Patterico's Pontifications


Trump’s Financial Interests in the World

Filed under: International — DRJ @ 8:44 am

[Headline from DRJ]

The HillTrump property in Ireland promotes president’s visit:

A property owned by the Trump family on the western coast of Ireland promoted President Trump’s stay there on Friday, prompting criticism from ethics watchdogs over the blurred line between business and government interests.

Trump Doonbeg tweeted two videos directly referencing the president, who spent Wednesday night and Thursday night at the resort and golf club.

Politico: Trump resort revenue has gone up after presidential visits.

World of influence: A guide to Trump’s foreign business interests:

Two years into his presidency, Donald Trump continues to make money from properties and licensing deals in nearly two dozen countries around the world, fanning the flames of concerns that the Trump administration is subject to unprecedented levels of foreign influence.

Trump continued to hold more than $130 million in foreign assets in a revocable trust as his second year in office came to a close, according to OpenSecrets’ analysis of the president’s most recent annual personal financial disclosure released by the Office of Government Ethics last month.

Trump’s business entanglements continue to leave him with positions, assets, trademarks and other business interests in more than 30 countries.


44 Responses to “Trump’s Financial Interests in the World”

  1. It is a shame that this trip — in which Trump did a good job diplomatically for America and for his personal image — isn’t enough for him.

    DRJ (15874d)

  2. When they finally unseal his RICO indictment on the afternoon of January 20, 2021, I hope the Feds seize the entire crime empire.

    Dave (1bb933)

  3. Yes, I’m sure Trump will sell-out to Ireland over his golf course. Unlike Hillary who was recieving Pay-for-play while Sec of State. OR Obama getting $100K to speak towards foreigners post-presidency. How many foreigners are going to pay Trump 100K to speak to them? I’d say zero.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  4. I’m not sure it’s about selling out to Ireland, it’s about making bucks off the Presidency. Which, yes, all Presidents do but usually not til they’re out of office. And yeah the Clintons. But are we going to lower our standards to Clinton or sub-Clinton level? Yeah I know dumb question. Of course we are.

    JRH (52aed3)

  5. Yes, I’m sure Trump will sell-out to Ireland over his golf course.

    Yes, but how about the Irish government having a sudden urge to investigate finances and working conditions because it doesn’t like Trump’s support for Brexit?

    How many foreigners are going to pay Trump 100K to speak to them?

    Won’t need to do that. First, the amount of influence Trump will command after he leaves the WH, even after a full two terms, will be in all likelihood, starkly limited. Second, anyone who wants to “buy” him just needs to overpay on the condos they purchase from Trump Organization…

    kishnevi (496414)

  6. Yes, I’m sure Trump will sell-out to Ireland over his golf course. Unlike Hillary who was recieving Pay-for-play while Sec of State. OR Obama getting $100K to speak towards foreigners post-presidency. How many foreigners are going to pay Trump 100K to speak to them? I’d say zero.

    rcocean (1a839e) — 6/7/2019 @ 9:32 am

    But Hillary. Sigh.

    This defense doesn’t make any sense. If Hillary had this kind of setup, you’d be demanding impeachment on this basis alone. And no matter how corrupt Hillary was, it doesn’t make Trump any better or any worse (except, of course, that Trump was a big supporter of the Clintons).

    Trump obstructed an investigation into Russian meddling in our election. He’s a sell-out.

    When they finally unseal his RICO indictment on the afternoon of January 20, 2021,

    Dave, we’ve never had a criminal president quite like this, but I imagine his perspective is that he must win reelection to avoid consequences like that. And indeed, he could shoot someone in broad daylight, or openly profit from foreign influence with his hotels, and his supporters would say ‘but hillary!’

    I imagine the shenanigans coming will be truly amazing.

    Dustin (6d7686)

  7. If you’re a Republican you are not expected to be safe, your children to be free from harassment, your businesses to be secure, if you’re a Democrat count on it.

    Narciso (3ca8cf)

  8. I am far more concerned about post-presidential speaking fees as “emoluments” than I am about some pocket change that Trump might get from a temporary boost in business at his hotels. If you look at it in relation to the percentage increase in wealth, rather than raw income, a $500K speaking fee for a Clinton, or even a Bush, is more meaningful to them than a $500K increase in business at one of Trump’s properties.

    This isn’t to defend Trump, but to defend the right of successful people to seek high office without having to divest themselves of their life’s work. I would hate to see some rule or precedent that Trump engendered keep a Shultz or Gates or Bloomberg from running for office. There will always be some apparent conflicts; what you need to guard against is corrupt activity. This is best done by not electing corrupt people.

    Kevin M (21ca15)

  9. How many foreigners are going to pay Trump 100K to speak to them?

    I have to figure he’ll be short-listed for every reality TV gameshow that gets the green-light to shoot a pilot episode.

    And WWE is a world-wide franchise.

    Dave (1bb933)

  10. No it will never be applied to a progressive, the lesson is you must not entertain crumethink (ask Howard schultz how his heretical thinking lasted)

    Narciso (12edd6)

  11. Ask Linda fairstein about her auto de fe by Netflix (who has managerial influence there)

    Narciso (12edd6)

  12. This is best done by not electing corrupt people.

    If only that option had been on the ballot in November 2016.

    Kevin M (21ca15)

  13. I mean everywhere you look any opposition to any progressive peeve is being silenced. The mobs are out with their torches

    Narciso (12edd6)

  14. Moving down to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Trump has business interests there and he has been one of bin Salman’s best friends. He whitewashed the murder of Mr. Khashoggi, and withheld intelligence of KSA's ballistic-missile activities from Congress, and is pulling an end-around by selling weapons to KSA and UAE without congressional review. However, none of this is illegal or impeachable because Congress has the Constitutional duty* to put financial guardrails around a president, and they have done exactly nothing to push Trump to disassociate.
    * On the other side of the argument, it’s questionable whether Congress can do anything to proscribe Trump’s foreign business interests.

    Paul Montagu (208c44)

  15. Yes, I’m sure Trump will sell-out to Ireland over his golf course. Unlike Hillary who was recieving Pay-for-play while Sec of State. OR Obama getting $100K to speak towards foreigners post-presidency. How many foreigners are going to pay Trump 100K to speak to them? I’d say zero.

    rcocean (1a839e) — 6/7/2019 @ 9:32 am

    RCOCEAN appears to have no ethical problem with Hillary, they didn’t like her for other reasons and are fine with that level of unethical corruption.

    Time123 (d1bf33)

  16. “progressive” “Howard schultz”


    Davethulhu (fab944)

  17. Donation to Clinton foundation have hit a fifteen year low after the presidential election, apparently their influence pedaling has plummeted.

    bud (b48f3e)

  18. How’s the Trump foundation doing?

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  19. Narcisco – are you on the wrong thread? Your comments don’t really relate to the conversation, if they do, I’d like to understand the relevance, or otherwise it’s kind of like spamming. no?

    Tom M (954e56)

  20. Reaganomics.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  21. Trump voters hate the same people trump hates liberal clinton democrats, neo-con bill kristol, max boot republican koch brothers conservative libertarians. He makes who few bucks while attacking oue enemies so what!

    lany (7b782c)

  22. Who cares?

    kenseica (beaa45)

  23. we forgot about politico, abetting lois lerner’s coverup, which was precursor to Hillary’s coverup, that’s where Maggie ‘rizzotto tray’ Haberman, came from, you approve of boycotts against unfavored persons by a certain regime, so is he doing so badly or so well, make up your minds, he was so healthy that he couldn’t have failed the physical, but not well enough to qualify for front line command, just more sour grapes, as he proved up to the occasion yesterday,

    narciso (d1f714)

  24. How’s the Trump foundation doing?

    Hillary was an honest crooked politician. Trump is a dishonest crooked politician; he won’t stay bought.

    Kevin M (21ca15)

  25. I’m just trying to understand the logic of the NEVER-TRUMPERS. President Trump stays at his golf course in Ireland. Because of PR For his Golf course. OK – so what? What’s that to me?

    Its not like Trump is getting $100K contribution from Foreign Country X in a pay-for-play deal. OR
    looking forward to some lucrative speaking fees from Foreign country Y. Trump is the most ethical president we’ve had in a long time, in terms of foreign influence. He doesn’t need their $$. He’s not going to make speeches in Dubai when he leaves office. he doesn’t care if Merkle or Xi don’t like him.

    Maybe the NEVER TRUMPERS can make up their minds. One minute, its Trump has been bought off by foreigners. Next moment, its foreigners hate Trump. OMG its a Trade War! OMG, Merckle doesn’t like Trump! OMG, Trump NATO is tearing NATO apart. OMG Trump has made China angry!

    rcocean (1a839e)

  26. I’d marry a lady whose middle name was risoto tray.

    JRH (52aed3)

  27. 26. Let’s be real here, rocean. Donald J. Trump doesn’t give a **** about you, he doesn’t give a **** about me, and he doesn’t give a **** about anything that doesn’t make him look good, make him money, or aid him in dodging his ethical and moral duties.

    Make your peace with that now. Cause whether Trump leaves office in 2021 or 2025, you’ll find out the hard way that you’re no better off than you would have been after 4 (or 8) years of Hillary after all.

    Gryph (08c844)

  28. the reference was to the reporters who met at podesta’s house, and vetted their copy before they published it, all 65 reporters, which have been the recipient of most of the false or incomplete news reports,

    narciso (d1f714)

  29. @28. Let’s be “realer” still– since his election, what exactly has he, Donald J. Trump, alone, done that has directly touched your life to flame your ire… he didn’t do the tax cut alone; has a tariff kept you up at night… did he put you out of work… or invalidate your Trump University diploma… he certainly has nominated conservative judges for SCOTUS and on down the line on the recommendation of others– not alone– to keep the Righties happy… and rattled a few cages of deadbeats and wise guys overseas… does that touch your McDonald’s lunch like that illegal who cooked the fries?

    Just what has Donald J. Trump done to disturb your personal, day-to-day life other than to fire your anger several of his staff…

    You know how he has touched your daily life: he has entertained you.

    And you keep watching. And he knows this. And his staff and people know this.

    And he’ll be re-elected.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  30. There is acolumn today in the Wall Street Journal about one of thise fake scandals made by connecting he dots.

    The dots are Ivanka and Jared rent ahouse in Washington. D.C. for $15,000 a moh and the landlord is a controversy with the government or the Trump Administration reversed some very political and legally dubious policy about not allowing alease in Minnesota.

    Sammy Finkelman (9974e8)

  31. doubtless because of the unclean forks, sammeh,

    narciso (d1f714)

  32. Every day you can read some other kind of no free speech horror story

    Sammy Finkelman (9974e8)

  33. A lot happens with ordinary people, and them saying they were wrong (which, at this stage, they often were) on;y aeles things worse. There are no small speech “crimes.” There are no forgiveable speech crimes. There is no statute of limitations.

    Sammy Finkelman (9974e8)

  34. and one day there will be none but approved speech, and people won’t know any different, there will be songs to potentates, and the state will be revered, the life of Julia reified,

    narciso (d1f714)

  35. Let’s be real here, rocean. Donald J. Trump doesn’t give a **** about you, he doesn’t give a **** about me, and he doesn’t give a **** about anything that doesn’t make him look good, make him money, or aid him in dodging his ethical and moral duties.

    Unique in modern America.

    Kevin M (21ca15)

  36. There are no small speech “crimes.” There are no forgiveable speech crimes. There is no statute of limitations.

    Well, some people can actually wear blackface, take photos of it, yet be a Democrat governor. Others can rape campaign workers, yet be a Democrat lt. governor.

    Others ineffectually attempt to obstruct a witch-hunt, but their handlers don’t allow it, and the next thing you know people are calling it treason.

    Kevin M (21ca15)

  37. 30. Directly touched my life? Nice that you should move the goalposts that way DC, but I have always been of the opinion that someone who abuses contractors, creditors, and eminent domain subjects the way Trump has abused them, simply has no business whatsoever in the Oval Office.

    Gryph (08c844)

  38. I have always been of the opinion that someone who abuses contractors, creditors, and eminent domain subjects the way Trump has abused them, simply has no business whatsoever in the Oval Office.

    I have always been of the opinion that whoever gets elected is the ONLY one with business in the Oval Office. Both parties failed in 2016. This is our collective punishment. Everyone should just vow to do better.

    Kevin M (21ca15)

  39. 39. I should think that goes without saying, Kevin. I accept Trump as our duly elected president, but only grudgingly. I didn’t vote for him. In fact, I am of the considered opinion that he probably will win re-election in 2020. If he does, he will do so without my vote.

    Gryph (08c844)

  40. @39. Then consider this– who is more the ‘criminal’- the fella who keeps ‘pushing the envelope’ – as corporatists tend to do- as long as he can to get away with something– the ‘catch me if you can’ attitude; or the babe who has been handed a lengthy, documented report full of evidence and in a calculated, self-centered move, decides not to bother going after him– in hopes the voters will do the ‘hard work’ on their own for her instead in 18 months- and then reap the rewards without risking dirtying her hands.

    By Pelosi’s current mindset, there was no point to passing articles of impeachment against Nixon in ’74, because– well, why bother, he’d be out of office by ’76 anyway. Which makes her televised rants that ‘nobody is above the law’ so laughable. So who is the bigger ‘betrayer’ of the so-called ‘rule of law’– IMO, it is her; she is worse because with documentation in hand she knows better. The message she is sending to the young and to overseas observers is, ‘yes, you can get way with it.’

    Warren is correct; an impeachment inquiry should be opened on the SOB and the case made to the American people though televised House hearings and if articles pass and a TeeVee Senate trial comes about, let the likes of a Lee, or a Cruz, or a Cornyn or the always effervescent Graham stand up and defend him on national television and endure the consequences, for better or worse.

    But that won’t happen. Which is why, along with the continuing strategy to neuter the modern conservative movement, I plan to vote for Trump again– because he has the balls to get away with it and she didn’t have them to stop him.

    That, and of course, because he’s such a deliciously better show than ‘Biden Time’ could ever hope to be. A Trump Steak trumps 24 weenies any time. 😉

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  41. I didn’t vote for him. In fact, I am of the considered opinion that he probably will win re-election in 2020. If he does, he will do so without my vote.

    I voted for McMullin, but then I was in California and the one-fingered salute came without cost. In 2020 I’ll be in New Mexico which has a chance of going R, depending on the Democrat.

    I’m a bit more concerned about the House and Senate in 2020. If either go/stay red, then I don’t care who wins the top job, although there is at most 1 Democrat I’d vote for over Trump. THAT will depend on RBG.

    Kevin M (21ca15)

  42. 41. You lose me at “Trump is better than…”

    Gryph (08c844)

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