Patterico's Pontifications


Bill Nye the Science Guy Lays Some Transgender “Science” on You B*tches

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:49 am

This post has two videos that are just difficult to watch. You were warned.

The first is “Bill Nye The Science Guy” promoting a laughable grade-school quality rap about the wonders of transgenderism. “Versatile love may have some butt stuff” is among the lines you will hear in this wonderful little piece titled “My Sex Junk” — which The Science Guy introduces with this warm praise: “So you guys, this next thing, I feel, is very special.”

Watch the video, if you dare, to see the bow-tied self-declared Science Guy GETTIN’ DOWN to lyrics like “Who enjoys a Fleshlight in the cold moonlight?” Nye gushes at the end: “That’s exactly the right message, Rachel. Nice job.”

(I hope everyone gave it up for DJ Seahorse!)

I hope The Science Guy weighs in on a related critical topic of our times: whether it’s transphobic for a man to be attracted to a woman with lady parts:

Is it cissexist, or anti-trans, to say that you wouldn’t date a woman who has a penis? The answer is more complicated than you might think.

Fortunately for you, the complex aspects of this discussion are laid out by Riley J. Dennis, who explains to you why your natural biological urges are cruel and bigoted:

O brave new world, that has such people in ‘t!

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

100 Senators Invited To White House For Briefing On North Korea

Filed under: General — Dana @ 6:28 am

[guest post by Dana]

If, as the Trump administration said, “the era of strategic patience is over,” what do you make of this?

In an unusual move, all 100 senators were invited to attend a classified meeting later Wednesday at the White House to discuss the North Korea and its growing bellicosity.

Congressional aides told Reuters that the meeting was originally scheduled to take place at a secured room at the Capitol, but President Trump asked to move the meeting to the White House.

Salon reported that the meeting will occur in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building auditorium. It will reportedly be made into a “sensitive compartmented information facility”—which means top secret information can be shared. The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. ET.

Some aides on the Hill have expressed confusion about the circumstances of the meeting. Salon wrote, “this could be a preparation for war—or just a forced attempt at a pre-100 days photo op.”

The meeting will be attended by some of Trump’s top cabinet members, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson—who will chair the meeting– and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis.

While President Trump spoke forcefully about North Korea yesterday, saying that, “The status quo in North Korea is also unacceptable[.] The council must be prepared to impose additional and stronger sanctions on North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile programs,” and has both embraced and dismissed any sort of 100-day marker, we also know that this particular president knows a great photo-op when he sees it, or arranges it.


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