Rachel Dolezal Is Interviewed
[guest post by Dana]
Rachel Dolezal was interviewed this morning by Matt Lauer on the Today Show. During the interview, she never conceded that she had deceived people, but instead claimed that this whole incident could be the start of a productive and broader conversation about what it means to be human in today’s world.
Some excerpts:
She never corrected a local news report that identified her as a black woman, for instance, she said, “because it’s more complex than being true or false.”
“It’s a little more complex than me identifying as black,” she said.
“When did you start deceiving people,” Ms. Dolezal did not concede that she had done so.
“I do take exception to that, because it’s a little more complex than me identifying as black, or answering a question of, ‘Are you black or white?’” she said.
Lauer also asked Dolezal whether she had done something to darken her complexion:
“I have a huge issue with blackface,” she continued. “This is not some freak ‘Birth of a Nation’ mockery blackface performance. This is on a very real connected level. I’ve actually had to go there with the experience, not just with a visible representation, but with the experience.”
Dolezal, who believes her ethnicity is a “complexity of my identity”, also played the martyr for the cause:
“As much as this discussions has somewhat been at my expense recently in a very sort of viciosuly inhumane way … the discussion is really about what it means to be human,” she said. “And I hope that really can drive at the core of definitions of race, ethnicity, culture, self-determination, personal agency and, ultimately, empowerment.”
Good Morning.
Dana (86e864) — 6/16/2015 @ 6:42 amI just tell the officer I identify as sober.
Intoxicated is a social construct.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 6:45 amshe ain’t go no job
happyfeet (831175) — 6/16/2015 @ 6:46 am*got* i mean
happyfeet (831175) — 6/16/2015 @ 6:46 amBat guano crazy describes Rachel.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 6/16/2015 @ 6:50 amSo, basically,, she is like Jenner; firmly convinced that she can, by will and cosmetics, change something about herself that is not subject to change, and indignant that some people refuse to go along with her delusion.
Isn’t that pretty much a definition of Modern Liberal Progressivism? Delusional about the facts on the ground and indignant that some people won’t go along with the fantasy?
C. S. P. Schofield (a196fd) — 6/16/2015 @ 6:50 amI should preemptively apologize. I was joking about something that’s no joking matter. I hope everyone realizes I was trying to illustrate the absurdity of our “I identify as…” culture.
But I realize it could appear I was condoning a behavior that I am most certainly not. For that, I am sorry.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 6:50 am‘her name is Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it’s pronounced throat warbler mangrove,’
she isn’t just a bystander, he makes judgement on the lives and livelyhoods of law enforcement officers every day, among others,
narciso (ee1f88) — 6/16/2015 @ 6:57 amC. S. P. Schofield, given that race is a more fluid concept than sex, in what sense wasn’t Ms. Dolezal not black. She thought she was black. Apparently other people thought she was black.
I mean, if Fauxcahontas can claim to be Indian because, high cheekbones, and still be a Senator why can’t Dolezal be a black chick?
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 6:57 amIr you remember the bad old days of the 70s and 80s, the Congress is filled with people who think if you outlaw the 120mph speedometer and replace it with the 85mph speedo, nobody will go faster than 85mph.
And we reelect them.
And now Elizabeth Warner is a Senator.
So why can’t Mx. Dolezal be black, a dude, and a cheetah?
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:04 amthat was a pronoun fail on my part,
narciso (ee1f88) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:07 amMx. being my honorific for the gender confused.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:07 amI’ll get over it, narciso.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:08 amSteve57;
IF race is a “social construct” that has no practical, real-world effects, and can be put on and taken off like a cosplay identity, then the whole of the Affirmative Action idiocy needs to be sh*tcanned immediately. If, on the other hand, it has real world consequences (and the Liberal Intellectual Radical Progressives are determined that it will) then claiming to belong to a race that you don’t is fraud.
The problem here is that folks are mistaking “Social Construct” for “Inconsequential”. Social Constructs are stubborn things, as this woman is discovering.
As long as government policy and social custom grant special treatment to people belonging to one “race” or another, pretending to belong to that race is dishonorable, no matter how fine your intentions. I would be fine with junking all the special treatment today, but I suspect that the LIRPs would collectively have hysterics if not outright aneurisms.
C. S. P. Schofield (a196fd) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:26 amYou called that, Mr. Schofield! And after they managed to somehow get otherwise rational people to start saying “Not that there’s anything wrong with that”, when there is something very wrong with that just going along with these ridiculous fantasies and claims was no longer good enough. Just like the SSM crap, we were being lead from acceptance to celebration to participation, or else! Leftists make the personal, political. That’s why they do the same crap with global warming. First they beat us up about it, then try and force us to accept it then to celebrate it by financing it. And it’s personal because just like if you’re not for SSM you become a homophobe and a bigot, if you’re not down with AGW you become a “denier” and as a friend once called me “a flat earther”.
So someone asks this dopey b!tch when she began lying about being black and her crazy-azzed answer is: “It’s more complex than that”. No, it isn’t, B!tch! You’re a filthy liar, a fraud and a bottom feeding thief for taking money as pay for being something you are not: BLACK!
And there is NO difference with Bruce Jenner even if a few of you still can’t see it. He’s a fraud, a liar, and a deceitful person. He is not a female! And it s no more “complex” than that. If you buy into his fantasy you become the problem because at that point you can no longer be trusted to see and know the truth.
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:27 amShe explained it:
“It’s more complex than being true or false.”
You gotta love the nuanced left.
AZ Bob (34bb80) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:28 amshe’s actually a replicant, but she fooled the Voight Kampf test,
narciso (ee1f88) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:31 amThe rise of tribalism as an existential threat to western civilization is not limited to the middle east. Hard to stay true to “e pluribus unum” when one’s affinity for the group is stronger than one’s affinity for the whole.
crazy (cde091) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:31 amMr. Schofield I’m all for s***canning affirmative action.
Mx. Dolezal needed to be a double-plus-good victim. Not just a woman, but a black woman. Like Elizabeth Warren needed to be not just a woman, but an Indian woman.
Well, to get a professorship at Harvard, anyway.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:32 ami can’t decide who’s more blacker Rachel or Hillary
i go back and forth
happyfeet (831175) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:33 amthey both need to make me some biscuits i think
then i’ll know for sure
happyfeet (831175) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:35 amand also gravy
happyfeet (831175) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:36 amOr who’s more masculine Hillary! or Bill.
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:36 amSo nice, it needed to be said twice.
Not to turn everything into a gay marriage thread. Even I get tired of that. But I think my discontent with society can be summed up in the words, “I’m not going along with the delusion.”
Stop me if I’m wrong, but I believe now, in Kali, insurance companies have to provide same sex couples fertility treatment. Like we all have to pretend that, gee, we just can’t figure out why these two gay guys or this lesbian couple can’t have kids. Apparently they’re infertile.
A complete mystery to us.
When did we go this far off our collective nut? And is it any wonder we can’t fight ISIS?
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:43 amI had to go ‘blade runner’ even though I don’t think we’re getting to the offworld colonies,
narciso (ee1f88) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:46 amany time soon.
No, I’m not wrong.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:46 amback on ceti alpha 5:
narciso (ee1f88) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:53 amThe first thing that a congenital liar, afflicted with both Baron Von Munchausen syndrome, and Von Hirschprung’s Syndrome, will say is that “It’s complicated.” Ms. Dolezal suffers from all three conditions.
Comanche Voter (1d5c8b) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:57 amSuch a hard-hitting interview. Way to pursue the truth, Matt. /s
I wish he’d asked her about the child molestation charge she filed against her own brother. But that’s probably moot right now. No prosecutor in his right mind would call her.
creeper (010b6f) — 6/16/2015 @ 8:09 am“As much as this discussions has somewhat been at my expense recently in a very sort of viciosuly inhumane way … the discussion is really about what it means to be human,” she said. “And I hope that really can drive at the core of definitions of race, ethnicity, culture, self-determination, personal agency and, ultimately, empowerment.”
And jibjab frizzen the mizzenmast. Locorea tempor!! Svigny! Donnerwetter und viblefrotzen, lent bigglesnort the bootie laces, needs to juggle bondie migglesmoot.
Wow, thinking — and speaking — like a PostModern Liberal certainly frees up the language skills!!
IGotBupkis, "Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses." (225d0d) — 6/16/2015 @ 8:17 amhttp://therightscoop.com/crazy-weirdo-rachel-dolezal-defended-her-racial-identity-on-the-today-show-full-interview/
narciso (ee1f88) — 6/16/2015 @ 8:18 amGreetings:
I have an innate disability to disagree with a woman of this degree of attractiveness. So, I’m going to reserve judgement until the octoroon and high yellar aspects are more clearly addressed.
11B40 (6abb5c) — 6/16/2015 @ 8:27 amThey do not use words to convey meaning and logic, they use language to try to manipulate to get what they want at the moment, whether or not it is logically consistent with what they said 15 seconds ago, like any desperate person just obsessed with getting what they want, even if it is a rotted steak guarded by a herd of honey badgers (yes, I know they don’t come in herds, but stick with the concept, OK, it is a metaphorical construct, which IS allowed).
There is an off world colony I expect to move to someday, at least off of this version of this world.
MD in Philly (f9371b) — 6/16/2015 @ 8:41 amwell I clearly meant in this realm, Doc:
narciso (ee1f88) — 6/16/2015 @ 8:43 amTango Mike Mike.
“This means Mexican.”
My race is the same as MSGT Benavidez’s. Or Doris Miller’s.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 8:59 amThe thing is, in a perfect world I would have no problem with Rachel Dolezal or Ms. Jenner; OK, they’re broken and to some degree lying to themselves and others. I do that too. Maybe not as much, but I’ve had enough therapy to know that about myself. I suspect that the few people who do not lie to themselves or others are saints or psychopaths or both, and in any case very hard to live with.
The problem comes when a large segment of society insists on what it chooses to call “tolerance” when it means happy acceptance. Nobody in this world is loved by everyone, and most of us just deal with that. But too many of the LIRPs Special Groups won’t stand for that. It isn’t enough for society to look at Jenner and say “Whatever. Let the boor bastard deal with life however he can.”, (s)he must be CELEBRATED. It isn’t enough for Gays to be legally married; they must never, Never, NEVER be faced with the simple fact that some people are never going to recognize those marriages as binding. That is hardly a situation unique to Gays as anyone with a mixed faith marriage and a strictly Orthodox grandmother could tell you.
Now, there is this much difference between Jenner and this bitch; Jenner almost certainly knew that on balance (s)he would be reviled by a portion of society, and seems to have accepted that. This twunt expected to be totally accepted and is outraged that she wasn’t.
Privilege, much, bitch?
There are a lot of broken, odd, or simply mad people in society who are no more danger to themselves or others than the theoretical Whitebread Commuter. Possibly less. We can accept these people and work around them. We can even know a few of them personally, and love them, and accept them for what they are, and pretend to accept their delusions because denying everybody’s delusions is as unpleasant as forcing very one to go along with yours. You gotta get along with the neighbors, to some extent.
But at some point you have the right to say; “No, this person is not Black. This person is not female. This person is not an Artist.” Even if you are wrong. You have a right to be wrong, because all too often the consensus is wrong, if not outright deranged.
C. S. P. Schofield (a196fd) — 6/16/2015 @ 9:21 amTry that on ISIS.
I’m not into bragging rights. I could care less.
a fight is coming. So I swing my sledge hammer. To get ready.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 9:33 amThe key is controlling on top. The easy part is doing the Barbarian Squat.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 9:35 amenclaves are the name of the game:
narciso (ee1f88) — 6/16/2015 @ 9:38 amSteve57,
If forced to it, I would much rather try a mix of cluster bombs, close air support, and small arms fire on ISIS.
OTOH, using the same on Ms. Dolezal would be like calling an airstrike on one cockroach. What she needs is public scorn.
Or thirty years of therapy.
C. S. P. Schofield (a196fd) — 6/16/2015 @ 9:39 amMr. Schofield, I cant get the KIWI and the MOA out of my mind. Brave men.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 9:43 amunclear what the other guy said:
narciso (ee1f88) — 6/16/2015 @ 9:48 amI think in the end that’s all any of us conservatives want. To be able to speak the truth, the obvious truth, like Jenner’s a guy and Dolezal is white without being called homophobes or racists. The right to speak the truth even when everyone else nods in agreement to the seemingly never ending lies. And yeah, they need public scorn and therapy. What they don’t need is to be coddled and have their psychosis ignored nor “accepted”. They need help, not celebration.
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/16/2015 @ 9:51 amThe first thing that a congenital liar, afflicted with both Baron Von Munchausen syndrome, and Von Hirschprung’s Syndrome, will say is that “It’s complicated.”
That whole interview is “These aren’t my pants, officer. I just borrowed them by accident. I was crashing at sumdood’s house and when I woke up the room was dark and the pants was lying on the floor …”
Which is a very black thing, though, so she has that part right.
nk (9faaca) — 6/16/2015 @ 9:51 amThe skipper on the Satterlee was reported to have said if he needed to ground his ship to support the Rangers on Pont du Hoc, that’s what he would do. Shouldn’t that be what every skipper in the Navy is willing to do? What are these ships for, if not for fighting?
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 9:53 amSafety first is ruin in war.
Winston Churchill
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 9:55 amThe MOA.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 10:02 amI don’t care what you’d rather do. I care what Hamas would rather do. My first aid kit is Sears craftsman tool box.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 11:10 amMost first aid kits are inadequate, in my opinion.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 11:11 amI actually have three. One for backpacking, one for normal tooling around town, and the big one.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 11:13 amLie-awatha is ten times worse of a person than this moron.
mg (31009b) — 6/16/2015 @ 11:14 ammg, but this one just got started. Give her time. I love how these people can say so many words and not actually say anything. It’s an art form that is a constant wonder to me. I recognize all the individual words, just not the way they join them up.
Gazzer (be559b) — 6/16/2015 @ 11:31 am“It’s more complex than being true or false.”
Angelo (ff88c3) — 6/16/2015 @ 11:54 amI don’t think my father would have found that an acceptable response when questioning me as a child. And, fortunately I didn’t think of it
==Lie-awatha is ten times worse of a person than this moron.
mg (31009b) — 6/16/2015 @ 11:14 am==
I agree with this mg. And Warren’s fake Indian identity/box checking has netted her far more entrée into academia, politics, wealth and “prestige” than Rachel could ever have hoped for. But I think this strange lil episode with Rachel and its wide social media publicity and analysis hurts and exposes Warren anew, too, in ways that the original Fauxchahontas kerfuffle never quite managed to.
elissa (2f6178) — 6/16/2015 @ 11:54 amGazzer,
You should read some of Mencken’s accounts of political rallies and conventions; the Sage of Baltimore had a fine appreciation of the art of saying very little in a lot of words, and his accounts of the blovations of the Political Class were a constant source of annoyance to his self-annointed Betters.
C. S. P. Schofield (a196fd) — 6/16/2015 @ 11:55 amThanks CSP, I will.
Gazzer (be559b) — 6/16/2015 @ 12:13 pmIn fact, I ordered his diary from the liberry. You can tell a lot from a man’s diary.
Gazzer (be559b) — 6/16/2015 @ 12:35 pmVivere!
To live!
To live is to dance.
And sing. Music is what we need.
kishnevi, I don’t believe what I believe because my white western European background tells me to believe it. That kind of hurts.
But no I don’t think I’m black.
I think I’m pretty cool, though. Which is possibly worse.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 12:57 pmmocha chocalata ya ya
happyfeet (831175) — 6/16/2015 @ 1:08 pmpickle pickle marmalade
happyfeet (831175) — 6/16/2015 @ 1:12 pmLady Marmalade
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 1:34 pmGazzer,
Be aware; Mencken was not a bigot only because he didn’t Iike ANY ethnicity, not even German-Americans although he was one. But there was a great hoo-ra over his diaries when they were published (’80’s?) because he used verboten terms like kike and negro amd blackamoor.
Also, his diaries are nowhere near as smooth and entertaining as what was published during his lifetime. I have a special soft spot for HAPPPY DAYS, NEESPAPER DAYS, and HEATHEN DAYS, which started as a series of short pieces done for Ross’s NEW YORKER (long before it devolved into a parody of itself).
C. S. P. Schofield (a196fd) — 6/16/2015 @ 1:59 pmI did 20 burpees. Not a lot. Still, something.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 2:26 pmI’m getting old.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 2:28 pmThat doesn’t mean he’s not a bigot. He’s just a universal donor.
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/16/2015 @ 2:29 pmhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSH0eRKq1lE
Better, now.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 2:33 pmI rarely clutch my pearls CSP. In the 90s I was watching a Kojak re-reun in which Theo was espousing on all the vagabonds in his district and was going on about all the hebes, kikes and he even said ni88ers! And this was network TV. People often try to re-invent how well mannered they were in the past.
Gazzer (be559b) — 6/16/2015 @ 2:34 pmYou gotta love the nuanced left.
AZ Bob (34bb80) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:28 am
Exactly — and did she hit every last SJW buzzword in the book in that last quote, or what?
no one of consequence (325a59) — 6/16/2015 @ 2:35 pmHey, I see the FDA is banning transfats in 2016. But not transblacks!
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/16/2015 @ 2:37 pmSteve57, I love your taste in music. The pipes and the drums no matter where or by whom they’re played makes the blood boil in the heart of this old warrior. It appears the same for you.
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/16/2015 @ 2:42 pmGazer,
Fairly said. Just a heads up. There’s a collection of his newspaper editorials that I treasure; THE IMPOSSIBLE H. L. MENCKEN. Not even an forward by notoriusly self-important twit Gore Vidal could spoil it.
Rev. Barack Hussein Hogie,
I tend to think of a Bigot as someone who is unfairly prejudiced against selected groups. Mencken was even-handedly disdainful of all groups more or less equally.
C. S. P. Schofield (a196fd) — 6/16/2015 @ 2:53 pmYou’ll like the Celtic Women, then, Hoagie.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 2:55 pmThanks, Steve57.
mg (31009b) — 6/16/2015 @ 2:57 pmThat interview was extraordinary. She is not a good liar either.
JD (3b5483) — 6/16/2015 @ 3:01 pmSensational, Steve57. Wow!
mg (31009b) — 6/16/2015 @ 3:05 pmCSP, the liberry did not have a copy, so I bought one on Amazon for $0.78. Hah! Shipping was $3.99, however. Thanks for the tip.
Gazzer (be559b) — 6/16/2015 @ 3:07 pmBack in the USSR.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 3:17 pmCan this airhead be yesterday already? Right along with whosits Jenner? Please.
Richard Aubrey (f6d8de) — 6/16/2015 @ 3:38 pmI mean, here’s a “who” as in nobody knows, nobody cares….
The Celtic Women are brilliant.
JD (3b5483) — 6/16/2015 @ 4:14 pmOh, the hell with the crazy woman. Let the NAACP deal with it’s hypocrisy. I don’t care.
mojo (a3d457) — 6/16/2015 @ 4:44 pmRachel does a great job of not answering Lauer’s questions.
NBC should ask for a refund for her airline ticket and other travel expenses.
slp (347e33) — 6/16/2015 @ 4:46 pmI love Celtic Women, Steve57. Also the guy version but their name escapes.
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/16/2015 @ 5:26 pm#82
Richard Aubrey (f6d8de) — 6/16/2015 @ 5:42 pmThe High Kings.
I was just watching a “best of” Celtic Women program on PBS Sunday night. The one in the YouTube link above has an effortlessly beautiful voice.
JD (6f4229) — 6/16/2015 @ 6:11 pmOnce you go Faux Black, you NEVER Geaux Back!
Scott Severin (cf3950) — 6/16/2015 @ 6:55 pmCeltic women brought the highest prices in the Mediterranean slave markets. It was the green eyes. The Vikings would bring them, having raided Irish coastal villages for them.
nk (9faaca) — 6/16/2015 @ 6:56 pmI wish I could find the vid of the Crusader staring up, what with the safety observers with the fire extinguishers standing by. A big radial could sometimes put its own fire out. But not always.
This will do.The Pratt & Whitney R-2800.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 6:58 pmkishnevi, I don’t believe what I believe because my white western European background tells me to believe it. That kind of hurts.
But no I don’t think I’m black.
I think I’m pretty cool, though. Which is possibly worse.
You do. It goes so deep you don’t even notice it…the intellectual foundations on which you decide how and what to believe. Just like my intellectual foundations as a Jew
…not quite white, not totally European…help shape what I think. Culturally I have one foot in the Levant, and some of my intellectual norms are shared by Islam. Ramadan starts tomorrow night, and I condole with my Muslim coworker over the rigors of the fast, and compare Jewish prayer times with Muslim ones. The details, but not the basic concepts, differ. Possibly Muslims borrowed them from Jews. Our Christian coworkers freak out at the idea that fast means no food or drink is allowed to pass the lips, and have to be explained to about how prayer times vary during the year because the sun rises and sets at different times. These concepts seem to be totally foreign to European heritaged folks. [Me to Catholic friend who observes traditional fasts: That is not a fast, that is just a crash diet!]
No doubt that is why I am more sympathetic to Islam and harsher on the Church than others are. Similarly, that is why you believe some of what you believe. You were brought up to be a rational EuroAmerican….
There is a nugget of truth to the talk of white privilege. Short form: this country was founded with white Protestant males as the cutural norm, and up until the advent of multiculturalism, success in America was equivalent to transforming oneself to something as close to that norm as possible, and making people forget that you were not actually a white Protestant male. Obviously women and blacks were at a disadvantage there.
But the best conservative answer should be to acknowledge the phenomenon, and argue that it was a good thing, in as much as that cultural norm meant not physical appearance but such things as willingness to work hard, rational thinking, honesty, etc.
kishnevi (93670d) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:00 pmThank the pilots all you want. Without the maintainers, nothing flies.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:05 pmWhat about the NAACP’s insistence that race is no factor in their hiring of president of the Spokane branch?
papertiger (c2d6da) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:06 pmDO we have to accept that psychosis?
Two further comments
I am 56, and I am guessing you are a only a few years younger than me. Allow me to say men my (our) age should never be cool except by accident. At most we should aim for stability accented by superficial modishness.
The bloviation of the preceding comment was sponsored in part by a cheap but satisfyingly pleasant bourbon marketed under the brand “Original Black Powder”.
kishnevi (294553) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:07 pm“I have a huge issue with blackface,” she continued. “This is not some freak ‘Birth of a Nation’ mockery blackface performance. This is on a very real connected level. I’ve actually had to go there with the experience, not just with a visible representation, but with the experience.”This amounts to she is better than Al Jolson because…because.
Bugg (bd9445) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:12 pmkishnevi, what’s best is not the best because it’s my own.
(yeah she also sings in non-white)
F*** your white privilege. The rubber has to meet he road sometime.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:19 pmkishnevi, what I meant by “pretty cool” was “OK with myself.” You’re right. I’m only a couple years younger. But if by now I’m not OK with myself I’ve been doing something wrong.
Actually, I’ve been doing lots wrong. But I should learn something from it.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:23 pmThere is a nugget of truth to all propaganda.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:29 pmI fervently hope you enjoy your Black Powder. But while you enjoy it, please try not to mistake my meaning.
Sincerely yours.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:36 pmThere is a nugget of truth to the talk of white privilege
About as much as in the Marxist tenet that inheritance is theft.
nk (9faaca) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:49 pmIt’s probably only my white privilege that tells me this is a no no.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:49 pmShe’s a misappropriating bi+ch and I see myself as a proud Eskimo who – if given a chance – would set her adrift on a fast-melting iceberg in a sea full of hungry polar bears.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:57 pm98.
My not quite white privilege makes me want to know more about this
And perhaps you mistake my meaning. But read the last paragraph of my comment 88. I suspect you actually agree with all of that sentence.
kishnevi (294553) — 6/16/2015 @ 7:59 pmCol. H…why do you want to give those bears indigestion?
kishnevi (93670d) — 6/16/2015 @ 8:00 pmActually, I self identify as Joe Manganiello. Anyone have Sofia Vergara’s number?
Gazzer (be559b) — 6/16/2015 @ 8:01 pmI wish my Celtic woman could sing
mg (31009b) — 6/16/2015 @ 8:54 pmbut then I’d have everything
The issue I have is that such values are not exclusively white.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/16/2015 @ 10:05 pmWe are attempting to debate a LYING PILE OF SHYTE. What can possibly be the result of debating a dishonest mentally disturbed lying, criminal????
Gus (7cc192) — 6/16/2015 @ 10:24 pmNo, I’m not referring to RODHAM. Or, am I???
Exclusively white? Perhaps not, but predominantly white, definitely. I would also add predominantly Christian, Western, free market and democratic. Kings, emperors and despots have not been able to accomplish in the history of man what a few free-thinking Christians have an a couple hundred years of America.
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/16/2015 @ 10:47 pmThey’re pretty durned Japanese, Rev. Hoagie. And to much the same extent Chinese and Korean. At least the working hard and honesty part. Lest anyone think I’m being racist about not automatically granting the rational thinking title to Asians, I need to point out that it was an explicit decree of the Shogunate that since law was the foundation of society reason could be violated for the sake of the law, but the law could never be violated for the sake of reason.
The Japanese were not outliers in this area. Like the Greeks are to Western civilization, the Chinese are to most Eastern civilizations.
So they had considered the rational thinking question, and decided it wasn’t going to be one of their top agenda items. Which is not to say they can’t think rationally.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/17/2015 @ 12:28 am80% of Columbia’s 2015 graduating class with a master’s degree in statistics were Chinese.
100% of Columbia’s undergrad’s majoring in mattress carrying and sex tapes were white.
Steve57 (48418e) — 6/17/2015 @ 12:35 amwhitey is a pussy to let things get this far out of hand.
mg (31009b) — 6/17/2015 @ 2:17 amEmma is Chinese.
nk (9faaca) — 6/17/2015 @ 3:09 amNow Steve57, you know my wife is South Korean. WE were at dinner last night at Marco Polo with the Korean Business Assn.. There is a large Japanese and of course Chinese affiliation also. I have a real deep respect for Asian culture since my experiences in Vietnam.
However, I was not referring to today. I was referring to our founders. Their values were pretty much exclusively white. Individualism, freedom of speech, to assemble, to worship and all the rest are pretty much exclusively white, Christian and Western. In all the history of man it has only been a few hundred years of Western culture which has freed the most people and increased their well being and standard of living. And that was no Shogunate. No Caliphate. No central planner. It didn’t come from China, nor Africa nor the oppressive Middle East. It came from Western Civilization.
I respect the Asian cultures and although I do not respect Middle Eastern culture I can still observe it. However, quite frankly there is no way modern progress could ever have come from those closed or oppressive societies. That’s what I hate about leftists. They want to take a dynamic, free society and make conformance the ideal. Everybody must think the same. That means nobody is thinking at all.
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/17/2015 @ 5:00 amOne other point Steve57. You don’t believe the Asian cultures, Middle Eastern wacko’s or Africans would be where they are today if it weren’t for us lousy white, Christian, free marketers do you? Because the Asian cultures were stuck in history until we went to war or economic war with them. Africa is half dead and would be all dead if not for Western aid. And the Middle East hasn’t invented bupkis since 950 AD. They are backward morons. It is the fact that we exist that forces these people to make any improvements at all.
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/17/2015 @ 5:09 amBefore the Occupation, in terms of democracy and basic human rights, particularly of women, Japan made Saudi Arabia look like Sweden.
nk (9faaca) — 6/17/2015 @ 5:39 amI was not trying to denigrate any group here. I was just voicing my personal opinion that these values while not exclusively white are predominately white. Not trying to cause a war here. As nk points out, had we not beat and occupied Japan would they still be semi-feudal? If not for the need to compete with us in world markets would communist China allow any freedom at all?
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/17/2015 @ 5:47 amThe other interesting thing about Japan is that it had also been America Commodore Perry) who brought it out of 12th century feudalism and into at least a 19th century German-style semi-feudal, military-mercantile ruling system.
nk (9faaca) — 6/17/2015 @ 6:16 amWhat a difference a ( makes. *(Commodore Perry)*
nk (9faaca) — 6/17/2015 @ 6:17 amOne could say that while the descriptors are correct, the world views themselves are not somehow intrinsically linked to race/skin color. Had the ideas of the Judeo-Christian world view persevered in Ethiopia and south it might have been Africa that lead the world. (Did you ever see pictures of those old Ethiopian churches that were carved out or the ground? The equivalent of cathedrals built down into the ground to beat the heat.)
MD in Philly (f9371b) — 6/17/2015 @ 7:06 amSomething else I want off my chest pertaining to this stupid Dolezal nonsense.
Back when I was a white man I was getting sick and tired of always being portrayed as some kind of oppressor. This “white privilege” crap for example. Bull. I’d like to point out that it was white, Christian, abolitionist men who freed the slaves. They fought white, Christian, pro-slavery neighbors, friends, brothers and fathers. Hundreds of thousands died and hundreds of thousands were maimed. The slaves themselves had little or nothing to do with the war. It was not a “slave revolt” like Sparticus against Rome. It was a moral fight among free men as to the direction and future of America.
The North won and ever since we white, Christian men have been bad-mouthed and b!tch slapped all over the nation. The blacks became perpetual victims and we became perpetual oppressors. Regardless how much blood we’ve shed on the battle field or in protest marches, regardless how many rights and privileges we surrender we are always “GUILTY”. The entire world at one time or another has held slaves through history and all have held black slaves, even blacks! Yet only the white, American, Christian male seems to be perpetually bullied and brow beaten about it even though it was they who bleed the most to end it. America did not invent slavery, nor did American, white, Christian males. But we did fight a bloody war against ourselves to end it. Did the Brits, Germans, Italians, African, Arabs? No, not hardly.
Even today I watched black people on FOX trying to excuse away a lying fraud of a fool, Dolezal as some sort of transracial martyr for the cause of black-ness. Bull. Stop it already. One idiot actually stated “you can believe you’re black without being a black person but that doesn’t make you not black”. What??? Who are these idiots and where do they come from?
If America is so bad toward black people why don’t they emigrate to some place friendlier? Instead they’re lining up in Africa to become cab drivers in Manhattan. Go figure.
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/17/2015 @ 7:09 amMD in Philly, you’re kidding. The “world views” definitely are linked to race and skin color. You even go on to describe how the Ethiopians, or Africans or whatever IF they “had the ideas of the Judeo-Christian world”……well, they didn’t and that’s my point. Neither did the Asians, Arabs, Persians, Bushmen, Aborigines, American Indian or Inuit’s. But those damn white guys did. Go fgure?
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/17/2015 @ 7:30 amAnd one other thing: I never owned one single slave. Did you? Then why do I have to hear about something from 150 years ago daily? None of us owned slaves and none of us were slaves so quit the friggin’ whining already.
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/17/2015 @ 7:39 am@Rev’m Barack Hussein Hoagie:You even go on to describe how the Ethiopians, or Africans or whatever IF they “had the ideas of the Judeo-Christian world”……well, they didn’t and that’s my point.
That’s bit ignorant. Asia and Africa had Judaism and Christianity before Europe did.
Ethiopia has been Christian for 200 years longer than England has. The Copts in Egypt have kept their Christianity since the year 33, even under extreme persecution.
Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1) — 6/17/2015 @ 10:29 amWell Gabriel, if they had’em they lost’em. So they may as well not had’em at all. For that matter whatever they did have and for however long they’ve had it nothing amounted from it. It was we who did and it’s a bit ig’nant to believe otherwise living here. Perhaps it’s better under the Cops or Ethiopians, eh?
And I thought of bottled water in 1976. So what? I never took it anywhere did I? Now had they come up with a constitutional republic and free enterprise they’d be having this discussion and you and I would be the ones farming antelope crap.
Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27) — 6/17/2015 @ 11:06 amThe issue I have is that such values are not exclusively white
Valid point when referring to the human race in general.
But in reference to the USA, they are “white man’s values”…the cultural norm established when American culture was in fact almost totally male and white.
Up until c. 1970 education of immigrant children was something of a process of enforced assimilation. Then multiculturalism began its takeover.
In ghetto parlance they are the values the thuggish dismiss as ” acting white”. What I propose is a sort of philosophical juijitsu, admitting the accusation and then demonstrating it is in fact a good thing to “act white”.
kishnevi (294553) — 6/17/2015 @ 5:45 pmMeanwhile more background appearing, suggesting the Dolezal family would make a good telenovela.
kishnevi (91d5c6) — 6/17/2015 @ 5:47 pmFacepalm…the link that should have gone into comment 124.
kishnevi (91d5c6) — 6/17/2015 @ 5:48 pmhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/06/16/rachel-dolezals-brother-author-joshua-dolezal-faces-trial-for-alleged-sexual-abuse-of-a-black-child/?tid=sm_tw
@Rev’m:Now had they come up with a constitutional republic and free enterprise they’d be having this discussion and you and I would be the ones farming antelope crap.
You have a very odd idea of what are “Judeo-Christian” ideas, when the vast majority of the Judeo-Christian world didn’t make any use of those things until the 20th century and aren’t making much use of them now.
It’s like saying that tigers have fangs and stripes because they are mammals, and elephants don’t because they lost their mammalian characteristics.
Gabriel Hanna (791089) — 6/17/2015 @ 6:34 pmkishnevi @ 124,
Maybe not a telenovela, but certainly a movie.
Dana (86e864) — 6/17/2015 @ 6:41 pm