Patterico's Pontifications


Biden Wins Michigan

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:18 pm

And Mississippi and Missouri.

It’s over, folks.

P.S. Drop out, Bernie.

85 Responses to “Biden Wins Michigan”

  1. Another face-to-face gaffe w/a voter, too.

    It’s a McCain Redux.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  2. And Putin frowned.

    nk (1d9030)

  3. Bernie had to significantly increase turnout in the 18-29 group to be competitive. He couldn’t do it. Thank goodness.

    Nic (896fdf)

  4. Rob Petrie hardest hit.

    Munroe (dd6b64)

  5. No, it isn’t over. Biden may still self-destructive. He is nuts (senile), after all.

    Make America Ordered Again (6a3f87)

  6. *self-destruct

    Make America Ordered Again (6a3f87)

  7. Biden/Biden/2020

    mg (8cbc69)

  8. O.M.G.

    On MSNBC tonight, Carville’s suggestion for Biden’s campaign slogan: ‘Joe Biden: Time For A Change.’

    Most likely Depends.

    He’s senile, too.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  9. I’ve said before: Bernie has an enthusiastic but finite following which can neither increase nor be decreased. His only hope was splintered opposition.

    nk (1d9030)

  10. P.S. Drop out, Bernie.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  11. And Putin frowned.

    nk (1d9030) — 3/10/2020 @ 6:25 pm


    Despite hitting Biden with all these yahoos have, he’s still just the same creepy and incoherent doofus frontrunner he’s been since 2017.

    If the simulation we’re living in wants to really have fun, have Biden tap Romney for Veep, then have the GOP win the house in 2022 and impeach Biden for Ukraine cocaine smuggling, then Romney taps Ivanka to be his secretary of state but fires her the next day.

    Dustin (9c58b3)

  12. Some data is bouncing around on Twitter suggesting that in Michigan Comrade Candidate won about two-thirds of the under-45 vote with Slow Joe winning two-thirds of the 45-and-over vote. I even saw an alleged data point claiming that the Bellowing Old Marxist won something like 85% of the 18-29 vote and the Delaware Mush-mind won 85% of the 65-and-over vote. It will be really interesting to see how the young ‘un react to a Biden ticket.

    JVW (54fd0b)

  13. It will be really interesting to see how the young ‘un react to a Biden ticket.

    Probably by hanging out with their friends, smoking a bong, and moaning about the election…that they couldn’t be bothered to vote in, you know, like last time.

    Colonel Klink (Red) (9878f6)

  14. The only remaining item of interest is whom Biden will pick as his running mate. It’s extra important this time around, because of Biden’s age and diminishing mind. Hopefully he realizes that, although the primary campaign is not over, he needs to consider the general election, where it traditionally behooves a candidate to court the center of the spectrum.

    norcal (a5428a)

  15. The Dems marshaled the common sense and collective will to fight off a know-nothing populist, authoritarian insurrection. The Republicans avidly embraced theirs. That alone is enough for the Dems to earn my vote.

    lurker (d8c5bc)

  16. 10. P.S. Drop out, Bernie.

    Let America see if JoeyBee can stand up, first:

    Biden pushes for sit-down debate format amid mounting health-related concerns, report says – 3/10/20

    Bernie Sanders’ campaign is accusing Joe Biden of pushing for a sit-down format at the March 15 presidential primary debate in Phoenix, according to a new report that highlights mounting concerns over the 77-year-old former vice president’s stamina and cognitive ability.

    Sanders’ team raised the alarm about the sit-down format during a Friday call with CNN, which is set to moderate the debate along with the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Politico reported this weekend. All previous primary debates this cycle have required candidates to stand at podiums; and during his one-on-one debates with Hillary Clinton in 2016, Sanders stood alongside her. -source,

    Why not just trundle him out in a wheelchair with a cigarette holder clinched between him teeth vowing to whip the Axis!

    … and a bare-chested Putin smiled.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  17. 10. P.S. Drop out, Bernie.

    Let America see if JoeyBee can stand up, first:

    Biden pushes for sit-down debate format amid mounting health-related concerns, report says – 3/10/20

    Bernie Sanders’ campaign is accusing Joe Biden of pushing for a sit-down format at the March 15 presidential primary debate in Phoenix, according to a new report that highlights mounting concerns over the 77-year-old former vice president’s stamina and cognitive ability.

    Sanders’ team raised the alarm about the sit-down format during a Friday call with CNN, which is set to moderate the debate along with the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Politico reported this weekend. All previous primary debates this cycle have required candidates to stand at podiums; and during his one-on-one debates with Hillary Clinton in 2016, Sanders stood alongside her. -source,

    Why not just trundle him out in a wheelchair with a cigarette holder clinched between his teeth vowing to whip the Axis!

    … and a bare-chested Putin smiled.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  18. Showcasing the exquisite sense of timing which served their boss’s campaign so well, thirty-five former Elizabeth Warren staffers issued a letter earlier today officially endorsing Green Mountain Gramsci’s campaign for President. I guess these are people who didn’t want to work for Joe Biden for the next eight months anyway.

    JVW (54fd0b)

  19. I must have missed Gabbard’s concession.

    Seriously, though, the best thing Mr. Biden coulld do at this point is to call for Tom Perez’s resignation.

    John B Boddie (286277)

  20. Annnnndddd the pivot to the general.

    Nic (896fdf)

  21. Tulsi has no source of income other than her campaign expense account, and a girl needs to eat:
    Say it once, say it twice,
    Say Spam with soy sauce and rice.

    I’ve been making it actually, but on a plate not pressed, and without the seaweed. I’ve always liked Spam and rice, the soy sauce is the new thing for me.

    nk (1d9030)

  22. Interesting that in Washington state it’s very close between the two elderly dudes, but each one of them only has roughly one-third of the vote. You still have Mayor Napoleon, Lieawatha, and the Boy Mayor each grabbing their 7-10% share of the vote, and Amy Klobuchar picking up a few percent of her own. I suppose the next big thing the Democrats are going to insist upon next time is ranked-choice voting, which means that the ballots will take as long to count as they did in Iowa.

    JVW (54fd0b)

  23. They are apparently still counting them in California.

    Biden’s speech tonight was very much a general election speech. One complimentary mention of Biden and his supporters, one admission the nomination was not clinched, the rest devoted to showing tje differences between himself and Trump. No sign of senility.

    Kishnevi (65c56e)

  24. This is where the early voting in WA State doesn’t make sense.

    Paul Montagu (24f468)

  25. Tulsi has no source of income other than her campaign expense account, and a girl needs to eat

    She has the best source of income a girl could ask for: a husband.

    A seat in Congress and an Army Reserve gig too.

    Any lonely hearts lovestruck enough to donate to her 0.7%-of-the-vote campaign must have maxed out their contribution limits by now…

    I don’t think JVW is rich, and if he is, he’s already maxed out his contribution limit…

    Dave (1bb933)

  26. Ack, the last line of my previous post was supposed to be deleted…

    Dave (1bb933)

  27. Yikes! Where did I get the idea that she had not run for reelection in 2018?

    My most heartfelt apologies to Congresswoman Gabbard and to all the people I have misinformed.

    nk (1d9030)

  28. OK, folks, I’m calling it a night. So unless Dana or P. are still up and about there might not be any comments approved until the morning. We’re still trying to get this issue fixed, but at the same time we still dealing with a barrage of spam comments. Thanks for your patience with this. Sweet dreams.

    JVW (54fd0b)

  29. Yikes! Where did I get the idea that she had not run for reelection in 2018?

    She determined last year that she would not run for reelection to her Congressional seat this year, so perhaps this is what you were thinking of.

    JVW (54fd0b)

  30. Anyhow, the mother of my child likes Basmati, but I prefer the Riceland long grain rice I usually find on sale at Jewel. It comes out both fluffy and sticky if you cook it just right, and I do cook it just right.

    nk (1d9030)

  31. Thank you, JVW, Dana, and Patterico, for all the extra effort un-moderating the comments.

    nk (1d9030)

  32. Nonsense. The country NEEDS a fighting Socialist Party.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  33. No telling what happens after the Covid-19 fairy passes through.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  34. I wonder what the terms for exit will be for burnee?
    A plane to globe trot?

    mg (8cbc69)

  35. The machine won not Biden.

    mg (8cbc69)

  36. Bernie wins North Dakota caucus thingy. I have noticed a pattern. Bernie does better in those states that cannot count votes efficiently. In Iowa, Nevada, California, North Dakota and Washington, Sanders brought home higher numbers.

    I am not a fan of the mail-in ballot unless it arrives by election day. If the electoral college were to hinge on one of the late counting states, it would be Gore/Bush all over again. And probably worse.

    And why doesn’t everyone adopt the easiest paper ballot voting? Ours is fill-in-the-oval paper that is read by machine. Seems to me to be pretty reliable and quick with a paper trail.

    noel (4d3313)

  37. Stick a fork in the Bernie “revolution” or “movement”.

    Paul Montagu (d6528e)

  38. OT slightly, but the thug in the Oval Office has hosed Sessions. True to form.

    Ragspierre (d9bec9)

  39. The mail in ballot is a disaster for the primaries. California famously moved its primary up to be more influential in the ultimate nominee in primaries. The dilatory process in counting the votes means that it isn’t, as the result ends up coming after everyone else’s votes are counted.

    Appalled (1a17de)

  40. #33 — He was hosed already.

    Appalled (1a17de)

  41. 33, Is it wrong that I now root for the Keebler Elf? If I were an Alabamian, depending on the rules of registration and party, would think crossing into the runoff. I’d get a blank stare (“you?, both these guys are immigration hawks”), but nothing compared to what my naturally tan aunt experienced at a department store when my mom and her visited my Uncle at Ft. Anniston way back in the late 1950s

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  42. OT slightly, but the thug in the Oval Office has hosed Sessions. True to form.

    This is one of those thug-on-thug things that I can’t get worked up about.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  43. Bernie Sanders did not make a speech and went back to Vermont. It is not because of coronovirus because Biden made a speech, although they both did not have rallies afterwards.

    The Phoenix debate Sunday (if it happens) will be without a studio audience, like on radio, but I also herd that it will be turned into a town meeting where members of the audience ask questions. (?)

    It also has been changed into both candidates sitting down. Bernie Sanders’ people want both candidates standing at podiums, like before.

    Sammy Finkelman (9570ad)

  44. Now Biden’s pimp,…erh surrogate doesnt even want any remaining debates

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  45. And why doesn’t everyone adopt the easiest paper ballot voting? Ours is fill-in-the-oval paper that is read by machine. Seems to me to be pretty reliable and quick with a paper trail.

    Florida, 2000.

    JVW (54fd0b)

  46. Bernie will be speaking at 10:00 am this morning. I think he’ll announce that he’s dropping out.

    Dana (4fb37f)

  47. So Bern-ed out…???

    Ragspierre (d9bec9)

  48. Biden has been running for president for practically all of my adult life. Only this year, in his third race for the Democratic nomination, has he ever won a primary or a caucus. Now he’s won several and leads in the delegate count. I didn’t think he’d get this far, but apparently he’s on a roll.

    Obviously, Democratic voters, major donors, power brokers, and super-delegates are not going to nominate Sanders. He should have learned that in 2016. His communist/socialist revival was always a delusion. The Democrats don’t support him, and the Republicans/Independents/Libertarians will never vote for him. So he might as well cash it in. He has no path to the nomination and no chance in the election. It’s over.

    Hence, the race comes down to Trump, who is running unopposed, and Biden. I won’t be voting for either. I’ll be doing my Libertarian thing again this year, registering a protest vote against the duopoly.

    This two-party system, which is an unintended consequence of the electoral college, is destroying this democratic republic. Both parties are equally corrupt and hypocritical, and the only viable third party is full of kooks. Still, I would vote for the latter, before I would for the previous two.

    I have never voted for a Democrat in my life, except in city and county elections when there was no other candidate running. I will not be voting for any Trumpublican.

    Trump is completely unacceptable; he always has been. Why the RNC went all in for him is beyond my comprehension. Maybe it was all about beating Hillary Clinton, and Trump was barely able to do that. He did lose the popular vote. Any one of several nominees could have done better.

    Look at us now. We have an inept, incompetent, unfit, and corrupt man in office. And we’re going to replace him with Biden? He’s as equally inept, incompetent, unfit, and corrupt.

    Neither of them can form a sensible sentence.

    Gawain's Ghost (b25cd1)

  49. 41. That’s 1 pm Eastern Time. He says he will be delivering a “campaign update”

    Sammy Finkelman (9570ad)

  50. The other reason this thing isn’t over is you have three elderly men fighting for the Presidency during a COVID-19 epidemic, all campaigning in public in major cities.

    Do I have to spell it out for you beyond that? After all, your blog’s other main topic of late has been the seriousness of this epidemic, hasn’t it?

    Make America Ordered Again (23f793)

  51. 40. The problems in Florida in 2000 were not caused by optical scan paper ballots, like what is used for lottery numbers and in many standardized tests, but by punch card ballots. The original manufacturer abandoned it and a company was organized by sales people to make them and sell them to people who ran elections.

    It cost jurisdictions that used it votes in statewide elections.

    Sammy Finkelman (9570ad)

  52. Or maybe he’ll say that the Democrat Party refuses to allow a Democratic Socialist to freely compete, and he’s forming a new Socialist Party and will give Americans a “real choice” other than the two capitalist running-dog parties.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  53. Stephen L. Miller
    Trump has disdain for the truth and facts. His authoritarian instincts bring out the worst in voters and he is unfit for office.


    Joe Biden fights! He doesn’t get a single fact right and threatens voters but he fights!

    harkin (b64479)

  54. Bernie will be speaking at 10:00 am this morning. I think he’ll announce that he’s dropping out.

    Really? I would have figured that the old layabout would stay in it as long as the money keeps coming in. And my understanding is that he continues to do well in fundraising because he has something like a million followers who are each kicking in $20/month. If this really is a mass movement that he is allegedly leading, how can he bail on it now?

    JVW (54fd0b)

  55. With all due respect, you have a recent post entitled “Indicators of Our Lives Changing Radically Add Up Daily,” yet you’re applying standard political analysis. Perhaps you should follow the logic of your own post!

    Make America Ordered Again (23f793)

  56. Gawain,

    The two-party system involves broad coalitions and neither will ever be principled — they cannot be that and not narrow considerably. However, they are not immutable, as Trump has demonstrated; the Reagan-era GOP consensus ran its course and foundered on China and out-sourcing.

    Trump has demolished that consensus, but he has created very little; his successors will have to put the pieces back together. I would prefer those successors were liberty-oriented, but only the GOP holds any hope of that.

    I’ve been a member of the LP, and was a LP assembly candidate in 1994. Yes, kooks. And kooks who are FAR more interested in purity tests than winning elections; seemingly a feature of all ideological parties. It turned out that only the GOP had any potential for embracing liberty.

    Consider the partial loaf.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  57. If this really is a mass movement that he is allegedly leading, how can he bail on it now?

    [Stolen shamelessly from The Babylon Bee] Perhaps Bernie wants to avoid Coronavirus and his only remaining decision is in which of his three houses to self-quarantine.

    Make America Ordered Again (23f793)

  58. “ There are multiple disconcerting moments in the video like this one. Moments that display Biden’s ability to lie to a voter’s face, bully a voter with physical threats, throw profanities at a voter who challenges his positions and his aggressive “shushing” of a female campaign staffer trying to mitigate the damage of the confrontation. We could breakdown any one of these moments to illustrate Biden’s mendacity or his possible mental instability.

    But, there is one over-riding takeaway form this exchange that not only meshes with other unfortunate encounters Biden’s had on the campaign trail with everyday American voters (“look fat,” “You’re a lying, dog-faced pony soldier,” etc.). And, this takeaway also meshes with his behavior as a U.S. Senator and as vice president over the past several decades.

    It’s this: Joe Biden is an angry man who just doesn’t like you.

    harkin (b64479)

  59. @33. So where do all his supporters go– an there is obviously a significant numer of them giventhe percentage of the vote he s getting? To Biden? Unlikely, as they don’t support him as is and had him counted out for dead 10 days ago. So come November, they either write in or mostly likely, simply stay home.

    Trump wins.

    @50. Sanders not suspending. He won ND and is ahead in WA tally. Clyburn says cancel the rest of the debates and ‘shut down’ the remaining primaries; not a very democratic Democrat, is he. They can’t hide or protect gaffe prone Biden from the rigors of the campaign, particularly in contrast w/Trump’s televised energy.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  60. Bernie is talking issues: Asks Joe questions.

    Sammy Finkelman (9570ad)

  61. What are you going to do about this or that?

    Sammy Finkelman (9570ad)

  62. Medical insurance. Student debt. Terror experienced by the undocumented. Homeless. Three billionaires
    Billionaires having more money than half the population combined, and buying elections.

    Sammy Finkelman (9570ad)

  63. * 3 billionaires having more money than half the population combined.

    Bernie sees this as a problem in itself. And not even as a sign of a malfunctioning market. and not also as possible help in solutions for some problems.

    Sammy Finkelman (9570ad)

  64. “We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”

    The sources said the National Security Council (NSC), which advises the president on security issues, ordered the classification.”This came directly from the White House,” one official said.

    Well, that’s not good. Expect some congressional heat over that.

    Ragspierre (d9bec9)

  65. 3 billionaires having more money than half the population combined.

    Bernie sees this as a problem in itself. And not even as a sign of a malfunctioning market. and not also as possible help in solutions for some problems.

    Sammy, love ya’, bro. But you’re getting a bit feverish.

    Ragspierre (d9bec9)

  66. After watching the msm since last night, I’m starting to think “Drop out Bernie” is the same as saying “PLEASE don’t make Joe debate again”.

    Kind of interesting too that all the network news types who were outraged by the ‘manipulated video’ where Joe said “re-elect Trump” have no problem with showing a clip of Biden arguing with a union worker with the section where he threatens him cut out.

    harkin (b64479)

  67. “Three Billionaires having more money than half the population combined, and buying elections.“

    One billionaire just went out of way to prove he could not even buy a state primary in one state.

    harkin (b64479)

  68. I’m not thrilled that Biden’s the nominee, I wish Bernie would go away, and i have to admit i’m super curious about how a presidential debate with no live audience will go down.

    aphrael (971fba)

  69. JVW — there’s growing support on the left for ranked choice voting. i’m happy to see this as i’ve supported it for more than a quarter century. 🙂

    aphrael (971fba)

  70. 20. nk (1d9030) — 3/10/2020 @ 8:26 pm

    Tulsi has no source of income other than her campaign expense account, and a girl needs to eat:

    She’s still a member of the House of Represenatives, and will collect a large salary until January 3, 2021.

    But she may need some publicity to get another good job.

    Sammy Finkelman (9570ad)

  71. Finally. Our long National Nightmare is over.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  72. Bernie also mentioned race and incarceration, and he said there were only 7 or 8 years left to save the world from climate change or something and what is Joe Biden going to do about it?

    ….And the American people know, unlike Donald Trump, that climate change is an existential threat to our country and the planet and that we need to transform our energy system away from fossil fuel to energy efficiency and sustainable energy….

    …Joe, how are you going to respond to the scientists who tell us we have seven or eight years remaining to transform our energy system before irreparable harm takes place to this planet because of the ravages of climate change?

    Just last year it was 12 years, according to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

    Sammy Finkelman (9570ad)

  73. JVW — there’s growing support on the left for ranked choice voting. i’m happy to see this as i’ve supported it for more than a quarter century.

    I might be willing to support it too, aphrael — if I thought that our elections bureaucracy had any degree of competency to count those votes in a timely and accurate fashion. But how can anyone see what has been going on in Iowa and California and have that expectation? Imagine what a God-awful mess California would be if we had to go to ranked choice voting on this cycle.

    JVW (54fd0b)

  74. Sitcom entrance clap – like The Fonz, Kramer and Steve Urkel used to get, Colonel!

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  75. 21 24 68.

    Kenneth Arrow proved in 1951 that ranked choice voting is no panacea.

    In social choice theory, Arrow’s impossibility theorem, the general possibility theorem or Arrow’s paradox is an impossibility theorem stating that when voters have three or more distinct alternatives (options), no ranked voting electoral system can convert the ranked preferences of individuals into a community-wide (complete and transitive) ranking while also meeting a specified set of criteria: unrestricted domain, non-dictatorship, Pareto efficiency, and independence of irrelevant alternatives. The theorem is often cited in discussions of voting theory as it is further interpreted by the Gibbard–Satterthwaite theorem. The theorem is named after economist and Nobel laureate Kenneth Arrow, who demonstrated the theorem in his doctoral thesis and popularized it in his 1951 book Social Choice and Individual Values. The original paper was titled “A Difficulty in the Concept of Social Welfare”.[1]

    In short, the theorem states that no rank-order electoral system can be designed that always satisfies these three “fairness” criteria:

    If every voter prefers alternative X over alternative Y, then the group prefers X over Y.

    If every voter’s preference between X and Y remains unchanged, then the group’s preference between X and Y will also remain unchanged (even if voters’ preferences between other pairs like X and Z, Y and Z, or Z and W change).

    There is no “dictator”: no single voter possesses the power to always determine the group’s preference.

    Sammy Finkelman (9570ad)

  76. a ballot could result in an alternative nobody really wanted in the first place, yet everybody voted for.

    Ranked choice voting doesn’t avoid this.

    But some systems maybe could get that result more often.

    Sammy Finkelman (9570ad)

  77. I am still voting for Tulsi Gabbard.

    corona virus (92f038)

  78. Bernie would be a fool to drop out before the convention. Slow Joe might self-destruct or or suffer a collapse (physical or mental) before the first roll call. Plus, Bernie needs to have at least one debate with Slow Joe – lets see what Biden is made up. If you’re playing a drinking game based on Joe’s expected gaffes, bring a whole bottle.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  79. Only the D”s could get away with nominating a man who threatens Voters who disagree with him, or challenges them to pushup! Or commits one gaffe after another. Maybe on the 15th, we’ll hear about Joe’s marching with MLK or getting arrested in South Africa again!

    rcocean (1a839e)

  80. Bernie would be a fool to drop out before the convention. Slow Joe might self-destruct or or suffer a collapse (physical or mental) before the first roll call. Plus, Bernie needs to have at least one debate with Slow Joe – lets see what Biden is made up. If you’re playing a drinking game based on Joe’s expected gaffes, bring a whole bottle.


    And even if Joe was physically sound (he’s had a brain aneurysm) and mentally sound (he’s also senile, including irritable, like when he asked a union member to “Go outside,” the other day), which he isn’t—there’s coronavirus.

    Make America Ordered Again (23f793)

  81. 62. But Bernie said:

    Joe, importantly, what are you going to do to end the absurdity of billionaires buying elections and the three wealthiest people in America owning more wealth than the bottom half of our people?

    What billionaire bought what election?

    They can buy attention, but not elections

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  82. Biden and Bro/2020
    Biden and Son/2020

    mg (8cbc69)

  83. If Biden says he doesn’t remember, how can you doubt him?

    mg (8cbc69)

  84. @75. The CA ‘banked vote’ totals aren’t fully counted yet, either– CA still hasn’t been called: just the ‘day of’ vote numbers with the Clyburn thumbprint on the scales have been tallied, so nobody knows yet what percentage of the vote and delegate count either he or JoeyBee — or Tulsi, or any other of the party-pinched dropout weasels will get, either. Such a sad, sloppy, muddled display of so called ‘American democracy’ on display to the world… and Putin smiled.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

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