Patterico's Pontifications


Missing The Moral Outrage

Filed under: General — Dana @ 6:29 am

[guest post by Dana]

I must have missed the Moral Outrage and Rebuke from the MSM about the ugly, racially charged comment made by an Ivy League professor against the only black presidential candidate.


Butler attacked Carson for his comments about the Confederate flag:

“Swastikas are a symbol of hate for some people too … and yet they still exist in our museums and places like that,” Carson observed during the event in North Carolina with NASCAR legend Richard Petty. “If it’s a majority of people in that area who want it to fly, I certainly wouldn’t take it down,” he added, noting that NASCAR races are held on private property.

This is not Butler’s first time making racial slurs against public figures on social media. However, making the substantive argument against tenure, Butler previously bragged that she can never be fired because of her tenured position at the university.


42 Responses to “Missing The Moral Outrage”

  1. Good morning.

    Dana (86e864)

  2. Didn’t you know? Only heterosexual white men can be racist or sexist or discriminatory in any way. Please make a note of it for future reference.

    The whikte cisheteronormative Dana (f6a568)

  3. If there was a “coon of the year” award … I’d give it to Anthea Butler. Let’s face it, you can take the ho out of the hood but you can’t take the hood out of the ho.

    nk (dbc370)

  4. Just looking at her gives me chills. That is one ugly ho.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  5. That’s the “natural beauty” of a leftist, Mike K. Haven’t you noticed how beautiful these pigs are? Just goes to show ugly inside=ugly outside.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  6. Since I do have tenure, and fought long and hard to get there, it angers me quite a bit when people act like fools regarding that privilege.

    I don’t think Professor Butler appreciates that she has just given every white—and black—student reason to question any grade awarded. I hear quite a bit on campus about making our classrooms a supportive environment. I will not quote Orwell, but you know the line.

    A professor of religious studies, no less. Although she supposedly wrote about a book about Sarah Palin. Sigh.

    No institution of higher learning (Penn is now a touch over 42K per year) appreciates bad publicity. More and more parents ask pointed questions about faculty behavior.

    My prediction is that Professor Butler will be on many, many committees that meet at 8AM on Fridays to discuss punctuation in official documents.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  7. really simon, didn’t cornel west teach there, how about this fellow:

    narciso (ee1f88)

  8. Oh, I remember that fellow.

    I hate it when memes become the brain. The fellow simply couldn’t say he was wrong. That’s unforgivable in a scholar.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  9. West did not teach at Penn,

    a note about what is and isn’t samizdat

    narciso (ee1f88)

  10. i don’t understand her tweet

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  11. i don’t think this recurring “Deep Thoughts with Mr. Dr. Ben Carson” segment is as effective as Mr. Dr. Ben Carson seems to think it is

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  12. Ah Penn, my alma mater. I always appreciated coming back to the dorm from my dishwashing work study job to get ready to go to my other job and listen to the son of the Bard College professor tell me that he was a “radical communist” and then regale his tales traveling Asia during summer break in high school.

    I also enjoyed school paper columnist Eric “The Truth” Williams stand in front of the ZBT house after the “water buffalo incident” and yell to a raucous crowd that “these Jew muthafuc*as ain’t gettin’ away this sh*t.” Future exec director of Peter Schurman was also a prize leading the “progressive” students in protest marches with his Rolex watch on.

    At least we had fun trying to see where Melissa Rivers went to party and tracking the muggings in West Philly.

    That's the fact, Jack Klompus (fe5ad7)

  13. Butler is the number one reason I never applied to Penn. The last thing I’d want is to help pay the salary of such a self-righteous racist lunatic.

    tops116 (d094f8)

  14. Alan Kors, founder of FIRE, a genuine scholar and defender of liberty, was a definite bright spot in an overall very good history department. He taught intellectual history from the primary sources of the Enlightenment and suffered fools and mediocrity not one bit.

    That's the fact, Jack Klompus (fe5ad7)

  15. Greetings:

    Her being educated and all, do you think that she’d go for my bus ticket to Zimbabwe stratagem ???

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  16. Is that Sideshow Bob’s sister?

    gbear (fad6d1)

  17. There are a lot of second-rate minds mucking around the humanities and social science departments at our universities, even in the Ivy Leagues. And, to channel Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., they couple their second-rate intellects with third-rate temperaments.

    JVW (ba78f9)

  18. @12– Being that those tours of Asia were during high school breaks, he probably was not partaking of the LBJ/US Army-sponsored tours of the 1960s.

    Gramps (bc022b)

  19. JVW,

    Even at Yale, where it’s consider groundbreaking and innovative.

    Dana (28d9fd)

  20. Dana, isn’t it remarkable that Religious Studies/Divinity has become the gathering place for the small-minded and aggrieved? And we wonder why our churches are emptying out.

    JVW (ba78f9)

  21. I always appreciated coming back to the dorm from my dishwashing work study job to get ready to go to my other job

    Ain’t it the truth. I was fortunately spared the SJW episode of higher education so I missed the pleasures of watching privileged affirmatives tell us what to do. I had a good hashing job at the Pi Phi house and lived in an old rooming house across the alley that was called “The Jungle” from its ambience. My next door neighbor had a Mercedes 300 SLR but I could drive my girlfriend’s old chevy so we both had wheels.

    Those were the days when college was worth something. I have since sent five kids through college and wonder at the investment.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  22. isn’t it remarkable that Religious Studies/Divinity has become the gathering place for the small-minded and aggrieved?

    When there is no God, there is no particular set of rules. Anything goes, including transgender studies. The new ICD-10 has about 20 codes for sex change operations. I’m not sure why we got those pages at the recruit center. Maybe the Army is planning to offer new advantages for enlistment, sort of like prison.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  23. Is the Professor nominating herself?

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  24. #22 The new ICD-10 has about 20 codes for sex change operations.

    Look for that to be the source of plenty of fraud since it is politically incorrect to question the procedures.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  25. The pro-choice cult does not, as a matter of principle, or lack thereof, respond to accusations of bigotry or revelations of unconscionable behavior. They simply construct a congruence that will accommodate their personal prejudice or rationalize their choice.

    n.n (71510b)

  26. There are no ethics in academia. If there were, 88 professors at Duke would have been stripped of their tenure, and the few that outright flunked members of the Lacrosse team for only being members of the team would have been fired and stripped of their teaching credentials.

    PCD (39058b)

  27. The black community does not like uncle toms. Carson’s support comes from white conservatives not african-americans. Black people wouldn’t elect him dog catcher. 95% of blacks voted for President Obama it would have been higher but so many black have had their right to vote taken away by nixons southern strategy and its continuation to this day by vote suppression.

    adam smith (ea2795)

  28. Anteater Butler
    yer wighat is on yo’ head
    but you wiggin’ out

    Colonel Haiku (b51704)

  29. Carson’s support comes from white conservatives not african-americans.

    Don’t be so sure there, leftie.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  30. And “adam smith” sounds like Perry. Also, his use of “Uncle Tom” means two things.
    1) “adam smith” is a typical racist Leftist.
    2) “adam smith” never read the book.

    John Hitchcock (1b87a1)

  31. mac n cheese kid = rape

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  32. Perry is pathetic.

    JD (f9efde)

  33. Adam Smith sure does sound like Perry, John Hitchcock. It’s hard to hide that toxic hatred of anything and anyone not touting the communist party line.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  34. Now JD, poor Perry is just the natural result of what America hating communists did to their Red Diaper babies. He and people like him are now running the government, control many city and state governments, control the media, the schools including colleges and the entertainment industry. They all teach hate. They live hate. People like Anthea Butler teach hate to our kids for 200 grand a year. And people like Perry love it.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  35. Hate, jealousy, and envy is all they have.

    JD (34f761)

  36. 26.The black community does not like uncle toms. Carson’s support comes from white conservatives not african-americans. Black people wouldn’t elect him dog catcher.

    So being the anti black racist you are you actually believe black people would not elect a highly educated and successful surgeon who has saved many lives to office because why? Why would they exclude a black man who exemplifies black success?

    95% of blacks voted for President Obama it would have been higher but so many black have had their right to vote taken away by nixons southern strategy and its continuation to this day by vote suppression.

    Explain to us exactly how their votes were “suppressed”. Exactly what is a “suppressed” vote. You do realize that not being able to vote after you die is not “suppression”, right?

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  37. Butler doesn’t cotton to any runaways, no suh.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  38. That uppity Carson been doctorin’ white folk, I’d bet. Maybe even white ladies.

    nk (dbc370)

  39. The black community does not like uncle toms.

    Yea, they instead prefer loony leftists, white or black.

    I have no doubt that if many blacks were confronted with the scenario of government officials, including legislators, judges, mayors, governors and the US president, that were 100% black but also 100% conservative — to even truly moderate — versus a set of government officials that were 100% white but also 100% liberal, if not leftwing, they’d instantly join the “white is right” brigade and the “Send Them Back to Africa” movement.

    Ideology trumps race, time and time again, but particularly with phony-baloney, two-faced liberals, white, black or other.

    Mark (f713e4)

  40. Tommy Xtopher wrote an extraordinary column about how she didn’t call him a coon, and even if she did, it wasn’t racist, unless she was white.

    JD (b3df4b)

  41. JD,

    I read that piece and was worried the writer had injured themselves stretching and contorting like that. Didn’t realize it was Tommy Christopher who wrote the piece, but it makes sense now.

    Dana (86e864)

  42. No, but you can have 0 classes and 0 budget, hon. Welcome to your new broom-closet office.

    mojo (a3d457)

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