Patterico's Pontifications


America: This Is Where We’re At, And It Ain’t Pretty (Or: Trump Talks About Grabbing Women by the P***y)

Filed under: General — Dana @ 5:27 pm

[guest post by Dana]

So this afternoon brought on another October surprise.

Back in 2005, Donald Trump was caught on a hot mic saying some pretty lewd things about women:

“I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married. I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married…And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”… Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look…. Whoa! I’ve gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything … Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Pretty gross. But no cigars were involved.

This latest from Trump is getting quite a lot of buzz. Sex, power, the objectification of women. And by a Republican. What more could the media hope for? But I am going to be mindful not to judge or condemn because I had it hammered into me, just like all of you, that what takes place between two consenting adults is nobody’s business, even if one of those adults holds the highest office in the land. Twenty-one years ago, Bill Clinton personally lowered the moral bar for every president to come. And the MSM and the Democrats made a shrewd political calculation and threw in with Clinton, condemning any who condemned their leader for his moral failings. So how can any of them now judge Trump for this? Because as I see it, that ship sailed. Set to sea by their own party.

A whole lot of Americans and the GOP decided it wanted a crass, self-consumed dishonest 12-year old hack for president. Well, here you go. No one on the right side of the aisle better be surprised by any of this. After all, you supporters and party officials have spent the last few months trying to guilt, manipulate and bully us into supporting Trump because only he can change America. Just maybe not in the way you think. Or hope. You’ve got to own this now.

And don’t even get me started on Hillary Clinton’s reaction to the Trump comments:

This is horrific. We cannot allow this man to become president.

Really, Hillary? Really? How is this any worse than the powerful, predatory male that you lived in the White House with? How is this any worse than you working to destroy his many paramours — and rape accusers? Further, do you really think the beautiful women on the receiving end of these lewd comments would put up with them if they were made by a poor man without the social and public standing of your husband, or Trump?

Ultimately, while Trump is crude, lewd, and horrible in just about every way, he still did not get 4 Americans killed, jeopardize national security, have a direct hand in lighting the Middle East on fire, and play fast and loose with people’s very lives, all while holding public office.


UPDATE BY PATTERICO: My take on this is posted at RedState.



I’ll say it again: Ted Cruz should not have endorsed.

UPDATE x4 BY PATTERICO: I updated the headline so nobody can miss what we’re talking about. Here’s Jonah Goldberg:

Character is destiny. The man in the video is Donald Trump. Sure, it’s bawdy Trump. It’s “locker room Trump.” And I’m no prude about dirty talk in private. But that isn’t all that’s going on. This isn’t just bad language or objectifying women with your buddies. It’s a married man who is bragging about trying to bed a married woman. It’s an insecure, morally ugly, man-child who thinks boasting about how he can get away with groping women ”because you’re a star” impresses people. He’s a grotesque — as a businessman and a man full stop.

If you can see that, but still think Hillary Clinton would be worse. Fine. Just be prepared for an endless stream of more embarrassments in your name. And, for my friends in the media and in politics, if you minimize, dismiss or celebrate his grotesqueness out of partisan zeal, just keep in mind that some people, including your children, might think you mean it. Or, they might know you don’t mean it. Which means they now know you lie for a living.


UPDATE x5 BY PATTERICO: It occurs to me that we should show you the video, so you can see what all the fuss is about. Here you go.

102 Responses to “America: This Is Where We’re At, And It Ain’t Pretty (Or: Trump Talks About Grabbing Women by the P***y)”

  1. The media is pretty clever in releasing this now. Good distraction on a Friday night news dump when Hillary Clinton emails are going to be quietly released.

    Dana (d17a61)

  2. Oh, and I hate everyone right now.

    Dana (d17a61)

  3. Anything but the serious issues. Just like the governor’s election in California where the media obsessed over –not debt, pensions or crime–but Meg Whitman’s teary maid, who said Whitman had been mean to her.

    Harcourt Fenton Mudd (5e0a82)

  4. Trump is now better poised to run on Bill’s record than Hillary is.

    CayleyGraph (353727)

  5. UPDATE BY PATTERICO: My take on this is posted at RedState.

    I do mention the curious timing vis a vis the release of the Clinton email stuff.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  6. Tape from ‘Access Hollywood with Billy Bush’ [gee, can you guess who he’s related to?????] is a tin fish a midships for JR.

    Now we know who has been advising Trump. It hasn’t been Ailes.

    It’s been Andrew Dice Clay.

    “Damage control, report!!’ – “Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea”- almost any episode, ABC- TV, 1964-68

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  7. This is hardly a surprise to anyone. And frankly, it is not that shocking. Sure, political candidates are not supposed to talk like that.

    But, yah know, there are a lot of guys who do talk like this. That doesn’t disqualify them for much other than not getting a good taste award. I don’t like it, but I don’t consider it significant. We would have to disqualify probably half of the people who have been presidents in the past, except they didn’t have their bad taste revealed on tape.

    And, who is out there who didn’t already expect this “surprise?”

    John Moore (508b53)

  8. Thing is, if you listen to the whole thing it doesn’t make Billy Bush sound particularly wholesome, either.

    So much for Bush ‘family values.’ Still, Billy Boy ain’t running for president.

    The sad reality is if you’ve ever worked in and around the entertainment industry, this is pretty standard language amongst the ‘hetro boys’ in the biz-even for a man Trump’s age. Not an excuse, just the ugly truth and realities of an industry which trades on image over substance.

    Anecdotal case in point- years ago our building shared offices w/a division of Playboy Enterprises. And not often enough, attractive young women– there for interviews, meetings and such– would ride the elevator up to the reception area. And when they exited and the doors closes, reviews opened amongst the healthy, straight, 20 and 30-something males treated to some sweet eye candy before morning coffee. Locker room banter ensued and fortunately, not taped. And not mature.

    But Trump was 59, with a pretty wife, lovely ex-wives, and attractive daughters cracking wise like this.

    He’s got to try do an apology for this. But IMO, this finally sinks the putz.

    Four years of Maudie. As Archie would say: ‘Oh, Jeez.’

    “Torpedo LOS!” – “Action In the North Atlantic”, 1943

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  9. The bum fight in a pig sty has another month to run, Dana. They’re both not even close to the bottom of the cesspool and neither will stop the pumps and blowers.

    Rick Ballard (1aa129)

  10. Jeb condemns Trump in a tweet. But not a peep about Billy.


    DCSCA (797bc0)


    Patterico (bcf524)

  12. On the other hand, there’s a lot of stains on the Clinton family record.

    A dress, too.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  13. @11– LOL free pussy. Yes, the GOP is having kittens.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  14. trump should start naming the almost 5000 americans killed in iraq thanks to hillary clinton’s moral degeneracy for personel gain trump should ask jill sten to join him on stage at debate so she could ask hillary clinton why anyone should vote for a moral degenerate like you who voted for the iraq war not because you belived in it but so the republicans couldn’t use your vote against you when you ran in 2008.

    so true (e8f8f4)


    I’ll say it again: Ted Cruz should not have endorsed.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  16. Just remember what they turned that Rick Lazio thing into.


    Pinandpuller (e2e35f)

  17. @15 You’re right.

    Too bad he did when he thought JR’s momentum was on the move. If only he’d waited 10 more days.

    Timing is everything.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  18. Patterico (bcf524)

  19. John Moore, the “guys” who do talk like that haven’t grown up. It’s poor behavior in high school and college locker rooms. It’s proof of incurable moral depravity out of a married 59-year-old fake man.


    John Hitchcock (e15fe6)

  20. Let he who is without profanity drop the first mike.

    Pinandpuller (e2e35f)

  21. Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven, and this is one of the reasons why. It is easier to get away with this evil if you have wealth or power or fame than it is for regular people. So it is more difficult to be a quality person if you have wealth or power or fame.

    Trump is evil. Any who say he isn’t are fooling themselves.

    John Hitchcock (e15fe6)

  22. This is horrific. We cannot allow this man to become president.- HRC

    Could she be a bigger hypocrite?

    It appears we may just have four years to find out.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  23. @19-It’s proof of incurable moral depravity out of a married 59-year-old fake man.

    It’s showbiz.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  24. Kristof (NYT) jumps on with a sexual assault story re Trump which fits nicely with Trump’s reported remarks.

    Rick Ballard (1aa129)

  25. Is any of this a surprise?

    The one take gone lesson that matters. D vs R doesn’t matter.

    Character does.

    Simon Jester (485863)

  26. UPDATE x4: I updated the headline so nobody can miss what we’re talking about. Here’s Jonah Goldberg:

    Character is destiny. The man in the video is Donald Trump. Sure, it’s bawdy Trump. It’s “locker room Trump.” And I’m no prude about dirty talk in private. But that isn’t all that’s going on. This isn’t just bad language or objectifying women with your buddies. It’s a married man who is bragging about trying to bed a married woman. It’s an insecure, morally ugly, man-child who thinks boasting about how he can get away with groping women ”because you’re a star” impresses people. He’s a grotesque — as a businessman and a man full stop.

    If you can see that, but still think Hillary Clinton would be worse. Fine. Just be prepared for an endless stream of more embarrassments in your name. And, for my friends in the media and in politics, if you minimize, dismiss or celebrate his grotesqueness out of partisan zeal, just keep in mind that some people, including your children, might think you mean it. Or, they might know you don’t mean it. Which means they now know you lie for a living.


    Patterico (bcf524)

  27. Also, I guess never mind the RedState link for right now. RedState, TownHall, and Hot Air (all members of TownHall) are ALL down.

    Probably some kind of attack.

    Oh, well. I had the headline post about this at RedState. Why would I want anyone to see that???

    Patterico (bcf524)

  28. @25. There are plenty of characters in showbiz.

    Just few with character.

    “Take my wife. PLEASE!” – Henny Youngman

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  29. Don Hewett recalls a “60 Minutes” episode about Vernon Jordan, Bill’s golf pal, when Mike Wallace asked him, “What do you and Bill Clinton talk about on the golf course?” and Jordan answered, “Pussy.”

    Gabriel Hanna (bc876a)

  30. @26- It’s a married man who is bragging about trying to bed a married woman.

    Well, he was talking about entertainment reporter Nancy O’Dell. She’s not Queen Elizabeth II.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  31. RedState is back up. You can click that link now.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  32. Long, but worth it. This is what we said about “locker room” comments in 1998.

    tl, dr version: Thank God for Bill Clinton, freeing us from the shackles of verbal prudery.

    He shrugged it off with a little smile, saying only that Jordan and Clinton could talk about whatever they wanted to while playing golf. “If they have a certain amount of locker room banter, or tell jokes to one another, who among us can cast the first stone? You and I will tell one another jokes. That’s talking pussy.” (Bleeped again.) The message was fundamental and clear: Regular sexy guys talk about pussy. Jordan and Clinton are regular sexy guys. Therefore it’s not the least surprising or improper for Jordan and Clinton to talk pussy when they’re together.

    “What could be more natural?” Cutler was implicitly asking, and of course he’s right. But being natural about sex is hardly the established American way, so it felt decidedly unnatural, or at least unusual, to hear Mike Wallace and Lloyd Cutler talking pussy so supposedly naturally right there in the middle of Sixty Minutes (tick, tick, tick, tick).

    Wallace, knowing he’s onto something, doesn’t leave it there. Next thing we know he’s talking pussy with Washington commentator Sally Quinn. He repeats the Newsweek story, saying “`We talk pussy.’ I almost fell out of my chair when I read that. Didn’t you?” There’s that (bleeped) word again, spoken to a woman no less, on primetime tv. The story has shifted from how amazing it is that Clinton and Jordan talk pussy to how amazing it is that Wallace and Cutler talk pussy on Sixty Minutes, and now to how amazing it is for Wallace and Quinn to be talking about talking pussy all over again.

    Wallace is into it, a little like a two-year-old who’s discovered the power of shocking his parents by saying the word “no.” He’s cool about it, of course — totally calm and casual — but he seems to delight in the newfound freedom to toss this juicy, forbidden-until-just-now word into the unaccustomed laps of his distinguished guests, not to mention the millions of American men, women, and children in their millions of American homes.

    Quinn is into it too. Since she isn’t representing the White House she isn’t required to be as professionally deadpan as Cutler and maybe, even among sophisticated Washington reporters and commentators, being a woman still cuts a person a little slack to be a human being. She allows herself some surprise, laughs a little, and says quite directly, “I’m nearly falling out of my chair right now that you’re saying it.”

    “It’s astonishing,” Wallace comments about himself.

    “Nobody even flinches when you say it anymore,” Quinn notices without repeating the word herself. The whole Lewinsky incident, she comments, has “certainly changed the rules of discourse,” changed how sex is talked about in political circles and among the national press corps. Sitting together in CBS’s studio, Quinn and Wallace share a chuckle, enjoying the opportunity to have broken some new ground in sexual honesty, minuscule as it might be.

    It feels like, all of a sudden, everybody wants to loosen up the stuffy old strictures about sex. It seems like, all of a sudden, everybody wants to stop pretending to be non-sexual automatons and to acknowledge that sexual feeling, and even so-called sexual indiscretion, are everyday parts of everyday life — from the basement to the board room, from the bunk house to the White House. We’re all human. Now let’s grow up and get on with life and the real things that cause misery in the world.

    Clinton, for his part, has shown the way, very much as a national leader is actually supposed to do. He has shown the way, first of all, by allowing himself to be a not-entirely-proper sexual person, even when he finds himself inhabiting the White House and playing the role of Leader of the Free World. And he has shown the way through the Lewinsky caper by holding himself together, not getting dragged into the media feeding frenzy, issuing his denial, and giving a focused and dignified State of the Union address that refocuses national attention on issues of national and international policy. He has said to the American people, “You will take me and my social issues seriously, no matter how much Kenneth Starr and the rabid press try to distract you with their `If True’ journalism. We will be adults together in this, and not be reduced to giggly children.”

    And, for once, the American people have come through with flying colors, evaluating Clinton as a national leader independently of whatever they may think of his extramarital sexuality, and properly identifying Kenneth Starr, Linda Tripp, and the overanxious national press corps — not Clinton, or even Lewinsky — as the real slimeballs in this thing. American women, often the main ohmigosh tongue-cluckers in sexual matters such as these, have been especially sensible about the whole thing, even more willing than American men to shrug off as politically irrelevant what Clinton does with his dick and to whom. Even ultra-conservative radio commentator Laura Schlessinger, excoriating American women as “lying hypocrites” who are distracted by Bill Clinton’s good looks, is forced to admit that “it’s a bit of a turn-on to think we have a rake in the front office.”

    So there you have it, yet another strange twist in the winding road of American sexual history lurching its way toward Bethlehem. Progress raising its head in unexpected places, at unexpected times, and for all the wrong and unexpected reasons. It is an especially ripe moment for irony lovers to unite, have a good laugh, and another beer. Thanks to the likes of nefarious Republican die-hards like Kenneth Starr and Linda Tripp, staid professional newscasters are now talking about Presidential pussy as matter-of-factly as they talk about acid rain or corporate budgets, and the American people may have finally grown bored of being upset with politicians for their relatively innocent sexual indiscretions. The shifting boundaries of the territory designated as appropriate sexual behavior and discourse have been pushed outward one more time. For those of us who long for sexual matters to become included in the heartland of everyday social interaction and conversation, this is a particularly delightful twist of fate, one positive consequence of the Lewinsky brouhaha that will live on, no matter what deal Starr cuts or doesn’t cut with Goldburg for Lewinsky’s grand jury testimony, no matter what details of Clinton’s connection with Lewinsky ever become known or left to obscurity, no matter whether jurors believe or disbelieve Paula Jones.

    Gabriel Hanna (bc876a)

  33. In his update, our host wrote:

    I’ll say it again: Ted Cruz should not have endorsed.

    Okay, then say the whole thing, write the whole sentence, and don’t hide the important half by elision: “Ted Cruz should [have broken his word to the GOP and the American voting public and] should not have endorsed.”

    Let’s suppose he had decided to do that, exactly to your satisfaction. How was he supposed to go about this? I’ve asked if you wanted him to retire to a cave until the election, ignoring the prospect of helping Republicans up and down the ticket in races both state and federal. You haven’t answered, but that seems to me to be one end of the spectrum. Is there any more room left in your expectations?

    In addition to not endorsing, should he also have stayed away from any place where he might be photographed in front of a Trump-Pence sign, like the one you’ve again used to mock him with made-up words entirely inconsistent with his actual words? Should he have tackled the photographer?

    Or do you really mean that Cruz not only should have renounced and broken his promise, but that he also should have continued actively attacking Trump even after withdrawing himself? That actually seems to be where you’re driving. Hey, I get that impulse, and share it myself: I’ve certainly not shut up in my criticisms of Donald J. Trump, nor would I do so even if he somehow were to win this election.

    But I never promised the voting public, before they voted for me based in part on that promise, that I would do otherwise. I never promised the GOP that I would support its nominee, whomever that turned out to be, before it gave me access to data and other support and, most importantly, the chance to compete to run as the party’s nominee.

    Do you really mean that Cruz was wrong to make the pledge in the first place? Should he have said, “To hell with this party unity business, that guy in the center of the debate stage is someone I’ll never support under any circumstances?” That would be a respectable argument, but it’s not the one I hear you making. And of course, it would have been the instant end of Cruz’ chances not only in this primary, but in every other GOP primary ever after, including in Texas in 2018. It would have certainly marked Cruz as unique among the other 16 competitors (including even Trump), but it would have been effectively the same thing as dropping out of the race and retiring from politics.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  34. Our host & I cross-posted my #33 above and this lengthy comment on the prior post, which I’ve now read.

    It’s a passionate plea, and certainly respectfully advanced. But with reciprocal respect, I must point out that it’s about you and your feelings and projections, not about the situation that actually confronted Cruz, and it doesn’t really answer any of the questions I re-asked here about what Cruz would have had to do to actually satisfy you.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  35. If he goes, go out in a blaze – show up on Sunday night with 2 dossiers, one with Epstein island info and another with Hillary’s medical records. Quit, but shame H into quitting also.

    Pence will be subbing for Trump at the Wisconsin event. Please let Scotty show up to be named Pence’s VP.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  36. he really is a character huh

    breath of fresh air

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  37. It’s a passionate plea, and certainly respectfully advanced. But with reciprocal respect, I must point out that it’s about you and your feelings and projections, not about the situation that actually confronted Cruz, and it doesn’t really answer any of the questions I re-asked here about what Cruz would have had to do to actually satisfy you.

    That’s true. Let me address that.

    I would not have made the pledge. So in a way, you’re asking me to put myself in a position I would not have put myself in.

    But let’s pretend I did.

    I think Cruz should “break his word” and repudiate Trump entirely. He is in an impossible position (of his own making) of either A) breaking his word on the endorsement, or B) endorsing a man who insulted his wife and dad and who is manifestly unfit for office.

    I would choose A.

    He is, of course, free to support down-ticket candidates, and I wholeheartedly support his doing so. But not in a way that appears to be support for Trump.

    It is just my opinion. As Dennis Miller used to say: I could be wrong.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  38. Or do you really mean that Cruz not only should have renounced and broken his promise, but that he also should have continued actively attacking Trump even after withdrawing himself?

    I don’t know that I would require him to constantly attack Trump, as I do. One clear statement and silence would be enough.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  39. If you can see that, but still think Hillary Clinton would be worse. Fine.

    According to Jonah Goldberg, it’s a worse crime to use (EXTREMELY VULGAR) language to describe women than to just go ahead and r*pe them.

    SaveFarris (fb4883)

  40. jonah goldberg is boring

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  41. According to SaveFarris, it’s completely acceptable behavior to declare untruths to be true.

    John Hitchcock (e15fe6)

  42. pretty sure Mr. Farris knows his what from his what what

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  43. I may as well repeat what I posted in the the other thread

    I think any attempt to bring up Bill’s lechery and Hillary’s responses to it helps Hillary.

    Because it brings up the side of her that is most sympathetic and human.

    If you think on it, I am sure each of you can think of one woman in either your family or circle of social acquaintances, who discovered her husband was cheating on her, and reacted either by denial, full scale attack on the other woman (….hath no fury like a woman scorned), or both. And we all know of women who chose to stay married because of materialistic reasons even when the marriage seemed completely dead.

    Kishnevi (ec71b1)

  44. BTW
    Tonight is the first I have seen of that Wikileaks dump.

    Is that merely an accidental result of my area, and therefore my attention, being focused on the approach and sideswipe of Matthew, or because the MSM has by design or otherwise been totally dumb and deaf on the topic?

    Kishnevi (ec71b1)

  45. Will tu quoque beat ‘just a flesh wound’ among Trump supporters over the next few days? How long will the flat line and buzzing noise have to continue before acceptance of the bleeding obvious is reached?

    If you voted for Trump and want to blame someone for the obvious outcome, practice in the mirror for a year or two.

    Rick Ballard (1aa129)

  46. Not exactly a shock – it’s of a part with previous displays of idiot prurience on the Stern show, just dialed up to 11.

    Let’s just see what’s in the tea leaves for the other ogre(ss) in this race.

    JP (536e85)

  47. ‘Course the other side of this may just be faux outrage tinged with jealousy on Maudie’s part, as it is highly unlike any man in her entire life ever drooled over her the way JR apparently did over Nancy O’Dell.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  48. Mr. Trump’s the number one best choice I think Mr. Ballard this silly tape doesn’t change anything cause I meant what I said and I said what I meant and a happyfeet’s faithful one hundred percent which is many

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  49. I think any attempt to bring up Bill’s lechery and Hillary’s responses to it helps Hillary.

    I assume you are referring to only Trump bringing it up?

    Dana (d17a61)

  50. Annapolis bad boy John McCain has tweeted self-righteous outrage as well.

    Too funny.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  51. 49.
    No, anyone.
    This is an aspect of Hillary everyone can relate to.
    Unlike the corrupt contributions, email jiggery, Wall Street speeches, rotten foreign policy decisions, abandonment of Benghazi,etc etc etc.

    It is picking the least usable target in a target rich environment.

    Kishnevi (ec71b1)

  52. Hillary is still worse.

    NJRob (6a0048)

  53. [Cruz] is, of course, free to support down-ticket candidates, and I wholeheartedly support his doing so. But not in a way that appears to be support for Trump.

    I’m pretty sure that’s what he did when he said you should vote your conscience in his convention speech?
    I recall some people claimed he was dividing the party by encouraging #NeverTrumpers to not abstain from voting entirely, but instead support down-ticket Republicans.

    CayleyGraph (353727)

  54. @DCSCA:Annapolis bad boy John McCain has tweeted self-righteous outrage as well.

    Did he call his wife a c**t again when he heard?

    I could accept the selective double standard more from people who have not been caught making similar comments.

    Gabriel Hanna (bc876a)

  55. Our host wrote:

    He is, of course, free to support down-ticket candidates, and I wholeheartedly support his doing so. But not in a way that appears to be support for Trump.

    So long as he’s not photographed with a Trump-Pence sign, you mean.

    Which is what you’ve just mocked him for in two posts in a row.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  56. John Hitchcock

    If the devil danced in empty pockets

    He’d have a ball in mine

    With a nine foot grand

    A ten piece band

    And a 12 girl chorus line

    Joe Diffe

    Pinandpuller (e2e35f)

  57. Our host also wrote:

    One clear statement [attacking Trump] and silence would be enough.

    You have posted not one, but many clear statements in which Ted Cruz has very directly said about Donald Trump exactly what you & I say about him. So you either forgot those things you posted, or you mean he should have made at least one more clear statement — when, exactly?

    Someone likely cued up that segment of Cruz refusing Evan Smith’s entreaties to say the words, “Donald Trump is fit to be President,” and played it for Trump. That was after the convention, after Cruz’ Facebook message. Do you doubt Trump would have found that clear enough? I certainly did, and I believe you did too.

    I think you’re setting impossible standards. I can’t see any way that Cruz could have satisfied you short of resigning from the Senate, quitting politics, and living in a cave.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  58. If you voted for Trump and want to blame someone for the obvious outcome, practice in the mirror for a year or two.

    I will be too busy trying to save my family from the Hillary meltdown. You can go and try a bended knee and see if it helps.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  59. Your “wholehearted support” seems pretty conditional.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  60. Kishnevi,

    The average woman scorned has neither the power nor the resources or access that Hillary has/had to retaliate. To me,that she took full advantage of that to wreak absolute havoc on Bill’s paramours puts her in an ugly league way beyond the typical scorned wife, and thus renders whatever sympathy one might have had for her utterly non-existent. She is not the sympathetic scorned wife. Not by a long shot.

    Dana (d17a61)

  61. I think you’re setting impossible standards. I can’t see any way that Cruz could have satisfied you short of resigning from the Senate, quitting politics, and living in a cave.
    Beldar (fa637a) — 10/7/2016 @ 8:41 pm

    Someone should call Beldar and tell him that a hacker got into his account. Because no way Beldar would write something so false. Beldar is above that.

    John Hitchcock (e15fe6)

  62. If you think the media already had this video and the tax return and anything else that may come out, well before Trump wrapped up the nomination, raise your hand.

    Gerald A (a48c32)

  63. I continue to support Ted Cruz. And I will continue to do so in the future.

    Evan3457 (79ccc1)

  64. Ryan being a democrat plant , has never questioned Bill Clinton and his many rapist acts.

    mg (31009b)

  65. Trump talked about pussy 11 years ago with another man. October surprise? Some of you gurly men have never been in a mens locker room. Keep using those rosary beads for strength. Now a guy can’t be guy because of pussy talk. Fricken chickenshit country of pussy boys.

    mg (31009b)

  66. Commie like moderation is just what the Clinton’s have asked for. Similar to this site.

    mg (31009b)

  67. Dump Trump. Replace him with Romney. Win all 57 states.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  68. “I am sickened by what I heard today,” Ryan said in a statement Friday evening. “Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified. I hope Mr. Trump treats this situation with the seriousness it deserves and works to demonstrate to the country that he has greater respect for women than this clip suggests. In the meantime, he is no longer attending tomorrow’s event in Wisconsin.”

    Dana (d17a61)

  69. There are a lot of things that matter today. Who CRUZ has endorsed is not one of them. He took his shot, lost, and unless things change abruptly, he will not be President in my lifetime. There is a chance he might end up on the Supreme Court.

    The other thing that still matters is our last window of opportunity to dump Trump. We cannot win WITH him, and to continue to try is GUARANTEED to put Hillary in the White House. All of those who say they do not want Hillary in the White House should now rise as one and tell The Donald to step down.

    Or admit they are secret Hillary supporters.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  70. There are very few honorable men in this world and we already knew DT is not to be counted among them. The tape is not surprising but only proves him (once again) to be an immature, narcissistic man-child. And he wants to reach out to women voters? Ha!

    I would like to add that in my view there seems to be some hypocrisy on both sides. On one hand (as Dana pointed out) we now have many on the left conveniently forgetting that what takes place between two consenting adults is nobody’s business (as was hammered into us during the Clinton fiasco of a presidency) and on the other hand we have many on the right conveniently forgetting (as was fervently declared during the Clinton years) that character DOES matter and even making excuses for their candidate’s (Trump’s) behavior.

    As to hypocrisy: But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops.

    Timbly (011fb1)

  71. Patrick, why do you insist on beating this dead gnat?

    You yourself have said that who wins doesn’t matter to you. So whether Cruz supports Trump, or Hillary, or Johnson or no one at all should not matter to you. It’s all the same black hole.

    If there IS a position that Cruz (or Ryan or the Presidents Bush, or whomever) should take, it is not silence. It is #NeverTrump and #DumpTrump and they should have been saying so all along like Romney and Condi and Carly and Shultz and others.

    “All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to say nothing.” Proven once again.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  72. I dunno, Beldar. I don’t really have anything different to say.

    I think tonight is showing that Cruz would have been wise to follow my advice. But YMMV and I could be wrong.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  73. @ Kevin M, #68:

    What you said, to the millionth power. With relish, and all the rest of the fixings.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  74. Patrick, why do you insist on beating this dead gnat?

    You yourself have said that who wins doesn’t matter to you. So whether Cruz supports Trump, or Hillary, or Johnson or no one at all should not matter to you. It’s all the same black hole.

    No, no, no: I don’t care about how it affects this election. I am looking to the future and who will support the right principles.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  75. Suppose back in 1962, Jack Kennedy was caught on a hot mic saying some pretty lewd things about women?

    Pshaw. That’s fiddle-faddle.

    “I guess it’s because I just can’t help it.” – JFK to a friend on his affairs.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  76. I continue to support Ted Cruz. And I will continue to do so in the future.

    There are few more honorable men in politics. Mike Lee and Justin Amash come to mind, but that’s about it. He has not covered himself in glory in his dealing with Trump. But he’s still one of the more conservative guys out there.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  77. @ DCSCA, #74:

    Suppose back in 1962, Jack Kennedy was caught on a hot mic saying some pretty lewd things about women?

    There’s an old saying…I swear it’s on the tip of my tongue. Something about two wrongs, maybe?

    “I put quotes at the end of some of my posts to make ’em seem more cooler.” — DCSCA

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  78. @76.
    Ask fiddle.
    Or faddle.
    Or both.

    “Right. Right. You’re bloody well right.” ‘Bloody Well Right’- Supertramp, 1974

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  79. My newly recommitted to #Nevertrumping spouse is taking this very hard. I’m like meh whatever I know what Trump is. I shouldn’t have chuckled at this absurd hyperventilation at a not really new character development in the only SMOD there is..

    It’s not like there is anywhere to go for an improvement.

    SarahW (3164f0)

  80. I just am wondering at why this seems to be so much more important to men. The only women I know who are super upset were already set to vote for Mrs Clinton, destroyer of bimbos and spitter on first amendments. Not for those reasons but for her bravery and loyalty. Because that’s what they call it.

    I don’t.

    SarahW (3164f0)

  81. “You know what the public’s like? A cage of Guinea Pigs. Good Night you stupid idiots. Good Night, you miserable slobs. They’re a lot of trained seals. I toss them a dead fish and they’ll flap their flippers.”

    Hot mike of Donald Trump? Or ‘Face In The Crowd’ Lonesome Rhodes?

    “Charlie, I got the farts again from that damned citrus drink.” – Apollo 16 Commander John Young on hot mike, Descartes, Moon, April, 1972

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  82. I just am wondering at why this seems to be so much more important to men.

    Men are a lot less tolerant of perverts and degenerates than women are. Across the board. We beat them up. Women write to them in prison and sign petitions for their early parole.

    nk (dbc370)

  83. nk (dbc370) — 10/8/2016 @ 1:51 am

    Better be ready to duck quickly! Dana’s in the bullpen warming up her fast ball, and when she gets angry, it makes Nolan Ryan in his heyday look like a piker!

    peedoffamerican (310909)

  84. Thanks, poa. I didn’t know about the fastball. I was on the lookout for a shoe.

    nk (dbc370)

  85. i didn’t realize meghan’s coward daddy and jack dorsey’s twatter were working together

    that’s like a douche singularity

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  86. @Kevin M:The other thing that still matters is our last window of opportunity to dump Trump.

    You can’t get new candidates on the ballot at this date. Having some states with Trump still on the ballot and some states without would be surefire electoral defeat.

    Replace him with Romney. Win all 57 states.

    The same fake outrage was successfully ginned up against Romney and is currently being ginned up against Pence, as I linked to before. The form is different, that’s all.

    Trump is not your real enemy. In a way, neither is Hillary–the real opponent is the media and they do the same to any R and for any D.

    Gabriel Hanna (4b5ebc)

  87. I think some of this outrage is real, Gabriel.

    In particular, the reaction of just about every current and former politician in Utah makes me wonder if Hillary has a chance there. Trump initially led there by 15, but as recently as a month ago he had a mere 7-point lead. If the seemingly universal rejection of Trump by the politicians in Utah is indicative of how the public feels — and there’s reason to believe it is — he may be in some real trouble.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  88. UPDATE x5 BY PATTERICO: It occurs to me that we should show you the video, so you can see what all the fuss is about. Here you go.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  89. @Patterico:I think some of this outrage is real, Gabriel.

    Not that of media and Democrats–but I repeat myself. And not that of Hillary. We know that because of how they reacted to it in 1998.

    Gabriel Hanna (4b5ebc)

  90. Mr. Trump up in your yoga class

    cheering on your downward dog

    making you all flexible

    now you’re in position!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  91. Looking at HF’s posts and Trump’s low class vulgarity—much becomes clear.

    Simon Jester (485863)

  92. no it doesn’t

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  93. PS. The glee with which the Republican elite is criticizing Trump for his latest faux pas is worse than his crass speech.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  94. that’s from Mr. Open Blogger person at the Ace of Spades HQ headquarters

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  95. Real? “Your winnings, sirs”

    Get out of town. None of Mr. Crude’s antics are shocking or unexpected.

    NK compares any remnant support among women to he pins pen pal effect, but that’s ridiculous. No one th Fischer a por misunderstood dear tryin’ to turn his life around. It’s just not that flipping big a deal to have a vulgar man say vulgar things I the context of nurse-rape and sexual assault Hillary was willing to have pet cats decapitated to suppress, while her friends paint it as true and brave to send mafia goons after women he husband ingles out for groping and flashing and assault.

    Which is more dangerous? The one called to account or the one excused? And make no mistake, this is supposed to be a proxy fight over abortion for democrats. I’m pro-choicer than most of them,fwiw, but it’s just disgusting to be horrified by trump given what they tend over backwards do hide, deny, or excuse (or flipping praise.)

    SarahW (3164f0)

  96. Pins = prison

    SarahW (3164f0)

  97. No one thinks he’s a poor misunderstood dear just trying to turn his life around.

    SarahW (3164f0)

  98. “Things in the context”

    I should get the real computer out to type, mobile just butchers whatever I type.

    SarahW (3164f0)

  99. I never approved of Cruz going to the Republican National Convention and telling people to “vote your conscience”. I think it is wrong to take the spotlight at this promotional event to voice (or imply) your objections, even if the candidate is a total asshole. Having said that, I would have lost all respect for Cruz if he showed up to endorse Trump. This would mean that he puts politics above family honor. Cruz’s biggest mistake was showing up to the Convention at all. He walked into a trap and should have known it. Cruz should have gotten suspicious when the Trump campaign approved of his speech. What Cruz should have done was to skip the convention and resume his valuable work on behalf of conservative causes. He also should have refused to comment about Trump in any way whatsoever (the degenerates who chose Trump in the primaries have to own this one). Now that Cruz made this mistake, there is no good way to “make amends” if you want to save your career or help prevent the election of Hillary. Hence, I honestly do not know yet if Cruz did the right thing in saying he would vote for Trump. All I can say is that Cruz has my full support if he ever runs for office again. Though I have extensively documented my objections to the Trump movement here and here, I will be voting for him in November. Here is my rationale. In all honesty I am so torn up about this election, I will decline to attend the Christmas party for local Republicans in my county this year. I happen to live in Maryland, one of the states that chose Trump in the primaries. I do not want to be in a room where a significant number of attendees chose him to run against Hillary.

    Tony (ff2fe4)

  100. Sorry for the dead link. My rationale is here.

    Tony (ff2fe4)

  101. 79.I just am wondering at why this seems to be so much more important to men

    You know the goal. And to score, the game plan usually says fake an Alan Alda up the middle but if the call is an audible, the play action is Andrew Dice Clay for broken field running.

    “Winning isn’t everything; its the only thing.” – Red saunders, 1955

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  102. 69: …on the other hand we have many on the right conveniently forgetting (as was fervently declared during the Clinton years) that character DOES matter and even making excuses for their candidate’s (Trump’s) behavior.

    What I find particularly nauseating is people like Reince Priebus suddenly indignant over this. Where was he when Trump posted the unflattering picture of Heidi Cruz?

    Tony (ff2fe4)

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