Patterico's Pontifications


No, I Do Not Care About Your Political News Story Today

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:56 pm

What to blog about?

Trump big in polls…nope.

Trump on Fiorina’s face…nope.

Trump fights with Carson…nope.

Jindal attacks Trump…nope.

Huck says Dred Scott is the law of the land? NYT graphic analyzes whether opponents of Iran deal are “Jewish”? Beck hates Palin?

Nope. Can’t bring myself to care.

I think I care more that Ian Bagg didn’t win Last Comic Standing. What a travesty. It feels like the fix was in for Clayton English many episodes ago.

10 Responses to “No, I Do Not Care About Your Political News Story Today”

  1. Ding. I guess.

    Patterico (3cc0c1)

  2. are they really calling it “Star Wars Land”

    how effing gay

    happyfeet (831175)

  3. why not a poast on the Iran Deal being passed and the GOPe’s default setting of “Failure Theater”?

    redc1c4 (cf3b04)

  4. Ian Bagg’s set in the finals was his weakest in the competition. But I also thought that Clayton English’s also was weaker than his others.

    The one who had me really laughing — and a bit ashamed of myself as she broke me up — was the young white girl who had the wacky persona. Something Erikson??

    nosh (2fd79a)

  5. Yep, Andy Erikson. Might not want to watch a 45-minute set of hers, but for a few minutes she was LOL funny.

    nosh (2fd79a)

  6. Its the mood of the country right now. Don’t care.

    2nd Primary debate, don’t care.

    Tom Brady, don’t care.

    Kim Davis, don’t care.

    Beer, well…I half care about you beer. But I don’t care about that dead yeast at the bottom of your bottle.

    Dejectedhead (152876)

  7. for Dejectedhead:
    i second that emotion

    (NSFW, etc)

    redc1c4 (34e91b)

  8. I don’t know where the Huntress would get such a crazy notion about Beck,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  9. literally walked into a conversation of my co-workers puzzling over why so many mcdonald’s and other cheap chicago lunch places have closed/are closing

    god bless america it was a teachable moment

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  10. Some people care:

    CNN Senior Political Reporter Nia-Malika Henderson reports that Donald Trump is improving his standing with Republican women voters:

    For any other presidential candidate, making off-color — and arguably sexist — comments about a female competitor would likely result in an insurmountable problem with women voters.

    Not so for Donald Trump. At least not yet.

    A new CNN/ORC poll shows that Trump has increased his lead among Republican women, boosting his share to 33% of women voters, up from 20% a month ago.

    ropelight (e0a81c)

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