Patterico's Pontifications


Video: Candidate Mocks Looks of Female Opponent!

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:34 am

I had forgotten all about this, from Fiorina’s Senate run against Barbara Boxer in 2010, and I was not reminded of it again until last night:

I think women heard very clearly what Carly Fiorina said. Ha.

It’s a Scott-Adams-style linguistic kill shot because it’s what everyone was already thinking about Boxer. (And no: I cannot bring myself to say that Barbara Boxer has a beautiful face, or hair.)

Also . . . did we just see Carly Fiorina smile?

63 Responses to “Video: Candidate Mocks Looks of Female Opponent!”

  1. A little more of that smiling these days would be nice.

    Patterico (fecd9b)

  2. Adorbs. I love that clip. I have watched it 3-4 times this morning.

    Patterico (fecd9b)

  3. I perceived the benefit of the kill shot, because it was more like a defusing of face-worries.
    People suddenly had to test – is that face okay for winning? Because she’s female and that face has had some bad work and that face isn’t young. And the answer came from within: ACCEPTABLE. Previous female leaders who aren’t royalty are accepted to be of a certain age, and she carries a good balance of what is expected in a female leader – looks both serious and unfussily feminine.

    Trump diffused something that might have damaged her if left unsaid.

    SarahW (67599f)

  4. I think she got shots and it might take a while to get the optimal smile-level back.

    SarahW (67599f)

  5. yikes, but they won, and continue to, whereas candidates that look too attractive, on our side, were pelted with all manor of innuendo, need we revisit delaware,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  6. Mark Levin made a big deal yesterday about Fiorina’s Boxer comments, e.g., does she have “the right” to be offended by a man making similar comments about her?

    Colonel Haiku (436b69)

  7. i have no problem with carly’s looks i think her colorist does a great job but I hate the way she screeches about dismembered fetuses all the time it grosses me out and does NOT speak to my concerns about america please stop screeching carly and btw the highlights are fabulous you have the best highlights of anyone running so far did you have like a groupon or is this someone you go to all the time

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  8. Colonel Haiku (436b69) — 9/18/2015 @ 7:53 am

    [makes hand motion of cat clawing in the air] Meooow! (or is it) reooorrww!

    felipe (b5e0f4)

  9. Greetings:

    Now ladies, a little sisterhood, please. Remember, you’re all victims of the same oppression.

    11B40 (0f96be)

  10. a more comprehensive view:

    they will still play the same games were she to win the nominationm

    narciso (ee1f88)

  11. With Carly quotes sound OK to me. I liked Sarah in 2008 but she could have used more coaching. If she declined to accept it, that was a mistake. I think others in the McCain campaign were sabotaging her. Nicole Wallace, especially.

    Mike K (557d1f)

  12. Both Carly quotes..

    Mike K (557d1f)

  13. she was selling a program (TARP) she didn’t believe in, this was the day after Lehman imploded, which cause McCain to ‘throw the match’

    narciso (ee1f88)

  14. Meowwwww!…. Hsssssssssssssa!

    Colonel Haiku (436b69)

  15. I lost my first fortune on Lehman – indirectly. I had my life savings in a an Oppenheimer (I know!) Champion fund that was for conservative investors. Oppenheimer figuratively “backed the up the truck” and goobled up all the soon-to-be worthless shares of Lehman, thinking a bail-out was coming. they lost over 90% of the fund.

    Good news though, I just got my settlement check from the lawsuit we investors recently won – my share came to $567.50

    felipe (b5e0f4)

  16. sorry about that, felipe, the fact that lehman collapsed among all the bank, 60 days before the election,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  17. Whether it’s blackface or women-face, I am not voting for a face. Other than for dating purposes, and appropriateness to the occasion, I do not judge a woman’s merit by their appearance.

    n.n (bfd2d2)

  18. porcine bottle-blond claire mccaskill weighs in heavily

    “I could never support Carly Fiorina under any circumstances,” McCaskill told TIME managing editor Nancy Gibbs at the panel co-hosted by TIME and Real Simple on Thursday night. “I’m afraid of what America would be if she were President. The majority of this country is going to want substance and stability over anger.”

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  19. When it comes to looks, I’d say Carly Fiorina and Ron Paul are running neck-n-neck. John Kasich has a lock on the Miss Congeniality trophy.

    ropelight (826e5f)

  20. Godwin alert!

    The “I could never support Hitler” people lost- we know that. I am sure there had to be the “I could never support Hitler’s opponent” contingent as well. do we know who they were? did these two groups fail to get together and change history? We are doomed to repeat history.
    Let’s do what we have to do.

    felipe (b5e0f4)

  21. the communists brought the social democrats down, because they thought the nazis would be an easier opponent, the christian democrats collapsed after creditanstalt, and they had a rump coalition of militarists like Hindenbergs,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  22. Likewise, efforts are under way to influence and secure a more manageable candidate for President. I am sure most voters will oblige. I will not be one of them.

    felipe (b5e0f4)

  23. Even if Carly dissed Sarah, it appears that the Palin family doesn’t hold any grudges there.

    JVW (ba78f9)

  24. …. I do not judge a woman’s merit by their appearance.

    Neither do I nn. However, I’ve noticed a woman’s merit increases proportionate to her breasts. It’s a scientific fact.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  25. Yes, Hoagie. I, myself have performed the experiments and anylized the data.

    felipe (b5e0f4)

  26. So it’s settled science, filipe. Notify the press!

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  27. Sorry, correction…felipe.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  28. Mark Levin made a big deal yesterday about Fiorina’s Boxer comments, e.g., does she have “the right” to be offended by a man making similar comments about her?

    Colonel Haiku (436b69) — 9/18/2015 @ 7:53 am

    I was surprised but not flummoxed that Rush Limbaugh’s all-in for Trump, although he claims not to be. I WAS flummoxed that the scholarly Levin has been drinking the Fool-Aid, and has adopted the logical fallacy that the blustery, pompous, and progressive Trump is good for the cause because he is somehow taking slings and arrows from The GOP Establishment™ that would be assigned Cruz, Walker or other more authentic conservatives.

    Levin’s seething anger at everyone trying to trip Trump up (or perceived to be trying to) has driven him off his game, badly. Yesterday I could stand to listen to the entire show, the first time in days I have. He complained about how CNN made the debates all about Trump and not the issues, which was a valid point. He complained about the format and how Jake Tapper interrupted or cut off answers that weren’t even close to being finished, another valid point. He noted that Cruz and Walker and Paul got short shrift time-wise. On target again. But then he spent nearly an entire hour complaining that Fiorina wasn’t being slammed for her diss on Boxer’s hair.

    Gee, Mark, your time management skills are kinda CNN-level.

    L.N. Smithee (e750c1)

  29. You can listen to Levin? You could use his voice to drive raccoons out of the attic.

    SarahW (67599f)

  30. Thx, LN… I only caught some of the Fiorina stuff and Levin saying things like “whatever you think of Trump, whether you’d vote for him or not, you have to admire, yada… yada.

    Colonel Haiku (436b69)

  31. Recall also before being struck dumb by blinding light, the Fiorina who ran against Boxer was pro abortion and an immigration squish. Further her idea for foreign policy right now (and she is above all fungible so it could change) consists of more war against everyone everywhere. PASS. She was a disaster at Lucent and HP. Should we be so unlucky that she got the nomination the ads featuring “Steve” in Mumbai are going to write themselves. And be true.

    Bugg (fa64ec)

  32. as opposed to todd schnitt or other hosts, not to be heard, while operating heavy machinery, she had some good points, in a debate that was even weaker than the fox one,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  33. ok so what’s the rumor about rick wiley?

    nobody tells me anything

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  34. Fiorina gave a great answer on the parting out of human babies but otherwise I don’t see much to get excited about.

    Mark Johnson (38989d)

  35. there were some good points on defense strategy, among others, the bush administration certainly didn’t know who suleimani was till late in the game,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  36. well only when needs must, he doesn’t read his own charts

    narciso (ee1f88)

  37. The influential conservative talk radio host and blogger Erick Erickson appeared to allude to the whisper campaign Thursday on Twitter: “Lots of different people all sending me the same rumor about a particular campaign manager caught indecently at the Ohio debate.”

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  38. ….. I don’t see much to get excited about.

    Another sexist remark. Between Hillary! and Carly! you’re gonna be in a lot of trouble Mark Johnson. We need to go over the “triggers” with you. These feminist leftists are not to be fooled with.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  39. happyfeet (a037ad) — 9/18/2015 @ 11:39 am

    The Talmudic dictum is proved correct again
    Gossip kills three people: the person being talked about, the person talking, and tge person who is listening.

    kishnevi (28fa9f)

  40. holy moly

    deets i need deets

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  41. “I could never support Carly Fiorina under any circumstances,” McCaskill told TIME managing editor Nancy Gibbs at the panel co-hosted by TIME and Real Simple on Thursday night. “I’m afraid of what America would be if she were President. The majority of this country is going to want substance and stability over anger.”

    Senator McCaskill’s mistaking Ms. Fiorina for Mr. Trump is rather bizarre.

    kishnevi (9cb6b5)

  42. This was during a break, when there was not supposed to be an open mike or active camera. One might even suggest she was set up — we don’t know what led to that statement. Even as far back as 2010, the press wasn’t on our side.

    This is compared to comments Trump made on the record. You really have to be some kind of dense to equate the two.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  43. If Fiorina’s plan to not backfill behind retiring fed employees is true it’s a plus. Removing non and under-performing employees would also be a winner.

    Colonel Haiku (436b69)

  44. i remember this one time they got a pic of michele bachmann eating a corn dog and it was like she was really going to town on that lil corn dog

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  45. lehman collapsed among all the bank, 60 days before the election,

    Lehman should have been bailed out. They went under because AIG wouldn’t honor its debts. The same people who argued for not bailing it out were next in line for bailouts when AIG stiffed them, too.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  46. I’m just pointing out the black swan nature of it all.

    narciso (ee1f88)

  47. He complained about how CNN made the debates all about Trump and not the issues, which was a valid point.

    Yes, but how did that hurt Trump? Good god, if he had been asked about issues a lot, that “Real Big Things” response would have gotten old. -er.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  48. happy, how many people up there on stage did you think were FOR funding Planned Parenthood? Do you support a fetal-parts industry?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  49. i remember this one time they got a pic of michele bachmann eating a corn dog and it was like she was really going to town on that lil corn dog

    stay classy

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  50. yes yes yes i support fetal bits and tids for research but no i do not think the federal government should give monies to planned parenthood

    but i thought that well before all the propaganda, about how the government should not be giving monies to planned parenthood

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  51. Has Fiorina made a big deal of Trump’s remark? Just wondering. She seems to me to be quite silent on the issue. Furthermore when the women’s issue came up later in terms of the $10 bill, she ran away from it and called it tokenism. Color me blind but the folks working this angle are spinning BS for their own purpose. Which is to say navel gazing stupidity at it political worst. Focus more on the flopping from her 2010 run if you want to score points.

    This is unlike ham handed Jeb Bush who ran around demanding an apology from Trump in order to evoke sympathy for a “non-insult.” Happily that fell flat since Trump said nothing the Bush himself did not write in his own book — that marrying a Mexican makes him more empathetic to issues surrounding mexicans. Duh.

    And also I remember conversations about how Obama was a good man. Anyone care to discuss that lunacy of the day from 2008 or so????

    Anyone (everyone) in the Public Square looking to get elected says dumb shit at times. Real question is will they actually have the stones to piss off people and get something done once they get there. The other question (in terms of earning my vote) is will they do what one believes is RIGHT. The navel gazing, however, is pure stupid if it influences you in any way.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  52. OT: I just took a look at Drudge front page, 1:30pm Pacific, below the headlines.
    ugh, how depressing . i should have kept to my policy of not checking out general news sites.

    seeRpea (181740)

  53. Scientists Ask Obama To Prosecute ‘Global Warming’ Skeptics?

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  54. Speaking of which I read David Letterman will be going “in Search of Global Warming” on film to keep busy in retirement.

    Why isn’t H. Clinton correcting him? Letterman is obviously beset with senility.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  55. Speaking of which I read David Letterman will be going “in Search of Global Warming” on film to keep busy in retirement.

    Why isn’t H. Clinton correcting him? Letterman is obviously beset with senility.

    papertiger (c2d6da) — 9/18/2015 @ 2:44 pm

    Letterman’s in his liberal-guilt, I-stole-all-this-money-for-years-for-doing-something-meaningless-and-now-I-wanna-do-something-meaningful period.

    L.N. Smithee (e750c1)

  56. You can listen to Levin? You could use his voice to drive raccoons out of the attic.

    SarahW (67599f) — 9/18/2015 @ 11:07 am

    There are things you will learn from Mark Levin that you won’t otherwise, unless you stick your head in a lot of thick books.

    Prime example: His detailed, patient explanation of the 1965 Griswold v. Connecticut SCOTUS decision (video here) which gave us the so-called “Right to Privacy”. It was important to know what this case was — and more importantly, wasn’t about — when George Stephanopoulos tossed a stink bomb of a Presidential Debate question to Mitt Romney about whether contraception can be banned in America.

    Truth is, abortion advocates carefully crafted the Griswold case to constitutionally open a hole (via a newly-determined “right”) through which abortion rights could later be driven through via Roe v. Wade. It’s a pattern that was later used by gay rights activists over a decade and a half to flip the rights of states to ban sodomy (Bowers v. Hardwick, 1986) via Lawrence v. Texas. Obergefell would never have happened without Romer or Lawrence first.

    L.N. Smithee (e750c1)

  57. Letterman’s in his liberal-guilt, I-stole-all-this-money-for-years-for-doing-something-meaningless-and-now-I-wanna-do-something-meaningful period.

    I doubt it was something as high minded as that. More like, something to do that gets Letterman away from the wife for extended amounts of tiem, preferable involving interns.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  58. re #57: oh I don’t think it was guilt about doing something meaningless. Being an entertainer has its uses to society. I think it is the guilt for mailing it in 95% of the time the last 15 years and not giving in honest time and effort for the job he was being so well paid for.

    (btw: if you ever get a chance to see his mid-morning show , take it. It does show that he was not always a political hack just going for entertaining a small portion of the populace)

    re:#55 – yepp, it will be a federal crime to raise questions about Global Warming and a federal crime to *not* cook the books of the historical records.

    seeRpea (e32c56)

  59. i try to do at least 7 unsustainable things every day

    i like raising the bar for them warm warm pickles

    happyfeet (831175)

  60. Fiorina’s hair back then was nothing good to shake a stick at — it doesn’t flatter her face at all. The current hair style is much better.

    Not to suggest that any of this is vaguely relevant to the qualities desirable as a basis for selecting a political representative.

    IGotBupkis, "Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses." (d11a9a)

  61. Letterman’s in his liberal-guilt, I-stole-all-this-money-for-years-for-doing-something-meaningless-and-now-I-wanna-do-something-meaningful period.

    About time he had his period. He’s been a liberal bitch for years.

    IGotBupkis, "Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses." (d11a9a)

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