Patterico's Pontifications


President Biden And Gun Control

Filed under: General — Dana @ 5:15 pm

[guest post by Dana]

President Biden’s remarks made today about his executive order expanding background checks:

Last year, after the mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, I signed into law…the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act…Today, I’m announcing another executive order that will accelerate and intensify this work to save more lives more quickly.

First, this executive order helps keep firearms out of dangerous hands, as I continue to call on Congress to require background checks for all firearm sales. And in the meantime…my executive order directs my Attorney General to take every lawful action possible…to move us as close as we can to universal background checks without new legislation.

I just — it’s just common sense to check whether someone is a felon, a domestic abuser, before they buy a gun.

The executive order…expands public awareness campaigns about the “red flag” orders…So more parents, teachers, police officers, health providers, and counselors know how to flag for the — a court that someone is exhibiting violent tendencies, threatening classmates, or experiencing suicidal thoughts that make them a danger to themselves and others and temporarily remove that person’s access to firearms…

The second thing it does — the executive order ramps up our efforts to hold the gun industry accountable. It’s the only outfit you can’t sue these days. It does that by calling out for an independent government study that analyzes and exposes how gun manufacturers aggressively market firearms to civilians, especially minors, including by using military imagery.

And it directs the Attorney General to…publicly release Alcohol, Tobacco, and…Firearms inspection reports of firearms dealers who were cited for violation of the law. That way, policymakers can strengthen laws to crack down on these illegal gun dealers and the public can avoid purchasing from them.

Third, the executive order improves federal coordination to support victims, survivors, and their families and communities affected by mass shootings the same way FEMA responds to your natural disasters…all around the nation…


17 Responses to “President Biden And Gun Control”

  1. President Biden also said that he is “determined once again ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”

    Dana (1225fc)

  2. His executive orders are not the boss of me.

    It does that by calling out for an independent government study that analyzes and exposes how gun manufacturers aggressively market firearms to civilians, especially minors, including by using military imagery.

    Well, that “independent government study” sure got it’s conclusion written for it, eh?

    And it directs the Attorney General to…publicly release Alcohol, Tobacco, and…Firearms inspection reports of firearms dealers who were cited for violation of the law.

    Cited, mind you. Not found guilty. And it could be any citation, such as for a late report. But anyway, why does he expect the public would avoid purchasing from them? Tne people he’s speaking to don’t buy guns.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  3. It does that by calling out for an independent government study

    Will it be carbon neutral?

    nk (88e8b5)

  4. I’m trying to remember ANY push marketing campaign at all for firearms, much less one aimed at minors. I suppose one could claim pull marketing using military imagery is done at sites like this one but blaming them for using military imagery when the place is veteran owned seems a stretch. Also don’t know how this marketing to minors thing works? I’d say Hollywood has done more to glorify military replicas than anyone. Hollywood replica weapons in the hands of the good guys never miss and never need reloading

    steveg (925487)

  5. Does anyone here oppose expanded back ground check? So far the posts are not about the back ground checks ;but other things that don’t have anything to do with back ground checks.

    asset (afb23e)

  6. What I oppose is delays in obtaining a gun. For every suicidal idiot, there is a woman who needs protection against a violent ex, or some other reason why they suddenly need a firearm.

    Remember, the point of a firearm is not to mow down people in a club, but to secure your own protection,m something that happens 100s of times daily with little press. Most of the time it’s simply having the gun that stops the violence. And not having it doesn’t.

    If the background check was done by, say, American Express, it would be quick and more accurate. Instead it’s done by people who cannot get a job elsewhere, in their own time, on business days not ending in Friday. And apparently, given the bozos they let have guns, it’s not too useful.

    Oh, and Biden has no authority to add new rules on the populace.

    But otherwise I’m OK with it.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  7. There’s a fatal conceit by most people on the left, that assumes that government has the knowledge and competence to any job that’s assigned to it.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  8. OT: When will the people of California decide to dump the incompetents they keep electing to office?

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  9. @8 answer the democrat establishment want the “safe establishment woke democrats” like newsom, swallwell, schiff and other corporate stooges with donor money behind them. The democrat party is still dealing with bernie and the squad. The democrat voters want hard left candidates the establishment want woke liberals who are not a threat to the corporate state. Gun control liberals not antifa and john brown gun club and black and brown militants saying the people need to be armed to shoot back at racists and fascists not gun control. Its all about controlling the poor and non white. The first major gun control law in california was signed into law by reagan to stop the black panthers protecting black people from the police.

    asset (afb23e)

  10. @5

    Does anyone here oppose expanded back ground check? So far the posts are not about the back ground checks ;but other things that don’t have anything to do with back ground checks.

    asset (afb23e) — 3/14/2023 @ 10:17 pm

    What do you mean by “expanded”?

    Biden, nor any gun control advocate has offered any concrete plans that would fall under “expanded” background check.

    You have 2 types of gun sales: 1) from gun dealers and 2) from private individuals.

    1) you must already pass a background check.
    2) while this group doesn’t do background check, the SELLER is still on the hook if firearms is sold to prohibited possessors.

    whembly (d116f3)

  11. Does anyone here oppose expanded back ground check? So far the posts are not about the back ground checks ;but other things that don’t have anything to do with back ground checks.

    asset (afb23e) — 3/14/2023 @ 10:17 pm

    whembly got in line ahead of me so I’ll take a different direction.

    Does anyone here oppose POTUS dropping such a bald faced lie?

    A more correct phrasing of what this EO does is call for more anti-2a propaganda. I wish him the best of luck with that. If the Bidenites believe this actually does anything substantial then all the better. Why would I argue about something that isn’t happening?

    frosty (48bb1c)

  12. @9 Bernie and the squad are controlled opposition. They’re given just enough room, and press, to appease the hard left. And before you say they better be careful or the De will get a Trump situation you might want to look into that whole superdelegate thing.

    For what it’s worth, I’m 100% in favor of black and brown (and yellow and red and whatever other colors we have) safely and legally exercising their 2a rights. Guns should be less expensive, we should have gun safety classes in public schools, and we should promote safe and responsible gun use through organized shooting competitions at the middle and high school levels.

    frosty (48bb1c)

  13. “Dear Presitent Biden: I just wanted to tell something not fair to ladies. Men are getting more money then girls, think you should fit this Since your the presitent. Even I’m achild and I think We Should do Something.”

    Given the misuse of the word “then”, I have my suspicions about who wrote this.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  14. “stop the black panthers protecting black people from the police.”

    Prohibiting open carry is not exactly the same as leaving people defenseless. Also, the Black Panthers ambushed a number of cops, so let’s not deceptively pretend that they were altruistic guardian angels. They were thuggers and murderers.

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  15. @14 Law enforcement ambushed a number of black panthers so I get to bring up Fred Hampton and Mark Clark again. Thanks.

    asset (11373f)

  16. @12 Bernie maybe ;but the ever expanding squad terrify the democratic law makers especially in deep blue districts. 2018 squad. 2020 bowman and bush and probably others. 2022 NY establishment decimated. Carolyn maloney, sean patrick maloney and the non entity that george santos defeated. 2024 more primarying democrat establishment stooges. Hopefully jessica cisneros lost by only 122 votes in 2022.

    asset (11373f)

  17. Nikolas Cruz, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooter, was able to buy his AR-15 legally because, despite several times the Broward County Sheriff’s Department was called on him, he was never arrested or charged with anything, leading to a clean record. The Broward County School District knew, and had the evidence, that young Mr Cruz committed an in-school assault, but, unwilling to put him in the so-called “school-to-prison pipeline,” they declined to refer a felony to law enforcement, so Mr Cruz had a clean record when he went to buy his weapon.

    Anderson Aldrich, the Club Q shooter, was involved in a standoff with police, but was never prosecuted, and despite Colorado having a ‘red flag’ law, no one ever reported Mr Aldrich as a potential danger.

    Background checks can only work if law enforcement is vigorous and serious about past activity.

    The libertarian, but not Libertarian, Dana (53cee2)

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