Patterico's Pontifications


White House Spokesperson Ignores Rise in Anti-Semitism (Update Added)

Filed under: General — Dana @ 10:37 pm

[guest post by Dana]

It’s interesting telling that White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre seemingly ignored a reporter’s question regarding President Biden’s concern about rising anti-Semitism, and focused instead on “hate-fueled” attacks on Muslims:

[Ed. I don’t know about you, but a surprise attack by a vicious terrorist group that left 1,400 Israelis dead seems in itself to be a hate-filed attack of any proportion…]

If I’m being charitable, perhaps Jean-Pierre didn’t hear the reporter’s specific mention of anti-Semitism. But that would be a b-i-g stretch, given her nodding acknowledgment of the question. Or perhaps she simply isn’t up on recent information, which points to an uptick in anti-Semitism since the Hamas terror attack on Israel:

A shocking new report suggests the number of antisemitic posts online increased 1,200% since Hamas began its terror attack in Israel on October 7 — with New York City emerging as an epicenter for this hate.

The Antisemitism Cyber Security Monitoring System found that between October 7 and October 10, at least 157,000 posts calling for violence against Israel, Zionists and Jews were made online, according to a survey obtained by the Jerusalem Post.

That represents a 450% increase from the four days before. It also represents a 360% increase when compared to the same period last month.

Separately, a report from the Anti-Defamation League found 347 messages on Telegram from extremists calling for violence against Jews, Israelis and Zionists in just the first 18 hours after Hamas’ surprise attack — up approximately 488% from the day before, according to USA Today.

FBI Director Christopher Wray said this about the rise of anti-Semitism:

“The threat is very much ongoing and in fact, the threat picture continues to evolve.”

Anyway, I scrolled through social media and easily found this post from today among others depicting ugly anti-Semitic rants and protests:

P.S. After Yashar Ali pointed out that Jean-Pierre gave an “odd” response, she jumped into action:

You go girl! With a little more practice, you’ll get there. In the meantime, Jews will just have to patiently suffer while you – and thousands of others – get up to speed.

UPDATE: after receiving backlash, including from Democrats, Jean-Pierre claimed today that she misheard the question:

“I did mishear the question,” Jean-Pierre said in a statement. “As I have footstomped many times from the podium and on the air, antisemitism is an abomination that this President has fought against his entire life; and I feel strongly about that work. That’s why, in the briefing room, I have blasted the repulsive increase in antisemitic rhetoric, conspiracy theories, and hate crimes in our nation, calling out that, tragically, this is a rising threat.”


17 Responses to “White House Spokesperson Ignores Rise in Anti-Semitism (Update Added)”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (932d71)

  2. It seems like a fair trade. Release the hostages and the humanitarian aid flows. That they won’t release all of them tells you exactly what Hamas thinks of its own people.

    And yes, Ms. Jean-Pierre is a joke, because antisemitism runs strong at both ends of the horseshoe.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  3. A 6 year old palestinian-american boy was stabbed to death in chicago in revenge for hamas killing Israeli children. A jewish woman in detroit was stabbed to death ;but police give conflicting statements. The rise of hate crimes is being fed by media agendas. I hope it doesn’t get worse ;but I feel it will. Biden is pro-Israel as is democrat establishment. The left party base is at best anti netanyahu for his corruption like me ;but not anti-Israel. The younger left have pro-palestinian attitude. Education is needed ;but we get propaganda instead.

    asset (3c29a2)

  4. She didn’t mishear the question. She answered it by lying and saying they don’t see a rise in credible threats (only the blind don’t see it) then doubling down on the administration’s preferred narrative that the real victims are the Muslims (implying who are the oppressors?)

    Reporter: “Level of concern right now about potential rise of anti-Semitism in light of everything that’s going on in Israel.”

    Jean Pierre’s response: “So a couple of things. Um look. We have not seen uh any credible uh threats. I know there’s been always questions about uh credible threats. Uh. And so I just want to make sure that that’s out there. But look, Muslim and those perceived uh to be Muslim have endured a disproportionate uh number of hate fueled attacks and certainly President Biden understands that many of our Muslim Arab, Arab American’s and Palestinian American loved ones and neighbors are worried about the hate being directed at their community.”

    NJRob (747d7f)

  5. NJRob (747d7f) — 10/24/2023 @ 9:32 am

    Is there a link for that quote?

    Sidenote: One form of ad hominem attack is to put all the “uh”s in a quote. What she said was bad enough, but to throw all the “uh”s in there is overkill, and detracts from the main argument.

    norcal (3d55fc)

  6. She knows her craft. She provides them content and narrative. The Administration’s narrative. She does not let them lead her with whatever happens to pop into their heads that day.

    nk (5bab49)

  7. That jumped out at me as well….like she’s a bumbler too

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  8. “It’s telling that White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre seemingly ignored a reporter’s question regarding President Biden’s concern about rising anti-Semitism”

    That’s an interestingly worded sentence. KJP is Biden’s chosen spokesperson, after all. If Biden was really concerned about anti-Semitism I would think he’d want to correct KJP, and he’s had plenty of opportunity to do so. There’s also the HuffPost story about a mutiny brewing in the State Department about Biden’s stance not being pro-Palestinian enough. Seems really odd for a president to surround himself with anti-Semites and still get so much credit for being concerned about it.

    lloyd (04571a)

  9. norcal,

    the link is in the weekend thread.

    NJRob (755274)

  10. I put the uhs because the media puts them in when they don’t like someone, but they edit the words when they cover for someone. It also shows she was thinking about what she was saying, but truly only passionate about muslim victimization.

    NJRob (755274)

  11. I’ve updated the post with news today:

    UPDATE: after receiving backlash, including from Democrats, Jean-Pierre claimed today that she misheard the question:

    “I did mishear the question,” Jean-Pierre said in a statement. “As I have footstomped many times from the podium and on the air, antisemitism is an abomination that this President has fought against his entire life; and I feel strongly about that work. That’s why, in the briefing room, I have blasted the repulsive increase in antisemitic rhetoric, conspiracy theories, and hate crimes in our nation, calling out that, tragically, this is a rising threat.”

    Dana (932d71)

  12. More likely, she had a number of canned replies ready, and what she said seemed to fit the most.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  13. There was a big (5,000 people?) “pro-Palestine” rally in Bay Ridge Brooklyn on Saturday. It had no permit, although there is a group called “Within Our Lifetime” that claims responsibility for organizing it. Their big slogan is: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” Some people in the crowd spat on police and more. (eggs fireworks and bottles)

    Sammy Finkelman (7a85f9)

  14. I know some of you are not fans of Kayleigh McEnany because of who she chose to work for, but I always admired how prepared she was. People made fun of her notebook, but usually it was because that notebook coming out often led to embarrassment for the questioner

    steveg (eef2c9)

  15. @13 I am an old fogey as I am still upset at the killing by hamas of women and children babies too. The young and minority left seem only concerned about dead palestinian children ( I am concerned about dead children on both sides.) They think Israel and its supporters are using their dead for political gain and don’t really care so why should they? I disagree their is genuine concern, even if some used the killings for political talking points while they recite their history of Israel. When you look into the abyss the abyss looks into you! Nietzsche.

    asset (7c9369)

  16. She didn’t ignore the rise in antisemitism, her deflection to abused Islamist is tacit denial. This is typical for anything she doesn’t believe in or is in denial of. For instance, right winger are terrorist, she believes that. Israeli’s are terrorist, she believes that. Palestinians are innocent victims, she believes that. Iran and China are trustworthy, she believes that.

    Rich (ddc02c)

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