Patterico's Pontifications


Hillary! Goes All-In with the Greens

Filed under: General — JVW @ 9:03 am

[guest post by JVW]

After years of hemming and hawing, the Once and Future Inevitable Next President of the United States, Hillary! Rodham Clinton, has formally announced her opposition to building the Keystone XL Pipeline to transport oil from Canada to refineries located in states along the Gulf of Mexico. The debate over the pipeline pitted two key Democrat constituencies in opposition to each other, with labor supporting building the pipeline to create union construction jobs and environmentalists opposing the pipeline because it transports fossil fuels. After what was no doubt extensive reflection on the matter — and by reflection I mean meticulous polling by Mark Penn and detailed negotiations with union members and wealthy environmentalists in which deals were cut and favors traded — Mrs. Senator Secretary Clinton decided to cast her lot with billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer rather than let Senator Bernard Sanders become the paladin of the virtuous greens.

I wonder what she promised the unions as a peace offering to soothe any bad feelings. It wouldn’t surprise me if that part of the story is even worse than her timely conversion to the anti-Keystone cause. And so it goes.


27 Responses to “Hillary! Goes All-In with the Greens”

  1. Meanwhile, the New York Times reports that the FBI has recovered the deleted contents of her private email server.

    JVW (ba78f9)

  2. Therefore I oppose it and I oppose it because I don’t think (applause) I don’t think it’s in the best interest of what we need to do to combat climate change.


    clotty-head thinks slapping a partial embargo on canadian oil while lifting the embargo on a vastly larger amount of oil from Obama’s jew-slaughtering Iran friends is the way to make the climate more better?

    poor old lady she’s incoherent

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  3. She’s melting!

    DNF (68d659)

  4. Considering that “jobs” is a four-letter word for 25% of the Democrat base ….

    nk (dbc370)

  5. Considering that “jobs” is a four-letter word for 25% of the Democrat base ….
    nk (dbc370) — 9/23/2015 @ 9:30 am

    And a 3-letter word for another 33 percent, I wonder what the other half thinks.

    John Hitchcock (7d490d)

  6. I’m certain she plans to balance this by expediting permits for refineries to be built along our northern border.</naivety>

    CayleyGraph (dfcefe)

  7. Cayley, first we have to get rid of the Carter-era regulations that put refinery building on a virtual jackknife skidding stop.

    John Hitchcock (7d490d)

  8. Hey, let’s spend a billion dollars before we’re allowed to put the first shovel to the ground, and gamble that the billion dollars doesn’t get answered with a big fat “no”.

    John Hitchcock (7d490d)

  9. Those union jobs wouldn’t have been created in “the right states,” if you know what I mean.

    JVW (ba78f9)

  10. I had to read your statement 3 or 4 times, then scroll back to the top to contextualize it before I caught on. Slow on the uptake, I know.

    John Hitchcock (7d490d)

  11. New York absolutely will not allow natural gas fracking in their natural gas-rich state, but they sure will pipe a crap-ton of it out of Pennsylvania so their residents can have lower natural gas prices.

    John Hitchcock (7d490d)

  12. Maybe the compromise is a pipeline that goes through Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, then up to Michigan, into Pennsylvania, up to New York, then Massachusetts, down to Rhode Island, through Connecticut, back through New York, then down to New Jersey, over to Maryland, and ending up in Delaware. Come to think of it, the pipeline carries fossil fuels, so let’s instead have the federal government subsidize union members in those select state to not build the pipeline. They can also be subsidized to not build refineries in Delaware and Maryland.

    JVW (ba78f9)

  13. As someone else said, Warren Buffet’s check must have cleared at the Clinton Foundation.

    askeptic (efcf22)

  14. This stroking of ritual Dem special interest constituencies is a rear-guard action by H! to try to hold onto as much as she can of the white-liberal component of the Democratic base, which is hemorrhaging rapidly toward Sanders. It’s damage-control.

    The main theater of action for Hillary, for Sanders, and for any and all others (including Biden, Webb, Jeffords, O’Malley, or whomever) is not the fight for these particular sets of voters, though.

    The war for the Dem nomination, and in some scenarios the general election itself, is more likely to be decided by the turn-out and allegiance of blacks and Latinos — positive and negative. Hillary counts on two things — (i) super-delegates and (ii) minority voters in primaries — to hang onto the nomination no matter how tarnished she’s become in the eyes of white liberals who are now Sanders supporters.

    And ironically or intentionally or both, Hillary’s key ally in the Democratic primary’s main theater of battle isn’t even admitting that he’s a Democratic: Hillary will happily throw all the kerosene she can on the fires of Latino fears about and resentment over Donald Trump. If he’s energizing people on both sides of the immigration debate, that works out quite nicely for Hillary in the Dem primary now, regardless of whether Trump is ultimately the GOP nominee.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  15. You are so on the money with that Beldar, I’m wondering if you’ve bugged Trump’s and Hillary’s! offices.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  16. And ironically or intentionally or both, Hillary’s key ally in the Democratic primary’s main theater of battle isn’t even admitting that he’s a Democrat. . .

    Beldar, I’m waiting to see if Hillary! can use the party machinery to keep Sanders off of the Dem ballot in various state primaries and caucuses, much like the New York GOP did to John McCain in the 2000 primary. In this case the Dems would have an even stronger argument, by pointing out that Sanders isn’t even registered with their party. I would imagine that Sanders might counter by formally registering as a Democrat, but I wouldn’t count out Hillary!’s people being desperate enough to try this tactic, even if it means pissing off the far left voters.

    JVW (aa050c)

  17. I think the pitch toward the skydragon worshipers, is a vain act, like invoking ‘expecto petrona’, commissar sanders is on her march,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  18. I don’t think the Dem super-delegates’ allegiance is necessarily exclusive to Hillary. As a group, they’re more likely to be wary of Sanders because they still remember & appreciate the lessons that Dick Nixon’s electoral college blow-out taught the Democratic Party when its leftmost wing was permitted to nominate George McGovern in 1972. If Hillary is indicted tomorrow, they’ll turn to whoever else besides Sanders is left, whether that’s Biden, O’Malley, or any other new entrant (Warren), or old re-tread (Kerry, Gore) who could be drafted into service.

    Sanders’ most devoted fans — which is to say, the most extremely progressive white folks in the Democratic Party and its fringes — almost uniformly say that they’re attracted to Sanders by his straight talk and sincerity and consistency. I grant them that.

    Given those attributes, how good are the odds that Sanders can now transform himself into a candidate who can duplicate Team Obama’s turn-out and percentage margins among minority voters?


    A last random observation for now, for the conspiracy-minded: Barack Obama, through Attorney General Loretta Lynch, can, if he so chooses, effectively control (from behind screens of plausible deniability) the exact timing, and to a considerable extent the exact scope of any criminal consequences — like an indictment — against Hillary Clinton and her key staffers over this email stuff. Obama can dial it up, or he can dial it down. And Obama can also decide whether to yank the rug out from under her all at once, or tug it out incrementally.

    Obama may already have told Slow Joe, “Just stay loyal and sit tight for two more weeks, Joe — and be prepared to react more in sadness than in shock when Huma is indicted. You’ll reluctantly withdraw your instructions to the many, many supporters who’ve been urging you to run. If some people wish to begin fundraising, setting up campaign structures, laying some groundwork, you’ll no longer forbid that such be done in the name of your potential candidacy. And then don’t worry, Joe: I’ll decide when we spring the Hillary indictment itself so that your press conference announcing your entry into the race will get best world-wide media coverage. I’ll handle this all, Joe — or should I call you Mr. President-elect, heh-heh?”

    Beldar (fa637a)

  19. Beldar, how can you forget Jerry Brown? He’s Bernie, sure, but disguised better.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  20. I would like to hear one of the GOP candidates (not you, sir, your hand is always up!) talk about the need to reform the environmental laws so that it is possible to actually do things again. “Doing nothing” as the laws favor, isn’t even the best policy from an environmental point of view.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  21. Trump and the single issue immigration voters are going to force Rubio onto the ticket as damage control, and make it more likely that something that resembles amnesty will occur.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  22. I think we are getting ahead of ourselves, there, the Top Men will do everything to foreclose meaning internal controls, ‘border controls’ is a misnomer,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  23. She must be huffin’ diesel…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  24. Screw it. The Chinese need oil too. I’m wondering if Harper is going to have patience enough to wait until our political climate changes next year- if it does.

    Bill H (2a858c)

  25. Good, good. Now that we have two Democraptic constituencies – unions and greenies – at each others throats; let’s get two more fighting – Educrats and blacks – fighting, by proposing a voucher system – an idea with immense appeal to blacks – NOT black leaders (AKA – Liberal House Ni**ers)- real, live, hard working black parents.

    Mike Giles (dc401c)

  26. Hey, Giles, try different language. Because that one particular word is offensive to me. Even when you pussyfoot it.

    John Hitchcock (e5f961)

  27. Trans-Canada is doing it’s best to get approval for a pipeline to the west coast (and one to the East coast as I understand) to ship oil to the far east but that phoney environmentalist Tom Steyer continues to funnel money to groups here in Canada determined to scuttle it. The problem is the native groups that carry too much sway with the public and act as one of his drones attacking the project, They gladly accept his bribes being as how a large number of the bands are so corrupt they make the mob look almost angelic. Some of the the loudest ones aren’t even close to the proposed routes. Another problem is that the voters in Alberta had a tantrum and elected an NDP provincial government which would make it even harder to get full approval without running a gamut of Steyer and friends lawsuits. Steyer himself is only in this for the money. He ran a huge fund specializing in green and renewable energy (which he sold out for huge bucks but I believe he still has an interest in) and this would threaten all the lovely money he still has to make.

    scr_north (d7636f)

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