Patterico's Pontifications


Gazan Hospital Administrator Admits to Hamas War Crimes in Deliberately Putting Civilians at Harm

Filed under: General — JVW @ 12:34 pm

[guest post by JVW]

Not that it matters to those of us who knew this from the very beginning, or for those who will find no end of silly justifications to keep up with the fiction that Israel’s targeting of Gazan hospitals was illegitimate, but at least one key member of that evil death cult is now on record admitting the truth:

Ahmed al-Kahlout, the manager of the Kamal Adnan Hospital in northern Gaza, admitted during an interrogation with Israeli security forces that Hamas used the medical facilities to advance its military operations.

“I know 16 employees in the hospital — doctors, nurses, paramedics and clerks — who also have different positions in the Qassam Brigades,” Kahlout told Israel’s Shin Bet in a video clip released on Tuesday afternoon, referring to the military of Hamas. “They hide in hospitals because, for them, a hospital is a safe place.”

Kahlout, whose hospital is located in the Jabaliya neighborhood of northern Gaza, explained to Israeli security officials, “They [Hamas] won’t be targeted when they are inside a hospital.”

“That they will not be harmed when they are inside a hospital. Hamas has offices inside the hospitals. There are places for senior officials, they also brought a kidnapped soldier there. There is a designated place for interrogations, internal security, and special forces. Everyone has private phone lines inside the hospital,” Kahlout added.

Naturally the worldwide anti-Israel brigades will ignore this news or else deny the truth of the acknowledgement from Mr. Kahlout, who also copped to being a member of Hamas for over a decade and who has risen to a senior position within the terror organization. And even the more mainstream left as embodied by journalists from the New York Times and Washington Post, various academics and university administrators, and state department flunkies who reflexively take the side of Hamas over Israel are going to try to change the subject when this comes up with some dishonest formulation such as “Yes, we’ve always acknowledged that Hamas embeds itself among civilians, including the most vulnerable, but they are only forced to do this because of the efficient brutality of the IDF. And that is why we need an immediate ceasefire.” But the truth can’t be elided, and it’s absolutely indisputable now that it is Hamas who is the perpetrator of the worst sort of war crimes through their cowardly cynicism. May Israel at long last sever this snake at its head.


6 Responses to “Gazan Hospital Administrator Admits to Hamas War Crimes in Deliberately Putting Civilians at Harm”

  1. I mean it’s simply astounding to me that there are people who have insisted that the hospitals were not staging areas for terrorists, and there will continue to be some who do so even after this revelation, along with the IDF video verified by the NYT, which shows the extent of the tunneling system throughout Gaza City including passageways to and from the hospitals.

    JVW (76b335)

  2. While no country is perfect, Israel is obviously the moral actor here. I hope it can exterminate Hamas, and convince the Gazans that Israel has the right to exist.

    Only thugs and criminals hide behind hospitals and civilians.

    norcal (87e98f)

  3. It’s akin to the people who were angrily tearing down posters of the hostages, while hollering that there were no hostages and that it was a lie. When the slow release of some hostages began, those same pro-Palestinians became silent on the matter. Corroboration is a real bitch when you’re desperately trying to uphold a lie.

    Dana (932d71)

  4. Military necessity is a motive for violating the laws of war – it is not an exoneration. I suppose it what he says will be ignored, although it jibes with many other things that are known, on the grounds he was a prisoner when he said that.

    He probably admitted it because it was obvious (and he may have been caught in a lie) and as part of an effort to clear himself of more serious charges and maybe to gain credibility as to claims of ignorance., i.e. “I wasn’t in complete charge of the hospital.”

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  5. There was a Wall Street Journal editorial that described the type of justifications and the type of lies supporters of Hamas will try:.

    …. Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), celebrated Oct. 7 at an American Muslims for Palestine convention on Nov. 24. A damning excerpt was publicized Thursday by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

    American Muslims for Palestine then took down the full video, and Mr. Awad now claims a “hate website selected remarks from my speech out of context and spliced them together to create a completely false meaning.” But we got the video before Mr. Awad’s ally hid it, and here’s what CAIR’s leader had to say:

    “The people of Gaza only decided to break the siege, the walls of the concentration camp, on Oct. 7. And yes, I was happy to see people breaking the siege and throwing down the shackles of their own land, and walk free into their land, that they were not allowed to walk in. And yes, the people of Gaza have the right to self-defense, have the right to defend themselves. And yes, Israel, as an occupying power, does not have that right to self-defense.”

    The crowd applauded, and not a word in Mr. Awad’s speech qualified his pleasure with Oct. 7, justified as “self-defense.”

    Democrats and media have long treated CAIR as a primary political spokesman for Muslim Americans. In late October the White House invited Mr. Awad to convey Muslim concerns about the war to the President. In May the Biden Administration included CAIR as a partner in its Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. The White House has now removed CAIR from that document and condemned Mr. Awad’s remarks.

    On stage Mr. Awad accused Israel of buying “corrupt members of Congress,” concluding, “We have to free so many people from the shackles of AIPAC [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee] and its affiliates who have sold the soul of America.” Complaining of Mr. Biden’s betrayal, Mr. Awad asked, “For how much? It is for how much AIPAC and its affiliates have been controlling the U.S. government and the U.S. Congress. . . . Unless we free Congress, we will not be able to free Palestine.” …

    ….. “When we say ‘if there is no cease-fire, there will be no votes for you in 2024 elections,’” he said, “we started to see the tone changing—and the position changing.”

    Mr. Awad’s co-panelist was Osama Abuirshaid, director of American Muslims for Palestine, the leading sponsor of SJP on campus and an organizer of anti-Israel protests across the country. Mr. Abuirshaid told a rally Dec. 1: “What they alleged that happened on Oct. 7 turned out to be a lie. Most of the [Israeli] civilians were killed by their own army.” Will Democrats bend on Israel to people like this?

    Near the end of Mr. Awad’s speech, he said, “I ask young people: Be wise. You are not in Palestine. You are not in Gaza. The language there doesn’t work here.” You know, less on the Jews and violence, and more on human rights. He should have taken his own advice.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  6. Israeli snipers murder two catholic women as they walk to prayer convent court yard. Israels defense hamas started the latest round on oct. 7 so we get to murder innocent women and children too!

    asset (d341eb)

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