The Appalling Hillary Clinton And Her Damning Emails
[guest post by Dana]
Hillary Clinton is a stone-cold liar and all-around appalling person. I can’t think of anything else to say about her. This woman, who delusionally believes herself worthy to be our president, was fine with telling foreign leaders and her family the truth about Benghazi, but chose to lie to the American people. This woman does not deserve to be the president, and is not even worthy to place flowers on the graves of the four Americans who died in Benghazi.
Now let’s take a look back when the bodies of those four Americans killed in the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya arrived back home, when Clinton, giving a speech, claimed:
We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with.
(At the 1:03 mark)
Unfortunately, this is not going to bring any peace to Sean Smith’s mother who just wants to know what really happened in Benghazi when her son was killed, in spite of Clinton blaming the video.
And let’s remember another parent, Charles Woods, whose Navy Seal son, Tyrone Woods, was also killed in the attacks, who said something similar:
Clinton told him directly, at the memorial service, that the filmmaker was responsible.
“She said we’re going to have the person responsible for that video arrested. I knew she was lying. Her body language, the look in her eyes…I could tell she wasn’t telling the truth.”
Sadly, there is no consolation or relief for these parents tonight.