Patterico's Pontifications


White House Spokesperson Ignores Rise in Anti-Semitism (Update Added)

Filed under: General — Dana @ 10:37 pm

[guest post by Dana]

It’s interesting telling that White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre seemingly ignored a reporter’s question regarding President Biden’s concern about rising anti-Semitism, and focused instead on “hate-fueled” attacks on Muslims:

[Ed. I don’t know about you, but a surprise attack by a vicious terrorist group that left 1,400 Israelis dead seems in itself to be a hate-filed attack of any proportion…]

If I’m being charitable, perhaps Jean-Pierre didn’t hear the reporter’s specific mention of anti-Semitism. But that would be a b-i-g stretch, given her nodding acknowledgment of the question. Or perhaps she simply isn’t up on recent information, which points to an uptick in anti-Semitism since the Hamas terror attack on Israel:

A shocking new report suggests the number of antisemitic posts online increased 1,200% since Hamas began its terror attack in Israel on October 7 — with New York City emerging as an epicenter for this hate.

The Antisemitism Cyber Security Monitoring System found that between October 7 and October 10, at least 157,000 posts calling for violence against Israel, Zionists and Jews were made online, according to a survey obtained by the Jerusalem Post.

That represents a 450% increase from the four days before. It also represents a 360% increase when compared to the same period last month.

Separately, a report from the Anti-Defamation League found 347 messages on Telegram from extremists calling for violence against Jews, Israelis and Zionists in just the first 18 hours after Hamas’ surprise attack — up approximately 488% from the day before, according to USA Today.

FBI Director Christopher Wray said this about the rise of anti-Semitism:

“The threat is very much ongoing and in fact, the threat picture continues to evolve.”

Anyway, I scrolled through social media and easily found this post from today among others depicting ugly anti-Semitic rants and protests:

P.S. After Yashar Ali pointed out that Jean-Pierre gave an “odd” response, she jumped into action:

You go girl! With a little more practice, you’ll get there. In the meantime, Jews will just have to patiently suffer while you – and thousands of others – get up to speed.

UPDATE: after receiving backlash, including from Democrats, Jean-Pierre claimed today that she misheard the question:

“I did mishear the question,” Jean-Pierre said in a statement. “As I have footstomped many times from the podium and on the air, antisemitism is an abomination that this President has fought against his entire life; and I feel strongly about that work. That’s why, in the briefing room, I have blasted the repulsive increase in antisemitic rhetoric, conspiracy theories, and hate crimes in our nation, calling out that, tragically, this is a rising threat.”


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