Patterico's Pontifications


Bear Flag League Conference

Filed under: Bear Flag League,Blogging Matters,General — Patterico @ 8:13 pm

Today’s Bear Flag League Conference was, I thought, a smashing success. I saw some old friends, met some new ones, and had a fabulous time.

I think I convinced Ted Costa to post, in a clearly accessible fashion, the text of the version of Prop. 77 that was circulated to the voters, so that we can see for ourselves whether Bill Lockyer’s lawsuit to remove it from the ballot has any merit. I complained about the L.A. Times‘s failure to do that in this post; hopefully we can soon compare the documents for ourselves.

Dan Weintraub interviewed me, so I may make an appearance in an upcoming column of his. Why he would want to interview me, of all people, I have no idea; if I show up in the column, I suppose he’ll explain why . . .

Good food, good company — a great time. I’m sure many of the participants will be weighing in with posts and pictures; I’ll try to link a few here.

UPDATE: Here are some links:

Flap has pictures and some notes from the event.

I can assure you that Kevin Drum survived his trip to the dark side.

Breaker has pictures.

Dafydd ab Hugh has a fictional and rather bizarrely amusing account of the event. He’s right about the directions.

3 Responses to “Bear Flag League Conference”

  1. 1. Sounds like a lot of fun. Too bad I missed the conference. Well, there is always next time.

    2. Looks like the liberal and conservative blogosphere can get along well (at least if the dinner is served on time).

    3. Patterico, I didn’t find your photo. Were you undercover like Vallerie Plame? Sorry, Patterico, for exposing you!

    Patterico, you are fantastic.

    David (03f14c)

  2. California Dreaming

    Upon visiting this site, you may have noticed the banner on the left which advertises the Bear Flag League Conference of 2005. Well, it happened yesterday at Cal Tech in Pasadena, California and it was quite enjoyable and informative.

    baldilocks (af7df9)

  3. Bear Flag League Summer Conference

    I came away from the BFL conference satisfied and enthused. Great speakers, good company and a room that sparked with ideas. And it was fun to put faces and voices to the writers I’ve run across in the blogsphere. Reminded…

    Darleen's Place (034170)

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