Patterico's Pontifications


National Archives Finds 5400 Pseudonymous Biden Emails

Filed under: General — JVW @ 3:00 pm

[guest post by JVW]

Not a good look at all for No-Malarky Joe:

The National Archives and Records Administration has confirmed that it is in possession of nearly 5,400 emails, electronic records, and documents containing pseudonyms President Biden used as vice president.

Legal non-profit Southeastern Legal Foundation filed a Freedom of Information Act request in June 2022 for the records. Those included emails containing the names Robin Ware, Robert L. Peters and JRB Ware, pseudonyms Biden used while serving in the Obama administration, according to House Republicans investigating Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings.

On Monday, the legal organization sued NARA to obtain the records, which it alleges could reveal that Biden shared confidential government knowledge with his son.

NARA confirmed the existence of thousands of records that include the pseudonyms in a June 24, 2022 email revealed as part of the lawsuit.

Recall that House Oversight Chairman James Comer has alleged that emails discussing Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine had been cc’d to Robert L. Peters. Defenders of the President argue that it wasn’t uncommon during the Obama Administration for senior White House officials to use secondary email accounts, and certainly we know that Hillary Clinton and even Barack Obama himself often ventured outside of official government messaging systems. But the number of different pseudonyms that Joe Biden is alleged to have used (at least one of which belonged to a Gmail account) is interesting, as interesting as the myriad number of shell corporations that his son set up in order to handle his assorted business dealings.

This may not turn into a smoking gun showing that Vice President Joe Biden actively sought to help his son make money in foreign countries, but it continues to hammer away at Team Biden’s protestations that they kept a wall of separation between the Old Man’s official duties and the Prodigal Son’s slick hucksterteering. The drip, drip, drip of unflattering information regarding Joe Biden’s actions is destined to further erode public trust in his honesty. More details are destined to come, even if the mainstream media does its best to ignore these developments.


46 Responses to “National Archives Finds 5400 Pseudonymous Biden Emails”

  1. Twenty years from now we will laugh at how much we let the Bidens get away with. One hundred years from now historians will be astonished at it, at least if we make it that long as a free society. Perhaps by 2123 it will be common practice for politicians to use their power to accumulate great wealth, just as it is today in other rancid parts of the globe.

    JVW (16048b)

  2. The penalty should be to release them all without regard to asserted privilege.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  3. One hundred years from now historians will be astonished

    Oh, I think they’ll work they way around to “following the George W Bush and Trump administrations, many norms had been damaged, including…”

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  4. Perhaps by 2123 it will be common practice for politicians to use their power to accumulate great wealth

    It was pretty common of yore, too. Witness Thomas Cromwell in Henry VIII’s service.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  5. I’ll repeat more or less what I said in the other thread.
    One, the emails further verify that Joe is a liar about having no knowledge of his son’s business affairs, but we’ve known for years that Biden lies and exaggerates about stuff.

    Two, are Biden’s phony email names illegal? I don’t know, but they’re certainly sketchy and non-kosher.

    Three, does this warrant further investigation? Yes, Biden is practically asking for this matter to be checked out.

    Four, all 5,400 emails and such should be made public, assuming none are classified. We won’t know how sketchy VP Biden was until we know the contents. If there is classified information in these emails, the whole thing should be handed over to Special Counsel Hur, who’s already investigating Biden’s classified document problem.

    Five, this is somewhat akin to Hillary’s home-brewed server, but we can’t know if Biden’s email issue is a more or less serious Hillary’s until we get an inkling of the contents.

    Six, the Dems are stuck with this too-old president who picked a too-incompetent vice president to replace him if his brain gets too befuddled. Sure, the GOP is on a descending track, given the frontrunner’s 40-plus point lead, but the Democrat Party is in similar descent if this is the best candidate they’re willing to put forward.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  6. How nefarious can they e if they’re in the National Archives?

    nk (f6795f)

  7. I know, I’ll ask John Barron, John Miller, and David Dennison.

    The attempts to tar Biden with the Trump brush would work better if there was any tar there.

    nk (f6795f)

  8. They are there in separate bins and someone looking for Biden’s emails won’t see them. Admittedly, Hillary was more proactive.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  9. The attempts to tar Biden with the Trump brush would work better if there was any tar there.

    I think it would be fairer to say that there is much more tar on Trump.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  10. If there is classified information in these emails,

    Then, um, WTF?!

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  11. Absolutely requires further investigation and agreed that non-classified ones should be released.

    I *can* imagine non-nefarious uses for a psuedonym — say you are a public figure and want to have chill conversations on a social media site about books — but the presumption should be that it’s not allowed and not good unless demonstrated to be.

    aphrael (4c4719)

  12. Show of hands.
    Who has read fewer books, Joe or Donald?

    steveg (7ad874)

  13. Now:

    emails further verify that Joe is a liar about having no knowledge of his son’s business affairs, but we’ve known for years that Biden lies and exaggerates about stuff.


    Yes, Hunter is a loser, a drug addict and probably a criminal. It probably does explain why his dad wanted to know as little as possible about his business.

    BuDuh (1bf0d3)

  14. @JVW Come on man!

    Hillary Clinton got away with it.

    Hell, Obama had a pseudonym during his term.

    Biden thought he could get away with it too.

    whembly (c88102)

  15. Who has read fewer books, Joe or Donald?

    Donald. Hands down.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  16. Wait until we find what names Trump was tweeting under.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  17. BuDuh (1bf0d3) — 8/29/2023 @ 5:16 pm

    You and I don’t actually know much Joe knows, but thanks for the trolling.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  18. Well said BuhDuh. Those who aren’t looking for the truth won’t find it.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  19. I have a work email, a personal email that has my actual name on it that I use for family, friends, and realname business stuff, and 3 screenname emails I use for stuff I do online in general, one for stuff I buy online, and one for gaming. Maybe there’s a problem, maybe there 5400 facebook notifications.

    Nic (896fdf)

  20. The truth is that Michael Cohen set up a shell corporation in the Stormy Daniels affair and Trump signed the confidentiality agreement as David Dennison, its agent, and it’s part of Alvin Bragg’s case, and that’s the truth.

    And another truth is that NARA knew Biden’s pseudonymous emails were Biden’s otherwise it would not have them, and who commits something nefarious under a pseudonym and then identifies himself to the government, and that’s one more truth.

    nk (a21cc8)

  21. You’re right, nk, NARA wouldn’t kept classified materials. I’ll take that part back.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  22. It was pretty common of yore, too. Witness Thomas Cromwell in Henry VIII’s service

    Right. But until very recent times we looked down on that practice as far as Presidents of the United States were concerned. I’m old enough to remember when Billy Carter took money from Libya and his older brother had to practically disown him. And I know there were always grumblings about Neil Bush’s business dealings and certainly Roger Clinton and the Rodham brothers give the Clinton Administration much grief, but even back then we still managed to react with outrage at the distastefulness of it all. I worry that one hundred years from now it will not raise an eyebrow if the President’s sister runs the largest international hedge fund or the President’s son is a major arms dealer who keeps landing lucrative government contracts around the world.

    JVW (4fcd57)

  23. @19

    I have a work email, a personal email that has my actual name on it that I use for family, friends, and realname business stuff, and 3 screenname emails I use for stuff I do online in general, one for stuff I buy online, and one for gaming. Maybe there’s a problem, maybe there 5400 facebook notifications.

    Nic (896fdf) — 8/29/2023 @ 5:59 pm

    Do you have a job that requires you to be transparent when using any emails while conducting “official business”?

    whembly (c88102)

  24. I *can* imagine non-nefarious uses for a psuedonym — say you are a public figure and want to have chill conversations on a social media site about books. . .

    Yeah, I’m not against it in practice either, though it does raise eyebrows that Joe Biden apparently used more than one. As far as we know, Hillary Clinton only had her or whatever it was. But if it is true that the pseudonyms were used to communicate information about Ukraine — which the President had given his Vice-President as part of his overseas portfolio — to Hunter Biden, who was of course working for a giant Ukrainian energy company, then I think we’re starting to look at an obvious and concerted effort to evade disclosure.

    JVW (4fcd57)

  25. KevinM.

    I’m guessing that Joe Biden is equally illiterate. Nothing Joe has said would make me think he’s read a book in the last 40 years. I will say that Joe probably read the newspaper on the train on the way into DC and drank his way out. I’m also guessing Chuck Schumer hasn’t read a book since law school

    steveg (7ad874)

  26. @whembly@23 My work emails are not private. They are part of official school records and are kept by the district. If I use personal email for school business and something happens, those emails may also become part of official school records. Anything I do using school internet or school servers is part of district records. We are told never to even bring our personal laptops to work unless they are dedicated work-only personal laptops because if we use them connected to the school wireless or servers, anything on them could theoretically become school records or be subject to the morality clause.

    Nic (896fdf)

  27. I’m confused why sending personal emails is a problem. In the NYPost article whembly linked in the other thread, the pseudonymous emails that showed up on H. Biden’s laptop were innocuous and exactly what personal and non-governmental emails should be used for.

    Nate (1f1d55)

  28. “The attempts to tar Biden with the Trump brush would work better if there was any tar there.” There should be enough tar on the Trump brush for everyone? Joe has been in Washington for over 40 years. If there is no tar on his brush, it’s because it was professionally cleaned. There is no way a guy with Joe’s situational ethic has no tar

    steveg (7ad874)

  29. A place I was working at, ages ago, suggested that we could work from home, using our personal computers. Then they started talking about joining them to the work domain and soon it became clear we’d be transferring control over them to the IT department and exposing all our personal content to the company.

    I declined.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  30. “And another truth is that NARA knew Biden’s pseudonymous emails were Biden’s otherwise it would not have them, and who commits something nefarious under a pseudonym and then identifies himself to the government, and that’s one more truth.”

    That’s a good point. Maybe a better point is that NARA received a FOIA request more than a year ago and had to be sued to reveal the existence of 5400 assuredly non-nefarious emails only now, because we needed to be protected from reading what are no doubt just cooking recipes and yoga class appointments.

    lloyd (95ea59)

  31. Yeah, if you sue somebody for something that means they’ve done something wrong.


    Bringing frivolous lawsuit is something Trump does more than he does anything else, and his remoras are no different.

    What next? Will they release the Kraken?

    nk (e80a4f)

  32. Sure nk. It’s frivolous to ha e to sue the government to force them to follow the law.

    How cute.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  33. The suit was filed yesterday. No judge has ruled on it.

    Sure, a true Southern gentleman would take the lady’s word for it (Kimberly Hermann, SLF General Counsel), but I’ll wait for the judge’s ruling.

    nk (e80a4f)

  34. I wont vote for biden or trump so I am unbiased and wont prejudge. Waiting for the smoking gun. Evidence that would stand up in a court of laws reasonable doubt. NJ Robb here is your chance to convince us Biden is not just corrupt ;but has actually broken laws. Which ones and how? Alright lawyers get ready to do battle I am sitting in the jury box.

    asset (42ca67)

  35. I have a work email, a personal email that has my actual name on it that I use for family, friends, and realname business stuff, and 3 screenname emails I use for stuff I do online in general, one for stuff I buy online, and one for gaming.

    Nic (896fdf) — 8/29/2023 @ 5:59 pm

    Same. After my second identity theft I closed everything, created a new gmail account with my real name, which I use only for relatives and close friends, and several pseudonymous others that I use for everyone and everything else. Maybe this is something, which we should obviously find out, but I’m not raising my expectations until I see evidence of wrongdoing, which by itself this is not. I’ve taken too much phony Biden Crime Family bait already. Fool me once….

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  36. If the FOIA says that NARA has to give anything they have to anybody who asks for it ASAP, then QED, the SLF’s case is cut and dried. Is that the SOP with the FOIA?

    nk (0d0323)

  37. Waiting for the smoking gun. Evidence that would stand up in a court of laws reasonable doubt.

    Says the guy who believes every bad thing he’s ever heard about a Republican.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  38. @37

    If the FOIA says that NARA has to give anything they have to anybody who asks for it ASAP, then QED, the SLF’s case is cut and dried. Is that the SOP with the FOIA?

    nk (0d0323) — 8/30/2023 @ 2:55 am

    FOIA cannot say, “No” without good reasons. I’ve yet seen a reasonable reason articulated by FOIA.

    FOIA cannot play games and slow walk it either.

    It looks like FOIA is engaging in the latter… hence the lawsuit.

    whembly (ce5f56)

  39. This looks like good oversight actions. The GOP is selling it as more then has been proven yet, but that’s normal for things like this.

    I’m eager to see what was in those emails and if Biden was attempting to circumvent transparency and record retention laws with this as well as what interaction he had with Hunter about his business dealings.

    Time123 (5ae6b4)

  40. Paul Montagu (d52d7d) — 8/29/2023 @ 4:02 pm

    One, the emails further verify that Joe is a liar about having no knowledge of his son’s business affairs,

    I don’t think he ever claimed that. He claimed he never discussed Hunter’s business with his son. People might not notice this very important qualification.

    Hunter told the New Yorker or the Atlantic once that Joe told him that he hoped he knew what he was doing. I think, overall. Hunter has been more truthful about this.

    Joe Biden also claimed that his son “did nothing wrong” which would imply he was in possession of all the facts – this was clearly meant for people paying only a small amount of attention to this, who might think from that that all the facts were available to the general public.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  41. Joe also claimed that Hunter made no money from something with China. I think he was talking about the 2013 deal, for which he had a case. he money came indirectly.

    but we’ve known for years that Biden lies and exaggerates about stuff.

    In 1987 we learned about what they called plagiarism, but it was really taking somebody else’s story. It became clear about 2019 that this continued – first with the forcing Ukraine to fire the prosecutor – Joe Biden himself conceded its implausibility when he told the tale by having other people express surprise (in both versions) that he could cut
    off a loan guarantee even though he was only vice president.

    And then more in 2020 – like the claim before the South Carolina primary that he was arrested in South Africa in 1977 for attempting to see the imprisoned Nelson Mandela – and even that Mandela thanked him when he visited the United States years later.

    the Democrat Party is in similar descent if this is the best candidate they’re willing to put forward.

    He actually is about the best. Most moderate.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  42. I wont vote for biden or trump so I am unbiased and wont prejudge. Waiting for the smoking gun. Evidence that would stand up in a court of laws reasonable doubt.

    Says the guy who believes every bad thing he’s ever heard about a Republican.

    Kevin M (ed969f) — 8/30/2023 @ 6:58 am

    Obviously I can’t know his mind, but he directs almost as much ire toward “Biden corporate donor class” Democrats as he does toward Republicans. And while I’ve never seen him utter a kind word for Biden, he does sometimes offer populist defenses of Trump. If I had to guess, he’s so far left that the horseshoe has brought him closer to Trump than he is to Biden. I don’t know how much I like the idea of asset sitting on any jury, but I see no reason to doubt he’d be as hard on Biden as he would on Trump.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  43. Hillary Clinton only had her or whatever it was. was her final address on the server, I think. (Hillary Diane Rodham)

    That Joe Biden had other email addresses has been known since the 2021 (comes from the laptop files)

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  44. @43: HE seems to believe all kinds of things about Nixon, Reagan and other Republicans without a shred of evidence.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  45. @45. True. But also Clinton, Obama and Biden. His program is hard left, but the only exemptions from imagined wrongdoing are populists at both ends.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

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