Constitutional Vanguard: Other Police Shootings of “Unarmed Black Men” in 2019 from the Washington Post Database: No. 3: Kevin Mason and Melvin Watkins
Today marks the third installment of my series examining shootings of “unarmed black men” from the Washington Post database of police shootings. The missive details two shootings. Here is a sample:
A pretty good chunk of the story is told by this compilation of 911 calls and bodycam footage, which I will summarize in detail.
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Then Mason places his own call to 911. At 1:58 in the video, he says: “I’m gonna come out there and I’m gonna blast their ass. I’m gonna kill every last one of them motherfuckers. You better check my motherfuckin’ record.” [More below about his record.]
Then we go to more footage from a bodycam video. At 2:21 you hear Mason yell: “You come in my yard, I’m gonna kill you.” Police tell him he is under arrest. At 2:46 he yells for them to “check my motherfuckin’ record. You come in my yard, I’m gonna kill you.”
All the Washington Post tells you is that another unarmed black man was shot. I tell you the rest.
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By the way, subscribers know that talking about police shootings is not all I do, but lately I have been on a mission to complete an analysis of the 2019 shootings of “unarmed black men” and to get errors in that database corrected. My usual M.O. is to try to cover things that I think don’t get enough coverage, and right now, this is it.