these guys are really getting double-plus-good at this newspeak bullshit.

    mark (e93f5d)

  16. A white castle hamburger is above his paygrade.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  17. The left are using the Fukushima disaster and inflating the deaths to support their anti-nuclear agenda.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  18. inflating the numbers dead that is.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  19. When your understanding of the world is 1 inch deep and about 2 inches wide — you are Joe Biden.

    S. Carter aka J-Z (786e37)

  20. Sarah Palin was a lot more ready for this job than Joe Biden is.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  21. dustin

    its amazing. its the most useless position in american government and he still manages to f— it up.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  22. Yes, that is pretty damn amazing. And it’s hardly an isolated incident. Dick Cheney was a hard act to follow, in my opinion, but all Joe has to do is show up and make banal comments, and he’s golden. That’s clearly too much for him.

    Palin, on the other hand, ran the state of Alaska pretty well. And yet it’s Palin who brings the ‘dodged a bullet’ sentiment.

    Probably not anymore.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  23. We should prolly keep our eyes open for large stacks of Obama Biden 2012 signs stacked against the dumpsters behind the Obama campaign HQ. Barry needs all the help he can get and Biden adds nothing to the re-election ticket. This China kerfuffle has got to be close to the final straw.

    elissa (475c54)

  24. Let’s see if the MSM really examines it, elissa. They carry a lot of water for this administration, but it must be getting heavy.

    And Biden is such a doofus.

    Simon Jester (ba6bdb)

  25. We’ll see if Obama even runs (I’m sure he will, just as I’m sure he cannot pick a VP candidate who is more qualified than Obama, leaving few choices).

    If I were in Obama’s shoes, I’d nominate Huntsman as my VP. His #compromise and civility BS is … BS, but he might as well go for broke with that. All the rest of his term will be the GOP shutting down new stimulus and ‘reform’ ideas.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  26. Oh, Dustin. The Huntsman as Obama VP candidate is brilliant.

    MayBee (081489)

  27. I love the palinbots who accuse you of sexism if you don’t agree with her 100%………they are no btter than the perrybots 🙄

    DohBiden (d54602)

  28. I love the palinbots who accuse you of sexism if you don’t agree with her 100%………they are no btter than the perrybots 🙄

    Comment by DohBiden — /blockquote>

    Sure, her worst fans are pretty annoying. But most of her fans are very reasonable (and also fans of Perry, I might add). We just don’t notice them as much.

    Palin’s one of the good guys. I think she was a legitimate VP selection. Not perfect (I wish she had been given at least a full term first) but a hell of a lot better than Biden.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  29. True.

    You should go see Hotair her fanatics are playing the gender card against her legit critics.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  30. If the world were a just place, all of Joe Biden’s supporters would be covered with hair plugs and die of hairballs within a week.

    Brooks (354f70)

  31. If the world was a just place chuck would stand up…………..oh god love ya.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  32. Did the lefty trolls over at hotair accuse the right of being victims?

    Btw gotta love the ghetto thugs on the left threatening us we will see the hard way how much our economic tyranny[Read lower taxes for all] affects minorities.

    Just give obama time for his plans he will be president for life and americas companies will be nationalized just the way the bayams of the world like it.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  33. of being in perpetual victimhood*

    DohBiden (d54602)

  34. test

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  35. So the White House ‘defense’ is that the administration whole-heartedly supports voluntary abortion.


    Icy Texan (bda94c)

  36. I gotta say, I read Hot Air on a more-than-daily basis and it’s a rarity that I see a legit negative point made about Sarah Palin over there. It’s practically all “thin-skinned, quitter, media who**, in it for the money” garbage. Most ABPers couldn’t write a sound argument against if their lives depended on it.

    John Hitchcock (7af282)

  37. The problem (to some people) is that he didn’t indicate this was an egregious human rights violation, and he didn’t even avoid mentioning its human rights implications but instead said he wasn’t second guessing it.

    Sammy Finkelman (d3de3a)

  38. I’m beginning to think Obama and his administration won’t be happy until we’re all living a Stone Age life, and we have to ask him for the rocks.

    rochf (f3fbb0)

  39. “The problem (to some people) is that he didn’t indicate this was an egregious human rights violation, and he didn’t even avoid mentioning its human rights implications but instead said he wasn’t second guessing it.”

    Sammy – I think the problem for some is Biden’s focus on the results of the program in terms of creating unsustainable pressure on current workers to provide for retirees and the analogizing the situation to the U.S. and by implication Social Security and Medicare funding. The problem for some is that he failed to mention that with the passage of ObamaCare and its Death Panels, the U.S. is taking small steps back toward sustainability by encouraging its seasoned citizens to euthanize themselves and by denying care. That’s an achievement of the Obama administration Biden could have talked about sharing with the Chinese, but the opportunity is now lost.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  40. He should just say what he really means. “If a few million babies have to die for me to keep power, well, I’m okay with that.”

    Unless he’s climbed aboard John Holdren’s “sterilants in the drinking water to control population” bandwagon.

    I honestly believe there will be a day when my grandchildren look at me and ask, “was it really legal to kill a baby when you were a kid? How did you survive?”

    And then they will be told of when I wrestled the scalpel out of the doctors hand, strangled him with my umbillacle (not even gonna try to spell that right), and leapt out the window into the getaway car.

    a different Mark (e93f5d)

  41. It’s funny to watch liberals pretend to be upset about China’s one-child policy when they don’t give a fig about the treatment of women in Muslim countries.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  42. Informative

    Spartacvs (2d9449)

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