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Anonymous Lawyer Novel: A Review

Filed under: Blogging Matters,Books,General — Patterico @ 6:35 am

I finished my advance copy of the Anonymous Lawyer novel last night. I stayed up until 1 a.m. to finish it, which should give you an idea of whether I enjoyed it.

It’s pretty easy to decide whether you should get this book or not. Go to the Anonymous Lawyer blog and read a few posts. Do these posts make you want to read a lot more along the same lines? If not, skip the book. If your answer is yes, pre-order your copy now.

When I first read the blog, I was so amused by what I saw that I went back into the archives and started from day one, intending to read each and every post on the entire blog. This is the only blog I have ever read that I can say that about.

The book is very similar to the blog. It is entirely in the form of blog posts and e-mails, which makes it a very quick read. It employs the same tone and humor as the blog.

I thought the book was a riot. I read several passages out loud to my wife. I recognized some of the material as recycled blog posts, but not that many. There is a good amount of new material. Also, there is a plot and there are characters, all told in the e-mails and blog posts. It’s a clever device, and it’s interesting to see how author Jeremy Blachman pulls it off.

You have to like the humor — and it helps if you have worked at a large law firm putting in huge numbers of billable hours. But if you like the humor, you’ll love the book. I did.

4 Responses to “Anonymous Lawyer Novel: A Review”

  1. If Anonymous Lawyer’s is the only blog you’ve read from the beginning, I can only assume you’re not familiar with the work of Bill Whittle. Go to Eject Eject Eject right now and start reading.

    Voice of Reason (766133)

  2. Geez, I guess he’s not anonymous anymore…

    Trained Auditor (9c6fe4)

  3. …Oh, and it seems like Big 8 6 5 4 accountants, especially new ones (“cheap slave labor”), will relate to the descriptions of work life as well, based on Anonymous Lawyer’s blog posts.

    Trained Auditor (9c6fe4)

  4. aasa

    asa (5e8022)

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