Patterico's Pontifications


Weekend Open Thread

Filed under: General — Dana @ 9:47 am

[guest post by Dana]

Let’s go!

First news item

As he pledged increased support from the U.S., Secretary of State Antony Blinken summed up the ongoing war in Ukraine at the UN Security Council: “If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends.” Not in attendance at this particular meeting: Sergey Lavrov.

Meanwhile, the sham voting about whether the occupied regions in Ukriane should become part of Russia began today: “Luhansk, Kherson and partly Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk regions asked residents if they want the areas to be part of Russia.”

Reports say that Russian collaborators are going door to door in some places to make sure that residents vote. In some cases, a masked police officer carrying an assault rifle accompanies them.


Luhansk Gov. Serhii Haidai accused Russian officials of taking down the names of people who voted against it. In online posts, Haidai also alleged that Russian officials threatened to kick down the doors of anyone who didn’t want to vote and shared photos of what appeared to be a pair of deserted polling stations.

President Zelensky points out what has become more apparent than ever:

“Russia’s decision on mobilization is a frank admission that their regular army, which has been prepared for decades to take over a foreign country, did not withstand and crumbled.”

And from Dmitri Alperovitch:

Mobilization was always a very risky political move for Putin. But the utterly incompetent way in which it is being carried out—with terrible communication, contradicting criteria, grabbing of men on the streets, etc is likely to erode support for the war and for him personally.

Many Russians that have husbands, sons and fathers of mobilization age are completely petrified right now. Given that this may not be the last mobilization they are going to need to execute, the regime’s political fortunes could turn quite rapidly.

Yes, the brutal authoritarian security apparatus is still very strong and will work hard to suppress any dissent but one can expect people to grow more courageous when faced with the prospect of losing their lives or those of loved ones

The last mobilization conducted by the Kremlin was in 1941… We are truly in uncharted waters now and Putin’s future hold on power is now on the line

This is not yet the end but it may be the beginning of the end.

Everything now hangs in the balance. For six months, Ukraine’s unified resolve to defend itself and drive out the invaders has only increased. Along with that determination, troop morale has increased, as well as the morale of the people at large. For Russia, the opposite is true. There is a madman at the helm whose priority is not to unify his people and rally them around a noble cause. Putin has sparked mass protests as Russians revolt against mobilization. He sees it all starting to collapse around him and his desperation is showing:

Strongmen whose power depends on perceptions of invincibility would rather destroy a system that threatens their power than yield for the common good. We saw an example of that in our own country on January 6. We’re seeing a higher-stakes example of it now in Ukraine. No one bets on a monkey with a hand grenade to behave responsibly. But just how irresponsibly it might behave when it’s threatened and desperate to save face, which is all this war is about anymore, is an imponderable we should all start pondering.


UPDATE #2: This from Alexei Navalny, who was put in a punishment cell for the fifth time. This is what he said in court today:

On one hand, I don’t believe that Putin can allow Navalny to live. The last thing he wants is to let Navalny’s latest message from prison inspire the Russian people to push back against Putin and his mobilization. He can’t afford to let that happen. Not now. But on the other hand, if he has Navalny killed, he will most certainly be making a martyr of him, which in turn may inspire the people of Russia even more.

Second news item

In Iran, the tragic death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old young Kurdish Iranian woman who was arrested by the morality police for allegedly breaking Iran’s hijab laws and subsequently died while in police custody has resulted in mass protests throughout the country:

Protests rocking Iran over the death of a 22-year-old woman in police custody have spread to at least 50 cities, even as police arrest and kill demonstrators in a violent crackdown.

Videos showing women burning their headscarves and crowds chanting “death to the dictator” amid burning cars are flooding social media, despite the Iranian government’s intermittent shutdown of the country’s internet.

While Iran’s President Raisi made a ridiculous announcement that he was launching an investigation into Amini’s death because “Our utmost preoccupation is the safeguarding of the rights of every citizen,” the women of Iran know better:

Third news item

He has spent a pittance on MAGA candidates and yet there can be no doubt that his supporters will fill the coffers of this new super PAC:

Major super PACs and party committees disclosed their August finances in a new round of campaign finance reports Tuesday, with some eye-catching results. The filings revealed that Trump’s leadership PAC was still sitting on nearly $100 million at the end of last month. And save for a contribution to a group that helped defeat Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) in her primary, the PAC did not contribute anything to the battle for Congress, even amid fundraising struggles for some GOP candidates in notable races.

Donald Trump’s top lieutenants are launching a new super PAC that is expected to spend heavily to bolster his endorsed candidates in the midterm election — and, some people close to the former president say, could become a campaign apparatus if he runs in 2024.

Sanctioned by the former president, the new group, dubbed MAGA, Inc., will become the primary vehicle for Trump’s operation to engage in political activity in 2022. The outfit is designed to funnel large sums into key races and could conceivably be used to boost Trump in the event he seeks the White House again.

Also, as Trump considers running for re-election, let’s remind voters that nothing has changed concerning his view of the 2020 election:

Of course, his legal perils alone are increasingly weighing him down, so maybe he just won’t be available to make a solid run for the presidency…

Fourth news item

If Republican leaders hope their “assertive action” on immigration (flying migrants to liberal cities) will result in more midterm voters, they might be unpleasantly surprised:

Only a third of Americans – including half of Republicans and one in six Democrats – say it’s OK for state officials to fly or bus migrants to other states, a sign the push by Republican Southern governors to ship foreigners north could backfire with some voters, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.


Only about half of Democratic respondents agreed with a statement that it should be easier for people to immigrate to the United States. A somewhat larger share of Republicans – six in 10 – disagreed.

Following a highly-publicized drive by Republican governors to bus or fly thousands of migrants to Democratic areas in recent months, 53% of Republican respondents in the poll said they supported the practice. Twenty-nine percent opposed it.

Of course, polling was not limited to border states where the impact of migrants crossing the border has the greatest impact.

However, before the Martha’s Vineyard escapade took place, polling showed a consensus that the border situation being a “crisis”:

Where Americans find consensus on immigration is in the belief that illegal immigration is a problem in the first place. In that August Economist/YouGov poll, 59 percent of Americans said the current situation at the U.S.-Mexico border is a crisis. While Republicans were very likely to say so (81 percent did), a plurality of Democrats (45 percent) agreed the situation is a crisis. A majority of Americans also said it was “completely” or “somewhat” true that the U.S. is experiencing an “invasion” at its southern border, according to an NPR/Ipsos poll conducted in July. At the same time, in an August Pew Research Center survey, a sizable majority of Americans (72 percent) said taking in refugees should be a “very” or “somewhat” important goal for U.S. immigration policy, and this is true for both Democrats (85 percent) and Republicans (58 percent).

Yesterday, Chris Magnus, the Customs and Border Protection commissioner, said:

“People across the country should know that it’s not chaos here,” Magnus said. “People that are coming into our custody here are then processed, and many of them are seeking asylum. So if some of them are released into the country, they’re doing so legally. They still have a date to appear for an asylum hearing.”

While this is likely true, that does not mean that the Southern border is not in crisis. Moreover, what do the people actually living in border statest think?

Fifth news item

I’m no fan of Gov. Newsom, but this is another pot-meet-kettle moment from Trump’s lawyer:

P.S. Gov. Newsom is *not* currently being recalled. He survived his recall election last year.

That’s all for this Weekend Open Thread as my computer appears to be having some sort of seizure.

Have a great weekend!


266 Responses to “Weekend Open Thread”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (1225fc)

  2. RIP Dame Hilary Mantel (70), author of the Wolf Hall trilogy.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  3. Better link for Dame Mantel’s obituary.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  4. Charles Lane tells us where many of those immigrants are coming from:

    . . . of 6 million-plus who have fled Venezuela in recent years, 80 percent have ended up in the Caribbean or other Latin American countries such as Colombia, Peru and Chile, according to the International Organization for Migration.

    Inevitably, though, many people seeking relief from poverty and oppression go to the wealthiest and freest nation in their own hemisphere: the United States. Right now, escapees from Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua make up a rapidly growing share of the influx at the border between the United States and Mexico.

    The latest Customs and Border Protection data show that 55,333 people from those three countries crossed in August, a 175 percent increase over August 2021.

    (Links omitted.)

    As Lane concludes, this flow from leftist nations is a “tremendous compliment to the United States and other democratic capitalist countries”. And we have a duty to treat them decently. Instead of pretending to care, as the folks on Martha’s Vineyard did (as long as the TV cameras were on).

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  5. The UN General Assembly should suspend Russia’s membership on the Security Council “until they return to civilized norms of behavior.”

    I don’t know if that is actually something the Charter allows, but what the heck — do it anyway and let them sue.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  6. Speaking of Venezuela:


    (Leonard Glenn) Francis, a former military contractor who is also known as “Fat Leonard,” was captured at an airport while trying to flee the country, Interpol Venezuela said in a Wednesday statement shared to Instagram. The agency said Francis entered the country via Mexico, with a stop in Cuba, and planned to travel to Russia as his final destination.
    Earlier this month, Francis, a Malaysian national, was waiting to be sentenced for his role in a a Navy bribery scandal when he cut off his GPS monitoring ankle bracelet and fled his San Diego home.
    When he fled, Francis was waiting to be sentenced for his role in a corruption scandal that involved dozens of of people, including US Navy officers, and his Singapore-based contracting firm — which serviced Navy ships in ports around Southeast Asia.

    Prosecutors say Francis bribed the officials with hundreds of thousands of dollars for work opportunities and classified information and that he overcharged the Navy by more than $35 million. Court documents reviewed by Insider show that he was arrested in 2013 and pleaded guilty in 2015 to conspiracy to commit bribery.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  7. The problem with the GOP immigration (and other) moves is that they think that playing to their base is sufficient. Until they can get their message across in the general media, the Democrats will paint them in the worst possible light. This is a generic problem. They could be cooking breakfast for every illegal child and the media would castigate them for using HFCS or something. Their media outreach is clumsy and bloody-minded.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  8. Are the Democrats making a mistake in admitting Venezuelan refugees? After all, they KNOW what socialism does.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  9. I think that we can hold two thoughts in our head at the same time: I don’t think it shows America in its best light to use migrants as political pawns by misleading them and shipping them off to outlying cities where there is not the necessary infrastructure in place, and I also think that border states are facing an enormous humanitarian crisis which the administration has ignored and lied about, even though the video evidence tells us that there is a crisis. Broder states facing an on-the-ground crisis are now feeling compelled to do whatever they can to compel Washington to take action to help with the disaster. Instead, Washington continues to play politics, thus making it a no-win all the way around. Also, what seems to be getting lost in the noise is that migrants that are here on asylum claims have a right to remain in the U.S.

    Dana (1225fc)

  10. When a Russian ruler claims that there is no Ukraine, just one big Russia, it opens the door to atrocities and cultural genocide.

    Russian soldiers have raped and tortured children as young as 4 years old in Ukraine, a UN-appointed panel of independent legal experts said in a damning statement on Friday that concluded war crimes had been committed in the conflict.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  11. And here’s a comparison of Ukrainian and Russian POWs. I know, anecdotal, but it’s consistent with other reporting.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  12. #8 – Venezuelans, Cubans, and Nicarauguans. According to Lane, during the last 12 months more Cubans have left Cuba the US than in any other equal period since the 1959 revolution, about 200,000, or almost 2 percent of their population.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  13. Here is a great interview with one Cuban who escaped to America in 1962 and how he fought back.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  14. Project Veritas loses jury verdict to Democratic consulting firm
    Democracy Partners claimed it had been infiltrated by a Project Veritas operative who lied about her name and background to obtain an internship during the 2016 presidential campaign, and secretly recorded conversations while working there.

    The firm and (co-founder Robert) Creamer said Project Veritas used “heavily edited” footage in videos that falsely suggested they conspired to incite violence at then-Republican candidate Donald Trump’s rallies and schemed to promote voter fraud.
    Project Veritas said it did nothing wrong and will appeal.
    The $120,000 award was on a fraudulent misrepresentation claim.

    U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman, who oversaw the trial, will assess damages based on jurors’ separate finding that the operative, Allison Maass, intended to breach a fiduciary duty, according to the verdict form.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  15. I think that we can hold two thoughts in our head at the same time: I don’t think it shows America in its best light to use migrants as political pawns by misleading them and shipping them off to outlying cities where there is not the necessary infrastructure in place, and I also think that border states are facing an enormous humanitarian crisis which the administration has ignored and lied about, even though the video evidence tells us that there is a crisis.

    Of curse it’s a crisis– and not just at ground level. There is a legal way to enter the U.S. and be welcomed— for citizens we use passports, non-citizen and immigrants go through the visa and INS system- LEGALLY. If you’re a proponent of ‘the rule of law’ it starts right there. You don’t let ‘folks’ scurry into your country unchecked for disease, criminality- or drugs like a swarm of roaches. [That is surely an impeachable offense.]

    “Compassion” is an unaffordable luxury by the current United States government unfairly afforded illegals— and every American’s expense; they’re lawbreakers! Our own citizens do without; must be vaccinated or lose jobs, pay state and Federal taxes and go deep into deficit spending to maintain crumbling infrastructures on so many levels– while people circumventing the law are literally breaking into the country and are fed, clothed, transported– even given free phonees– and treated better than America’s very own destitute citizens. If somebody illegally broke into your house- would you feed, dress and shelter them out of compassion quoting Emma Lazarus– or call the cops and have their asses dragged off to the pokie?? ‘Rule of law’ starts from the ground up and selective application of same in time is self-destructive rot.

    DCSCA (d20548)

  16. [Dana- just a note: his name is ‘Antony’- not ‘Anthony’– a common error but he is still a ‘blinken’ incompetent fool:]

    “As he pledged increased support from the U.S., Secretary of State Antony Blinken summed up the ongoing war in Afghanistan at a UN Security Council: “If America stops fighting, the war ends. If the Taliban stops fighting, Afghanistan ends.”

    FIFY Antony. Your ass should have been fired a year ago.

    DCSCA (d20548)

  17. Michigan AG candidate says Plan B is like fentanyl and should be banned
    “You gotta figure out how to ban the pill from the state,”(Republican AG candidate Matt) DePerno said in audio, taken from a conversation at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Texas last month and provided by a Democratic source on the condition of anonymity. When asked about ideas on how to ban the contraceptive, DePerno said: “But you have to stop it at the border. It would be no different than fentanyl. The state has to ban it, and it should be banned. But it’s just an issue of how do you enforce it; how do you make sure that it stops? That’s your problem.”
    DePerno is on the ballot to face incumbent Democrat Dana Nessel in November. DePerno has been accused of trespassing and is under criminal investigation for allegedly tampering with voting machines in 2020.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  18. More bad news for Trump this week:

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) leads former President Trump in a hypothetical GOP presidential primary for the state by 8 points, according to a new poll, in a reversal from when Trump led by 7 points in January.

    The USA Today-Suffolk University poll released Wednesday found that 48 percent of Florida Republican voters surveyed support DeSantis in the hypothetical match-up, compared to 40 percent who support Trump. Trump led DeSantis in the January USA Today-Suffolk poll, 47 to 40 percent.
    The poll also found that DeSantis has a more comfortable lead than Trump in hypothetical match-ups with President Biden in the state. DeSantis leads Biden among all respondents by 8 points in Florida, 52 to 44 percent, while Trump leads the incumbent president by 3 points, 47 percent to 44 percent.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  19. Michigan AG candidate says Plan B is like fentanyl and should be banned

    Good luck with that. If you liked the old War on Drugs, just wait until half the population is dealing them.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  20. Trump won’t run. Unless he’s leading in all the polls, he’ll find a self-aggrandizing way to bow out. Of course, he might be in jail. Of fled to Russia.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  21. The Democrats have no need to steal the 2024 election if Trump is running. They just have to hold the House and Senate and they can invalidate his electoral votes, using the new “insurrection” clause.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  22. Marist: The 2022 Elections in Ohio
    In the race for U.S. Senate, only 1 point separates Republican J.D. Vance (46%) and Democrat Tim Ryan (45%) among registered voters statewide. Vance receives 48% to 47% for Ryan among voters who say they definitely plan to vote.

    Among independents, Ryan receives 42% to 40% for Vance. There is a 24-point gender gap. 53% of men support Vance while 50% of women are for Ryan.

    While 40% of Ohio residents have a favorable opinion of Ryan, more than one in three (35%) has either never heard of or are unsure how to rate him. 25% have an unfavorable opinion of Ryan. Ohioans’ impressions of Vance are upside down. 30% have a favorable view of him and 36% have a negative one. Like Ryan, though, 34% have either never heard of or are unsure how to rate Vance.
    Inflation is the number-one issue for Republicans (48%). Among Democrats, preserving democracy (39%) takes the top spot followed by abortion (27%). Inflation (39%) is the number-one issue among independents. Preserving democracy (29%) takes the number-two spot among independents.

    62% of Ohio registered voters, including 64% of definite voters, say they plan to go to the polls on Election Day. 23% of the statewide electorate think they will vote by mail or absentee ballot while 12% say they will vote at an early voting location.

    Regardless of party, in-person voting is the preferred method of casting a ballot. ……

    Poll details.


    …….(I)n Ohio, where roughly 45,000 Ukrainian-Americans call home, the escalating Russia-Ukraine war could prove to be a pivotal issue in one of the most hotly contested Senate races in the country.

    Republican J.D. Vance has called for cutting off U.S. support for Ukraine, whereas Rep. Tim Ryan, the Democrat, says that America has a fundamental imperative to defend Ukraine from an unprovoked invasion. It’s a distinction that Ohio political analysts say could have an impact in such an intensely close race.
    ……..(W)hile Ohio’s Ukrainian-American population—one of the largest in the country—is just a small fraction of its overall voting population, they represent a voting bloc with the ability to alter the trajectory of the election if it’s close enough.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  23. The Democrats have no need to steal the 2024 election if Trump is running. They just have to hold the House and Senate and they can invalidate his electoral votes, using the new “insurrection” clause.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/23/2022 @ 12:21 pm

    I doubt Trump will charged, let alone convicted, of anything related to January 6th. And the “insurrection clause” isn’t new, it’s been part of 14th Amendment since 1868. It just hasn’t become necessary to consider using it against a Presidential candidate until now.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  24. If Republican leaders hope their “assertive action” on immigration (flying migrants to liberal cities) will result in more midterm voters, they might be unpleasantly surprised

    let’s see how the poll question was written

    Reuters/ipsos did the poll, and nowhere do I see the poll question in any of their links

    will assume it’s another push poll until they can show otherwise

    JF (755493)

  25. The rethugliKKKans are running a mafioso family running against AOC! Tina Forte husband and son busted for gun running and drug dealing! (tyt)

    asset (d39d34)

  26. There was a huge fraud case in Minnesota involving the C=ovid-19 program to feed children as a replacement for schools being closed and nobody getting school lunches and later also for food given at summer camps. There were no eligibility requirements, probably on the grounds that it was necessary to act quickly and anyway, every person’s situation could change from week to week, and then most of the recipients would be eligible for free food anyway.

    But the people being given food were actually supposed to exist, and so also the food.

    Somebody organized a big fraud involving giving paper food to paper children at fake locations. All checks had been abandoned, except for Aimee Bock, the founder of a nonprofit group, Feeding Our Future, that the State of Minnesota relied on to keep a watch on it. But she was the chief culprit.

    “In effect, Feeding Our Future operated a pay-to-play scheme in which individuals seeking to operate fraudulent sites under the sponsorship of Feeding Our Future had to kick back a portion of their fraudulent proceeds,” one indictment said, according to a copy obtained by The Times.

    It lasted so long partly because the fraudster(s) went into court and sued and got some favorable rulings.

    The state of Minnesota was precluded from cutting off the money and even maybe investigating. (It had been noticed that some of the paperwork was implausible – same children same ages every day, or when they changed the names, the ages were fluctuating wildly)

    Even when the government of Gov. Tim Walz, a Democrat, raised questions, Ms. Bock rebuffed them by filing a lawsuit and accusing state officials of discriminating against her group’s largely East African clientele.

    They tried to enlist federal help and had trouble getting anyone interested, but finally they got it. The money was cut off in January after search warrants were executed by the FBIA

    Then the nonprofit group tried to dissolve itself, but Attorney General Keith Ellison of Minnesota blocked the move and asked a judge to supervise the group while he investigated whether it broke state charity laws. (which is still active)

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  27. 15. DCSCA (d20548) — 9/23/2022 @ 11:24 am

    There is a legal way to enter the U.S. and be welcomed for citizens we use passports, non-citizen and immigrants go through the visa and INS system The two cases are not the same.

    Why this argument? The whole <i ?purpose of restrictivr immigration law is that it shouldn’t be legal for most non-U.S. people. Are you suddenly denying that?

    Every U.S. citizen is entitled to passport, but not every person who wants to is legally entitled to enter the United States so many people don’t have a legal way to enter the United States/

    At least not without using the back door, as the asylum requesters do.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  28. quoting Emma Lazarus–

    The context in which Emma Lazarus wrote that poem was that in 1881 and 1882,when Jews were fleeing pogroms in Russia and arrived in Germany, they were being encouraged by Germans to go to ew York City. There was no legal impediment to doing so at the same — the laws forbidding contracting for labor with someone foreigners while they were outside the United States or requiring that someone not be liable to become a public charge were passed later, in 1884 or 1885. As a result, immigration to the United States was abruptly cut in half and people had to either have money or be sponsored – this was not examined too closely but people did not live on the streets.

    New York’s population grew. (this includes the surrounding area)

    The first growth took place after 1816, when surplus goods from Europe after the Napoleonic wars were imported into New York.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  29. The Federal Reserve Board is likely to cause a (worldwide) recession while making inflation worse, by early next year, somewhat similar to 1979/80 but it will give up sooner than Paul Volcker did.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  30. A third of Americans prefer a strong, unelected leader to a weak, elected one
    Democrats are unchanged in their stance toward Republicans, with 79% feeling they have little to nothing in common with Republicans compared to 80% in July. Republicans’ attitudes towards Democrats are set too (79% in late July vs. 77% in early September). However, the share of independents who feel they have little to nothing in common with Republicans rose from 69% in late July to 79% in early September, the highest reading since tracking began in December and significantly higher than it was compared to the pre-Dobbs reading in May (63%).
    Half of Americans (48%) disagree that is it is better to have a strong, unelected leader than a weak leader who is elected by the people, while one third agree (33%). Republicans are more likely to agree (42%) with this than Democrats (31%).

    Americans are split on whether the government should comply with interests of the majority, even if it comes at the expense of ethnic and religious minority groups’ civil rights (38% agree, 41% disagree and 21% are unsure).
    A majority of Americans (51%) disagreed that the government of the United States should be empowered to prosecute members of the news media who make offensive or unpatriotic statements, including 53% of Democrats and 55% of Republicans.

    Forty-three percent of Americans disagree that the President of the United States should be able to remove judges when their decisions go against national interest. Republicans are more likely to disagree (57%) than Democrats (39%).

    Poll details.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  31. The Russian government isn’t even sending draft notices only to the people Putin said would be drafted (only experienced combat soldiers)

    There might be a little corruption or lying to superiors involved

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  32. Mayor Adams is planning on setting up temporary holding areas (the intention is up to 4 days) – the first time a sort of refugee camp has been set up since soon after world war II where returning veterans were housed in Quonset huts.

    They will set up tents in Orchard Beach since Governor Abbott isn’t stopping this sending people without plans.

    They will be climate controlled and weatherized.

    Migrants will get food, shelter, medical care, legal aid and tickets to other locations.

    It’s said about 20% of asylum seekers overall had a final intended destination of New York

    The city also wants help from FEMA and so on.

    Many Venezuelans I suppose will get free tickets to Florida (if they want to go there – they may have people there.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  33. There’s a whole issue about regularizing the status of Afghan refugees in the United States because most Afghans taken to the United States were admitted for more than a 2-year period.

    Republicans in Congress profess to be worried about people already here and want to complicate things. Including more vetting is not helping the bill to pass/ and it looks like it won’t be included in the continuing resolution

    Military veterans and other supporters have been lobbying Congress for more than a year to provide Afghan evacuees with a pathway to permanent legal status in the United States. Many have only temporary authorization to stay, even though they will most likely never be able to safely return to their former homes. Now, they are pushing for legislation addressing the issue to be tacked onto a must-pass spending bill to keep government funded past the end of the month, when it is slated to lapse.

    But despite support from the White House, a bipartisan group of senators and military veterans, a direct path to legal status for Afghans has proved difficult to establish amid opposition from some Republicans, who argue that the evacuees pose security risks. The measure is unlikely to be included in the spending package this month because of those objections.

    Very few more are now being paroled.

    Biden swings from one side to the other.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  34. Covid will be a leading cause of death in the U.S. indefinitely, whether or not the pandemic is ‘over’
    Covid was the third-leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2020, after heart disease and cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The same was true last year, provisional CDC data shows. Since April, Covid deaths have stayed relatively flat, at a weekly average of around 300 to 500 per day. If the trend continues, the U.S. could expect 113,000 to 188,000 deaths a year from Covid, putting it on par with Alzheimer’s, chronic lower respiratory diseases and stroke.

    Flu, by comparison, kills about 12,000 to 52,000 people annually. Flu and pneumonia combined were the ninth-leading cause of death in 2020; they fell out of the top 10 last year.
    Many disease experts think it’s time, or almost time, to declare an end to the pandemic, given the widespread availability of Covid vaccines and treatments, the fact that no variant has overtaken omicron since December and the relatively stable U.S. case and death counts over the last few months.
    But other experts think the pandemic phase is very much ongoing.

    “If we were to see the number of deaths from Covid down to what we see on an annual basis for flu — somewhere in the 20,000-a-year range — we’ll then say that the pandemic is clearly over,” said Dr. Eric Toner, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security at the Bloomberg School of Public Health.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  35. Defenestration seems the leading cause of death in Moscow.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  36. I doubt Trump will charged, let alone convicted, of anything related to January 6th. And the “insurrection clause” isn’t new, it’s been part of 14th Amendment since 1868. It just hasn’t become necessary to consider using it against a Presidential candidate until now.

    But, Rip, you went on at length about how it did not apply to Presidents (while I asserted that it might). There is no rule about how that clause in the new Electoral Count Act might be applied. It starts off by assuming it *does* apply to Presidents AND that it applies to post-Civil War cases, yet offers no insight into whether a conviction is necessary.

    All three of those things should be considered by a competent court, but putting them into the Electoral Count Act is peremptory and turns them into political questions in a bassackwards way..

    Tell me, if a President-elect who won a valid election was disqualified by this means by the opposition party, do you think the country would be worth a warm bucket of spit? How would it be different than what Trump tried? How many states would you expect to see secede?

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  37. And the “insurrection clause” isn’t new, it’s been part of 14th Amendment since 1868

    Stop assuming people are stupid, Rip.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  38. I’ve just added some tweets (unfortunately not threaded) to the first news item. The Russians and collaborators are indeed going house to house and forcing votes. At gunpoint.

    Dana (1225fc)

  39. Chillingly:

    Russian authorities plan to conscript 1.2 million people for their “partial mobilization,” Meduza has learned from a source close to one of the country’s federal ministries.

    Additionally, a source close to Moscow’s leadership told Meduza that up to 16,000 people from the capital are slated to be drafted. This was confirmed by a source close to one of Russia’s federal ministries. Authorities in St. Petersburg plan to draft roughly 3,200 people, according to a source close to the Presidential Envoy to Russia’s Northwestern Federal District.

    A source close to one of the country’s federal ministries noted that authorities “recommended keeping recruitments to a minimum” in regional capitals. Instead, the government is conscripting people “in rural areas, where there’s no media, no opposition, and more support [for the war],” said the source.

    Dana (1225fc)

  40. I’ve already opined against the U.S. issuing entry visas to the Iranian president and his entourage. And there was good reason to be concerned:

    The US government has given a visa to Ali Sadriniya, a member of the Revolutionary Guards. He’s with Ebrahim Raisi’s delegation in New York.

    The IRGC is on the US list of terrorist organizations.

    The Biden Administration should arrest him.

    Dana (1225fc)

  41. Tell me, if a President-elect who won a valid election was disqualified by this means by the opposition party, do you think the country would be worth a warm bucket of spit? How would it be different than what Trump tried? How many states would you expect to see secede?

    Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/23/2022 @ 2:27 pm

    Assuming that a President-elect was convicted of insurrection or seditious conspiracy, or obviously committed those acts, I don’t believe it would be a problem. Is states wanted to secede, I think we know what would happen.

    But I don’t think any of it will.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  42. If states wanted to secede……

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  43. Here’s the latest summary on Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, from the ISW:

    First (of many) takeaways:

    The Kremlin’s heavy-handed approach to partial mobilization may successfully meet the Kremlin’s internal quota of mobilized personnel, but is unlikely to generate effective soldiers and is prompting significant domestic backlash for little gain.

    What strikes me about the fourth map is how vulnerable the Russian forces up stream from Kherson look, with their backs to the Dnieper/Dnipro River. And the Ukrainian commanders appear to think so, too: “Social media footage provides visual evidence of continued Ukrainian interdiction efforts against Russian positions in Kherson Oblast on September 21 and 22.”

    Putting more men into that area would worsen Russia’s logistic problems there.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  44. I’ve updated the first news item with Alexei Navalany’s latest comments posted on his Instagram feed (and Twitter) about the current mobilization taking place in Russia.

    As I said in the post:

    On one hand, I don’t believe that Putin can allow Navalny to live. The last thing he wants is to let Navalny’s latest message from prison inspire the Russian people to push back against Putin and his mobilization. He can’t afford to let that happen. Not now. But on the other hand, if he has Navalny killed, he will most certainly be making a martyr of him, which in turn may inspire the people of Russia even more.

    Dana (1225fc)

  45. Jim Miller,

    These are men who have had no training as soldiers. Even the troops that have deployed to Ukraine have had minimal training when compared to Ukrainian troops. They are sheep going to the slaughter. Weaponry has already been a serious problem for the Russian soldiers, and if they plan on mobilizing more than one million Russians, what will they be armed with? I can’t stress enough that this is the desperate plan of a madman.

    Dana (1225fc)

  46. Assuming that a President-elect was convicted of insurrection or seditious conspiracy, or obviously committed those acts, I don’t believe it would be a problem. Is states wanted to secede, I think we know what would happen.

    You realize that he would have been elected by people WHO KNEW THIS. And elected him anyway (or because of it). So, again, the people’s choice “disqualified” by the people he (and the majority) wanted to supplant. It’s “consent of the governed” not “consent of the rulers.”

    It would not go over very well at all. About as well as Trump’s attempted coup would have gone.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  47. I think there’s more than a political element as to why Putin is conscripting so few men from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    putin is scared sh-tless of the people in moscow or petersburg:

    mobilized outside of moscow and petersburg: 0.93%
    mobilized of moscow’s population: 0.12%
    mobilized of petersburg’s population: 0.06%

    There’s possible racist element because the men outside the main metro areas are swarthier and more yellow-skinned, and those regions may be getting whiter if Russia gets away with exporting white Ukrainian women there.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  48. Dana – You’re right, of course. And then there is the fact that most soldiers fight — if they do — to protect their buddies in the unit, and it takes time to build that unit cohesion. Many drafted “Ivans” are going to look around and think: “I don’t even know any of these guys.”

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  49. For an all-American commercial such as this, they should’ve used actual American stock footage, not the king imported from Russia and Slovakia.
    Their four main bullets are a fair platform, a little thin, but fair.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  50. I think there’s more than a political element as to why Putin is conscripting so few men from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    People in those two cities are more likely to be connected and object to their sons being sent off to die. I expect a great deal of pressure on Belarus to step up.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  51. kind, not “king”. Bleh.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  52. Leftist runs down Republican kid for the crime of being Republican and no one cares. The left sure doesn’t, the establishment right ignores it with nary a peep, but let a drug addled multiple convict choke to death on fentanyl and it’s hell to pay.

    And you wonder why people are going populist. It’s because so many don’t care about Americans while trying to give away the nation

    NJRob (af7d71)

  53. Paul @ 49,

    I agree. It’s actually a big blunder and I wonder why the footage used wasn’t better researched. Certainly, they have the money and professionals to do so. Also, I chuckled at the claim during the video that the Commitment to America will see that the government is accountable. Considering the ongoing election denials by MAGA Republicans, including the former president, it’s laughable that the CTA is touting government accountability. Because if they’re the ones that intend to be the ones holding everyone accountable, well…

    Dana (1225fc)

  54. NJ Rob,

    That would be a good item for you to post about here. Include a link. I only just read a brief report about it but haven’t done any real research about it. However, if you can post/link to it, we can discuss it, and you can also help us understand why you believe this incident to be a factor in leading to populism.

    Dana (1225fc)

  55. Arizona puts into effect 1864 near total abortion ban. I am making a sign to go down to the state capital with : This is why the liberal establishment wants to ban the 2nd amendment so we are helpless to fight back. Especially the black community.

    asset (4c0a81)

  56. Many drafted “Ivans” are going to look around and think: “I don’t even know any of these guys.”

    I also think many drafted “Ivans” are going to look around and think: “This isn’t a cause worth dying for.” From what I’ve been reading, even young Russians not in the larger cities seem to understand that they’re on the losing side of this battle. I don’t whether it will be allegiance to Russia or the threat of death that will compel them to fight

    Dana (1225fc)

  57. Stunning photos of Neptune and Jupiter from the Webb Space Telescope.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  58. Dana (1225fc) — 9/23/2022 @ 5:29 pm

    here’s a link to what NJRob is referring to:

    North Dakota driver charged with fatally striking teenager says he purposely hit the teen after a political argument

    seeing how you linked republican rhetoric for the buffalo shooting, and many here jumped on board, I’ll wait for the condemnation of Biden’s anti-MAGA rhetoric

    it should be coming in 3, 2, 1….

    JF (8c793d)

  59. Another victory for the 2nd Amendment:

    A federal law barring people under felony indictment from purchasing guns is unconstitutional, a federal judge in Texas ruled Monday in an early test of a watershed decision by the Supreme Court expanding firearm access.

    U.S. District Judge David Counts found that the law’s prohibitions clashed with the high court’s June decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, in which a 6-3 conservative majority ruled that law-abiding Americans have a right to carry a handgun outside the home for self-defense.
    The judge said he found little historical evidence that the law barring those under felony indictment from obtaining a firearm “aligns with this Nation’s historical tradition.”

    “The Second Amendment is not a ‘second class right,’ ” Counts wrote. “After Bruen, the Government must prove that laws regulating conduct covered by the Second Amendment’s plain text align with this Nation’s historical tradition. The Government does not meet that burden.”

    Accordingly, he said, the law was unconstitutional.

    From the opinion:

    This Court is skeptical that the Government here, or in any other court, could defend (18 U.S.C. § 922(n)’s) constitutionality. Not only does the historical record lack the clear evidence needed to justify this regulation, § 922(n) evokes constitutional scrutiny in other ways….

    The nature of grand jury proceedings is one such area that casts a shadow of constitutional doubt on § 922(n). Some feel that a grand jury could indict a burrito if asked to do so. The freewheeling nature of such proceedings stems from the Supreme Court holding that (1) the rules of evidence don’t apply, (2) evidence barred by the Fourth Amendment’s exclusionary rule may be heard, and (3) the grand jury may rely on evidence obtained in violation of a defendant’s Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. Simply put, “[a] grand jury investigation is not an adversarial process.” …….

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  60. time to put up that “mission accomplished” banner again

    Oregon students’ reading, writing and math skills plummeted amid pandemic, first scores since 2019 show

    Oregon students’ reading, writing and math skills plummeted due to pandemic-induced disruptions to schooling, and students who were already trailing far behind grade level experienced the most harm, somber Oregon Department of Education officials announced.

    The staggering blows to students’ academic skills, as measured by the first reliable statewide test scores since spring 2019, could take years to repair and may in some cases never be made up for, they acknowledged.

    all the BS about masks helping kids learn

    JF (8c793d)

  61. @JF@60 You don’t really remember that conversation, do you. And you didn’t look it up in your urge to look clever. Did you.

    Nic (896fdf)

  62. Heckler who slapped Giuliani on back can have charge dropped
    According to the Richmond County district attorney’s office, the case has been adjourned in contemplation of dismissal, which means the charges will be dropped in six months if the man stays out of trouble.
    Giuliani appeared to barely react in the video, but later said it felt “like somebody shot me” or that he had been hit by a boulder. ……

    Assistant Richmond County District Attorney Darren Albanese said ……proving in court that the man caused physical injury or intended to do so would be “extremely difficult.”

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  63. Of Course Ron DeSantis Will Run…and He May Very Well Win
    The 2024 cycle is undoubtedly Ron DeSantis’s moment. He won a first election that everyone expected him to lose as the governor of the Free State of Florida. He will win a crushing victory over secret lizard-person Charlie Crist this November. And he has set about owning the libs hard not merely by humiliating them for their hypocrisy with awesome moves like sending illegals to Martha’s Vineyard but with substantive conservative policies that are sucking the remaining productive people out of hellscapes like New York and California.

    He has governed like a conservative, and he has the receipts. Florida works. Its kids went back to school while blue state bosses were still sacrificing their own kids’ futures to the garbage teacher unions. He is fighting wokeness and its poisonous CRT ideology. He treats the media like what it is – a pack of flunkies. And when he picks fights, he wins them. The base loves him. The polls bode well, to the extent polls are not mere onanism.
    There are rumors that he has promised not to run if Trump does. Do not believe them. There is wishcasting to the effect that he would take the veep slot. It won’t happen.

    The fact is that this is DeSantis’s time to score the Big Enchilada.
    ……… Ron DeSantis is the best positioned to beat Trump of any Republican who might run. And, unlike Trump, he has no firm ceiling for votes in the general. If Trump wins it will be a squeaker – it’s just a function of how many losers hate him. DeSantis has no such baggage.

    TrumpWorld not amused.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  64. “Rule of law”…

    Prosecutors recommend against charging GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz in sex trafficking probe, report says

    Federal prosecutors have recommended not to bring charges against Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz as part of a sex trafficking investigation, The Washington Post reported.
    The reported recommendation means the Department of Justice is unlikely to charge Gaetz with a crime as a result of the probe into his alleged relationship with a 17-year-old girl. Gaetz has denied any wrongdoing. –

    …and you wonder why angry populism is on the march.

    DCSCA (8e45e0)

  65. Covid will be a leading cause of death in the U.S. indefinitely, whether or not the pandemic is ‘over’

    Plagiarize this, Joe: “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.”

    Now sing us a speech:

    Oh God didn’t make little green apples
    And it don’t rain in Indianapolis
    In the summertime
    And there’s no such thing as Doctor Seuss
    Disneyland Mother Goose
    There’s no nursery rhyme…

    “Which way do I go?” – Squinty McStumblebum

    DCSCA (8e45e0)

  66. Putin could put Navalny on a train to Yakutsk “for his safety” and then say Navalny wanted to stretch his legs and seems to have been entirely consumed by a bear.
    But for some reason Putin tolerates him. This is sure to get a “sad” from the Trump school of authoritarianism

    steveg (c848c0)

  67. Sound farfetched?
    Russian propagandists lie more often and more audaciously that Presidential Press Secretaries. Even Russians (who are not to drunk to do math) are noticing that the Russian Ministry of Defence has claimed its 89th shoot down of a Ukrainian SU-25… small problem. Everyone knows Ukraine had only 49 SU-25 jets at the beginning of the festivities, so even Russian Telegram accounts are mockingly saying Russia needs to find the secret underground Ukrainian SU-25 factory

    steveg (c848c0)

  68. 2023 is gonna be lit…
    Biden will dive deeper into decline, Russians will be increasingly bellicose in a nuclear sense, China will be wondering if it should annex old Soviet Asia and its vast resources rather than Taiwan, Iran will be in shambles domestically but looking to distract the populace, NATO will be giving more and more modern arms to Ukriane and sucking deeper into the vortex, the stock market will continue to suck, housing sales will drop, interest and inflation will be high, and Trump wil have 7,000,000 or so die hard voters that the GOP has to suck up to. Fun fun fun ’til your daddy takes the t-bird away.

    steveg (c848c0)

  69. I forget the part where every TV preacher begins to predict the apocalypse, and to be honest it will look like this time they may be onto something

    steveg (c848c0)

  70. RIP Louise Fletcher (88).

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  71. Career prosecutors recommend no charges for Gaetz in sex-trafficking probe

    Career prosecutors have recommended against charging Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) in a long-running sex-trafficking investigation — telling Justice Department superiors that a conviction is unlikely in part because of credibility questions with the two central witnesses, according to people familiar with the matter.
    The ex-girlfriend was among several women on a trip Gaetz allegedly took to the Bahamas in 2018 that has been of particular interest to investigators. The 17-year-old at issue in the investigation was also on that trip, though by that time she was already 18 or older, people familiar with the matter have said. She has been a central witness in the investigation, but people familiar with the case said she is one of two people whose testimony has issues that veteran prosecutors feel would not past muster with a jury.

    The other is a former friend of Gaetz’s, Joel Greenberg, a former tax collector for Seminole County, Fla. He pleaded guilty last year to sex trafficking of a minor and a host of other crimes as part of a cooperation deal with authorities.
    Greenberg’s credibility would be a significant challenge for any prosecution of Gaetz, in part because one of the crimes Greenberg admitted to was fabricating allegations against a schoolteacher who was running against him to be a tax collector. …….
    Greenberg also pleaded guilty to a host of other crimes, including stealing from the tax collector’s office and defrauding a government loan program that provided relief for businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  72. The Russian military is receiving the same micromanaging that the Wehrmacht received in WW II……..

    ……….(A retreat from Kherson) would be another humiliating public acknowledgment of Mr. Putin’s failure in the war, and would hand a second major victory to Ukraine in one month. …….
    The officials said that Mr. Putin’s rejection of a military pullback from Kherson has also led to a decrease in morale among Russian troops who have been mostly cut off from their supply lines, and who appear to believe they could be left stranded against Ukrainian forces.
    Some American officials said they saw trouble ahead for the Russian military in the southern theater. A senior U.S. official said this week that Ukraine was well on its way to repeating in the south the gains its forces had managed during a lightning offensive in the northeast earlier this month. ……
    Pulling back past the Dnipro River would likely allow Russian commanders to hold the line in the south with fewer troops. That would give them more latitude to redeploy forces from Kherson to other areas, either pushing back against the Kharkiv counteroffensive in the northeast, solidifying defensive lines in the eastern Donbas region or opening up a new front in the south.

    But Mr. Putin has told commanders he will set the strategy.
    In addition to blocking a retreat from Kherson, Mr. Putin has raised doubts about Russian efforts to consolidate their position in the northeast near the Oskil River, which the Ukrainian counteroffensive reached this month. Mr. Putin, an American official said, has opposed pulling back there as well, because he is reluctant to hand anything to Mr. Zelensky that looks like a win.

    Rip Murdock (72b054)

  73. There is a severe teacher shortage in florida as in every state. Desatan and the rethugliKKKans in the legislature are always trying to go after the teacher’s union and its members. The teachers could go on strike and if desatan is reelected they could show they have jobs waiting in other states who would be glad to have them. I have seen signs on the news asking teachers to come to their state for better pay and working conditions.

    asset (903077)


    In a major victory for members of the NYPD’s largest police union, a judge ruled Friday cops who were fired for not getting vaccinated against the coronavirus have to be reinstated.

    In the stunning decision, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Lyle Frank wrote that the city’s vaccine mandate on the Police Benevolent Association was invalid “to the extent it has been used to impose a new condition of employment” on the union.

    The mandate was also invalid because it issued enforcement beyond “monetary sanctions” prescribed in the law, Frank wrote — ordering that all PBA members put on leave or canned be reinstated.

    It would be a “gross overstatement” of the city’s Department of Mental Health and Hygiene to say it could enforce the vaccine mandate through termination, unpaid leave or suspension, Frank said.

    NJRob (eb56c3)


    Americans have lost an average of $4,200 in annual income since Biden took office: Study lays bare how gains under Trump have been wiped out – while crippling inflation has sent prices surging
    Consumer prices have risen 12.7 percent since 2021, far outpacing wages
    Experts at the Heritage Foundation believe this has cost Americans about $3,000 each in purchasing power
    As the Fed pushes interest rates to a range of 3-3.25 percent, higher borrowing costs are squeezing Americans on mortgages, vehicle loans and credit cards
    The $4,200 loss erases the $4,000 increase in annual earnings that occurred under the Trump administration

    NJRob (eb56c3)


    At least 154 Chinese scientists who worked on government-sponsored research at the U.S.’s foremost national security laboratory over the last two decades have been recruited to do scientific work in China — some of which helped advance military technology that threatens American national security — according to a new private intelligence report obtained by NBC News.

    The report, by Strider Technologies, describes what it calls a systemic effort by the government of China to place Chinese scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where nuclear weapons were first developed.

    Many of the scientists were later lured back to China to help make advances in such technologies as deep-earth-penetrating warheads, hypersonic missiles, quiet submarines and drones, according to the report.

    Scientists were paid as much as $1 million through participation in Chinese government “talent programs,” which are designed to recruit Chinese scientists to return to China. Such talent programs have long been identified as a source of concern, but U.S. officials said they had not previously seen an unclassified report that described the phenomenon in such detail, naming specific scientists and the projects they have worked on.

    The talent transfer “poses a direct threat to U.S. national security,” said Greg Levesque, a co-founder of Strider and the lead author of the report. “China is playing a game that we are not prepared for, and we need to really begin to mobilize.”

    Chinese spies stealing technology.

    NJRob (eb56c3)


    the story of Cayler Ellingson, the 18-year-old North Dakota boy who was murdered by 41-year-old Shannon Brandt. Why did the murder happen? Brandt says he ran Ellingson down with his car following a “political argument” because he thought Ellingson was part of a “Republican extremist group.”

    Where might he have gotten that idea? From the President of the United States. So far no details of whatever conversation Ellingson might have had with the much-older Brandt are known, but apparently it didn’t take much for Brandt to conclude that he was dealing with a “Republican extremist.” Not surprisingly, local authorities say there is no evidence of Ellingson being any sort of extremist. He was attending a street dance prior to his fatal encounter with Brandt.

    The story has engendered several types of fallout. PJ Media notes that the Associated Press covered the story of the murder, but left out the key detail:

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  78. @ 77: I’m old enough to remember when Donald Trump was actually president, instead of just claiming to be. I don’t remember you clutching your pearls over presidential rhetoric then.

    Demosthenes (c2131d)

  79. No supporter of an orange who told an audience of New York City policemen to slam an arrested person’s head into the doorframe as they were putting him in the squad car has the moral authority to complain about Biden’s “rhetoric”.

    Never mind. I take that back. The only thing Trump is a measuring stick for is a septic tank.

    That’s the trouble with most “whatabouts” actually. It begs the question: Is that your standard?

    nk (33d787)

  80. Not that Trump is entirely worthless.

    Today my starting word with Wordle was GRIFT. I solved it with the next word. In two, yes. My best yet.

    nk (33d787)

  81. The Chunnel was big news back in the day, but I only just heard of the longer Fehmarnbelt, which started two years ago and won’t open for another seven.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  82. Here’s more on the racial/ethnic element to Putin’s mobilization, this time for the Tatars in Crimea.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  83. There’s a new museum in DC. A much-needed new museum, as this personal story reminds us.

    Channy Laux, 60, is the granddaughter of a refugee from communist China who fled to Cambodia. She was 13 when the communist Khmer Rouge, which would eventually kill almost 2 million people, took over Cambodia in 1975. Her father and brother were shot trying to escape to Thailand through the jungle. Laux was sent to a reeducation camp and was tortured, raped and starved. She eventually reached the United States as a refugee with no English skills, studied to be an engineer, wrote a memoir, and now runs a Cambodian restaurant and food business in San Jose. “If you think that capitalism is bad,” she says, “wait until you live under communism.”

    Today, Laux is a volunteer speaker affiliated with the Victims of Communism Museum, which opened in June in downtown D.C.

    (Those who do not understand the need for such a museum might want to begin by reading this controversial book. I have the original French edition, which caused an enormous outcry in France, when it was published there.)

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  84. The Fehmarnbelt is actually much shorter than the Chunnel – 11.1 miles vs. 31. But it will be the longest “immersed” tunnel, as distinct from a bored tunnel.

    Radegunda (a8339b)

  85. I’m old enough to remember when Donald Trump was actually president, instead of just claiming to be. I don’t remember you clutching your pearls over presidential rhetoric then.

    Different rules. The first commandment of Trumpism is that it’s wrong to judge Trump by the same standards as other politicians. (“Let Trump be Trump!”) I remember when Power Line had a piece castigating “Biden’s trouble with truth” — coming from a fervent defender of the most prodigious liar ever to have held the presidency.

    Defenders of Trump should never be taken seriously when they accuse anyone else of dishonesty, nastiness, recklessness, irrationality, cynicism, amorality, self-serving use of power, a casual attitude toward law, or incitement of violence.

    Radegunda (a8339b)

  86. I’m old enough to remember when Donald Trump was actually president, instead of just claiming to be. I don’t remember you clutching your pearls over presidential rhetoric then.

    Demosthenes (c2131d) — 9/24/2022 @ 5:54 am

    Says the guy who harps on Trump 24/7 and ignores the cretin currently tarnishing the Office of the President.

    NJRob (9249c2)

  87. ‘Central Park Karen’ Amy Cooper loses lawsuit against former employer
    Cooper claimed that Franklin Templeton and its chief executive Jenny Johnson perpetuated her image as a “privileged white female ‘Karen’” by making public statements about firing her after conducting an investigation into the incident.
    Her suit, filed in May 2021, argued her call to cops had nothing to do with Christian’s race — but rather because the “overzealous birdwatcher” selected her as a “target” in a feud between bird and dog lovers.
    Cooper claimed in her suit that her former employer’s statements, which received over 200,000 likes on Twitter, implied that the company had uncovered details about her alleged racism not evident from the video, but the Manhattan judge disagreed.

    “The contents of the viral video, as well as the dialogue surrounding it both in the media and on social media, were already matters of public knowledge,” rendering the defendants’ statements “inactionable as pure opinion,” Abrams wrote in his decision.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  88. Radegunda (a8339b) — 9/24/2022 @ 9:02 am

    whaddddddabout mean tweets??

    JF (018efd)

  89. Perps will say anything, NJRob. Way back when, Dana had a post about a “group of folks” who tried to hijack a guy’s desirable car in broad daylight. They told the bystanders that he was Trump voter. Voter. “Don’t vote Trump!” they were shouting.

    A recent case in the news is the hooker who killed her john after he made the mistake of falling asleep. She told a hard-luck story about being forced into prostitution and that she killed him because she did not want him to “rape” her again. A GoFundMe raised more than $150,000 for her to pay the restitution to the victim’s family which was part of her sentence.

    Don’t believe the perps, and especially not when the victim is no longer around to contradict them.

    nk (33d787)

  90. whaddddddabout mean tweets??

    i.e., the only fault that Trumpites were willing to acknowledge, while averting their eyes to an abundance of character defects in Trump but feigning moral outrage at the imperfections of any opponents or critics.

    Trumpites made hypocrisy a virtue. For Trump himself, ethical rules aren’t something he needs to follow, but only weapons to be wielded against anyone who gets in his way. Everyone who still reflexively defends Trump is following the same code. The committed Trumpites aren’t really offended by dishonesty or corruption or cruelty. They just use ethical concepts to attack their political opponents.

    Radegunda (a8339b)

  91. Marquette Law School National Survey

    A new Marquette Law School national survey finds that 33% of adults say they do not believe Donald Trump had “top secret and other classified material” at his Mar-a-Lago estate this summer, while 67% believe he did have such documents. Sixty-one percent of Republicans say he did not have such secret documents, while 39% say he did. In contrast, large majorities of independents and Democrats think Trump had classified material at his Florida home, as shown in Table 1.
    …….. Table 2 shows belief about the documents by party and favorability toward Trump. There are too few Democrats with a favorable opinion of Trump to provide a reliable subsample.
    Among all adults, 34% have a favorable opinion of Trump, while 64% have an unfavorable view. …….. Trump retains a heavily favorable rating among Republicans, while majorities of independents and Democrats view him unfavorably, as shown in Table 3.
    Within the GOP, a majority (66%) would like to see Trump run for president in 2024, while 34% would not like him to run. ……
    In a hypothetical match between President Joe Biden and Trump in a 2024 election, Biden receives 40% and Trump 36%, while 19% say they would vote for someone else and 6% say they would not vote.
    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis fares similarly in a hypothetical 2024 election against Biden, with Biden receiving 40% and DeSantis 35%, with 16% preferring someone else and 9% saying they would not vote. ………
    Among Democrats, 52% would like Biden to run in 2024, while 48% would not like him to run.

    Among all adults, majorities would like neither Biden nor Trump to run in 2024. For Biden, 28% want him to run and 72% do not, while for Trump 31% want him to run and 69% do not. …….

    …. and 6% say they would not vote……

    I’m in the 6%.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  92. RIP jazz saxophonist Pharoah Sanders (81).

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  93. Radegunda (a8339b) — 9/24/2022 @ 10:20 am

    i almost miss the “you can condemn both” flippant response

    JF (638eb8)

  94. “It’s all his fault we are spending $6 billion in tax payer dollars on HIV and AIDS this month.”

    —- Dementia Joe Biden, standing with his arm around Elton John

    Colonel Haiku (17b3b0)

  95. @asset@73 We have 4 intern teachers this year (to be an intern you have to have your undergrad degree and started your credential) and several teachers with waivers to teach outside their credentialed area because we can’t find enough properly credentialed teachers to fill positions. It’s like that everywhere.

    Nic (896fdf)

  96. “Press gangs” are an odd way to honor Queen Elizabeth II just because you didn’t get a seat at her funeral, Vlad. Still, calling up the ‘draft’ reserves signals a Lyndon Johnson mindset– complete with ‘hell no, I won’t go’ protests erupting and fearful conscripts “fleeing to Canada” so to speak. Reaffirms the bullsh!t lies fed to Americans by LBJ’s generals about light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel-winning in Vietnam. Garnish the scenario by calling out your national guard. Going Goldwater w/t battlefield nuke use threat is another loser pitch, too.

    “What a revoltin’ development this is.” – Chester Riley [William Bendix/Jackie Gleason] ‘The Life of Riley’

    DCSCA (c8d5c0)

  97. #96 Nic – Well, thank you for being there when others have retired, or even given up. I hope you are getting the support you deserve from parents and adminstrators. (And there is no need to say so, if you aren’t.)

    I am guessing that math and science teachers are the hardest to recruit, or am I wrong about that?

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  98. Artemis I launch delayed again, this time thanks to Tropical Storm Ian

    God is sending NASA management a weather warning, just as w/Challenger in ’86:

    This rocket is an accident waiting to happen one day; it is not ready to fly.

    DCSCA (c8d5c0)

  99. To your point, Radegunda, in the fifth news item of this post, one of Trump’s lawyers said that there’s no way that Governor Newsom could win a presidential election unless it was stolen. While I agree that there is likely no way he could win a national election, it is now standard belief by MAGAland that if a Democrat wins an election, it’s because it’s been stolen. And if a Republican loses an election, it’s because it’s been rigged. When you have groundwork like that, it prevents any individual and political party from assuming responsibility for their misfires. This absolutely follows Trump’s view of life in general: if it worked out for him politically or in business, then it was a straight up, clear and honest win. But if he suffers financial or political loss, then it could only be due to corruption and a rigged game by opposing parties. What makes me especially concerned about this mentality is how many MAGA electors and MAGA secretaries of state we may end up with before the next presidential election.

    Dana (1225fc)

  100. Dana (1225fc) — 9/24/2022 @ 11:28 am

    remember that time when Trump won the presidential election and everyone accepted it and acknowledged it was a straight up and above board win?

    good times

    JF (018efd)

  101. comment in moderation, for who knows why

    JF (018efd)

  102. The protests in Iran are on Day Nine. It’ll probably be put down and violently, sooner than later, but it’s entering some new territory, and there’s a new generation pushing against their oppressors.

    I’ve covered #Iran for 15 years and lived there for 25 yrs. I believe what we are witnessing now is nothing like before. Look at these two women, standing on top of police cars, shouting: we don’t want the Islamic Republic.

    Clear messages from the United States need to be made, that we’re in full support of the people of Iran and their desire for more freedom.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  103. @Jim@98 About a normal level of support 😛 I’m not actually a teacher, but a low level admin direct student support person. I do seem to have a bit more time to work directly with students and parents this year instead of trying to solve various bureaucratic crisis and I still have a couple of weeks before the 1st quarter grades data push.

    We’ve had some really good luck with science teachers and we’ve done a lot of in-house training to get some of our interns math credentialed. We also work heavily with a couple of the state university credentialing programs for student teachers, so our pipeline for academic subjects is relatively good. Right now the hardest teachers to find are career and technical education teachers like shop, welding, culinary, etc. Nobody can find those and nobody in our area even got a culinary arts credential in the last 4 yrs. We also had to convert our shop program to a combined career exploration and building technology class to sneak some of those shop aspects in since we couldn’t find a teacher for shop. PE has also been a difficulty, mostly I think because a lot of former athletes think that PE will be easy and then they can coach, then they realize they actually have to teach and grade and are lousy at it and don’t like it much.

    Nic (896fdf)

  104. JF,

    I just checked and didn’t see a comment from you waiting for approval. Sometimes certain words or too many links can trigger it. But there weren’t any from you that I could see.

    Dana (1225fc)

  105. comment in moderation, for who knows why

    Because of the oppressive system of smashing free speech we have here.

    Also because it used five links and every comment that uses five links or more gets automatically caught in the filter. I just released it, pretty quickly, which is why Dana could not find it.

    While I have your attention, JF: two things.

    First, your link to my post does not prove what you seem to think it does.

    Second and more important: you have been calling people liars here, including people who most assuredly are not liars, like Paul Montagu and norcal and lurker. That stops now. It will stop in one of two ways. Either you stop it voluntarily, or your comments calling good people liars get moderated and you potentially get banned.

    That is also part of our horrific anti-Trump and anti-free speech ethic here.

    Patterico (7ec629)

  106. Paul Montagu,

    I have been following the protests and was shocked to see this:

    Burning of #Iran Supreme Leader Khamenei’s statue in his own hometown of Mashhad as protestors chant “death death to Khamenei.” Protests in Day 7 with anger directed at top of regime:

    This is really significant. I won’t be surprised if an enormous price will be paid by the heroes that did this, and among those who didn’t but are protesting. Such bravery shown by Iranians, especially the women. I can’t imagine. But as one protesting woman who burned her hijab and cut her hair said, Finally their anger is greater than their fear. President Biden needs to go all and publicly condemn Iran and publicly support the protesters , in no uncertain terms. But after the UN debacle, I think he’ll walk on eggshells when unwavering strength is called for.

    Dana (1225fc)

  107. Specifically, this comment is unacceptable.

    I don’t want a lot of whining about how people called you a liar too. I’m not getting into the weeds on it and I am not discussing it any further. I have evaluated the thread and I find you at fault. Clean up your act or ship out.

    Patterico (7ec629)

  108. Steve Bannon Claims Biden’s Cancer Cure Initiative Is Covering for Scheme to Replace People with ‘Human 2.0’

    The human race could soon be replaced with “Human 2.0,” Steve Bannon declared (at the recent) Turning Point USA conference, promoting a bizarre conspiracy theory about President Joe Biden’s initiative to fight cancer.
    “This is the biggest inflection point in human history,” Bannon said. “In the lived experience of half of this room, or maybe more, we’re going to get to a point where you’re going to have Human 2.0. Right? They’re telling you that. They’re funding that. This is not science fiction, this is fact.”

    Bannon claimed “they” want to be “immortal” and could be working on this covert “Human 2.0” mission under the guise of doing good.

    “They talk about they’re going to save kids, and they’re going to do this — that’s all crap. They want to be immortal. Right? And they also say there’s too many people, the carrying capacity of this planet– there’s too many people,” Bannon argued.

    The true “great replacement theory,” he added, is the replacement of Homo sapiens.
    “Of course you haven’t heard about it. They don’t want to talk about it,” Bannon told the crowd. “They’re just going to do it. And they’re going to call it the Cancer Moonshot. This is what we have to stop.”

    Video at link.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  109. Dana,
    I’ve been following Iranian protests ever since Ahmadinejad was first declared–not won, declared–president. Iran is a big country, with 85 million people, and 55 million of them were born after the 1979 revolution. I won’t make predictions but, given Khameini’s enfeebled state and the people’s discontent, something’s gotta give.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  110. Marquette Law School National Survey Cont’d-Confidence in Institutions, Abortion, Etc.
    Confidence in Institutions

    For the first time in three years of asking this question, confidence in the presidency was higher than confidence in the U.S. Supreme Court, though only by a slight margin.
    Republicans are substantially more confident in the police than are independents or Democrats, as shown in Table 8 (a). However, Republicans express considerably less confidence in the FBI than do independents and Democrats, shown in Table 8 (b).

    A majority, 61%, oppose the decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, while 30% favor that ruling and 10% say they don’t have an opinion. …….
    A very large majority, 90%, say their state should allow a woman to obtain a legal abortion in cases of rape or incest, with 10% saying this should not be allowed. Large majorities favor this among each party, as shown in Table 13.
    A majority, 82%, say states should not be able to make it illegal to travel to another state to obtain a legal abortion, while 18% say states should be able to do so. …….
    A majority, 76%, say states should not be able to make it illegal to order from out-of-state prescription medication that induces an abortion, while 23% say states should be able to do so. …….

    Biden job approval

    Approval of how Biden is handling his job as president increased to 45% in September, with 55% disapproving. ……
    In September among registered voters, 75% of Democrats and 73% of Republicans say they are absolutely certain to vote.
    Favorability of public figures

    Table 19 shows favorability ratings of several public figures. With the exception of Anthony Fauci, all have net negative favorability ratings.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  111. Paul,

    I hope Amini’s death is the last straw. There has been, especially over the past decade, a swelling pushback by women who are simply unwilling to take it anymore. Also, I was happy to see so many young men protesting and supporting the women who tossed their hijabs.

    Dana (1225fc)

  112. Trump yesterday:

    ‘I was right about Ukraine. I was right about what, Taiwan and I’m hoping I’m not going to be right about World War Three, because we have stupid people dealing,’ the former president said, as he predicted the U.S. would lose a conflict to Russia.

    ‘You could end up in World War III and this will be a war like we’ve never had before – won’t even be close, because we’re being run by stupid people.’

    ‘Putin mentioned the N word,’ Trump told the crowd. ‘You know what the N word is? It’s– no, no, no, it’s the nuclear word. You mentioned the N word yesterday. The nuclear were not supposed to be mentioned,’ Trump continued, as he claimed the Russian invasion ‘never would’ve happened’ under his presidency.

    Dana (1225fc)

  113. It is perverse to see the loser make talk of a nuclear war . . . . another chance to talk about himself.

    Instead of, for example, simply condemning Putin for even raising the possibility.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  114. @114. Perverse indeed:

    U.S. Nearly Used Nukes During Vietnam War

    If the president had done what the Joint Chiefs recommended, the movement would have grown even larger, but so would the war, much larger than it ever became.

    DCSCA (c8d5c0)

  115. Nazi sympathizer and Army reservist who stormed the Capitol sentenced to 4 years in Jan. 6 case
    Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, 32, of New Jersey, who was an Army reservist when he stormed the U.S. Capitol in January 2021, was convicted in May after he failed to convince jurors that he didn’t know that Congress met at the Capitol, a claim he made on the stand to avoid a conviction for obstruction of Congress.

    “I know this sounds idiotic, but I’m from New Jersey,” Hale-Cusanelli told jurors when he said he didn’t know Congress met at the Capitol. “I feel like an idiot, it sounds idiotic, and it is.”
    …….(Trump-appointed U.S. District Judge Trevor) McFadden said Thursday that the claim that Hale-Cusanelli didn’t know Congress met at the Capitol was a “risible lie” and an “obvious attempt” to avoid accountability.
    Federal prosecutors had sought 6½ years in prison. Hale-Cusanelli was convicted on all five counts he faced, including a felony charge of obstruction of an official proceeding. ……
    In a government sentencing memo, federal prosecutors referred to Hale-Cusanelli’s “enthusiasm for civil war and his well-documented history of violent rhetoric” and argued that significant prison time is warranted because of his background and his false statements on the stand.
    Prosecutors also said Hale-Cusanelli “subscribes to White Supremacist and Nazi-Sympathizer ideologies that drive his enthusiasm for another civil war.” The jury saw only a fraction of the government’s evidence of extremist views held by Hale-Cusanelli, a former security contractor who previously had a “secret” security clearance.

    “Hale-Cusanelli is, at best, extremely tolerant of violence and death,” prosecutors said. “What Hale-Cusanelli was doing on January 6 was not activism, it was the preamble to his civil war.”


    ……… People who knew Hale-Cusanelli told federal investigators that the former reservist expressed support for killing Jews and “babies born with any deformities or disabilities,” and said that “Hitler should have finished the job.”

    Another told investigators that Hale-Cusanelli “spoke of his dislike of Jews every day.”

    After the Jan. 6 attack, a confidential human source recorded conversations with Hale-Cusanelli connecting his hateful ideology to his actions inside the Capitol. “I really f**cking wish there’d be a civil war,” Hale-Cusanelli was quoted telling the source. He told the source that civil war would provide a “clean slate” that would get rid of “entrenched interests,” by which the source understood him to mean Jewish people, the sentencing memo states.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  116. Rip Murdock (26cf8e) — 9/24/2022 @ 3:56 pm

    TrumpWorld not amused:

    Four years is insane. The guy not only needs a pardon but a fat check from the gov for politically motivated imprisonment. …… Why does Hitler get associated with this mustache, and not “beloved” Charlie Chaplin from the same time period, who parodied Hitler also? …….
    Sounds as if he received a big sentence because the judge s didn’t like his beliefs that are supposed to be covered by the first amendment. Another political prisoner imprisoned. Another Trump judge.……… Of course I suspect the IQ level of all those Jan 6 people is pretty low. Sad.……

    (Same poster) If the entire Republican Party didn’t have to constantly backpedal and play defense (regarding those “January 6” idiots), the Republican Party could have been playing offense right now, talking up the election steal……. Those “January 6” goofballs…… If those “January 6” morons hadn’t done that, then the Republican Party could be pounding the heck out of the stolen election theme……. If those “January 6” nutcases hadn’t erupted……

    ……..The violence at the Capitol on January 6 stopped the Constitutional process of questioning the validity of the election….to the benefit of Joe Biden. …….

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)


    Just a reminder that the left wants to brainwash children into believing fairy tales.

    NJRob (eb56c3)


    As Green put it, that means “sprinkl[ing] some social justice” between lessons on covalent bonds or the binomial theorem. Like his algebra assignment to “use the vocabulary of inequalities to empower my identities in America.” What does that remotely have to do with math?

    The State Education Department citation for his honor (which makes him New York’s nominee for the national award) contains precious little mention of concrete academic achievements Green has fostered. Instead it proffers vague pieties about “culturally responsive teaching” and the like, indicating that Green won by being so very woke.

    Indeed, at Frederick Douglass Academy, where Green used to teach, only 9% of students got a passing grade on state chemistry tests. That’s the real inequity: failure after failure from schools serving poorer, less white populations. Fixing it starts with an uncompromising emphasis on academic excellence — not a dubious social-justice agenda.

    Education doesn’t matter. Indoctrination is the goal.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  119. The protest footage is still coming in, but I’m not seeing the Basij entering the fray and cracking civilian skulls. I don’t know if this a “revolution” or the “end of the Islamic republic”, but it’s big.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  120. I’m reading that the Islamic Republic is going to send Hezbollah fighters in to quell the riots:

    I’ve repeatedly heard from sources in the past 24 hours that the Islamic Republic is going to send Hezbollah militants from Lebanon into Iran to shut down protests and sow chaos.

    I’ve now heard this from a fifth source.

    Dana (1225fc)

  121. University of Utah student arrested in alleged threat to detonate school’s nuclear reactor if football team lost, officials say
    “On Saturday, Sept. 17, the University of Utah Police Department was notified someone had posted a message on YikYak: ‘If we don’t win today, I’m detonating the nuclear reactor on campus,’” the statement said.

    University police determined a student did post the message, and she was interviewed Wednesday, officials said.

    “She acknowledged posting the statement and was arrested and taken to the Salt Lake County Jail and booked for making terroristic threats,” officials said.
    The student claimed her statement was meant as a joke, the university said; however, Police Chief Jason Hinojosa said in the statement, “We have a zero-tolerance policy for these kind of threats.”

    The university’s nuclear reactor, Hinojosa said, is secured and it has alarms, and police have unique protocols for managing any breach.
    A university spokesperson told NBC News on Thursday that the university has a nuclear engineering program, which is why there is a reactor on campus. According to the Energy Department, the University of Utah is one about 25 universities with nuclear reactors.
    It is up to the district attorney’s office to determine whether to pursue the case. No one with the prosecutor’s office could immediately be reached for comment Thursday.
    The Utes defeated San Diego State 35-7 on Saturday. The team’s record is 2-1.

    Apparently the threat worked.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  122. This happened earlier today

    Dmitry Vitalyevich Bulgakov Army General, chief of the logistic support of the Russian armed forces, has been fired.

    If you scroll down, you’ll see that Bulgakov’s replacement, Mizincev, looks like Dr. Evil with a crewcut.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  123. Putin’s Top Priest Tells Russians Not to Fear Death Amid Mobilization
    “Go bravely to fulfill your military duty. And remember that if you lay down your life for your country, you will be with God in his kingdom, glory and eternal life,” he told a sermon at the Zachatyevsky Monastery in Moscow.
    “Faith makes a person very strong, because it transfers his consciousness from everyday life, from material worries, to caring for the soul, for eternity,” he said. “Namely, the fear of death drives a warrior from the battlefield, pushes the weak to betrayal and even to rebel against their brothers. But true faith destroys the fear of death.”.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  124. Russian Media Watch:

    Russian State TV Host Says Erasing Ukrainian Cities ‘Not a Problem at All’

    In a video posted to Twitter by Daily Beast reporter and creator of the Russian Media Monitor Julia Davis, Russia’s state-run Channel 1 host Vladimir Solovyov can be heard speaking about the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and says “a total destruction of all infrastructure. We could have done that in a moment.”

    “We are conducting a counterterrorism operation. We’re conducting a humanitarian operation. Americans are wondering, ‘What are you doing? Erase everything off of the map and that’s it,'” Solovyov said. “Imagine if we would say ‘Kharkiv’s population has 24 hours to leave the city.’ Is it hard to turn Kharkiv into ruins with our weapons? All of it in its entirety, erase it from the face of the earth, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, not a problem at all.”
    In the video clip of the Russian state TV host, he can further be heard speaking about the recent attacks at Ukrainian power plants.

    “The thermal power station in Kharkiv and hydraulic structures on the Inhulets River. Those weren’t two small episodes,” Solovyov said. “Putin said we gave them two hints.”

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  125. Link to above article.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  126. Putin’s Top Priest Tells Russians Not to Fear Death Amid Mobilization

    Patton’s Top Prose Tells It Differently:

    “No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country.” 😉

    DCSCA (da5296)

  127. Julia Davis

    Some things never change: translated clips of Tucker Carlson are still an ever-present feature on Russian state TV, rivaled only by those of Scott Ritter, Douglas Macgregor and Trump.


    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  128. Judge dismisses lawsuit over DOJ memo on school board threats
    In an attempt to stop the Justice Department from enforcing the memo, a group of parents from Virginia and Washington sued Garland, claiming the memo tried to silence parents who were lawfully protesting the “harmful, immoral, and racist policies of the ‘progressive’ Left” at their local schools.

    Federal Judge Dabney Friedrich, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, ruled that the memo did little more than announce a “series of measures” that directed federal authorities to address increasing threats targeting school board members, teachers and other school employees.

    “The alleged AG Policy is not regulatory, proscriptive, or compulsory in nature because it does not impose any regulations, requirements, or enforcement actions on individuals,” Friedrich wrote. “None of the documents that the plaintiffs allege establish the policy create an imminent threat of future legal actions against anyone, much less the plaintiffs.”

    Friedrich noted the memo only addressed threats of violence, and explicitly stated that parents have the right to “spirited debate about policy matters.” The memo also “does not label anyone a domestic terrorist,” Friedrich said.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  129. Liz Cheney says if Trump wins a 2024 presidential nomination she ‘won’t be a Republican’

    ROFLMAOPIP X 10 to the 23rd power:

    -Wyoming GOP won’t recognize Liz Cheney as member over anti-Trump stance

    -Liz Cheney removed from House GOP leadership

    -Wyoming Republicans Throw Liz Cheney Out Of Congress

    “Really don’t mind if you sit this one out; My word’s but a whisper, your deafness a shout; I may make you feel, but I can’t make you think…” – Jethro Tull ‘Thick As A Brick’ 1972

    DCSCA (82e5a0)

  130. Shorter pro-Putin Russian priest: “Many of you will die, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  131. Grandfathers?

    A largely female protest against mobilization in Yakutsk, far eastern Russia. They’re chanting “Give us our grandfathers back!”

    I’m really noticing that it’s women doing more than their share of protesting in authoritarian regimes like Iran and Russia, and they’re braver than hell.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  132. They sure are, Paul. I read earlier that Ukrainian woman in occupied regions are being forced into the mobilization.

    Dana (1225fc)

  133. @84 Nixon/kissenger got cambodia involved in the war that prince sianouk was trying to stay out of to protect his people. Nixon had the cia by off the generals to over throw the prince. Is their a musuem in D.C. showing the victims of capitalism? The body count would be much larger. Also we have a holocaust museum here about jews during world war II in europe. I know they do not have a holocaust museum in europe or israel about the extermination of indiginous people like me. I wonder if they have one in D.C. Maybe for Armenians?

    asset (e50ce4)

  134. Wallowing in the victimhood of one’s ancestors is not exactly a recipe for a happy life.

    norcal (da5491)

  135. @asset@134 Jewish Americans are 2.4% of the population, Cambodian and Khmer Americans are 0.1%, not enough lobbying power.

    Nic (896fdf)

  136. Do any of you know why the communist cell was invented? The communards were slaughtered at the paris commune. The communist cell came about because capitalist governments were murdering so many communist just like the black panthers like fred hampton and mark clark among other black panthers were murdered here. 1905 russia and 1920/1930’s china were the government mudered communists /socialists. The mafia with the toleration of j.edgar hoover murdered socialist labor leaders here. Allowing lucky luchiano to murder socialist labor leaders in the long shoreman union to take it over. As the establishment prefered dealing with the mafia unions instead of socialists. The reuther brothers were secret government agents. You talk about castro killings ;but never batista and his thugs killings. Venezuela killings bad columbia, elsalvador, guatamala, honduras killings good. The murder of german socialists in the 1920’s like rosa luxemberg by right wing and later nazi’s good. Killing leftist good if leftist kill back BAD! Look at the continuous death threats on AOC since she was first elected. Over at ace their are continuous threats on her and she is a democratic socialist not a communist. You want to talk about how many were killed in china after mao ;but not a word of the killings of mao’s supporters before they defeated the corrupt capitalists. What goes around comes around. Capitalists are still killing people around the world remember china is a semi capitalist country today as the uygers are finding out the hard way.

    asset (e50ce4)

  137. Leftist trash Andrew Weissmann calls Ginni Thomas a Nazi who would send people to the ovens.

    And this guy was supposed to be leading investigations. Yet some seals will keep clapping.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  138. Shorter pro-Putin Russian priest: “Many of you will die, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”

    The Russian Orthodox Church has been an instrument of the State since Stalin revived it in WWII to boost morale and promote nationalist and religious fervor after the Nazi invasion.

    And you’re right about the other part too. Putin and his cronies are not shedding blood or suffering economic privation. The little people are. The nomenklatura are playing with the casino’s chips.

    nk (3992e4)

  139. translated clips of Tucker Carlson are still an ever-present feature on Russian state TV, rivaled only by those of Scott Ritter, Douglas Macgregor and Trump.

    Scott Ritter is a convicted child molester. He served prison time for it.

    Douglas Macgegor has been described as “a racist crackpot who is pro-Russia, anti-Merkel, anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican.” Trump tried to appoint him U.S. Ambassador to Germany but wiser heads thought he would be more like the U.S. Embarrassment to Germany.

    Yes, those would be Trump’s friends.

    nk (3992e4)

  140. Yes, those would be Trump’s friends.

    Trump’s friends are increasingly like China’s allies.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  141. U.S. Nearly Used Nukes During Vietnam War

    So says Daniel Ellsberg and no one else.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  142. as he predicted the U.S. would lose a conflict to Russia.

    It’s looking like, in the absence of nuclear weapons, NATO would mop up Russia in a few weeks. They are no longer a “superpower” but a “nuclear power” and the weakest one militarily. France would beat them. North Korea would kick their butt locally.

    Give us a few years and let SpaceX orbit Project Thor (unlikely politically, not practically) and even the nukes won’t be an issue.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  143. @137: Luckily for Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, etc the non-Communists weren’t in cells. Until they were.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  144. Back in the day, Stalin forcibly relocated 80,000± Crimean Tatars to other parts less hospitable parts of the USSR, and now Putin is doing his own version of forcible relocations. The more Russian history I read, the less I’m a fan of Russia.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  145. Deadbeat:

    Rudy Giuliani blew off a Manhattan court hearing Friday where a judge said the former New York City mayor would be tossed behind bars if he doesn’t fork over $225,000 plus lawyer fees to his ex-wife by early next month.

    The ultimatum came at a hearing in the divorce case between Giuliani, 78, and former wife Judith Giuliani — who claimed in a lawsuit he’s fallen behind on payments totaling $262,000 owed under terms of their 2019 divorce settlement.

    “If the amount is not paid by that date, I’m going to be forced — unfortunately because it’s not something I want to do — I’m going to be forced to remand the defendant into custody,” Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Michael Katz said at the hearing where Giuliani was a no-show.

    “There is no dispute that the judgment has not been complied with because the defendant admitted last time that he owes money,” Katz said. “He clearly has failed to meet his obligations.”

    The judge said since Giuliani did not appear in court or file evidence disputing Judith’s claim, he’d grant her request for a default judgment against Giuliani for $225,442 plus another $10,000 for attorney fees.

    Rip Murdock (6a04a3)

  146. Putin knows that his mobilization will not result in a victory. And if you’ve seen photos of the weapons they are being issued, it only reinforces that fact. Their best stuff has already been on the battlefield for six months already. This latest move by Putin will result in more deaths for Russia, and certainly no successes. It will not help Putin maintain power, help his tarnished image, or re-establish Russia as a Soviet-like superpower, so why do it? It’s one gigantic delusion on Putin’s part, with hopes that the Russian people will share in his delusions. This mobilization is just another miscalculation in a long line of them. However, it’s 2022. Russians have the internet, they can see what’s happening. While there will always be true believers, so many young people who are already against this war already see what’s what.

    Also, what stands out to me is that Putin has not made any speeches about victory or success. It was back in June that he last compared himself to Peter the Great and the rebuilding of the Russian Empire, but nothing since.

    Dana (1225fc)

  147. Here’s a good report on the risk involved in mobilization:

    If mobilising more troops is key to winning the war, then why has Putin waited this long? Why didn’t he declare mobilisation at the first sign that his “three-day war” plan had hit snags? He waited so long that a longtime member of his inner circle, Ramzan Kadyrov, went on the record calling on him to escalate.

    Putin has been hesitant because he knows mobilisation is risky. If all goes to plan, mobilisation could help quickly replenish Russian troops in occupied territories and stop Ukrainian advances. In the medium-to-long term, it could significantly increase Russia’s capacity for a new successful offensive, and with that, force Ukraine to accept peace on Russia’s terms.

    However, nothing about this war has gone according to Russia’s plan. The war exposed major weaknesses in Russia’s ability to effectively command or provide weapons, logistics and supplies to an army of its current size, let alone a much larger force. Morale is low in Russia and there is a general reluctance to fight, despite increasingly generous offers of remuneration. At the order of mobilisation, desperate draft-aged Russians bought up plane tickets to nearby countries with visa-free travel. The few remaining Russian independent media outlets ran stories on how to leave the country for those afraid of the draft, while anti-mobilisation protests erupted across Russia. None of these are strong indicators that things are about to go according to plan.

    Apart from the military risks, mobilisation also carries serious political risks for Putin’s inner circle. It raises the stakes, threatening to throw a wrench into the delicate balance of power between the rival blocs. In some sense, Russia cannot lose a war if it only ever participated in a “special military operation”. Once announced, mobilisation is the military’s last card: either it turns the war around or Russia will face an embarrassing defeat. If Russia wins, the generals will get all the credit, further tilting the balance of power away from the FSB. If Russia loses, the military will take the blame and the FSB will gain ground. In either case, one bloc wins while the other one may panic. And panic in the inner circle creates risks for its members and the regime itself.

    Dana (1225fc)

  148. Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/25/2022 @ 8:30 am

    Not sure of the context (it must have come from DCSCA, whom I’ve blocked), but nuclear weapons were considered for use in Vietnam by Gen. Westmoreland:

    The (formerly classified) documents reveal a long-secret set of preparations by the commander, Gen. William C. Westmoreland, to have nuclear weapons at hand should American forces find themselves on the brink of defeat at Khe Sanh, one of the fiercest battles of the war.
    While publicly expressing confidence in the outcome of the battle at Khe Sanh, General Westmoreland was also privately organizing a group to meet in Okinawa to plan how to move nuclear weapons into the South — and how they might be used against the North Vietnamese forces.

    “Oplan Fracture Jaw has been approved by me,” General Westmoreland wrote to Adm. Ulysses S. Grant Sharp Jr., the American commander in the Pacific, on Feb. 10, 1968. ……..
    That day, Mr. Rostow sent an “eyes only” memorandum to the president, his second in a week warning of the impending plan.

    Two days later, Admiral Sharp sent an order to “discontinue all planning for Fracture Jaw” and to place all the planning material, “including messages and correspondence relating thereto, under positive security.”

    See Presidents of War by Michael Beschloss, which relates the story.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  149. Islamophobia-phobia* is real.
    The Rotherham rape scandal involved the sexual abuse of 1,400± mostly white British girls, some as young as fourteen, in just one city, perpetrated mostly by Muslims of Pakistani descent, and law enforcement was hesitant to prosecute the rapists because they were afraid the community would say they’re racial/ethnic/religious bigots.

    Fast forward to 2022, where the organizers of the Sundance Film Festival are afflicted with the same malady, and it’s typical that left-wingers are hardest hit. For me, I’ll personally make an effort to find and see Ms. Smaker’s film. It sounds really good, and it sounds like she could use the money.

    * Defined by me as the fear of being labeled an Islamophobe.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  150. So, what you all are saying is that Putin is not a strong leader who has control of his country, and that his invasion of Ukraine was not a genius move?

    You do know that President Trump could have stopped all this by not providing Ukraine with weaponry and military intelligence, and by talking the other NATO nations out of doing it either, right?

    When you really come down to it, this is a rigged and stolen war.

    nk (05a312)

  151. Douglas MacArthur wanted to use nukes against China to save the marines caught at Inchon. Harry Turtledove wrote an alt-history (“Bombs Away“) about what might have happened after.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  152. Lol, nk.

    Dana (1225fc)

  153. When you really come down to it, this is a rigged and stolen war.

    I’m sure that Putin thinks so.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  154. There is new footage of Tucker Carlson clips being used on Kremlin-controlled state TV for war propaganda and anti-American messaging. Good grief.

    Dana (1225fc)

  155. When you really come down to it, this is a rigged and stolen war.

    Hm, but if authoritarian leaders were really as badass and powerful as they believe themselves to be, why were they not able to stop all the stealing and rigging? (Yes, I mean more than just Putin…)

    Dana (1225fc)

  156. I liked the #TuckyoRose hashtag at Rip’s comment 128.

    nk (6ddea3)

  157. @142. Pfft.


    Using Nukes in Vietnam? The US Military Considered And Rejected It!


    The short answer is yes, though with important qualifications

    US general considered moving nuclear weapons to Vietnam during war

    The New York Times, citing recently declassified documents, said … that in 1968, Gen. William Westmoreland activated a plan to move nukes to Vietnam if it looked like the US and its allies would lose the battle for the base at Khe Sahn. But then-President Lyndon Johnson vetoed the plan, fearing China would join the war on the side of the North Vietnamese — and ordered the nukes turned back, according to the Times. The plan to have the weapons readily available on short notice had been approved by the American commander in the Pacific, Adm. Ulysses S. Grant Sharp Jr.

    “Always wrong; never in doubt”- eh, Kev. 😉

    DCSCA (fefb55)

  158. @132. A “Lysistrata” styled strategy: ‘Hell has no fury… etc.,’

    DCSCA (fefb55)

  159. Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/25/2022 @ 9:36 am

    On reason why “war is too important to be left to the generals”.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  160. NJRob-

    I posted this just for you.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  161. @147. A more serious re-assessment has to be made in the West of the lousy- or deliberate– mistakes made by U.S. and European military planners, strategists and armaments peddlers and procurers who have wrongly estimated the capabilities of the Russian military for decades— to soak taxpayers for increasingly bloated budgets to buy new toys playing on a faux fear of an apparent shadow of a former self. Russians were clever at suckering Western observers– who wanted to see what wasn’t there to begin with; famously flying the same squadron of bombers over Red Square parades inducing a believe that they had more of the aircraft than they actually did. Expect the $$$ military fear mongering to accelerate over China now that the Russian boogieman has been exposed.

    DCSCA (fefb55)

  162. Trump/DeSantis 2024???

    Florida heavy on that one– but given the trainwreck that is Amtrak Joe, from a populist POV, a viable possibility [ take note, Nikki.] Trump can only run for one more term and DeSantis is populism life insurance in a second spot seat, prepped for two-term broken field running. Old Joe can’t kill populism shouting union appeals or yelling at clouds.

    DCSCA (fefb55)

  163. I’m enjoying seeing Patterico and lots of Dana in the thread.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  164. Nuclear weapons were also considered as part of Operation Vulture, the plan to save the French at Dien Bien Phu:

    The plan included an option to use up to three small atomic weapons on the Viet Minh positions in support of the French. The Joint Chiefs of Staff drew up plans to deploy tactical atomic weapons, U.S. carriers sailed to the Gulf of Tonkin, and reconnaissance flights over Dien Bien Phu were conducted during the negotiations. Radford, the top American military officer, gave this nuclear option his backing. US B-29s, B-36s, and B-47s could have executed a nuclear strike, as could carrier aircraft from the Seventh Fleet. Admiral Radford was the leading voice within the government for Operation Vulture, citing a study that three tactical atomic bombs “properly employed” would decisively smash the Vietminh forces besieging the French at Dien Bien Phu, and thereby turn a certain defeat into a victory.

    Footnotes omitted. Fortunately President Eisenhower turned down the plan.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  165. Aww Rip.

    The voters disagreed.

    NJRob (bd2889)

  166. @162, once again you draw the wrong conclusion. Consistent if nothing else.

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74)

  167. @165. Golly, Rip; seems they were ‘part of the plan’ with Japan in 1945, too.

    DCSCA (fefb55)

  168. @167. Yes, the Pentagon planners consistently do, don’t they. Your homework assigment tonight: The Pentagon Papers.

    DCSCA (fefb55)

  169. @162, once again you draw the wrong conclusion. Consistent if nothing else.

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74) — 9/25/2022 @ 10:55 am

    I’m sure you’re not referring to me.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  170. @170. If the ‘rip’ fits, own it. 😉

    DCSCA (fefb55)

  171. @145. Hmmmm. Back in the day, the U.S. forcibly relocated Japanese-Americans and Native Americans to other parts, less hospitable parts, of the USA… forcible relocations.

    “And the Lord said, gentlemen, “He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” – Professor Groeteschele [Walter Matthau] ‘Fail-Safe’ 1964

    DCSCA (fefb55)

  172. Iowa Man Found Guilty of Felony and Misdemeanor Charges Related to Capitol Breach
    Douglas Austin Jensen, 43, of Des Moines, Iowa, was found guilty by a jury of five felony offenses…….
    Once he got inside (the Capitol Building), Jensen hastily rounded a few corners until he found himself in a crowd that halted when they encountered a Capitol Police officer by the East Grand Stairs. He squeezed himself to the front of the pack to face off with the officer. Ignoring commands to stop, he then chased the officer up the East Grand Stairs to the Ohio Clock corridor just outside the Senate Chamber. There, he demanded that officers “back up” and that they arrest Vice President Pence. …….

    In his pocket was a knife with a three-inch blade.
    Jensen was found guilty of five felony offenses: assaulting, resisting, or impeding a law enforcement officer, obstruction of an official proceeding, interfering with a law enforcement officer during a civil disorder, entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds with a dangerous weapon, and disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds with a dangerous weapon. He also was found guilty of the misdemeanor offenses of disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.

    Jensen is to be sentenced on Dec. 16, 2022. The felony charges carry a total statutory maximum of 53 years in prison and potential financial penalties. The misdemeanor offenses carry a combined statutory maximum of one year of incarceration and potential financial penalties.
    In the 20 months since Jan. 6, 2021, more than 870 individuals have been arrested in nearly all 50 states for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including over 265 individuals charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement. The investigation remains ongoing.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  173. Russian Media Watch:

    Team Putin Begs Rich Russians to Help Save His Failing War
    Even the most dedicated pro-Kremlin propagandists haven’t been able to hide their apprehension about the obvious shortcomings of the Russian economy and its military-industrial complex…….

    Senior military analyst Mikhail Khodaryonok (on Wednesday’s broadcast of state television show 60 Minutes) …..noted that: “Mobilization is the face of the nation.” …….. Khodaryonok pointed out: “An issue that is no less important than others is how well these people will be armed and equipped… They should receive modern uniforms, modern gear, rations, medical kits, items having to do with support and logistics, modern weapons… It’s just inappropriate.”
    (Military expert Igor Korotchenko, during his appearance on the same show, stressed that) ……..“Since we’re talking about the future of our nation, there has to be the consolidation of all available resources. We should create a fund of support for the special military operation. Our socially responsible prominent oligarchy should share their profits, so that our fighters on the front lines can be properly armed and equipped.”

    Korotchenko went on: “Everyone should play their part. We can’t have it that some will luxuriate in Rublyovka [a prestigious residential area in the western suburbs of Moscow], while others are defending the Motherland. Those who are fattened up in the economic sense need to share their resources so that we can supply our troops with everything that is needed.”
    In another broadcast of 60 Minutes, State Duma Defense Committee’s head Andrey Kartapolov tried to persuade the sour-faced panelists how lucky they are “to live in such wonderful times,” with Russia “becoming the axis of a new world order.” Apparently not feeling lucky, Dmitry Abzalov, director of the Center for Strategic Communications, questioned the preparedness of the Russian economy for what’s to come.
    ……… State TV show 60 Minutes, which spent many months deriding Ukrainian troops and scoffing at Western weapons, suddenly changed its course, with host Olga Skabeeva unexpectedly admitting that the Ukrainian army was a “powerful” force and NATO’s weapons were “highly effective.”

    Maybe the Russians can start a GoFundMe campaign for those who have mobilized.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  174. Colorado Man Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison For Actions During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach
    According to court documents, on Jan. 6, 2021, (Thomas Patrick Hamner, 49, of Peyton, Colorado) illegally entered the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, which was barricaded with fencing. Upon seeing rioters break through the police line, Hamner hopped over the barricades and began pulling them down. At approximately 1 p.m., a crowd of violent rioters assembled on the West Plaza of the Capitol. U.S. Capitol Police formed a line of bike racks to act as a barrier against the crowd. Officers fended off repeated attempts by those in the mob to pull on the bike racks, either with their hands or with ropes and straps. At approximately 1:14 p.m., Hamner engaged with a tug-of-war with a Capitol Police officer and an officer from the Metropolitan Police Department over a bike rack that was being used as a barricade.

    Additionally, at approximately 1:40 p.m., Hamner joined others in the mob in pushing a large metal sign into the defensive line formed by law enforcement officers.

    (Hammer) was indicted on a total of six charges, including five felonies. He pleaded guilty on May 17, 2022, to one of the felony charges, interfering with law enforcement officers during a civil disorder. He has pleaded not guilty to the remaining five charges [Assaulting, Resisting or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon or Inflicting Bodily Injury; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds; Engaging in Physical Violence in a Restricted Building or Grounds] and is awaiting further court proceedings.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  175. Judge prefers a trial for DeSantis’ removal of Tampa prosecutor
    (Senior U.S. District Judge Robert L. Hinkle) said he wanted a trial within the next four months to settle the matter “once and for all.” The decision, which will be formalized in writing, was welcomed by (Andrew) Warren and his lawyers.

    “We look forward to a trial on the merits,” Warren said after the hearing. “We look forward to, as the judge said, the governor having the opportunity to come in here to justify what he did.”
    Warren sued DeSantis in federal court, arguing his First Amendment rights were violated. He asked the judge for a preliminary injunction to reinstate him to his job.

    During Monday’s hearing, Hinkle wrestled with the central question: When Warren signed on to the statements about not enforcing particular crimes, was that protected free speech? Or was it conduct announcing a policy decision for his office?
    Hinkle indicated that a trial would get to the bottom of whether there were other reasons for Warren’s removal.
    Hinkle and the lawyers on Monday seemed to agree that they were in uncharted legal territory, with no prior examples of a governor suspending another constitutional officer being decided in a federal court on free speech grounds.
    Hinkle repeatedly brought up the case of Julian Bond, a Black civil rights activist elected to the Georgia House of Representatives in 1965. ……

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  176. Aww Rip.

    The voters disagreed.

    NJRob (bd2889) — 9/25/2022 @ 10:54 am

    So the court dismissing the lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s school board memo is a good thing, bad thing, or you just don’t understand it?

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  177. Thank you, Paul.

    Dana (866418)

  178. So DCSCA asks — why weren’t we better informed about the state of the Russian military than Putin? Seems pretty obvious that it’s not a conspiracy — it’s that we believed the same fibs Putin was being told. Maybe because the same people talking to Vlad were talking to us.

    In the real world, people can’t get their act together long enough to get a decent conspiracy going.

    Appalled (6681a1)

  179. @179. Pigs at the trough: the $$$$$$ MIC $$$$$$$

    DCSCA (adf8cb)

  180. Rip,

    what part of my short statement are you having difficulty understanding?

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  181. Rip,

    what part of my short statement are you having difficulty understanding?

    NJRob (eb56c3) — 9/25/2022 @ 2:01 pm

    I don’t see how “the voters” had anything to do with a lawsuit they lost.

    Rip Murdock (517cd3)


    We’ve seen 41-year-old Shannon Brandt, who purposely struck and killed 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson. Brandt claimed he thought Ellingson was a “Republican extremist” and admitted to murdering the teenager over a political dispute. Still, a brief search of the websites of CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS yielded no returns for the name “Shannon Brandt,” and save for conservative media, the story has evaded coverage by national outlets.

    The next incident involved the murder of Las Vegas Review-Journal investigative journalist Jeff German. German had been investigating abuse allegations against Public Administrator Robert Telles. Telles had lashed out at German’s reporting several times on Twitter. Shortly after German’s murder, he was arrested and charged with the killing. Yelles, a Democrat, was also an enthusiast for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), attending her CNN town hall during the 2020 election.

    Again, however, Telles’s party identification has all but been erased from national news stories. The media have settled on simply describing Telles as an elected official. In a detailed write-up of the crime and the charges Telles faces, the Associated Press completely omitted his party identification. Top line: Members of the national media are going out of their way to protect a person charged with the murder of one of their own colleagues. It’s a level of professional shamelessness rarely seen for an industry already well known for protecting Democrats.

    Still, these are two specific and exceptionally serious incidents that occurred after the sitting president called for a full-frontal press against his political opponents — opponents, it should be noted, whom he openly described as unpatriotic extremists. But neither Biden nor his administration has been made to answer for this dark rhetoric. Either targeted political rhetoric leads to violence and even death, as our media dutifully warned for years, or it doesn’t. But it cannot be both.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  183. The voters felt differently than the judge. Pretty simple.

    The judge took Garland’s word for it. The voters decided his word isn’t worth spit.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  184. The voters felt differently than the judge. Pretty simple.

    The judge took Garland’s word for it. The voters decided his word isn’t worth spit.

    NJRob (eb56c3) — 9/25/2022 @ 2:06 pm

    And the voters still lost.

    Rip Murdock (517cd3)

  185. Brandt claimed he thought Ellingson was a “Republican extremist” and admitted to murdering the teenager over a political dispute. Still, a brief search of the websites of CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS yielded no returns for the name “Shannon Brandt,” and save for conservative media, the story has evaded coverage by national outlets.

    I heard that the claim he thought the 18-year old was a MAGA Republican may be a lie, but the important point is that the driver thought it would win hims= sympathy

    Sammy Finkelman (19edaf)

  186. AAron Judge is at 60 homers and holding. He hit two #58 and #59 in the same day. He hit 60 in 147 games and still can tie or beat Roger Maris’s 61 in 154 games of less. Maris hit #61 in the 162nd and last game,

    Sammy Finkelman (19edaf)

  187. Russia is drafting even the dead, but few in either Moscow or St. Petersburg.

    Sammy Finkelman (19edaf)

  188. New York Times prints a letter that says the real danger of censorship comes from the left:

    To the Editor:

    Re “Censorship Is the Refuge of the Weak” (editorial, Sept. 11):

    You acknowledge that “political factions on both the left and the right” are pursuing censorship, but conclude that “only right-wing legislators are currently writing censorship into law.”

    I condemn outright censorship and other less obvious attempts to limit speech and thought. But I fear that the left’s speech control is more pervasive, less easy to defeat and (so far) has been more successful in smothering free expression:

    Which list would be longer: a list of conservative speakers banned, disinvited or shouted down on college campuses, or a list of liberal speakers?

    Has the right been more successful in banning ideological opponents from prominent social media platforms, or has the left?

    There are strident views expressed from the left that using the “wrong” pronouns is “hate speech” and “incites violence.”

    Movies can’t be considered for the Oscars’ recognition of excellence starting in 2024 unless they “meet diversity standards covering race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and disability.”

    And the scariest and potentially most damaging is the notion (from the left) that censoring misinformation and disinformation is not only necessary but also a service to the country.

    I fear for free speech in our country, as I know many do. But straightforward attempts at book banning from the right are much more easily countered than the insidious, strident and smothering actions by the left.

    Sammy Finkelman (19edaf)

  189. 164. In 1939, Stalin (and almost everybody else) misjudged the capabilities of the French army.

    Sammy Finkelman (19edaf)

  190. Hardly anybody realizes that Letitia James is actually up for re-election this year. There was no primary in either party.

    Sammy Finkelman (19edaf)

  191. Eisenhower ended the Korean War by secretly threatening the use f=of nuclear waste as a weapon

    Sammy Finkelman (19edaf)


    Hey Rip,

    here’s a poll you somehow missed. It shows Likely Voters leaning Republican by 5. Amazing how you missed it since you love polls that seem to favor leftists.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  193. Because U.S. immigration policy makes no sense not only morally and economically or financially but also in terms of inconsistency (it’s hostile but not once they get here) people are ready to believe a reversal of policy has come at the slightest sign of it.

    Sammy Finkelman (19edaf)

  194. The Federal Reserve Board openly admits it is experimenting on the American economy and have no cond=fidence in the results,. But many others are convinced it will not work and will result in the opposite.

    Since when does raising business ccosts result in lower prices?

    Sammy Finkelman (19edaf)

  195. Her name isn’t Mahsa.

    The irony her is that her name was Jina. She was deprived of her birth name,a Kurdish name, under laws that prohibited her ethnic people- Kurds- from visibility. Mahsa was the Persian name on her passport, but her name was Jina. Let’s say her name: Jina Amini.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  196. “Always wrong; never in doubt”- eh, Kev. 😉

    Westmoreland certainly was.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  197. @173: In his pocket was a knife with a three-inch blade.

    Calling a three inch pocket knife (that remained in the pocket) “a dangerous weapon” is a bit much. A lot of women have something like that, or a screwdriver, in their purse.

    The rest of it should be enough for the case.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  198. Hinkle and the lawyers on Monday seemed to agree that they were in uncharted legal territory, with no prior examples of a governor suspending another constitutional officer being decided in a federal court on free speech grounds.

    They looked around, found uncovered asses and decided to cover them.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  199. And the voters still lost.

    A number of school board elections happened.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  200. @173: In his pocket was a knife with a three-inch blade.

    How long was his bus?

    nk (3a184a)

  201. Vladimir Bluffin:

    When a nuclear detonation occurs, people, plants, and animals can be exposed to the fallout in several ways. Livestock may eat contaminated plants or drink contaminated water. People who then eat this livestock will then still experience internal contamination, in which radioactive material ends up inside of our bodies, despite not consuming contaminated plants or water directly.

    Radionuclides that are inhaled or ingested are not blocked by an external shield. These radionuclides interact with internal cells and tissues, which increases the risk of harmful health effects. When radionuclides are ingested, they can change the structure of cells, which is one of the ways people can develop cancer. The health risks from fallout have been described in many studies. One example is the Federal Radiation Council’s 1962 report, Health Implications of Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Testing through 1961. This is one of the reasons why radiation protection professionals work hard to protect people from unnecessary exposure to radiation.

    The radioactive dust that settles on the environment around us is an example of potential external exposure. Radionuclides that emit alpha and beta particles would pose a lower external exposure threat because they do not travel very far in the atmosphere and are not as penetrating as more energetic radiation. Shielding, one of the three principles of radiation protection, prevents some external exposure because alpha particles are blocked by the dead skin cells that sit on the surface of our bodies. Gamma rays, however, travel much farther in the atmosphere, and are higher energy rays that can only be blocked by heavy shielding, like a concrete wall or a lead apron. These rays pose a higher external exposure risk. source-

    DCSCA (cf60cd)

  202. Hey Rip,

    here’s a poll you somehow missed. It shows Likely Voters leaning Republican by 5. Amazing how you missed it since you love polls that seem to favor leftists.

    NJRob (eb56c3) — 9/25/2022 @ 2:30 pm

    Thanks for posting!

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  203. @173: In his pocket was a knife with a three-inch blade.

    Calling a three inch pocket knife (that remained in the pocket) “a dangerous weapon” is a bit much. A lot of women have something like that, or a screwdriver, in their purse.

    The rest of it should be enough for the case.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/25/2022 @ 3:36 pm

    I suppose it depends what a woman is doing while carrying whatever in their purse.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  204. A number of school board elections happened.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/25/2022 @ 3:39 pm

    I don’t keep track of out of state local election results.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  205. Shannon Brandt known by neighbors for booze-fueled ‘rampages,’ being ‘nuts his whole life’
    One neighbor said that Brandt has been “nuts his whole life” and “should have been in a [mental health] institute.”

    The neighbor also said Brandt’s bail was “extremely low” for what he allegedly did, adding that it should have been higher, and saying that the 41-year-old “had too much to drink” the night of the incident. When Brandt is drunk, the neighbor alleged, he goes on “rampages.”
    Speaking about the incident, (another) neighbor alleged that Brandt’s accusation of Ellingson being part of a “Republican extremist group” was an excuse, and not the reason he allegedly hit the teenager.

    The neighbor said he was sitting close to Brandt at the bar around two and a half hours before the incident happened, and said nothing seemed off.
    Brandt’s blood-alcohol level was 0.08, a breathalyzer test later showed, the court document states.
    He was arrested for unlawful possession of alcohol and fleeing a peace officer on foot in October 2006, and was also arrested for a DUI with actual physical control in February 2002, according to records.

    Brandt will certainly serve more prison time than the former SD Attorney General did for a fatal hit and run (hint: no time at all).

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  206. Vladimir Bluffin:

    The 1986 Chernobyl disaster triggered the release of radioactive contamination into the atmosphere in the form of both particulate and gaseous radioisotopes. As of 2022, it was the world’s largest known release of radioactivity into the environment. – source,

    The Chernobyl disaster remains the major and most detrimental nuclear catastrophe which completely altered the radioactive background of the Northern Hemisphere. It happened in April 1986 on the territory of the former Soviet Union (modern Ukraine). The catastrophe led to the increase of radiation in nearly one million times in some parts of Europe and North America compared to the pre-disaster state. Air, water, soils, vegetation and animals were contaminated to a varying degree. Apart from Ukraine and Belarus as the worst hit areas, adversely affected countries included Russia, Austria, Finland and Sweden. The full impact on the aquatic systems, including primarily adjacent valleys of Pripyat river and Dnieper river, are still unexplored.

    Substantial groundwater contamination is one of the gravest environmental impacts caused by the Chernobyl disaster. As a part of overall freshwater damage, it relates to so-called “secondary” contamination, caused by the delivery of radioactive materials through unconfined aquifers to the groundwater network. It proved to be particularly challenging because groundwater basins, especially deep-laying aquifers, were traditionally considered invulnerable to diverse extraneous contaminants. To the surprise of scientists, radionuclides of Chernobyl origin were found even in deep-laying waters with formation periods of several hundred years… [The] Chernobyl accident revealed complete unpreparedness of the local authorities to the resolution of environment-related issues of a nuclear disaster.- source,

    DCSCA (e91528)

  207. Rip Murdock (26cf8e) — 9/25/2022 @ 5:35 pm

    But the crazy old cat ladies at the MAGA hangouts seized on Brandt’s excuse of Ellingson being part of a “Republican extremist group to claim that Biden’s rhetoric caused the mean drunk to kill the kid. Not surprising at all, but worse than annoying. Liars spreading lies.

    nk (c2b981)

  208. nk (c2b981) — 9/25/2022 @ 5:51 pm

    Agreed. The only “evidence” of his “hatred” of Republicans is his own self-serving statement. Absent any other evidence of Brandt being “anti-MAGA” (such as web posts, attending BLM protests, etc.) there’s no real proof.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  209. @203 Likely voter polling will be inaccurate this election as the kansas abortion voted showed. Polling showed likely voters were even or slightly favored yes. New women voters registering to vote on abortion didn’t show up as likely voters. Also women who normally don’t vote in primaries and mid terms were also not showing up as likely vote. These results showed up in congressional races since abortion decision.

    asset (0257cb)

  210. RIP John Hartman (72). Founding drummer of The Doobie Brothers.

    Hartman performed with the band from 1970 to 1979, and returned for another stint from 1987 to 1992. During his initial run with the group, the Doobies released a string of hits that would become staples of classic rock, including “China Grove,” “Listen To The Music,” “Jesus Is Just Alright,” “Black Water,” and “Takin’ It To The Streets,” among many others.

    In 2020, Hartman and other surviving members of the original group, including (singer-guitarist-songwriter Tom) Johnston, (singer-guitarist-songwriter Patrick) Simmons and (singer-keyboardist Michael) McDonald, were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

    Rip Murdock (26cf8e)

  211. Russian Media Monitor touts how often the Russian’s pine for a return of Trump.
    But they waited to invade Ukraine until Biden was ummm, in office. (I almost said until Biden was “in charge” but caught myself)
    I was wondering if Russian Media threats over the USA renaming the US Army Alaska to the 11th Airborne validate in any way, Sarah Palin’s actual observations on the subject.
    Heck, even Mitt was onto something vs. Obama on the subject unless Biden plans on deploying US carriers into the Black Sea.
    I might even buy an ad running those clips and saying “we told you so”

    steveg (52b652)

  212. nk- next time you do wordle use Trump as your opening word. Maybe you will get it in one guess.
    I’ve gotten a few wordle’s done in two, but its been luck. First guess after the opener, no skill involved.
    I’ve also gotten four out of five letters green on first guess and then lost because it was one of those *bleep* words that had about seven consonants possible and I chose wrong the whole way down the line.
    My wife said I am too competitive, hate to lose, and was taking it unreasonably hard, so I told her to go change the bag on the vacuum cleaner or something (turns out “it doesn’t have a bag, menso”).

    steveg (52b652)

  213. I’ve also gotten four out of five letters green on first guess and then lost because it was one of those *bleep* words that had about seven consonants possible and I chose wrong the whole way down the line.

    steveg (52b652) — 9/25/2022 @ 10:54 pm

    Those are infuriating.

    lurker (cd7cd4)


    Bombshell allegations by FBI Special Agent Steve Friend contained in a whistleblower complaint filed late Wednesday with the Department of Justice inspector general reveal a politicized Washington, DC, FBI field office cooking the books to exaggerate the threat of domestic terrorism, and ­using an “overzealous” January 6 ­investigation to harass conservative Americans and violate their constitutional rights.

    Friend, 37, a respected 12-year veteran of the FBI and a SWAT team member, was suspended Monday, stripped of his gun and badge, and escorted out of the FBI field office in Daytona Beach, Fla., after complaining to his supervisors about the violations.

    He was declared absent without leave last month for refusing to participate in SWAT raids that he believed violated FBI policy and were a use of excessive force against Jan. 6 ­subjects accused of misdemeanor ­offenses.

    This American hero, the father of two small children, has blown up his “dream career” because he could not live with his conscience if he continued to be part of what he sees as the unjust persecution of conservative Americans.

    “I have an oath to uphold the Constitution,” he told supervisors when he asserted his conscientious objection to joining an Aug. 24 raid on a J6 subject in the Jacksonville, Fla., area. “I have a moral objection and want to be considered a conscientious objector.”

    Friend, who did not vote for Donald Trump in the 2020 election, said he told his immediate boss twice that he believed the raid, and the investigative process leading up to it, violated FBI policy and the subject’s right under the Sixth Amendment to a fair trial and Eighth Amendment right against cruel and unusual punishment.

    NJRob (eb56c3)


    No time to teach reading, writing, arithmetic, it’s all gender studies, climate change and whitey is to blame for all our ills for future generations.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  216. Russian Media Monitor touts how often the Russian’s pine for a return of Trump. But they waited to invade Ukraine until Biden was ummm, in office. …..

    That is because Trump’s policies on NATO, Ukraine, and election denial in the US fit nicely with Russian policy and propaganda to destabilize and weaken the West. When Trump lost, Russia lost their best friend.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  217. A recruitment officer was wounded in the latest attack on a Russian draft office.

    A gunman apparently distraught over Russia’s chaotic military mobilization opened fire at a draft office in Siberia on Monday, seriously wounding a recruitment officer, as the Kremlin for the first time acknowledged errors in the call-up of hundreds of thousands of civilians to bolster Russia’s struggling army in Ukraine.
    The shooting, in the town of Ust-Ilimsk, was the latest attack on a military recruitment center in Russia since Mr. Putin launched his full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February, and is believed to be the first to have resulted in serious injury. ……
    With Mr. Putin having in effect outlawed dissent against the war, attacks against draft offices have risen since Russia’s invasion began. At least 54 recruitment centers and administrative buildings have been set on fire since then, according to Mediazona, an independent Russian news outlet. Seventeen attacks have occurred since the call-up was announced last Wednesday.

    At least 2,000 antiwar protesters have been arrested since last Wednesday, according to OVD-Info, a rights group that monitors police activity.

    As opposition to the mobilization grows, and amid rumors that the Russian authorities could close the country’s borders to keep draftees from leaving, an estimated 261,000 men fled Russia between last Wednesday and Saturday, according to the independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta, which cited sources in the Russian Federal Security Services, or F.S.B.


    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  218. “When Trump lost, Russia lost their best friend.”

    So, in their anger, they invaded Teh Ukraine.

    RIP’d from teh headlines…

    Colonel Haiku (17b3b0)

  219. So, in their anger, they invaded Teh Ukraine.

    Since Trump was no longer available to (unwittingly) to further Russia’s goals, there was no other alternative. Anger was not involved, destabilization of Ukraine (and the West) has always been their goal. Russia has failed miserably-Ukraine and the West are more united than ever.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  220. It’s a win-win:

    A Russian crime boss who was serving a 23-year jail term before leaving prison to fight in Ukraine was killed in action, according to the Russian outlet Business Gazeta.

    Igor Kusk was the leader of a gang in Tatarstan and was found guilty of various crimes, including murders in 2015, and was imprisoned in a strict regime prison colony, according to reports.

    He volunteered, was accepted, and was killed in action September 6th — making both Ukraine and Russia better off.

    His death is likely to make it even harder to recruit even convicts serving long sentences.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  221. What were these furthered goals?

    I heard a respected military analyst (Mike Lyons) say last Friday that some intelligence indicates that Putin has eliminated any remaining people/safeguards/obstacles between himself and nuclear deployment.

    Perhaps if the administration keeps posturing and forcing Putin further into a corner, perhaps the clapping, barking seals like our SoS will see the fruits of their labors.

    Colonel Haiku (17b3b0)

  222. What were these furthered goals?

    Destabilization of Ukraine, Americans faith in their democracy, and NATO cohesion. See posts 218 and 222; this is the third time I have described their goals.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  223. Perhaps if the administration keeps posturing and forcing Putin further into a corner…..

    The onus will be on Putin and no one else.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  224. * Actions taken by the Obama administration did a helluva lot to destabilize Ukraine.
    * the current administration has done/and continue to do everything in their power to “criminalize” anyone who doesn’t support them, did not/will not vote for them. THEY value Democracy? Pull the other one.
    * Other members of NATO could go a long way to showing they value it AND cohesion by funding their fair share of operations as per their charter.

    Colonel Haiku (17b3b0)

  225. “The onus will be on Putin and no one else.”

    Cold comfort I’d say, and highly irresponsible.

    Colonel Haiku (17b3b0)

  226. But YMMV…

    Colonel Haiku (17b3b0)

  227. This North Carolina Senate poll shows a close race — and a chasm between male and female voters:

    Budd continues to have a better favorability rating and a strong advantage among men and among less-educated voters. But Beasley has gained from the focus on abortion as a motivating factor for voters, which Kimball described as a “gender divide.”

    “Budd leads among men by 16 points while Beasley leads among women by nine points,” he said. “Notably, 81% of the undecided voters are women whose most important voting issue is abortion access (28%).

    (Link omitted.)

    And a chasm between those with high school education or less, and those with post-graduate school or advanced degrees.

    Neither of these follows traditional patterns. In the past, political scientists sometimes described Democrat voting by education as following a “J curve”. Democrats won the most votes among the less educated and the most educated; Republicans did best among those in between. Now, the more eduction you have, the less likely you are to vote Republican.

    In the 1950s, men and women usually voted very much alike and, if anything, Republicans had an advantage among women. (Republicans were believed to better on peace, Democrats on the economy.) That lasted through the 1976 election.

    It is true that this North Carolina race — a Democratic woman running against a Republican man, with abortion important to many voters — probably increases the gap between women and men to more than what is now normal. But even what is now a “normal” gap is bad for both men and women.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  228. Russian Media Watch:

    Putin’s top cheerleaders panic over Russian army ‘mutiny’
    Top pro-Kremlin propagandist Vladimir Solovyov and head of RT Margarita Simonyan spent much of the broadcast of the state television program, Sunday Evening With Vladimir Solovyov, by complaining about the problems with mobilization. …..
    ………Simonyan continued with the same theme, warning: “Comrades Commanders, this is not the time for this…don’t make the people angry!” The head of RT urged those involved in the mobilization process to recall the story of the mutiny that took place on the battleship Potemkin, sparked by the crew being fed maggot-infested meat. Simonyan exclaimed, “Let me remind you that in 1905 little things like this led to the first mutiny of an entire military unit in the history of our country. Is that what you want?” She warned sharply, “You play with armed people.”

    Solovyov bitterly pointed out the split in Russian society: “Now we see that we have two sides. One side is sent like heroes to a people’s war, while others cowardly look at where and how to buy a ticket.” With unconfirmed reports claiming that more than a quarter of a million Russians have left the country since the mobilization was announced last week, Simonyan had a message for those who left: “Relieved… Remember, no one is waiting for you there. You run out of money and then you have to come back.” Solovyov revealed that about 300 people called him asking if they could leave the country after September 27, when Russia can officially begin banning the departure of those of military age. There are reports that such measures are already being implemented at some international airports and border crossings.
    (Margarita Simonyan) also had harsh words for the mothers who tried to protect their children from conscription, calling their efforts shameful. Simonyan noted: “My children are small, but if I had given birth to them at the right time, they would be hungry now.”
    But there was one person who got no blame, no questions, and no harsh words from Solovyov or Simonyan: Russian President Vladimir Putin. On the contrary, Simonyan praised Putin for taking on “the heavy burden of responsibility” on his own. Likewise, Solovyov has never criticized the person responsible for Russia’s ill-considered invasion of Ukraine, preferring to put the blame on everyone else involved in the process. …….

    …..Solovyov had a more radical proposal to boost declining morale in the country, asking, “Can we get executions by shooting?”

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  229. Call him Comrade Snowden:

    President Vladimir Putin has granted Russian citizenship to former U.S. security contractor Edward Snowden, according to a decree signed by the Russian leader on Monday.
    Snowden, who has kept a low profile in Russia and occasionally criticized Russian government policies on social media, said in 2019 that he was willing to return to the U.S. if he’s guaranteed a fair trial.

    “I would like to return to the United States. That is the ultimate goal,” Snowden told CBS News in 2019. “But if I’m gonna spend the rest of my life in prison, the one bottom line demand that we have to agree to is that at least I get a fair trial. And that is the one thing the government has refused to guarantee because they won’t provide access to what’s called a public interest defense.”

    Will we see Comrade Snowden on the front lines in Ukraine? Sadly, no.

    TrumpWorld split on Comrade Snowden.

    Excellent news……Trump should have pardoned both him and Assange. It was one of his biggest political errors. ……Trump filled his pardon list with druggies and rappers. ……. LOL. Must be comforting to Snowden to realize he’s nothing but Putin’s troll fodder. …..It is unfortunate that Trump didn’t pardon and grant citizenship to Julian Assange who was instrumental in exposing the deep state. One wonders why Trump chose to protect the deep state and persecute Assange. ……

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  230. This war isn’t worth even one of our cities.

    Now… back to Rah-Rah Rip…

    Colonel Haiku (17b3b0)

  231. Budd continues to have a better favorability rating and a strong advantage among men and among less-educated voters

    Less educated voters are generally less-highly-paid and less likely to be office workers. This is part of the Trumpian divide — the candidates who ignore these folks haven’t learned the lesson yet.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  232. This war isn’t worth even one of our cities.

    Is anything? Now, is “one of our cities” worth all of theirs?

    No matter what we do, Putin could send a warhead to Manhattan. Do we live in fear of that and say “Yes, Massa!” or do we continue to assume that no one is that crazy. If we DO think he’s that crazy, then we should spend some considerable resource killing him right tf now.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  233. 233… Read the rah rah headlines, all of the cheerleading going on here and on the nightly news… one might think this was Division One conference football and not potential ruination.

    Colonel Haiku (17b3b0)

  234. Col,

    Well said

    EPWJ (1d5530)

  235. Om granting California state IDs to illegals:

    “We’re a state of refuge.” Gavin Gruesome


    “We’re a state of refuse.

    FIFY, Slick.

    “Now it’s garbage…” – Oscar Madison [Walter Matthau] ‘The Odd Couple’ 1968

    DCSCA (87a63a)

  236. Perhaps if the administration keeps posturing and forcing Putin further into a corner, perhaps the clapping, barking seals like our SoS will see the fruits of their labors.

    Colonel Haiku (17b3b0) — 9/26/2022 @ 9:52 am

    Those are some persuasive points, Colonel Lindbergh Haiku. Every American should be ashamed of our merciless bullying of that poor, cruelly maligned Mr. Putin. Have you thought about starting an organization around it? You could call it… just spitballing here… America First?

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  237. The claim that the recall was rigged is absurd — California bent over backwards to be more than fair to recall proponents, including *extending the deadline for collecting signatures*, without which it couldn’t have gotten on the ballot.

    aphrael (4c4719)

  238. See 234, stalk… er, lurker.

    Colonel Haiku (17b3b0)

  239. It doesn’t have to be just one. It could be two, or even all three:

    Why did Trump steal all those documents? Heather Digby Parton offers three possible explanations:

    Speculation so far basically boils down to three main possibilities. The first is that Trump is a hoarder who can’t throw anything away.
    . . . .
    The second speculation is that he took the items with the intention of selling them, to someone, somewhere down the line
    . . .
    [Third] If we’re looking for the most plausible explanation for why Trump kept all those documents, we have to consider his known penchant for blackmail.

    I’m inclined to think some mixture of at least two of the motives, and probably all three, is most likely.

    (What is even weirder is his belief that he could get away with this grand theft. In spite of warnings from people close to him.

    But then he admitted to Maggie Haberman that many people he meets act like psychiatrists toward him.)

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  240. Another American export for the world to scorn:

    Gunman in central Russia school shooting kills 13

    MOSCOW (AP) — A gunman killed 13 people, including seven children, and wounded 21 other people in a school in central Russia on Monday, authorities said. Russia’s Investigative Committee said the shooting took place in a school in Izhevsk, a city about 960 kilometers, or 600 miles, east of Moscow in the Udmurtia region. Those wounded were 14 children and 7 adults, the sommittee said.

    The governor of Udmurtia, Alexander Brechalov, said in a video statement that the still unidentified gunman shot himself. The school educates children between grades 1 and 11. It has been evacuated, and the area around it has been cordoned off, the governor said.

    According to the Investigative Committee, the gunman wore a black T-shirt with “Nazi symbols.” No other details about the shooter or his motives have been released. Izhevsk, a city of 640,000, is located west of the Ural mountains in central Russia.

    DCSCA (b37c1a)

  241. Italy, like Sweden, turns away from leftism. Now if only Americans would learn the same lessons.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  242. @242. Turns— or goosesteps?

    A Mussoliniette by any other name… etc., etc.

    DCSCA (b37c1a)

  243. Some people insist on learning the hard way. I have a handful of nieces and nephews who have fallen prey to the campus indoctrination – one even subjected to it at BYU (that’s how deep the anti-American rot can go) – and I love them all, but they are among those keen to learn it the hardest way.

    Colonel Haiku (17b3b0)

  244. > Perhaps if the administration keeps posturing and forcing Putin further into a corner

    Putin decides to invade his neighbor and somehow it is our fault? If only we did what he wanted, he wouldn’t have to take it out on the poor people of Ukraine?

    aphrael (4c4719)

  245. steveg @213. Just got Wordle in two again, with STICK as my starter word. Random hunch.

    nk (89cb73)

  246. #245 aphrael – To add to your point: Zelenskyy campaigned for president of Ukraine promising he would seek negotiations with Russia.

    (I don’t know what Zelenskyy’s plan for negotiations with Putin was, but I am sure he agrees with Churchill, who once said: “Meeting jaw to jaw is better than war.”)

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  247. No idea if this is really true, but it should make many people’s heads explode on the Left.

    Simon Jester (947aa5)

  248. Perhaps if the administration keeps posturing and forcing Putin further into a corner, perhaps the clapping, barking seals like our SoS will see the fruits of their labors.

    Colonel Haiku (17b3b0) — 9/26/2022 @ 9:52 am

    Good lord, Colonel. You really stepped in it this time.

    Putin rules over the biggest land mass of any country. Russia is so big it has ten time zones.

    Russia invades Ukraine, and now Putin is in a corner?

    Comedy gold!

    All the Russians have to do is go back home to the biggest land mass on Earth.

    norcal (da5491)


    Leftist indoctrination and gaslighting must take place in all venues. No peace, no respite permitted.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  250. This storm is looking nasty for west Florida. Be prepared and stay safe

    NJRob (b55207)

  251. Italy, like Sweden, turns away from leftism. Now if only Americans would learn the same lessons

    Trump isn’t helping..

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  252. Brazil, like the US, has turned away from assh0le-ism.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  253. I have a sis-in-law in Tampa and we checked in. The storm looks major but they’re 5 miles from the ocean in a hurricane-reinforced home with a generator and plenty of supplies. They sound more excited than worried, but I can’t say the same for those in the path of a potential storm surge.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  254. Vlad Putin say, “Referendums going as planned.”

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  255. The Windbag blows:

    “I have spoken to the mayors of Tampa and St. Petersburg.” -Squinty McStumblebum

    Both Democrats. But not conferred with the guy in charge: the governor, eh Joey?

    He’s a Republican.


    “Don’t know why; There’s no sun up in the sky; Stormy weather…” – ‘Stormy Weather’ Lena Horne 1943

    DCSCA (f8ea8d)

  256. 253… they outlawed Mensa Brazil?

    Colonel Haiku (0416b6)

  257. Paul, my parents are down there in Venice. Far enough inland that there aren’t surge worries, but this is looking ugly. They battened down the hatches.

    NJRob (fc07fb)

  258. Of course, the Ted Cruz is the only “no” vote on the Electoral Count Act Reform bill, one of several Senators who objected on January 6th.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  259. steveg (52b652) — 9/25/2022 @ 10:54 pm

    ote> I’ve gotten a few wordle’s done in two, but its been luck. First guess after the opener, no skill involved

    I’m not sure whether it’s better to try to use a word that might be correct, or to deliberately use some wrong letters. That way you’d get to tryout 10 different letters in two turns. It’s probably better because they call it “hard wordle” when you can’t. It would be easier for a computer program, but not for a person.

    I’ve also gotten four out of five letters green on first guess and then lost because it was one of those *bleep* words that had about seven consonants

    There’s usually no more than two or three.

    The other day, when I knew there was an A and it couldn’t be the middle letter, and it ended with E and I was a possible vowel, I guessed ALIVE.

    I now had 4 out of 5 right:


    Then I realized the word could be ALIKE


    Sammy Finkelman (19edaf)

  260. “Hard Wordle” is a misnomer, Sammy. It’s a strategy hint. Always use letters that are in your previous word(s) and in the place they’re supposed to be (the green spot). You don’t need to turn it on. Just remember it as you do the puzzle. You’ll solve it quicker and more often.

    nk (540a06)

  261. I think guessing a known wrong guess may be a good strategy for the second word or when you’re stuck. There are too many possibilities.

    A computer program can know all possible words and maybe can work from that list. words but most people can’t work as well.. They need more clues. Like seeing more letters of an answer in a crossword puzzles helps.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  262. The last witness hearing of the Jan 6 committee will start at 1 pm EDT. They haven’t been clear about what it will involve, but they may follow the actions of Mike Pence before, during and after Jan 6.

    There may be another hearing where they present conclusions and recommendations for legislation (although Congress seems to be going ahead with legislation without them)

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  263. The hearing was postponed yesterday because of Hurricane Ian. No new date scheduled.

    One of the members of the committee, Rep. Stephanie Murphy, is from Florida. Despite her (married) name, she is Vietnamese. She was born in Saigon (then called Ho Chi Minh City) after the fall of Saigon (born in 1978) but emigrated with her family in 1979. She’s not running for re-election toa4th term (first elected:2016)and lives in the Orlando area. She had been a registered Independent till she ran for Congress in 2016, when she won with 51% of the vote after a court-ordered mid-decade redistricting over a Republican incumbent first elected in 1992.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  264. 28.

    Somebody organized a big fraud involving giving paper food to paper children at fake locations. All checks had been abandoned, except for Aimee Bock, the founder of a nonprofit group, Feeding Our Future, that the State of Minnesota relied on to keep a watch on it. But she was the chief culprit.

    The number of people who would want to avail themselves of the free food (for people under age 18) was widely overestimated. Most peole did not need the extra food, and the parents or child would have to go to a great deal of trouble to take it. It could be maybe (a wild guess) only one kin 20 families would use it – although they might really need it) Probably nobody would take advantageof this unless they needed the food or the money it would save them.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  265. steveg (52b652) — 9/25/2022 @ 10:54 pm

    nk- next time you do wordle use Trump as your opening word. Maybe you will get it in one guess.

    TRUMP (which is a word) is not too good a choice.

    True, T is the second most common letter in the English language and R is maybe 6th, but M and P are probably somewhere in the teens, and U is not that common a vowel- the more common ones are A E I and O.

    Only Y (when used as a vowel) is probably less common, but probably more common in Wordle answers than in a random block of text..

    But I tried it yesterday, Wednesday, September 28, 2022.

    TRUMP- I was lucky No T but R in the wrong place and U and P in the right place

    xxxUxP R

    Now the question is, where does the R go?

    I thought most likely is between the U and the P. Now at first, I couldn’t think of any word ending in ..URP but BURP – but that’s only 4 letters, but I started trying letters (the more common ones) and I got:


    The result: R in the right place and S there but in the wrong place

    xxURP S

    Now S can only in the second place, so it becomes:


    This puzzled me a bit. ASURP for instance is not a word.

    But you can use a letter twice. Wordlewon;ttell you that a letter is both in the right place and in the wrong place.

    So I got, for my third try:


    Which fits TRUMP.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

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