Patterico's Pontifications


Obama: Maybe the GOP Wants Me to Get Lost

Filed under: Obama — Patterico @ 10:34 pm

Sad. Very sad:

President Obama is joking that Republicans would like to see him get lost in the Amazon.

Obama made the crack Saturday in the Oval Office after a meeting with Brazil’s president.

Obama said he would like to visit Brazil and thinks he should visit Rio de Janeiro, where he understands the beaches are nice.

Then he said he would love a trip to the Amazon. He joked that he suspects the Republican Party would like to see him travel through the Amazon and maybe get lost for while.

These are very insightful comments that I am sure impressed the Brazilian president.

Also: sounds like someone is feeling sorry for himself.


It’s a lonely job, isn’t it? So lonely.

44 Responses to “Obama: Maybe the GOP Wants Me to Get Lost”

  1. The man is simply letting us know he is a victim. A victim of Rush Limbaugh (who as the leader of the Republicans want s to see him get lost for a while).

    Its amazing the country elected this clearly, inept man.

    lonetown (d7ec3b)

  2. The Amazon is in Brazil.
    De Nile is in the White.

    Perfectsense (0922fa)

  3. i don’t want to see him get lost in the Amazon.

    he might come back.

    Better he be eaten by piranhas….. even if it would poison the poor fish.

    redc1c4 (9c4f4a)

  4. I can see it now: Obama takes a trip to the Amazon, and winds up like the guy in Aguirre, the Wrath of God, floating on a raft on the river, giving a speech to a bunch of monkeys.

    Official Internet Data Office (9055f6)

  5. Just imagine how scratched up his ears would get.

    Jim Treacher (796deb)

  6. Lotta nude beaches in Brasil.

    Hazy (4e0dda)

  7. Lotta good looking women on the nude beaches in Brasil.

    Hazy (4e0dda)

  8. Pat, I posted this at 7:08 Indiana time.The post said 4:38. I think your clock might be 30 minutes off

    Hazy (4e0dda)

  9. Obama wouldn’t survive the Amazon. There’s no electricity to power his teleprompter.

    backwoods conservative (edb55a)

  10. Michelle Obama’s Awesomely Toned Arms will save him anyway, so it doesn’t matter if he gets lost in the Amazon. According to Maureen Dowd, the Awesomely Toned Arms can save anything.

    BHO just needs a woobie. With a teleprompter add-on.

    Vivian Louise (c0f830)

  11. well, P. Obama did treat the Republicans kindly in his books and his toned-down criticisms of them and not one Republican returned the favor at least in the House. Instead they kicked him in the teeth during a time of truly dire straits (unlike the relatively minor event of 9/11…this Depression could kill millions and impoverish most Americans)

    Like Lincoln, Obama came to the White House ready to compromise, and the Confederates of the Right took out their guns and fired on Obama’s Fort Summer…oh, Larry’s Stimulus Package (which imo, is far too modest to get us out of another Republican led Depression.)

    you should be overjoyed at how you’ve helped “G stocks” rise:(gld and guns.) ‘course JD might have to find a new job soon since many people (especially on the Right) will exchange their insurance policies for some real hard backups.

    datadave (e4a0b9)

  12. Data’s here to bring the standup comedy, seriously does the President’s professed contempt for every Western institution, which he learned at the knee of his preacher and some of the more openly Marxist professors like Eric Foner at Columbia and Derrick Bell at Harvard; oh wait we don’t which courses he really did take at Columbia
    beside Brezinski and Barrons. It’s an interesting contrast, with the Brazilian President, a real community organizer, who turned into a social democrat with an appreciation for capitalism. Or his predecessor, a founder of marxist Dependency theory, who learned from his mistakes

    narciso (57971e)

  13. Nice to see Dateless Dave rounding back into form here – still no ladies on his horizon, apparently.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  14. unlike the relatively minor event of 9/11

    That says it all.

    I might add that Brazil has leased all the offshore drilling rigs in the world to drill, baby, drill so, even if Obama came to his senses, we couldn’t start drilling offshore anytime soon. We will survive his economic theories because they don’t work but his energy policy will cripple us soon.

    The man is feeling sorry for himself because he has spent his life with people who were adding to his self esteem and not his practical education.

    Mike K (90939b)

  15. Just wondering:
    Was the teleprompter inoperable or is the White House trying out a new joke writer?

    And what gifts were exchanged?

    The Main Stream Media has to start doing a better job in reporting these things.

    Mike Harlin (1133b9)

  16. It makes a kind of sense that Obama is more inclined to campaign than to govern; that has been his pattern through out his political life.

    He is a light weight. The MSM and democrats will be dragged down with him.

    Jack (d9cbc5)

  17. Lost, no.

    Candirued, yes.

    Rich Fader (295108)

  18. So sad, being all arone in the world.

    -Thoroughly Modern Millie

    Techie (9c008e)

  19. Also, this proves it. DD is a parody.

    Techie (9c008e)

  20. How much of the Amazon Rain-Forest would have to be cleared to provide sunlight for the solar-panels powering the ‘prompter?
    The destruction would be of a scale never before seen in human history!
    Or, he could just stay on CopaCabana Beach, and get beat-up by Michelle?

    AD - RtR/OS (dae131)

  21. I love it…he wouldn’t make comments like that if conservatives weren’t getting to him. The fact that he feels like he has to play the victim card is just, well, pathetic.

    ~T the D

    T the D (387724)

  22. Comment by Rich Fader — 3/15/2009 @ 8:53 am

    Is that the Richard Fader from Fort Lee, New Jersey?

    Official Internet Data Office (9055f6)

  23. Obama came to the White House ready to compromise

    He absolutely did not. Compromise and/or bipartisanship in President Obama’s world is the right capitulating. And it’s precisely this breadth of ignorance cum naivete that will eventually break the back of the United States in every which way. Grow up kid.

    Dana (cbd391)

  24. An earlier post said that Obama was nice to Republicans in his books. That argument doesn’t go very far.

    The real Obama appears when he’s away from his prepared remarks via “The Teleprompter.” That’s when we really find out what’s on his mind.

    When he stays on his prepared text, we get vague and ambiguous statements that allow people to read into it whatever they want.

    Ab lib? That’s the true Obama. Of course, no one is as spontaneous as Biden.

    Alta Bob (c3e414)

  25. Self-pity is always the reaction to criticism on the left, isn’t it? They can’t take debate and they can’t take criticism. Waaaaaaa!!

    redc1c4, are you sure you want Obama eaten by pirhanas?

    One word: Biden.

    Patricia (2183bb)

  26. “He joked that he suspects the Republican Party would like to see him travel through the Amazon and maybe get lost for while.”

    Anaconda IV – Squeezing Out The Stupid

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  27. To Libs, there are some really good Republicans whom they can compromise with easily…think Arlen Specter, Grassley, the two twat senators from Maine or even George ‘I love being sodomized by Sir Fat Teddy’ W Bush. Oh, don’t forget the gang of 14 crew, including Lindsay Graham and McCain, whose campaign finance BS also helped bite him in the arse.

    When has Ear Leader Urkel ever compromised? How do you think he got that most libtard senator label? And he was really good at avoiding issues by voting present in his bureaucratic career. Imagine the Annenberg Challenge on a much bigger scale. Instead of Barack Hussein blowing $100+ million and having nothing to show for it and multiply by a factor of 10,000 times whatever digut precedes TRILLION. Follow the money- who got that $100 mil? Who was paid off in the corrupt Chitown Low Income housing Boondoggle? Give the man time, maybe he can become a Knight also like Fat Teddy or get that Nobel Peace Prize when all those Israeli Jooos are vaporized by Iran’s Lord ImADamnNutJob’s minions. Throw in an emmy, tony,assorted gratuitous “black” awards and an oscara to boot. Teh Most ethical administration potus and congress EVAH. Only assclowns pay taxes, the rest get jobs in Urkel administration.

    aoibhneas (0c6cfc)

  28. Or, to quote Trey Parker:

    I’m So Ronery
    So ronery
    So ronery and sadry arone

    There’s no one
    Just me onry
    Sitting on my rittle throne
    I work rearry hard and make up great prans
    But nobody ristens, no one understands
    Seems like no one takes me serirousry

    And so I’m ronery
    A rittle ronery
    Poor rittle me

    There’s nobody
    I can rerate to
    Feel rike a bird in a cage
    It’s kinda sihry
    But not rearry
    Because it’s fihring my body with rage

    I’m the smartest most crever most physicarry fit
    But nobody else seems to rearize it
    When I change the world maybe they’ll notice me
    But until then I’rr just be ronery
    Rittle ronery, poor rittle me

    I’m so ronery

    Of course, that was about Kim Jung Il.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  29. Ooops. Missed Scott’s link.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  30. In other south of the border news:

    ‘[Mexican President Felipe] Calderon also expressed optimism that President Barack Obama will improve relations in the region.

    “President Barack Obama has a tremendous opportunity to recover the leadership of the US,” he said. “Latin American leaders were inspired by him as part of the New Leftist revolution.”‘

    fat tony (83f355)

  31. One word: Biden.

    To be fair, at least Biden recognized during the campaign that Obama’s appeal lies in his image and not his accomplishments.

    Another Chris (a3bb8f)

  32. Is that the Richard Fader from Fort Lee, New Jersey?

    I think you mean Richard Fedders, who was always writing letters to the media.

    And speaking of which…

    The Main Stream Media has to start doing a better job in reporting these things.

    Most of the MSM is no less ridiculous — or deserves to be taken no more seriously — than the following…

    …which is evident when the staffers at the LA Times, who upon hearing about the complaints of their not covering an anti-tax rally in Fullerton (Orange County) a few days ago, undoubtedly believe, and relish the idea that, the appropriate response should be…

    LA Times, 3-15-09:

    But for all the anti-tax swagger and the occasional stunts by personalities like KFI’s John and Ken, the reality is that conservative talk radio in California is on the wane. The economy’s downturn has depressed ad revenue at stations across the state, thinning the ranks of conservative broadcasters.

    Given that the owner of the LA Times has filed for bankruptcy, I’m sure the phrase most popular with many of the staffers there is: Misery loves company.

    Mark (411533)

  33. Even Kevin Drum is getting a bit snarky here.

    By Kevin Drum | Sat March 14, 2009 3:27 PM PST
    Ezra Klein reports on Larry Summers’ talk yesterday:
    Summers […] argued that the administration was right to be vague on its banking plan. Specifics, he said, could only come after the stress tests reveal what action is needed. That sounds sensible enough, though it’s hard to say whether that’s been the plan along or it’s just the plan now that no one liked Geithner’s original banking proposal.

    I too think that a bit of vagueness might have been justified here. It’s better than rolling out a detailed but half-baked proposal that gets immediately shot down. However, if that was the plan all along, then surely President Obama wouldn’t have said this 12 hours before Geithner took the podium:

    [T]omorrow my Treasury secretary, Tim Geithner, will be announcing some very clear and specific plans for how we are going to start loosening up credit once again.

    There are a few possible explanation for this: (a) Obama is an idiot, (b) Obama wasn’t up to speed on what Geithner’s plan was, (c) everyone in the administration was under the impression that Geithner’s plan was “very clear and specific,” or (d) they changed their minds a lot in the days and hours leading up to the announcement. I’m guessing the answer is (d).

    I’m guessing the answer is (a).

    Mike K (90939b)

  34. This “One word: Biden” thing needs rethought. Biden doesn’t have the charisma to hold much popularity, regardless of MSM shillery. The MSM shillery would be severely muted. Without MSM shillery and charismatic popularity, Biden wouldn’t even be the titular head of the federal government that Obama is, and it would be a down-and-out in the legislature. If that happened, even the RINOs in the Senate wouldn’t be pulled in. Not suggestin’, just sayin’.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  35. Like a two year old jumping up and down screaming ‘I won’, I ‘won’. (I’m sorry if I insulted two year olds.) The man has the mental capacity of a mouse.

    Scrapiron (4e0dda)

  36. I’m guessing the answer is (a).

    Not me, I’m going with (e) all of the above. I would add that in my opinion the (a) option doesn’t speak to his alleged intelligence as much as his observable decision making prowess. Specifically in his choices in personnel to construct and carry out the Big Fix. More generally, the decision to even consider the Big Fix.

    allan (063c94)

  37. Comment by Mark — 3/15/2009 @ 10:56 am
    I was amused how the LAT noted that Larry Elder had been removed from the air, but failed to mention that his replacement was Mark Levin – not exactly the voice of reason and compromise towards the Left.

    AD - RtR/OS (dae131)

  38. ^ Feder, Feders, Fedder, Fedders.

    Hey, it’s in Wikipedia, so who knows what’s correct?!

    Besides, it just goes to show you, it’s always something.

    Mark (411533)

  39. You guys make a good case for Biden. At least no one will mistake him for the Messiah, LOL!

    Obama is at least mocking Republicans instead of the weight issues of female pop singers. That’s a slight improvement. I guess we could call the Dems the “party of snark”?

    Patricia (2183bb)

  40. How long before the press reports that Republicans say they want him to get lost in the Amazon? Is it just me or does this smell like an “Oh and did I metion he’s black?” type setup?

    JLC88 (7a9a58)

  41. dear Patricia:

    yes,i considered that….. at least people and the press are willing to admit Plugs is a moron, whereas they keep trying to deny that fact about Ear Leader.

    besides, i don’t like piranhas either. %-)

    redc1c4 (9c4f4a)

  42. Obama takes a trip to the Amazon, and winds up like the guy in Aguirre, the Wrath of God, floating on a raft on the river, giving a speech to a bunch of monkeys.

    That sounds like any President giving his State of the Union Address

    Steverino (b12c49)

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