Patterico's Pontifications


Susan Rice In The Crosshairs

Filed under: General — Dana @ 6:23 pm

[guest post by Dana]

From Eli Lake:

White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, *according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice’s requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government’s policy on “unmasking” the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like “U.S. Person One.”

But Rice’s multiple requests to learn the identities of Trump officials discussed in intelligence reports during the transition period does highlight a longstanding concern for civil liberties advocates about U.S. surveillance programs. The standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything. This suggests Rice’s unmasking requests were likely within the law.

The intelligence reports were summaries of monitored conversations — primarily between foreign officials discussing the Trump transition, but also in some cases direct contact between members of the Trump team and monitored foreign officials. One U.S. official familiar with the reports said they contained valuable political information on the Trump transition such as whom the Trump team was meeting, the views of Trump associates on foreign policy matters and plans for the incoming administration.

(I would like to know who these unnamed officials are, and whether they are reliable. Is there a reason for them to remain unnamed? After all, even President Trump objects to the use of anonymous sources.)

David French cautions that we don’t know enough (yet) to be outraged, and also contrasts two basic assumptions and the subsequent responses therein:

If you’re operating under the assumption or strong suspicion that Americans working with Trump were engaged in improper communications with Russia, then the unmasking requests look a lot like due diligence. Also, if you have a baseline level of trust for the Obama administration, then it’s easy to imagine that unmasking was necessary or important for context even if conversations didn’t directly pertain to Russia but instead to other issues of “foreign intelligence value.” In such circumstances, unmasking looks a lot less pernicious.

However, if you’re operating under the assumption or strong suspicion that claims of Trump campaign collusion with Russia represent nothing more than malicious conspiracy theories, then the news takes on a much darker hue. Also, many others (like me) look at the Obama administration’s well-documented record of falsehoods and surveillance abuses and have a trust level for Susan Rice that hovers somewhere near zero. In this circumstance, unmasking looks a lot less like due diligence, and a lot more like an abuse of power.

With that, Adam Housley of Fox News reported this today:

Multiple sources tell Fox News that Susan Rice, former national security adviser under then-President Barack Obama, requested to unmask the names of Trump transition officials caught up in surveillance.

The unmasked names, of people associated with Donald Trump, were then sent to all those at the National Security Council, some at the Defense Department, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and then-CIA Director John Brennan – essentially, the officials at the top, including former Rice deputy Ben Rhodes.

The names were part of incidental electronic surveillance of candidate and President-elect Trump and people close to him, including family members, for up to a year before he took office.

Republican lawmakers are now calling for an FBI investigation into whether Susan Rice broke any criminal laws, and whether “the material gleaned from the Rice unmasking is the material fed to the media in an attempt to do political damage to the Trump administration and, if so, who was responsible for leaking it.”

Also, as of today, Rice has not responded to inquiries made regarding this latest news. But as Lake reminds us, last month Rice denied knowing anything about reports indicating that Trump and his transition staff had been swept up in incidental intel collection: “I know nothing about this,” adding, “I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that account today.”


(Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.)


371 Responses to “Susan Rice In The Crosshairs”

  1. It’s a strange thing when both sides of the aisle seem desperate to make this go the way that benefits their side. And in between are the good and decent voters who just want the truth to come out, no matter who it impacts, and no matter if they cannot forget Benghazi. Because truth is just that important to them.

    Dana (023079)

  2. Fake news, planted by the Trump camp with Mike Cernovich a rabid Trumpkin toadie, and picked up by the usual suspects, see e.g. Faux News.

    nk (dbc370)

  3. Considering the staybehindd had tried to force out Cohen ratnick, just as they successfully prevented flynn’s choice of Africa director, out of spite.

    narciso (b9586d)

  4. At least three different sets of reports, Housley, lake and sara carter.

    narciso (b9586d)

  5. Keep pluckin’ dat chicken, counselor…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  6. How long did rice and morell shamarama go on, while zeist and paranto have the real

    narciso (b9586d)

  7. Deal to Atkinson, Griffin and herridge?

    narciso (b9586d)

  8. And the Rhodes deal, was the reason e0 senators sipped at kisyak’ s table.

    narciso (b9586d)

  9. Is nk an acronym for North Korea? Asking for a friend.

    Jim (a0d3dd)

  10. =yawn= fake news. Rice’s ‘involvement’ was first reported by far-right extremist, ‘alt-righter’ Mike Cernovich then ‘reworked’ into mainstream chatter by Lake.

    The only thing that could make her truly a shiny object of right-wing desire is afro sheen.

    But Rice does go\ good with squirrel stew.

    Looks like garbage.
    Smells like borscht.
    Tastes like… strawberries.

    “When I was an ensign on a cruiser, five pounds of cheese went missing. Everybody forgot about it– but me.” – Captain Queeg [Humphrey Bogart] ‘The Caine Mutiny’ 1954

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  11. is that a photo of dustin or nk?

    mg (31009b)

  12. 11…

    recycled pablum
    canadian cannibal

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  13. I made a pot of sticky rice today, but I topped it with sardines in Louisiana hot sauce. Smelled less fishy than this story.

    Yes, that too. Mike Cernovich is an alt.righter white supremacist buddy of Milo Yiannopoulos and Vox Day.

    nk (dbc370)

  14. From someone who really spoke truth to power, and paid the price

    narciso (b9586d)

  15. Comrades! Rice-A-Roni is da San Fran-chisco, treat!


    “That’s our number six plane, the decoy plane… It’s trying to draw your fighters away from our other plane carrying the bombs! It carries only defensive equipment. You don’t have to worry about it… You’re letting our other plane get through!” – General Bogan [Frank Overton] ‘Fail-Safe’ 1964

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  16. Zerohedge is a Russian disinformation outlet, mg. Its purpose is to spread doom and gloom in the West, and create dissatisfaction and distrust of our governments. The counterpart of Russia Today whose purpose is to make Russia look good.

    nk (dbc370)

  17. Putin wanted the corrupt diseased pig-hoochie to win

    he wanted Mr. Trump to lose

    this is obvious to anyone who is willing to do the analysis

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  18. As opposed to funemployment, Carlos slims, bezos, those are the pewter standard.

    narciso (b9586d)

  19. If you care to discuss this seriously ….

    What Putin wants is to destroy the idea of American exceptionalism. To make us look just as rancid and corrupt as his frozen sh!thole of a country. Who won was secondary to causing chaos and distrust in our electoral process.

    nk (dbc370)

  20. It was a video and i never said it:

    narciso (b9586d)

  21. I’ve updated the post with the interview of Susan Rice on PBS where she says she didn’t know anything about the reports.

    Dana (023079)

  22. Susan Rice is an accomplished patsy. She lacks the wherewithal to dream up the unmasking. She was told to do it. I want to know who gave the order.

    And to bolster my non-partisan bona fides: I just want to know the truth. Was it Paul Manafort or Valerie Jarrett? I got’sa know.

    ThOR (98fee1)

  23. @24. There’s no such thing as ‘American exceptionalism.’ Ask a Roman, a Greek, an Egyptian, a Brit, a German, a Persian, a Byzantine, a Mongol, a Russian, the Chinese…

    “…I prefer Russia. It’s as corrupt as America, but there’s less bullsh-t.” – Barley [Sean Connery] The Russia House, 1990

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  24. But no ‘update’ referencing Mike Cernovich.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  25. Putin thinks there is. American exceptionalism. He wrote about it, and against it, in an op-ed in the New York Times. (Last paragraph.) And he’s mentioned it other times, too, that I cannot footnote at the moment.

    nk (dbc370)

  26. What am I thinking? I take it all back. I have it on very good authority that these allegations are based on “Trump’s misinterpretation of a teevee show” and nothing more.

    ThOR (98fee1)

  27. Susan Rice is taking her usual place as Obama’s witting patsy. It’s her designated role in his corrupt Administration. Her skirts are his shield against exposure for endless high crimes and misdemeanors. Susan Rice is nothing but a well paid useful idiot.

    ropelight (8c52f8)

  28. Heh. CNN counters “unnamed officials” with “person close to Rice”:

    Just in: The idea that Ambassador Rice improperly sought the identities of Americans is false.” – person close to Rice tells me

    Why should I believe this if the person won’t identify themselves?

    Dana (023079)

  29. @17. Rest easy, Colonel. Your squirrels will be fed: the Billionaire President donated his 1st qtr., paycheck of $78,333 to the National Park Service.

    “Nuts!” – Gen. Anthony McAuliffe, December, 1944

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  30. ropelight,

    It’s not the paid useful idiots who worry me. It’s the volunteers.

    ThOR (98fee1)

  31. @31. Then in the end, the joke’s really on him, isn’t it.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  32. The CBS Evening News tonight, which was rather biased in other rspects * had a story about Susan Rice – and yet I think she was just one of anumber of people who did this. (they are confounding unmasking with leaking)


    They pointed out that General Sisi had pvertheown an elected Egyptian president in a coup that cost 1,000 lives (which I don’t quite recall) – never bohering to describe the totality of the circumstances. that he was chosen because he was the alternative to a military man and it was thought he would have little power but might be a counterweight – he got just about 25% of the vote at one poin – that he belonged to the Moslem Brotehrhood, that Morsi seemed to be trying to entrench the Muslim Brotherhood in power, that there was popular support for getting rid of him , although maybe not for not trying to get real democracy going again. And there are some sort of elections.

    Wikipedia does aay about 1,000 people were killed, but that was in clashes between security forces and supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi after the coup.

    Sammy Finkelman (dfe091)

  33. The Obamanoids may have illegally surveilled the Trumpetti.

    Putin may have tried to meddle/muddle the election.

    There may be too many connections between the Trumpetti and the Putiniki.

    All three things may be true at the same time. (IMO they probably all are true.) They are not mutually exclusive.

    The Obamanoids gain from distracting attention from the surveillance. The Trumpetti gain from distracting attention from the Putiniki connection.

    Our job is to keep our eyes on all three balls at the same time, and not confuse them….

    kishnevi (469b19)

  34. Paging Mike Cernovich. Paging mike Cernovich.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  35. Dana @34. Well, anyway the key word here is “improperly.” We don’t have enough information to settle that question.

    Sammy Finkelman (dfe091)

  36. DCSA inventing more fables to cover up the fact Obama was running Political Espionage and Trump’s tweet was 100% correct.

    As I have said repeatedly, when Trump tweets it is b/c he has a winning issue.

    Democrats stepped in shit all the while trying to convince the Republicans to eat it.

    (** And many willing Republicans like McCain are eating the fake Russia Hoax. **)

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  37. First, it never happened.

    Then, it was incidental.

    Now it, well it was legal.

    Tomorrow will be, there was no intent.

    And Hopefully the final is guilty, serve 10 years please but the Republicans are waysisss for jailing black people who break laws.

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  38. @41. Sammy, the key words are: Mike Cernovich.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  39. Question: would Susan serve time in the same jail as Bergdahl?

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  40. To paraphrase P.T. Barnum, nobody lost money by overestimating the paranoia of Russian dictators.

    nk (dbc370)

  41. #44 No sure what about multiple sources is hard to get and worse yet the allegations are specific. Not “we know Russians colluded with Trump because some other guy told me even after I the told him previously. Proof? Yeah, we don’t need stinkin proof of Russia!!!”

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  42. #46 Same can be said for the CIA.

    When you are incented $$$$$ to see boogeymen, you do.

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  43. Many lost their heads by underestimating it. 🌰

    nk (dbc370)

  44. 47… Re-enforced concrete can be difficult to penetrate.

    C’mon Gonzaga!!!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  45. 42… He’s taken up where mangina Ebert left off…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  46. 28… ask a Canadian… If you can pry the beer out of his mouth, he may answer.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  47. Le carre had come around to bill Hayden’s point of view even before the cold war had ended.

    narciso (d1f714)

  48. “What this suggests, is that while there may not necessarily have been anything illegal about Susan Rice making those requests, given her background, given how she was put out as the point person to spread the lie about the Benghazi video, that it was an attack based on a video, given her tattered history, I think that it’s very, very suspicious, and it certainly warrants additional information, additional investigation.

    So I think what this all but guarantees is that there will be a dual track investigation in Congress.

    On the one hand, any alleged collusion by the Trump campaign with Russia, of which there’s been no proof thus far, but also the action of the Obama administration.

    I don’t see how the Obama administration does not now become a target of congressional investigation after this revelation.”

    — Professor William Jacobson

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  49. 36:ThOR, the volunteers are job applicants. But, I see the smart of your observation, enthusiasm puts candidates on the short list.

    ropelight (8c52f8)

  50. @42. Blah, blah, blah….

    When Trump tweets it’s Saturday morning cartoon time, he’s off his meds or Prozac [Ivanka’s likely Secret Service code name] is out of town.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  51. @18 nk

    Mike Cernovich…White Supremacist…married to an Aryan.

    Checks out.

    Pinandpuller (e4e66f)

  52. “This story is in the process of putting itself together even as I write. Klavan is correct that what we are looking at here—“that the Obama Gang was using intelligence on Republicans to try to thwart a Trump administration from erasing Obama’s legacy”—is a “huge story.” He says “almost as big as the fact that Obama used the IRS to decimate the Tea Party movement.” In fact, it’s much, much bigger.

    On Thursday, Kimberly Strassel wrote a blistering piece in The Wall Street Journal describing how 1) House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes saw and reported on classified information detailing such surveillance, 2) How Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the Committee, went into full flak mode, emitting a storm of obfuscations, non sequiturs, and procedural cow patties, and 3) how the cold-light-of-day finger of accusation is pointed directly at the heart of the Obama administration. “Mr. Nunes,” Strassel wrote, “has said he has seen proof that the Obama White House surveilled the incoming administration—on subjects that had nothing to do with Russia—and that it further unmasked (identified by name) transition officials. This goes far beyond a mere scandal. It’s a potential crime.”

    Big time. As Michael Goodwin put it in The New York Post on Sunday, “If it can be proven that a sitting president used government authorities to spy on a candidate who then became president and orchestrated leaks of classified material, Watergate, by comparison, really would be a second-rate burglary.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  53. #NeverTrump continues to emit flatulence and obfuscate during its break times…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  54. Remember who wrote what and how often they missed the mark.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  55. nk

    I thought that it was the government’s job to spread dissatisfaction and distrust of government.

    Pinandpuller (e4e66f)

  56. Quick, tune into the national college basketball game. 1 minute remaining, 1 point game.

    ropelight (8c52f8)

  57. Great game after a quiet, 7 minute long doldrums…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  58. @58. The stink of Bannon roll-on in the convenient, handy, dandy Cernovich dispenser.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  59. Almost looked like Connie Hawkins or Dr. J there…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  60. 39. kishnevi (469b19) — 4/3/2017 @ 8:06 pm

    The Obamanoids may have illegally surveilled the Trumpetti.

    I don’t think they surveilled anyone. They wanted delivered to them the results of the surveillance that had taken place anyway.

    One thing I read some time ago was that after Putin decided, on Dec 30, not to retaliate for the sanctions and Trump said he was smart, the people in the Obama White House apparently wanted to know if anyone connected with Trump had talked to Russian officials in the day or so right before Putin unexpectedly did not retaliate, because that was a big surprise.

    Oh yes, Trump’s designated National Security Adviser Mike Flynn talked to the Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergei Kislyak, they were told.

    And then the Obamanoids asked [was this actually only Susan Rice?] what did he say?

    And they got a transcript.

    And there was nothing in it that was incriminating.

    Now what proceeded after that was a leak to the Washington Post Jan 12 about thefact that they talked. Mike Flynn got asked about it by the press and denied that the subject of sanctions ever came up. He also didn’t tell the truth about how that meeting took place. It wasn’t really just a short conversation returning Chirstmas greetings and Flynn expressing condolences for an airplane crash.

    Mike Pence knew he was going to be asked about it Sunday Jan 15, and he checked with Mike Flynn told him no, sanctions had not come up.

    Flynn also got interviewed by the FBI (counter-intelligence) and probably lied, although he cold claim he didn’t remember well what was said. The FBI didn’t tell him that they had the transcript. of the conversation when they asked. They do things like that.

    Monday Jan 23, Sean spicer, at his first full press briefing says that Flynn assured him the night before that the Flynn-Kislyak call did not involve sanctions.

    Then somebody cooked up a criminal referral or something (violation of the Logan Act which nobody is ever prosecuted for) combined with the claim that the Russians could blackmail Flynn (U.S> intelligence people more lilely could blackmail him) and Sally Yates forwarded it to the White House on Jan 26, the day before the first executive order on immigration was issued which led to Sally Yates being fired Jan 30. The real purpose is to alert the White House that Flynn’s lying.

    Trump’s White House counsel looked into it.

    And lo and behold Flynn had not made any promises and so was not negotiating on behalf of the United States while not in office. Now maybe that was because he didn’t have Trump’s backing – he hadn’t talked to Trump about this and and was acting on his own – but was playing it safe, but still he made no promuses but only said it would be easier to lift the newly imposed sanctions if Putin did not retaliate and did not expel any Americans from Russia etc.

    Then, when nothing happened to Flynn, there were leaks about the conversation, saying yes he had discussed sanctions.

    And by this time Trump’s people or the White House could not support his lies because they had the transcript and if they supported him they’d be lying to Mike Pence, too, and that’s not the kind of relationship to have with a vice president and so Mike Pence had been told about or had seen the transcripts and that left Flynn in the position of having lied to Mike Pence and he was privately interviewed Flynn a little bit more – Priebus or Spicer did that – and he wouldn’t come clean, but engaged in some double talk and he didn’t make sense and he got fired.

    Putin may have tried to meddle/muddle the election.

    There may be too many connections between the Trumpetti and the Putiniki.

    All three things may be true at the same time. (IMO they probably all are true.) They are not mutually exclusive.

    I’m not sure who in politics or anywhere is acting like they are.

    Sammy Finkelman (dfe091)

  61. Last 1:00 of the game, where have I seen that before? Congrats to the flagship of the new bellweather.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  62. @35 DCSCA

    Anytime a President goes to visit a National Park you get free entry while he’s there.

    I was at The Grand Canyon the day Bush 41 took his header. I left the park going the wrong direction from where I wanted to go so I still ended up having to pay the fee just to drive thru. Still worth it.

    Pinandpuller (e4e66f)

  63. Close game because both teams stunk it up.

    harkin (dde7a8)

  64. @71- P&P– When was the last time Trump was at a National Park… Statue of Liberty?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  65. * And Flynn was privately interviewed Flynn a little bit more – Priebus or Spicer did that.

    That whole story is probably the biggest example of an unmasking and then leak of information obtained by spying.

    Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan and Acting Attorney General Sally Yates wanted to get Flynn fired, or not hired, but they probably had what can only be called patriotic reasons for doing that.

    On Jan 19 they wanted to just tell the Trump people that Flynn was not telling the truth, but FBI Director Comey said that would compromise his ongoing investigation. A week later someone came up with the idea of the criminal referral or whatever it was.

    When Flynn stayed on the job a further leak was made to the Washington Post on Feb 9. At that point, Flynn learns that a recording and a transcript exists and begins back peddling.

    NBC had this timeline, which doesn’t fully explain everything:

    Sammy Finkelman (dfe091)

  66. Srefetees should have beaten till morale improves.

    narciso (d1f714)

  67. 51-“He’s taken up where mangina Ebert left off…”

    Good ol Ebert…..

    I commented at his old website on his post about Canadian public health care and quoted a surgeon he referenced. He linked to a different article on the same surgeon, claimed he never said what I quoted, and called me a liar.

    I posted a link to the correct interview with the authentic quote.

    He removed my post and banned me.

    A liberal to the core.

    harkin (dde7a8)

  68. If they don’t report it, did it happen to those that don’t have fox

    narciso (d1f714)

  69. Sheriff Clarke hardest hit by Trumps Nat’l Park photo op- he should have been the black guy getting that check.

    Harkin, well both candidates stunk it up too, until Trump’s late breakout.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  70. I said it up above. A friendly outlet puts out the disinformation. It gets picked up by the marginals like Fox News or The Daily Mail. Maybe the more responsible media give it legs or maybe they don’t.

    nk (dbc370)

  71. You ask for a miracle theo

    Yes Moran. Shared that view point, however he’s generally solid

    narciso (d1f714)

  72. You meN like sids spawn circulating talking points in salon. That made it to practically every network?

    narciso (d1f714)

  73. A reasonable surmise

    narciso (d1f714)

  74. This puts the illegal processing of incidental intel directly in the Obama White House.

    It will be quite interesting to see which FISA-warranted snooping resulted in Rice’s attempted, if not successful, unmasking.

    The real story is the deep state and rogue IC. Some time very soon, the Dems and GOPe will be collectively circling the wagons to protect this corruption. Some may not exactly be doing this “willingly.” Think Hoover.

    The Congress critters want no part of this responsibility. Special Prosecutor/Special Commission, Here we come!

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  75. nk -baghdad bob? dustin- wolf boy?

    mg (31009b)

  76. Now Trump has moved up in the world. From the National Inquirer to Fox News. To start fake stories. And there’s still dismay that the more serious media won’t carry them. But that’s why there’s Twitter and Trumpkins in the blogosphere.

    nk (dbc370)

  77. If Dennis Prager was an eyewitness to Susan Rice unmasking Americans recorded on overseas calls, I’d be very glad to listen to what he has to say, mg.

    nk (dbc370)

  78. I think rice is responsible for OBL being led to freedom in Afghanistan back in the clinton administration, this so called female is guilty, lock her up.

    mg (31009b)

  79. Rwandan genocide as Rice stood by and watched. Her record is shameful, but was her boss clinton. Love seeing all these trump haters take sides with the love of their lives, bill and hillary, barrack and the Sasquatch.

    mg (31009b)

  80. Like abc NBC and Co, that turned zimmerman into an unperson
    Who cast atKinson into the cold, all the smiley they live robots

    narciso (d1f714)

  81. “To say that Trump in this matter is more sinned against than sinning is an understatement. He was the blatant victim of political espionage and criminal leaking by the Obama administration, then when he complained about it, he was smeared anew. Two questions have swirled around this story: Did the Obama administration spy on Trump? Did Trump collude with the Russians? The answers are yes and no. The media wanted the answers to be no and yes. So now their game is to pretend like they didn’t ask the questions or that the “real story” is Trump’s imprecise tweeting. Notice that almost every story on the Rice revelation begins with throat-clearing about how it doesn’t “vindicate Trump’s tweet,” as if grading him on a tweet, in which he was clearly using wire-tapping as a synonym for spying and investigating, is the most pressing concern here.”

    harkin (f65e7e)

  82. ABC/cbs/NBC/CNN/mslsd/pbs…


    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  83. The Rice affair explains why the many unnamed current and former national security officials attacked the new national security advisor Obama fired as DIA director – he couldn’t be allowed access and control of the raw intelligence and Obama NSC records under any circumstances.

    The flood of reporting of what and how Rice’s alleged involvement indicates this must have been a wll known longstanding pattern and practice within the previous administration otherwise alarm bells would have gone off all over the beltway if it was suddenly begun in the middle of a presidential election.

    The Church commission reforms post Watergate are no longer worth the paper they were printed on.

    crazy (d3b449)

  84. Which explains the back story to this:

    The church committee and visa was designed to prevent us getting information on terrorists and enemy powers

    narciso (d1f714)

  85. Oh boy… Tuesday… another day of witnessing #NeverTrump in full preciousbodilyfluids mode.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  86. “Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.

    “What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” diGenova told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group Monday.

    “The overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by anybody of the Trump associates, or anyone they were speaking with,” diGenova said. “In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls.”

    Other knowledgeable official sources with direct knowledge and who requested anonymity confirmed to TheDCNF diGenova’s description of surveillance reports Rice ordered one year before the 2016 presidential election. . . .

    Col. (Ret.) James Waurishuk, an NSC veteran and former deputy director for intelligence at the U.S. Central Command, told TheDCNF that many hands had to be involved throughout the Obama administration to launch such a political spying program.

    “The surveillance initially is the responsibility of the National Security Agency,” Waurishuk said. “They have to abide by this guidance when one of the other agencies says, ‘we’re looking at this particular person which we would like to unmask.’”

    “The lawyers and counsel at the NSA surely would be talking to the lawyers and members of counsel at CIA, or at the National Security Council or at the Director of National Intelligence or at the FBI,” he said. “It’s unbelievable of the level and degree of the administration to look for information on Donald Trump and his associates, his campaign team and his transition team. This is really, really serious stuff.”

    Michael Doran, former NSC senior director, told TheDCNF Monday that “somebody blew a hole in the wall between national security secrets and partisan politics.” This “was a stream of information that was supposed to be hermetically sealed from politics and the Obama administration found a way to blow a hole in that wall.”

    Doran charged that potential serious crimes were undertaken because “this is a leaking of signal intelligence.”

    “That’s a felony,” he told TheDCNF. “And you can get 10 years for that. It is a tremendous abuse of the system. We’re not supposed to be monitoring American citizens. Bigger than the crime, is the breach of public trust.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  87. THIS is CNN…

    “Since news broke Monday that the Obama Administration’s National Security Adviser, Susan Rice, directed the “unmasking” of NSA intercepts of Trump associates, CNN has raced to shoot down the blockbuster report.
    CNN Tonight’s Don Lemon went so far as to announce he would ignore the news at all costs.
    While interview a Democratic congressman, CNN’s Chris Cuomo claimed it was “demonstrably untrue” Rice sought surveillance of the Trump team, even as that’s exactly what yesterday’s reports prove.
    Over the last 24 hours, the network has also repeatedly called on its chief national security correspondent, Jim Sciutto, to dismiss the reports as a non-story; Sciutto has even argued Rice “wasn’t aware” what unmasking Rep. Devin Nunes (D-Calif.) was referring to when she claimed ignorance of the story only two weeks ago.
    On “New Day,” anchor Alisyn Camerota openly pleaded with Sen. John McCain to write-off the news as unimportant.
    At the top of Lemon’s show Monday night, the “CNN Tonight” anchor called the Rice report a “fake scandal ginned up by right-wing media and Trump” that he would not be baited into justifying with coverage.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  88. Why did they force out fLynn, they didn’t care about erdogan that Obama hhas practically been in a Turkish bath for eight years, kisyak has had so many visitors he already has place settings at the embassy, no they wanted to prevent the unraveling of their camarilla

    narciso (d1f714)

  89. Sammy Finkelman (dfe091) — 4/3/2017 @ 8:41 pm

    That sounds about right. Interesting to see the NeverTrumpers squirm.

    Mike K (f469ea)

  90. @96 Agreed that Church and FISA handcuffed counter-intel but their purpose was to raise the bar enough that it make political espionage too costly to engage in. It’s becoming clear how easily the last team got around 40+ yrs of law and procedure. It remains to be seen how long they’ve been at it. It won’t surprise me to learn this goes back to midway or so O’s first term.

    If the Trump gang are crooks and spies – go get ’em, but if they’re not then it’s high time to bring the gossipy insiders misusing intelligence for political purposes to justice.

    crazy (d3b449)

  91. It is exceptionally simple to debunk…

    Either she didn’t do it…and all information presented so far suggests that she did…

    ..or, if it was truly for “National Security” reasons and not politics, there should be REAMS of information she requested on people not related to Trump or the Trump campaign.

    MJN1957 (6f981a)

  92. Our host is a skeptic, like at another blog I frequent, he provides the opportunity of a socratic dialog that’s the way I see it.

    narciso (d1f714)

  93. It’s very simple to prove. Have the “multiple sources” and “White House lawyers” identify themselves and present their evidence.

    nk (dbc370)

  94. The dems sought their revenge the ghost of Nixon, like the phantom we see in Allen drury’s later work, he even predicted. A Latino version of Obama, Ted Jason.

    narciso (d1f714)

  95. Interesting to see the NeverTrumpers squirm.

    Not squirming. Recoiling. Out of fastidiousness. Trumpkins may like the tidbits Trump is throwing them enough to wade in a sewer for them. Bon appetit, is all I can wish them.

    nk (dbc370)

  96. @96 and 104. I’m with you on the impact of the rest of the intel reforms Church went after. I was referring solely to the effort to reign in intel collection on US persons that appear to have little meaning in light of the actions of the past administration to stretch them and then allow the fruit of collection to widely shared simply because a senior official decided to unmask certain US persons and make sure “everybody” knows.

    If true, this is rotten to the core.

    crazy (d3b449)

  97. Charles mccarry predicted thus in better angels, in 1979, set in 2000, it predicted an organization very much like islamic state (the eye of gaza, with radicalized western terrorists, being challenged by a successor intelligence org (fis) the lapdog of a liberal churchesque president, in rebellion against a businessman challenger who was anathema to the media kultursmog

    narciso (d1f714)

  98. “unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals…”


    Leviticus (efada1)

  99. Should we give Susan Rice every benefit of the doubt? Given her firmly established reputation for the manufactured appearance of truth and forthrightness in service to the most corrupt and degenerate Administration in the history of our Republic, there can be no greater or more timely task for Americans than to ignore the obvious facts, reject the overwhelming evidence of duplicity, and accept that the woman who enthusiastically lied to us on national TV to cover-up Obama’s blackhearted decision to leave Americans to die at the hands of murdering Islamic cockroaches is now a blameless White House official incapable of abusing the high office she holds to protect Barack Obama from being revealed for the political thug he is and has always been.

    ropelight (8c52f8)

  100. You, of all people, want to bring up a “firmly established reputation for the manufactured appearance of truth and forthrightness”? That’s the glassiest of glass houses you are living in.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  101. NK has officially lost it.


    Again, not one piece of evidence produced to suggest Russian collusion with DT.

    Not one piece of evidence to suggest Russian Govt changing votes. Yet desperate #nevertrumpers continue to roll int he mud praying it so.

    Crowdstrike report is bogus. Until proper forensics done on DNC Servers, they are liars.

    Fake Dossier paid for by Democrats.

    FBI and McCabe, who took $700K for a State Senate race from Clintonistas, introduced fabricated “evidence: to justify investigating a nothingburer.

    Just yesterday folks are SHOCKED the Head of Blackwater was meeting in the Seychelles (nice beaches) with Russians. SHOCKED!!!!!! #LOL. I guess meeting with Russians is now a crime.

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  102. And who needs $750K to run for State Senate anywhere in this Nation?

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  103. So when Trump gives money to National Parks he is ow bad?


    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  104. ow = now

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  105. 113..So Susan Rice is your role model. Lucky you.

    ropelight (8c52f8)

  106. Robert Barnes in LawNewz sounds about right.

    crazy (d3b449)

  107. Look it’s obvious the “lawyers” here and the supposed major news outlets have little interest in determining what’s behind all of this. You’ll have to look elsewhere, they don’t care and can only offer smarm and snark.

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  108. They need to get back to what they do best/

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  109. Where their interest lays: chasing ambulances.

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  110. … drinkin’ RC Cola, eatin’ M00npies and barkin’ at the F-ing moon…

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  111. they gotta make a living.

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  112. Proof that the State of California is passing documents to Russians, some of whom could well be spys.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  113. Wire tapping is considered by the law to be a significant breach of the Right to Privacy. That is why law enforcement needs court approval to get it. Also, law enforcement must report regularly to the court which can shut the tap down if it is not bearing results.

    The Right to Privacy is so significant in wire tapping that the process requires the identities of people who are innocently caught up in the surveillance to be protected. Their identities can be revealed if relevant to law enforcement purposes.

    Susan Rice was not a law enforcement officer. Her role in this is questionable. She needs to explain for what purpose the unmasking served. Had it been justified, we would have heard the dirt on the Trump team by now.

    The Rice connection is highly suspect, especially considering her performance in the Benghazi story.

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  114. Said documents are suspected to ease the way for Putin’s sleeper cells to blend into the general population.

    Some call it collusion. I call it treason.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  115. @120-124. If you’re referring to Barne’s you get that he’s saying she’s in deep doo-doo, right?

    crazy (d3b449)

  116. In deep doo-doo ?!?! She IS a pile of deep doo-doo. Yes… if I don’t get it, I never will. I’m not the kind who watches Don Lemon or chris cuomo explain it all away and nod my head in approval.

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  117. We have more than a few lawyers that comment here who have a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome and it affects their cognitive functions.

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  118. AZ Bob, aren’t you a lawyer? Is a story put out by Mike Cernovich, a rapid Trump partisan, alleging information from “White House lawyers” and “multiple sources”, evidence? Even if it is picked up and repeated by Fox News and sundry internet outlets?

    Wouldn’t evidence be the “White House lawyers” and “multiple sources” coming out and showing us the information they have, whether it’s records, or memos, or correspondence, or conversations with eyewitnesses, with a foundation for authenticity?

    nk (dbc370)

  119. As the NYT reported Feb 9:

    “Nine current and former officials, who were in senior positions at multiple agencies at the time of the calls, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.”
    This collective needs to be identified whether Rice is a member or the queen of the hive.

    @130 My apologies for misunderstanding in general who you were referencing. I asked because I was surprised. My bad. Should have known better.

    crazy (d3b449)

  120. I heard this morning that NBC and ABC news half hours last nght didn’tsay anything about it. aS I mentioned CBS did, in spite of being biased. They opened up with the revelation, like it ws surprising or against ethics, that Trump was taking money out of the trust he created. That’s not a problem. That’s supposed to be able to happen with a trust. It’s not a time deposit.

    The only problem would be maybe if the money taken out was proportional to the money earned or the value of the assets. Then you could have a question. Or if it was so much that if things didn’t go right, he’d be out of money, so he’d have a reason to watch it.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  121. Enough with the grandstanding in front of the media. Get it done.

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  122. Back from a wonderful vacation.

    I see some things haven’t changed. The usual suspects are in full denial. Obama and his crony’s are criminals.

    NJRob (43d957)

  123. Yep, AZ Bob, even some in the media perceive a problem with Rice…×600.png

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  124. — She’s a witch!
    — She’s a witch!
    — She’s a witch!
    — She’s a witch!
    — She’s a witch!

    — What is your evidence that she’s a witch?

    — You’re defending a witch! You’re a witch!
    — You’re defending a witch! You’re a witch!
    — You’re defending a witch! You’re a witch!
    — You’re defending a witch! You’re a witch!
    — You’re defending a witch! You’re a witch!

    nk (dbc370)

  125. @131 An interesting aspect of the Cernovitch report, whether he’s a tool or not, is how he knows Bloomberg and the NYT had the story and sat on it. Kind of like when Isikoff fed his “stained blue dress” story to Drudge because the WaPo (as I recall) wouldn’t run it. In this case it sounds like IT people running the network. Not a good way to protect your source(s) but consider the source.

    crazy (d3b449)

  126. ropelight (8c52f8) — 4/4/2017 @ 7:47 am

    accept that the woman who enthusiastically lied to us on national TV

    She didn’t know it wss a lie – otherwise she wouldn’t have done it. She may have known, and in fact indicated, that maybe what she was saying was wrong.

    it wasto cover-up Obama’s blackhearted decision to leave Americans to die at the hands of murdering Islamic cockroaches

    This assertion is all wrong. It was done to spread the good (for Obama) news that the attack could not have been prevented, because it could not have been predicted, because it was the result of someone uploading a video to YouTube, and who could expect that to happen? Now this was actually one of the cover-up stories of the terrorists, but it became the position of the CIA, which, by definition, is the “best intelligence available.”

    Neither Obama not anybody sent a big rescue squad because throughout the night they kept on thinking it was all over. In fact the frsttime Obama was told of it he was also told it was all over. Obama decided to evacuate everybody (before another attack could take place) and they thought they could do that without too much trouble. is now a blameless White House official We don’t know exactly what happpened, but it is easy for the unmasking to be legitimate. Not so the leaks. We don’t know what haopened, so we can’t say anything right now about what she did.

    incapable of abusing the high office she holds

    I don’t know whether anybody is trying to portray her that way. What I wonder is if, because she doesn’t have such a good reputation, people somewhere are trying to throw all the blame onto her for whatever would have happened. This Suaan Rice connection doesn’t sound right, but maybe she did something, which is not exactly related to other things she is known for.

    to protect Barack Obama from being revealed for the political thug he is and has always been.

    I think its more political cowstdice that he’s been guilty gf.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  127. Lawyer or Minister of Silly Walks? You be the judge.

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  128. NJRob (43d957) — 4/4/2017 @ 8:49 am

    Susan tried to eat the logbook? Heh.

    I’d pay money to see that.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  129. A more complete explanation of how the “political espionage that isn’t political espionage” pieces fit together. Just doing their jobs, I’m sure.

    crazy (d3b449)

  130. Formatting error:

    [Susan Rice] is now [being touted as] a blameless White House official

    We don’t know exactly what happpened, but it is easy for the unmasking to be legitimate (so she could be blameless) Not so the leaks. We don’t know what happened, so we can’t say anything right now about what she did

    incapable of abusing the high office she holds

    I don’t know whether anybody is trying to portray her that way (except some “person close to Rice” who might one day be unmasked as…Susan Rice!)

    What I wonder is if, because she doesn’t have such a good reputation, people somewhere are trying to throw all the blame onto her for whatever would have happened.

    This Suaan Rice connection doesn’t sound right, but maybe she did something, but something which is not exactly related to other things she is known for.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  131. Sorry, wrong link @142. Should have been to The Media Gives Short Schiff to Obamagate

    crazy (d3b449)

  132. Sammy, based on her past history there’s plenty of reason to suspect both improper leaks and deception. At minimum selective leaks.

    But L Oh L to any Trump defense force member who thinks these revelations don’t make Trump look worse than before.

    Just because Trump filled the swamp doesn’t mean there wasn’t a swamp before. Just because Susan Rice isn’t a good guy doesn’t mean the other party’s scumbags are good guys either.

    Yeah, of course democrats will leak GOP dirty laundry. Doesn’t mean Mark Foley isn’t a degenerate. Partisanship is a silly delusion to live under.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  133. Intelligence sources said the logs (computer logs impossible to erase -pt) discovered by National Security Council staff suggested Rice’s interest in the NSA materials, some of which included unmasked Americans’ identities, appeared to begin last July around the time Trump secured the GOP nomination and accelerated after Trump’s election in November launched a transition that continued through January.

    Nope. Sorry Sammy. There is only one explanation for that pattern of abuse.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  134. crazy (d3b449) — 4/4/2017 @ 7:06 am

    because a senior official decided to unmask certain US persons and make sure “everybody” knows.

    That’s not the same thing.

    Unmasking only means letting people who get the intelligence know who it is they are talking about, or with. It doesn’t mean letting “everybody” know. That would be a separate matter. And that’s not called unmasking, that’s called leaking. In violation of their privacy rights, usually. Although that’s not totally unknown, especially when someone is under investigation.

    Now this certainly happened in the case of Mike Flynn’s call(s) in late December to the Russian Ambassador. I went into this at #68 and #74.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  135. Setting aside Susan Rice’s obvious crime, the NSA has confirmed once again what it has always been. A massive violation of every American’s civil rights.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  136. 146.papertiger (c8116c) — 4/4/2017 @ 9:22 am

    Intelligence sources said the logs (computer logs impossible to erase -pt) discovered by National Security Council staff suggested Rice’s interest in the NSA materials, some of which included unmasked Americans’ identities, appeared to begin last July around the time Trump secured the GOP nomination and accelerated after Trump’s election in November launched a transition that continued through January.

    Nope. Sorry Sammy. There is only one explanation for that pattern of abuse.

    Yes, that she and/or others genuinely believed there was a strong posibility that some people around Trump, amd maybe even Trump himself, were Russian agents.

    It wasn’t for political reasons, because it accelerated after the election was lost and probably even after the Electoral College voted. Republicans would have to stop Trump or the people around him.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  137. So they tried to plant the story with Bloomberg, a credible outlet; Bloomberg saw it as garbage and declined to play; and they had to scrape the bottom of the barrel with Cernovich? I’ll buy that.

    nk (dbc370)

  138. Mark Foley really loves [edit]. Distasteful (for lack of a better word), but approaching an adult albeit a young adult who is no longer in his employ in the persuit of [edit] can not be construed as criminal.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  139. Yes, that she and/or others genuinely believed there was a strong posibility that some people around Trump, amd maybe even Trump himself, were Russian agents.

    Sounds like the 80’s just called the Obama administration, and they want their foreign policy back.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  140. Carter Page was targeted for recruitment by a Russian spy, contacted by the FBI, cooperated with their investigation, was not charged, and now says his identity was unmasked in a politically motivated move by the Obama administration.

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  141. It could be that Susan Rice was engaged in a desperate search for evidence that just simply wasn’t there, because her theory of the case was wrong.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  142. nk @150.. What story do we mean here now?

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  143. Plenty of blowhard in the absence of specifics from our – in this case – thin like angel hair pasta blue line of teh law enforcement.

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  144. If Rice doesn’t get at least 30 years prison, then what would it mean for future Democratic administrations? It means we have basically legalized treason and any crime against Americans that you want to imagine as long as it’s a Democrat administration behind it. This sort of crime is worse than murder because the nation comes before an individual. That’s why nations that have a survival impulse will execute traitors.

    jcurtis (f35f5f)

  145. lol if you think carter page has any credibility whatsoever

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  146. Yes, that she and/or others genuinely believed there was a strong posibility that some people around Trump, amd maybe even Trump himself, were Russian agents.

    It wasn’t for political reasons, because it accelerated after the election was lost and probably even after the Electoral College voted. Republicans would have to stop Trump or the people around him.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f) — 4/4/2017 @ 9:28 am

    Where are your facts for this supposition?

    NJRob (43d957)

  147. link at 125. So, because she was given the information drip by drip, Susan Rice, without telling many people, quietly created a paper spreadsheet or created logs noting which persons associated with Trump, were talking to various people the NSA was intercepting and when the conversations or meetings took place. And then tried to use that to figure out what was going on with Trump and Russia?

    Apparently, she, or whoever she may have asked to study it, never discerned a pattern, in spite of all the information about contacts she collected. Miss (Jane) Marple she isn’t.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  148. there’s no reason pedophile putin needed to suborn trump to do anything alleged so far

    all he needed was dumb-ass john podesta to reply to a phishing email

    there’s literally no basis for lying slut susan to have hypothesized a trump/russia connection

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  149. What was described, 🐙, is on the record.

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  150. Sammy,

    she created the spreadsheet so she could get dirt on Trump (and probably other candidates.)

    No where does it imply there was any legitimate concern over collusion with Russia. It’s all about undermining the Repubs and destroying them.

    NJRob (43d957)

  151. Gosh… I wonder what has changed as new info has surfaced?

    ‘ The media’s biased coverage of Obamagate continues to shift. First, reporters feigned outrage that Trump would dare to say that the saintly Barack Obama had spied on him. Never mind that Trump’s assertion sparked off their own reporting — reports clearly based on criminal leaks from Obama aides spying on Trump. But now reporters are pursuing a new line of attack against Trump, which can be translated as: Yes, Obama spied on you — and good for him. Take a look at this headline from a column at Slate magazine hastily run after the revelation that top Obama aide Susan Rice had snooped on Trump and his associates: “I Hope Susan Rice Was Keeping Tabs on Trump’s Russia Ties.” ‘

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  152. SF: Yes, that she and/or others genuinely believed there was a strong posibility that some people around Trump, amd maybe even Trump himself, were Russian agents.

    It wasn’t for political reasons, because it accelerated after the election was lost and probably even after the Electoral College voted. Republicans would have to stop Trump or the people around him.

    NJ Rob:

    Where are your facts for this supposition?

    I just explained.

    Because, according to some source papertiger quoted @146, the collection of information accelerated after the election was lost.

    At that point, she could not have been counting on any kind of ill-informed public opinion. But only on well informed opinion of insiders. Who wouldn’t agree to dump Trump, or some associates of his, unless she could show it was true. And I don’t think she thought she could prove something true that wasn’t.

    And if she thought some non fact based reasons could get people to dump Trump, well, then, what you need to do is invent lies that work, not collect more real information. And besides which at that point you’d only get Mike Pence, not a Democrat, and Susan Rice was probably not a great fan of Mike Pence.

    Of course there’s the idea of throwing a cloud around Trump, but not getting rid of him, in order to help win future elections, but the simpler explanation for all of this is a genuine belief that there is a strong possibility, nay, in fact, a conviction that it is a certainty, that you’ve got some Russian agents around here. And maybe with just a bit more trying, there will be the proof.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  153. The Russian narrative was the coverstory for the surveillance.

    narciso (d1f714)

  154. The two diplomats we png’d the illegal was given essentially a slap on the wrist and will be deported forthwith.

    narciso (d1f714)

  155. Colonel Haiku @164. This line of,” Obama spied on you — and good for him” was around already before, and could be seen, for instance on MSNBC or The Independent.

    Allow me to direct you to the real-world, Choose-Your-Own-Adventure news media misadventure of the past week, which I’ll call “POTUS45, Episode 6: The Presidential Wiretap That (A) Was, (B) Wasn’t, (C) Was Because He’s a Russian Agent and Oh, Sister, Is He in Trouble.”

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  156. What we know about Russians influencing the election:

    1) They MAY have hacked the DNC and Podesta, and MAY have given that information to wikileaks. However there is evidence this did not occur (statements by wikileaks), and exactly zero evidence Trump had anything to do with it. We also know it probably didn’t change the election outcome.

    What we know about Obama spying on Trump:

    1) The information was collected by the NSA (legally).
    2) The information was unmasked by Susan Rice (probably legal, but morally debatable).
    3) The information was widely disseminated by order of Obama (legal, but morally debatable).
    4) The information was leaked to the press (highly illegal).

    which story do you think the press is most interested in?

    Tenn (131b65)

  157. Because, according to some source papertiger quoted @146, the collection of information accelerated after the election was lost.

    duh this is because just like pedophile putin, lying slut susan expected the corrupt diseased stinkypig to win

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  158. I just explained.

    Because, according to some source papertiger quoted @146, the collection of information accelerated after the election was lost.

    At that point, she could not have been counting on any kind of ill-informed public opinion. But only on well informed opinion of insiders. Who wouldn’t agree to dump Trump, or some associates of his, unless she could show it was true. And I don’t think she thought she could prove something true that wasn’t.

    And if she thought some non fact based reasons could get people to dump Trump, well, then, what you need to do is invent lies that work, not collect more real information. And besides which at that point you’d only get Mike Pence, not a Democrat, and Susan Rice was probably not a great fan of Mike Pence.

    Of course there’s the idea of throwing a cloud around Trump, but not getting rid of him, in order to help win future elections, but the simpler explanation for all of this is a genuine belief that there is a strong possibility, nay, in fact, a conviction that it is a certainty, that you’ve got some Russian agents around here. And maybe with just a bit more trying, there will be the proof.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f) — 4/4/2017 @ 10:18 am

    Simpler explanation. She wanted to create evidence to support their lies. Exactly what they’ve done since they lost the election. Undermine the new president. Weaken support. Claim he cheated. Just like they did with Bush beating Gore. But then 9/11 happened.

    Just ask Reid about what he did on the Senate floor to Romney.

    Leftists lie in the pursuit of power. They will use any means necessary to obtain and retain that power.

    That’s the correct explanation.

    NJRob (43d957)

  159. What was described, 🐙, is on the record.

    The male-1 thing?

    1. Carter Page himself revealed that he was male-1, he wasn’t unmasked.
    2. The transcript is from 2013.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  160. Leftists lie in the pursuit of power. They will use any means necessary to obtain and retain that power.

    Same except conservatives

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  161. Its likely shaltar boltoi the hacker syndicate did the dead, and they have affiliates in the fab, perhaps guccifer version 1.0 was contracted to breach her server, along with other country’s security services

    narciso (d1f714)

  162. NJRob (43d957) — 4/4/2017 @ 10:16 am

    she created the spreadsheet so she could get dirt on Trump (and probably other candidates.)

    What dirt? All it as was a list of who spoke to whom when. Yes, you can make it into dirt, but I think she was looking for something real, only it wasn’t there. The way Russia was influencing people was probably mostly or entirely nopt picked up, and there was too much noise in her charts.

    No where does it imply there was any legitimate concern over collusion with Russia. It’s all about undermining the Repubs and destroying them.

    You step up your efforts afetr the election? and none of this was actually leaked.

    Maybe there was an investigation started, but Harry Reid complained Comey was saying nothing about it.

    The pugilistic Reid, who plans to retire after finishing out this term in Congress, penned a blistering letter to Comey Sunday, accusing the FBI chief of holding back “explosive” information about Donald Trump’s close Russian ties while possibly violating the Hatch Act by reviving the Clinton email investigation…

    …“In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government – a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States, which Trump praises at every opportunity,” he said. “I wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public…and yet, you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information.”

    Harry Reid’s first letter to Comey about Trump and Russia was sent to him on August 29 or August 30.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  163. I think Susan Rice’s judgement isn’t all that good. She believed the Benghazi video story, while anyone who knew anything would know that would fall apart, and it did. She ws slooking for onformation, proof. not things that could support lies.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  164. “She [Rice] believed the Benghazi story”

    Pull the other one, Sammeh.

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  165. “It could be that Susan Rice was engaged in a desperate search for evidence that just simply wasn’t there, because her theory of the case was wrong.”

    Exactly. There is an innocent explanation for all of this, and that is the Democrats think Republicans, and especially Trump, are pure evil. Ergo they anticipated finding dirt on them by the unmasking and distribution. And impeaching Trump, and crippling his administration to prevent him from enacting his policies, or at the very least ensuring their victory in the next election.

    You see, it is all for our own good. We need to understand, they do theese immoral and shady things to PROTECT us. Who will help the poor unless Republicans are destroyed? Who will protect abortion rights unless republicans are jailed? Don’t you see the danger we are all in?

    If you could travel back in time and murder Hitler as a baby, wouldn’t you do it? democrats would. And they would murder Trump. And you, if you stand in their way. For the greater good, you understand.

    Tenn (131b65)

  166. Sammeh, she pushed the Libyan operation, with the maascre narrative, called in airstrikes over Benghazi that turned the tide, using the same rebels that would murder ambassador Stevens

    narciso (d1f714)

  167. Sammy,

    the media has been portraying any contact with a Russian as an agent of Putin. That’s what the spreadsheet is for.

    Seriously? How do you handle constantly giving cover to people that are clearly in this for power and not for the benefit of the nation?

    NJRob (43d957)

  168. @73 DCSCA

    Dunno. Can you make a golf course a National Park or Monument?

    I was just thinking that Trump is at least a net positive to the Park system.

    Dick Morris took a poll and the Clinton’s went to The Tetons for a week-or wherever.

    I’m sure you know what Teton means in French. Dick Morris loved the foothills.

    Pinandpuller (0c38cf)

  169. Or to put it the right way, you take a shot at the king, you’d better not miss.

    Rice and Obama took a huge chance on a fishing expedition against Trump. They found nothing, and are in desperate spin mode (along with the press) to cover this fact up. That is a SIMPLE explanation of what happened.

    Tenn (131b65)

  170. He rides a giant squirrel,

    Bin qumu was hired to train abu khattalah, (the designated dangle) that French thriller writer De villiers figured this out earlier than most.

    narciso (d1f714)

  171. 169. This probably pretty well summarizes what we know, except there’s no reason to believe anybody except Russia hacked the DNC.

    The press is not interested in finding out who leaked anything, because they’re the beneficiaries of the leaks. And they don’t want to stop leaks. They might be interested in the collection of information in the first place. They are most interested in the Russian intervention story.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  172. Some people were really pushing a false narrative. Others may have believed there was probably something there, but if there was, they didn’t know where to find it.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  173. Why do you assume 2) is true, as with the assault on the tea party, it was an abuse of power

    narciso (d1f714)

  174. @130 Colonel Haiku

    Mystery Political Science Theater 2017.

    Shoot lawyers into space. Force them to watch Don Lemon and Rachael Maddow. Enjoy.

    Pinandpuller (0c38cf)

  175. That’s worse than throwing them in the sarlaac pit, have mercy!

    narciso (d1f714)

  176. 1) Obama and his team used the government powers of the Attorney General to allow convicted criminals of the Black Panthers to escape punishment for intimidating voters.

    2) Obama and his team used the government powers of the IRS to harass, intimidate and punish conservatives and tea partiers who tried to organize and express their political beliefs.

    3) Obama previously got sealed documents unsealed to defeat political opponents by using a judge to release a candidate’s divorce records.

    4) Obama and his team pushed a false narrative on Bengahzi when they left fellow Americans to die.

    But Sammy wants us to believe that this is all on the up and up and a perfectly legitimate use of government power.

    Do you have any bridges for sale?

    NJRob (43d957)

  177. Anyone who thinks that Susan Rice was looking for something specific (aka ‘proof’) and not just mining for ANYTHING THAT COULD BE USED AGAINST POLITICAL OPPONENTS probably also believes that she did all this on her own without any direction from above.

    As already pointed out, she was the stooge used to go on the Sunday shows to push the “it was about a video” narrative. The media gave her and her boss a pass on that and they’ve already begun to do it again.

    harkin (dde7a8)

  178. The latest accusation is that, shortly before the election, Russia tried to spread fake anti-Clinton stories (like the pedophilia ring she was supposedly running out of a pizza shop in DC?) but only in crucial swing states.

    But it’s not based on actual examination of the stories links, but only on the sites linked. And there is no link to Russia. And nothing at all to support the idea that there were 1,000 paid Russian trolls, and still less that they targeting Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania!

    Another problem is, what Sen Warner calls fake news others might call alt-right. Breitbart seems to be regarded as a fake news site. And this is all based upon one person’s (expert?) testimony before the Senate Intelliegence Committee last week.

    By someone called Clint Wats, who seems to have claimed that 1,000 paid Internet trolls were targeting Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania before the election.

    Now before the election, nobody knew Wisconsin and Michigan were crucial. This is either saying Russia was better at telling what states were imnportant than almost anybody else or that Russia was so good that whetever state they targeted, they won for Trump.

    Fox News says:

    Numerous state officials and election observers said there is nothing to back up claims from members of the Senate Intelligence Committee of a targeted misinformation campaign affecting the results….The charge got backing from Clint Watts, a former FBI agent called to testify before the committee last week….

    ,,,Fox News asked state election officials in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania whether there were any complaints filed after the 2016 presidential election reflecting skewed Internet search or social media results. All three said there were no such irregularities reported…

    Now nobody noticed this at the time. Not even Clint Watts:

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  179. “she created the spreadsheet so she could get dirt on Trump (and probably other candidates.)”

    Beat me to it Rob, I was just about to ask if it has occurred to anyone else that likely Trump wasn’t the only only candidate to be illegally spied on? I’d bet at least ten of the sixteen had “spreadsheets” on them.

    Leon (168f33)

  180. NJRob

    Sammy is a #propagandaslut

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  181. Obama knew.

    Old mobster rules ….

    If you can grunt it, don’t speak it.

    If you can gesture it, don’t grunt it.

    If they already know what to do, then say nothing and do nothing.

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  182. Watch the unmasking include things like Melania being fingered for using Chinese Made Russian Cosmetics.

    Rachel and MSNBC to break it!

    Sammy, NK, Patterico and #nevertrumpers will call it PROOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  183. 190. harkin (dde7a8) — 4/4/2017 @ 11:25 am

    Anyone who thinks that Susan Rice was looking for something specific (aka ‘proof’) and not just mining for ANYTHING THAT COULD BE USED AGAINST POLITICAL OPPONENTS

    She was doing ths for months and never using any of it. That means she was looking for soemthing specific. And ot abot anythig but about collusioon with to Russia,

    probably also believes that she did all this on her own without any direction from above.

    Yes, or more people would have been involved, and it’s being said now they weren’t.

    And she certainly didn’t tell the NSA what she was doing. This paper database was compiled under her authority and she didn’t have any other agency do it. She might have told Obama something, yes, and Obama might have been skeptical but let her go ahead reworking the information she had.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  184. Mystery Political Science Theater 2017.

    Shoot lawyers. into space. Force them to watch Don Lemon and Rachael Maddow Enjoy.

    Pinandpuller (0c38cf) — 4/4/2017 @ 11:12am


    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  185. “Look it’s obvious the “lawyers” here and the supposed major news outlets have little interest in determining what’s behind all of this. You’ll have to look elsewhere, they don’t care and can only offer smarm and snark.”

    – Colonel Haiku

    Look, it’s obvious that these so-called “lawyers” care more about things like “evidence” and “proof” than they care about how many goofy websites I can copypasta in hour. It’s like they don’t even think they need to spend their time reading about what zerohedge and PJ Media and Professor William Jacobson think about stuff! They spend so much time chasing ambulances and fleecing dummies that they don’t even have time to rhapsodically swallow the speculations of “former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova” and “other knowledgeable official sources with direct knowledge and who requested anonymity [and definitely had direct official knowledge, too]”!

    Leviticus (efada1)

  186. harkin @190:

    As already pointed out, she [Susan Rice] was the stooge used to go on the Sunday shows to push the “it was about a video” narrative.

    That only proves she was a fool. And so were the others in the White House who believed that, and they did.

    Benjamin Rhodes on Friday, September 14, 2012 9:34 pm:

    There is a ton of wrong information getting out into the public domain from Congress from people who are not particularly informed…. we need to have the capacity to correct the record, as there are significant policy and messaging ramifications that would flow from a hardened misimpression.

    Is that how somebody describes a plan to lie and overturn the truth that people already knew? And it’s not that someone would have expected that to become public.

    Tommy Vietor e-mail, Friday, September 14, 2012 8:43 pm EST:

    There is massive disinformation out there, in particular with Congress. They all think it was premeditated based on inaccurate assumptions or briefings. So I think this is a response not only to a tasking from the house intel committee but also NSC guidance that we need to brief members/press and correct the record.

    Is that how somebody talks when they are planning to lie?

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  187. Blah, you were dangerously close to encroaching on Snoop and BowWow territory with the first line in response #196. A Mad Libs with strategically placed blanks such as these:

    Watch the unmasking include things like Melania being fingered ________ Chinese _______ Russian _________.

    would have meant that, irony of ironies, Trump would be a major c–k!

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  188. Leon @193. The “spreadsheets” Susan Rice left behind at the National Security Council were only about contacts between people associated with candidates (we only know this was done regarding Trimp) and foreogn officials or others under surveillance. There would have bene no rreason to try to link other candidates to foreign officials.

    Except Hillary Clinton of course, but she was a Democrat.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  189. Sammy – are you quoting the same Ben Rhodes who bragged about telling White House reporters who “knew nothing” about the world what to write on the Iran nuke deal?

    harkin (dde7a8)

  190. Lot’s of speculation and snark, very little in supporting documentation from the “mouthpiece”.

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  191. “The smoking gun in Watergate was President Nixon’s effort to use the CIA to impede an FBI investigation. What kind of “gate” is the misuse of the intelligence community to get inside information on an opposing presidential candidate?

    It may turn out that the Democrats, so eager to prove that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians, have unknowingly blundered into a matter that will come back to damage both their party and the Obama administration.”

    We now return you to teh Judge Wapner Hour…

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  192. 198… I was kidding, of course…

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  193. “It was up in my wheelhouse, your honor, what could I do!?!?!?”

    Colonel Haiku (236f6f)

  194. Is this not Watergate adapted to late 1990s technological standards (spreadsheets??! much like Jim Mora’s “Playoffs” and Allen Iverson’s “Practice”, as opposed to an overnight burgle) undertaken by the Dems?

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  195. NJRob (43d957) — 4/4/2017 @ 11:19 am

    But Sammy wants us to believe that this is all on the up and up and a perfectly legitimate use of government power.

    I think it’s probably somewahat like Tenn says at #169

    ) The information was collected by the NSA (legally).

    2) The information was unmasked by Susan Rice (probably legal, but morally debatable).

    3) The information was widely disseminated by order of Obama (legal, but morally debatable).

    4) The information was leaked to the press (highly illegal).

    Caveat: It wouldn’t have been morally debateable if she had a genuine suspicion, but she was keeping secret from the NSA the fact that she was compiling a database. Also, not all of it was widely disseminated but only what might mean something. Obama actually ordered a report of Russian interfereence made made and he had that disseminated, plus supporting evidence.

    And I think some people maybe wanted him to say that the results themselves could have been altered and he adamantly refused to go there. He was warned it could happen and warned Russia not to try to interfere either with registration lists, or with the actual casting of the votes and probably also with the unofficial results.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  196. “There would have bene no rreason to try to link other candidates to foreign officials.”

    Of course there was, to discredit them should they win.

    Or are you attempting to assert none of the other candidates ever had contact with “foreign officials?

    Leon (168f33)

  197. Sammy, LOL!!!!!

    Rice just said today that she requested but NSA approved. Great legalistic/semantic cover I must say but fundamentally a lie. So now you speculate the NSA KNEW NOTHING in spite of Susan’s admission of guilt? Unreal.

    She was running political espionage. This is why HRC knew about the server monitoring. This is why all this smoke was manufactured by the Democrats, because they hoped against hope something would pop-up.

    Little did most Democrats know was the entire Russia story was fabricated out of whole clothe and they choose to believe it cuz …. cuz confirmatory bias is alive and well.

    Bit folks, no proof, after all this spying on Trump = all bull crap.

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  198. And NSA knew. But to Clapper’s credit, he also knew it all BS and said so onTV repeatedly.

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  199. 1) Yes, the Black Panther prosecution in Philadelphia was suppressed. They did other things, like pressure the state of Florida to prosecute George Zimmerman, but they didn’t do other things they could have done like compile a false report about Ferguson, Missouri, but instead they told the truth although they broke the news very very gently and did not disabuse anybody of any notions, so the hoax is still alive.

    2) The IRS thing was in fact I think done at a lower level. It interfered with anybody who tried to start a new conservative tax exempt organization around 2011 – also with a pro-Israel counterpart to J Street.

    3) I don’t think Obama was at the center of the conspiracy to get divorce documents publicized, but rather this was done by someone who wanted to help him get elected Senator – maybe so that he could serve as a spoarring partner for Hillary Clinton in 2008, who was sure to lose the fight. Obama just stayed on the elevator.

    I’ll say this: The conspiracy to elect Obama Senator in 2004 was so devious, they probably got Blair Hull and Jim Ryan into the race in the first place!

    I don’t really see any other way to explain his luck.

    And of course there was getting Peter Fitzgerald not to run for re-election.

    4) And the false narrative on Benghazi came from the CIA which relied on SOOPER SEKRIT INTELLIGENCE.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  200. I think it’s probably somewahat like Tenn says at #169
    1) The information was collected by the NSA (legally).
    2) The information was unmasked by Susan Rice (probably legal, but morally debatable).
    3) The information was widely disseminated by order of Obama (legal, but morally debatable).
    4) The information was leaked to the press (highly illegal).

    Except masking political motives under the guise of “National Security Discretion” is still a violation of the 4th Amendment.

    If Team Obama can’t prove the intent was pure of heart then they are guilty of violating the Constitution. Because, no proof ADMITTED BY THE INVESTIGATORY PEOPLE = no reason to unmask.

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  201. Blah Blah (44eaa0) — 4/4/2017 @ 12:17 pm

    So now you speculate the NSA KNEW NOTHING

    No. I’m saying the NSA didn’t know she was compiling a database/log/spreadsheet using the information that she had been given about who met or called whom when.

    And if they had, maybe they would have had second thoughts.

    She was running political espionage. This is why HRC knew about the server monitoring.

    What’s that?

    And what did Hillary learn from Susan Rice?

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  202. fried rice has never told the truth in public

    mg (31009b)

  203. @147 Sammy I admire your dedication to correcting sloppy phrasing. The phrase “make sure “everybody” knows” was in reference to using the now-declassified Raw SIGINT Availability Procedures of section 2.3 of EO 12333 to share widely within authorized channels after unmasking. As you often remind me brevity is the enemy of clarity.

    The identity of the nine current and former senior administration officials who were repeatedly quoted in the press remains known only among themselves and the press for now.

    crazy (d3b449)

  204. Deep Throat: Follow the “unmasking.”

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  205. here’s a bizarrely pointless lie from propaganda slut joe concha

    Bloomberg News’s Eli Lake first broke the story about Rice.

    they just can’t help themselves i guess

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  206. 213-2 – yeah – that’s why Lois Lerner repeatedly invoked the fifth.

    harkin (dde7a8)

  207. In her interview with Andrea Mitchell Rice puts a big bear hug on her boss by making clear she had to request unmasking on occasion for the President’s Daily Brief. Hmmm….

    crazy (d3b449)

  208. Except masking political motives under the guise of “National Security Discretion” is still a violation of the 4th Amendment.

    To say that, you’d have to say that Susan Rice and others knew that the whole theory of Russian influence on the Trump campaign was wrong, or at least that there could not have been any collusion. And how can you say that?

    Listen, what was the spying about? Political information? No. This was about connections to Russia, and maybe other foreign countries.

    And if was political, is there any kind of hint any such political information was gotten and used?

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  209. 221. Susan Rice wanted to get some of the information she collected to Barack Obama. Interesting, unmasking had to be requestes separately for that, But wait a second, who is boss?

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  210. The unmasking was used politically. See NY Times, Jan. 20, 2017.

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  211. There was some illegal spying on Trump, but not by the NSA:

    In the campaign, we saw:

    1) The first page of his 1995 New York, New Jersey and Connecticut state tax returns.

    2) The stealing of the Access Hiollywood tape before NBC was ready to air it.

    3) They tried to pressure the producer of the apprentice (It hink) to release anotehr tape, but he was bound by contract not to do so)

    Then there was the release (by the photographer, who owned the copyright, who sold them to the New York Post if I’m right) of the nude pictures of Melania Knauss with a false story that the pictures had been taken in New York in 1995, and not in 1996 or later, so that a claim could be made that she had violated her visa by “working” and look, Trump was a hypocrite and so on like that..

    Most recently, the first page of Donald Trump’s 2005 tax returns was leaked to MSNBC.

    So there was spying on Trump.

    And there was also even an attempt to get him or his campaign investigated by the FBI. Successful, but FBI Director James Comey kept it all secret to the chagrin of Harry Reid.

    And of course there waa the dog that didn’t bark – no examination of possible ties to foreign governments by associates of Hillary Clinton.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  212. Didn’t the Clinton Foundation take money from foreigners?

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  213. #215 HRC before the election tweeted about folks monitoring Trump’s servers for possible Russian ties.

    Only way she knows that is if she was told.

    If were to bet money, that would be Rice or Rhodes or direct reports.

    Unlikely Comey unless it was a bone to throw her cuz of his PR release on Dirtbag Weiner Mails.

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  214. 204. There was no unmasking in the January 20, 2017 New York Times article. It contains no names of Trump associates. Which makes it hard to understand. People even got confused about what kind of surveillance was involved and where it happened.

    The information in the article was only used by Trump.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  215. I meant 224. Back now to 212.

    If Team Obama can’t prove the intent was pure of heart then they are guilty of violating the Constitution.

    No, there’s a presumption of innocence.

    John Ehrlichman maybe didn’t get it, but then it didn’t matter what the reason was for going into Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist’s office. It wss prohibited by the 4th amendment, as senar sam Ervin pointed out when Ehrlichman was testifying. It had no color of law.

    However, Nixon didn’t believe that he was covering up a crime when he OKayed a payment of hush money to E Hward Hunt, that John Dean had actually already made before asking Nixon for permission, using an imaginary threat by Hunt to talk about Ellsberg (not Watergate, Nixon was not interested in hiding anything about Watergate in March, 1973.)

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  216. AZ Bob (f7a491) — 4/4/2017 @ 1:00 pm

    Didn’t the Clinton Foundation take money from foreigners?

    Very much so.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  217. Andy McCarthy explains the Rice mess pretty clearly.

    crazy (d3b449)

  218. 221. Susan Rice wanted to get some of the information she collected to Barack Obama. Interesting, unmasking had to be requestes separately for that, But wait a second, who is boss?

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f) — 4/4/2017 @ 12:56 pm

    That would be Valerie Jarrett… wink wink, nudge nudge.

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  219. From Althouse:

    “I hope Susan Rice was keeping tabs on Trump’s Russia ties.”
    By Michelle Goldberg at Slate.

    I love the way the messaging turns on a dime.

    One minute it’s ridiculous to think that the Obama administration was doing surveillance on the Trump campaign. The next minute the Obama administration was doing the right thing if it did surveillance on the Trump campaign.

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  220. Sammy

    Good write up of events on Flynn but you are forgetting about his relationship with Turkey, and the Op-Ed he wrote for The Hill which was truly alarming for most people. Just bad policy.

    Rae (2fd998)

  221. Running out of pullable fingers, Sammeh! Just sayin’…

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  222. 234… remarkable, AZ Bob! Who knew?

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  223. If Team Obama can’t prove the intent was pure of heart then they are guilty of violating the Constitution.

    No, there’s a presumption of innocence.”

    Where is the presumption of innocence for Trump, or is just talking to a Russian cause for investigation?

    This was obviously a fishing expedition, not some noble effort to stop a suspected crime.

    Leon (168f33)

  224. Looking more closely…

    …does not menton who was intercepted but indicates the New York Times’s suspicion that one of the people whose calls were intercepted was Paul Manafort. They also think Roger Stone and Carter PAge might have been under investigation.

    A later article:

    …does mention Paul Manafort as being eavesdropped on:

    The officials said that one of the advisers picked up on the calls was Paul Manafort, who was Mr. Trump’s campaign chairman for several months last year and had worked as a political consultant in Ukraine. The officials declined to identify the other Trump associates on the calls.

    It also says:

    The F.B.I. has closely examined at least three other people close to Mr. Trump, although it is unclear if their calls were intercepted. They are Carter Page, a businessman and former foreign policy adviser to the campaign; Roger Stone, a longtime Republican operative; and Mr. Flynn.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  225. There was no unmasking in the January 20, 2017 New York Times article. It contains no names of Trump associates. Which makes it hard to understand. People even got confused about what kind of surveillance was involved and where it happened.


    I haven’t read the article that you mention–but to Andrew McCarthy’s point in his latest article about this–he seems to say that Susan Rice, a seasoned political advisor–she would not have a hard time understanding the content of the discussions with the names of the Americans remaining protected. (masked)

    Rae (2fd998)

  226. But… but… but young master Leviticus sez nothing to see here… it’s just copypasta.

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  227. Leon (168f33) — 4/4/2017 @ 1:17 pm

    Where is the presumption of innocence for Trump, or is just talking to a Russian cause for investigation?

    Presumption of innocence on;y applies to conviction in a criminal trial. Civil trials have “preponderance of evidence” search warrants have only “probable cause”

    This was obviously a fishing expedition, not some noble effort to stop a suspected crime.

    It could have been a clumsy effort to stop a suspected crime on the part of some people, and an attempt to find somwething that could be used to claim guilt on he part of others. (in a fishing expedition you actually will only be satisfied with a real fish, not something that could be made to look like a fish)

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  228. Off to read that article Sammy.

    Is that the NYT article that originally online–had in the title– something about Trump being wiretapped? Supposedly the article that inspired Trump’s tweet?

    Then–later the NYT changed the title?

    Rae (2fd998)

  229. And it was well known that manager had been retained by Ukraine, years ago. At the time of his hiring. What comes ttue is that line felt attributed to nixon, is morr applicable to obama’s cabal

    narciso (dbf1dc)

  230. Rae @240, Yes, because the viel was kind of thin in some cases. In many indictments, after all, we know who the people they are talking about are. But Andrew McCarthy is talking about the material Susan Rice got from the NSA.

    The New York Times article might be taken as proof that some people were told names of people who were under at least a counterintelligence investigation but the article itself only speaks about “associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort” (in the context of being targets of a broad investigation into possible links with Russian officials)

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  231. THIS is CNN…

    “Why Is CNN Permitting Jim Schiutto To Offer Partisan Arguments on Behalf of Obama Administration Officials, Without Disclosing He Has Personal Relationships With Some of Them?

    I don’t mind that Sciutto is reporting on this story. You get leaks from sources. If those leaks are criminal in nature, they’re usually only offered to someone the leaker trusts not to burn them. That usually means some kind of personal relationship.

    So I understand that a reporter will frequently have a personal relationship with his source, especially if the revelation of the source could expose him (or very definitely her) to criminal liability.

    But why is he allowed to go outside his brief as a “reporter” and make opinion journalist arguments on behalf of his sources?”

    And why is he permitted to do so without CNN requiring him to make the most basic disclosures of his conflicts of interest on these matters?

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  232. Fake news.

    Chase the squirrel released from the Russia House. Dana has yet to credit alt.right Trump backer Mike Cernovich, the original ‘source’ who released this shiny object…

    ‘The president’s son says the man who promoted the lie that a child-sex ring operated underneath a Washington, D.C. pizza parlor deserves a Pulitzer Prize for “breaking” a story about Susan Rice.
    Donald Trump Jr. tweeted, “Congrats to @Cernovich for breaking the #SusanRice story. In a long gone time of unbiased journalism he’d win the Pulitzer, but not today!”‘

    The stink of Bannon roll-on in the handy-dandy Cernovich dispenser is all over this underarm smear. Add this sloppy Innes-styled move to it- putz Paul golfs w/Trump on Saturday; the story gets Bannonized by Monday and who calls for hearings on the hill– Paul. The circle is complete.

    Trump isn’t very good at this and whether a 70 year old billionaire will change his habits remains doubtful. His flamboyant behavior in the business world was usually dismissed as the eccentricities of the wealthy but if he was your daughter’s gym teacher he’d be under arrest. Morning TV talkers are now openly discussing the mental health of this man live, on air. Take off your partisan hats: he’s not well. And brush up on the 25th amendment. You can probably make book in Vegas there’ll be a ‘President Pence’ in your future before 2020.

    Looks like desperation.
    Smells like borscht.
    Tastes like… strawberries…

    “I’m sorry, Captain, but you’re a sick man.” – Steve Maryk [Van Johnson] ‘The Caine Mutiny’ 1954

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  233. Didn’t the Clinton Foundation take money from foreigners?

    AZ Bob (f7a491) — 4/4/2017 @ 1:00 pm

    We know for a fact the Obama administration that Sammy holds as a sterling example of integrity did as that why they turned off the credit card security on their donation site.

    NJRob (d585f2)

  234. Rae @240, Yes, because the viel was kind of thin in some cases. In many indictments, after all, we know who the people they are talking about are. But Andrew McCarthy is talking about the material Susan Rice got from the NSA.
    The New York Times article might be taken as proof that some people were told names of people who were under at least a counterintelligence investigation but the article itself only speaks about “associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort” (in the context of being targets of a broad investigation into possible links with Russian officials)
    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f) — 4/4/2017 @ 1:32 pm


    Yep–I was confusing the two.

    The second NYT article you linked starts with a nice algebra problem:

    WASHINGTON — Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials.

    Rae (2fd998)

  235. Forget about leaking Trump’s tax returns. The nation needs to see his medical records. If you get a chance, listen to Trump’s ramblings this morning at a business leaders meeting.

    Just listen to the what he says– word for word. It borders on incoherence. The synapses are misfiring.

    The man is ill.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  236. Yes…I first sensed that at a Louisville speech 2 weeks ago. Very slow delivery, almost slurred.

    urbanleftbehind (70f97c)

  237. 243. Rae (2fd998) — 4/4/2017 @ 1:26 pm

    Is that the NYT article that originally online–had in the title– something about Trump being wiretapped? Supposedly the article that inspired Trump’s tweet?

    Then–later the NYT changed the title?

    Yes, that article, but no, it didn’t change the title. The New York Times wrote a whole article about that and showed web caches.

    It always had two titles, one online and another in the paper.

    There were in fact two different headlines on the online and print versions of the article, which is typical. At no point was either headline altered.

    There was a second article that day about the controversy and they show how it appeared ona smartphone and how it appeared in the printed paper: (

    The New York Times also links to Andrew McCarthy correcting himself:

    I owe the New York Times an apology, and am extending it in this post. It corrects my column from earlier today, which I have asked NATIONAL REVIEW to withdraw. I accused the Times of altering the headline of an important report (pertinent to the so-called FISAgate controversy) in order to revise history in light of a shifting political narrative. I was wrong. The Times did not change the headline. Instead, the report has always had two different headlines — one in the print version of the paper and one in the version that appears on the Times’ website…

    …I assumed, erroneously as it turns out, that the version of the Times that appears online mirrors the version that appears in print — except, perhaps, for the correction of any errors that may be discovered after the print edition appears. It did not occur to me that the Times would give the same report a different headline depending on whether it appears in the print or online edition. I simply assumed that the website version’s headline had been changed sometime between the original date of publication (on which I assumed it was as it appeared in the print edition) and March 6, when I quoted the headline of the website version…

    By the way, Trump didn’t look at that article directly – that was one of Mark Levin’s sources.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  238. By all means, please focus more mainstream attention on Mike “White Genocide” “Pizzagate” Cernovich

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  239. Fake News… Robert Osborne is dead?

    Looks like pudding.
    Smells like horsesh*t.
    Tastes like… Canadian Club?

    “You are so goddamn smart. Except you ain’t.” – Eddie Dane [J.E. Freeman] ‘Miller’s Crossing’ 1990..

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  240. @255. See 17.

    recycled pablum
    canadian cannibal

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  241. 251. 252. Trump has been that way (limited syntax) for a whole year and more. He repeats himself.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  242. Do you have a link to Trump’s speaking? Could be he needs caffeine or some vitamins or to get rid of a cold.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  243. @257. You’re making an excuse for a symptom, Sammy.

    There’s something wrong with him and open discussion of same is increasing. He’s not well and needs some kind of attention/care– or meds– if not only for his own good, but for the good of the nation– and the world.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  244. #253 Sammy

    Did not know that info. thanks.

    Rae (2fd998)

  245. He’s not well and needs some kind of attention/care– or meds– if not only for his own good, but for the good of the nation– and the world.
    DCSCA (797bc0) — 4/4/2017 @ 1:55 pm


    Golly maybe The Left should stop stressing him out with the mass hysteria events.

    Rae (2fd998)

  246. NJRob (d585f2) — 4/4/2017 @ 1:38 pm

    the Obama administration that Sammy holds as a sterling example of integrity

    No, I don’t. Turning off the credit card security on their donation site is agood example of lack of integrity.

    My favorite story about 2008 campaign financing was John McCain and Barack Obama, in 2007/ at a time when neither of themm looked like they stood much of a chance of getting the nomination agreeing that if they both won, they would both take public financing for the general election.

    Then it actually happens, and Obama backs out.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  247. I think there are limits to what Obama would do.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  248. Like a red line.

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  249. @261- Flake News. Golly, the Freedom Kochus is now to his Left.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  250. I love folks who think “contact” and “collude” are synonyms. So dishonest or stupid. Shame on you for being so ignorant.

    And when you are on a “need to know basis” and you know but have no need, you are guilty of violating the 4th Amendment if you asked for the information.

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  251. DCSA


    Yes, Susan Rice is pure of heart.

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  252. @267. Blah, blah, blah.

    Fox News has cancelled ‘Red Eye.’ Your sources are drying up.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  253. I think there are limits to what Obama would do.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f) — 4/4/2017 @ 2:00 pm

    riding a girls bike in mom jeans thinking of reggie?

    mg (31009b)

  254. Susan Rice In The Crosshairs.


    “Horrible, horrible woman.” – Tatiana Romanova [Daniela Bianchi] ‘From Russia, With Love’ 1963

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  255. There is no Fourth Amendment in Moscow. Or Abu Dabi. Or Seychelles. If you don’t want to be overheard, reorded, and unmasked, don’t call there. And tell your buddies over there not to mention your name over the phone. Have them use a codename. Like Jason Miller or John Barron.

    nk (dbc370)

  256. how can the piggy bimbos at the fbi even begin to mount a serious investigation of this?

    they have no integrity and everyone thinks they’re corrupt and sleazy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  257. the fbi sure doesn’t work for the American People.

    mg (31009b)

  258. not the barest shadow of a whisper pertaining to lying slut susan rice besmirches the national soros radio homepage

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  259. @247 DCSCA “… the eccentricities of the wealthy…” reminded me of this clip:

    Tillman (a95660)

  260. what a shameful website

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  261. CSPCA is a shill for Russ Meyer’s estate…

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  262. 🦑🦑🦑🦑🦑
    Fried calamari

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  263. So NK is saying when I call overseas my 4th Amendment Rights no longer exist?

    Did I read his comment properly at #271?

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  264. “what a shameful website”, said Squid, who then turned, grabbed a Kleenex, his Costco bottle of Jergens and snuck another tug in before his mother called him upstairs for supper…

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  265. wow, I must have hit a nerve, haiku. You a redpiller? Man going his own way? Probably an incel based on that response.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  266. Did I read his comment properly at #271?

    Yes. Yes, you did. The Fourth Amendment protects your signal, whether wire or wireless, inside the border, but once it crosses the border it’s fair game as far as the Constitution is concerned. FISA was enacted to provide more privacy protection than the Fourth Amendment does.

    nk (dbc370)

  267. Davethulhu,
    Colonal (sic) Hack (sic) frequently fantasizes out loud here. Then he puts on his assless chaps, opens up his Milo Yiannopoulos scrapbook, gets the biggest cucumber from the refrigerator and a jar of a Vaseline ….

    nk (dbc370)

  268. Susan Rice told Andrea Mitchell that it was not uncommon for her as the NSA to ask for these unmaskings, which is not true. It is very uncommon and Americans need to know why she is lying about what she did. These are serious questions that deserve answers.

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  269. NK and his cukes. Little wonder he is single.

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  270. Squid… your fevered response indicates you were caught mid-tug. My apologies.

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  271. Blah, to further ‘splain, that’s why it mattered when Trump first twitted out that Obama “tapped” his “campaign headquarters”. A wire tap, without a warrant, inside the United States, has been illegal for as long as Trump has been alive.

    Which turned out not to be true, right?

    nk (dbc370)

  272. nk, You might find the January 2017 changes the Obama administration made to the handling and dissemination of Raw SIGINT IAW section 2.3 of EO 12333. Sections III and IV are particularly pertinent to the ongoing discussion. The paper trail will ultimately be determinative.

    crazy (d3b449)

  273. 139…Sammy, of course Rice knew she was lying about Benvhazi, and so do you. And so does everyone else with the brains of a pissant. Why make a fool of yourself by pretending otherwise?

    ropelight (8c52f8)

  274. I’m not a lawyer, but the federal government does not “wiretap” per se anymore, as ALL conversations, social text, from any device connected to the internet and from ANY phone is already captured and stored on a drive and archived somewhere. All that’s required is a court order, which allows access to that data.

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  275. The data is stored in Utah. And, it’s only private citizens who need a court order, Democrat party government officials are exempt from such regulations and the paper trails they generate.

    ropelight (8c52f8)

  276. #283 I was not aware the 4th Amendment was there to protect wires. I always thought it was there to protect me.

    Like illegal search and seizure of my papers (communications).

    So as far as I can see they are searching and seizing my communications without a warrant and if under FIsA unless I am being investigated my name is to be removed from the data.

    So, not such WTF where the wires are makes a difference.

    But me thinks you are making things up and conflating to try and prove a point.

    Blah Blah (44eaa0)

  277. That’s what the man gets paid to do, blah blah. Truth is of little concern.

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  278. @291. Utah is somewhere.

    “Phone company has facilities for its long lines in Utah. ” Jiggs Casey [Kirk Douglas] ‘Seven Days In May’ 1964

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  279. More to the point, it is highly unusual for an NSA – Susan Rice – to do what she’s done and she’s further compromised herself by lying about it after the fact. It doesn’t get much more brazen than that.

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  280. We have more than a few lawyers that comment here who have a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome and it affects their cognitive functions.

    Wow ! Tell it like it is !

    I might even come back someday if sanity returns.

    As it is I stop by to check the temperature every few days. If it ever gets back to normal, I’ll come back

    Mike K (f469ea)

  281. Me thinks that if Trumpkins were interested in reality they wouldn’t be Trumpkins and Trump would not be in the White House. I keep forgetting that.

    nk (dbc370)

  282. All this ginned up fuss – from lawyers (among others, no less) about the inarticulate Trump complaining about being “wiretapped” seems to dance around the fact that technology and policies have rendered that practice quaint and obsolete, as far as the Feds are concerned. Why not just come out and say it, instead of this narcissistic mincing about Trump?

    If I’m misstating what I believe to be obvious, please correct me.

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  283. @296 It’s unprecedented. That’s likely why the Obama gang felt the need to rewrite the procedures for handling and distribution of this stuff to conform with their actions under the cover of aiding the counter-intel/counter-terrorist cause.

    crazy (d3b449)

  284. Great point, crazy. They never really expected Trump to win, did they? We’ll see if this leads anywhere. If it doesn’t… well, that will be a sad statement in and of itself.

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  285. I don’t believe voice data is ordinarily stored anywhere (unles you leave a message)

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  286. North Korea has fired another missile into the Sea of Japan; Syria has used chemical weapons on women and kids… a scout troop’s short a child, Putin’s due at Idlewild… Donald J. Trump where arrrrrrre you?

    “I’m talkin’ to myself. You know what I mean?” – R. P. McMurphy [Jack Nicholson] ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’ 1975

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  287. @301. The lesson from Watergate and Lewinsky for corrupt pols is your fate ultimately lies in the hands of your own party no matter how much your political enemies are determined to bring you down. As the evidence of their perfidy mounts we’ll see if their allies want to go down with them. I left the SCIF 20 years ago but remain convinced the audit trail will tell us who knew what when but it’ll take a little time to unmask the multiple “current and former administration officials” who were so determined to push protected information to a willing press. Keep the faith Colonel. Look at how quickly the truth changes the meme.

    crazy (d3b449)

  288. so determined to push protected information to a willing press

    Accountability is hard. Why is it a bad thing if we the people know what Trump is up to?

    unmask the multiple “current and former administration officials” who were so determined

    Oh my bad you get it when it comes to political enemies being exposed to the light.

    In other words, you’re exactly the same as Susan Rice.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  289. 305… shorter CSPCA…


    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  290. North Korea has fired another missile into the Sea of Japan; Syria has used chemical weapons on women and kids… a scout troop’s short a child, Putin’s due at Idlewild… Donald J. Trump where arrrrrrre you?

    I’ll give Trump a bit of understanding on this because his predecessor was ridiculously weak on the international stage. Trump has failed hard on his “muslim ban” and his revise and rename Obamacare plan, so I’m not hopeful he’s going to find a way to make the world peaceful, but that’s not really his fault either.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  291. Some reports that Rice had been doing this for nearly a year and that others were involved. The story is unfolding.

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  292. I mean Trump can’t even figure out how to style his hair. I can hardly expect him to figure out North Korea.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  293. @308. Tarter, Colonel:

    “… STRAWBERRIES!!!!” – Whittaker [James Edwards] ‘The Caine Mutiny’ 1954

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  294. 306… yes, I remember back when the staunchest defenders of Dick Nixon finally had the realization that it was over, crazy. And that was a second-rate burglary compared to what has been alleged in this instance.

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  295. 312… I like that, mg. Rice is the new orange?

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  296. thats a knee slapper, dustin, reminds me of a hee-haw re-run.

    mg (31009b)

  297. The top of his game, mg! Where does he go from here?

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  298. The Colonel asked:

    317.The top of his game, mg! Where does he go from here?
    Colonel Haiku (79ca52) — 4/4/2017 @ 5:24 pm

    My response:

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  299. Is think the last one who had any clue, was Douglas macarthur

    narciso (d1f714)

  300. @309. Not to worry. Don’t you know?; Jared can fix anything and everything.

    “You shouldn’t be reading that, it’s personal.”- Gary Glass [Mark Blum] ‘Desperately Seeking Susan’ 1985

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  301. No soup for him, Hoagie!!! LOLOL

    Colonel Haiku (79ca52)

  302. A sign that something big is indeed afoot is the establishment media has almost uniformly come to Rice’s defense.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  303. lol i got your anne frank center for mutual respect right here

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  304. Look, accountability is of critical importance. Why is it a bad thing if Americans learn what the Obama administration was up to?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  305. Amirite?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  306. Barely a month ago, the media told us it was absurd to say the Obama administration had spied on Trump. Now they say it would be absurd not to spy on Trump.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  307. “The media is basically annoyed because this is a distraction from their distraction about the collusion between Russia and Trump.”

    — Mark Steyn

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  308. “Susan Rice has apparently, as a practical matter, been surveiling Trump and associates for a year, which basically means since New Hampshire and Iowa which seems to me a very odd thing for a National Security Advisor to be doing and you can bet that if in that time they had found any kind of meaningful collusion between Trump and the Russians that it would’ve been leaked by now and it hasn’t because it doesn’t exist.”

    — Mark Steyn

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  309. “Let’s be very clear, there is no evidence the Trump campaign was spied on illegally.”

    — Don Lemon

    Just imagine if the Bush administration had done this to the Obama campaign in 2008. But yeah, no big deal.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  310. Crickets from #NeverTrump… they’ve been rocked.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  311. More than a year. Back into 2015, since he started saying kind words about Putin.

    I mean, Donald Trump said this:

    But, as far as the Ukraine is concerned, and you could Syria — as far as Syria, I like — if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night. [This is gibberish – SF]

    But, you know that.

    But, if Putin wants to go and knocked the hell out of ISIS, I am all for it, 100%, and I can’t understand how anybody would be against it…

    BUSH: …They’re not doing that…

    TRUMP: …They blew up — hold it….


    TRUMP: …They blew up, wait a minute…


    TRUMP: …They blew up a Russian airplane. He cannot be in love with these people. He’s going in, and we can go in, and everybody should go in. As far as the Ukraine is concerned, we have a group of people, and a group of countries, including Germany — tremendous economic behemoth — why are we always doing the work?

    We are — I’m all for protecting Ukraine and working — but, we have countries that are surrounding the Ukraine that aren’t doing anything. They say, “Keep going, keep going, you dummies, keep going. Protect us…”


    TRUMP: …And we have to get smart. We can’t continue to be the policeman of the world. We are $19 trillion dollars, we have a country that’s going to hell, we have an infrastructure that’s falling apart. Our roads, our bridges, our schools, our airports, and we have to start investing money in our country.


    BARTIROMO: Thank you, sir.

    Sammy Finkelman (07acc5)

  312. When Rice pleads the fifth, how long can she be jailed?

    mg (31009b)

  313. “Hey, is there anybody here tonight from Queens?”

    [lone applause]
    “You? Well, I’m from normal parents myself” – Ray (John Turturro) – Desperately Seeking Susan

    harkin (dde7a8)

  314. crazy (d3b449) — 4/4/2017 @ 5:05 pm

    The lesson from Watergate and Lewinsky for corrupt pols is your fate ultimately lies in the hands of your own party no matter how much your political enemies are determined to bring you down.

    If you need a 2/3 majority in the Senate to remove a president, that’s the case, of course. The lesson is not just for the target – the lesson is for his opponents.

    People will forgive leaks if the leaks were worth leaking, and even when they are not.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  315. mg (31009b) — 4/4/2017 @ 7:04 pm

    0 months, 0 days and 0 hours. It’s possible to be jailed for not testifying when granted immunity.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  316. Although if you listen to mensch, well she needs time in a nice facility.

    narciso (2cb936)

  317. Judge Napalitano on if Susan Rice did anything illegal [YouTube – Fox News 4/4/17]

    Reputation vindicated. Lazarus returned. Reconstituted. Refrocked.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  318. Reputation vindicated. Lazarus returned. Reconstituted. Refrocked.

    Do you even remember what Napolitano’s original claim was?

    Davethulhu (c75fb7)

  319. Some minds were already irretrievably lost.

    Witness CNN’s Don Lemon saying he would not discuss the unmasking actions of Susan Rice because he did not wish to insult the intelligence of his audience……

    He had no such concerns a while back when he ventured on his show the possibility that a missing airliner had flown into a black hole.

    harkin (f65e7e)

  320. “FLYING COVER FOR SUSAN RICE — AND, ULTIMATELY, BARACK OBAMA: Tom Shattuck: Establishment media wants to distract us from unmasking scandal. “President Barack Obama’s former national security adviser, Susan Rice, is caught like a rat in a glue trap and there is nothing that the establishment media can do but try to block your view. It’s not their best look, but it’s all they’ve got. Naturally, The New York Times and CNN led the pack.”

    What did President Obama know, and when did he know it?”

    Colonel Haiku (be4c6e)

  321. Absurdity is the mother’s milk of corrupt Democrats and their witting accomplices in the media when caught redhanded blatently undermining the foundations of American representative government.

    ropelight (8c52f8)

  322. Lock her up!

    ropelight (8c52f8)

  323. America is not long for this world if her leaders commit felonies and misdemeanors and are allowed to get away with it.

    Colonel Haiku (be4c6e)

  324. The queen and her hive. Happy warriors in the service of the American people.

    crazy (d3b449)

  325. There’s a big story today about Syria using chemical weapons, not chlorine but nerve gas which they were supposed to have destroed and everyone is missing the most important part of the story: The target was an opposition hospital.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  326. For once I wish republicans could be like democrats and take control of the talking points. Republicans need to be aggressive attacking Rice. Every republican spokes dope should be hammering this issue. This is not a drunk driver getting caught the first time driving drunk. This is a habitual lying criminal that should be doing time. Lock her up – for starters.

    mg (31009b)

  327. Thhe talking points have got to be honest.

    Not things like theer are 23 sources that say GCHQ bigged or tapped Trump Tower. Somebody put that out, om a way where if you follow it up, the claim disappears.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  328. And they should stop saying the Benghazi “spontaneous attack” story was invented in the white House by Obama or his people. It came from the CIA.

    Sammy Finkelman (ca4c0f)

  329. Sammy, Susan Rice’s series of Sunday TV appearances forever indelibly mark her as the face of the Obama Administration’s Benghazi cover-up.

    She’ll never live down those despicable lies, nor will the fact that an innocent scapegoat was callously jailed – in furtherance of Obama’s criminal conspiracy to evade responsibility for turning his back and leaving Americans to be killed by Islamic thugs – fade from the record of the most anti-American Administration history.

    ropelight (163351)

  330. 355. ropelight (163351) — 4/6/2017 @ 4:08 am

    Sammy, Susan Rice’s series of Sunday TV appearances forever indelibly mark her as the face of the Obama Administration’s Benghazi cover-up.

    She’ll never live down those despicable lies,

    yes, but she believed it was the truth or at least possible.

    nor will the fact that an innocent scapegoat was callously jailed –

    He wasn’t innocent – and he was part of the conspiracy.

    Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42)

  331. Obama’s criminal conspiracy to evade responsibility for turning his back and leaving Americans to be killed by Islamic thugs – fade from the record of the most anti-American Administration history.

    Criminal huh?

    What do you know that 7 different hearings didn’t reveal?

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  332. Obama’s criminal conspiracy to evade responsibility for turning his back and leaving Americans to be killed by Islamic thugs

    Did they ever even tell us what Obama was doing that night? As far as I know, no one has ever explained.

    There’s compelling evidence that the military was responding and called off without any clear reason. They simply gave up.

    None of that is on Hillary. She wasn’t president. But I do place on Hillary responsibility for failing to address the situation before this attack happened, when help was requested, and also afterwards, when she lied to the American people repeatedly.

    There are some who said after these events that Hillary was a great secretary of state. Our president is among them. I take from this that the people in high places want a climate of covering for eachother instead of accountability.

    But I will say I’m delighted about the so-called “unmasking” of Trump’s advisers who were in bed with Russia. I want more accountability. I think the folks who wanted Hillary’s emails exposed should also want Trump’s secrets exposed as well. These guys need to operate transparently and I think Susan Rice was doing the right thing, perhaps for the wrong reasons.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  333. Several times during that night, they thought the attack was all over. Maybe four times. They were also getting unreliable promises from the Libyan government, which they relied on. They thought they could quickkly get all U.S> personnel out, and the ambassador or his body. Those are the embarassing things. Theer were also perceived legal restrictions. It required presidential authoirzation to cross an international border.

    Obama went to sleep at a time when no action was going on.

    His big conversation that night was with Benjamin Netanyahu, whom he wanted to assure the situation in Egypt was all right. Netanyahu already knew that and turned the coversation toward Iran’s nuclear program.

    This has been revealed by the timeline in the newspapers, but not too clearly.

    Sammy Finkelman (1df645)

  334. Did they ever even tell us what Obama was doing that night? As far as I know, no one has ever explained.

    If you listen to Sean Hannity, Obama was watching everything unfold, while cackling and sipping an arugala smoothie.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  335. What somehow many many people ahev missed about Benghazi (and the Democrats on the Intelligence committee aren’t interested in clarifying this) is:

    1) The Obama Administration started out pretty close to the truth, although a bit cautious, but their interpretation of what happened got further and further away from the truth as the week went on.

    Susan Rice was maybe the only person gullible enough to believe that version of the facts, or beleive it was possible.

    2) The story that the attack was sparked by a video did not originate in the White House, but with the CIA! Although the CIA claims they never said a video, they only said spontaneous, and indeed they probably avoided being that specific.

    3) The CIA itself got it from the perpetrators, and some foreign intelligence agencies. The foreign intelligence agencies were prrobably pushing the story that it was spontanous because they were themselves guilty of sponsering it in order to prevent the U.S. for buying up weapons to PREVENT them from getting to the syrian rebels. Killing Ambassador stevens was an attempt top prevent him from stopping them – they chased the CIA out of Libya because Obam’s first reaction was to pull everyone out, but Stevens had succeded diplomatically, and the weapons were still impounded in Turkey.

    4) The maker of the video was not honest. He told a bunch of lies, including that he was Jewish and taht Jews were financing his movie, (I wonder who would want that idea around?) and about what the movie was about. He told some people it was about persecution of Egyptian Copts but the title was “Innocence of Muslims” and he lied to the actors. He was probably working for the Moslem Brotherhood or one of its sponsers or offshoots. He lied in fact, about a movie existing! since there doesn’t seem to have bene anything but the trailer uloaded to YOUTube on July 2, 2012.

    The trailer indicated it was a life of Mohammed and showed Mohammed to be a bad person.

    5) The video was one of a number of cover stories the terrorists had prepared. Others were revenge for killing al Libbi, and the fact that it was Sept 11. Also that Ansar al Sharia (supposed to be a purely local LIbyan organziation) had done it. Ansar al Sharia claimed responsibility, and then took it back, and the CIA accepted their retraction on the grounds of, well, who’s running their Facebook page anyway? Could be nobody connected with anything.

    6) When this cover story seemed suprisingly to be getting some traction, real demonstrations that weer indeed against the video were organized all throughout the Islamic world, peaking around Friday.

    Sammy Finkelman (1df645)

  336. If you listen to Sean Hannity,

    I’d rather eat my own head, but the dishonesty of alt-right pundits aside, Obama’s conduct relating to Benghazi was extremely derelict and unaccountable.

    Several times during that night, they thought the attack was all over. Maybe four times.

    I’m not suggesting you’re saying otherwise, but when you send men into harm’s way and they need backup, you send backup. You don’t call backup off because maybe it’s over. You let the backup get there and you keep some hope alive. That’s the American way, or at least it should have been. The one nagging reason I didn’t support Hillary in 2016 was she was part of a group that left men behind. I consider that evil.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  337. Dustin (ba94b2) — 4/10/2017 @ 2:39 pm

    Obama’s conduct relating to Benghazi was extremely derelict and unaccountable.

    Obama never explained what he did wrong – mainly errors in judgment, and especially failing to correct the errors in judgement – at least – that others made. He preferred to have fallacious but rebuttable accusations be made instead.

    SF: Several times during that night, they thought the attack was all over. Maybe four times.

    I’m not suggesting you’re saying otherwise, but when you send men into harm’s way and they need backup, you send backup. You don’t call backup off because maybe it’s over.

    Not maybe. They were certain it was qover. Then they were certain again it was over. Then they were certain for a third time it was over. And a fourth. They thought it was over because the attackers had reteraed, and because they supposedly dioidn’t know about the oher location. Of course the security had been penetrated.

    You let the backup get there and you keep some hope alive. That’s the American way, or at least it should have been. The one nagging reason I didn’t support Hillary in 2016 was she was part of a group that left men behind. I consider that evil.

    They didn’t leave anybody behnd. hey evvacuated everybody. They didn’t want to send more people into harm’s way.

    The U.S. government looked, or could have looked, at a minimum, very foolish. This was a picture Obama was not interested in clarifying. (“Nobody abandoned anybody – we were all just a bunch of fools,”)

    And maybe somebody was paid off because maybe there’s a limit to stupidity. I mean not so much the people who made decisons that night as others.

    One thing we still don’t know is what caused Ambassador stevens to rush tto Benghazi and who knew about that?

    Sammy Finkelman (1df645)

  338. There were actually two separate attacks. The first one at the consulate, that resulted in the deaths of Sean Smith and Ambassador Stevens, and a second attack at the “mission annex” about two hours later, that resulted in the deaths of Doherty and Woods.

    Backup was never called off, and there was no “stand down” order. The closest situation to this was that not all security forces in Tripoli were sent to Benghazi, due to concern about leaving the embassy there unprotected. A marine security team was dispatched from Spain, but didn’t arrive until everything was over.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  339. No, the “mission annex” was attacked maybe two or three times. Doherty and Woods were killed maybe 6 hours after the first attack, after 4 am eastern time.

    Sammy Finkelman (1df645)

  340. Interesting, after all these investigations, we don’t have our facts straight.

    Sammy Finkelman (1df645)

  341. Davethulhu (fab944) — 4/10/2017 @ 3:26 pm

    due to concern about leaving the embassy there unprotected.

    It wasn’t just concern. There was disinformation. But yes, they thought the embassy in Tripoli might be the next target. But the terrorists were on;y interested inn Benghazi.

    Sammy Finkelman (1df645)

  342. Re: disinfromation. See, nobody in the whole U.S. government wanted to say “we were fooled.” Every decision and every analysis that everybody made was right. Obama’s only concern is that people put in the hours on the job.

    Sammy Finkelman (1df645)

  343. Sammy, I agree that it was a major f*ckup on the part of the Obama administration. A proper analysis after the fact would have been nice, but the whole thing was politicized from day one. Here’s a picture that sticks with me today:

    Here’s Mitt Romney walking away after holding a press conference in the aftermath of Benghazi. He’s overjoyed because this is going to make Obama look bad and increase his chances of winning the election.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  344. Sammy, I’m sure at some point they were certain it was over, but did they send backup before that point?

    If it were my people and it were within my power, everything I can send is going. If we can’t get there in time we can at least avenge, take back what’s ours, and strike some fear, but really there should always be hope that if you hold out long enough, Americans will be there as soon as they can.

    I do not believe that’s what happened.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  345. Dustin (ba94b2) — 4/10/2017 @ 4:15 pm

    Sammy, I’m sure at some point they were certain it was over, but did they send backup before that point?

    the first news that President Obama had of the attack was that it was over. (this was the attack on the mission)

    He gave orders to evacuate everybody. This pertained to the CIA “annex” since there was just about nobody permanently based at the mission.

    They sent some people to help get them out. Actuakly they kept running into obstacles and delays just to get that done. They were klied to about where the ambassador was. Anyway there was a small force sent to benghazi by chartered airplane I think. Their only misison was to help get the rest of the people out safely. a drone had also been sent to look at he scene )mainly the first scene)

    If it were my people and it were within my power, everything I can send is going.

    He wanted to get people out, and thought there would not be too much trouble. How many people do you need to send? Now the decision to just get out of there – to cut and run – might maybe be criticized – I mean theye were there for a reason (buying up weapons so that others could not send them to unapproved Syrian rebels – actually any Syrian rebels because Obama was not ready to give them serious weapons taht mught be turned in adifferent direction.)

    Anyway the idea was to get out of there before another attack could be mounted. It was assumed the attackers had beat a retreat.

    Sammy Finkelman (0c3646)

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