Patterico's Pontifications


Presidential Candidates: Your Choices on Both Sides

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:30 pm

This sums it up. These guys are hilarious.

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

42 Responses to “Presidential Candidates: Your Choices on Both Sides”

  1. I have watched this three times already.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  2. Four. Just showed it to Mrs. P.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  3. Something off with that first guy 😉

    tmm (3d89bc)

  4. …something…something…money out of politics…

    tmm (3d89bc)

  5. Yep, seems right(/left :P).

    Nic (896fdf)

  6. Hilarious. Loved Republican on national debt…uh, yeah, we’ll circle back to that… oh sure you will. Makes you laugh, then cry. All of it so painfully spot-on.

    Dana (779465)

  7. Sweet Meteor O’Death 2020

    Dave (1bb933)

  8. Thank you, Patterico. That made me laugh, and feel a little sad.

    Same folks did this one a while back:

    Simon Jester (22ef00)

  9. Amazing.

    Dustin (6d7686)

  10. There’s not a dime’s worth of sanity between the two major parties.

    There has never been this good a chance for a center-ish independent in a very long time.

    Kevin M (21ca15)

  11. Narciso, that Wapo link touches on not only this post, but also the LAUSD and the conservative grifter ones. The likes of DeVos, Price and Pruitt would never be a thing had dismantling and devolution of their former agencies duties to the states had happened post haste.

    urbanleftbehind (ff06b3)

  12. What is the common element, the left commandeered all the institutions,

    Narciso (053b0e)

  13. But it’s not the only element, the mass offshoring of American industry, excessive leverage buyouts left countless without pensions and more reliant on the safety net.

    Narciso (053b0e)

  14. So we had to vote for Obamacare to find out what was in it, some emirati sold Neil on ignite educational templates, we cant say they ever meant well, it’s just a different serfs collar.

    Narciso (053b0e)

  15. Why do you think they put preexisting conditions on the HMO bill, but they already knew then in 1971, it was unsuatainable.

    Narciso (053b0e)

  16. Living in Chicago, I don’t have to choose. I can vote for all of them, and maybe get paid for it too.
    (But please don’t tell anybody.)

    nk (dbc370)

  17. Which lizard wins though.

    Narciso (053b0e)

  18. A good racket in the 90s was to be a Republican precinct captain or committeeman in any part of Chicago you could fool the national GOP into believing was salvagable. One co-worker of mine was the R committeeman of one of the 4#th wards of the farther north side and they basically held a large block party with the GOP funds with no strings or metrics expected.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  19. What is the common element, the left commandeered all the institutions,

    Narciso (053b0e) — 6/4/2019 @ 6:02 am

    Apparently including the Republican Party.

    DRJ (15874d)

  20. Thanks for that, Patterico. It was so funny, I could barely keep my composure listening to it at the office.

    On a more serious note, one thing has bugged me about the Democrats’ proposed “Medicare For All”: Medicare isn’t very good. It doesn’t cover a LOT of expenses. And its users are left to pay for all that Medicare doesn’t cover. Why on earth would we want to inflict that on everyone?

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  21. “Apparently including the Republican Party.”
    DRJ (15874d) — 6/4/2019 @ 7:45 am

    Ten years ago these jokes would’ve fallen totally flat.

    Munroe (d46cc3)

  22. It wasn’t a joke.

    DRJ (15874d)

  23. What could happen if the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact goes into effet:


    Donald Trump could get the Electoral votes of 49 states.

    Not very likely, and that might not change the outcome, but that’s the most likely way it could change things.

    His argument: Trump came close to winning the popular vore, and incumbents usually gain percentage, and the Democratic field is weak, either non-entities, or people with known weaknesses.

    Now what that blog author doesn’t consider is this:

    It would be different if the compact applied to the leader of the popular vote only in the participating states.

    That would create a Blue Wall.

    You could have one large bloc of close to or even over 270 Electoral votes tht would always go to the Democrat.

    At least until states backed out. And then you could also wind up with 2 large Electoral vote blocs, one almost guaranteed to be Demcorat and one almost guaranteed to the Republican, with the presidential campaign being fought in the state legislatures (which, if any, compact to join) and in remaining undecided states.

    But that’s not going to happen either.

    It would be nice for a novel though. Maybe set later in the 21st century.

    Sammy Finkelman (9974e8)

  24. Way to go, The next smart thing they could do is get Amash on the ticket.

    Paul Montagu (ed733c)

  25. McCain and Romney were for cap and trade, Romney was for masscare designed by Gruber, Gina McCarthy wrote the climate compact, thstd just two issues, the latter has been a yapping chihuahua against trump, mutr against Obama, effectively pro Iran, pro pla (the Chinese ruling council from which Huawei arises)

    Narciso (053b0e)

  26. That was hilarious! Thank you for posting.

    My two favorite parts were when they got all serious and said ‘we need to get money out of politics” and when they said “national debt, we’ll circle back to that later.”

    Time123 (66d88c)

  27. Dammit! Everytime I see something this clever from Reason, it really makes we want to be a Libertarian. But then a big Libertarian poo-bah will say something utterly stupid about foreign policy, or they will run a campaign where the legalization of all drugs is the central campaign theme. But more and more, I find myself drifting in their direction.

    JVW (54fd0b)

  28. On a more serious note, one thing has bugged me about the Democrats’ proposed “Medicare For All”: Medicare isn’t very good. It doesn’t cover a LOT of expenses. And its users are left to pay for all that Medicare doesn’t cover. Why on earth would we want to inflict that on everyone?

    Control of the populace. That’s the reason and the only reason.

    Bored Lawyer (998177)

  29. Wasn’t the Jack Goodman look-alike in another one where he is a Socialist and his contribution to society is that he raises awareness on Facebook?

    nk (dbc370)

  30. how much pot does it take for him to make sense:

    narciso (d1f714)

  31. 2016 I don’t care what you say I am voting for trump. 2020 I don’t care what you say I am voting democrat. 9 million more democrats will vote in 2020 over 2016. ( 6 million who didn’t vote and 3 million who will turn 18 by nov. 2020.

    lany (a140e3)

  32. @34. … And the dirty dog has yet to ‘foul the footpath.’ On to Portsmouth.

    But should it be damp in Normandy, a la Belleau, he may not storm the beaches.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  33. The jab about “two old white guys” Republican candidates was spot on hilarious, especially coming from two young white guys pitching Libertarianism — which breaks all manner of stereotypes.

    Munroe (730b35)

  34. Steve looks good in a plastic tie. Close to Chick Fil A. nice.

    mg (8cbc69)

  35. On a more serious note, one thing has bugged me about the Democrats’ proposed “Medicare For All”: Medicare isn’t very good. It doesn’t cover a LOT of expenses. And its users are left to pay for all that Medicare doesn’t cover. Why on earth would we want to inflict that on everyone?

    Being on Medicare (plus a “G” supplement), I have to say that it beats the doors off of any private plan I’ve ever had, and all but one employer plan. It is NOT as good as what Federal or most state employees get, but what is?

    That being said, “Medicare for All” is bait-and-switch. Once they have the medical industry against the wall, it will be more like “Medicaid for All” and EVERYONE but the very poor will rue the day.

    Kevin M (21ca15)

  36. Suspicion: Tim Cook and Elizabeth Warren are the same person.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  37. 32. They could have released him from prison just because there was all this publicity about him. This happend with a few famous people during Stalin’s time. He hadn’t been mentioned in North Korean media for 50 days.

    And he definitely seems to have lost th job of negotiating with the United States, which he got because he was originally in charge of South Korean relations and it was the new President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, who started all this. North Korea made apropaganda offer to him saying they would meet with Trump – and then, Trump, completely unexpectedly, accepted it!

    North Korea had no choice but to agree because they could not decline without spoiling their proganada campaign against South Korea.

    Sammy Finkelman (9974e8)

  38. One thing wrong with the video: Donald rump actually started out as Republican, not a Democrat (as far as I know)

    In 1988, he wanted to be George Bush’s choice for Vice President.

    He was not able to get GHWB interested in that, and GHWB picked Dan Quayle instead.

    After that, his divorce, and other problems, kept Donald Trump out of even thinking about politic for 10 years, till 1999, when he was involved in the beginnings of an effort to gain the nomination of the Reform Party.

    Sammy Finkelman (9974e8)

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