Patterico's Pontifications


They Told Me If I Didn’t Vote for Trump…

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:09 pm

They told me if I didn’t vote for Trump, nothing would be done about ObamaCare, and the President would be happy about it — and they were right!

UPDATE: Dave had this exact same joke first.

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

The Patterico Music Project: “In Your Mind” Recorded by Jamie Woolford

Filed under: General,Music,Music by Patterico — Patterico @ 1:01 am

It’s time for Song #7 in the Patterico Music Project. The concept is simple: my favorite musical artists record cover versions of songs I wrote 25 years ago. You’ve never heard this one before. It’s another cover by Jamie Woolford. I told you all about Jamie here, in my post announcing his cover of “Alien Song.” Jamie has transformed this song into something I can’t stop listening to. Get ready to experience some major power pop that should have you bouncing around the room — assuming you have the volume turned up loud enough.

Press play now — and enjoy.

Tomorrow I’ll give you the lyrics. And on Thursday you can hear my original version.

Jamie has done two others. Stay tuned!

P.S. Those looking for previous entries in the series can find them here:

All can be accessed at my SoundCloud page at

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

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