Patterico's Pontifications


Government Can Pursue Death Penalty Against Moussaoui

Filed under: Terrorism — Patterico @ 9:31 pm

It looks like Judge Brinkema took my suggestion from this morning. (Or maybe she just happened to rule the way my post suggested. Whatever.)

5 Responses to “Government Can Pursue Death Penalty Against Moussaoui”

  1. Oh, come on, take the credit for yourself. I’m sure that she was on the knife’s edge, read this site, and decided that, heck yeah, she’d take your advice!

    Dana (3e4784)

  2. Seriously though, Dana, do you think that if not the judge the federal prosecutors might profit from advice from state prosecutors who routinely try dozens of death penalty cases every year? I only know what I read in the news but it seems that Moussaoui’s prosecutors are flailing around a lot.

    nk (06f5d0)

  3. Well, while I’d prefer that no one sought the death penalty, your point could be a valid one.

    But it is true that there isn’t really anyone with a lot of experience in prosecuting death penalty cases at the federal level.

    Dana (3e4784)

  4. I don’t know that we can blame the prosecutors for what this TSA lawyer did.

    Patterico (59bfb8)

  5. TSA: Totally Screwed A…….! Can anyone at this agency do anything right?

    Another Drew (a28ef4)

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