Patterico's Pontifications


Who You Gonna Call???

Filed under: General — Dana @ 7:07 am

[guest post by Dana]

Anthony Weiner (aka Carlos Danger) comes full circle:

A top “crisis” public-relations firm with ties to Hillary Rodham Clinton has hired the last person in the world that most people would call on to dispense advice on dealing with a scandal: disgraced, penis-texting former Congressman Anthony Weiner.

The man who destroyed his own promising political career by botching a 2011 sext-message imbroglio with bald-faced lies — and who then ruined his comeback by running one of the most disastrous mayoral campaigns of all time — will now get paid to dispense advice to high-paying clients of the MWW p.r. firm, sources told The Post.

About the only thing that makes sense about this is that one of the company’s clients is Ball Park Franks.


24 Responses to “Who You Gonna Call???”

  1. It’s fun to start the morning with an OMG eye-roll.

    Dana (86e864)

  2. Huma must be more influential in government circles than we thought. They’re not buying Weiner; they’re buying her. Like Chelsea and the NBC job or Chelsea’s husband’s (snicker) hedge-fund.

    nk (dbc370)

  3. nk,

    I don’t think Huma’s power and influence should ever be underestimated. She knows where all the bodies are hidden. Further, doncha know, if Hillary makes it to the WH, rumor has it Huma will have her own bedroom there!

    Dana (86e864)

  4. They are not buying Huma – they’re buying the Clintons.

    Sammy Finkelman (88f52d)

  5. Juan Jeopardy?

    Colonel Haiku (73c0b6)

  6. Ignacio Mayhem?

    Colonel Haiku (73c0b6)

  7. nk,

    The head of the firm is “Michael Kempner, a prominent New Jersey Democrat who has been a top fund-raiser for both Clinton and President Obama.” He’s already raised more than 100K for Hillary in in just a few short months.

    Dana (86e864)

  8. And Asa Huntchinson went after them for $25,000 in cattle futures (ok, some other things too 😉 ). They’ve come a long way, baby.

    nk (dbc370)

  9. Please note that one of their clients is Ball Park Franks…

    Colonel Haiku (73c0b6)

  10. Simply a way of getting Mrs Weiner more cash, because whatever Mr Weiner suggests will be the opposite of what they do.

    Or, maybe not: the Clinton campaign has been pretty poorly run so far, and Señor Danger might just be an improvement.

    The snarky Dana (f6a568)

  11. Then again, maybe they’re just paying off Mr Weiner, to keep him from writing a book based on pillow talk with whatever his lovely wife has been doing with Mrs Clinton . . . .

    The very snarky Dana (f6a568)

  12. Ball Park makes a darn good frank, overpriced but definitely a step-up from your average dog. They go especially well on pretzel buns.

    ropelight (4276b4)

  13. Vienna Beef are the best, but even more expensive than Ball Park. Hebrew National do not impress me as being worth the money. (Ducks lightning bolt. 😉 )

    nk (dbc370)

  14. I gotta go with Kunzler dogs.

    gbear (fad6d1)

  15. Jordan franks
    from Maine

    mg (31009b)

  16. If Huma were to quit, who would fill her slot?

    Gazzer (f23e3c)

  17. So many double entendres in this thread; starting with Dana’s.

    nk (dbc370)

  18. That’s like making an absentee junior state senator Marxist community organizer President of the United States.

    CrustyB (69f730)

  19. Hush money, pure and simple.

    Gazzer (f23e3c)

  20. Well, at least he hasn’t opened an eponymous hot dog company.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  21. They are not buying Huma – they’re buying the Clintons.

    I get what you mean, Sammy, though I’m sure whatever they are paying a pissant like Weiner is only a tiny fraction of what it takes to purchase Clinton mindshare. I think the idea is that they are paying him not to embarrass his wife and, by extension, Hillary! for the next 16 months.

    JVW (ba78f9)

  22. Hey they could have hired former senator larry craig!

    I am not gay I never have been gay! (903635)

  23. dog talk makes me wanna make filipino spaghettis

    maybe that’s a next weekend thing

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  24. Ball Parks are not the worst of the more widely available hot dog brands, but I rate Nathans on top followed closely by Hebrew National Knockwurst and in a tie for second place, Vienna Beef.
    As for Anthony Weiner, the fact that Weiner is German for crybaby says it all.

    Bar Sinister (b48c12)

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