Patterico's Pontifications


Constitutional Vanguard: Other Police Shootings of “Unarmed Black Men” in 2019 from the Washington Post Database: No. 4: Jimmy Atchison, Josef Richardson, Christopher Whitfield

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 2:04 pm

The message of today’s missive — Part 4 of 5 in a series on shootings of unarmed black people in 2019 — is that sometimes you just don’t know what happened. I describe three shootings where the police have one narrative, and the victim’s family has another . . . and there’s really no way to tell who’s right, at least based on what we know now.

The description is admittedly not terribly illuminating, but it’s necessary for completeness’s sake. Just so the letter is not a waste of the reader’s time, I spend some time in the newsletter summarizing what we have learned in the previous three (paid) newsletters about many of the shootings of “unarmed” black people in 2019. It’s a pretty stark reminder that “unarmed” hardly means these individuals did not pose a deadly threat. The people I discuss include: a man who armed himself with an officer’s taser and tased the officer before being shot; a man who repeatedly attacked and punched officers after being tased, nearly knocking two of them unconscious; a man who attacked a store employee, breaking the employee’s tooth, and then attacked an officer who confronted him, knocking her to the ground; and several others. The details are in the missive, which is for paid subscribers who want to have facts like this at their fingertips to refute the distortions we see every day from those who hate the police.

Next missive, I’ll round out the series with a discussion of two incidents in which officers were criminally charged. It’s always good to keep in mind that not every shooting is justified.

Pretty soon I’ll be done with this series and will move on to a new topic, although I’m sure I’ll be revisiting this topic in the future. In general, I’m here to promote liberty, free markets, and the Constitution — but an important part of that is promoting the liberty to say difficult but true things that Big Media won’t tell you about. I hope you agree that’s a worthy goal.

Read the post here. Subscribe here.

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