Patterico's Pontifications


Donald Trump’s Praise for Hillary (and Bill) Will Haunt Him in This Debate

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 5:14 pm

It is obvious that Donald Trump’s comments about women will be the focus of the first question in tonight’s presidential debate. And every indication is that Trump plans to make Bill Clinton, and Hillary’s handling of the fallout from Bill Clinton’s adultery and other misbehavior, the issue in his response.

Yeah . . . there’s just one little problem with that. The Trumpmeister has praised Hillary on this exact issue in the past:

I think she’s gone through terrible times. I think she’s been through more than any woman should have to bear, everything public, I mean women go through this on a private basis and can’t take it, she’s on the front page of every newspaper every week with what went on in Washington. I think she’s a wonderful woman.

But at least he was upset at Bill, right? Um, not so much. Here’s The Donald from July 2012:

Huh. Looks like he wasn’t too upset about Bill Clinton then.

Donald Trump never cared about Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton’s treatment of women before tonight. He’s going to have to do a hell of an acting job tonight to pretend he cares about it now.

6 Responses to “Donald Trump’s Praise for Hillary (and Bill) Will Haunt Him in This Debate”

  1. Oh hai

    Patterico (bcf524)

  2. i love how he stands up for women who can’t stand up for themselves

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  3. He’s going to have to do a hell of an acting job tonight to pretend he cares about it now.

    But… but … but… no one respects women more than Donald! Everyone tells him what a great gentleman he is! Women love him, and his huge hands!

    Glenn (91e302)

  4. He’s going to have to do a hell of an acting job tonight to pretend he cares about it now.

    No. A sales job. Or perhaps, a snow job?

    “People want to be told what to do so badly that they’ll listen to anyone.” – Don Draper [Jon Hamm] ‘Mad Men’ AMC TV

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  5. One thing Donald Trump could do is say that Hillary surely agrees that it wasn’t a problem for Bill Clinton. If she then says he is worse, he could then say “Bill Clinton personally told me….”

    Sammy Finkelman (6e331b)

  6. Trump would surely agree that he and Bubba were bosom buddies in September 2000 when they posed together with Bubba’s around Trump’s then-fiancee Melania’s waist, while Trump himself was snuggled up to Playboy covergirl Kylie Bax.

    Note the catering in the background. This was a Clinton Foundation event. You and I and the American Treasury ended up subsidizing that catering, whatcha bet?

    Peas in a pod.

    Beldar (fa637a)

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