Patterico's Pontifications


Hillary Clinton: The Devil, You Say!

Filed under: General — Dana @ 11:40 am

[guest post by Dana]


Poor Hillary! can’t catch a break. The cover of the new TIME magazine mischievously shows her with devil horns. Accidental? Intentional? Subliminal messaging from editors already tired of the Hillary! circus and would rather see Warren run? Not only is she with horns, but she appears to be looking down while wearing a long, shapeless coat. Is she depressed? Is she fretting over that “old car smell” she is so desperate to eliminate? Or is she perhaps trying to contain the odor of yet one more scandal of her own making under that big coat?

Contrast it with TIME Magazine’s cover of then-contender Barrack Obama that depicted a confident, youthful new car smell candidate for the presidency:


Halo imagery:


(H/T The Corner)


74 Responses to “Hillary Clinton: The Devil, You Say!”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (86e864)

  2. It’s the MSM’s sorry-assed narrative, but America pays the steep price.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  3. What, the MSM picks favorites? Say it isn’t so!

    One thing very much working against the lovely Mrs Clinton is that the professional media really do root for the underdogs, and Hillary stopped being the underdog in 1993. She’s old, and has been around for a long, long time, and the media need a new darling.

    If she is the Democratic nominee, they’ll pull for her, of course, but not until then.

    The Dana tired of sycophancy (f6a568)

  4. Dana-etc #3 – the MSM pules for her as a matter of habit …

    Alastor (2e7f9f)

  5. Those Obama “halos” are just vomit worthy. Yes, we’ve seen them all before, but pictured together, ugh. Somewhere Leni Riefenstahl smiles.

    elissa (49c70a)

  6. here’s an improved version of the cover…

    #FakeButAccurate, as it were. 😎

    redc1c4 (dab236)

  7. besides, i don’t know what the big deal with the horns is…
    Bill’s been hanging the horns on her for decades now.

    redc1c4 (dab236)

  8. When San Francisco bails, you know there is trouble
    Per PowerLine:

    MD in Philly (not in Philly at the moment) (deca84)

  9. i keep vacillating on whether she can make it through to the convention. This morning i was thinking ‘yes’ as the liberals were out in support and creating the 2 memes of it is just a Republican fog campaign and that it doesn’t really matter even though it was technically wrong (the old keep mentioning it till people get used to it trick).
    But can a Dem win primaries with Time (and other MSM) opposed ? i don’t think so. She needs the MSM to continue playing along.

    seeRpea (181740)

  10. When you now have irrelevant endorsements from irrelevant old-car smelling peers like this, you would be wise to rethink your entire strategy and decision making.

    Dana (86e864)

  11. The papers and mags and cables need controversy to keep eyes peeled. I think they’ll keep chipping at this email business until something better comes along. Also, many people/viewers who don’t understand such things as “sequester” and “CBO charts” (and don’t care to) DO understand about email systems and servers and most of them probably have an inkling why governments have what is known as “classified” information that requires protection. Normal lower level people who work for businesses and government entities know there are rules and that they’ve had to sign employment documents with respect to their email and computer usage. I believe that even women who want to see more females in government and corner offices and would very much like to see a woman president would prefer to have a competent one–not a cackling nincompoop like Hillary. I think she’s got trouble in River City.

    elissa (49c70a)

  12. Ace has this article featured with a burning skull over at his site.

    elissa (49c70a)

  13. If someone were to find one of those emails from Clinton to other state deptment personel not included in her “disclosure” of official emails could she be put behind bars?
    Granted that would be the reason why boxes of printouts instead of a memory stick.

    How could she know for a fact that something wouldn’t turn up? The answer is she couldn’t know with certainty.

    I’d love to see her sweat. Big reams of “oh my God. I’m going to jail!” fop sweat.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  14. They’ll have enough people to fill a wing at Leavenworth. The Obama wing.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  15. re #13: Could she ? yepp. Will she ? nope, no way just for this. See patreus, a deal would be made.

    (what would really be rich would be if in example given she cc’ed Blumenthal)

    seeRpea (181740)

  16. apparently, the bus is rolling

    someone pass the popcorn 😎

    redc1c4 (34e91b)

  17. Halo Dana

    mg (31009b)

  18. Somewhere Leni Riefenstahl smiles.

    Through the pain of the fires.

    I listened to an interview of Ed Klein, author of “Blood Feud” about the Obama machine and the Clinton machine and he says the e-mail story came from the White House and Valerie Jarrett.

    I wonder if she really is a secret drunk.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  19. Back in the day folks used to say to me, “I’ve never seen you drunk…” to which I would reply, “No you’ve never seen me sober.”
    Thankfully those days are behind me.

    Gazzer (9a6d5c)

  20. When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a Post Turtle. You know she didn’t get there by herself, she doesn’t belong there, she can’t get anything done while she’s up there, and you just want to help the poor dumb thing get down.

    nk (dbc370)

  21. So if Hillary Clinton signed the Separation Statement (the OF109 form) that certifies that – before leaving – she handed over all official records to the agency, she could be prosecuted for a felony. The State Dept. needs to answer that question.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  22. this administration is arguably the largest continuing criminal enterprise ever operating in the country.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  23. Does anyone else find it funny that Hillary still believes that it’s is her turn now, and she is owed the presidency? She showed her loyalty to the party, all the way up to Obama and SoS. She complied with and was subservient to the party her entire adult life. And they screwed her. Continually. And yet, loyal she remains even as this WH throws her under the bus. A real woman who was that independent, strong thinker in charge of her own destiny and got there it by her own lights, would have given them the bird a long time ago. Instead, she is just another door mat.

    Dana (86e864)

  24. You didn’t mean that seriously, Dana? She’s a multi-millionaire and her name is a household word. She has been First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State. Her life since 1992 has been one of luxury, in the highest circles of society. She’s bright and hard-working and she would have been successful as a lawyer, but she would not be where she is now without the Democratic Party.

    nk (dbc370)

  25. Further, I’ve been reading today that Hilary’s email scandal is just her testing the waters to see how far the media (and party) will let her go – hence the “they write this own rules” , will it work questioning. That may be part of it, but that gives her a ballsiness and cleverness and power I’m not convinced she still wields.

    Dana (86e864)

  26. Problem is gonna be that Hillary! has been around forever, and the Dem base wants a true lefty. The “Bankers BAD!” thing is not gonna fly vs. Warren when they can easily point out her paling around with the Lloyd Blankfeins of finance.

    As to the GOP side, is ANYBODY gonna stand up for limited conservative governance, less spending, no more pointless war and an end to insane immigration? Operationally there would be no difference between Hillary! and Jeb. The rest so far would be little better. Scott Walker and all of the resr spare possibly Cruz cannot wait to kiss Shelly Adelson’s illegal-loving posterior , borrow a pile of cash forever and invade somebody. Jeff Sessions, where are you?

    Bugg (bd9445)

  27. I am serious, nk. I’m also running a fever and stuck in bed, sick with very nasty cold-flu, and also sick and tired of Hillary and her endless excuses over the years. She is a victim of her own making and that in very big part because she sold her soul so long ago to the Democratic Party. Feminist, my ass. She is a bottom-feeder who sacrificed ethos and standards decades ago.

    Dana (86e864)

  28. Get well, soon. I agree with you on that comment, except the victim part. She’s a Lady Macbeth. She makes victims. Bill has the charm and is far more intelligent than she is. Her contribution was to multiply and direct the sleaze. A catalyst for his talents and ambitions?

    nk (dbc370)

  29. Get well, and get well quickly!
    I think She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed is counting on the public to succumb to Clinton Scandal Fatigue, and tuning out.

    I myself long ago succumbed to Clinton Fatigue.
    You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately … Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!
    I would probably vote for anyone the GOP nominates just to get rid of her….which brings me to the next point….You guys need the Dems to field a viable candidate…because if they do not the GOP Establishment will have a much easier time imposing its own pick.

    kishnevi (91d5c6)

  30. Good grief, making women look stupid with lame spin:

    Sort of thinking Clinton not following the rules (re: email) is also a core part of her message (re: being 1st female president).

    Dana (86e864)

  31. Thanks for the good thoughts.

    Good point re GOP. Jeb is holding his breath.

    Dana (86e864)

  32. Get well soon, Dana!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  33. “Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady — a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation — is a congenital liar.

    Drip by drip, like Whitewater torture, the case is being made that she is compelled to mislead, and to ensnare her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit. ”

    — Bill Safire in his 1996 essay on Hillary Clinton, Blizzard of Lies.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  34. Get well soon, Dana!

    htom (4ca1fa)

  35. A small boomlet in Mobile for Michelle. First Ladies seem to have gravitas.

    Good God !

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  36. HOLY S▓│┬ ! talk about burying the lede , Dana.

    “For more than a year after she left office in 2013, she did not transfer work-related email from her private account to the State Department. She commissioned a review of the 62,320 messages in her account only after the department–spurred by the congressional investigation–asked her to do so. And this review did not involve opening and reading each email; instead, Clinton’s lawyers created a list of names and keywords related to her work and searched for those. Slightly more than half the total cache–31,830 emails–did not contain any of the search terms, according to Clinton’s staff, so they were deemed to be ‘private, personal records.'”

    ie: they did “search all messages where none of these specific terms which the committee requested shows up”
    then with the resulting list
    select all
    hard delete (do not delete to trash, just remove)

    and you just know that they used ‘whole word’ and ‘case sensitive’ as a search parameter so that if
    the word was “Ambassadors” , “ambassador” would not be found and therefore that message would fit criteria for deletion.

    does answer “the other mcains” pondering of how so many emails got deleted.

    yet , she will walk. we all already know what her claims will be.

    seeRpea (b6bbec)

  37. yet , she will walk. we all already know what her claims will be.

    I don’t feel no ways tired. She come too far from where she started from. Nobody told her that the road would be easy. She don’t believe he bought her this far to leave the back room deal door open for Jeb Bush to be nominated by the illegal labor is good for rich folks pocketbook wing of the stupid party.

    Is it too soon for operation cross over?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  38. After Lynch is ushered into her new job by republicans she can make all this go away. Nice job republicans. All of you suck.

    mg (31009b)

  39. The much better looking Dana wrote:

    Does anyone else find it funny that Hillary still believes that it’s is her turn now, and she is owed the presidency? She showed her loyalty to the party, all the way up to Obama and SoS. She complied with and was subservient to the party her entire adult life. And they screwed her.

    She screwed herself.

    Mrs Clinton thought that it was her turn in 2008, and that she was owed the presidency, and she had lined up almost all of the party elites, but it was those darned voters who helped that uppity n….. steal it from her. Them and the kids, of course, can’t trust those damned college students!

    But, she sucked it up — women around Bill Clinton often seem to have to do that — and played the good soldier, hoping that she wouldn’t look her age in 2016, knowing that was her only chance, but she still couldn’t help being a Clinton, couldn’t help doing things her own damned way, and now those wicked Republicans are making an issue again. Damn all of them!

    The Dana who's seen all of this before (f6a568)

  40. The Dana who isn’t feeling well wrote:

    She is a victim of her own making and that in very big part because she sold her soul so long ago to the Democratic Party. Feminist, my ass. She is a bottom-feeder who sacrificed ethos and standards decades ago.

    Uhhh, no, she never sold her soul to the Democratic Party; she has used the Democratic Party, which sold part of its collective soul — think of the Horcruxes in Harry Potter — to the Clintons, because they were winners.

    Nor did she sacrifice ethos and standards, because to have sacrificed them, she would have had to have had them in the first place. The only real sacrifices she made were those required by her husband, and she did make a lot of those.

    The Dana who knows that it is wrong to hope that Hillary Clinton has a heart attack and dies . . . . (f6a568)

  41. are those horns or protruding clots

    horns or clots

    horns or clots

    only her hairdresser knows for sure

    and that huma chick

    huma’s all up in her bidness

    she got a ticket to ride

    happyfeet (831175)

  42. Mr K wrote:

    A small boomlet in Mobile for Michelle. First Ladies seem to have gravitas.

    Good God !

    Lurleen Wallace could not be reached for comment.

    The historian Dana (f6a568)

  43. First Ladies seem to have gravitas.

    Moo-chelle’s so fat she has her own gravity…

    redc1c4 (6d1848)

  44. “Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady — a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation — is a congenital liar…”

    And yet various opinion polls indicate quite a few Americans have had and continue to have a big soft spot in their heart for Bill’s doormat and the First Lady most skilled at dodging sniper fire on airport tarmacs. Why?

    Most crucially, many of those same Americans have to sense that the leftism of Obama will be carried on by the leftism of Hillary, and all the mess and mediocrity (all the forms of corruption, both cultural and traditional) of the past 6 years will be carried on in 2018 with a Clinton Part II administration. Are such Americans that foolish, corrupt and liberal?

    Look at the example of Argentina thousands of miles south of the US for clues—and then shudder.

    Mark (c160ec)

  45. “hard delete (do not delete to trash, just remove)”

    And, as Insty says, that hard drive “sleeps with the fishes.”

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  46. Mark asked:

    Most crucially, many of those same Americans have to sense that the leftism of Obama will be carried on by the leftism of Hillary, and all the mess and mediocrity (all the forms of corruption, both cultural and traditional) of the past 6 years will be carried on in 2018 with a Clinton Part II administration. Are such Americans that foolish, corrupt and liberal?

    The results of the 2012 election would seem to indicate that the answer is yes.

    As nearly as I can tell, Mrs Clinton really isn’t as far to the left as Mr Obama: she has some understanding of finance — heck, she turned $1,000 into $100,000 once! — and she understands the nature of business and banking, at least on a superficial enough sense to be less dangerous than Elizabeth Warren. Her hard leftism comes only on certain matters: feminism and (I think) LGBT issues. Of course, were she ever to become our President [shudder!] she’d wind up appointing judges who were further left and more activist than she is.

    The problem with the American voter is the E! Television problem: the worship of celebrity. Hillary Rodham could never have been elected senatrix from New York or appointed Secretary of State, but because she married Bill Clinton, somehow, some way, people thought that she was just as intelligent and just as capable as the Big Dog, and her celebrity has carried her very, very far.

    The Democrats have been very good at pushing a few simplistic leftist slogans — Tax the Rich! and America Needs a Raise! — because there are a lot of poor people out there, and a lot of not so poor people who are sympathetic to the plight of the poor. It all depends upon an electorate largely ignorant of economics, but the Democrats have always appealed to the least educated voters.

    But the Democrats have gotten themselves into a bind: the policies that they think ought to help the working class are largely being rejected by the working class,¹ because the working class have not had the common sense educated out of them, and because they realize something, deep down, that the Democrats have not, that the Democrats cannot be both the party of the working man and the party of the nonworking man.

    The Democrats can win in the urban areas, where they are guaranteed 90+% of the black vote; the only question is whether that will be enough — as it has been in the last two presidential elections — to outweigh the advantage that conservative candidates have with whites.
    ¹ – Yes, that is a completely self-serving link!

    The sadly realistic Dana (f6a568)

  47. Are you all familiar with the double entendre Shakespeare intended with the title “Much Ado About Nothing”?

    nk (dbc370)

  48. re #45: nope

    seeRpea (b6bbec)

  49. Last sentence, first paragraph. Connection: The importance of having a woman president.

    nk (dbc370)

  50. Hillary’s not the Devil but we can see him from her throne.

    jakee308 (49ccc6)

  51. , Clinton’s lawyers created a list of names and keywords related to her work and searched for those

    And the search terms were probably reverse engineered.

    Sammy Finkelman (a551ff)

  52. And on top of that something really bad might have been deleted, contemporaneously, or in the fall of 2014.

    Sammy Finkelman (a551ff)

  53. Can’t keep her in the race this way. To be effective Jeb repellant she has to plausibly beat him.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  54. nk, are you saying that we have noting to be afraid of in a Hillary Clinton presidency?

    The Shakespearean Dana (f6a568)

  55. Well, most men are slaves to that “nothing” that women have but 1) it is not a qualification for the Presidency, and 2) in Hillary’s case it’s like Australia.

    nk (dbc370)

  56. We don’t have a CiC Obama – we have a RICObama …

    Alastor (2e7f9f)

  57. nk #51 …

    Downunder ?

    Full of Shielas ?

    Whatever *do* you mean ?

    Settled by convicts ?

    Alastor (2e7f9f)

  58. Everybody knows it’s down there somewhere, but nobody really cares.

    nk (dbc370)

  59. Was the double entendre you meant in “Lord of Light” Dei ex machina, BTW? You never said.

    nk (dbc370)

  60. let’s split the difference: Jeb can run as the Demonrat candidate, which he’d be quite comfortable with…

    Bush/Clinton 2016
    Because, At This Point, What Difference Does It Make?”
    (Or Clinton/Bush… they can mud wrestle for the top spot on PPV aas a fund raiser %-)

    redc1c4 (269d8e)

  61. This photo shows Obama with an inadvertant Pinocchio nose

    steveg (794291)

  62. re #48: that is sexist, I’m reporting you in.
    Why assume the Devil is male?

    seeRpea (b6bbec)

  63. I guess the Dems will run Elizabeth warren on an Occupy White House platform. For the Indians Native Americans.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  64. Obama has run the most transparently racist, truthless (“I only learned that from the press today” “this is the first I’ve heard..”) foreign policy bumblef*** operation in the past 50 years

    steveg (794291)

  65. Getting a late start (waiting for a friend to show before I can leave) on a drive to Rogue River, Oregon for the Saturday funeral for another old friend. Good to see a friend I haven’t seen for 25 years, bad that it has to be these circumstances. Late friend was a big Clinton fan, so I’ll miss out on the ribbing I would have inflicted

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  66. Condolences Col.- beautiful country, always wanted to fish the Rouge. Used to fish the North Fork of the Umpqua for Steelhead.

    mg (31009b)

  67. nk #60 – I finally looked it up – and gained confirmation …

    Lord of Light

    Alastor (2e7f9f)

  68. Thanks, mg. beautiful drive all the way.

    Colonel Haiku (3c4522)

  69. On that TIME cover, do you see a black Hillary on a blue background, or a golden Hillary on a white background?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  70. That’s funny, papertiger.

    Dana (86e864)

  71. But the Democrats have gotten themselves into a bind: the policies that they think ought to help the working class are largely being rejected by the working class,¹

    Simply put, the basic observation that cities like Detroit and countries like Venezuela are dominated and run by (supposedly) do-gooder liberals should be raised frequently and regularly as a basic, fundamental illustration to cut through all the crud fostered by much of the media and too much of the public’s belief that liberalism and liberals are so nice, so wonderful, so beautiful, so caring, so deserving of a million benefits of the doubt.

    Mark (c160ec)

  72. 71. papertiger (c2d6da) — 3/14/2015 @ 12:32 pm

    On that TIME cover, do you see a black Hillary on a blue background, or a golden Hillary on a white background? It’s a silhouetted Hillary (completely black, with no details and only boundaries) on a blue background, with white lettering both going over here and under her (The large letters “M” of TIME.)

    An M can look like two upside down V’s and you have just enough of the two spaces under the top undersides of the M (colored blue) showing so they can look like small triangular pointed horns on her head.

    Some of the her hair is a little bit uneven, so it can look like just more of tat, although all the other projections are black.

    TIME has semi-plausible deniability.

    Sammy Finkelman (a551ff)

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