Patterico's Pontifications


Wednesday Evening Music: Brahms

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:26 pm

I am currently obsessed with this song. And in particular this performance. Listen to it and then listen to it again. Wash, rinse, repeat.

All hail the genius of Johannes Brahms.

8 Responses to “Wednesday Evening Music: Brahms”

  1. Lovely.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  2. Thank you, Patterico.

    Simon Jester (6eeac7)

  3. Ah, German: the language of love.

    JVW (54fd0b)

  4. Joking aside, it is a very pretty song. I like the piano accompaniment a bit more than I like the signing, but I recognize the virtuosity of both. I especially like the piano bit at the end that starts at about 2:08.

    JVW (54fd0b)

  5. It’s amazing how you can get hooked on a piece and replay it over and over.

    Two vocal performances I always find myself going back to.

    One Catalani by Renata Tibaldi,

    and one G&S by Valerie Masterson.

    harkin (b64479)

  6. This is a lovely melody, but hearing it over the Internet connection (at least my less-than-outstanding connection) has the piano overpowering the voice. Still, it’s easy to hear why you would be drawn to it.

    Thanks for sharing this with us.

    John B Boddie (286277)

  7. Here are the lyrics and an English translation:

    Golden Eagle (8e3954)

  8. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    Sasha (534f9f)

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