Patterico's Pontifications


The Top-Tier GOP And The Fabulous Plan-B’s

Filed under: General — Dana @ 7:01 pm

[guest post by Dana]

CNN announced the debate top-tier candidates today and Fiorina is in:

Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, and Chris Christie will appear in the 8 pm primetime debate; a total of 11 candidates.

Debating earlier at 6 pm will be Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, George Pataki, Bobby Jindal, and Lindsay Graham.

We’ll see whether Dr. Trump shows up in his scrubs and schools Ben Carson on the best technique when going for the jugular.

And we’ll also see if Trump can keep his mouth shut about Fiorina’s looks, uh, persona…

Hopefully there will be extra security to keep Huckabee from strong-arming Cruz in an effort to keep him off the stage, as well as an array of energy drinks for Jeb.

Of course, the debate may not be the ratings bonanza that CNN is hoping for given that Trump is, well, being Trump:

Donald Trump has called on CNN President Jeff Zucker to donate all profits from next week’s Republican presidential debate to veterans’ charities.

In a letter to Zucker Wednesday morning, Trump cited reports showing that CNN’s estimated ad revenue has dramatically increased since the first debate, hosted by Fox News, which attracted a record 24 million viewers.

“While I refuse to brag, and as you know very well, this tremendous increase in viewer interest and advertising is due 100% to ‘Donald J. Trump.'” Trump wrote.

It is being reported that CNN is charging 40 times its normal rate for ads during the debate, which will be streamed online.

Trump closed his letter to CNN President Jeff Zucker with this:

“I am self funding my campaign — I do not want money from lobbyists, donors or special interest groups,” Trump wrote. “Likewise, you should view the second debate broadcast as a public service and not accept the massive profits that this airing will generate. I believe all profits from this broadcast should go to various VETERANS groups, a list of which I will send to you in the near future.”

“This large contribution of many millions of dollars would be a truly wonderful thing for CNN to do,” he added.

But as they say, the show must go on, with or without the ringmaster.

There is also drama on the Democratic side of the aisle. Hillary appears to be going down and the party is girding their loins in preparation for what may come. Hence, Plan-B:

If Hillary Rodham Clinton’s new apology for her private email server fails to reassure jittery supporters, it could amplify the chatter among some Democrats who have been casting about for a potential white knight to rescue the party from a beleaguered Clinton candidacy.

Haha. White knight. What other color could that knight possibly be considering the big name Plan-B’s being discussed by party leaders: Al Gore, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and John Kerry. Yep, the party of Old White People keeps on rolling out more of the white patriarchy. Oh, and one token faux-Native American for the sake of diversity! And given the dearth of fresh faces being considered, there is a new hashtag: #Dukakis2016.

Anyway, it seems that the Democratic leadership is a bit annoyed with Clinton’s (mis)handling of the email scandal :

Each [potential candidate] has been discussed among party officials in recent weeks as an alternative to Mrs. Clinton if she does not regain her once-dominant standing in the 2016 presidential field and instead remains mired in the long-running email controversy, with its attendant investigations.

Even as Hillary is being advised that the path to victory is to “exude feminine power,” one veteran strategist wryly, yet accurately, observed that Hillary’s biggest problem in the general election won’t have anything to do with her feminine power or lack thereof, but will have everything to do with the simple fact that nobody likes her and nobody trusts her because everyone knows she is a shameless lying liar.*

(*The strategist may or may not have worded it quite like that, but it was pretty darn close…)


40 Responses to “The Top-Tier GOP And The Fabulous Plan-B’s”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (86e864)

  2. I’m glad to see that Carly made it to the varsity team. She is currently my favorite.

    As for The Donald, he’s hanging around like a bad cold.

    This is amusing:

    While I refuse to brag, and as you know very well, this tremendous increase in viewer interest and advertising is due 100% to ‘Donald J. Trump.’”

    Aside from the questionable grammar, “While I refuse to brag” is the biggest whopper ever! Trump is nothing but a braggart. He is a WWE contestant who has mistaken a presidential campaign for a pro wrestling match.

    norcal (8c8743)

  3. I gotta say that Trump sure locked up the female vote with that crack about Fiorina. I swear the ONLY reason the man gets laid is all that money.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  4. norcal–

    Trump is 100 times as humble as your candidate. Even if he does say so himself.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  5. Kevin M,

    No doubt.

    It reminds me of the time that Wally Joyner was asked if he was really as humble as he appeared. He said yes.

    norcal (8c8743)

  6. Speaking of humble, a choir in New England sang a old fashioned Gospel song about Jesus.

    Except it was apparently a progressive post-Christian choir.

    And instead of singing about Jesus, they sang about Hillary!

    VIDEO – Hillary Clinton Supporting Singers Replace Jesus with ‘ Hillary ‘ in Famous Song

    I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for Krugman to write about Democrats and their cults of personality.

    Steve57 (a36142)

  7. Other than Cruz, I wouldn’t have a cup of coffee with that sorry lot of GOP liars

    sickofrinos (31009b)

  8. Trump’s thin-skinned response to Ben Carson’s apparent sniping about Trump’s religiosity today is not a reassuring trait whatsoever. It’s sad that the lunk-headed by-default liberalism of so many Americans (and humans worldwide) — in which even a seriously flaws person of the left will automatically receive more benefit of the doubt than a much better person of the right — makes it tougher to be as easygoing about the pros and cons of the various Republicans candidates.

    Simply put, the free-pass wiggle room around all the Republicans is much narrower (cavernous around junky Democrats like Hillary), so that a Ted Cruz, whose a thousand times better than a Clinton, Biden, Obama, etc, doesn’t have as much room to stretch and play, and a flawed Trump, by contrast, if he’s getting some crossover support from non-Republicans, non-conservatives, can’t be taken lightly.

    There’s very little room for error among the Republicans and the right. It shouldn’t be in this era of Obama’s broken-down America, but those are the breaks—again, thanks to the overly positive stereotypes that many people have of liberals but not conservatives.

    Mark (dc566c)

  9. And instead of singing about Jesus, they sang about Hillary!

    I read things like that and, well, if such people eventually are in the front of the line of those getting smashed and pummeled by the bout of Islamofascism circling the Western World in the 21st century, it’s hard to feel all that sorry for them, for those folks too spiritually/ethically bankrupt (and dumb) to realize they’re really that bankrupt (and dumb).

    Mark (dc566c)

  10. any of the “top tier” that voted for the Corker legislation, or who otherwise helped push through Obola’s Iran “deal” can forget about getting my vote. the GOPe is dead to me, and, if voting for Trump will help send them to the dustbin of history to join the Whigs, count me in.

    redc1c4 (34e91b)

  11. To all you guys who don’t like Trump I say just wait. Guys like him, impulsive, braggadocios, big mouthed will always implode. They are their own worst enemy because the don’t know when to tone it down or\when to just shut up. If you just calm down and wait sooner or later Trump will do or say something so heinous and unforgivable he will eliminate himself.

    And I don’t know what your problem is redc1c4, but if the GOP is dead to you I assume you’re excited about a full blown socialist government (maybe worse) because that’s what the democrats offer. There is no difference between a democrat and a socialist, none, zip, zero, nada. Either the dems have morphed into pinkos or the pinkos from the 60’s took over the dems, either way that party, the party that booed God, the party of abortion is what you’ll get if you don’t vote Republican. You can’t sit this one out it’s way too important. If you think the hate against Christians is bad now, the rules and regulations on individual speech and religions and even what one can think, the crazy SSM trash, the abortions and body parts, the sh!t foreign policy and all the rest is bad now let another Obama-style leftist democrap win and this country is a gonner.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  12. we need him to stay viable for in case of hillary vs. bush Mr. Reverend

    there’s nobody else what’s stepped up

    happyfeet (831175)

  13. Frankly happyfeet, I think Trump is helping Cruz. He is showing that Cruz is similar to Trump without the rough edges, bragging, insults and false bravado. IOW Cruz is looking more and more like Trump2.0, the calmer more intellectual tough-ass. So when Trump implodes, and he will, Cruz fills the gap.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  14. Here’s what the GOP spokesmodel’s need to address:

    Add continued resort at an accelerating pace, dispensing with carbon-based employees.

    DNF (c70dac)

  15. also I think if Team R is really actually dumb enough to debate on the candy crowley network the proceeds from the debate should go to the DNC

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  16. I’m leaning towards Carly too. She has good principles and courage. She seems to be authentic and not manufactured by pollsters and gurus.

    Sort of Trump without the vulgarity! LOL.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  17. You called it happyfeet. As I said, we must start playing hard ball and that includes when CNN was going to sponsor debate the RNC should have put out this: Do to Candy Crowley’s act of partisanship at the last debate the RNC will not permit CNN to hold NOR CARRY LIVE the Republican debate. Or, as I love to say WWDD, what would Donald do? (Yes, I’m just joking)

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  18. Trump’s thin-skinned response to Ben Carson’s apparent sniping about Trump’s religiosity today is not a reassuring trait whatsoever

    Name one personality trait of Trump’s that IS reassuring. The best I can think of is “He hasn’t been a liberal lately.”

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  19. Hoagie–

    “The party that threw feces at returning veterans and called them baby-killers.”

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  20. I know Kevin M, I was there.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  21. Jimmy Carter never had a second term. He’s an old wise white male. He can help Democrats be more competitive among Southerners, working whites, and Evangelicals. He would clean up in the sympathy vote, given his current affliction. And Obama has done such a bang-up job that Carter’s single term in office no longer looks as feckless and feeble as it once did.

    OK, I’ll show myself out.

    JVW (ba78f9)

  22. And I don’t know what your problem is redc1c4, but if the GOP is dead to you I assume you’re excited about a full blown socialist government (maybe worse) because that’s what the democrats offer.

    the GOPe has held a majority in the House & Senate since the 2014 elections… please list the top 10 items where they have either rolled back or defeated one of Obola’s proposals…

    okay, just list the top 5 successes in pushing a conservative agenda.

    maybe the top 3 horrible appointments they blocked?

    at least describe how they were able to stop this horrible “deal” with Iran.

    answering any or all of those might give me a reason to consider supporting the GOPe going forward.

    redc1c4 (34e91b)

  23. Join me on the Ted Cruz anti-Washington Cartel bus, red.

    DRJ (521990)

  24. You can’t sit this one out it’s way too important.
    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 9/11/2015 @ 5:44 am

    Absolutely right! Both parties are “dead” to me, but I am voting “anyone but a democrat” – it is that important.

    Join me on the Ted Cruz anti-Washington Cartel bus, red.
    DRJ (521990) — 9/11/2015 @ 10:49 am

    You can sit next to me, red. I’ll be the guy wearing a “Cruz/Walker -2016” T-shirt.

    felipe (b5e0f4)

  25. This fixation on every utterance of Trump’s is absurd. You people need to get a grip. The world is unraveling and whether Trump is rude or not is of no importance whatever.

    Mark Johnson (df77f2)

  26. Let me get this straight, redc1c4, you’re pissed at the Republicans in Congress, don’t like the way the GOP seems not to do anything so your answer is to let the leftist dogs keep the Presidency? Wow, great logic. Listen red, Rome wasn’t built in a damn day. If We bust some GOP nuts, allow Trump to make noise till he explodes, back the most conservative candidates we can even if they’re not perfect we may be able toBEGIN just begin to undo the evil the left has done. If we don’t try then we have already failed! And if any dependable conservatives like you guys here don’t vote out of protest then you’re on team Hillary! because that’s who you are in effect voting for by not voting GOP.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  27. Look, you guys are obviously a lot smarter than I. You’re lawyers and doctors and who knows what and I’m just an old (mostly) retired businessman. But our nation has been brought to the edge of the pit and we are staring into it. These leftists have spent 60 years or more infiltrating and ruining our education, law, politics, culture, economy, families and future. WE can’t undo what took them 60 years to do in one damn election but we’ve gotten here by waiting too long to do battle. Time is way past up for the big fight. Once these leftist animals import another 10 million Mexicans (who for some reason seem to think they have a right to come here) and who knows how many moslems we will be doomed. They will have achieved a permanent majority, period. You think about that. Think hard, then make the right decision and vote Republican even if your first or last candidate wins the primary. Our worst Republican is better than their best pinko democrap. At least if we get a Republican in the WH we have a chance. What chance have we with Hillary!? Or Bernie?

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  28. Perry is out of the 2016 race.
    I smell big oil lobbyist.

    sickofrinos (31009b)

  29. i smell clowns


    it’s just sarah

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  30. Once these leftist animals import another 10 million Mexicans (who for some reason seem to think they have a right to come here) and who knows how many moslems we will be doomed. They will have achieved a permanent majority, period. You think about that. Think hard, then make the right decision and vote Republican even if your first or last candidate wins the primary. Our worst Republican is better than their best pinko democrap. At least if we get a Republican in the WH we have a chance. What chance have we with Hillary!? Or Bernie?

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 9/11/2015 @ 12:56 pm

    This is why I wouldn’t vote for Bush. He has already said he wouldn’t undo Obama’s illegal order legalizing the illegals. He claims he wants an act of Congress to undo it, which (1) wouldn’t happen because it would be fillibustered, and (2) makes no sense. Why do we need an act of Congress to undo something done illegally in the first place? The fact is Bush doesn’t even want to undo it and would actually be continuation of the Obama administration.

    I would probably vote for any of the others except Graham.

    Gerald A (949d7d)

  31. if perry throws all his support to bushfilth then

    It’s just exciting to think about is all

    happyfeet (190291)

  32. asked, and unanswered by the pastor who wishes to brow beat his flock into accepting his version of the truth:

    the GOPe has held a majority in the House & Senate since the 2014 elections… please list the top 10 items where they have either rolled back or defeated one of Obola’s proposals…

    okay, just list the top 5 successes in pushing a conservative agenda.

    maybe the top 3 horrible appointments they blocked?

    at least describe how they were able to stop this horrible “deal” with Iran.

    kindly explain, in plain english, what the difference is between voting for the GOPe choice, such as McLame, Mittens or Jeb!, versus the Demonrat choices the last three cycles, counting 2016, when your party can’t even exercise the power it currently holds to achieve even the most minor of policy successes, let alone the platform it ran on. #FailureTheater gets old in a hurry.

    PS: i live in #Failifornia, so it doesn’t matter who i vote for as President, since, between the illegals, the rich liberals and the ghetto/barrio vote, Charles Manson would win if the party ran him, so no, i’m done with holding my nose. it’s an insult to my intelligence, a waste of my vote and pointless as well.

    redc1c4 (cf3b04)

  33. glad it’s finally cooling off Mr. red I heard the humidity was uncommon awful

    happyfeet (831175)

  34. Feets!

    yeah, thursday it was brutal out here in The Valley, 100+ and humid, fryday was just hot and a tad less humid. Caturday it tried to rain a bit early and was mostly cloudy, so kinda Southern all day, warm and humid but not oppressively so.

    tonight is still air, instead of the usual canyon breeze, with significant chance of rain tomorrow.

    personally, i blame Bush & the Reverend Rino.


    redc1c4 (cf3b04)

  35. i felt like an idiot mailing a vornado and a this thing out there in the middle of september but i felt really bad for my friend p who’d moved to the west side from the valley and been super-excited til just last week how easy the summer had been

    i think by the time the honeywell gets there it’ll be back to normal, but he’ll have it for next year I guess

    the honeywell won’t work here in chicago cause chicago is too humid for it to work

    but fall is here in earnest

    and there were exactly three days this summer where i felt the lack of a/c in my new place

    not worth buying stuff for since I think I’ll probably only be here one more year, two at most

    so hey what went into the place where the old office depot was next to marshall’s on ventura?

    anything yet?

    that’s where that jinya ramen is

    i love that place and I miss it even though I think I found a weirdo but nice ramen place here in the pedway that does the trick

    happyfeet (831175)

  36. here’s my new ramen place it’s super well-hidden

    but i’m like a little rat what scurries around the chicago underground come lunchtime

    so far my opinion of the sushi here is not high, but the ramen is value at like $8.50

    we got a kick how they had all these pics on the wall of back in the day this one time at band camp when they catered JB Pritzker‘s birthday

    he’s probably the fattest billionaire in failmerica I’d bet you *several* devalued yellendollars

    i’m trying to think of a fatter billionaire in failmerica

    happyfeet (831175)

  37. yeah i can’t think of one

    happyfeet (831175)

  38. the problem this summer is that, every time it’s been HOT, it’s been humid.

    the usual low/mid 90’s with low/mid 60 nights and canyon breezes are one thing. this mexican hurricane weather is a whole different level of “F that!”. Yeah, it’s not unheard of, but that don’t mean it’s popular.

    redc1c4 (cf3b04)

  39. other than that, this summer has been comfortable, unless you were trying to grow tomatoes.

    fair trade in my book.

    redc1c4 (cf3b04)

  40. i just don’t remember humid from back when i was there

    the worst was when it got hot and the air just stopped moving

    “inversion” they called it

    happyfeet (831175)

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