Patterico's Pontifications


Trump and Romney: Two Peas in a Pod!

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 2:10 pm

It’s a provocative title designed to upset literally everybody.

A reader wrote with some comparisons of Mitt Romney and Donald Trump. Several of them are rather generic, but a couple stand out.

Mainly, they have both claimed to be qualified to be President because of their business record — despite some failures that each claims are unimportant. Each has also evolved from being liberal on some positions to conservative. I don’t want to lard up the post with the details; I have placed them on a separate page here if you’re interested.

Less striking things noted by my correspondent are the fact that each has been called remote or arrogant; that they each say they will fight for the middle class; that they both highlight their relationships with their father; that they have had “raucous” debates with opponents, and so forth. I think these are common enough things that they’re not worth documenting in depth; at best, they are worth a passing mention.

I will note myself that Mitt also took a very tough line on illegals (they should self-deport!!!) during his campaign. I don’t know if anyone else offended Latinos as much as he did with that position. So there’s that too.

One final trivial but fun (and rather unusual) parallel: Mitt Romney, a devout Mormon, doesn’t drink or smoke. We all knew that. But did you know that Romney’s complete lifetime abstention from cigarettes and alcohol is shared by the Donald?

They’re very different people, obviously — but if Trump goes as far as the polls seem to indicate he might, he could be open to the same sorts of attacks Romney was. So, I’m just going to go ahead and declare Trump to be Mitt Romney Revisited.

Now I’ll walk away, whistling casually and innocently, without a single look backwards.

130 Responses to “Trump and Romney: Two Peas in a Pod!”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (3cc0c1)

  2. nobody ever confused voting for Mitt Romney with casting a protest vote

    happyfeet (831175)

  3. Weak.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  4. Ehh, there’s still a lot of time..Trump’s already trimming his sails.

    carol (50c372)

  5. I might watch a debate if my lady Candy was to question Trump. Mitt is chicken little compared to loudmouth soup.

    mg (31009b)

  6. I like that Trump. He doesn’t wear his piety as if it were a credential.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  7. The difference between Romney and Trump is that Romney stood on the precipice of history with most of the American electorate watching on TV and he let Obama and his sycophant accomplices buffalo him into silent acquiescence of the Benghazi lie. That demonstration of moral weakness doomed Romney’s candidacy. Trump is more of a street fighter and hasn’t yet demonstrated a cowardly tendency to let two-faced murdering bastards like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton off the hook.

    ropelight (474cd9)

  8. Trump is a loudmouth and quite egotistical, but in this age of political correctness run amok — of Obama-mama liberalism going off the deep end — if a loudmouth and egotist (who often are Hollywood leftists, Al-Sharpton types, etc) happens to be on the right instead of the left, so be it, and go for it.

    As with Trump or other Republican candidates or politicians, my biggest concern and potential complaint about such people is if they’re full of squish-squish, too much “centrism” in this era when the middle ground of the socio-political spectrum has veered over to the left. Or if they’re also tactically naive or clueless, as folks like Mitt Romney tend to be.

    Mark (dc566c)

  9. Romney is a gentleman and quite competent. He should have won in 2012 and I think that was the last chance to pull the country out of the tailspin.

    Trump is a blowhard and, unfortunately, reminds me of Kaiser Wilhem II.

    If anyone is interested, I posted some theories why Romney lost right after the election.

    I have met him and he is a very personable and modest guy. His wife is an angel.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  10. No one ever suggested Romney wasn’t qualified for the office.

    No one ever thought Romney a buffoon.

    Romney’s only been married once, and yes, he’s a Mormon.

    If anything, Romney thought too much before he spoke.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  11. Well, there is one thing to separate one pea from the other: maturity. For all the claims of Romney being weak and not a fighter, he never once whined like a baby and resorted to personal insults every time he was criticized or questioned. Romney also demonstrated awareness of the major issues, while Trump throws a tantrum because he failed to explain the difference between Hamas and Hezbollah (among other policy decisions). (Funny, Carly Fiorina got asked the same questions Trump did and answered them.)

    Romney would’ve made a decent president; Trump would be Obama 2.0 (which stands to reason since Trump is a lifelong Democrat).

    tops116 (d094f8)

  12. Romney : Atreides :: Trump : Harkonnen

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  13. Romney could tell a good self-depreciating joke.
    Trump can only depreciate property.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  14. Here’s Romney at the 2012 Al Smith Dinner.

    Trump would have a different take, I think.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  15. I support Donald Trump, and if any of my facebook friends want to unfriend me because I support Donald Trump, click the button. Click the unfriend button. Do it now.

    Mr. Trump. You’re Hired!

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  16. Yep, highly competent, humble, energetic folks don’t make the cut in this LCD culture. Not coarse or vulgar enough.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  17. I support Trump’s right to speak his mind. He does that well and without an immediate filter. He is pugnacious and politically incorrect.
    I think he’d be a great replacement for Samantha Powers at the UN if he washes out as candidate for President.
    If he is the (R) nominee I will vote for him and encourage every other person to do the same. There is no perfect candidate, but he is more perfect than Hillary, Bernie, Pocahontas, or Marty.
    If Bernie wins we are screwed

    steveg (fed1c9)

  18. Here is the 8/28/2015 interview with Scott Walker.

    As you can read if you wish, not one “identify this guy” question for Scott Walker. Nice tongue bath, though.

    Joseph K on September 5, 2015 at 5:13 PM

    It’s not important for Donald Trump to know the name of this bandit or that. What’s important is they will know his name.

    Here is a lovely interview with the highly knowledgeable Marco Rubio. Not much on foreign policy, and not “identify this person” questions. But Hew, who clerked for two Supreme Court justices, wish casts for open borders which goes by unchallenged.

    Joseph K on September 5, 2015 at 5:21 PM

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  19. G.K. Chesterton once wrote, and I paraphrase, “when a man stops believing in God, it doesn’t mean he believes in nothing, it means he will believe in anything.” So now that the American people have elected teh won, they’ll elect anyone! Trump has that going for him.

    felipe (56556d)

  20. Trumps popularity with folks has to do with no trust in establishment republicans and their media sponges.
    Berman/Kessler 2016

    mg (31009b)

  21. make America great again cap seen in Tom Brady’s locker.

    Trump has publicly supported the Patriots quarterback during the Deflategate scandal, telling reporters in Massachusetts that Brady was “an honest guy” and a “real winner” on Aug. 28.

    After the Deflategate suspension was overturned, the GOP front-runner tweeted his support to the five-time Super Bowl champion: “Congratulations to Tom Brady on yet another great victory — Tom is my friend and a total winner!”

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  22. As Kessler stated that, “Player policies say you can’t be punished for being ‘generally aware,’ ” Berman nodded vigorously. Berman then asked, “Can Mr. Brady be fined under the equipment policy?”
    Kessler answered, “Yes, but the ‘generally aware’ problem trumps that.”

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  23. Pat; trolling his readers.

    I will say this, nobody was as enthusiastic about Romney at this point in the

    And that’s because Romney had no personality. White bread == bland bread

    Trump at least has a personality and is a bit more aggressive. I don’t think he
    would stumble like Romney did when Candy began running interference for Obama
    during the debates. And I think he’ll have some better come backs than Romney
    did because Romney’s a NICE guy. (though he’s got a shark heart)

    I’ll stick with Trump and you can keep your comparisons.

    jakee308 (c37f85)

  24. To whatever degree this was serious,
    they are very different.
    Romney had been a gov, had championed an early version of ObamaCare, was considered part of the GOP establishment.

    Trump’s main attraction is his willingness to say things that many think but are too afraid to say,
    and to not be beholden to the same old crap.

    Which is why Carson is right there with him.

    It is a vote against the political establishment status quo.
    Even the Dems have their version. bernie sanders???
    Trump vs Bernie Sanders, there ya go.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  25. they keep ignoring what codevilla, and steyn and jeffrey lord, seem to thote, about this era, and one can’t really help them, with that level of category error,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  26. It will be interesting to see what happens in the polls after candidates’ reactions to Ms. Davis are taken into account.
    Kasich came out against her, I saw.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  27. papertiger–

    I was disappointed in Hewitt’s choice of questions. Rather than play gotcha — which is to say playing smartass — he should have tried to pin down Trump’s philosophy and why (or if) it had changed so much since a few years ago when he was supporting the liberal line.

    OTOH, I did not view Megyn’s questions about attitudes towards women out of line or gotcha — it is an issue with meaning. But whether someone knows who all the players in Iran are is just stupid. Reagan knew none of that about the USSR, and still crushed them utterly. Jimmy knew all of it and it didn’t help him.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  28. I will say this, nobody was as enthusiastic about Romney at this point in the

    At this point in20122, after a couple debates, it was clear that the only two contestants who had the wit to be president were Romney and Gingrich. I like Gingrich a lot better because he took on the media, and he didn’t seem to be talking down to people. You knew he wanted to get some things done.

    Trump is kind of like that. Most of the reservations I have — I’d still prefer someone else — are that he has not shown any kind of walk that matches his talk. He’s also a bit thin-skinned for the bully pulpit.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  29. (yes, I know bully pulpit doesn’t mean that, but it sounds good).

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  30. they were beside the point, in a time when more pressing issues face us, likewise the handiwork of Al Julani, who we just recently found some data on, the whereabouts of Zawahiri, who don’t seem to be a pressing interest in this administration,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  31. Kasich came out against her, I saw.

    Anyone come out for: “What she did was necessary, and so was putting her in jail”?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  32. I think Romney was a good and decent man but a pretty bad candidate — but a wonderful candidate compared to Obama. I voted for him and would again.

    I think Trump is a terrible candidate and not even good compared to Hillary. If he gets the nomination I am sitting it out and reading up on life in other countries. I will never ever vote for either Trump or Hillary.

    Patterico (3cc0c1)

  33. The Hill reports the latest poll has Trump out front against all candidates, GOP and Democrat.

    Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton head-to-head, according to a new poll released Friday.

    The poll by SurveyUSA finds that matched up directly, Trump garners 45 percent to Clinton’s 40 percent.

    In other head-to-head matchups, Trump beats out Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) by 44 percent to 40 percent; Vice President Joe Biden by 44 percent to 42 percent; and former Vice President Al Gore by 44 percent to 41 percent.

    Trump’s surge past Clinton marks a dramatic turnaround in the polls.

    The neysayers can prattle on, but Trump’s got the wind in his sails and he ain’t lookin’ back.

    ropelight (474cd9)

  34. No clue, Kevin. I tried to do some web search earlier today on stories regarding Davis. Other than a KY thing or two about how she was getting a lot of supporters demonstrating, most was from L leaning sites about the bigot being thrown in jail…
    But I’m not real good at manipulating the search functions.

    Maybe it will be a debate question…

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  35. Romney didn’t understand it’s a game of ‘mortal combat’ I blame his advisors, who seemed to argue for Marquis of Queensbury rules, the left will open up with 50 calibers and you better respond,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  36. i could only vote for trump if he went third party against hillary and bush

    and it wouldn’t really be a vote *for* trump

    cause he’s so gross

    happyfeet (831175)

  37. I blame his advisors, who seemed to argue for Marquis of Queensbury rules,

    Beyond a candidate’s philosophy, I think it’s very important that he (or she) be very, very tactically aware with eyes wide open.

    We no longer live in the age of “Father Knows Best” or “I Love Lucy,” when the rules you cite may have passed muster, but in the age of things like crude, rude rap music, Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner, a sitting president with the nickname of “Bathhouse Barry,” no-holds-barred reality TV, rainbow flags in the US military, elected officials being thrown in jail because they’re not thrilled seeing the figures of two bridegrooms placed on top of wedding cakes, etc. IOW, a society that is sliding off the deep end.

    The left is out there with guns ablazing and — regrettably — nice guys like Mitt Romney are gonna get mowed down.

    Mark (dc566c)

  38. not even good compared to Hillary.

    I don’t trust the judgment or sentiments of anyone who has anything nice to say about trashy, sleazy Hillary, certainly when used as a comparison with Donald Trump or anyone else, excerpt perhaps the late Hugo Chavez, Argentina’s Cristina Kirchner or some scroungy socialist ruler in Africa.

    Mark (dc566c)

  39. Interesting to see reasons why people do things.

    did because Romney’s a NICE guy. (though he’s got a shark heart)

    Here is the Democrat meme. The “shark heart” I presume is because he saved companies and some of that involved layoffs. I assume you will not vote for Carly for the same reason.

    MD, Romneycare was a Heritage Foundation concept to deal with “Free riders.” The decided that it was not imaged reason for a mandate. I think a mandate for a basic catastrophic care policy could be a reasonable way to deal with cost but they gave it up and it is probably less efficient than simply cross subsidizing as we have done for 50 years.

    And that’s because Romney had no personality. White bread == bland bread

    Trump at least has a personality and is a bit more aggressive. I don’t think he
    would stumble like Romney did when Candy began running interference for Obama
    during the debates.

    The Candy Crowley thing probably caught Romney by surprise and that is a weakness. She was despicable for doing that. Obama and Biden lied through the debates and Ryan did worse because Biden clowned his way through their debate and Ryan should’ve said something like “Mr Vice-president, why are you playing the fool ?”

    A really good trial lawyer like Giuliani, or Hewitt for that matter, would come right back as I saw Giuliani do with Soledad O’Brien on CNN. Neither Romney or Ryan are trial lawyers. It’s a skill and not part of being president.

    Trump reminds me of Kaiser Wilhelm II and that worries me. He still may be elected and would be an improvement on Hillary or Bernie. Biden is not very smart but that might not be a big handicap. What we need now is stability and a decade of unraveling of the regulatory state.

    Congress could do that if the president obeyed the law. The Executive branch would have to be cleaned out of all the left wing radicals.

    One of Bush’s major mistake as to leave too many Clinton appointees in the DoJ.

    I still am very pessimistic about our future. Romney was the last best hope.

    Think about how different things would be if you could trust the president to be honest and a gentleman.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  40. Autocorrect really changes comments.

    “The decided that it was not imaged reason ”

    That is a “good enough reason…”

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  41. he was too trusting with Gruber advising on MassCare, and Gina McCarthy on environmental policy, the North East Climate Compact, one scorpion sting is bad enough but two,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  42. I will never ever vote for either Trump or Hillary.

    I have said that, too. Now, I more think that I will vote for Trump, but be embarrassed and lie about it.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  43. Maybe it will be a debate question…

    You think? But probably only of candidates who have already taken extreme positions. It’s all about maximizing soundbites.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  44. Probably the most awful thing about Trump is the people comparing him to Reagan.

    Reagan had vision and a sense of his own inadequacy. His letters show a man of deep reflection. He was, as they used to say, a man of many parts.

    Trump is a self-propelled happening. Much like a balloon when you let go of it. I REALLY do not want to trust my country to such helter skelter governance.

    I understood Reagan, and was never surprised by the direction he chose. Trump, like Obama, is an abstract and takes on whatever qualities his supporters choose to see.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  45. Romney didn’t write Masscare. His 85% Dem legislature did. He only nibbled at the edges with line-item vetoes and they override most of those.

    Yes, he implemented them, but back then executives were supposed to faithfully do so.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  46. Given the jackass president we’re saddled with for another 17 months, I find myself agreeing with Mike K… it may well turn out that 2012 was our last chance to stop this catastrophe.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  47. Re: Patterico (3cc0c1) — 9/6/2015 @ 6:09 pm

    If you can’t vote “FOR”, then vote “AGAINST”.
    I’ve spent my life voting against the candidate I thought was the worst choice among poor choices. It’s not satisfying, and it’s certainly not as fun as pulling the lever for your very own favorite, but I think it is important to vote.

    Sue (e57aaa)

  48. Trump, like Obama, is an abstract and takes on whatever qualities his supporters choose to see.

    That’s true to a certain degree, but Trump doesn’t have the really shadowy, trashy life history of Obama — with strange (but plausible) rumors and creepy (yet believable or probable) innuendos swirling around him — and his ideology isn’t as firmly tilted in one direction as Obama’s was (way over to the left) from Day One.

    Mark (dc566c)

  49. And the Number One Similarity Between Mitt Romney and Donald Trumps is …


    Neither one will ever be President of the United States.

    nk (dbc370)

  50. I want Cruz, but will settle for Trump, because he upsets the lawyers apple cart. With republicans in charge of the house and senate what difference does it make? The republicans are already doing the democrats hard lifting. Republicans suck.

    mg (31009b)

  51. nk, Romney still has an outside chance. Trump never did.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  52. So Trump is getting 25% of the black vote.
    Finally someone gets blacks in the tent and the talking heads and their media lapdogs close the flaps. Brilliant. Racists in suits.

    mg (31009b)

  53. Trivial comparisons. Perhaps, you could actually discuss something important about the two.

    Celsius (a79b07)

  54. After endless analysis, the pundits just don’t understand that lots and lots of Americans prefer a candidate that is American, proud to be an American and that pushes American nationalism and the old melting pot. JFK would be attacked by the pundits these days, called a racist, against women and (omg!) a conservative.

    cedarhill (86cee4)

  55. To all the Trump supporters above please answer the following question regarding if he were to become president:

    If a policy position was to come up that would greatly enhance his personal wealth but would be bad policy for the rest of nation, what policy would his administration pursue?

    Given everything he has said and done, number one priority to Mr. Trump is Mr. Trump. I truly believe he puts his personal outcome first and therefore would make a terrible president.

    Jeffrey (497b6a)

  56. @55

    He’s already said he might support higher taxes for the rich. That’s a policy decision that would harm his personal wealth. Jeffrey, when you have 11 billion dollars, you’re not really so concerned about raising more money. What you want as a business man is to continue satisfying customers by providing a quality product at a reasonable price. If you’re president you want to continue satisfing your constituency by providing the American Dream of freedom and living the pursuit of happiness at a reasonable taxation level. It’s the same job but on a much bigger scale. Governors and business leaders understand the job. Legislators and lawyers do not. Hey why not have your podiatrist perform your neurosurgery? Why not have your dentist fix your heat pump?

    Trump wouldn’t put making a few more bucks ahead of the country. That all said, what I’ll need to see first is whether Trump will let his opponents overtalk him. Because in this uncivilized day and age, debate is more about quantity than it is about quality. Can he overtalk his overtalkers? That’s what I want to know.

    Jack (ff1ca8)

  57. I am not sure how many “Trump supporters” we have around here. I think a lot of us are glad to see some of the things that Trump is doing that should be obvious, like be serious about borders and be willing to stand up and not be apologetic,
    and we recognize he has a constituency, whether some like it or not, because people are we fed up electing people that don’t follow through in their campaign pledges (in general).

    Trump and Carson ahead of the pack, about the only thing they have in common is being not part of the machine and be willing to oppose Obama and not apologize for it.

    Ted Cruz shares some of those things, but he is “still a politician”.

    I appreciate the comments above about Romneycare and eagerly admit my lack of detailed knowledge. I’ll just say that I never heard Romney try to distance himself from it or go after ObamaCare. Maybe he did and I missed it or/and it was not covered by the media when he did.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  58. I truly believe he puts his personal outcome first and therefore would make a terrible president.

    I think he would have to put his assets in a blind trust. Cheney did and took a lot of guff that was completely unfair and based on lies. Being VP cost Cheney millions. Of course, he is an ethical man. I’m not sure about Trump but his assets will be an issue.

    MD, I agree that Romney mishandled the Obamacare issue. I would have said something like “States are the laboratories of democracy and let’s see how that system works before we pull up the entire national healthcare system by the roots and change it.”

    I think he has too much pride about things that were done on his watch and should have explained what happened. The employer mandate was added by the legislature and signed by Patrick after Romney left office.

    I have said that Trump reminds me of Kaiser Wilhelm II and that is because Wilhelm was volatile and impulsive. Everything was personal to him, sort of like Trump. His ministers sometimes did not tell him things because they were worried about him going off halfcocked. I blame him for World War I and all that has followed.

    I’d hate to see Trump get his feelings hurt by the mullahs and shoot first.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  59. Washington D.C. needs a new sewer system.

    mg (31009b)

  60. Trump would do almost nothing that I want a President to. He’d appoint liberals to SCOTUS and lock in a liberal majority. He’d fund Planned Parenthood. Based on his history I think he’d build on Obama’s crony socialism. I haven’t heard him say anything about Obamacare.

    I see no evidence of commitment to fiscal conservatism. He’s calling for tax increases (one of which – eliminating the carried interest loophole I agree with). I’m unaware of any proposal to make our corporate tax rates more competitive. Instead his big economic plan as far as I can tell is the idea of forcing China to revalue their currency, which is a gimmick that doesn’t get to the heart of our problems and which he would be unable to do anyway.

    All these people supporting Trump “because he fights” or some such thing are morons. What exactly does he fight anyway? Whoever his opponent is at any moment. So what? Obama fights the same way. So do Biden or Webb. I don’t get why these idiots aren’t supporting one of them.

    Gerald A (949d7d)

  61. Gerald-
    I think a lot of those “Trump supporters” would quickly switch to a more “serious” candidate if they thought someone would grow a spine and mean what they say
    So instead of criticizing trump and trump supporters the pundits and candidates should learn a lesson
    He is also benefiting from name recognition and no split like walker/Cruz/Rubio/Jindahl have

    besides, didn’t Michelle Bachmann at one time lead the Iowa straw poll or something?

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  62. What about Patterico’s point that:

    “They’re very different people, obviously — but if Trump goes as far as the polls seem to indicate he might, he could be open to the same sorts of attacks Romney was.”

    I could see the claims that Trump is heartless and I think Trump can, too, so we’re seeing leaked stories about how nice he has been to his employees and strangers. But that’s not his public persona on reality TV, and the Democrats can capitalize on that even more than they successfully did with Romney. They will portray Trump as out of touch with average Americans.

    DRJ (521990)

  63. I will never ever vote for either Trump or Hillary. Patterico 9/6/2015 @ 6:09 pm

    So, if Trump and Hillary square off in the big dance, you’ll sit out the most important election since 1860 and instead of exercising the franchise you’ll examine the possibilities of out-migration.

    Fortunately, there’s plenty of time to rethink that position and walk it back before election day. Perhaps you’ll see things differently as the campaigns develop, who knows?

    Between now and then please consider the most recent Republican candidate lost to Barack Obama because too many GOP voters decided to sit out the election. They couldn’t being themselves to vote for Mitt Romney. Of course, neither you or I were AWOL, but I’ll wager the shoe fits more than one or two of the regular hardheads here.

    ropelight (cd8efa)

  64. Another vulnerability Trump has that Romney also had is the War on Women meme. That’s why Trump had to respond so forcefully to Megyn Kelly. The “binders full of women” quote unfairly hurt Romney, but it still hurt. Imagine what the Democrats could say about Trump.

    DRJ (521990)

  65. Misunderdismiss Trump at your peril.

    G Joubert (0399e8)

  66. I’m with you, ropelight. Too many times I’ve had to hold my nose and vote for some RINO and hated it. But this time regardless who is the GOP candidate, even Trump, hell, even Trumps daughter, I’m voting straight Republican. If I could I’d pull a “democrat inner city” and vote five times. But there is now way I’m voting for that commie or that hildabeast grifter. And in no way can I “sit out” this election and consider myself a patriotic American any longer. It’s too important. It may even be too late already but I didn’t fight and kill and bleed in Nam to quit against the enemy within the gates.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  67. Let me put it this way Patterico, if you think Trump would be a bad President sit it out but think about just how wonderful Trump would have been when Hillary! wins. Picture Obama on hormones with hot flashes, ten email accounts, a pen, a phone and a chip on her shoulder the size of Gibraltar. Then imagine having to look at that hideous face every day on the news.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  68. we’re seeing leaked stories about how nice he has been to his employees

    I think the worst mistake Romney did, and one that Trump is not making, was to let the Democrats define him all summer in 2012. A lot of that was a mistake the GOP made by placing the convention so late. That meant Romney was not the nominee and could not spend money. I don’t know if the election laws would have allowed him to spend his own money and dispute the ads.

    By fall he had really been demonized and he is really a nice guy. For example, when he was governor, he spent one day a week doing the job of each state employee, including working on a garbage truck. I never saw that mentioned.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  69. Romney wiped the floor with Obama in the first debate, and then, nothing.. I’ve heard crazy theories about him taking a powder, but really, that doesn’t matter, he ran scared and lost. And he let Candy Crowley and Obama play fast and loose about Benghazi without calling them on it. Masscare took Obamacare off the table altogether. Romney would have been a way better president, but we need a candidate who will not tolerate being treated like a a child at the kid’s table, and can finish a sentence.

    Fully expect Trump will someday soon disappoint. But he can think on his feet. And if he can get a few big things right, specifically immigration, that’s okay. because when ever the GOP has been in an position of power with the exceptions of Scalia, Alito and Thomas, they’ve done nothing in furtherance of their stated policy goals since 1/20/1989.

    Bugg (137ba5)

  70. Let me put it this way Patterico, if you think Trump would be a bad President sit it out but think about just how wonderful Trump would have been when Hillary!

    I don’t mind Patterico expressing great skepticism about Trump — which I share — but to then somehow repackage that into a claim that even godawful, horrific, disgusting Hillary wouldn’t be as bad as Trump is a reaction I can’t figure out and makes me wonder exactly where people like Pat are coming from. Or what exactly is behind at least a non-liberal’s major antipathy towards Trump?

    I was similarly curious about a person’s gut reactions to Kim Davis and David Bunning, dispensing with all the legal details behind that controversy and honing in on the purely visceral reasons someone might be more resentful towards the clerk instead of the judge, or visa versa.

    Mark (dc566c)

  71. By fall he had really been demonized and he is really a nice guy.

    I think that was why he wasn’t tactically prepared or suitable for the campaign. IOW, if Trump is too much of a big mouth and loud mouth, people like Romney are just the opposite. Beyond that, I hope any Republican is fully, totally aware of the way that ideology and gut biases influence a good portion of humanity, voters included. I think someone like Romney is too much in the mold of “shhh, please don’t talk about whether that person or group leans left or right — or in the direction of the squishy middle — because that’s rude and overly personal!”

    Mark (dc566c)

  72. One of the draws about Romney was as a turnaround specialist he could bankroll part of the campaign and have a sizable donor base, I blame more the comsultant class that made him pull his punches. That was the advantage of newt out of neccesity he had jettisoned those same consultants

    narciso (7c7aed)

  73. I think a lot of those “Trump supporters” would quickly switch to a more “serious” candidate if they thought someone would grow a spine and mean what they say

    MD in Philly (f9371b) — 9/7/2015 @ 8:34 am

    Is there any reason to think none of the other candidates don’t mean what they say? How about Rand Paul? He’s not my cup of tea but I think he means what he says. Where has Walker or Cruz not meant what they say? How about Rubio? His position on immigration is deemed insufficiently conservative but as far as I can tell he means what he says, just like Trump.

    Meanwhile Trump claims to have become pro-life, while simultaneously supporting PP funding!

    No that doesn’t really explain the attraction to Trump.

    Gerald A (949d7d)

  74. I mean “Is there any reason to think none of the other candidates don’t mean what they say?”

    Gerald A (949d7d)

  75. He’s already said he might support higher taxes for the rich. That’s a policy decision that would harm his personal wealth. Jeffrey, when you have 11 billion dollars, you’re not really so concerned about raising more money. What you want as a business man is to continue satisfying customers by providing a quality product at a reasonable price. If you’re president you want to continue satisfing your constituency by providing the American Dream of freedom and living the pursuit of happiness at a reasonable taxation level. It’s the same job but on a much bigger scale. Governors and business leaders understand the job. Legislators and lawyers do not. Hey why not have your podiatrist perform your neurosurgery? Why not have your dentist fix your heat pump?

    Sorry Jack, he has nowhere near 11 billion dollars. He inherited a few hundred million dollar real estate portfolio from his father, has made maybe 7 or 8 hundred million more. The rest is BS although Bloomberg believes a few of his partnerships may pay out – i question that. That 11 billion figure includes ridiculous estimates for business interests that most likely have no real value and a few billion dollars for his name – you cannot monetize your name – no bank will lend you anything against your name. Higher taxes on the rich won’t really affect him as his worth comes from his real estate portfolio. Want to bet his higher taxes won’t touch his real estate portfolio

    Bloomber article on his actual weatlh –

    Not only that but he is not very liquid. He has approx 100 million in liquid cash and securities. Given that modern campaigns for president cost over a billion dollars, where exactly is he going to raise the funds necessary? What will happen when he runs out of money for the campaign. Donors who give large amounts to any candidate pac want reassurance what their money is going towards. Do you really believe that anyone would take any reassurance from Trump seriously?

    Jeffrey (cd2f00)

  76. So, if Trump and Hillary square off in the big dance, you’ll sit out the most important election since 1860

    Every election is billed as the most important since whatever. I will not vote for Trump or Hillary, I promise you that.

    Patterico (3cc0c1)

  77. I truly believe he puts his personal outcome first and therefore would make a terrible president.

    I wish to God he was that predictable.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  78. he could be open to the same sorts of attacks Romney was.”

    Without the Integrity argument to fall back on.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  79. I will not vote for bill’s wife or the immigrant brown nosing booooosh.

    mg (31009b)

  80. Or what exactly is behind at least a non-liberal’s major antipathy towards Trump?

    1. I don’t trust him. He’s this all-of-a-sudden conservative, “formerly” a Clinton BFF who wanted all the things that liberals want. Now, he’s trolling the GOP on a subject that threatens to divide it, rather than seeking party unity. Now, maybe the party needs to deal with the issue better than it has, but several of the candidates were quite willing to go there. We don’t need a recent Democrat to help us find our way.

    2. He has even less regard for the Constitution, laws and separation of powers than Obama does. He acts as if the president can just order stuff to happen like he does in his business.

    3. As a businessman he’s particularly sloppy, sleazy and an all-around gonif. He uses bankruptcy like the rest of us use a refi. He comes out smelling like a rose but everyone else in business with him gets screwed.

    4. He is an egocentric, probably sociopathic narcissist. We’ve had one of those for the last 8 years and look at what we’ve got.

    5. He doesn’t have the temperament for the office. Neither does Obama, but that doesn’t excuse Trump. He seems to have a thinner skin than Obama.

    6. His solutions don’t even rise to simplistic. They’re jingoistic. With a little more sophistication he could be a demagogue.

    I have more.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  81. >>>Trump, like Obama, is an abstract and takes on whatever qualities his supporters choose to see.

    That’s true to a certain degree, but Trump doesn’t have the really shadowy, trashy life history of Obama — with strange (but plausible) rumors and creepy (yet believable or probable) innuendos swirling around him — and his ideology isn’t as firmly tilted in one direction as Obama’s was (way over to the left) from Day One.

    Oh, please. Obama’s supporters painted the picture on a blank canvas. Trump’s supporters paint it on a canvas that says “YOU FOOL I’M A DEMOCRAT” and pretend it’s a blank canvas.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  82. Perhaps republicans should respect conservatives who have carried their dirty laundry since Bob Dole. They choose to side with obama. I think I will pass on these lying hacks. Booosh will make a helluva crimalein lobbyist for La raza.

    mg (31009b)

  83. Romney compromised his religious values, and sold us out to the gay lobby, with the idea if he pealed a couple ten or twenty rainbow warriors from Barack, then he would be the President.

    Datechguy reminded me today. It was the Massachusetts Supreme Court in a split decision, uncontested by Gov Romney that first got the ball rolling that the SCOTUS had to referee in case one of those Massachusetts wedded gays happen to fall in the Niagara River, and get injured, sent to the hospital, and the New York totalitarians ban fudge packers from visiting.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  84. Spit in the face of God, Country, and supposedly deeply held personal religious principles.

    Your man Romney. It was Romney who compromising his personal integrity in trade (so he hoped) for being President.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  85. From Free Republic:

    Go, Trump, GO!!
    September 7, 2015 | Jim Robinson
    Posted on 9/8/2015, 1:36:08 AM by Jim Robinson

    As long as he’s kicking liberal, RINO and GOP-e butt and using his own money to do so, I say go, Trump, GO!!

    I’m a Cruz fan and don’t see how Trump kicking the crap out of our common foe does us any harm. Let him have at it.

    If he destroys the GOP-e GREAT!!

    If he destroys el Jebbe and all the other amnesty pimps, GREAT!!

    If he destroys Hillary in the process, GREAT again!!

    We’ve never had it so great. Finally a man comes along and takes the establishment head-on and kicks the crap out of them. Is that not a good thing?

    I think the Trump bashers might want to sit back awhile and enjoy the show.

    Go, Trump. GO!!

    ropelight (583296)

  86. What happens if Trump wins the nomination, and chooses Ted Cruz as his VP?

    Whatcha gonna do then?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  87. if Mr. ted relinquished his senate seat for the nothingburger vp job

    what would that say about his seriousness of purpose Mr. tiger?

    happyfeet (831175)

  88. Gerald A (949d7d) — 9/7/2015 @ 1:02 pm

    I was using a bit of hyperbole, and referring to the actual results we have seen in DC at the results of electing a repub Senate.

    I do think some people like Cruz mean what they say, and I am not a “Trump supporter”, I am just saying understand what support for Trump and Carson means. I think I heard this am that if Trump and Carson alone are head to head in Iowa, Carson wins.

    I think largely people are not for Trump and all of his policies, they just see him as representing their being fed up with the way things are, as he has the best name recognition, is the loudest,and getting the most press coverage. When the “defenders of the status quo” go against him, it just stokes the passion for him.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  89. Well Ted had aspects of Lincoln but also teddy roosevelt, in terms of his background, not in terms of outlook. Nixon had as quick
    A rise as he had. Coolidge was older, but an outsider to most concerned.

    narciso (7c7aed)

  90. From the NY Times:

    Paul Krugman: Trump Is Right on Economics

    Endorsed on the same day by Paul Krugman and the Free Republic! The End Days are upon us.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  91. papertiger–

    It was Romney or Obama, You spit on Romney, so you own Obama.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  92. Whatcha gonna do then?

    Weep for Ted’s soul?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  93. Funny true story. When I went to cast my ballot in Romney vs. Obama there was a little old black lady in charge of sticking the ballot in the box where a bar code reader would auto tabulate it.
    So this little 70+yo black girl, with a Hillary type Cheshire Cat grin on her face, sticks my ballot in backward, so the reader doesn’t scan it.

    I cast a ballot for Romney, but did I really? Not 100% certain.

    Anyhow, being in California, the same as Patrick, the difference would be an Obama win by 1,600,001 or a win by just 1,600,000. Not worth an afternoon spent arguing with a government protected species.
    Sorry Mittins.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  94. Being right about Putin doesn’t equal being in a position to do something about Russia. If Romney had won.
    Beside that Romney is/was a climate change believer. Romney was signatory of government health care before Obama. Romney acquiesced on gay marriage way back when his “no” could have made a difference.

    That is what’s happening with Ben Carson in Iowa. Ben approves shoveling more money down the Global Warming industry’s maw through ethanol mandates.

    Under a Carson presidency the $ 1.5 trillion dollar criminal rip off, $ 4 billion dollars a day worldwide, would continue a pace.

    No thanks Ben.

    Trump calls the global warming religious movement by it’s real name. Fraud.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  95. narciso (ee1f88) — 9/8/2015 @ 11:54 am

    “coff… coff” :::NYT article with a patina of Hotair to make it :look: respectable:::

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  96. Trump and Cruz are appearing together today to oppose Obama’s Iran deal. They would make an unusual ticket. Would Trump opponents vote for him if Cruz were on the ticket?

    DRJ (521990)

  97. DRJ, I voted for Palin when the slime was top of the ticket. I won’t be doing a repeat performance. I will not vote for Cruz with slime at the top of the ticket or with slime on the under-card.

    John Hitchcock (81341d)

  98. I’m not going to vote for a D unless it is a D that repudiates the D platform.
    So we’ll see who else is running.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  99. Mr. Trump is a successful man, so of course the beta’s are going to hate on him.
    He has the golden touch. His wife is prettier. His ex wife is prettier. He arrives in a helicopter.

    Everything Trump touches becomes successful.

    Jealousy is a stinky cologne, John.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  100. I will not vote for Cruz with slime at the top of the ticket or with slime on the under-card.

    I can’t recall ever disagreeing with you before but this is a doozy. So now, Mr. Hitchcock, not only will you not vote for Trump but you’ve upped the ante to where you won’t even vote for Cruz if someone you consider “slime” is at the VP position. Perhaps it’s time for you to just quit voting. What makes you so damn special that every candidate for every position has to be for exactly what you want regardless of what anybody else wants? You presume to speak for all our political purity nothing less is acceptable?

    Hitchcock, I would vote for your dick before I’d vote for a democrat in this election or before I wouldn’t vote so some democrat like Perry does and gets to pick the President. It’s that important.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  101. Papertiger, you’re an arse. I am not jealous of someone who is to the LEFT of the RINOs. So do yourself a favor and quit your m-f’in lying about me, pissant.

    John Hitchcock (81341d)

  102. And Hoagie, Trump is more Democrat than Davis or Milwaukee’s county sheriff.

    I will not. I will not ever. I will not ever vote for that piece of garbage Donald Trump. And there are huge numbers of people who will not ever, ever, under any circumstances, ever vote for Donald Trump.

    John Hitchcock (81341d)

  103. Struck a nerve. Like a dentist drill, I found the bad tooth.

    It’s a gift.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  104. It it too early to predict a victory for teh Democrat ticket? Just askin’

    felipe (b5e0f4)

  105. John loves him some Mexicans this time of year.

    You don’t have to be lonely John @Farmersonlydotcom

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  106. “He has the golden touch. His wife is prettier. His ex wife is prettier. He arrives in a helicopter.”

    Is this Trump or Keith Richards you’re describing, papertiger?

    Colonel Haiku (436b69)

  107. Does Keith Richards have a wife? Or a helicopter?

    I’ve never paid mind to what Keith Richards has or doesn’t have. I’ve heard he has a monkey. On his back.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  108. Papertiger, do you have something against Mexicans? It sounds like you do. I’m part Mexican, and many people on this board have known I am part Mexican for years now. I’m also part Indian (feather). I’m also part Irish. And my daughter is more Indian (feather) than am I. And my grandson is more black than Obama is. And the lady in my life is Asian. So now you have more ammunition for your racial attacks against me.

    Again, you are one great big huge piece of fecal matter.

    And before you start on the illegal immigration issue, study up before you make yourself look even more idiotic than you just did.

    John Hitchcock (81341d)

  109. Oh, and papertiger, I’m also a Jew lover, as can be readily seen by clicking my name.

    John Hitchcock (81341d)

  110. Being part Mexican, does Mexico let you vote in their election?

    Bet they don’t. Mexican isn’t a race, it’s a nationality. You were either born to Mexican parents or you weren’t. Those Mexicans don’t shilly shally around, moralizing about what their constitution should have said, therefore their people aren’t in doubt about their legal status.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  111. John loves him some Mexicans this time of year.

    You don’t have to be lonely John @Farmersonlydotcom
    papertiger (c2d6da) — 9/9/2015 @ 11:58 am

    Again, jackwad, you’re that floater that just won’t flush.

    John Hitchcock (81341d)

  112. From out of the evilness of your heart, your mouth wrote a check your arse couldn’t cash.

    John Hitchcock (81341d)

  113. there’s a lot of poopy talk in this thread

    more poopy talk than would seem warranted really

    i want a margarita

    happyfeet (831175)

  114. You got it backwards. Being half Mexican isn’t a real category. If you were to cross the Rio Grande without a visa, without proof of income, without bank books showing that you are independently wealthy, without applying to the Mexican consulate in America, without going home and waiting for Mexico to process your temporary residency application, without paying up front the associated fees (bribes), the real Mexicans are going to empty your pockets and ship you back, gringo!

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  115. And as far as I can tell, you can give up on the dream of being a Mexican citizen.
    They don’t play that. YOU are an American. Full Stop.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  116. Just witnessed Jeb’s new T.V. advertisement.
    Talk about a floater, my goodness what a stinker he is.

    mg (31009b)

  117. Papertiger, keep waving your arms around and hoping nobody saw what a piece of schist you are for what you said and the fact you made a complete fool of yourself based on my heritage (that you didn’t know about) and your race-based attacks against me (just like the Stormfront storm troopers for Laup Nor who have jumped into Trump’s bandwagon). White Power people will all rot in sheol. That is a guarantee. So will Black Power people. As will La Raza people.

    John Hitchcock (81341d)

  118. John, you seem angry. You’ve been telling me how much, but I’m more interested in why?

    Mr. Trump is on your side. A border fence will keep you and yours safe just like it will me and mine safe, from the stray undocumented criminals, floating by ghost like, with no identity.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  119. Yeah, a border fence and we can go back to leaving our doors unlocked and the car keys above the sun visor. Yes sirree.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  120. If the lying republicans under boosh would have built the fence they said they would, we would not be blaming Trump for wanting to build it. Selective memory is a virtue…

    mg (31009b)

  121. Donald Trump is not on my side. He is on the side of the socialist taxing, socialist health system, abortion lovers, and property stealers.

    The Lord sent Nathan to David. When he came to him, he said, “There were two men in a certain town, one rich and the other poor. 2 The rich man had a very large number of sheep and cattle, 3 but the poor man had nothing except one little ewe lamb he had bought. He raised it, and it grew up with him and his children. It shared his food, drank from his cup and even slept in his arms. It was like a daughter to him.

    4 “Now a traveler came to the rich man, but the rich man refrained from taking one of his own sheep or cattle to prepare a meal for the traveler who had come to him. Instead, he took the ewe lamb that belonged to the poor man and prepared it for the one who had come to him.”

    5 David burned with anger against the man and said to Nathan, “As surely as the Lord lives, the man who did this must die! 6 He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and had no pity.”

    7 Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man!

    And Donald Trump is that man! Perry kept telling me over and over and over again to vote for the Socialist Democrats because it was in my own personal best interest to vote for the Socialists who claim to be Democrats. I refuse. I also refuse to vote for the Socialist who is to the Left of the RINOs in the Republican campaign. Donald Trump is a disease on the body politic and I will not help that disease spread. Period.

    John Hitchcock (81341d)

  122. Donald Trump is amusing

    and may very well have more to offer than the other Rs in terms of not being a boehnerslut mcconnellwhore weirdo mitt romney meghan’s coward daddy type

    but he’s not someone i could ever vote for (unless he was a third party candidate against jeb n hil)

    (in which case I’d give him monies)

    (and i’d pick up the pieces of the loyalty pledge he signed and throw them away for him in the appropriate bin)

    (and then we would walk together, donald trump and a humble pikachu, into a bewildering and wholly ridiculous future, laughing at the looks on jeb n hillary’s hyper-entitled wholly useless and whorish faces)

    (and then I’d say hey look it’s a Culver’s can we stop please please I never had one and I wanted to go my whole life)

    happyfeet (831175)

  123. I also refuse to vote for the Socialist who is to the Left of the RINOs in the Republican campaign

    Said the guy who claimed allegiance with Mexico.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  124. John Hitchcock @ 12:59 pm Again, jackwad, you’re that floater that just won’t flush.

    Yep. I’m a floater.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  125. As the son of a son of a sailor,
    I went out on the sea for adventure.
    Expanding the view of the captain and crew,
    like a floater released from indenture.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  126. I also refuse to vote for the Socialist who is to the Left of the RINOs in the Republican campaign

    Said the guy who claimed allegiance with Mexico.
    papertiger (c2d6da) — 9/10/2015 @ 11:38 am

    I never claimed any such thing. You just lied.

    John Hitchcock (7a1786)

  127. Papertiger, do you have something against Mexicans? It sounds like you do. I’m part Mexican, and many people on this board have known I am part Mexican for years now.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  128. Of course. You can’t be part Mexican. The Mexicans don’t allow naturalization of immigrants. The best you could do is become a resident visitor.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

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