Patterico's Pontifications


Sad Irony: Women’s History Month Ushered In At Liberal College With Assault Of Female Professor Trying To Flee Violent Mob

Filed under: General — Dana @ 11:56 am

[guest post by Dana]

On Thursday, noted author Charles Murray was scheduled to speak at Vermont’s Middlebury College. Things went as you would expect when a guest speaker at an institution of higher learning seeks to challenge the views of college-aged individuals with left-left wing authoritarian issues. Unable to even listen to a different viewpoint and engage in rational debate with those who don’t toe the liberal line, they silence the speaker. Unfortunately, this shutting down of speech is usually followed by violence. And in this case, the mob violence led to a female professor ending up in the emergency room:

Charles Murray, a political scientist who has been criticized for his views on race and intelligence, was invited to speak on campus by a student group. He was greeted late Thursday afternoon outside McCullough Student Center by hundreds of protesters, and inside Wilson Hall, students turned their backs to him when he got up to speak.

College officials led Murray to another location and a closed circuit broadcast showed him being interviewed by Stanger, the Russell J. Leng ’60 Professor of International Politics and Economics.

As Stanger, Murray and a college administrator left McCullough Student Center last evening following the event, they were “physically and violently confronted by a group of protestors,” according to Bill Burger, the college’s vice president for communications and marketing.

Burger said college public safety officers managed to get Stanger and Murray into the administrator’s car.

“The protestors then violently set upon the car, rocking it, pounding on it, jumping on and try to prevent it from leaving campus,” he said. “At one point a large traffic sign was thrown in front of the car. Public Safety officers were able, finally, to clear the way to allow the vehicle to leave campus.

“During this confrontation outside McCullough, one of the demonstrators pulled Prof. Stanger’s hair and twisted her neck,” Burger continued. “She was attended to at Porter Hospital later and (on Friday) is wearing a neck brace.”

It’s instructive that neither the The New York Times, nor the The Washington Post mentioned the assault of a woman in their respective headlines. Instead, this act of violence against a woman was nearly set aside in order for both outlets to earnestly inform readers that their go-to arbiters of hate, the disreputable Southern Poverty Law Center, have determined that Charles Murray is nearly Hitler:

From the WaPo:

The Southern Poverty Law Center considers Murray a white nationalist who uses “racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority of the black and Latino communities, women and the poor.” Protests of Murray’s lecture forced the college to move it to another room.

And from the NYT:

The left-leaning Southern Poverty Law Center describes Mr. Murray as a “white nationalist” who uses “racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority of the black and Latino communities, women and the poor.”

This is the same Southern Poverty Law Center that labeled Ayaan Hirsi Ali as an anti-Muslim extremist, and included Dr. Ben Carson in their Extremist File (since removed after protests). This a group that even the FBI has rejected as an authority on hate groups.

And equally troubling is the view of the educated elites that free speech is conditional:

We are Middlebury alumni/ae who were disappointed, confused, and alarmed to learn that Charles Murray has been invited to speak at our alma mater. The Southern Poverty Law Center considers Dr. Murray a “white nationalist” who “us[es] racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by… genetic inferiority.” Why has such a person been granted a platform at Middlebury?

This is not an issue of freedom of speech. We think it is necessary to allow a diverse range of perspectives to be voiced at Middlebury. In college, we learned through thoughtful, compassionate, and often difficult discussions inside the classroom and out—conversations in which our beliefs were questioned and our assumptions challenged. We fully support the core liberal arts principle that contact with other intellectual viewpoints and life experiences than one’s own is integral to a beneficial education.

However, in this case we find the principle does not apply, due to not only the nature, but also the quality, of Dr. Murray’s scholarship.


When we were students at Middlebury, we felt it was our responsibility to ensure that perspectives like Dr. Murray’s were not legitimized by hollow appeals to tolerance and the power of “dialogue.” As graduates, we still feel that responsibility, and we expect that current members of the Middlebury community feel similarly obligated to support and protect the most structurally vulnerable amongst us. We believe in a Middlebury that invites, and pays, those guests who will most enrich the education of every student. We believe in a Middlebury whose students exercise their own constitutional rights to free speech and peaceful assembly by protesting this event.

Thus far, no search has turned up any major protests about the attack on a female professor by an ugly mob of intolerant bigots. Even Middlebury College president Laurie L. Patton gave the assault short-shrift :

Following the event, protests continued outside of McCullough as well. Unfortunately, one group of demonstrators aggressively confronted Mr. Murray and Prof. Allison Stanger as they left McCullough Student Center. That confrontation turned into a violent incident with a lot of pushing and shoving, and an attack on the car in which they were leaving campus. We believe that many of these protestors were outside agitators, but there are indications that Middlebury College students were involved as well.

I can only say that, given Professor Stanger being the victim of mob violence, and in light of this being a month that Congress has set aside to honor and recognize women, this comment from Hillary Clinton seems a fitting response:

I stand with the people gathered across the country tonight defending our values and our Constitution. This is not who we are.

(Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.)


28 Responses to “Sad Irony: Women’s History Month Ushered In At Liberal College With Assault Of Female Professor Trying To Flee Violent Mob”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (023079)

  2. Interesting post, Dana. I think we’re seeing who constitutes the true “Basket of Deplorables”.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  3. Actually, Dana, in their brief, splc actually cast doubt on hirsi ali fgm, without any evidence, this is the nature of the sponsors of the frau trek,

    narciso (d1f714)

  4. Time for good law abiding people to outnumber the bought and paid for Soros goons at these events. And it wouldn’t hurt to get out and meet some local like minded conservatives in your hood. I met some great people at a Mark Steyn speaking engagement a few years ago and still go out for dinner a couple times a year with them.

    mg (31009b)

  5. This is not who we are.

    LIAR!! That is precisely who you are. That is what the leftist control of “education” created. It is whet they teach. It is how they see other people. This is how an idiot like Hillary comes to call millions of Americans deplorables. This is what they are. And this is what they have made America into.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  6. I was not aware Murray advocated for restrictions on freedom based on race,which in my mind is what would constitute white nationalism.

    Harkin (39d859)

  7. Murray and Catherine Bly Cox penned a stellar book in 1989 titled Apollo: The Race To The Moon. Since then, Chuckie’s been on a 30 year downhill trajectory to Snickersville in Candyland.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  8. It never ceases to amaze that the criticism of Murray is always without substance or dishonest.

    Truly a great thinker who has been continually punished for exposing inconvenient truths (e.g the damage done by welfare not only to its recipients but society at large).

    Harkin (39d859)

  9. Once upon a time it was punishable to say the Earth revolved around the sun, now it’s punishable to say that one population is less intelligent than another, when the evidence is as clear and compelling for the former assertion as it is for the latter. This observation comes under of my motto: Tell the truth and run like hell.

    ropelight (de5f95)

  10. Hang in there ropelight, it’s the “Big Lie” syndrome. That’s why we can’t have a real policy on immigration. The very ideal of discrimination is racist yet the very idea of discrimination is our right as a country and our duty to preserve our culture.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  11. On an individual basis medians mean nothing. I consulted to a company whose workforce was a model of diversity and the smartest guy in the room was an African American with a HS diploma. But a 10 or 15% lower median IQ in a group that requires us to dumb down everything else so Bucky can keep up has major implications for any multi ethnic society. Doesn’t make any difference who Bucky is.

    Mel Pell (baf32e)

  12. Thank you for posting this, Dana. I saw the Charles Murray clip and was infuriated but just could not muster the energy to post anything.

    I watched the president of the university assure students that she strongly disagrees with Murray, who she said was there to promote his “latest book, Coming Apart.”

    Coming Apart was published in 2012. He has published two books since then. I read both. I doubt she’s read a damned thing by him.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  13. It never ceases to amaze that the criticism of Murray is always without substance or dishonest.

    Truly a great thinker who has been continually punished for exposing inconvenient truths (e.g the damage done by welfare not only to its recipients but society at large).

    Absolutely correct, Harkin. 100%.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  14. We’ve reached the point where one side thinks violence is okay if it’s on the side of “truth.”

    What happens when the other side reaches the same conclusion?

    NJRob (c94106)

  15. No she reads obscure Vedic texts and tries to tie them to feminism

    narciso (496253)

  16. The kids who go to Middlebury are rich kids who could not get into Yale of Dartmouth. Lots of Gender Studies majors.

    Murray was worried about high IQ students marrying each other and forming a mandarin class.

    That ‘s pretty much what happened. The trouble is that every 100 years or so, the Mongols come by and kick the sh*t out of the mandarins and those who relied on them.

    We’re about due.

    Mike K (f469ea)

  17. Greetings:

    Another day, another institution, another not so long march through. More to come.

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  18. More greetings:

    And how does that Potok guy from the Southern Poverty Law Center keep whatever that is balanced on his pinhead.

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  19. Mike K,

    I know you are a fan of Murray’s. I am too. He was treated shamefully here but that is nothing new.

    Patterico (3b6af9)

  20. What’s of particular interest to me about this situation is that these students attending this expensive private college, nestled far and away from the ugly and the profane of the world, are not directly impacted in any way by Murray’s theories. The college demographics show that the student population is overwhelmingly white, and with it costing $66,000 per year to attend, it obviously draws from a certain class of people, a certain privileged class, if you will. So given that, the I intense reaction to Murray, by both speakers and faculty, must have its roots elsewhere, such as their own guilt for their comfy perch. Thus they must object, and vigorously so, as a way to assuage their guilt by coming to what they see as the defense of, and in solidarity with, the needy groups they believe Murray maligns with his views. They, the privileged, will come to the aid of the unprivileged, who are obviously incapable of coherently thinking their way through such an intellectual minefield as social science and the bubbles we live in. Just more rank classicism.

    Here is a fun test similar to the one in Murray’s book, “Coming Apart: The State of White America 1960-2010″. You can see what sort of bubble you are living in.

    Dana (023079)

  21. I’m frankly surprised the NY Times even bothered referring to the SPLC as “left leaning”.

    Darren M. (b848ac)

  22. This is fascinating, the way an approaching train wreck is fascinating. These violent twits have absolutely no idea what thry are messing with. Violence is something THEY visit on other people. So, when somebody with some actual experience of real violence decides they have had Enough Of This Shit, it’s going to get comic, fast.

    C. S. P. Schofield (99bd37)

  23. The fact that president potter, Vedic feminist expert deferred to the splc is telling

    narciso (1eb231)

  24. 6.I was not aware Murray advocated for restrictions on freedom based on race,which in my mind is what would constitute white nationalism.
    Harkin (39d859) — 3/4/2017 @ 2:54 pm

    You are either feeding on or feeding into the ctrl-leftist propaganda. Advocating restrictions based on race is racism or white separatism but by no means white nationalism which is pride in one’s country by people who are white. When conservatives such as I presume you are go around parroting the left’s bastardized versions of words you help the left. Nationalism is no more than patriotism but the left is trying to twist it into xenophobia so white people will feel guilty about being patriotic. Stop letting the left define the argument by defining the English language.

    Next they’ll be claiming there are 56 “genders” and people can “trans sexualize” and a minimum wage is a “living” wage and health insurance is health care. Oh, wait!

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  25. 23 – “You are either feeding on or feeding into the ctrl-leftist propaganda. Advocating restrictions based on race is racism or white separatism but by no means white nationalism which is pride in one’s country by people who are white.”

    By that twisted thinking, blacks who exhibit pride in the one’s country are black nationalists, gays who do same are gay nationalists…

    As to torturing language, “presume you are go around” will have to suffice for today.

    Harkin (39d859)

  26. Here is a fun test similar to the one in Murray’s book, “Coming Apart: The State of White America 1960-2010″. You can see what sort of bubble you are living in.

    You got a 30!

    Patterico (115b1f)

  27. I got a 28.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  28. “14. We’ve reached the point where one side thinks violence is okay if it’s on the side of “truth.”

    What happens when the other side reaches the same conclusion?”

    Which side has the most guns & ammo?

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

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