Russia Collusion Proved!
Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.
Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.
They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.
We’ve all heard about the corrupt Uranium One deal. This story talks about a second decision that has received less attention: “approval for Rosatom’s Tenex subsidiary to sell commercial uranium to U.S. nuclear power plants in a partnership with the United States Enrichment Corp.” The story has too little detail for my taste about the specifics of millions being routed to the Clinton Foundation. Is this a reference to payments we already knew about, or new revelations? I’ve read the story a couple of times and it’s still not clear to me.
Still, the fact that someone connected to these payments was involved in bribery seems like a big deal. This information clearly would have jeopardized the Russian nuclear expansion deals — not to mention Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid. The fact that we are just learning this now is pathetic.
The exclamation point in the headline is irony, of course. No “collusion” between Hillary and the Russian government has been proved. But it stinks. It stinks to high heaven. At a minimum, the story illustrates the corrosive effect of foreign money being routed to entities connected to a political official. (Unless that official is Donald Trump, of course. In that case it’s OK and everybody will defend it or ignore it.)
I hope the story prompts an independent investigation. More likely, however, partisans like Hannity will scream about it and oversell the story, while Big Media will yawn and fail to follow up. And it will become a partisan football, just like everything else in this overly politicized nation.
[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]
I say without irony: here’s hoping the insightful crowd here, or at least its more insightful members, can shed more light on this story. I’m trying to process it before I leave for work and it’s a little complicated.
Patterico (115b1f) — 10/17/2017 @ 7:36 amAch! Seeds planted for 2016 Harvest.
A bumper- crop of corruption could not have happened to a nicer guy.
Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 10/17/2017 @ 7:43 amIf money was being funneled to “Donald Trump Charities” as gifts, I’d be denouncing that, too. If some Russians were staying at a Trump hotel and paying their bill, not so much. Not sure what to think about Trump companies building a hotel overseas as even here in this country building permits for large projects are subject to “political favoritism.”
Kevin M (752a26) — 10/17/2017 @ 7:48 amThe investigation died when these bloodhounds let the chief witnesses computer be
destroyrd sound familiar:
Did I mention he was the chief siuth African diplomat dealing with nuclear matters, and the head of tenet is the son of the soviet nuclear industry, mankaure?
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 7:53 amI’ll be bipartisan and say that anyone guilty of such collusion should share the same fate:
I recommend 10 years taking public transportation to minimum-wage job while living in section 8 housing.
The Pillory and Stocks arepasse
Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 10/17/2017 @ 7:58 amTeh Big Fix was in!!!
Colonel Haiku (6c3d91) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:01 am“And it will become a partisan football, just like everything else in this overly politicized nation.”
Not if law enforcement does its GD job!
Colonel Haiku (6c3d91) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:13 amDana Rohrabachers sausage fingers in the Gazprom pie…
Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:17 am
Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:20 amSure wish Hillary or Jeb or mittens were president, then we would never hear about any of this…
mg (31009b) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:24 amp.s. let go of the JFK files
what does the sleazy corrupt FBI actually do
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:31 ampartisans like Hannity will scream about it and oversell the story,
Just a touch of TDS.
Did you notice who was “investigating” this matter ?
U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, an Obama appointee who now serves as President Trump’s deputy attorney general, and then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, now the deputy FBI director under Trump, Justice Department documents show.
No wonder they are hot on the trail of fake Russia Trump collusion. “The truth is so precious it must be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies.”
Churchill but he was not talking about political corruption.
Mike K (b3dd19) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:32 amslimy harvardtrash weaksuck Rod Rosenstein’s a dirty corrupt swamp-pig what castrated poor feckless jeffy sessions in broad daylight in front of lord god and everyone
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:37 amThe FBI investigation had the goods on this scandal in plenty of time to derail the sell-out, but because it was designed to funnel tons of dirty Russian money to Bill and Hillary in time to help fund her run for the presidency the facts of her low down belly crawling treachery were suppressed.
All in the name of the greater good, mind you. After all, are they not all honorable men and women.
When government breaks faith with the American people democracy yields to an elitest junta.
ropelight (bbe920) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:38 amBut, but, but … Mr. President says the Clintons are good people.
nk (dbc370) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:55 amSuck it up, Trumpkins!
nk (dbc370) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:55 amOne thing to keep in mind is that, Watergate to the contrary, Presidential scandals tend to break AFTER the President in question leaves office, and his partisans lose power. The clique that backed Obama and the Clintons has not left town. They haven’t even really considered packing their bags. I think they re over optimistic of their chances, mind. I think that, barring some extraordinary scandal, the Republicans will clean up in 2018, and the winners will be a whole lot less ‘collegial’ than the current bunch of ‘we’re so used to being the loyal opposition we don’t know how to win’ wimps. I think the Democrat establishment is in serious trouble, or none of this would be coming out at all. But it hasn’t lost its weight YET.
C. S. P. Schofield (99bd37) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:59 amSo glad we have the FBI and CIA to provide protection for the elites.
mg (31009b) — 10/17/2017 @ 9:02 amMike K,
Trump should have considered replacing the Obama appointees with competent people who want to support his agenda, but he didn’t because he didn’t think and he wasted his transition. Plus, maybe Trump isn’t such a great judge of employees after all.
DRJ (15874d) — 10/17/2017 @ 9:03 amIt’s also confirmation that Trump never really had an agenda, so he never had a good idea of the personnel he needed to make it happen.
DRJ (15874d) — 10/17/2017 @ 9:04 am15… so he’s like GWB, in that respect.
Colonel Haiku (6c3d91) — 10/17/2017 @ 9:18 amteh Administrative State swamp is a murky swamp.
Colonel Haiku (6c3d91) — 10/17/2017 @ 9:20 ameveryone hates twitter
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 9:21 am…up to its ass in
Colonel Haiku (6c3d91) — 10/17/2017 @ 9:23 am‘gatorslawyers–109433.jpg
mg (31009b) — 10/17/2017 @ 9:25 amfrom FBI photo file
19… oh, I don’t know… who’s the bigger moron… the tweeting CIC or the moron who awaits and fixates on every one of them?
Colonel Haiku (6c3d91) — 10/17/2017 @ 9:26 amteh Plethora of Morons in the media
Colonel Haiku (6c3d91) — 10/17/2017 @ 9:28 amLook for the Pantsuited Pantload to break another toe very soon…
Colonel Haiku (6c3d91) — 10/17/2017 @ 9:33 ammg @ 25. Nowhere near as good as the pics of Hillary having sex with John Kerry.
nk (dbc370) — 10/17/2017 @ 9:42 amThis scandal is sometimes used as an argument that Vladimir Putin could not have been against the election of Hillary Clinton. While Hillary Clinton backdates his opposition to her to 2011, when she made some pro forma complaints about the Russian Parliamentary elections, with the idea that therefore she could not have been working hand-in-glove with officials of the Russian Federation after that, so there must be innocent explanations.
But the break came in 2014 with the Euromaidan Revolution (Революція гідності) of February, 2014, which overthrew the Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych. Victoria Nuland of the State Department played a key role in that, and Putin thought Victoria Nuland was one of Hillary’s women because she had worked under her while she was Secretary of State. (She really wasn’t, or else she would have left with her.)
All of this here with the uranium happened before 2014. It’s also supposed to be innocent because Hillary did not alone have the power to approve a transaction. This ignores the fact that she could offer counsel and inside information.
Sammy Finkelman (26a080) — 10/17/2017 @ 10:12 amIf Newsweek exposes something, it means it is going to come out somewhere else anyway, and the real truth is much worse. It seems like it’s still the same Newsweek.
Here is a New York Times story from 2 years ago.
Sammy Finkelman (26a080) — 10/17/2017 @ 10:24 am25… pantload in a pantsuit and Yuri Galgaggin
Colonel Haiku (6c3d91) — 10/17/2017 @ 10:26 amI don’t know how much it matters that there were other members on the committee that had to approve the uranium deal besides Hillary.
Congress – by wide margins – approved and signed legislation to help opioid drug distribution companies avoid prosecution for selling drugs for unapproved uses.
Not that it was maybe not good legislation: Cracking down that late on opioid prescriptions only drives addicted people to illegal drugs and overdoses that can kill them. There’s a difference between giving opioids tto new people and giving it to addicts but this is not recognized, and cutting off the legal, or high quality, and often free supply is what kills people. Especially since that’s all they do.
And the law anyway would be better if it had bright lines. But that was never put on the table.
They think, maybe, maybe, one or two members of Congress paid attention.
The proposal seems to originated in DOJ and in the DEA, meaning possibly corrupt influence. It also means most members of Congress and not even their committees maybe independently study legislation.
They let lobbyists tell them what’s good and bad.
Sammy Finkelman (26a080) — 10/17/2017 @ 10:35 amAnd weissman is also involved, we have a third party, a south African company dealing in nuclear matecriald with the Russians, heu not yelliwcake like cogema, where might some of that material ended up, the late Mr fisk was the bridge between zuma and the silviki of which mankaure is onr
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 10:36 ambut he didn’t because he didn’t think and he wasted his transition.
More TDS. Sorry to see it.
Rosenstein got the same treatment the Clinton appointees got from Bush and for the same reasons. The Democrats slow walked all Bush, and Trump, nominations.
But I’m sure that Bush isn’t such a great judge of employees after all.
I swing by from time to time to see if the TDS has cooled.
Mike K (b3dd19) — 10/17/2017 @ 11:10 amMowehhnk
mg (31009b) — 10/17/2017 @ 11:20 amWe’re likely only scratching the surface of what the swamp-dwelling ruling class are so afraid will see the light of day with Trump in the oval.
crazy (d99a88) — 10/17/2017 @ 11:23 amI’m sorry I misunderstood your comment, Mike K. I thought you were referring to Ttump’s remorse in appointing Rosenstein. I think Trump could have avoided that remorse he had vetted his appointees better during the transition.
DRJ (15874d) — 10/17/2017 @ 11:30 amSince we don’t have a agency we can trust in this investigation may I suggest-
mg (31009b) — 10/17/2017 @ 11:44 am
DRJ, I hope your TDS is easing. I think he is doing a terrific job and his crazy antics with tweets and such gives cover to all the good things that are happening.
Regulations are being gutted.
Betsy DeVos is unwinding the Title IX hell that colleges have been in.
Mattis is (I hope) cleaning out the Augean stables at the Pentagon but we don’t hear about it.
Have you read the the “open letter” on West Point, which has been destroyed by black and female PC refusal to follow the honor code ?
I fear we could not win a war. The Special Forces and Marines are all we have and they are not big enough.
Rick Perry is revolutionizing Energy after 20 years of SJW domination.
EPA is being made rational by Scott Pruit.
The transgender tweet by Trump solved a terrible problem for the military. I examine recruits and we had a briefing in June about the transgenders. We had no idea how we were supposed to deal with this.
The noncoms were the most upset. We assumed it would be immediately tested by “activists” like Manning and Bergdahl.
Without that tweeted decision, the Pentagon and Joint Chiefs would have been testifying for years before hostile Democrats.
Trump took a bullet for the military.
Maybe this will help you understand what I see, even if you do not agree.
Promoting Black Lives Matter and open borders, promising free tuition and tax hikes, opposing fracking and pipeline construction, pushing single-payer health care and an ever-expanding transgender agenda as well as abortion—these are not majority positions. Neither will embracing Hollywood, the media, or the NFL protests win over voters. Thinking (or hoping) that President Trump will implode, quit, be jailed, sicken, die, or be impeached is not an agenda.
Trump Compared to What?
When Trump promises to restore Christmas nomenclature, to build a border wall, or to bark back against the NFL, he bets that 51 percent of the voting public is likely on his side. Trump’s tweets may be cul de sacs. And they may diminish the traditional stature of the presidency, but they are rarely on the wrong side of public opinion.
VDH is not a nut.
Mike K (b3dd19) — 10/17/2017 @ 11:59 amYou don’t read the comments much anymore so you probably don’t realize that I voted for Trump and I want him to succeed. I simply have a different version of what success means than you and VDH. I guess it’s the difference between California and Texas. Both are great States but they have very different values.
DRJ (15874d) — 10/17/2017 @ 12:05 pm#40, Mike K, thanks for the link to the ‘open letter.’ I didn’t know standards had collapsed at the Academy. I should have known it, or surmised it, the same rot takes hold every place ‘Affirmative Action’ sinks it’s corrupting roots in the fertile soil of official cowardise.
ropelight (bbe920) — 10/17/2017 @ 12:39 pm12 – “Just a touch of TDS”.
Just a tad lol.
One can only wonder how someone can “oversell” a scandal that the entire mainstream media decides to undersell.
harkin (10a18c) — 10/17/2017 @ 12:41 pmexcellent comment Dr. Mike
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 12:43 pmhere are pictures what were taken with photographic cameras
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 12:44 pmOn paper, rosenstein, seemrd perfect, then again so did comedy:
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 1:27 pm
It certainly helps explain why Rosenstein was such an easy confirmation and so quick to put Mueller in charge of the Russia-
crazy (d99a88) — 10/17/2017 @ 1:36 pmpaloozacleanup.All you read is right-wringers narco. Is inbreeding an issue for you personally?
Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 10/17/2017 @ 1:40 pmrod rosenstein’s a remarkably sleazy and corrupt little harvardtrash slick-pig
he needs to be fired and indicted and sent to jail
this is obvious to anyone willing to do the analysis
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 1:41 pmMr. burn sometimes you say things what aren’t very nice
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 1:42 pmthis is a cocktail party you know and
i’m a make a special tasty martini just for you it’s the one where I take a rather outre gin like corsair and splash it with the juice what i reserve from those spiced musselmans apple rings
(i’m not super partial to the actual rings they remind me of dead grandma)
but the juice is fun festive and seasonal
and when you’re at a cocktail party you should not inquire about incestuous copulation
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 1:46 pmNo just perplexed. I don’t understand the pride some have in narrow band-widths o information. I think it’s fear but some say it’s cretinism.
Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 10/17/2017 @ 1:47 pmMr. burn there’s a lot of sleaze and corruption what is an unfortunate part of obama’s legacy
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 1:54 pmIf Trump took that money, we would have gotten a 150,000 word masterpiece. Hillary took it … eh,,, move along.
… you can’t be anymore in bed with the Left than this.
Tupac Lives (Somewhere) (665ab2) — 10/17/2017 @ 1:55 pmThere’s no evidence that all narciso reads are right wingers.
Has Ben Burn ever read an Ann Coulter or Mark Steyn book?
Pinandpuller (16b0b5) — 10/17/2017 @ 2:10 pmyou can’t be anymore in bed with the Left than this
See ? Some can only see the barest thread in the broad scheme of things happy feet
Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 10/17/2017 @ 2:12 pmDRJ. You don’t sound like you voted for him with all your assertions that he is stupid and incompetent.
I guess those are not barriers to your vote then.
I don’t live in California anymore. We moved to Arizona last year.
Mike K (6b32d5) — 10/17/2017 @ 2:13 pmThe lefties have sure descended on the comments here since the TDS took hold.
Mike K (6b32d5) — 10/17/2017 @ 2:14 pmI don’t go out of my way to buy, beg or steal those authors. But I read what pap they peddle on the insertions.
Btw. I think I l inked to a blogger CANNONFIRE who was praising her..let me retrieve..nope. it was this guy…
Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 10/17/2017 @ 2:17 pm
halloween is almost here Mr. burn
i got my stuff sent off from that candy place in Houston
it cost way more to ship than it cost
but once you find the right idea i guess it’s worth it
i might skip office christmas this year and just do treats for the people i like since half them pipsywizzles is getting laid off anyways cause their margins suck ass
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 2:18 pmDr. Mike why aren’t you commenting in the transplant thread you know even more than me about that stuff
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 2:20 pmBtw..that link( for shy readers) is, I believe, got the missing link on Paddock. He was money- laundering…sorry Patterico.
Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 10/17/2017 @ 2:25 pmI topic apology.
Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 10/17/2017 @ 2:26 pmSee ? Some can only see the barest thread in the broad scheme of things happy feet
Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 10/17/2017 @ 2:12 pm
We see your warp and hear your woof.
You look pretty threadbare to tell the truth.
Pinandpuller (16b0b5) — 10/17/2017 @ 2:55 pmwhy aren’t you commenting in the transplant thread
The issue of the father is not exactly medical.
Kidney transplants in kids had lots of complications, even if they were not three years old. Maybe they are better than in my day but the steroids they were all on caused severe bone problems, hip degeneration, etc.
Maybe the newer drugs are better,
Mike K (6b32d5) — 10/17/2017 @ 2:57 pmBased on what’s reported, there may be more here than is obvious — or there may not.
Lost in all the hysteria over the Uranium One deal is the fact that Uranium One controlled large amounts of uranium in Kazakhstan, having acquired 49% and 50% interests in Kazakhstan’s two primary uranium mining companies. Uranium One had also acquired uranium mining interests in the Austrialia, Canada, the US, and South Africa before it was purchased by Russian State-Owned Rosatom.
Its quite probable that the Russia gov’t-owned Rosatom purchased Uranium One because of its holdings in Kazakstan, and not the interests in the other countries.
Owning uranium mining interests in the US — as Uranium One, and then Rosatom did — and exporting uranium out of the US, are two very different propositions.
The prosecution that is at the center of this story involves what Rosatom officials in the US, running its US subsidiary Tenam, did in connection with the sale and transportation of US produced uranium to US companies who use uranium.
In that sense, its pretty garden variety corruption — the Rosatom/Tenam officials offered no-bid contracts to a US Transportation company in exchange for kickbacks to be paid to the Rosatom officials. Those kickbacks were then distributed to various company and government officials back in Russia. Because they were “no bid” contracts, the US company could write the cost of the kickbacks into the contract price — meaning the Russian company officials were looting their US subsidiary by having it pay grossly over-inflated transportation costs, with the excess amounts flowing back to them and other officials individually. That’s pretty much standard operating procedure for a Russian Kleptocracy in the Post-Gorbachev/Yeltsin years.
From the reporting, and from the documents attached, I would guess this particular contract was one of several that were probably investigated by the FBI. This is exactly the kind of case that often starts with a FISA warrant on a Russian officials phone in the US, and then gets kicked over the the criminal side when evidence of criminal activity in the US turns up on the FISA wiretap.
This particular episode of Russian Organized Crime is one of hundreds of such investigations that have taken place since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
IMO, it doesn’t really stand out, and I’d be much more inclined to say that it didn’t make the gossip notes of DOJ because it wasn’t really anything folks in the DOJ Fraud Section hadn’t seen dozens of times before.
shipwreckedcrew (56b591) — 10/17/2017 @ 3:00 pmBurns, I don’t buy the CIA paranoia as they probably could not run a decent drug operation given that nothing but weenies are left but there is something very fishy about that Vegas shooting.
The “hero” guard is almost certainly an illegal alien.
Mike K (6b32d5) — 10/17/2017 @ 3:01 pmThe other fellow, worked for a well connected south African firm, the chairmen rod fisk wee a diplomat specializing in heu, not yellow cake. His records were destroyed after his passing. So the couldn’t proceed further, and I mentioned how well connected mikerin’s outfit was.
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 3:08 pmProbably but what wonders what the shooter was using those planes for, and where they may have been recently.
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 3:12 pmDid you know Paddocks home was burglarized during police custody?
Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 10/17/2017 @ 3:16 pmMikeK..the article was suggesting Paddock was not gambling, per se. He was money laundering.
Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 10/17/2017 @ 3:17 pmThis was the connection:
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 3:21 pmThis is the other connection:
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 3:34 pm
MikeK..the article was suggesting Paddock was not gambling, per se. He was money laundering.
Oh, I agree. He was probably doing some gun running, too. Maybe he was meeting some customers in the hotel.
Why all the guns ? For sale ? Samples?
We don’t know what his motive was but we know why the guard bolted,
I doubt he made all that money from video poker. Gambling is an excellent way to launder money . So is drugs,
Mike K (6b32d5) — 10/17/2017 @ 3:48 pmMore questions come to mind, show us contporanenous vuxeo and audio evidence, don’t just tell us some story you have to revise a week later
From the earlier link
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 3:52 pmI find this weird, considering the large building across the river from where this happened:
urbanleftbehind (6a13e5) — 10/17/2017 @ 4:13 pmi love how President Trump just floats above all the sleaze and corruption
i love how it infuriates them
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 4:18 pmOf course there was the tidbit that the russuam pepperpot was connected to another British private intelligence outfit, gpw
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 4:18 pmI almost got stranded in the middle of an abandoned uranium mine. I was supposed to pick up a 1000 gallon propane tank from the old office of said mine.
The gate across the road had about 60 different padlocks on it and I had about 100 different keys on three different keychains in my service truck. Instead of using my boltcutters I went to a gas station to get some lunch.
A guy said there was a cattle gate I could use to go cross country. I gave it a try and soon found myself in a huge depression. Not state of mind, an actual concave subsidence miles across. Not as bad as Winslow, AZ but bad enough. I was in a 4WD Ford 550 dually but I soon thought retreat was the better part of valor. Luckily the ground was soft enough I could follow my tracks back. As it was I thought I might get stuck in the middle of nowhere with no precise flight plan filed. I don’t think the Russians were interested in giving me a ride back to town.
Pinandpuller (16b0b5) — 10/17/2017 @ 4:18 pmI find this weird, considering the large building across the river from where this happened:
urbanleftbehind (6a13e5) — 10/17/2017 @ 4:13 pm
I don’t even go urban exploring on the ground in Memphis.
I will call this thing rushing towards me “ground”.
I wonder if it will be my friend?
Pinandpuller (16b0b5) — 10/17/2017 @ 4:26 pmSo you don’t do like Bruce hornsby:
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 4:44 pm
ack i just took the cousins to LondonHouse weekend before last
at night the view can be magical but the bar’s hopelessly cheesy
they served my martini in a stemless wine glass what concentrated the aromas of a not terribly well-washed glass
fortunately i really needed that martini so i got through it
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 4:52 pmMike K 57,
Before the election, I mentioned that I was thinking about voting for Trump and I did, for the reason I have in my comment. I intend to hold him to his many, many promises because I voted for him but he hasn’t done much yet, except in judicial nominations (despite your litany of wishful thinking about what he’s accomplished so far). Apparently that’s a novel concept these days.
I knew you had moved to Arizona but to me you still sound like an unhappy Californian, like VDH. I know it’s frustrating to deal with what it’s like to live and work in a blue state. Patterico shows the signs, too. It seems to produce a profound pessimism about people and events. I feel it, too, which is why my focus is saving Texas.
DRJ (15874d) — 10/17/2017 @ 4:57 pmI wish you would comment on the transplant thread, Mike K. It’s an area of medicine that is interesting and more important as there are more advances, and I would like to hear your opinions.
DRJ (15874d) — 10/17/2017 @ 5:01 pmHe was standin’ on a corner in Winslow Arizona
Colonel Haiku (6c3d91) — 10/17/2017 @ 5:01 pmsuch a bad sight to see
It’s a girl, my Lord, in his flat-bed Ford
Cuz he got radioactivity
Great link at 81, narciso. So those are the guys who put together the fake dossier that McCain and Comey tried to blackmail Trump with. Professional dezinformatsiya. Trump should have told Comey to start packing the minute Comey sidled up to him with the stuff after that transition meeting last December.
nk (dbc370) — 10/17/2017 @ 5:09 pmdespite your litany of wishful thinking about what he’s accomplished so far)
I had hoped to point out how wrong you people are but I will give up.
Mike K (b3dd19) — 10/17/2017 @ 5:17 pmI keep. Metaphorically bashing my head into the wall, he couldn’t do that until sessions was confirmed and boente, a hold over who know chairs the national security section which keeps the ferord of foreign registrations were in place. The ones podesta and weber forget to update
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 5:24 pmYes weber dud the actual lobbying that manafort had contracted for, yet one gets a battering ram the other a slap on the wrist.
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 5:30 pmDerrick partners also plowed a lot of their pelt into south Florida real estate, the odds they would get a subpoena slim and none.
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 5:35 pmspeaking of collusion
Ben Affleck wants to do Justice League all up in the pants of your young daughter
the more you know
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 5:38 pmYes hes taking the series. Back to dark days of Batman and robin, trh horror,
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 5:44 pmI am so glad my daughters have some hand to hand battle techniques and carry weapons tp protect themselves from male predators.
mg (31009b) — 10/17/2017 @ 5:52 pmMike K 40, I will address you comment since you have given up on me:
VDH is not a nut and obviously neither are you. You both have sincere concerns and want the best for America. I share your concerns but not your optimism that trump’s culture war will make changes that will last beyond his term, except in the judiciary. That is an area where I agree Trump has made real changes.
DRJ (15874d) — 10/17/2017 @ 5:53 pmthere’s some indication the specials have enough strength of mind to resist the general corruption and depravity of the skanky US Military and can emerge from it relatively untouched
for example Ryan Zinke was a seal or an ocean beret or something like that
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 5:55 pmBut you miss the forest for trees, dry,,NBC cooked a story out of whole cloth as is their want,, they dint care about the details, jut like when their tip staff purgered themselves beforrvjudge Walton, when they put a bullseyr on Zimmerman’s head, and were protected because they made hum a pub
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 6:01 pmIV figure and a hundred other examples
Yes Dev’s is noterfect, but ages the best candidate since bull Bennett, Matt’s has moved the ball in bothafghanistan in Iraq, a grant rather than Sherman, but the king of war cabinet chief we havrnt had since Omar Bradley, yes he was a staff officer.
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 6:04 pmNot a cabinet member, sessions has made some progress in the war against the Maria, tillerson Al most in spite of himself has raised the flag on the cadtros errfisy
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 6:08 pmnarciso, I was speaking metaphorically, but since you raised it, I don’t think the President needs to go through anyone to fire cabinet or sub-cabinet level appointees. And it was Trump who signed the dismissal letter in the end, wasn’t it?
nk (dbc370) — 10/17/2017 @ 6:10 pmboundaries
i’m in
vera’s something that needs to happen
i wonder what harvey ever did on her
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 6:16 pmyou can tell this is an important story about how the sleazy corrupt trashy fbi’s all up inside hillary clinton’s skanky bidness with the russians
NPR refused to report it
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 6:36 pmOnly a vietcong could trash a reporter as songbird did.
mg (31009b) — 10/17/2017 @ 6:43 pmDRJ,
I can’t recommend highly enough the comment script I use to filter out comments from Mike K and many others. Not only do I have fewer than half the comments to read, but the ones that remain are of a much higher average quality.
Patterico (115b1f) — 10/17/2017 @ 7:17 pm94. Mike K (b3dd19) — 10/17/2017 @ 11:59 am
He doesn’t say it is them, but it could have started with the admission of cadets who both had a higher risk of not following the rules and regulations and were also “too big to fail” and this has been extended to all others.
So according to him, now:
1. The honor code has broken down. In the event cases are brought cadets are inevariably found not guilty by other cadets,
2. Academic standards have broken down starting from about ten years ago.
3. Courses have been changed or dropped. American history is now what’s wrong, or was wrong, with America with regard to race. International history is what’s wrong and has been wrong all over the world with regard to equality between the genders. Military history has been dropped.
But it doesn’t matter how they do. Plagiarism goes unpunished, failures can be made up and it’s actually to the advantage of a cadet to fail as they may have an easier time of it over the summer.
4. Military type rules have broken down.
5. West Point is turning into a third rate civilian liberal arts college.
What he doesn’t say is, if they were now to suddenly enforce the honor code, academic standards and military protocol, they’d probably have to let go of two thirds of their cadets.
Sammy Finkelman (26a080) — 10/17/2017 @ 7:20 pmThank you, Patrick. I admit it’s not fun to have someone tell me, repeatedly, that I’m deranged. I’ll consider it.
DRJ (15874d) — 10/17/2017 @ 7:48 pm#103
I discard half the data site unseen but worry not I am 100 % sure the data I do read is much better data that confirms my biases.
Lol, a Prosecutor? Like this guys holds the lives of real people in his discretion?
This line of irrational thinking is best suited for climate science. Discard data you don’t like, manipulate some, fabricate others and polish the few that support your wrong headed world view.
KRS One (665ab2) — 10/17/2017 @ 7:49 pmI can’t recommend highly enough the comment script I use to filter out comments from Mike K and many others. Not only do I have fewer than half the comments to read, but the ones that remain are of a much higher average quality.
gentle reader it’s nigh impossible to read the above in any voice other than that of the goodly fagan or the stalwart lucien but here’s a palliative for you:
boots and cats and boots and cats
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 7:50 pmJust yell back, DRJ. Mike K is worth the trouble to yell back at when he yells at you. I block two, easy to guess who they are, who are not worth the trouble.
nk (dbc370) — 10/17/2017 @ 7:53 pmInteresting farmiga and beckinsalecwere in an interesting take on the blame story, shevplayed the Judith miller type, vera played the uncoveredvspy as a result the report went to jail, the spy was shot, but herevis shymalan twist, the source was the spy’s son.
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 7:54 pmi block no one
like the thighs of jennifer lawrence I’m wide open to all comers
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:00 pmvera farmiga she’ll have her day yet i bet you money
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:03 pmPlease moderate KRS One. He thinks insulting the way our host does his job is an effective way to comment online.
DRJ (15874d) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:14 pmMaybe so, nk. I don’t like to use script to block people, but I do skip over comments when they strike me as not worth my time. I never skip yours.
DRJ (15874d) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:18 pmYes one can make a rational argument without invective. So maverick foes to rick stengels old outfit to kvetch with the salon, now wig is the greater fool, your choice and that leads the potemkin news.
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:21 pm111, meh.
urbanleftbehind (6a13e5) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:23 pmBye, KRS One.
Patterico (115b1f) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:25 pmCue CFarleigh saying KRS One was banned for simple disagreement in 3…2…1..
Patterico (115b1f) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:27 pmHervtrack record has Benn a little uneven:
narciso (d1f714) — 10/17/2017 @ 8:27 pmUp to sen. Grassley today to question AG Sessions. This should be the avenue to prosecuting the clintons and obama. Just once in my lifetime I would love to see a republican win in a court of law. I will not be holding my breath.
mg (31009b) — 10/18/2017 @ 4:14 amDid this guy’s FB friends say “ewww, don’t go on Fox with Hannity”? That’s a lot of rehearsal time, though
urbanleftbehind (6a13e5) — 10/18/2017 @ 4:24 amI doubt Sessions or any other republican dope gives a crap about this. Sessions number 1 concern seems to be making Marijuana illegal and making darn sure every democrat and republican in the fbi and cia have no charges filed against them. This puke of an A.G. is the swamp.
mg (31009b) — 10/18/2017 @ 4:29 amjeffy sessions does nothing but by rod rosenstein’s leave
he’s a neutered bama-pig and a pliable instrument of our government’s corruption
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/18/2017 @ 5:51 amSessions is probably the best of the bunch in that … place, the Trump Administration. He’s there because he actually believes in some of that constitutional, conservative “stuff” that Trump only uses to fool the rubes with, and not because he was a superannuated has-been or faded never-was with nowhere else to go like most of the rest of them.
nk (dbc370) — 10/18/2017 @ 6:02 ammaybe sessions could grow into the job but not if harvardtrash rod rosenstein keeps him on such a short leash
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/18/2017 @ 6:07 amlike a nervous little chihuahua dog
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/18/2017 @ 6:08 am“Grow” is not the right word. “Diminish” is. In order to be a proper right-hand man, assistant, aide, helper, underling, minion, man-Friday, lackey, flunky, stooge, sidekick, body man, crony, heavy, goon, in short a Steve Bannon, for Trump, Sessions would have to divest most of his principles, intellect, judgment and experience.
nk (dbc370) — 10/18/2017 @ 6:20 amDRJ @94:
The California state legislature passed a bill mandating that all colleges receiving aid from the state of California follow the old guidelines (Betsy Devos on;y abolished the semi-mandatory aspect of them) but Governor Jerry Brown vetoed the bill.
California has to rely on Governor Moonbeam for its sanity.
Sammy Finkelman (26a080) — 10/18/2017 @ 6:21 amBut you think some bare-assed lady wrestler, the one whom Trump put in charge of the SBA, was a good appointment, so I don’t think we’ll have a meeting of minds on this.
nk (dbc370) — 10/18/2017 @ 6:23 amthere’s a new small business near me it’s called a “breast milk boutique” and it wasn’t there until President Trump
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/18/2017 @ 6:27 amThere’s an Asian massage parlor near me, that’s open from ten in the evening to eight in the morning, and it was not there before Trump either.
nk (dbc370) — 10/18/2017 @ 6:31 amoh my goodness
right here in river city
happyfeet (28a91b) — 10/18/2017 @ 6:36 amSteve Bannon could be the last great American fighting for the middle class, nk.
mg (31009b) — 10/18/2017 @ 6:45 amI doubt very many middle class voters know about this site.
Only elitists would be against the middle class achieving upper class status. You know the uni-party, Trump needs to fire everyone in the FBI. Including wheres waldo Sessions.
mg (31009b) — 10/18/2017 @ 6:48 amSenate probe
mg (31009b) — 10/18/2017 @ 7:07 amwhitewash
nobody does time
no middle class – no premium health care for reps and sen. these people in congress suckola.
mg (31009b) — 10/18/2017 @ 7:18 amWith 85% of police in America worker individual states and communities. I hope they are all in the silent majority.
mg (31009b) — 10/18/2017 @ 7:28 amwork for
mg (31009b) — 10/18/2017 @ 7:28 amThe American people deserve a fu##ing A.G. that is not a bought puppet of the Chamber of Commerce.
mg (31009b) — 10/18/2017 @ 7:46 amNot one answer on the clinton uranium scam. This sob deserves a firing squad.
(Unless that official is Donald Trump, of course. In that case it’s OK and everybody will defend it or ignore it.)
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that they will investigate the crap out of anything relating to Trump and ignore anything related to the Clintons. In fact, I’m going to bet that this story doesn’t make the nightly news while every single bad word that can be alleged about Trump will be unavoidable.
Kevin M (752a26) — 10/19/2017 @ 12:24 am