Patterico's Pontifications


Brett Kavanaugh’s Accuser Goes On The Record

Filed under: General — Dana @ 8:26 am

[guest post by Dana]

Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford has gone on the record:

Speaking publicly for the first time, Ford said that one summer in the early 1980s, Kavanaugh and a friend — both “stumbling drunk,” Ford alleges — corralled her into a bedroom during a gathering of teenagers at a house in Montgomery County.

While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.
“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled the house.

There was no police report filed, and she did not tell her parents about the incident, nor anyone else, until 2012 when it came up during couples therapy:

The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The notes say four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist’s part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room.

Notes from an individual therapy session the following year, when she was being treated for what she says have been long-term effects of the incident, show Ford described a “rape attempt” in her late teens.

Ford’s husband backed up his wife’s claims:

In an interview, her husband, Russell Ford, said that in the 2012 sessions, she recounted being trapped in a room with two drunken boys, one of whom pinned her to a bed, molested her and prevented her from screaming. He said he recalled that his wife used Kavanaugh’s last name and voiced concern that Kavanaugh — then a federal judge — might one day be nominated to the Supreme Court.

This is a horrible situation with a very serious accusation being made. So serious that it will leave Ford and Kavanaugh, and their respective families damaged as a result. None of this can be undone. Ever. Even if the accusation is proven to be false, the damage to Kavanaugh is already set. Instead of “An honorable man was falsely accused of sexual misconduct,” the story will be misleadingly limited to “A wealthy, powerful judge faced serious questions about attempted rape.” It will be inescapable for all of the Kavanaughs. And if the accusation pans out and Ford’s story stands up to serious scrutiny, then Ford, who would have already suffered for decades, will be reliving the incident all over again, and this time on a public stage.

On top of this, there is a whole lot of stink to go around. Feinstein cynically decided to use an alleged sexual assault as a political weapon. Here is her latest statement, which doesn’t ring true to me because her actions don’t back up her claims of how very seriously she takes accusations of sexual assault, when one recalls that she sat on the information for two months, and that she never questioned Kavanaugh about the accusation, whether privately or while he was under oath. Also, if she really believed the matter should be treated with an extreme level of seriousness, would she have redacted the accuser’s name so that even the FBI didn’t know who she was?

“It has always been Mrs. Ford’s decision whether to come forward publicly. For any woman, sharing an experience involving sexual assault—particularly when it involves a politically connected man with influence, authority and power—is extraordinarily difficult.

“From the outset, I have believed these allegations were extremely serious and bear heavily on Judge Kavanaugh’s character. However, as we have seen over the past few days, they also come at a price for the victim. I hope the attacks and shaming of her will stop and this will be treated with the seriousness it deserves.

“I support Mrs. Ford’s decision to share her story, and now that she has, it is in the hands of the FBI to conduct an investigation. This should happen before the Senate moves forward on this nominee.”

(Note: according to this report, given that the “FBI doesn’t plan to investigate the allegation as a criminal matter, […] Feinstein wants the bureau to review it as part of Kavanaugh’s background check.”) Amusingly, and without an ounce of self-awareness, , Feinstein also said that “the FBI should have the time it needs to investigate this new material.” And again, how does Feinstein say this with a straight face, given that she held onto the “new material” for two months? Wouldn’t that have provided the FBI with the time they needed to investigate? While the Democrats are clamoring for a delay in the vote because time is needed for an investigation, it was Feinstein herself who delayed any timely investigation from taking place.

There is also a lot of stink concerning Harris, Booker, and the professional Left, all of whom made concerted efforts to smear Kavanaugh during the hearings and lie about him. And even when shown to be lies, they were repeatedly pushed.

So now an accuser who has come forward to tell her story. It does not sound fantastical nor absurd. It sounds possible. But it is an accusation without any corroboration or eyewitnesses. Until then, it remains just an accusation which involves three individuals, with two of them denying it happened. We need to hear more in order to make a clear and accurate assessment of what happened, and to test her story to see if it holds water. With that, the political aspect for a long term impact going forward should not be ignored: “At this point, the GOP has to go to the wall for Kavanaugh or the Dems will have fully weaponized mere allegations as a method to destroy credible nominees. The precedent would be set and be too dangerous to future nominees. And we know the Dems would defend their own.”

As for the GOP, there is no indication that the vote will be delayed.

Brett Kavanaugh released a statement this morning:

This is a completely false allegation. I have never done anything like what the accuser describes – to her or to anyone.

Because this never happened, I had no idea who was making this accusation until she identified herself yesterday.

I am wiling to talk to the Senate Judiciary Committee in any way the Committee deems appropriate to refute this false allegation from 36 years ago, and defend my integrity.

With regard to Ford, her attorney said this:

“Her recollection of these events is crystal clear,” Ford’s attorney Lisa Banks told Morning Edition. “She will agree to participate in any proceedings that she’s asked to participate in.”

I’ll end the post with this sharp bit of observation regarding where we are at now and how to test the veracity of the claim made against Kavanaugh. Read the whole thing:

Yet unless all parties start telling the same story, there is no way to know for certain if this event occurred. We don’t need certainty, however, to make a decision on whether a man should sit on the Supreme Court. I have the same standard for Brett Kavanaugh as I did for Roy Moore, for Donald Trump, for Bill Clinton — or for any other politician who’s accused of misconduct. Is it more likely than not that the allegation is true?

Given the totality of the evidence, I believe it is more likely than not that Bill Clinton committed rape and sexual harassment. I believe it is more likely than not that Donald Trump has committed sexual assault. I believe it is more likely than not that Roy Moore engaged in sexual misconduct with underage girls. But the evidence against Kavanaugh falls far short of the evidence arrayed against each of these men. So far at least it falls far short of the evidence against virtually any other politician or celebrity who has faced consequences during this #MeToo moment.

(Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.)


544 Responses to “Brett Kavanaugh’s Accuser Goes On The Record”

  1. This is a hard story to post on as there seem to be a lot of moving parts, and something new keeps popping up. I expect in the next few days, that will only increase.

    Mostly, an awful thing is happening.

    Dana (023079)

  2. As an example, we’re now seeing reports that in 1996, Ford’s parents house was foreclosed on.
    The foreclosure judge? Martha Kavanaugh, Brett’s mother. What a coincidence.

    (Her relationship to Martha Wayne and Martha Kent is at this time unknown.)

    Ingot9455 (afdf95)

  3. I thought Katz was her primary atty

    Narciso (36a055)

  4. Is it true that there were 5 teenagers at the party and 4 were boys, so Blasey was the only girl?

    DRJ (15874d)

  5. having a rapist on the Supreme Court will enhance diversity and bring a fresh perspective to the proceedings there

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  6. Ford is hazy and won’t provide specifics e.g., month, year … hell, she doesn’t even seem to remember which decade… because specifics would possibly allow Kavanaugh to prove it was not possible. Democrats always want to park it where the truth is unknowable.

    This is one more cunning stunt from the…

    Colonel Haiku (7f045b)

  7. Ford’s brother is an attorney who had cases in Martha Kavanaugh’s court.

    Colonel Haiku (7f045b)

  8. Just a reminder that Harry Reid bald face lied when it came to Romney to win an election. This is who they are. It’s what they do.

    They are the scorpion. Let’s see if we’re dumb enough to be the frog yet again.

    NJRob (1d7532)

  9. narciso,

    Banks is one of Ford’s attorneys. She is a partner at Katz, Marshall & Banks.

    Dana (023079)

  10. Good NR link, Dana. Thanks.

    DRJ (15874d)

  11. It’s important to add that both Mrs. Ford and her attorney Lisa Banks are leftist activists who have both engaged in actions to further the leftist party. They are no unbiased, objective individuals.

    NJRob (1d7532)

  12. DRJ,

    According to the Wapo report, Ford says there were four boys at the party, but only two in the room with her. Ford does not mention there being any other girls in attendance.

    Dana (023079)

  13. I’m curious where the Committee will let the testimony go. Will they put only Kavanaugh’s character on the agenda or will there also be witnesses who cast doubt on the accuser’s character?

    DRJ (15874d)

  14. I (stupidly) assumed the other two teens were male and female. A party with 4 males and 1 female was unusual in my day, and these folks aren’t that mich younger than I am. A group of friends might have that composition but a teen party typically had similar numbers of boys and girls, or at least more than 1 girl.

    DRJ (15874d)

  15. Usually girls travel in pairs. Especially to parties in high school. Unless one of the boys is the boyfriend.

    Dana (023079)

  16. Has she said who invited her or how she ended up attending?

    DRJ (15874d)

  17. Dana, can you keep the usual nastiness off this thread? I’m very curious what good faith commenters have to write. The creepy ones can urinate all over other threads. Thank you.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  18. It seems an implausible situation for a pool party in the 80s, even in suburban maryland.

    Narciso (36a055)

  19. DRJ,

    I can’t find anything specifically explaining how she ended up being there. This is yet another reason why her story must be examined further, and see whether it all adds up.

    Dana (023079)

  20. Simon Jester,

    I will try.

    Dana (023079)

  21. May I suggest a separate post with suggestions for questions to ask.

    The Congressional staff prepare questions for Senators, and IMO they read things like this blog. They also don’t think of everything. Having said that, staff can prepare great stuff that Senators don’t use for political reasons.

    DRJ (15874d)

  22. The actual important question:

    Steve Sailer

    11h11 hours ago
    Did Christine Blasey Ford ever accuse Kavanaugh by name before 2012, after Kavanaugh’s name surfaced in the national news as a GOP legal hero and likely Supreme Court nominee following his dissenting vote on the appeals case against Obamacare on 11/8/2011?

    Nonpartisan Actor (a41d1a)

  23. Sure. Post questions here, and I’ll compile them in a separate post. It may be this afternoon before I am able to do so.

    Dana (023079)

  24. Prediction; the Democrats will now rustle up a few more women (I’m sure Planned Parenthood, NARAL and NOW have a list handy) to make similarly unprovable allegations and schedule them for non-intrusive softball interviews on national television.

    Roy Moore 2.0: Well, We Told You So…

    well lookie here

    “We believe Dr. Blasey Ford and are grateful that she came forward to tell her story,” says a draft letter from alumnae of Holton-Arms, a private girls school in Bethesda, Maryland. “It demands a thorough and independent investigation before the Senate can reasonably vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to a lifetime seat on the nation’s highest court.”

    The women also say that what Ford is alleging “is all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton. Many of us are survivors ourselves.”

    Why are we talking about a Supreme Court seat for a Roy Moore style raper?

    He should resign from the court he’s presiding over now and slink away in rape-shame.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  25. I don’t think Grassley or Hatch could do that. Cornyn, Graham and Flake could but they may not want to. Lee and Cruz definitely could.

    DRJ (15874d)

  26. It is an accusation that it is easy to make and impossible to disprove. The fact that she has psychiatric problems brings her credibility further into question. Her prior statements to her therapist and to her husband (and to however many other people) are not corroboration. The totality of the evidence is that she’s a dues-paying, card-carrying full member of the Democrat smear machine which will stop at nothing to derail Kavanaugh’s appointment. Directed verdict in favor of the defendant.

    nk (dbc370)

  27. Maybe the search for Kennedy’s replacement should have went well well well beyond the swamp – back in the day, people would complain about the SC became the sole domain of the Ivy League law schools, and now its becoming the sole domain of the Interstate Athletic Conference.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  28. Thank you, Dana. I have deep concerns over this story. Not telling one’s spouse for several decades about a traumatic event seems unlikely. But then, my spouse has a bad event happen to her that she never told me about until recently. So I could be wrong.

    The timing stinks. It looks suspicious. Especially if there is evidence this was first discussed in 2012 when Romney had mentioned Kavanaugh as a possible SCOTUS pick.

    And even though this sounds nonlogical, I VERY much would like each of the people I see commenting about this issue to give their opinions regarding “believing” accusations of politicians or nominees they like. Short version: the pundits carrying on had better never have defended Bill Clinton. Or Ted Kennedy.

    There needs to be an ethical center. I would be delighted beyond words if a feminist group stated that we should believe accusers, but if any are proven to have fabricated evidence, they should be tried for character defamation. But as we know, that latter never occurs.

    I have this thing with hypocrisy. Ugh.

    No matter what happens, this will be unpleasant.

    Simon Jester (4357eb)

  29. And the urination begins, yet again.

    Simon Jester (4357eb)

  30. i hadn’t realized yet that the traumatized victim bravely went to the fake news wapo at the same time she bravely went to her representative

    For someone being portrayed as a very reluctant accuser, Ford contacted both the Post and her Congresswoman in July, though sought to get confidentiality commitments from them:

    She contacted The Post through a tip line in early July, when it had become clear that Kavanaugh was on the shortlist of possible nominees to replace retiring justice Anthony M. Kennedy but before Trump announced his name publicly. A registered Democrat who has made small contributions to political organizations, she contacted her congresswoman, Democrat Anna G. Eshoo, around the same time. In late July, she sent a letter via Eshoo’s office to Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  31. Mostly an awful thing is happening.

    More likely, ‘an awful thing’ happened 35 years ago.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  32. Dave may disagree, but there were multiple avenues for Feinstein to have brought this forward. Instead, she threw a last-minute political hand grenade into the process. I’m too cynical to believe that sitting on this information until the eve of the committee vote was her only recourse. This was blatantly political, and dirty.

    Paul Montagu (1f900e)

  33. Quite simply, if it boils down a “he said, she said”, Kavanaugh is toast.

    All the hair splitting about how this is different from Moore, Trump, Clinton won’t amount to a hill of beans. Such are the political kangaroo court tactics altNeverTrump has sanctioned. Don’t try to lock the barn door now, after you held it open as the horses left.

    Munroe (a55b55)

  34. It is an accusation that it is easy to make and impossible to disprove.

    we need to find out more about the dirty FBI’s role in grooming this rape hoaxer

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  35. Such are the political kangaroo court tactics altNeverTrump has sanctioned

    Yes by the Roy Moore standard there’s absolutely no question that Mr. Kavanaugh is a slavering rapist.

    There’s no getting around that. Mitt Romney *will* have his pound of raper flesh.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  36. @27. That’s what happens when you outsource this to societies and action groups w/agendas. They’d saturated the media w/commercials ‘selling’ the sizzle and not the steak. After a few bites, it’s getting tougher to chew over.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  37. Questions not directly related to the incident:

    When and how did you first meet Brett Kavanaugh?

    When and how many times have you met with or been at the same location with Kavanaugh?

    When and where was this party, and what are the names of everyone who was there?

    How old were you?

    Who invited you?

    Did you go alone?

    How did you get there — car, bike, walk, taken by someone, etc.?

    Where did you come from and how far did you have to travel?

    What time did you arrive?

    What happened at the party when you arrived and after you arrived?

    Did you know all or some of the people at the party?

    How long had you been at the party before this incident happened?

    Were there alcohol or drugs at the party?

    Did you drink alcohol or use drugs at the party?

    Did you drink alcohol or use drugs before going on the day of the party?

    What time did you leave, and where did you go?

    Were you alone?

    How did you leave — car, bike, walk, etc.?

    Lots more but this is all I have time for now.

    DRJ (15874d)

  38. @32. Nah, she followed Ford’s wishes and forwarded the letter to the FBI. Don’t blame Feinstein for the actions of Ford and Kavanaugh. But if you’re looking for ‘dirty moves,’ look 35 years back.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  39. “the GOP has to go to the wall for Kavanaugh or the Dems will have fully weaponized mere allegations as a method to destroy credible nominees.


    On lefty social they’ve gone fully insane. He’s a rapist who tried to kill her.

    And Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton we’re champions for American women.

    harkin (fb04fc)

  40. Because of teh way this has been leaked, people are overlooking the biggest question here:

    How did she know the name of the boy who did this to her?

    They were in high schhool, but not in a high school. She wouldn’t give or said she didn’t even know the name of the school the boy attended!

    The party was unscheduled and took place in someone’s private house. She doesn’t remember how she came to be there. She doesn’t know the date, or the month, but just that it happened in the summer of 1982, or maybe toward the end of her sophomore year. So this is anytime after Memorial Day till Labor Day.

    The therapy she talks about took place in 2012 (30 years later!) and she never mentioned the incident to anyone until then. She seems to have characterized it more strongly and differently in 2013, (as a rape attempt.)

    Her therapist’s notes say there were 4 boys (she explains that there were 4 boys at the party but only two took part, in it, and that one of the two boys – Mark Judge – rescued her from the other one, from Kavanaugh.) She claims to know the names of the other two boys too.

    Her therapist’s notes don’t mention any name, but her husband says she said then (in 2012) that his last name was Kavanaugh, and said he was a federal judge who might one day get nominated to the Supreme Court (presumabably meaning if, heaven forbid, a Republican was elected president in the future.)

    I’ll tell you what could have stimulated this (that is, what a private detective agency could have dug up) :

    Mark Judge, a classmate of Brett Kavanaugh, and a writer for the Daily Caller, the Weekly Standard and also the Washington Post, wrote a book in 1997 called:

    “Wasted: Tales of a Gen-X Drunk”

    In the book he changed some names to protect the guilty. His school, Georgetown Prep, is called “Loyola Prep.”

    He makes a reference to a “Bart O’Kavanaugh,” who “puked in someone’s car the other night” and “passed out on his way back from a party.”

    Not exactly the same thing at all.

    Mark Judge totally denies Christine Blasey Ford’s story.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  41. He’s a rapist who tried to kill her.

    Mr. Moore was never alleged to have had a murderous bent, so these allegations against Mr. Kavanaugh are decidedly more serious.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  42. #33. Trump plays this game, but he didn’t invent it. If I understand what I read constantly at many sites, Trump was hired primarily to play this sort of game just as good as the Democrats.

    #37. I would think that whatever statement is made to the Committee will try to answer most of those in the opening statement. The real meat would be in follow up questions, which the Senators will be loathe to ask in view of cameras, with the risk that the witness is good on her feet.

    Appalled (96665e)

  43. Dems simply want to dirty Kavanaugh enough to peel off the Dems running in states carried by Trump like Joe Manchin and weak-kneed GOP losers like snotnose Jeff Flake and Susan Collins. Evidence doesn’t matter and is nonexistent. No outcry in a supposed sex crime for 4 decades along with almost no details (except to also smear Mark Judge) is ridiculous.

    Bugg (727205)

  44. Prep schools then were like high school versions of fraternities and sororities, Sammy. They typically were not co-ed so all-girl and all-boy schools paired up to hold regular dances and other social events. I think she said her school usually had events with another all-boy prep school, but she knew some (and maybe him) from his school, Georgetown Prep.

    DRJ (15874d)

  45. French’s analysis is identical to my own.

    He goes on to say:

    If there’s one thing we’ve seen time and again, it’s that one allegation often triggers a cascade of additional claims. There seem to be precious few men who engage in serious sexual misconduct just once. If this was the kind of behavior that Kavanaugh engaged in, then look for more people to come forward. If no one does, however, we’re left with a sole claim, made by an opposing partisan (Ford is an outspoken progressive), that Kavanaugh strenuously denies, that lacks any contemporaneous corroboration, and that is contradicted in material respects by her therapist’s own notes.

    That does not add up to “more likely than not.”

    Dave (445e97)

  46. I agree, Appalled, that most of the details will be addressed but sometimes they don’t. However,I disagree that all Senators will be loathe to question her.

    DRJ (15874d)

  47. So… this is a decades old allegation, impossible to prove or disprove.

    But now we hear that we must delay the nomination to assess the credibility of such allegations?

    When, we *JUST* had an ugly nomination meeting and the fact that DiFi *SAT* on this allegation for two months?

    No… it is not a cynical take to question the veracity and timing of this allegation. Common sense is shouting loud and clear that this is a political hit job. It’s really up to Democrats and the accuser to justifiably convince the skeptics that this merits a pause to Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Otherwise, the GOP and the public would rightly be justified to tell her and Democrats to go pound sand.



    Frankly, Democrats don’t have a leg to stand on issues like this, when Bill Clinton and Keith Ellison had waaaaaaaaaaaaay more credible accusations than this.

    I’ve know survivors of rapes, assaults and abuse. They remember exacting details over their ordeals… which is why it’s a traumatic experience for them (they relive it). Ford’s account so far can only be described as nebulous at this point, such that any rational observation about this can only be summed up as being a political assassination attempt.

    So yes… let’s challenger the accuser and the Democrats here.

    Furthermore, if this is a dire issue such that Kavanaugh shouldn’t be on the Supreme Court bench… then, why is he on the DC Court of Appeals court?

    I’m disgusted as this will be the new “norm”.

    Democrats won’t like the new rules when its applied to them. Frankly, Cocaine Mitch should just schedule the floor vote now(whether or not, the Judiciary Committee votes him out). These committee hears are now worthless imo.

    We’re in a vicious circle here… there’s no such thing as having a collegially debate of ideas anymore. It’s dangerously ramping up to a real-life ThunderDome.

    whembly (b9d411)

  48. @44. Really? Not my prep school.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  49. Trump should be good at this game given his experience, but it’s still McConnell’s show. I think McConnell will stick it out unless there are other claims that are have more credibility than this one.

    DRJ (15874d)

  50. DRJ:

    We will see. Lindsey Graham is on Judiciary, and he has a record of being good at this. Too many of these guys will just want to make long statements, and not ask questions that elicit any information.

    Appalled (96665e)

  51. People like ASPCA and Tillman as well as political hacks we have running the leftist party are why I’ve become as aggressive as I have speaking of my disgust for the left. They have no shame and fully believe they must enslave the rest of us for the betterment of society.

    NJRob (fb876a)

  52. DRJ @ 37. Some of what she said could have been devised to avoid cross-examination. I can give you her probable answers, based upon what I read so far:

    When and how did you first meet Brett Kavanaugh?

    Presumably, at the party.

    When and how many times have you met with or been at the same location with Kavanaugh?


    But she claims that, although the girls from Holton-Arms mostly hung out with boys from Landon School, there was a period of several months when they switched to Georgetown Prep, (so she would have known or obtained his name that way.)

    When and where was this party, and what are the names of everyone who was there?

    She doesn’t remember what month, only that it was during warm weather in 1982 and she doesn’t know where the party was except that it was in some kind of a proivate house where the parents were absent somewhere in the vicinity of Bethesda (?) Maryland.

    She gives the names of 4 boys, including Kavanaugh, none of whom so far confirm the story as happening at any time and at any place, (but if any of the two so far unpublished boys are frauds, they may support that, and then, of course, be subject to cross-examination. They mustn’t be afraid to cross examine people even if Democrats pile on thenm for doing so.) So far no girl’s names have been reported.

    How old were you?

    15 or 16, depending on the exact date.

    Who invited you?

    She doesn’t remember.

    Did you go alone?

    So far no answer to that has surfaced, except maybe she doesn’t remember.

    How did you get there — car, bike, walk, taken by someone, etc.?

    She doesn’t remember, according to teh Washington Post.

    Where did you come from and how far did you have to travel?

    Maybe she’ll have some kind of an answer to that.

    What time did you arrive?

    She could at least say whether it was still day.

    What happened at the party when you arrived and after you arrived?

    So fsr she has not offered any other details about the party.

    Did you know all or some of the people at the party?

    A very, very, good question.

    How long had you been at the party before this incident happened?

    Even if it happened she probably couldn’t say that.

    Were there alcohol or drugs at the party?

    Alcohol yes. Nothing has been said about drugs.

    Did you drink alcohol or use drugs at the party?

    Yes, one beer.

    Did you drink alcohol or use drugs before going on the day of the party?

    A nice question. It’s not clear when she drank the beer.

    What time did you leave, and where did you go?

    she probably will say she has no more memory of that.

    Were you alone?

    She almost has to be able to answer thaqt, in the sense of did have a friend with her.

    How did you leave — car, bike, walk, etc.?

    You expect her to remember that after 30 or 36 years? She only remembers being assaulted.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  53. An interesting twist going back to some saying Kavanaugh would be the next SCOTUS nominee if Mitt Romney were elected:

    Is the accusation against Kavanaugh the culmination of a set-up from 2012?

    In the comments someone says she’s wiped her social media history, anyone know if this is true?

    harkin (fb04fc)

  54. No boy-girl events ever, DCSCA? Was it co-ed or only boys? If the latter, were there any all-girl prep schools in your area?

    DRJ (15874d)

  55. 44. DRJ (15874d) — 9/17/2018 @ 9:38 am

    . I think she said her school usually had events with another all-boy prep school, but she knew some (and maybe him) from his school, Georgetown Prep.

    I don’t know if she claims that she herself knew any one of them.

    Anyway it woiuld be very good to find out when she identified Breet Kavanaugh as the boy. They’re not saying 2018.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  56. @54. Co-ed. Totally co-ed, DRJ. You seem eager to depose Ford. ‘Pop’ Corn is now saying she needs to be heard. So ‘rolling disclosure’ rolls on.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  57. Questions not directly related to the incident:

    Are there any candidates on President Trump’s short list for filling this seat who did NOT attempt to rape you?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  58. claims she deleted her social media pages. A good attorney would tell her to do that, especially a firm like hers that is socially media savvy.

    Another question would be: “When, why and on whose advice did she delete her social media presence, and what did she delete (including screen names used)?”

    DRJ (15874d)

  59. @51. ????? Have you read your own post?? You appear to have shackled and enslaved yourself. You don’t need any help from the ‘left.’

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  60. It’s inevitable now, DCSCA, so the Trump/GOPe should do a good job supporting this nominee.

    DRJ (15874d)

  61. Democrats are always looking for the bottom, how low they can go.

    These tactics must not be rewarded.

    Colonel Haiku (7f045b)

  62. So here’s the question: What do you think the odds are that, when Romney seemed within striking distance of the White House, and Kavanaugh seemed like a potential Supreme Court nominee, Ford came up with a story about Kavanaugh trying to rape her? Knowing Democrat fanaticism as we do, it’s easy to imagine that, in 2012, while Ford couldn’t go back in time to 1983 to make contemporaneous claims she could still try to lend an air of verisimilitude to her otherwise unconvincing narrative by concocting a tale for a therapist, thereby creating a “just in case” record.

    It’s important that he was aleading possible Republican nominee for teh Supreme Court in 2012.

    The one thing is, she would have had to have some plausible way of connecting herself to him. I woudl suspect that if thiw is a dirty trick, she didn’t come up with this idea herself, but somebody looking for dirt, or to invent dirt, contacted her (based on the Mark Judge book)

    Brett Kavanaugh got drunk at least once (assuming he’s the Bart O’Kavanaugh in the book)

    So what else could have happened? And do we have anybody on our side who might plausibly tell a tale, true or untrue?

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  63. Not every question is a gotcha question, Sammy. There are rarely Perry Mason moments in hearings or trials. The point is to get specific answers so if there are discrepancies, they stand out and can’t be explained (given the other answers).

    DRJ (15874d)

  64. 61. Colonel Haiku (7f045b) — 9/17/2018 @ 9:57 am

    Democrats are always looking for the bottom, how low they can go.

    Senator John Kennedy (R-Louisiana) said that they reached rock bottom – and then started digging.

    These tactics must not be rewarded.

    It’s not enough to decide they are unsubstantiated, or shouldn’t matter. If this is a dirty trick, that must be exposed.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  65. People forget that Anita Hill lost credibility after she testified.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  66. Blasey is a health care professional and an activist. She signed a n ACLU letter earlier this year opposing Trump’s zero-tolerance policy because of its impact on children. She has been in that field for years and was probably happy with ObamaCare and upset at legal efforts to undo it. Accordingly, IMO she would have noticed Kavanaugh’s high-profile dissent in an ObamaCare appeal in November 2011. His court bio shows he went to Georgetown Prep.

    My question is, what was the exact date of her couples therapy when she talked about this?

    DRJ (15874d)

  67. @39. Pfft. Bringing Kennedy or Clinton or Trump or any other elected official into this as a comparison for argument is bogus. They were/are elected to office and can be voted in or out. The SCOTUS gig is a lifetime appointment.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  68. It’s another Anita Hill moment and just as phony.

    Bill M (906260)

  69. I think most Republican senators will be very wary of how they question her, given the #MeToo climate. I think what would normally be a fairly hard hitting examination of her will now be soft-pedaled with a consideration toward not offending female voters, and/or losing potential voters in the midterms. This, ironically, will do justice an injustice.

    Dana (9181ef)

  70. Anita Hill lol

    talk about being messed up in the head for years

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  71. You would expect, if this was well founded, there’d be some explanation of how Chrstine Blasey came to know the name of the boy wass Brett Kavanauugh. That should be the foirst thing mentioned.

    We shouldn’t have to guess on it, or rely on a claim that girls from her school were seeing boys from his school for awhile. (is this claim just made up?)

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  72. Dave may disagree, but there were multiple avenues for Feinstein to have brought this forward. Instead, she threw a last-minute political hand grenade into the process. I’m too cynical to believe that sitting on this information until the eve of the committee vote was her only recourse. This was blatantly political, and dirty.

    Well of course it was political.

    “Dirty” is a value judgment. Feinstein wants to defeat Kavanaugh, that goes without saying. Her (pre-Ford) list of reasons for opposing Kavanaugh is riddled with lies and distortions. But I think it also goes without saying that Feinstein is not under any obligation to handle damaging information about Kavanaugh in the way that maximizes his chances of confirmation. From the point of view of representing the majority of her constituents’ wishes, she is in fact obligated to do the exact opposite.

    The letter to Feinstein said, at the very beginning

    As a constituent, I expect that you will maintain this as confidential until we have further opportunity to speak.

    It seems pretty clear that when they did speak, Ford insisted on remaining anonymous, and Feinstein maintained the letter as confidential accordingly.

    You may find it hard to sympathize with Feinstein, but Ford placed her in a very difficult position of choosing between violating the trust of an alleged victim, or raising a reputation- and career-destroying charge based on an anonymous accusation. I’m sure that throwing away an opportunity to torpedo Kavanaugh’s apparently unstoppable nomination was not something she wanted to do either, especially while running for re-election against an even more liberal Democrat.

    As for the timing, as I said before, it’s not obvious that a last-minute accusation from out of the blue was the Democrats’ best play to beat Kavanaugh. It appears that Feinstein tried unsuccessfully to convince Ford to come forward until she ran out of time.

    Dave (445e97)

  73. @60. Well, they’re committed now, unless ‘rolling disclosure’ discloses more. Though Trump’s silence is deafening–but then it’s early in the day/week– and this is ‘not about him’ because it actually ‘is’ about him. But for a woman, this isn’t an easy accusation to make let alone go public about. But the times are hanging; the Weinstein, Cosby, Moonves, Lauer, etc., matters demonstrate that.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  74. @70. Careful, Mr. Feet; you’re not one to talk.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  75. Team riino had better go to the wall for Judge Kavanaugh or the best job they will ever get will be cleaning restrooms at L. a. X and they need cleaning today!!!

    mg (00d73e)

  76. I think most Republican senators will be very wary of how they question her, given the #MeToo climate.

    there’s no reason they should question her at all

    just have her sit there and look all victimy – you don’t have to talk to her

    good lord she’s a psychopath who’s lying about being raped 35 years ago just to derail a supreme court nomination

    you don’t talk to crazy people it’s just not a productive use of your time

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  77. The thing about this is that in 2012, accusations of attempted sexual assault weren’t so

    But it was still a bad thing to accuse someone of, and could derail a nomination – at an early stage.

    An interesting que3stion for me would be is, if any of her published work, or maybe petitions she signed, is the unreliability of eyewitness testimony mentioned?

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  78. People like ASPCA and Tillman as well as political hacks we have running the leftist party are why I’ve become as aggressive as I have speaking of my disgust for the left. They have no shame and fully believe they must enslave the rest of us for the betterment of society. [emphasis added]

    Do you think they would agree with your characterization of their position?

    Dave (445e97)

  79. @64. Sammy, Kennedy can’t even read a calendar: believes six weeks is three months.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  80. @78.Meh, I’ll speak for that ‘ASPCA’ fella. See #59.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  81. happpyfeet @76 76. No, it’s not rape – it’s attempted rape, like Beverly Nelson Young.

    Only, in her case, she didn’t escape herself by juping out of moving car, but, in the more elaborate version of the story, is supposed to have been helped to escape by Brett Kavanaugh’s friend, Mark Judge, who prevented his friend from committing a serious crime, after first putting the radio on loud to avoid attracting attention.

    Well, actually, in this scenario, both actions could have been to keep his friend out of trouble, and putting the radio on was not done to facilitate a rape.

    But both of them say nothing like this ever happened anywhere, any time.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  82. “But for a woman, this isn’t an easy accusation to make let alone go public about.”

    Depends on the woman and the motive. And many are finding it ‘easy’ to claim rape/assault in a fixed system where the accused has no due process rights. Quite a few women have done exactly this (although waiting over 30 years till dood is up for the SCOTUS is a new twist) after consensual sex when the guy declines to move into a more serious relationship.

    Look at all the universities having to settle after railroading some unlucky victim of a Title IX kangaroo court recently.

    harkin (36810b)

  83. Was she the one that had the forged yearbook, it’s hard to remember which pantomime horse to follow.

    Narciso (f842ce)

  84. If Christine Blasey (everwhere outside of her personal life she does not use the name Ford) believed it, she might have wanted to come forward only as corroboration for other incidents – but there were none.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  85. The republicans would never back a liar.

    mg (00d73e)

  86. “Do you think they would agree with your characterization of their position?”

    DCSCA always takes the Is It Good For The Democrats line no matter how far-fetched, in this, he is admirably consistent and predictable and I expect him to surface as the next Kavanaugh accuser sometime soon.

    “Mr. DCSCA, is it true that Kavanaugh lived by a code of ‘Be Polite, Be Professional, But Have A Plan To Rape Every Woman You Meet?”

    Nonpartisan Actor (cb5d31)

  87. But for a woman, this isn’t an easy accusation to make let alone go public about.

    Seriously? Lying comes as naturally to women as having to stop and pee every fifteen minutes on a road trip. They lie constantly, they lie easily and, because lying is so easy and natural for them and they’re so practiced at it, men who are the exact opposite believe them.

    nk (dbc370)

  88. We need more evidence? Well yeah.

    Like maybe a location and a DATE – that this so-called assault actually happened.

    Kinda hard for Kavenaugh to disprove it, when we have a 3 month window (“its was summer”) and the entire DC metro area as possible times/locations.

    So, lets have a 5 minute interview with Kavenaugh and Judge. And then ask Ms. Ford for any addtional details. And then close this nonsense out.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  89. Mr DCSCA, is it true that Kavanaugh and his buddies threw you down and raped you on broken glass while shouting “We’re doing this because we love Richard Nixon, Roy Cohn, and Joe McCarthy!” while the portrait of George Washington fell down from the impact to reveal a picture of HITLER behind it?

    Nonpartisan Actor (561ae7)

  90. Of course, the Republicans – as usual – shot themselves in the foot. They hated Roy Moore so much they let the Democrats destroy him with unproven 35 y/o sex allegations. Those allegations were “Credible” according to Flake, Mccain, Shelby, etc.

    So, the Dems are now hitting SCOTUS nominee with unproven 35 y/o sex allegations. So they can’t say its non-credible. They have to “investigate”. Of course, the investigation can prove nothing, since its 35 y/o and its “she said” “they said” – all they can do is pin Ms Ford down on the details.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  91. Well, if Kavanaugh does not get confirmed, he can always move to Massachusetts, run for Senator and then become the “lion of the Senate.” Abusing and even killing women was not an impediment to any of those.

    Bored Lawyer (998177)

  92. I was wondering why Ms. Ford drew Mr. Judge into this mess. But then discovered, he’d written a book about how he was drunk and had tons of “hook up sex” in High school. AND that he knew Kavenaugh.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  93. The real story, of course, is the disgraceful capitulation of Jeff Flake and Bob Corker, showing they had zero dedication to the long-term conservative cause to begin with and were only in the movement at all for the political career opportunities.

    Nonpartisan Actor (1e80f3)

  94. @82. In Hollywood, we knew Weinstein’s rep for years; it was a whispered ‘work around.’ And CBS’s ‘old boy network’ at the network- particularly up at W.57th at CBS News- was Paley-entrenched and tolerated for years- ask Leslie Stahl. And, of course, there’s the recent wreckage at Fox. And those are just higher profiled organizations. The times are changing. Whether it’s fair or unfair to hold someone accountable for events from a past era who is up for a lifetime appointment remains to be seen. But you’d likely find plenty of priests, cardinals and former concentration camp guards harbor a strong opinion about it.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  95. In a sane society, no one would care what you did in HS – 35 years ago. What did Burger, Warren, Scalia, Breyer, Ruthie Ginsberg, or the wise Latina do in HS? We don’t know, because no one investigated or cared.

    But now, if you get drunk at 17 and grope a girl at a party and goodbye Supreme Court. Crazy.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  96. I agree with my White Knight friends. Women, never, never, lie about sex.

    If she accuses a political opponent of sexual assault, you can sure she’s telling the truth.

    Cause she’s a women. Noble and pure. And courageous.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  97. the disgraceful capitulation of Jeff Flake and Bob Corker

    there’s a strong likelihood they’re being paid for this

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  98. 96… apply this to 0bama’s admitted (hard) drug use…

    Colonel Haiku (7f045b)

  99. @90. Mr. Nonpartisan Actor; when did you come out and declare yourself a thespian?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  100. DCSCA always takes the Is It Good For The Democrats line no matter how far-fetched, in this, he is admirably consistent and predictable and I expect him to surface as the next Kavanaugh accuser sometime soon.

    But NJRob said DCSCA and TIllman

    fully believe they must enslave the rest of us for the betterment of society.

    I have never seen either of them advocate mass enslavement. I believe Tillman has expressed libertarian sentiments in the past. DCSCA does not really seem to me to have any articulable political philosophy.

    That makes seriously doubt that wishing to enslave the rest of us is an accurate characterization of their positions.

    Although perhaps NJRob will be able to provide quotes where they do, in fact, advocate mass enslavement as a policy goal.

    Dave (445e97)

  101. The real story, of course, is the disgraceful capitulation of Jeff Flake and Bob Corker,

    This time, they’ve set a speed record for caving and surrendering to the Left.

    But they’ve always been cowards and they hate Trump.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  102. “And those are just higher profiled organizations. The times are changing. Whether it’s fair or unfair to hold someone accountable for events from a past era who is up for a lifetime appointment remains to be seen. But you’d likely find plenty of priests, cardinals and former concentration camp guards harbor a strong opinion about it.”

    ‘events’ wow nice moral equivalency from the Party of Criminals And Their Legal Enablers.


    Nonpartisan Actor (631238)

  103. I agree with my White Knight friends. Women, never, never, lie about sex.

    If she accuses a political opponent of sexual assault, you can sure she’s telling the truth.

    Cause she’s a women. Noble and pure. And courageous.

    Nobody in this thread has expressed that position, or anything remotely resembling it. You are setting up strawmen.

    Dave (445e97)

  104. @96. But now, if you get drunk at 17 and grope a girl at a party and goodbye Supreme Court. Crazy.

    So hello Catholic church. Crazy.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  105. Not really a question, but a suggestion for a statement from a committee senator:

    We are in a tough spot, with a serious 35-year old allegation against a man who is otherwise supremely qualified for the the Supreme Court.

    Is it fair to the nominee to derail the nomination based on nothing more than a 35-year old allegation. I don’t think so.

    However, is it fair to the accuser to not give her the time to consider her story? Remember, we gave her time. She has said nothing publicly in the intervening 35 years. Judge Kavanaugh was nominated on July 9, and very public Senate hearings were held. Again, we did not hear from this accuser.

    Is it fair to the Democrats in the Senate? Their only role so far has been a cynical political attempt to delay the votes until possibly the Democrats have a majority in the Senate.

    Mike S (89ec89)

  106. Anybody else notice that Nonpartisan Actor never uses the same IP address twice?


    Dave (445e97)

  107. @101. “DCSCA does not really seem to me to have any articulable political philosophy.”


    “I’m a drunkard.” -Rick Blaine [Humphrey Bogart] ‘Casablanca’ 1943

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  108. At least Ms. Ford learned from the UofV hoax, and didn’t include beer bottles, broken glass, and a fake boyfriend.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  109. “I have never seen either of them advocate mass enslavement.”

    I’m not sayin’ I’m in favor of slavery either, I’m just sayin’ that the rampant ugly disrespect for the planter class and their friends and colleagues in Congress that brought America so much prosperity is CONCERNING to me as a friend of the republic and we should shut down these scurrilious individuals and papers who print such VILE inaccuracies!

    “I believe Tillman has expressed libertarian sentiments in the past.”

    Useless. Even Communists can express libertarian or libertarian-adjacent sentiments. If they don’t inform his discourse on a day-to-day basis, they’re not strongly held enough to be worth mentioning.

    “DCSCA does not really seem to me to have any articulable political philosophy.”

    Technical deniability (‘plausible’ is a bit much) is the first tool of the operative, whether ‘We’re a NON-GOVERNMENTAL Organization, says it right there on the title!’ or ‘we’re a Legitimate Businessmen’s Social Club, totally mafia-free!’

    Also, cops totally have to tell you they’re a cop if you ask them, it’s true.

    Nonpartisan Actor (f743b7)

  110. The interviews with Ms. Ford and Kavenaugh should be in private. But will the Dems agree to that? Of course, not. They want to smear Kavenaugh – just like they did with Clarence Thomas – and tag him with this for the rest of his life.

    Plus, public hearings take more time. And that mean’s delay. which is what they want.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  111. @107. Meh. Yeah, noticed that, too. Hi-diddle-dee-dee, an actor’s life for he. 😉

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  112. =hic=
    “I’m a drunkard.” -Rick Blaine [Humphrey Bogart] ‘Casablanca’ 1943


    Dave (445e97)

  113. “Anybody else notice that Nonpartisan Actor never uses the same IP address twice?”

    Ever notice that Dave goes straight for the personal attacks when his argument fails?

    Nonpartisan Actor (f19f5c)

  114. In any case, since the Members of The Approved IP List has already admitted defeat, let’s Advance the True Reasonable Discourse and the New Approved Moderate Position For Future Consideration:

    “The chorus of philistines against soon-to-be Justice BRETT shows the no-win situation of our simultaneously libertine & Victorian society: people want to be able to consume infinite alcohol in mixed-sex groups with nothing ever going wrong and call anyone who disagrees a killjoy”

    Nonpartisan Actor (a07d78)

  115. Ever notice that Dave goes straight for the personal attacks when his argument fails?

    Oh yes, all the time.

    Dave (445e97)

  116. @114. Ever notice you can’t hold a position at all?

    We do.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  117. Dave,

    your trolling notwithstanding, supporting leftism is all about the mass enslavement of the public. They know better than the individual how people should live. It’s about making sure people make the “right choices” for themselves, willingly or not.

    So get off your false white knight behavior because we all know what you are.

    NJRob (1d7532)

  118. Or Steven glasses cpac tall tale.

    Narciso (c99995)

  119. There’s no possible outcome in which Democrats will concede Kavanaugh’s innocence, or for that matter, even concede that we can’t really know what happened. Because that’s how they roll.

    Colonel Haiku (7f045b)

  120. McCain was not only a lousy student, he had his father’s taste for drink and a darkly misogynistic streak. The summer after his sophomore year, cruising with a friend near Arlington, McCain tried to pick up a pair of young women. When they laughed at him, he cursed them so vilely that he was hauled into court on a profanity charge.

    it’s interesting that John McCain’s notoriously drunken, abusive, misogynistic, and well-documented behavior towards women never hurt his career

    Jeff Flake certainly never criticized him for it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  121. 117, 112, 105

    DCSCA must be paid by the post, his terrible non-response reply rate is going through the roof.


    How RUDE. I’m not a prostitute, I’m a screenwriter!

    Nonpartisan Actor (9b2bf6)

  122. People like ASPCA and Tillman as well as political hacks we have running the leftist party are why I’ve become as aggressive as I have speaking of my disgust for the left. They have no shame and fully believe they must enslave the rest of us for the betterment of society. .

    Good lord, if you really, honestly think that the “Monolithic LEFT”™ is out to get you, you are certifiable.
    So, no, Dems won’t enslave you – they’ll just institutionalize you instead.
    And from the rant above, for good reason.

    TomM (954e56)

  123. So get off your false white knight behavior because we all know what you are.

    Calling me a leftist and suggesting I support “mass enslavement of the public” is an egregious and wholly false mischaracterization of my positions.

    Dave (445e97)

  124. OK, I have questions.

    We have seen the data that the accuser’s parents were subject to a foreclosure in some part because of the nominee’s mother (yes, they must have done SOMETHING, but what daughter is likely to feel that way?). BI also hear that the accuser has a history of far left activism, AND that she appears to be trying to obfuscate that point by taking down social media posts.

    Now, my source is Limbaugh – make of that what you will. Does anyone have another source? Because the combination of activism AND taking down social media posts that would make that activism easy to demonstrate stinks. It stinks like the week old corpse of a skunk left in the outflow of an ammonia works. IF that combination exists, then I am going to feel justified in considering this another Lefty attempt at unjustified character assassination….something they do fairly often.

    C. S. P. Schofield (043293)

  125. her school took down her bio page

    this pickle-ninny, she’s not transparent at all

    and if she’s not honest about her life why shouldn’t we giggle at her silly John Hughes movie rape fantasies

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  126. No, happyfeet, I think the video for “The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World is more likely how they rolled.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  127. such a great song

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  128. #89, agreed. It would also be nice to know who else was at the party that she knew (was it also customary for her to go to pool parties at strange houses by herself?)….and would anyone else be able to confirm that she left hurriedly…or could pinpoint the date or location. It’s also curious as to why she would not have complained about or shared the details of the event with a friend….close family member…or a teacher/confidant at school. Even to just rage about the behavior of the prep school boys and what they presumably thought was appropriate conduct. Women don’t generally lie about these things, but they can certainly get details wrong or have a different perception of events. There is also always the possibility that this would bring out other complaints and that there would be a strength in numbers argument to offset the paucity of detail. I just remain troubled about the fairness of the process.

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74)

  129. Looks lime your friend CYRUS M. SANAI wants to get in on this circus – From The Intercept: “Cyrus Sanai made his first attempt to reach out to Sens. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, and Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., in a letter dated July 24.

    Sanai told the committee leadership that “there are persons who work for, or who have worked for, the federal judiciary who have important stories to tell about disgraced former Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, and his mentee, current United States Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. I know that there are people who wish to speak out but fear retaliation because I have been contacted by more than a half-dozen such persons since Judge Kozinski resigned in disgrace.”

    weimdog (2a0fa2)

  130. Was Kavanaugh ‘vetted’ by Mueller’s FBI or Comey’s FBI?


    DCSCA (797bc0)

  131. Meh… usual suspects emit clouds of flatus to obscure teh Path to teh Truth…

    Colonel Haiku (7f045b)

  132. If LIES and BAD FAITH were gold, the Left would hold ALL teh wealth.

    Colonel Haiku (7f045b)

  133. Is this story true, I’ve no idea. I will say that there are ample reasons why women don’t come forward, especially with teenage sexual assault, and even more so from as long ago as the 80’s. I have personal friends that have kept their secrets until recently, specifically because of the stigma of bringing it up at the time, or the stigma of having kept it a secret for 30+ years at this point. That doesn’t say whether this is true, but saying it’s made up just because it was a long time ago, is also a bold, and bad, assumption.

    Add alcohol to teenage boys and lots of stupid happens, especially if you add both a group of them and alcohol. Teenagers are dumb, if you survive you have a decade to learn just how dumb you were when you thought you knew everything, and even then, give it a few more years.

    Also, using evidence that the families interacted as a specific refutation of it’s truth is silly. People that live in a specific place would interact, BOTH the parents and the children, so that would have zero impact. Plus, his mom didn’t rule on it, it was settled prior to her actually getting to adjudicate it.

    Colonel Klink (560714)

  134. women should stop coming forward with this stuff if they’re just gonna be stupid

    have some dignity

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  135. Never ceases to amaze me how easily the Right goes along with these immoral and degenerate games of the Left.

    Makes them party to it though “not responsible in any material way.”

    Vote, confirm, shove down throat.

    Let there be war.

    Bob the Builder (564d53)

  136. NJRob, I think you should reconsider this comment:


    your trolling notwithstanding, supporting leftism is all about the mass enslavement of the public. They know better than the individual how people should live. It’s about making sure people make the “right choices” for themselves, willingly or not.

    So get off your false white knight behavior because we all know what you are.

    Specifically, IMO it is a personal attack to claim someone is trolling without stating what comment you find objectionable and why. Ditto re “false white knight behavior because we all know what you are.” I hope you defend those statements with specifics or retract them.

    DRJ (15874d)

  137. Right to be heard?


    Boys who cry wolf don’t have a right to be heard any more than one has a right to scream fire in a crowded theatre.

    Turning this immoral ghoul into a victim is morally perverse.

    Bob the Builder (564d53)

  138. To DRJ’s auestions:”

    The Washington Post article linked (posted September 16 at 10:28 PM EDT)has:

    Ford said she does not remember how the gathering came together the night of the incident. She said she often spent time in the summer at the Columbia Country Club pool in Chevy Chase, [but she’s not saying that’s where the gathering originated] where in those pre-cellphone days, teenagers learned about gatherings via word of mouth. She also doesn’t recall who owned the house or how she got there.

    Ford said she remembers that it was in Montgomery County, not far from the country club, and that no parents were home at the time. Ford named two other teenagers who she said were at the party. Those individuals did not respond to messages on Sunday morning.

    She said she recalls a small family room where she and a handful of others drank beer together that night. She said that each person had one beer but that Kavanaugh and Judge had started drinking earlier and were heavily intoxicated.

    The Washington Post has another indication, besides the hint in Judge’s book, that Brett Kavanaugh might have been a drinker at that time.

    In his senior-class yearbook entry at Georgetown Prep, Kavanaugh made several references to drinking, claiming membership to the “Beach Week Ralph Club” and “Keg City Club.” He and Judge are pictured together at the beach in a photo in the yearbook.

    Apparently not pictured drinking, though.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  139. I shall correct myself, Kavanaugh’s mom did rule on the Ford family case. She ruled FOR Ford’s family.

    Colonel Klink (572cbb)

  140. Bob, I suspect all the Republicans running for re-election this year and in 2020 don’t want to have a vote without a hearing. Some of the races are already close and some voters may want to hear from her or at least see her get a chance to be heard.

    DRJ (15874d)

  141. We need answers under oath, Sammy.

    DRJ (15874d)

  142. Always depend on altNeverTrump to bring a wet noodle to a gun fight.

    Munroe (a87e97)

  143. I think Senator Biden indicated, at the time of the Clarence Thomas nomination, when he was CXharman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, that they often got accusations against nominees, and they kept them confidential (unless maybe it would be decisive in derail a nomination and even then they gave the nominee a chance to withdraw quietly.)

    It is probably completely against procedure for Senator Feinstein to even raise the issue. They don’t want to (normally) put a call for slander.

    And this alleged event happened at a time in his life, where, if he had been charged with something, the file would most likely have sealed. The alleged event is something that would have place over a period of 15 seconds or so.

    But we shouldn’t get distracted from the falsity by the fact that it also doesn’t mean anything, or wouldn’t if it was an isolated incident. On the otyher hand, it shouldn’t be conceded that it would now mean anything either, if true.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  144. @122. Meh. If your IP stayed in the same place long enough, it’s a cinch you’d be paid on the dresser, dear.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  145. Except Sammy, now he has stated, on the record, if not under oath, that the incident did not happen. This explicitly means that “youthful indiscretion” is not possible, as, if corroborated, would make him a liar, today.

    Again, it’s 35 years later, so unless both the claimant and witnesses would have to back her up.

    Colonel Klink (572cbb)

  146. This could be a campaign issue, but if the Republicans had some actual common sense, they could find other issues that worked the other way.

    Like preventing hurricanes. Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt told us how to do it almost ten years ago.

    The fourth chapter is about unintended consequences and simple fixes. It goes into detail about Ignaz Semmelweis’ work in hospitals, use of seatbelts and child seats, and the possibility of reducing hurricanes.

    See also:

    Democrats would be sure to oppose that. They want to do it California style. Geo-engineering that is guaranteed not to work.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  147. 146. Colonel Klink (572cbb) — 9/17/2018 @ 2:39 pm

    146.Except Sammy, now he has stated, on the record, if not under oath, that the incident did not happen.

    because in fact it did not happen, and he has his honor to defend. And he should deny it.

    But the fact remains, that if true, this wouldn’t mean anything.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  148. Colonel Klink (572cbb) — 9/17/2018 @ 2:39 pm

    Again, it’s 35 years later, so unless both the claimant and witnesses would have to back her up.

    The one obviously checkable thing is that she places four boys there.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  149. #134, I agree that there are lots of reasons why a 15 year old girl would not report an assault to the police or even to her parents, but what is this really about? Obviously teenage boys should not be molesting girls at pool parties. Being drunk is no excuse….and trying to be funny is no excuse either. It is impossible to know the truth unless Mark Judge flips his story…or some other credible witness confirms an aspect of Blasey-Ford’s story. People should not get one free molestation….but there also needs to be some level of fairness….some preponderance of the evidence. There was fire behind the smoke that was Roy Moore or Bill Clinton. I’m just not seeing the same pattern…yet…with Kavanaugh

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74)

  150. @150. It’s a bogus argument to try and compare behavior by elected officials, who can be voted in to or out of office as a consequence of teir actions, to a lifetime appointment.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  151. @139. Mark Judge vouch for Kavanaugh, Sammy? Like having Patsy Stone vouch for Eddie Monsoon.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  152. Breaking- per NBC, GOP senators: Kavanaugh and Ford will be ‘invited’ to public hearing on Monday.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  153. I am utterly disgusted by Dianne Feinstein and how she has handled this–I don’t know how she can sleep at night. To have held onto this for months and then cynically haul it out days before the vote is just beyond the pale; and my own senator, Durbin, has a lot to answer for to, although it probably won’t be in this lifetime.

    Rochf (877dba)

  154. Above all, Kavanaugh has denied this.

    Taking a giant step back; if we are going to call a teenage boy acting rude to young lady at a kegger RAPE!, we will be eventually ruled by a collection of gamma losers,. Even conceding arguendo what she claims-a drunken grope-that is not rape. If that’s how low we’re going to define rape, the species will only be propagated only after getting a notarized letter authorizing the boy to ask her to dance. While it’s not pretty that’s not rape, it’s unfortunately how a lot of us grow up and learn to behave with the opposite sex at mixers and parties. We are criminalizing normal interactions and human nature. And remarkably the people doing it are the same people who covered for the likes of Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton for decades.

    Bugg (8aed21)

  155. @155. Months? The letter is dated July 30. Try six weeks.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  156. @156. Bogus argument; elected officials may be voted in or out of off as a consequence of their actions; lifetime appointments, not so much.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  157. 158: we’re going to judge people by the stupid things they do as teenagers forever? Even when those things weren’t criminal or out of normal stupid teenager stuff?And do so without any evidentiary standard nor any statute of limitations?

    Bugg (8aed21)

  158. Disco, is not serious, that’s why he’s the man of mystery, like I say this story is too weak for Olivia pope.

    Narciso (6a6d1b)

  159. @159. Character counts; GOP Family Values 101, dear.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  160. @160. Anything you say, Patsy.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  161. “Bogus argument; elected officials may be accused of rape, assault, groping etc. by multiple victims but that’s what voters are for.
    If you’re nominated to the SCOTUS, one isolated, unproven complaint from your pre-adult years, counter in character to how you’ve lived your life, is cause for immediate removal of the nomination.”


    harkin (e208fd)

  162. “Substantial and Serious.”

    Oh? No physical evidence (DNA).” No corroborating witness. Political motivation to lie.

    The accused has had numerous FBI checks which he passed. And (presumably) no behavior pattern as an adult comparable to the accusations.

    DN (e91bf6)

  163. @164. Was that Mueller’s FBI or Comey’s FBI?

    “D’oh!” -Homer Simpson

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  164. I just checked NRO and find French has remembered the word “corroboration.” And he now expresses awareness of the University if Virginia hoax.

    DN (e91bf6)

  165. I thought we were all supposed – make that mandated – to follow rules of decorum and civility now? If that’s the case, why is DCSCA getting away with inflammatory insults?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  166. So she have mistakenly identified cavanaugh, according to sources

    Narciso (6a6d1b)

  167. Let’s keep it above the board and above the belt.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  168. @167. =Haikhrushchev!= Putinheit!

    GOP Family Values is no insult, Helstinki.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  169. As if that’s all you’ve recently written.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  170. True, Haiku. What does 162 mean, DCSCA?

    DRJ (15874d)

  171. it’s an ab fab reference

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  172. @163. Meh. There’s always the Catholic church, Ohio State wrestling or Penn State football.

    If Kavanaugh was being considered for the gig as your daughter’s gym teacher, you’d want this allegation checked out nd run to ground. End of story.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  173. See@172. #152.

    My IP stays the same, but as Dave and I noted, you might want to look into Nonpartsian Actor. It changes like a slot machine.

    @173. Right, dahling.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  174. Now her attorney is saying:

    They intend to grill her,’ she said on CBS. ‘This is not an exercise that is designed to get at the truth. This is an exercise that’s designed to terrify somebody that’s already been traumatized.’

    Attempt to destroy a man’s career is OK but asking her to provide enough info to allow people to make a reasonable decision on who is telling the truth? Mental terrorism pure and simple.

    Tell me again who has more respect for the law and which side would nominate better judges.

    harkin (e208fd)

  175. @167. ‘Mandated’ really isn’t Kavanaugh’s problem, is it. Or is it?! But then, he was allegedly drunk.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  176. The beatings will continue, till morale improves.

    narciso (d1f714)

  177. I don’t understand. 160 is narciso, DCSCA.

    DRJ (15874d)

  178. Questioning is part of the process, harkin.

    DRJ (15874d)

  179. 180

    I knew I should have put the /sarc tag.

    I was being sarcastic in regards to what her attorney said.

    harkin (e208fd)

  180. Renato Mariotti
    This is interesting—why did Kavanaugh hire an attorney? Presumably the statute of limitations on the assault has passed. Is he concerned about exposure for lying to Congress?
    __ _

    CNN actually pays this person for their legal opinions…


    harkin (e208fd)

  181. @179. Patsy Stone was Eddie’s enabler, DRJ.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  182. The reason you would hold such a letter, is in order to verify, but di fi isn’t much in the verification business, the senate report on interrogations is one example.

    narciso (d1f714)

  183. But if you wanted to impugn someone’s reputation, you would do nothing except shop it to farrow.

    narciso (d1f714)

  184. @184. Six weeks is light speed for the Senate. But it ain’t “three months’ either. You can question procedure if you choose to excuse but that doesn’t change the fact this should be looked into. If there’s nothing to it, Kavanaugh has nothing to fear. Lynda ‘Wonder Woman’ Carter vouched for Les Moonves, too.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  185. Specifically, IMO it is a personal attack to claim someone is trolling without stating what comment you find objectionable and why. Ditto re “false white knight behavior because we all know what you are.” I hope you defend those statements with specifics or retract them.

    DRJ (15874d) — 9/17/2018 @ 2:16 pm

    Dave’s history of concern trolling is obvious on here as plenty will attest to. His history of defending Clinton and Obama from attacks is also documented. I don’t have to apologize for the obvious. I also didn’t pick the fight as he decided to quote me and then defend the honor of 2 of our more obvious leftists.

    So no, I won’t play.

    NJRob (fb876a)

  186. Alicia Smith
    One of the dumbest and most offensive things being put out there by some (including reporters, who should know better) is the idea that wanting due process and asking for some standard of evidence is equivalent to being indifferent to sexual assault. It does not.

    harkin (e208fd)

  187. China Diane and the democrats have played these rinos like a fiddle.

    mg (9c91dc)

  188. What’s 145 all about, DCSCA?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  189. Its what he knows to do, coronello,

    narciso (d1f714)


    This is the type of dishonesty we are facing. Guilty until proven leftist.

    NJRob (fb876a)

  191. @190. See #122, Haiku. Then check out hiz IP numbers. Dave & I noticed they change w/every post. Neat trick.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  192. When I use my mobile hotspot, my IP changes every time I reload a page. As does its location — I go from Boulder to Orlando to New York, without leaving my chair. I don’t know whether using a VPN with a static IP does the same thing, but I suspect it does.

    nk (dbc370)

  193. @192. Actually, the ‘dishonesty’ your facing is how this guy was marketed to you. You bought into the ‘sizzle,’ instead of the steak, and it’s not quite the Grade A/U.S. Prime you were led to believe.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  194. @195. Review that guys numbers; every one on each post within minutes/seconds is different.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  195. 194… so what? What’s that got to do with you writing what you wrote in #145?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  196. @198. So there: read his post at 122, Haiku.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  197. Rob, I don’t understand. Why lump Dave in with the left when he says he is not a part of the left or the Democrats?

    DRJ (15874d)

  198. DCSCA, maybe let Patterico handle it?

    DRJ (15874d)

  199. No one has a clue what’s going on ovEr there either:

    Some of us, seeing the undercards, note a great travesty of justice, Kavanaugh is perhaps not the best candidate, but this is not the way to rule him out.

    narciso (d1f714)

  200. @201. He’d likely know more about how those numbers work than me or Dave but it almost looked like some kind of hacking going on. Never seen them ‘change’ like that before on here.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  201. @202. Well, if you wanna finger point, chastise the Federalist Society or the Heritage Foundation for not fully ‘vetting’ the 20 or 30 names on their recommendation list. Trump really doesn’t deserve any flack over this- it’s not really his bailiwick; he just pulled a suggested name off a list. But it’s a good bet both those organizations are going to be re-reviewing their remaining names now.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  202. Trump picked Kavanaugh but this isn’t something anyone could avoid. Every nominee would be targeted in some way.

    DRJ (15874d)

  203. But you have crazy and irresponsible people all over the democratic party, from that head case who was their candidate, to her primary opponent to Tourette afflicted Tom Perez, what is to get with the people

    Narciso (6a6d1b)

  204. @205. Yeah, but ‘lawyers’ aren’t his thing and the pick list was prepared w/recommendations and he did a few obligatory meet and greets before deciding. But he didn’t have any specific individual in mind beyond his campaign pledges. His TeeVee reaction today was actually good. Give it little time and let the Senate handle it. It’s really in McConnell’s hands to get the votes. Regardless, unless the Senate flips in November, a conservative is going to get the spot. But he may have been correct about Kavanaugh being a difficult sell after all.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  205. There was nothing to the dossier which underlay the fisa warrant, which was the only way they could get to manafort.

    Narciso (6a6d1b)

  206. Elite lawyers and everyday lawyers each have pros and cons.

    DRJ (15874d)

  207. So it’s not clear how many people were there.

    DRJ (15874d)

  208. @209. The real sadness in all this is both Ford and Kavanaugh are now going to be left twisting in the hurricane blast of the media winds for a full week and in this day an age, regardless of the outcome, it’s going to leave them in tatters.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  209. “Anybody else notice that Nonpartisan Actor never uses the same IP address twice?”

    Ever notice that Dave goes straight for the personal attacks when his argument fails?
    Nonpartisan Actor (f19f5c) — 9/17/2018 @ 11:14 am

    So what? wether he uses a VPN, or a hotspot that changes his IP with every submission, he is still using the same moniker. The red flag to look for is multiple monikers with the same IP. Or, multiple monikers with different IPs with the same voice.

    felipe (023cc9)

  210. I was just (and I mean ten seconds ago) struck by a suspicion. Was this the reason Alex Jones was debarred from Big Internet? So he could not mount his own #FakeNews smear counter-attack?

    nk (dbc370)

  211. When something stinks this badly, when the lateness of the charge is a transparent tactic, when the charge itself is vague as to time and place and generally unfasifiable, and when the accuser is so politically wrapped up in a “side” that accomplishes its goal with a mere delay, it is not hard to see who is lying. Cui bono? — at it’s most basic level.

    This is a damn lie. A scorched earth libel, made to derail the nomination at a point where the seat cannot be filled until the next Congress — where the Democrats hope to have a majority in the Senate.

    They will justify it in their minds as a turnabout for Garland. Their souls will be damned forever nonetheless. Not that that matters to them.

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  212. Oops! I meant to include only:

    “Anybody else notice that Nonpartisan Actor never uses the same IP address twice?”

    My comment was not addressed to Nonpartisan Actor(xxxxxx).

    felipe (023cc9)

  213. Jones is three scoops of crazy, unlike the two scoops served at the Senate judiciary committee ranking member

    Narciso (6a6d1b)

  214. I’m not buying the addition of a girl being at the party and Ford not having remembered that. Girls travel in pairs. A girl typically does not attend a party alone unless she knows a girlfriend is going to be there, or unless one of the boys there is her boyfriend or a boy she is interested in. To me, I just don’t see how she could forget there being another girl in attendance. Why just remember that now? Does the addition of another girl (even if made up) make Ford look less of something given that she went to a party with just some boys? Is this simply optics in the making?

    Dana (023079)

  215. When I was in third grade a mean girl tried to push me off the jungle gym. I didn’t know until now that this mean girl was Maxine Waters. She’s still mean.

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  216. Two things can happen here:

    1) Ford is a credible witness and Kavanaugh is not. Advantage Ford.

    2) Ford is taken apart as a witness and Kavanaugh is credible. Advantage Ford and HOW DARE YOU ATTACK THE VICTIM!!1!!

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  217. Rob, I don’t understand. Why lump Dave in with the left when he says he is not a part of the left or the Democrats?

    DRJ (15874d) — 9/17/2018 @ 6:22 pm

    I didn’t lump him in with the left in my remarks if you read them. I did say he was trolling by jumping to the defense of others who’s remarks stand on their own. He could very well be a Republican, of the Jeff Flake stripe, though his track record strikes me as more moby than anything.

    He jumped on a remark that had nothing to do with him. Do you notice that?

    NJRob (fb876a)

  218. A VPN will change your IP number constantly. Kind of the point of it. Anonymity.

    NJRob (fb876a)

  219. There are teams of Dem operatives that will be coaching and rehearsing this lady until next Monday, anticipating any question she might be asked and plugging every hole in her story.

    nk (dbc370)

  220. This thread is out of control.

    It appears nobody is paying attention to the post I wrote in which I said personal attacks are off limits.

    That means NJRob, DCSCA, and TomM, at a minimum. Nonpartisan Actor, I believe has been identified as a name-changing person already banned. But for that, the warning would apply there.

    I don’t typically warn twice. Next offense is time in the brig. Meaning moderation for a period of time.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  221. So what? wether he uses a VPN, or a hotspot that changes his IP with every submission, he is still using the same moniker.

    I don’t believe he was.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  222. He jumped on a remark that had nothing to do with him. Do you notice that?

    Were either Tillman or DCSCA addressing remarks to you before you attacked them?

    Tillman had not written a word in this thread before you accused him of being a leftist and advocating white slavery…

    Did you even read Patrick’s post about being civil to other commenters?

    Dave (445e97)

  223. @225 Didn’t mean to pile on, Patrick’s post and mine crossed…

    Dave (445e97)

  224. Dave, go away. You’re the first person to ever be added to the blocking script. Congrats. I don’t have to read you anymore

    NJRob (fb876a)

  225. I’m sorry, Patterico. When you state rules clearly, and people pay no attention, they are just laughing at you and flipping you off.

    Your blog, your rules. Not theirs.

    Simon Jester (75ce35)

  226. Simon, you don’t see the injustice in this practice that Feinstein enabled, what does it matter to live a good life if your whole family, every associate you’ve ever known is fair game.

    Narciso (6a6d1b)

  227. Narciso,

    This is all about destroying anyone who would dare stand in the way of utopia. Every tweet or remark is about the cosmic direction of the universe towards progress. If we continue on this path, we are either going to end up as Mao’s Red China or Venezuela. Neither end is acceptable.

    And the only people who will be impervious to it are slimeballs like Trump and Clinton where their corruption is backed into the cake.

    NJRob (fb876a)

  228. Dave, go away. You’re the first person to ever be added to the blocking script. Congrats. I don’t have to read you anymore

    What about what I said?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  229. Well a relative of mine drowned in the straits escaping such progress, the point is rob, it doesn’t matter what the evidence is, and frankly that’s an opinion too common here.

    The states of this nomination are enormous, just ask that Colorado baker, to cite one example.

    Narciso (6a6d1b)

  230. Sigh. Narciso, you never understand what I write. That’s okay. Over and over again, you seem to want to fight. I have no interest in that.

    Simon Jester (e5f6ee)

  231. All I know is some regular referred to me as ‘ASPCA’ and ‘Disco’ and responded in kind in the spirit of the give and take. Then strung along some abusive fella w/ID numbers that changed every post Dave and I noticd. If somebody felt bruised, sorry.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  232. A simple query, I think I am most tactful in raising a proper question, the right must observe absolute decorum, the left can do any thing to anyone, at any time.

    Narciso (6a6d1b)

  233. Patterico (115b1f) — 9/17/2018 @ 7:26 pm

    I stand corrected.

    felipe (023cc9)

  234. Seriously this comes from recovered memory, after mcMichael, the fuster case and the amiraults one would want to enter that swamp

    I ask the Raymond Donovan question, where does one go to get ones reputation back?

    Narciso (6a6d1b)

  235. Patterico,

    That’s not derogatory or a personal attack.

    It does clearly state that I will not read him anymore.

    NJRob (fb876a)

  236. Thirty two years later, I haven’t heard an answer, those who have been calumnied like Ryan and Romney think feeding the crocodile is still an option.

    Narciso (6a6d1b)

  237. Patterico,

    That’s not derogatory or a personal attack.

    It does clearly state that I will not read him anymore.

    You have engaged in several personal attacks on this thread. Do I need to list them? I would like you to stop.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  238. People like ASPCA and Tillman as well as political hacks we have running the leftist party are why I’ve become as aggressive as I have speaking of my disgust for the left. They have no shame and fully believe they must enslave the rest of us for the betterment of society.

    Did you read my post announcing new rules against personally attacking other commenters?

    Because that’s what this comment is. And it’s one of many.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  239. No I didn’t. Didn’t know it existed till it was referenced in thread.

    Just to be clear, how are we to call out trolling behavior or are we just to ignore it and let you adjust?

    NJRob (fb876a)

  240. Hey, kids, I’ve caught more flack on this blog over a decade than the 8th Air Force did in WW2 and bantered back accordingly but certainly not attempting to inflict any deep wounds as ‘personal attacks’ on any one. After all, it’s a blog. If ASPCA or ‘disco’ is your best shot, have at it; fine by me. But I still hold ‘Haikhrushchev’ and ‘Helstinki’ are more creative and clever. ;-).

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  241. Patterico,

    You quoted my post about blocking Dave. That’s why I responded to it.

    NJRob (fb876a)

  242. But your blog, your rules.

    NJRob (fb876a)

  243. Agreed Narciso.

    Now if Congress would just do its job instead of allowing the Courts to become super legislators, it would become less political. But then “progress” would be slowed and we wouldn’t have people claiming destiny was on their side.

    NJRob (fb876a)

  244. I thought disco because of your 70s obsession, was apt, although your fixation with Cronkite (A cold war liberal) and von braun (reformed nazi) seems odd for that frame

    Narciso (6a6d1b)

  245. Still not sure where I went off base but I’m sure I’ll be told the next time do.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  246. Can some of you guys consolidate your posts? I counted it up, and 5 people are 62% of the posts, heck one person is 20%, it’s Nigerian Prince level spam. I don’t care if I agree with some of what you’re saying or not, that is just spam, and since most aren’t even sentences, it’s really hard to make out what you’re trying to say. Take a minute, paragraphs are your friend and you may complete the thought, unless you’re getting paid per post.

    Colonel Klink (1f9938)

  247. @247. Yes, narciso, but those observations and your conclusions are incorrect. Which makes your errors all the more engaging in our banter. But we know that, don’t we. We’ve had some solid discourse on space ops and such. Everybody on this blog seems relatively descent. Even Helstinki, once he finally showers. 😉

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  248. @249. Well, you can expect some heavy traffic past Stalag 13 next Monday, Colonel Klink.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  249. Yalta that was a big story, and it was arranged by a long standing Soviet agent, which the intelligentsia took pains for 50 years to deny.

    Narciso (6a6d1b)

  250. So she did her polygraph and hired a lawyer, from the katz firm last month

    narciso (d1f714)

  251. “Credibly accused” is the term for today folks, being used by people who apparently do not understand what it means.

    PR Firm Behind Kavanaugh Accusations? Exact Same Phrase Suddenly Everywhere

    harkin (e208fd)

  252. Yes there is hive mind interface, perhaps fusion or SD knockerbickerm

    narciso (d1f714)

  253. It’s more than likely that she made the entire thing up. It reeks of Duke lacrosse. Kavanaugh has a history of being a standup guy. And now out of nowhere, comes the story of two conservative preps attacking the poor little coed. A coed that is a life long extreme liberal wouldn’t have an axe to grind. She needs lots of ancillary detail to make such an attack believable and apparently there is any. Because it appears that she wants to be the Anita Hill of her time. Total BS being poured out and slander/libel being tossed all over the place.

    So, a better question is why do the dems get away with these 11th hour attacks? I can think of a half-a-dozen late smears by the dem establishment (an DiFi is as establishment as it gets). Can we get a special counsel on DiFi and her husband’s relationship to China? When will justice be served on these morally bankrupt politicians?

    jason stewart (003ffc)

  254. A good case study would be to see if there’s been a large uptick in false accusations since Social Justice became a major focus for our media and popular culture.

    NJRob (1d7532)

  255. Even Feinstein’s hometown paper saw through her dirty tricks.

    Feinstein, a California Democrat, took the worst possible course by waiting until almost a week after Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing was completed to ominously announce that she had turned over “information from an individual” about Kavanaugh to the FBI, and adding that she would be honoring the woman’s “strongly requested” confidentiality.
    Feinstein has been around Washington long enough to know that her opaque statement guaranteed that the contents of the letter, sent by a Stanford law professor on behalf of the accuser, would be pursued and publicized in short order. And they were.

    Paul Montagu (cbbfc4)

  256. So, a better question is why do the dems get away with these 11th hour attacks?

    Each side can, with some justification, point to underhanded tactics used in the past by the other.

    Depending on whose ox is being gored, both sides alternate between proclaiming that Marquess of Queensbury rules no longer apply, and complaining that the other side isn’t following those rules.

    Bork was a big deal. Anita Hill was a big deal (although Thomas was only confirmed thanks to Democrat votes).

    But to the Democrats, and I think we tend to downplay this, Merrick Garland was an even bigger deal, and it will likely remain a big deal at least until a scalp is claimed in repayment.

    Neither Bork nor Hill wound up costing conservatives a seat. With Garland, the Republicans essentially said stopping a nominee by any means available within the rules of the Senate is OK.

    Consider the Feinstein (and Booker, and Harris) circus the price paid for keeping a liberal out of Scalia’s seat. It is latest act in a process of hardening partisanship that has been going on for 31 years. It’s unlikely to be the last.

    Dave (445e97)

  257. No I didn’t. Didn’t know it existed till it was referenced in thread.

    Just to be clear, how are we to call out trolling behavior or are we just to ignore it and let you adjust?

    Let us handle it.

    Patterico (5890f2)

  258. Patterico,

    You quoted my post about blocking Dave. That’s why I responded to it.

    OK. Now I have quoted one of your many personal attacks on other commenters in this thread. I could quote more, but one is enough to illustrate the point.

    I assumed you hadn’t seen the post. Now you have been told. And others have been reminded.

    Patterico (5890f2)

  259. Given the climate of the times and the GOP’s need to keep the independent women vote into the midterms, will roll the dice and predict the WH has another name on deck and Kavanaugh withdraws himself by end of business, Friday, September 21st.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  260. If JD commented I might let him violate the rule, because he was so entertaining.

    Patterico (5890f2)

  261. I’m still confused Patterico but will crank down the crankiness accordingly.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  262. I doubt it, DCSCA. The case is not great for this being something that justifies withdrawing.

    Patterico (5890f2)

  263. What are you confused about? I can quote you your personal attacks if you can’t find them. I don’t see it as a personal attack to note that someone’s is constantly switching IP addresses, but you left comments that went beyond that. I appreciate the assurance that you’ll ramp it down.

    Patterico (5890f2)

  264. I agree – unless more bimbos erupt, Kavanaugh’s nomination is not in any danger.

    Dave (445e97)

  265. Thank you Patterico.

    If I may suggest leaving a link up near the top of the page regarding the new commenting rules would help prevent confusion.

    What is fascinating to me is that they are going full bore to destroy Kavanaugh when he wasn’t even the most conservative of the bunch. Could you imagine what would happen if Trump nominated Pryor?

    NJRob (1d7532)

  266. @267. Believe my PA’s were stringing along Nonpartisan Actor and his odd rants along w/the routine banter w/Narciso. But if it seemed more than that, I’ll aim for less. Still would like to use Haikhruschev and Helstinki know ho. I don’t mind Philco man and barcolounger.

    @266. We’ll see. Roll of the dice as it were. But the longer he hangs in the wind given the times we’re in, worse it is for him– or for anybody.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  267. @268. The votes are everything, Dave. How many can McConnell afford to lose and still keep this nom alive?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  268. I wonder what the bookies in Vegas have for odds in confirming Kavanaugh?

    mg (9c91dc)

  269. What is fascinating to me is that they are going full bore to destroy Kavanaugh when he wasn’t even the most conservative of the bunch. Could you imagine what would happen if Trump nominated Pryor?

    It’s pretty simple, really.

    To the vast majority of Democrats, every conservative nominee is the worst and most extreme ever.

    And to the vast majority of Republicans, every liberal nominee is the worst and most extreme ever.

    Both sides magnify the importance of policy divergences within their own camp, while minimizing the importance of similar divergences among the other side.

    Dave (445e97)

  270. @272. It’s probably in flux for sure; last Friday morning you likely would have gotten odds the committee vote would be taken on Thursday but that’s been cratered today.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  271. The votes are everything, Dave. How many can McConnell afford to lose and still keep this nom alive?

    It doesn’t look very likely to me that he’ll lose any Republican votes.

    I haven’t seen red, or even yellow, flags from Collins or Murkowski.

    Unless the ground shifts during next week’s testimony, they may still get some red-state Dems too.

    Dave (445e97)

  272. I wonder what the bookies in Vegas have for odds in confirming Kavanaugh?

    It’s generally not legal to make book on anything other than sports in Vegas. They do not take wagers on elections, for example.

    The main prediction market is currently leaning slightly (54%) toward no (after a big uptick from ~10% a few days ago).

    Dave (445e97)

  273. @275. Well, this gives red state Dems reasonable cover not to vote for a flawed candidate. And Repubs in close races where independent women voters are key may be in play as well. If you think about it, all it will take is another ‘me too’ and he’s toast. Collins and Murkowski will be the ones to watch. and, of course, SNL. They’ll lampoon this and update that hearing skit in #86 from 1991.

    Meh, Patterico, re: comments. Just realized on another I’d mentioned ‘if you see something, say something.’ Well, you saw something and said something. 😉

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  274. ^on another thread… my wifi is hiccupping a lot lately.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  275. Dana, forget about a post with questions.

    DRJ (15874d)

  276. My imperfect assessment on these is that someone who does things like this tends to keep doing them.

    If this causes more stories to come out and some of those start to stack up under investigation or the candidates tone and story shifts then it becomes clear there’s a problem.

    Unfortunately if someone commits a single incident a single time and there’s no evidence beyond someone’s word then innocence had to be assumed even if something could be true.

    Bob (4f74e6)

  277. I just don’t see enough evidence here for a fair-minded person to decide in favor of Ford. Certainly she could be telling the truth, and I will be very interested to hear any new evidence she has to present at the hearing. But I find it just as plausible that Kavanagh is telling the truth, and that Ford either is lying (i.e., knowingly asserting a falsehood) or has invented, over the years, a version of events that happened that night which is not true, though she believes it to the hilt.

    Sexual assault is a crime that should be taken seriously. So I think the hearing is necessary. But in America, the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. In the absence of any evidence beyond the initial accusation, therefore, Kavanagh must be declared not guilty. And if he’s not guilty of this crime, then there is no non-partisan reason not to confirm him. So he should be confirmed.

    Demosthenes (7fae81)

  278. rape is so cheap anymore

    these metoo rape fantasists have depreciated the brand

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  279. I think the answer was in that last link njrob.

    I think the savaging of Bork and then Ginsburg, was a,signal to Kennedy not to challenge the tenets of the prog faith

    Narciso (f77982)

  280. We need to talk to normal women. And by normal women, I mean
    1) Not menopausal Hollywood B-listers who re-discovered their virtue only when they were no longer invited to the casting couch;
    2) Not man-hating, hairy-legged feminazis with daddy issues; and
    3) Not politicians pandering to the above.

    We need to talk to women with fathers, brothers, sons, husbands, boyfriends, uncles, cousins, nephews … and we need to tell them: “Don’t you know your own kind? Do you want any lying little tramp to be able to destroy your man’s life, your family’s happiness, your life, just with her unsupported word that he looked up her skirt or tried to get a sniff of her quiff?” And then hope that the Matriarchy takes steps to police its own — to protect its game preserve from poachers and its herd from rustlers.

    nk (dbc370)

  281. very good point

    but the virtue signaling urge is strong and americans … not so much really

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  282. “Not only does it not involve a federal crime, it doesn’t have enough specificity to warrant a local police investigation either. At least from the reporting so far, Ford doesn’t have a specific time or place where this occurred, and the only other named person in the allegation — Mark Judge — denies it ever happened at all. Plus, the statute of limitations would have long ago passed on an aggravated assault, especially when committed by a minor. But even if Ford remembered the specific date, time, and provided the names of potential witnesses, and it had happened within the statute of limitations, it still wouldn’t be the FBI’s jurisdiction. It’s a local crime, and the local police would have to investigate it.

    One would think that a woman who served as a state’s top law-enforcement officer would remember that. And for that matter, Harris seems confused about the purpose of the background investigations the FBI performs:

    The department said in a statement Monday night that the FBI’s role during background investigations is to evaluate whether the nominee could pose a national security risk and then provide that information “for the use of the decision makers.”

    The department says it’s not the job of the FBI to judge the significance or the credibility of an accusation.

    Anyone who has gone through an FBI background check would grasp the difference. It entails plenty of interviews, referrals, and records checks and more, all of which end up in a raw file which contains everything dug up. Analysts then pore through the material and assess the credibility of each piece of data and assertion, determine whether the person represents a security risk, and reports those findings to the requesting agency. It’s not a criminal investigation, although it might spark one if the FBI uncovers evidence of violations of federal crimes. But what they don’t do is settle he said/she said questions; they just refer that back to the requestor to handle.

    As a former prosecutor, Harris might well be inclined to believe the alleger, but she should also know that doesn’t settle the matter. Accusations require evidence — witnesses, physical evidence, and at a minimum enough specifics to fix the date and place of the alleged crime. That’s even more true when someone waits 35 years to make the accusation, which raises questions as to whether a crime occurred at all. Either Harris needs to get the local PD to get those answers out of Ford, or the Judiciary Committee will have to do it, thanks to Democrats leaking the story to the press and making it all public. If Harris finds it insulting to have an accuser answer questions, especially under these circumstances, then the only other moral option is to drop it altogether, not to proclaim the accused guilty without any evidence at all.

    The state of California is very lucky not to have Harris in charge of law enforcement if this is how she perceives the administration of justice. Unfortunately, they stuck the rest of us with her.

    harkin (e208fd)

  283. it still wouldn’t be the FBI’s jurisdiction

    but it needs to be the FBI cause the FBI’s corrupt and pliable

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  284. nk 288,

    You expect us to police women who allege assaults when we aren’t even allowed to object to hand gestures?

    DRJ (15874d)

  285. Sometimes the comment section changes from a discussion section to an Instapundit-style aggregator.

    DRJ (15874d)

  286. I agree, Demosthenes. We need not require proof of guilt to decide — as a political decision — that we do not want to confirm or elect someone. Some people may decide there is enough to give them pause after the hearings. But right now it seems there is no reasonable basis to let uncorroborated allegations stop this confirmation.

    DRJ (15874d)

  287. Ignoring all the crap belittling rape and assault, the genuine problem here is that these ever changing “rules” are being applied in a partisan and selective fashion. And not just about Bill Clinton.

    Remember the woman who claimed she was assaulted by Keith Ellison? He is in the running for an important post in the DNC, and yet no one talks about this case anymore. It was in the news briefly, and then POP…gone.

    To me, hypocrisy is the worst. So if a person believes that we should “believe all women,” it should not depend on what we think of the political affiliations of the accused.

    I continue to think of rape and assault as being criminal acts that should be investigated by police. Not by politicians. Not by the media. And not be college administrators.

    When I was asked to sit on a student conduct board hearing, and the charge was one of “sexual assault,” I wanted to hear when the police were alerted. I was explicitly told that bringing the police in would only decrease reports of sexual harassment. And they might be right, but not in the way they intend.

    What a mess.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  288. What can I say? I read To Kill A Mockingbird at a tender age, and it scarred me for life. Should we let them destroy poor Brett Mockingbird because that’s the new f***ing (I’m using the word literally not for emphasis) zeitgeist?

    nk (dbc370)

  289. This will only be a powerful issue for those who care about sexual assault no matter when it happens and no matter where it happens.

    Maybe liberals care about this issue in Hollywood but not in politics. If liberals put retaining power ahead of everything, then they won’t care about allegations raised against their leaders. Conservatives still care so this issue still works against us.

    DRJ (15874d)

  290. I love that book, too, and want to stand up for what is right and moral. But does society care about sex now, or power?

    DRJ (15874d)

  291. this pickle lady’s doing so so much to belittle the sex rape and the sex assault

    she should be ashamed of herself cause she’s a dirty shameful liar what cheapens and belittles the rape experience

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  292. My apologies.
    I normally lurk here and post to the other side exactly because of the anger that’s posted here, and I’m sorry for contributing to it – especially right after a long post about behavior that you don’t condone.
    I’ll try not to do that again (I thought I was on this side of that line!).

    It does chap me though to see such ridiculous statements like “leftists are going to enslave us!!11!” shouted like it’s some obvious fact. This site is not The Gateway Pundit.
    I’m less conservative than most here and more conservative than most folks I know and no one I’ve ever ran into wants to “enslave” the other half of the country. As rallying call I despise it from either side and I think it’s lazy nonsense.
    Regardless, my apologies.

    TomM (d5f11d)

  293. Maybe she is lying and being a useful political tool, or maybe she really believes it happened but is mistaken, or maybe it happened. We don’t know but for now there seems to be nothing showing it happened the way she said, and Judge’s word suggests it didn’t happen with Kavanaugh.

    DRJ (15874d)

  294. Ugh.

    Moving on, DRJ, you are quite correct. The problems is that most American now live by the TL;DR motto, and are only interested in headlines. Thus, things fall into the hands of people who USE things like this for their own purposes.

    Simon Jester (4357eb)

  295. TomM, stay strong. You aren’t alone.

    Simon Jester (4357eb)

  296. you know who else is gross and disgusting is Olivia Munn

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  297. I dunno how to explain it.

    For instance, I thought that Judge Kozinski’s law clerks made a prima facie with their unsupported word. They are the kind of women who deserve that benefit of the doubt.

    With a woman like Rose McGowan, I would want to see a video and the cameraman who took it laying a foundation under oath that it is accurate and unaltered.

    With a woman like Stormy Daniels, I would not allow her testimony, the video, or the cameraman’s testimony, in at all, as a matter of public policy.

    nk (dbc370)

  298. Grassley should tell the Democrats that they have so nakedly played with the process, and so easily played with slander, that they don’t get to have their TV moment on this. The Kavanaugh hearings will meet, but it will be closed, and a transcript will be made available after it concludes on Monday. But no TV. There is no right to know anything about a charge that can’t be substantiated. If Ms. Ford want to do a news conference later, she can. If Kavanaugh wants to subject himself to a news conference, he can. But no attack ad ready video from the hearing showing a courageous well prepped witness vs. some mean Republican who dares ask about the problem with her version of events.

    I realize this flies in the face of how Washington handles things, but unless actions taken in bad faith have consequences that kills the expected advantage, those actions will proliferate. Democrats don’t get to own the Supreme Court just because, and they don’t get to slime everyone that stands in their way.

    Appalled (96665e)

  299. I confess that I am angry about the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh.

    On top of that, a crown fell off one of my teeth late last Tuesday night; my dentist is closed on Wednesdays so I could not get a new one until Thursday; the new one cost me $1,400; and I’m living on ibuprofen because the tooth and the gum are still sore from the operation.

    I can’t really complain about the cost. My dentist has a CAD/CNC machine that makes right in her office. She “took the impression” by electronically scanning my mouth (not with molds and gunk); the machine milled the new crown; the whole thing was done in two hours.

    nk (dbc370)

  300. “It does chap me though to see such ridiculous statements like “leftists are going to enslave us!”

    People in Venezuela were ridiculed for saying variations of the same thing. Sean Penn and Michael Moore said they were stooges for the fascist right.

    I guess you could quibble about what being enslaved means, maybe it would have been more accurate to say ‘destroy the economy, loot the treasury, be unable to provide law & order, utilities, food and basic services, force more than a million people to flee the country’.

    What’s going on there now is the result of the policies of its leftist govt.

    If you really want to ridicule someone for making inane slavery references, try Joe Biden a few years back telling a black audience Republicans wanted to put them back in chains.

    harkin (e208fd)

  301. Enslaved is the end result of socialism. I made that clear by mentioning China and Venezuela. When people feel they have the right to others’ property, what else is the result?

    NJRob (1d7532)

  302. enslaved is the end result of the obscene spending spree dirty Mitt Romney’s boy toy Paul Ryan unleashed

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  303. NJRob,

    The difference is that you named people here as being responsible for enslaving people, instead of focusing on the policies you think lead to bad results.

    DRJ (15874d)

  304. I can always count on you to make my rants seem sensible by comparison, happyfeet. Thank you for always being there for me.

    nk (dbc370)

  305. I know. Which is why I avoided doing that this time DRJ. I will limit myself accordingly.

    We are seeing the devastation in Venezuela, which used to be a successful and stable state, thanks to electing socialists. I’ll do what I can to avoid that outcome at home.

    NJRob (1d7532)

  306. I am sorry about your tooth, nk. That can really hurt. As for your 305, you get to judge the credibility of witnesses and I bet you are good at it.

    DRJ (15874d)

  307. Ditto, Rob 313.

    DRJ (15874d)

  308. It’s also amazing that this dirty pool comes from Feinstein, who had a Chinese spy in her employ for many years, but seems to have escaped any responsibility for doing so.

    The media is fixated on 35 year old allegations that are made without evidence, but not interested in present day spying taking place in one of the highest offices in the land.

    NJRob (1d7532)

  309. yes yes Mr. nk I’m a keep doing the good comments!

    it’s all about conversational health

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  310. I laid out who is really behind Ford, and the extraordinary length they have gone to sanitize her record, you think they won’t pay someone to corroborate her account.

    Simon it’s because rape is such a extremely serious charge that I find it’s use so detestable. There are actual 9/11 calls in the Ellison case and they don’t matter.

    Narciso (569851)

  311. Questions that need to be asked, but won’t be:

    1. Why did you and your husband seek couples counseling? Followups.
    2. Had you sought individual therapy prior to this where this incident came up? If yes, will you allow the therapist(s) to testify? If no, what happened in 2012 that brought this up?
    3. Except for your husband’s recent statement, no one recalls you mentioning Judge Kavanaugh prior to this year. When and how did you discover the name of the individual you allege attacked you?
    4. Why can’t you remember the YEAR this occurred, let alone any other details that would allow external evidence to be mustered?
    5. Have you expressed political opinions regarding the Supreme Court? If so, what were they and to whom?
    6. Please list your political donations over the last 8 years.
    7. Have you had any contact with Judge Kavanaugh since the alleged incident?


    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  312. Is this incident really a “very serious” accusation? If it happened….it sounds like high school kids who got drunk and made a fumbling attempt at sexual activity. Probably took, what, 30 seconds?

    The accused’s life has been normal and healthy since then. The accuser is a bit of a drama queen and not well thought of. Just like Clarence Thomas’s life btw after his one and only victim. Sure sounds political to me. Not criminal.

    Patricia (3363ec)

  313. The Senate should censure the Democrats involved in this.

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  314. I am sorry about your tooth, nk. That can really hurt.

    Thank you, DRJ. It has its positive side. I have to eat soft foods, and Quarter Pounders with cheese, french fries, and Hershey’s chocolate nuggets are just soft enough. 😉

    nk (dbc370)

  315. It’s also amazing that this dirty pool comes from Feinstein

    She’s running for re-election in a state where her party views her as a right-wing dinosaur.

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  316. @297. It was Dems who pushed Franken out the door, DRJ.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  317. I can’t really complain about the cost. My dentist has a CAD/CNC machine that makes right in her office. She “took the impression” by electronically scanning my mouth (not with molds and gunk); the machine milled the new crown; the whole thing was done in two hours.

    I had this exact experience yesterday. Except it was a cavity under an onlay that had to be replaced by a crown. Thankfully no root canal. $830 with an insurance discount (but the waiting period hadn’t kicked in so 100% copay).

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  318. It was Dems who pushed Franken out the door, DRJ.

    Yeah, the GOP was begging for him to stay. Right.

    The only reason the Dems pushed was because they couldn’t not.

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  319. Is this incident really a “very serious” accusation? If it happened….it sounds like high school kids who got drunk and made a fumbling attempt at sexual activity. Probably took, what, 30 seconds?

    Booze and teenagers. What could go wrong?

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  320. Hey, Patterico? I wonder if calling someone Romney’s “boy toy” is awfully close to the whole P word again? Which you said was not acceptable anymore? Or is that you are playing “whack a mole” with offensive words?

    But the boy can’t help it, can he? And I don’t mean Romney and Ryan.

    I continue to believe that some people just enjoy urinating on your rules and your site. It is not, and has never been, about free speech. It is about being offensive. It’s a problem, and I don’t know what anyone can do about it. It’s the kind of frustration that eventually shuts down comments, probably.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  321. boy rhymes with toy

    also, James McAvoy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  322. Getting back to the point of the thread, I continue to think that any sexual or nonsexual assault needs to be investigated when it happens. Decades later turns into a mess.

    And on campuses, things have gotten REALLY weird. One fellow apparently claimed that the woman he had a drunken one night stand with assaulted him (preemptively).

    All I can tell my sons is not to drink and have sex. And even that may not be enough, the way things are going.

    I want rapists and people who assault others prosecuted. By police. Period.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  323. The same question I asked of a friend and colleague some years ago who had their accusations on a serious life-death issue challenged fits here: ‘why would anyone make this up?’ In the end, the accusations were found true.

    So why would Dr. Ford make this up and put herself and her family through this ? Personally, believe Ford is credible. And believe Kavanaugh will deny, deny, deny or feign the standard, ‘I don’t recall’ for obvious reasons. It’s up to McConnell to corral enough votes, anyway. But strip out your angst and personal politics and make a list of how many corporate or government officeholders -high profile or low- who have survived and kept or secured their gigs over the past two or three years battling this kind of accusation. Even Moonves had Lynda ‘Wonder Woman’ Carter publicly vouch for his character and he still went down in flames. Make the list; you’ll likely find it is a very, very short list of names– but one of them has to be Trump.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  324. Always ask permission, each step of the way is the Order of the Day…

    Colonel Haiku (7f045b)

  325. “In the end, the accusations were found true.”

    In this case there’s nearly no possibility of evidence to allow for finding it true or false.
    There is one eyewitness who says it never happened in any way.

    Ingot9455 (afdf95)

  326. So why would Dr. Ford make this up and put herself and her family through this?

    she’s a deranged nevertrump Mr. DCSCA

    and a very dishonorable person who lies about people wanting to do rape on her

    lies for to destroy other people’s lives

    she’s an evil crazy piece of trash (did you see where she works)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  327. DCSCA —

    Also ask yourself — how many of these have been one and done situations? The Moonves and other Ronan Farrow targets have multiple accusers.

    As for who would do this? Well, people are strange, and some people get off on attention. Also, never discount the fact that a woman can have been attacked, and feel all those things, and the person who is the alleged attacker isn’t the one who really did it.

    There is a reason for due process, even when Democrats (or Republicans) are inconvenienced.

    Appalled (96665e)

  328. @307. Ouch, nk. Stock up on Orajel for a time.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  329. @335. Make the list; it only takes one and it doesn’t have to always be high profile. But if Kavanaugh was up for the gig as your daughter’s gym teacher with this lurker, you’d likely want it run to ground.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  330. Sorry about your tooth, nk.

    @319 There is no need to ask her to list her political donations; they are a matter of public record.

    A lot of those questions seem pretty counter-productive and/or unreasonable.

    I’d like to see her asked this:

    Ms. Ford, you’ve made a serious charge against Judge Kavanaugh, but we have no independent corroboration of what you allege, or that you even had an encounter with Judge Kavanaugh while the two of you were in high school. We also have no evidence that Judge Kavanaugh ever engaged in the type of behavior you allege on other occasions. Do you believe anyone accused of sexual misconduct should be considered guilty based on the testimony of a single accuser who they may never have even met? If the career and reputation of one of your male relatives was placed in jeopardy by an identical allegation, would you consider that standard of proof acceptable?

    Dave (445e97)

  331. This is a horrible situation with a very serious accusation being made. So serious that it will leave Ford and Kavanaugh, and their respective families damaged as a result. None of this can be undone. Ever. Even if the accusation is proven to be false, the damage to Kavanaugh is already set. Instead of “An honorable man was falsely accused of sexual misconduct,” the story will be misleadingly limited to “A wealthy, powerful judge faced serious questions about attempted rape.”

    See this right here is the problem. Why do we let them say what the story will be? Admittedly, in the current environment, this is the most likely scenario. But it is only the most likely scenario because the vast majority of conservatives are afraid to fight back. Are willing to accept defeat. Thus you will be defeated. But hey, keep doing the same things over and over again. Keep taking it. Stay “above the fray”. Don’t risk getting dirty.

    Skorcher (5b282a)

  332. All I can tell my sons is not to drink and have sex. And even that may not be enough, the way things are going.

    I want rapists and people who assault others prosecuted. By police. Period.

    Simon Jester (c8876d) — 9/18/2018 @ 9:17 am

    There is no accusation of sex. Just trying to kiss a girl on campus these days could be enough for a sexual assault claim.

    NJRob (1d7532)

  333. ‘why would anyone make this up?’ In the end, the accusations were found true.

    So why would Dr. Ford make this up and put herself and her family through this ? Personally, believe Ford is credible. And believe Kavanaugh will deny, deny, deny or feign the standard, ‘I don’t recall’ for obvious reasons. It’s up to McConnell to corral enough votes, anyway. But strip out your angst and personal politics and make a list of how many corporate or government officeholders -high profile or low- who have survived and kept or secured their gigs over the past two or three years battling this kind of accusation. Even Moonves had Lynda ‘Wonder Woman’ Carter publicly vouch for his character and he still went down in flames. Make the list; you’ll likely find it is a very, very short list of names– but one of them has to be Trump.

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 9/18/2018 @ 9:30 am

    You mean other than the fame, book deals, movies made glorifying you, deification by the left and the attempt to derail a nomination of someone who the left believes will “ban abortion.”

    Ask Anita Hill.

    NJRob (1d7532)

  334. @333. The point was and is, why would any one make it up to begin with? Why put your family and your own reputation this hell?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  335. Why do people lie about being assaulted, DCSCA? There are many reasons but overall I guess they think it helps them. We know it happens. Ask Duke, Rolling Stone or Tawana Brawley. It’s also possible it happened and this woman has convinced herself Kavanaugh was the perpetrator.

    DRJ (15874d)

  336. Reeking of overconfidence…its like Julius Caesar having gifted Brutus a switchblade…

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  337. So why would Dr. Ford make this up and put herself and her family through this ?

    In a nation of 300 million? You really ask this? There are people who would do this for an extra Chicken McNugget.

    Personally, believe Ford is credible.

    I find several parts of her story incredible. Particularly that she cannot remember the year, the location, or most of the people present, but Kavanaugh — whom she never met before or since — she remembers suddenly after 30+ years? Also, if this so traumatized her, why did it take until 2012 before she sought counseling? Or is it that she had therapy prior but never mentioned this and is hiding behind privilege?

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  338. @341. There are easier paths to fame; not too sure you know the difference between becoming famous or simply infamous. Besides, personally believe Hill. And this is 2018, not 1991. The times are different. Weinstein and Moonves a d Rose and Lauer and so on had no fears or public accusers who weren’t bought off in 1991.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  339. One possible reason:

    She’s having an affair, and her husband isn’t getting any, so they go to therapy and she makes this up as cover.

    I would bet that more than half of false assault claims have to do with avoiding getting caught cheating, or similar.

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  340. I also think she really cares about health care issues, and she may feel Kavanaugh is a threat to ObamaCare based on his Nov 2011 dissent. Maybe it is not a coincidence that her recollection of this incident occurred in 2012. She had a personal motive to hurt him and the timing fits (why remember this then after so many years?). She could have read his Court bio and “remembered” he had hurt her before and now he was hurting what she believed in.

    DRJ (15874d)

  341. And that’s assuming a SANE reason. Lies like this need maintenance and when hubby says “Hey, was this guy Kavanaugh?” the snowball grows.

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  342. So I see that she’s a “clinical psychology professor”. Thus the probability that she’s insane is above the norm.

    Skorcher (5b282a)

  343. I don’t think she was motivated by financial gain.

    But if she brings down Kavanaugh, her GoFundMe will probably make her richer than Donald Trump…

    Dave (445e97)

  344. There is one eyewitness who says it never happened in any way.

    Two men vs one woman. In America, though, one woman’s testimony is worth that of 7 men.

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  345. @345. That’s pretty cynical. Given the hell that she’ll go though, doubt a chicken mcnugget is worth it.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  346. So I see that she’s a “clinical psychology professor”.

    This would imply that she’s been therapied many times during the intervening years. It would be interesting to know what she told other therapists.

    Question to the lawyers: I know that you cannot partially invoke/waive the 5th Amendment. Can you partially invoke/waive patient-client privilege? It would seem that using one therapist’s records on offense and sealing others to the defense is unfair. Is it legal?

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  347. doubt a chicken mcnugget is worth it

    Their new Buttermilk Crispy Chicken Tenders are way better than McNuggets anyway.

    Dave (445e97)

  348. @343. That’s more or less what my friend and colleague was subjected to, DRJ. But given the circumstances and high profile of this matter, the question remains, why would anybody make this up given the hell they, their family and reputation would be subjected to for years to come.

    But again, if Brett Kavanaugh was up for the job as your daughter’s gym teacher with this lurker, you’d want it run to ground.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  349. Question to the lawyers: I know that you cannot partially invoke/waive the 5th Amendment. Can you partially invoke/waive patient-client privilege? It would seem that using one therapist’s records on offense and sealing others to the defense is unfair. Is it legal?

    By law, she does not have the right to review her therapists’ notes.

    Each therapist can decide whether to make them available to her, in whole or in part, if she asks to see them.

    Dave (445e97)

  350. I am careful with who my family is with but I would not be worried about Kavanaugh at this point. Blasey, yes, because for most of her life she has had trouble confronting and dealing with what she claims happened, but not Kavanaugh. Maybe seeing her in this hearing will change my mind.

    DRJ (15874d)

  351. There are ways to obtain medical records, such as by court order in court proceedings and other situations. The patient can release some or all, but if the patient tries to selectively release them IMO it is more likely to result in a court order releasing all. But that is in an actual court proceeding with an opposing party, such as if Blasey sued Kavanaugh. I don’t know about Congressional hearings.

    DRJ (15874d)

  352. Each therapist can decide whether to make them available to her, in whole or in part, if she asks to see them.

    That’s not exactly what I asked, Dave. I asked can she selectively waive privilege? There is a difference between what she talks about and what the therapist’s conclusions are.

    If you asked her 1997 therapist “Did she talk about this incident?” the therapist would need permission to answer. Can that permission be granted selectively?

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  353. @348. Don’t get why you’re so hung up about Kavanaugh, DRJ. Apparently Trump isn’t planning on going to bat for him through each news cycle and he chose him; he’s is going to let the Senate handle it.

    There are 20 or 30 equally qualified conservatives on that Federalist Society list to pick from and a conservative is going to get the spot regardless, unless the Senate flips, and that’s unlikely.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  354. The fact she has pyschology training and experience makes me more concerned about her decades-long silence. If anyone knows how and why to deal with incidents like this, it is her but she did not.

    DRJ (15874d)

  355. Like Cruz said, Kavanaugh wasn’t my first choice. But Trump picked him and it was his choice. I am glad he is letting the Senate handle it. It’s a smart move. Trump could easily say something that would alienate GOP votes and the only votes that matter are those 51 GOP Senate votes.

    DRJ (15874d)

  356. Apparently Trump isn’t planning on going to bat for him

    Would that help?

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  357. I think the Senate could flip.

    DRJ (15874d)

  358. Either way, DCSCA, a bird in hand …

    DRJ (15874d)

  359. @358. That’s more or less what Lynda Carter said about Les Moonves, DRJ. They were friends for nearly 40 years and she knew him from his early days as an actor– but turns out didn’t know him well enough.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  360. I will note again that you can get caught cheating on your taxes and become Treasury Secretary.

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  361. I think the Senate could flip.

    That’s the whole point of this lie.

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  362. As for “why would she?”

    If this sinks Kavanaugh, Dr Ford won’t miss a meal for the rest of her life.

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  363. Ok, then I am not Lynda Carter. She claims she had her own #METOO moment, and she apparently always believes the women. I believe the persons I decide have the most credible claim or defense.

    DRJ (15874d)

  364. 355, yes and with the relatively new Buffalo Sauce for dipping, the closest mass-produced facsimile to local favorite Hienie’s Hot Sauce. Pardon the OT, but overall, I say just rush the vote through after a perfunctory brief deadline for the accuser to show up.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  365. Like Cruz said, Kavanaugh wasn’t my first choice. But Trump picked him and it was his choice.

    This is so cowardly. Similar to my comment at 339. First sign of trouble, hear-say even. For all the evidence presented so far, and based on much history in this regard, there is no reason to back down on this nominee in the slightest. Zero. Nothing. Nada. Just one woman’s word, decades after the fact, against that of two men. Well, he wasn’t my first choice. Pathetic. This is why conservatives lose. They don’t have a clue on how to win.

    Skorcher (5b282a)

  366. The point was and is, why would any one make it up to begin with? Why put your family and your own reputation this hell?

    I don’t know about “credible” because memories are funny things, especially after so long, but she sounded sincere. Something happened to her that messed her up, but there are some questions. But, claiming that there was a witness is not something a fabulist would do. On the other side, Mr. Kavanaugh is emphatic in his denial, so it’s probably good that both will testify, so I’m reserving judgment on whether Kavanaugh actually did this.

    Paul Montagu (1f900e)

  367. Democrats do NOT embarrass easy.

    Colonel Haiku (7fdeab)

  368. I know that you cannot partially invoke/waive the 5th Amendment. Can you partially invoke/waive patient-client privilege? It would seem that using one therapist’s records on offense and sealing others to the defense is unfair. Is it legal?

    1. YES, YOU CAN partially invoke/waive the Fifth Amendment. You can take the Fifth on nine questions and answer the tenth; you can answer nine questions and take the Fifth on the tenth; you can blab your whole life story until you wise up and then say “That’s it, I ain’t talking no more”. Don’t go by Trey Gowdy and Lois Lerner. He was mostly full of himself. His remedies were to either strike her opening statement since she could not be cross-examined on it, or to make her sit there and take the Fifth (or not) on each individual question she was asked, or both.
    2. Privilege around psychiatric treatment records is a matter of statute and local practice. Does Congress even recognize it? But even with the privilege, there can be limited admission at the tribunal’s discretion. For example, the judge can say to patient/witness “I’ll admit X for this purpose only” or I’m not admitting X unless you agree to admit Y”. These are usually worked out in advance with motions in limine, stipulations, and pre-trial conferences.

    nk (dbc370)

  369. so I’m reserving judgment on whether Kavanaugh actually did this.

    Well how noble of you. All we have is what two people have said and what others are saying that somebody else has said. Unless I missed it, I don’t see where the woman herself has spoken openly. Keep reserving your judgement on what Kavanaugh actually did. I’ll reserve my judgement on whether or not this is completely invented and this woman is either a liar or psychologically damaged. So far, no actual real evidence either way. None. Zero. Zip.

    Skorcher (5b282a)

  370. @370. Don’t think Dr. Ford is ‘missing a meal’ now, as it is, Kevin. There are easier paths to a free lunch.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  371. she’s so trashy every step of the way she’s acting just like a disturbed neurotic crazypants liar

    what a head case this chick is

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  372. DCSCA,

    you keep saying there are easier ways for this women to get fame and fortune. How about sharing them?

    NJRob (1d7532)

  373. Congress does not recognize the attorney-client privilege so it’s a fair question to what extent it recognizes a doctor-patient or mental health treatment records privilege.

    nk (dbc370)

  374. Well how noble of you.

    Thank you!

    Paul Montagu (1f900e)

  375. @382. And you keep implying she has chosen this hellish path as way to fame and fortune. Again, you don’t seem to grasp the difference between becoming famous and infamous. But invent a better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  376. No,

    I’m claiming this is the path to delay or derail the nomination in order to protect vulnerable Democrats from a difficult vote. It’s about demoralizing Republican voters so they don’t show up. It’s about trying to #MeToo the entire party and get 50.1% of eligible voters to think that voting for a Republican is equal to supporting sexual assault. It’s been a part of the standard playbook for years, but has gotten worse now that the Democrat party destroyed Judge Moore.

    Her getting fame and fortune is just a side benefit for her.

    NJRob (1d7532)

  377. P.S. You didn’t answer the question.

    NJRob (1d7532)

  378. How do you prove a negative, we used with Clarence Thomas, how far the recyclers of these charges, Mayer and abramson have done for more than a quarter century.

    narciso (d1f714)

  379. Exactly njrob, its just another assault against the constitution, justice and what this country means, rest assured as they did with Roy Moore, they will try it again ans

    narciso (d1f714)

  380. DCSCA, there are many cases of people making up things that harm others. DItto falsifying scientific research. And in each of those cases, there is utterly no way that it can be gotten away with…yet it does happen.

    The only response I have seen is that people making up accusations like this are rare.

    But there are lots of rare events that we deem important.

    I need to know more about the accuser (and without the nasty name calling that is going on right now on this thread). We need a lot about BK’s background. That biases me in favor of him—based on the data available. I may change my mind when we know as much about Dr. Ford as we do about Judge Kavanaugh.

    But honestly? I think politics will trump all this. So to speak. And the damage, no matter which way it goes, is significant.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  381. “…We need a lot about BK’s background….”

    I meant “We already know a lot about BK’s background.”

    And the sad part is that many of his detractors know very little about him other than a letter after his name, and his plumbing.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  382. Columbia uva amherst, those are three distances that come readily to mind.

    narciso (d1f714)

  383. Julia Louis Dreyfus knows for a goddamn fact this pickle-ninny’s sugar cookie was in grave jeopardy 35 years ago cause Brett Kavanaugh wanted to do depredations on it

    she has no doubt in her mind

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  384. @387. P.S.S: In fact, I did: build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door. You can fill out a list from there on your own.

    @386. And I think you’re tilting at windmills, searching for sinister conspiracies theories that aren’t there. So given the new commenting rules, let’s simply disengage.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  385. Lindsay Graham did have a good question, and it deserves to be asked of her: If she had no intention of coming forward and revealing her identity, why did she take a polygraph in early August? h/t Allah

    Paul Montagu (1f900e)

  386. So be it. But building a better mousetrap isn’t easy. Making an outrageous claim without proof, but having the full interference of the Democrat party and the media on your side is.

    NJRob (1d7532)

  387. “Again, you don’t seem to grasp the difference between becoming famous and infamous.

    So true, the mainstream media and Hollywood are sure to villify her, destroy her career and refuse to give her a voice.

    harkin (e208fd)

  388. and why did she specifically use some shady ex-fbi polygraphs-r-us dude?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  389. And OT, but applicable to the goal in November.

    Now that they’ve finally moved to likely voter polling, look who has a 9 point lead.

    NJRob (1d7532)

  390. Snorfle! If they show a Republican with a nine-point lead, it means he has a sixteen-point lead.

    nk (dbc370)

  391. But beto is a rock star, time magazine wouldn’t lie (sarc)

    narciso (d1f714)

  392. a whole lot of hollywood trash flushed a whole lot of hollywood dollars down the toilet in texas i think

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  393. They really think they are headed to a Small moon:

    narciso (d1f714)

  394. That was the purpose of the early optimistic* polls. To bring out the donors.

    *I’m being nice.

    nk (dbc370)

  395. @390. Well, you’re an academic so you can apply this to scale. And it scales a little higher than fudging data on a paper. Personally, given the stakes, don’t see why anybody would make this up given the hell they’ll be subjected to and inflecting on themselves for a very long time to come. Dr. Ford still hasn’t agreed to appear on Monday, either. This is political not, legal, as well. Given that, Dr. Ford may be credible but fully expect Kavanaugh to deny, deny, deny. And the man who nominated him to the job is a prime example that ‘deny, deny, deny’ can get you through it.

    But again, if Kavanaugh was up for the job of your daughter’s gym teacher with this lurker out there, you’d likely want it run to ground.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  396. Dr. Ford still hasn’t agreed to appear on Monday, either.

    An unwillingness to testify under oath would sink anyone’s credibility in my eyes. But I’m not a true-believer.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  397. Lindsay Graham did have a good question, and it deserves to be asked of her: If she had no intention of coming forward and revealing her identity, why did she take a polygraph in early August? h/t Allah

    And I already provided one plausible answer. Try to keep up… 🙂

    Perhaps she was trying to convince a news organization, or Feinstein, or someone else, to report her allegations without revealing her identity.

    If so, it appears to have been insufficient.

    Dave (445e97)

  398. I’ll add this caveat; regardless of your POV, both K and F are going to be left hanging out there for a week; an eternity in this media universe today, twisting in the wind and ripped to shreds. That figuratively and literally blows.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  399. @406. Well, there is the time difference. She lives in CA although apparently has left her home and the offer came late in the day CA time; and when Grassley was up early in DC grouching about it, it was still night in CA and she may very well still have been asleep. But they’ve offered open and closed session.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  400. I am careful with who my family is with but I would not be worried about Kavanaugh at this point. Blasey, yes, because for most of her life she has had trouble confronting and dealing with what she claims happened, but not Kavanaugh. Maybe seeing her in this hearing will change my mind.

    Thank you.

    This is another object of obsession for the left, the chronically outraged. It just feels too good to stop and think.

    Patricia (3363ec)

  401. #385 You keep asserting that she’s bringing down hell and infamy by speaking out. How exactly? As long as she doesn’t completely recant I don’t see this having a downside for her.

    The simplest explanation is that this is one of many tactics in the plan to derail the nomination. If any of the others worked this wouldn’t have been needed. I’m not even confident this is the last ditch.

    I’m just surprised at how bad this story is given the time they had.

    frosty48 (6226c1)

  402. He’s the one who has been branded a criminal, in this extremely volatile age.

    Narciso (bb2927)

  403. @412. It’s not going to be a picnic for Ford; it hasn’t been a cake walk for Kavanaugh, either.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  404. The simplest explanation is that this is one of many tactics in the plan to derail the nomination.

    Actually I think the simplest explanation is that everybody is telling the truth, or is convinced they are. To wit:

    Something like the alleged incident happened, and Ford is either mistaken about Kavanaugh being her assailant or she is right and Kavanaugh doesn’t remember due to intoxication and/or the passage of 36 years.

    Dave (445e97)

  405. Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford has gone on the record:

    Now, she’s hesitating about testifying Monday, maybe in order to slow things down, and she’s probably following Democratic Party advice.

    Senator Schumer wants Mark Judge to testify, probably because he thinks she will admit to something like that possibly happening some unknown boy and girl (not that it did but he can’t say it never did because he had some alcoholic blackouts) But this is actually something needed. It doesn’t matter what he says – he won’t add credibility to the story, and he will help Kavanaugh. (the other two boys should also not remain anonymous)

    Susan Collins wants lawyers for Kavanaugh and Blasey to be able to cross examine the other’s clients. This is a very good idea.

    And Senator Collins is to be congratulated on it, because it is too easy for Republican Senators to be afraid to probe. And there are several ways Blasey Ford could be wrong and the cross examimer (she made the whole thing up, or she made up the fact that the boy was Brett Kavabnaugh, or she’s genuinely mistaken, and in the latter two cases she could also have changed details to make it worse) and if they come up short on one option, they will be embarassed, and not try anotehr and they shouldn’t be limited to one option

    Brett Kavanaugh seems to be going on the idea of mistaken identity. I feel that the odds are against the idea that Blasey Ford is that honest. She’s also laid down the groundwork for saying she couldn’t be mistaken by hinting that she knew him beforehand, which is almost certainly a lie.

    But if this is Brett Kavanaugh’s defense, I suspect (lying) witnesses may materialize, who will claim that the two knew each other. Some private detective agencies hired by dishonest criminal defense attorneys, like in the O.J. Simpson murder case, have a way of making witnesses appear.

    (Their biggest victory is when they can get prosecutors to use them. Marcia Clark didn’t fall into that trap.) They would have had the murder taking place just a little bit too late for OJ to escape back home.)

    Anyway, then you get into cross examining them – the false witnesses – and alleging a big conspiracy, which is probably the truth. But people may be reluctant to pursue this, and run things down to the ground, lthough they should.

    The FBI, of course, should not be involved. It’s a secret process. Maximum publicity is the way for lying witnesses to be caught out. Besides which, this is also a delaying tactic, trying to get the nomination past the point when the composition of the Senate changes. And since when do we trust the FBI’s judgment or integrity?

    It could be that Brett Kavanaugh’s choice of lawyer could be to his advantage. He chose Beth Wilkinson, a lawyer who defended Hillary Clinton associates. This could look bad, but some people close to Trump (that is Jared Kushner) have done well when they hired a Clinton connected lawyer. These lawyers do not want to ruin their reputation. She specializes in defamation law, and she can’t let something around 50% of the educated population believe that she failed at holding back a defamation.

    The one thing they (attorneys previously associated with something Clinton) might not do is get to the bottom of it, so she will focus on the possibility of mistake identity or a conspiracy of one.

    Which means that those lying witnesses who will back up Christine Blasey For’d claim that the two knew each other before the alleged incident may simply not materialize.

    She herself may not materialize.

    Sammy FInkelman (02a146)

  406. christine blasey ford
    you attention streetwalker you
    it’s all in a dream

    Colonel Haiku (7fdeab)

  407. The simplest explanation is that this is one of many tactics in the plan to derail the nomination.

    Bt we must understand the tactic.

    The people in the oppposition know this is fakse and there is danger in using this too many times.

    So it will onl;y be used when the vote is close.

    If he can defeated in any otehr way, we won’t hear anything about it. And if the confirmation or the election (this also occurs in important elections) is certain to be lost, this also won’t appear.

    Only when it might make a difference would this appear.

    It necessarily will come up late, and certainly past the the point where another candidate can be substituted. What would be the point of that?

    Sammy FInkelman (02a146)

  408. 415, Dave (445e97) — 9/18/2018 @ 12:08 pm

    Something like the alleged incident happened, and Ford is either mistaken about Kavanaugh being her assailant or she is right and Kavanaugh doesn’t remember due to intoxication and/or the passage of 36 years.

    No, I think the odds are about 70% that she mad ethe whole thing up, and 30% that she has the wrong person, but if she has the wrong person, the odds are around 65% she knows it, but she relied on a real incident to help her act, but changed the person. And she could have decided to lie in 2012.

    If Brett Kavanaugh had an alcoholic blackout, Mark Judge would have had to have it too.

    Sammy FInkelman (02a146)

  409. 398. happyfeet (28a91b) — 9/18/2018 @ 11:20 am

    why did she specifically use some shady ex-fbi polygraphs-r-us dude?

    To pass the test.

    How many times have liars passed lie detector tests? Some lawyers know all about polygraoh experts like that.

    Sammy FInkelman (02a146)

  410. 407. Another good quesdtgion is why did she contact only Democrats. You say she didn’t trust Republicans? Already she is not naive and this is not asimple report where 92% to 98% of the people tell teh truth.

    Sammy FInkelman (02a146)

  411. She also obtained her therapist’s notes from 2012. Now her lawyer had her do that.

    Sammy FInkelman (02a146)

  412. @ Finkelman – are the esteemed ladies and gentlemen of the Senate Judiciary Committee not expert attorneys themselves? It makes no sense to have outside attorneys vamping for the cameras and a book deal. Call Blasey or Kavanaugh first, put em under oath, sequester the other witness with no access to tv, etc. Then switch. I don’t think Judge would be a credible witness for either side; he admits to having alcoholic blackouts in his early years and the only benefit from Schumer’s point of view is he could concede that they may have been to a party with Blasey but he doesn’t remember the details. Which will allow the Democrats to push the narrative that the details of the event conform to Blasey’s side of the story; even if he doesn’t remember anything happening.

    CygnusAnalogMan (9c66ec)

  413. 345. Kevin M (e9a4b1) — 9/18/2018 @ 9:57 am

    Particularly that she cannot remember the year, the location, or most of the people present, but Kavanaugh — whom she never met before or since — she remembers suddenly after 30+ years?

    No, I think she’s claiming – she has to claim – that she always knew the boy was Brett Kavanaugh. And that his friend was Mark Judge.

    Now this cvan probably be shown to improbable, and that’s where the possible lying witnesses come in, to back her up that she was acquainted with him. (from the country club)

    Also, if this so traumatized her, why did it take until 2012 before she sought counseling?

    She sought counseling for another purpose actually in 2012.

    Sammy FInkelman (02a146)

  414. Diane Fine-heinie wants the FBI booger-eaters to investigate

    but the FBI booger-eaters are like there’s no federal crime here sweetie

    and Diane says oops pardon my ignorance

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  415. 331. DCSCA (797bc0) — 9/18/2018 @ 9:30 am

    The same question I asked of a friend and colleague some years ago who had their accusations on a serious life-death issue challenged fits here: ‘why would anyone make this up?’

    Politics. This does not apply

    in most cases.

    So why would Dr. Ford make this up and put herself and her family through this ?

    We don’t know, but there is an obvious ideological motive.

    Sammy FInkelman (02a146)

  416. It’s not going to be a picnic for Ford

    since when do lying deranged psychopaths with rape fantasies get picnics anyway

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  417. She lives in CA although apparently has left her home and the offer came late in the day CA time; and when Grassley was up early in DC grouching about it, it was still night in CA and she may very well still have been asleep.

    Yeah, this dog don’t hunt. She’s had more than just a DC morning to decide.

    “We have reached out to her in the last 36 hours, three or four times, by email, and we have not heard from them,” Grassley said. “So it kind of raises the question, do they want to come to the public hearing or not?”

    But thanks for playing!

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  418. Here’s what we know right now:

    1. Ford says Kavanaugh assaulted her and it was broken up (either accidentally or deliberately) by Mark Judge.
    2. Ford has told the Washington Post the names of two other people at the party
    3. Ford does not remember the date or the house where this took place.
    4. Ford does not want to testify under oath (subject to change in the future).
    5. Kavanaugh denies that this ever happened.
    6. Judge denies that this ever happened.
    7. According to the Washington Post, neither of the other two people named would comment (again, subject to change in the future).

    Unless something changes, Ford has not met any burden of proof. Definitely not beyond a reasonable doubt. And not even a preponderance of evidence, especially since she is not (yet) testifying.

    It’s gone from “they said/she said” to “they said/nobody said”.

    There’s no way I’d find Ford’s story credible based on the facts currently on the ground.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  419. rape has no home here

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  420. u boat cdr. ford freighter kavenaugh in sight torpedoes loose! sink sank sunk!

    lany (8d95e6)

  421. No ford might be like that Russian helicopter shot down by the syrians.

    Narciso (1b2921)

  422. But again, if Kavanaugh was up for the job of your daughter’s gym teacher with this lurker out there, you’d likely want it run to ground.”

    If the accusation was over 30 years old from when he was in high school, the accused had a lifetime record of stellar behavior and the accuser was a well-known fan of the rival high school who had not only sent her letter to the rival coach but had also wiped her social media record, I would laugh at anyone who took her seriously, just as I did to the lefties who tweet things like:

    This so explains his interest in girls basketball, this monster should never be allowed near young girls’.

    harkin (2582ce)

  423. Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) said if Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexual misconduct accuser Christine Blasey Ford were credible, it would be “disqualifying” for Kavanaugh.

    Flake said, “Well, you know, I think that most of us were inclined to, on the Republican side, to support Kavanaugh, and that is where I was. I had my questions answered in the hearing or in Q&A afterward, but this is important. If the allegations are proven to be true, or people believe that they are, then that changes the equation, certainly.”

    He added, “I would think that if the incident occurred as she described it, it would be disqualifying, and that is why we are having this hearing.”

    so what does one suppose Senator Flake’s vile racist son is qualified for?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  424. ‘This so explains his interest in girls basketball, this monster should never be allowed near young girls’.

    by the standard of evidence dirty dirty Mitt Romney used for Mr. Roy Moore this is indisputably true

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  425. Ford does not want to testify under oath (subject to change in the future)

    That’s a big tell. The stench on this is pretty strong.

    Why make the accusation in the first place? This started as an anonymous accusation. What’s the chance both DF and Ford thought they could get away with an anonymous accusation? Why even start there? That undermined the credibility of this story from the start.

    frosty48 (6226c1)

  426. Well, the decision to invite Ford to a hearing was offered publicly less than 24 hours ago and so far today Cornyn, McConnell and Grassley have complained through several media outlets that Ford hasn’t gotten back to them yet. If only they operated as quickly doing the their own jobs. If badgering her for an immediate response to calls or emails is tipoff to part of their strategy in dealing with this, it doesn’t look too good.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  427. @436. Not really. It’s been less than a day w/a night in between.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  428. @429. We know generalities from a letter; not a deposition given under oath.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  429. she’s gonna make such a public rape-dork out of herself I kinda hope she skips it

    lying about this stuff is Not Cool and sweetie pickle may think she knows how this is gonna play out in her head

    but I think she’s as stupid as she is crazy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  430. Not really. It’s been less than a day w/a night in between.

    Ford: What you want me to testify about my vague accusations against a SCOTUS nominee? We’ll I didn’t anticipate that. It’s totally unexpected and out of the ordinary really. I wish someone would have mentioned that. Given me some notice. And I don’t have anything to wear.

    frosty48 (6226c1)

  431. i’d imagine the bulk of her lies she’ll just read off in her opening statement like how Beverly Nelson did at her press conference

    this is also where you do the fake tears

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  432. you’d think it was only in diane fine-heinie’s idiot geriatric crypt-keeper head somebody could believe that herpes Bill Clinton *isn’t* a dirty rapist but Mr. Kavanaugh is

    but this is actually a widely held belief in america

    these people wouldn’t know a rapist if he crawled up their leg and bit the inside of their ass

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  433. Well, the decision to invite Ford to a hearing was offered publicly less than 24 hours ago

    Public offer timeline is meaningless. She’s had over 36 hours to respond. It appears that you’re trying to twist facts to support an unsupportable position.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  434. We know generalities from a letter; not a deposition given under oath.

    You’re the one who thinks Ford’s letter is credible, not me.

    Since Ford isn’t yet testifying, then there is no credible accusation. Even if she testifies, that won’t automatically make her story credible (testifying is a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for credibility).

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  435. @444. She’s had less than a day. And with a night in between. But if Senators badgering her for an instant response is part of the strategy, fine by me.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  436. So, a bunch of nothing but WORMs (White, Old, Republican Men), are sitting around judging whether one of their WORMs are guilty. I wonder how that’ll turn out. I’m on the edge of my seat.

    Tillman (61f3c8)

  437. @445. Yes, believe she is credible. Again, ‘why would anybody want to make this up’… let alone discuss it w/a doctor 6 years ago, long before K was in play for this gig. Who would do this to themselves? Why would anyone want to inflict this kind of hell on themselves? It’s just common sense to ask that.

    @433. You added a lot of qualifiers, harkin. And ‘character references’ from long time chums really are irrelevant w/this. Moonves had good ones; witness Lynda Carter. She knew him 40 years– but apparently not well enough. If Kavanaugh was up for your daughter’s gym teacher gig, you’d want this lurker run to ground.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  438. the vast majority of american women have more class and dignity than to think you can trot out 35 year old unsupported allegations

    women are gonna laugh their asses off at this dork

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  439. So she may have accused gorsuch as Well, they graduated two years apart from Georgetown prep,

    Narciso (1b2921)

  440. @444. Chuck, 36 hours ago was Sunday night. The Senate committee had no idea what they were going to do at that time. And fact: I was on this blog w/NBC on TeeVee when the news broke publicly that the committee had invited Dr. Ford to a hearing next Monday and posted that breaking tidbit immediately at 6:27 PM EDT; scroll up and see #153 posted above. It seems you are the one wanting to ‘twist’ reality to support your argument. But given the new comment rules, let’s just disengage. Have a good day.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  441. If it was 3 more dudes there, it would have baeen Bukkake.

    urbanleftbehind (4868ec)

  442. yes yes everyone should have a good day

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  443. She’s had less than a day.

    That’s a lie. She’s had over 36 hours. Stop lying.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  444. @428. You do realize Grassley and Kennedy aren’t very good w/time frames. Kennedy keeps insisting Feinstein’s had the Ford letter for 3 months. It is dated July 30 and became public late last week– that’s about six weeks. And keep in mind, ‘thanks for playing’ may not be within the new commenting rules. But do have a good day.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  445. long before K was in play for this gig

    K’s dissent on obamacare was in ’11. He was listed on MR’s shortlist for SCOTUS picks in ’12.

    frosty48 (6226c1)

  446. Chuck, 36 hours ago was Sunday night. The Senate committee had no idea what they were going to do at that time.

    You don’t know what the committee had decided in private or whether they had contacted Ford in private. All you’re going by is when you heard the announcement on TV, which was well after contact with Ford had been attempted.

    Seriously, you are doing your best to avoid the obvious truth: that Ford has had plenty of time to agree to testify, and has not yet done so.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  447. Patterico, I call reference to Chuck’s comment at #454 as a personal attack. Plase ask him to stop this. Thank you.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  448. Skorcher 373,

    I hope you will read my complete comment 363 and reconsider your opinion that I am being cowardly. I also hope you read Patterico’s new commenting rules.

    DRJ (15874d)

  449. Yes, believe she is credible

    You believe she’s credible based on one letter, not a deposition under oath. And there is not yet one shred of evidence to support her story, but you find that credible.

    I don’t. But, again, I am not a true-believer. I’ll look at the facts as they are, and if any new information comes in, will look at that as well.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  450. “So, a bunch of nothing but WORMs (White, Old, Republican Men), are sitting around judging whether one of their WORMs are guilty. I wonder how that’ll turn out. I’m on the edge of my seat.”

    Even when all the major players are white, the race card is played.

    So pure.

    harkin (2582ce)

  451. Patterico, I call reference to Chuck’s comment at #454 as a personal attack. Plase ask him to stop this. Thank you.

    Saying that a lie is a lie is NOT a personal attack. I’ll leave this up to Patterico.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  452. Saying someone twists reality or is a liar is not discussion, and both seem personal. But we’re all still new at dealing with these rules. I think the point is to try to understand other views while disagreeing.

    DRJ (15874d)

  453. Chuck, you just want to argue down a rabbit hole and based on the new commenting rules it’s just not kosher to escalat ans waste electrons so I’ve politely asked to disengage so please honor my request. Thanks again.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  454. people are frustrated cause of how jeff flake’s making a mockery of rape

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  455. @463. DRJ, my response was to his terminology and phrasing as read and I’ve respectfully asked to disengage. In so far as that can be done, I’ll just not bother to respond any more.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  456. You can obviously stop discussing this, DCSCA, but it’s a blog. The point is the topic, the post and the comments. People can continue to discuss them all, including your comments. Don’t you want to weigh in?

    DRJ (15874d)

  457. Even when all the major players are white, the race card is played.

    Yep, that all of them, every single one on the panel, are white is an issue and I’ll stand by that. The Republican party will not last long being a whites-only party either.

    Eleven Republicans — who are all men [and white!] — sit on the panel. They are…

    Sen. Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
    Sen. Orrin Hatch, of Utah
    Sen. Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
    Sen. John Cornyn, of Texas
    Sen. Michael Lee, of Utah
    Sen. Ted Cruz, of Texas
    Sen. Ben Sasse, of Nebraska
    Sen. Jeff Flake, of Arizona
    Sen. Mike Crapo, of Idaho
    Sen. Thom Tillis, of North Carolina
    Sen. John Kennedy, of Louisiana

    Tillman (61f3c8)

  458. Cruz has mad ethnic cred.

    Dave (445e97)

  459. @467. Not to endure personal attacks, DRJ. You’ve known me for yeas… I’m such a sensitive soul ad bruise so easily. 😉

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  460. @469. Dave, if you’d told Ted in 2016 after that rant of him on Trump that’s he’d have to have The Donald come down and try to save his Canadian bacon he’d fry it himself.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  461. The Republican party will not last long being a whites-only party either.

    Not that this is remotely true, but why? The Democrats lasted over 150 years as a whites-only party (and proud of it!).

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  462. Not that this is remotely true, but why? The Democrats lasted over 150 years as a whites-only party (and proud of it!).

    It’s no longer feasible to stop non-whites from voting.

    Dave (445e97)

  463. Keven, it really gets old hearing what an inclusive party the Republicans are, especially post Spanky here. You know there is a Nazi running for office in your party, doncha? And I suppose you think David Duke ran as a Democrat too?

    Tillman (61f3c8)

  464. You are pretty tough, DCSCA.

    FWIW my feeling is that any delay in scheduling her testimony is because they are negotiating the terms, e.g., what kind of opening statement, how graphic the questions can be, and whether some of the questioning will be in private.

    DRJ (15874d)

  465. Your whole party was Nazis until 1963. Even JFK voted against Civil Rights as a senator.

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  466. Look up Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” Kevin. That’s when it all changed. It was a long time ago, so you should know by now.

    Tillman (61f3c8)

  467. Come on, guys. Do we have to talk Nazi today?

    DRJ (15874d)

  468. @365. Missed your Senate comment, DRJ. You really think the Senate may flip? How so? Seems like an awfully hard up hill fight given the states in play and numbers. The House seems more likely but honestly, will be quite surprised if in the end when people actually get down to voting, say in Texas for instance, Beto beats Cruz. But you’d know that region on the ground level better.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  469. 476. Thanks, DRJ. Pardon me while I give you an non-harrassing peck =*=. Please don’t bring me up on charges. You’re a peach. 😉

    FWIW, agree w/your assessment. This is all likely new to her and the details overwhelming, not to mention the time frame. But it’s lousy they are left exposed to the media pecking at every detail for week.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  470. I heard Tennessee is a problem. They technically have to win 2 seats to flip the Senate, but I doubt Collins, Murkowski, etc., will be dependable votes for the GOP. One will do the trick.

    Also, reportedly Judge won’t testify so it’s back to He Said/She Said. I still think McConnell can hold his votes provided Trump doesn’t talk or tweet.

    DRJ (15874d)

  471. Heh. Friendly gestures are welcome, DCSCA.

    DRJ (15874d)

  472. Kevin M (e9a4b1) — 9/18/2018 @ 3:02 pm

    The Democrats lasted over 150 years as a whites-only party (and proud of it!).

    Not quite. From about 1800 till 1932 or 1936.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  473. “Yep, that all of them, every single one on the panel, are white is an issue and I’ll stand by that.”

    Please explain how the color of their skin will affect their judgement. I have always believed skin color had no bearing on judgement or character.

    The Republican party will not last long being a whites-only party either”.

    That the Republican Party is whites-only is laughably, demonstrably false. I can only think you are woefully ill-informed.
    __ _

    It’s no longer feasible to stop non-whites from voting.

    The ‘Let’s NOT Get Out The Black Vote’ organization is called the KKK and was created by Democrats.

    Democrats have never really gotten over the fact the Republicans freed all their slaves.

    harkin (2582ce)

  474. 475. And a Lyndon Larouche won Dem nominations in Ill in 1986.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  475. 485/ The Bernie Sanders types want low turnout in porimaries. Cynthia Nixon blamed highher turnout, in part, for her defeat.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  476. 455. July to September is 3 months. But July 30 to early september iis about half that time. I guess senator John Kennedy (R-La) isn’t paying attention. I hadn’t known what you meant by 6 weeks vs 3 months.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  477. Saying someone twists reality or is a liar is not discussion, and both seem personal

    I’m going to defend myself here. I did not call DCSCA a liar. I said that his statement was a lie and I asked him to stop lying. His statement was, in fact, a lie. And by posting it, he was lying. So, I was telling him to stop doing what he was in fact doing. But I did not call him a liar. And to say that I did is not correct.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  478. I think the GOP can read Judge’s letter to the Committee:

    Mark Judge wrote in a brief letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) that he “did not ask to be involved in this matter nor did anyone ask me to be involved.”

    “In fact, I have no memory of this alleged incident,” he wrote.


    Judge also said in his letter to Grassley and Feinstein that he doesn’t recall the party that Ford has described.

    “More to the point, I never saw Brett act in the manner Dr. Ford describes,” he wrote. “I have no more information to provide the Committee and I do not wish to speak publicly regarding the incidents described in Dr. Ford’s letter.”

    If so, then that helps Kavanaugh because no questions for Judge about the claims of drinking, drunken stupors, etc.

    DRJ (15874d)

  479. 429. Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71) — 9/18/2018 @ 1:11 pm

    Unless something changes, Ford has not met any burden of proof.

    It’s more than that.

    There’s a principle laid down in the Bible: (which has had astrong impact on civil law) that nothing should be done on the word of one witness.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  480. That the Republican Party is whites-only is laughably, demonstrably false.

    What percent white is the party there, harkin? 99% white? 98%? Compare whatever that is to the Democrats. See the big difference? It’s no coincidence.

    Tillman (61f3c8)

  481. It’s almost Yom Kippur, and it looks like things here hang in the balance. but I think it’s already looking very much like the slanderers will not win. But I don’t know how badly they will lose.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  482. I’m sorry, Chuck. You did not call DCSCA a liar. I inferred that from your comment telling him to stop lying.

    DRJ (15874d)

  483. I’m sorry, Chuck. You did not call DCSCA a liar. I inferred that from your comment telling him to stop lying.

    Thank you, DRJ. I think it’s fair game to call out a lie when it happens. If someone caught in a lie claims it’s a personal attack, then I’ll let everyone draw their own conclusions. (Not saying you were lying, DRJ, there’s a difference between a mistake and lie.)

    I also think it’s fair to say when someone posts a lie that he is lying. Again, this is a statement of fact, not a personal attack.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  484. @494. LOL DRJ, telling me to ‘stop lying’ is calling me a liar.

    But please, let it go.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  485. I thought and think that is a logical inference, but it’s true that Chuck did not say that word.

    DRJ (15874d)

  486. @497. LOL Logic and common sense. ‘Depends on what the meaning of “is is’… Lawyers. Can’t live with ’em, cant live w/o ’em. 😉

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  487. “What percent white is the party there, harkin? 99% white? 98%? Compare whatever that is to the Democrats. See the big difference? It’s no coincidence.”

    I have no idea what percentage of Republicans are white, I don’t judge political parties by skin color.

    [Full disclosure: I am not and have never been a registered Republican. I registered Dem when I was 18 and changed to Independent after voting in my first presidential election for Jimmy Carter].

    [Oh yeah, I’m also mixed-race]

    HOWEVER – I have many Republican Asian and Latino friends and even a few Black ones. I do know however that Democrats calling Republicans like Condoleeza Rice a ‘house ni**a’ and Ben Carson/Alan Keyes/Clarence Thomas ‘Uncle Toms’ is disgusting and ignorant.

    I’m sure just common black folks who hear these forms of ideological ignorance from Democrats must feel intimidated by what you must agree are racist terms.

    I think another reason that more blacks are not Republicans is because Democrats have convinced them that they are not capable of self-sufficiency, therefore they must remain on the Democratic welfare-for-votes plantation which has to be one of the great race crimes in American history. The destruction of the black family, drug use and crime rate in the community is testament to this.

    Btw – you still haven’t answered how the color of their skin will affect the Senators’ judgement.

    harkin (2582ce)

  488. the charge this putative raper victim is making is deeply silly and unserious

    i suspect this might be why she’s kind of reluctant to testify under oath

    this is what happens when you lie

    you have to keep telling more and more lies

    some people have to learn things the hard way though

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  489. Saying that a lie is a lie is NOT a personal attack.

    It is if you can’t prove that the falsehood was deliberately made.

    Paul Montagu (e7d63b)

  490. The Parties appeal to different people but I think for every 3 minority voters that typically back the Democrats, there are 4 working white voters likely to back the GOP. Why is one group more important than the other?

    DRJ (15874d)

  491. Because minorities will be the majority, and the majority will be the converse:

    Narciso (1b2921)

  492. “Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa had said Tuesday morning that he had yet to hear back from Ford, who says Kavanaugh sexually and physically assaulted her while they were both in high school.

    Grassley told Hugh Hewitt on his radio show that Ford has not accepted his request to appear before the committee.

    “We have reached out to her in the last 36 hours, three or four times, by email, and we have not heard from them,” Grassley said. “So it kind of raises the question, do they want to come to the public hearing or not?”

    CORRECTION: This story has been updated to correct when Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley made his comments about not hearing back from Christine Blasey Ford. It was Tuesday.” -source,


    DCSCA (797bc0)

  493. CNN breaking news- Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying on Capitol Hill. Ford attorney Lisa Banks w/Coop on CNN; reports of hate mail, death threats, etc., The usual routine, unfortunately.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  494. Even when all the major players are white, the race card is played.

    So pure.

    harkin (2582ce) — 9/18/2018 @ 2:37 pm

    Someone above mentioned he was a libertarian. I don’t recall libertarians who play the race, age, and sex cards so easily. I could be wrong.

    NJRob (2cdb98)

  495. Chuck, I like you. But in my judgment, saying someone has lied is a personal attack. Saying what they said is false is not. I’m asking people to meet my new standard of avoiding personal attacks — one that I admit I have not always lived up to myself — and saying someone else has lied, in my judgment, violates that rule. It accuses the other person of telling the falsehood deliberately. So do me a favor and avoid that construction.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  496. So Ford won’t testify until the FBI investigates which will never happen. Hold the vote, this woman is wacky.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  497. Like Cruz said, Kavanaugh wasn’t my first choice. But Trump picked him and it was his choice.

    This is so cowardly. Similar to my comment at 339. First sign of trouble, hear-say even. For all the evidence presented so far, and based on much history in this regard, there is no reason to back down on this nominee in the slightest. Zero. Nothing. Nada. Just one woman’s word, decades after the fact, against that of two men. Well, he wasn’t my first choice. Pathetic. This is why conservatives lose. They don’t have a clue on how to win.


    What about what DRJ said suggested that she is advising Trump to back down? This is a wholly misdirected diatribe.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  498. This is a horrible situation with a very serious accusation being made. So serious that it will leave Ford and Kavanaugh, and their respective families damaged as a result. None of this can be undone. Ever. Even if the accusation is proven to be false, the damage to Kavanaugh is already set. Instead of “An honorable man was falsely accused of sexual misconduct,” the story will be misleadingly limited to “A wealthy, powerful judge faced serious questions about attempted rape.”

    See this right here is the problem. Why do we let them say what the story will be? Admittedly, in the current environment, this is the most likely scenario. But it is only the most likely scenario because the vast majority of conservatives are afraid to fight back. Are willing to accept defeat. Thus you will be defeated. But hey, keep doing the same things over and over again. Keep taking it. Stay “above the fray”. Don’t risk getting dirty.

    Another misdirected diatribe. Dana did not suggest backing down and her prediction is just reality. Acknowledging reality without suggesting surrender is not, um, surrender. It’s acknowledging reality.

    You think if conservatives fight back, it is somehow going to stop the left and the media (but I repeat myself) from framing the story in the way Dana described?? Really??? All we have to do is fight and like magic the media and the left stop being the media and the left! Wow, who knew it could be so simple????

    Patterico (115b1f)

  499. Patterico (115b1f)

  500. Well Natasha bought the dossier hook line and sinker, this is just a shorter memo, a,congressman was stabbed last week, probably for something he said, like bolsanero in brazil.

    Narciso (1b2921)

  501. Today a porn star said the president’s penis is smaller than average.

    So that happened.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  502. Average what? Err, you do know what Stormy Daniels films herself doing, right? And for what attribute her male co-actors are chosen?

    nk (dbc370)

  503. Pure leftist power play. I’m sure she discussed with Feinstein what the leftist party wanted to do and how they wanted to play it. Delay is the goal. Hopefully the Republican party doesn’t play along.

    NJRob (2cdb98)

  504. Meanwhile the president was meeting with his opposite number in Warsaw, and discussed basing rights, worst Russian stooge ever.

    Narciso (1b2921)

  505. If it was true then Kavanaugh would have to sit at the same table with the woman who created a smear campaign to destroy his career.

    Is that how this works?
    __ _

    Today a porn star said the president’s……..”

    Smaller than average or smaller than the average one that has been inserted into one of her orifices in exchange for cash?

    Considering her industry that could represent a big difference.

    harkin (2582ce)

  506. @514. ROFLMAOPIP no wonder he keeps a framed note from ‘The Big Dick’ on the Oval Office wall.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  507. Meanwhile a Texas district that has been blue for 139 years flipped red.

    Narciso (1b2921)

  508. Crew that’s another Soros appendage won another opportunity to go after conservative donors.

    Narciso (1b2921)

  509. 514. So the small hands don’t lie. Why am I not surprised? [Walks off murmuring something about compensation for it with tall buildings…]

    Tillman (61f3c8)

  510. Smaller than average or smaller than the average one that has been inserted into one of her orifices in exchange for cash?

    She said smaller than average.

    Patterico (980784)

  511. 514. It’s a good thing we stand up for maintaining professionalism. Don’t want Trump to drag down America’s credibility. We’re serious people here!

    DejectedHead (775d48)

  512. Sorry DejectedHead, our poor wittle ol’ pu**y-grabber-In-Chief / Mob Boss Wanna-Be might really be a snowflake, deep down, and get all offended.

    Tillman (61f3c8)

  513. Well, we all know that sage advice bestowed upon our civilization in the dawn after the battle of Saratoga.

    “Don’t trust or believe a man accused of having a little penis.”

    DejectedHead (775d48)

  514. She said smaller than average.

    What’s her sample size? It should be 27 or more.

    nk (dbc370)

  515. And what did she measure with?

    nk (dbc370)

  516. Remember when Monica Lewinsky said Bill Clinton had a small penis? Remember how that changed everything? Congress wouldn’t have impeached Bill if he had a consensus big penis.

    DejectedHead (775d48)

  517. A sane society would brand her with a scarlet A on her forehead and have her flogged in the public square. Although Avenatti would want to film it and sell the video.

    nk (dbc370)

  518. “Voters elected political newcomer Pete Flores to the Texas Senate on Tuesday, flipping a Democratic district red for the first time in 139 years and further bolstering Republicans’ supermajority in the chamber ahead of the November elections.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  519. They hate them some Trump!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  520. We need Texas, Col.

    mg (9e54f8)

  521. Ever since Jeff fagers research team, stopped visiting her work she s been desperate, I don’t think even prince talal would take her for their harem, they have standards.

    Narciso (342636)

  522. She said smaller than average.

    Judging by what I read about male porn stars, her idea of “average” might be a bit off.

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  523. flipping a Democratic district red

    How can this be? I see nothing in the NY Times or WaPo about this!

    Kevin M (e9a4b1)

  524. It’s on gorilla channel 2,

    Narciso (342636)

  525. It’s big news in Texas but naturally not in the national news since this is a Texas state Senate seat, not a national office. The Democrat who previously held this office, Uresti, was indicted last year for bribery and money laundering and resigned in June after being convicted. This was a special election to fill his seat.

    I think the winner yesterday, Flores, had run against Uresti in 2016 and won 40% of the vote to Uresti’s 55%. This race replaced Uresti with US Rep Pete Gallego. Gallego had previously been elected to Congress representing far West Texas but he lost to Republican Will Hurd in 2016. It was claimed during the race that Gallegos didn’t even reside in this District.

    I think the San Antonio Democratic voters didn’t turn out for Gallegos and the GOP voters did turn out for Flores. The Democrats probably won’t let that happen again but this is a nice result. I also hope Will Hurd can win. He’s in a tough battle and Beto’s popularity will help the Democrats turn out the votes this November.

    DRJ (15874d)

  526. How any Texan could not vote for Mr. Cruz is troubling. I love Ted.

    mg (9e54f8)

  527. Will Hurd took a lot of ish for an Homeland Security appropriation bill that he voted for in either 2015 and 2016 that was seen as not-stern enough (focused more on continuing funding for current BPAs and not much on Wall, etc) – I had to remind myself that his district probably produces and hosts more Border Patrol agents than any other in the nation, thus an interruption in pay for the agency has a adverse short term economic impact locally.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  528. Around the world vs. still tying shoes…

    They were not going to cofront each other. While nto fo different days like I think it was with Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas, it was different sessions.

    And she was offered also a closed hearing without cameras, or even a staff interrogation (which would deprive Brett Kavanaugh of any ability to confront his accuser) or even the staff traveling to California to take her testimony.

    A lot of people probably still don’t know they went to different high schools, and would have had limited ability to know each other. One was a Catholic school and one was not, although they seem to have done a lot of drinking at both schools.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  529. 14. DRJ (15874d) — 9/17/2018 @ 8:49 am

    I (stupidly) assumed the other two teens were male and female. A party with 4 males and 1 female was unusual in my day, and these folks aren’t that mich younger than I am. A group of friends might have that composition but a teen party typically had similar numbers of boys and girls, or at least more than 1 girl.

    No, you were correct the first time. So where did the idea come from there were four boys and one girl?

    The other girl was always in the picture this whole year.

    She is a friend of Blasey who sent a statement through a lawyer to teh senate Judiciary Committee that she didn’t remember any such party and as far as shd knows she never was at any party where Brett Kavanaugh was present.

    Pressure must have been put on her and she gave a statement to Washington Post reporter saying that she believes Blasey Ford, and Blasey Ford said that her friend shouldn’t be expected to remember an event where as far as she knew nothing remarkable happened.

    The Republicans and Kavanaugh ignored the update before and during the hearing, and Blasey Ford ignored the claim that her friend made that she never was at any party with Kavanaugh any time.

    Christine Blasey has apparently varied the number of people there, and now I think says there were at least five or maybe she says six or maybe gives no number now but says she ca name 3 boys and one girl and theer was at least one other boy.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

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