Mickey Kaus Calls It Quits At The Daily Caller
[guest post by Dana]
Mickey Kaus, blogger at The Daily Caller, calls it quits:
“I wrote a piece attacking Fox for not being the opposition on immigration and amnesty — for filling up the airwaves with reports on ISIS and terrorism, and not fulfilling their responsibility of being the opposition on amnesty and immigration…. I posted it at 6:30 in the morning. When I got up, Tucker had taken it down. He said, ‘We can’t trash Fox on the site. I work there.'”
Kaus says when he told Carlson he needed to be able to write about Fox, Carlson told him it was a hard-and-fast rule, and non-negotiable.
“He said it was a rule, and he wouldn’t be able to change that rule. So I told him I quit,” Kaus explained. “I just don’t see how you can put out a publication with that kind of giant no-go area. It’s not like we’re owned by Joe’s Muffler Shop, so we just can’t write about Joe’s Muffler shop.”
I enjoy reading Kaus, even when I don’t agree with him. He doesn’t simply regurgitate the party line on issues and is willing to criticize both Democrats and Republicans alike. No sacred cows.
And speaking of sacred cows, if Tucker Carlson holds Fox News up as untouchable and not to be criticized, where does that leave the state of objective and comprehensive reporting at The DC? It reminds me a bit of Brian Williams putting the kibosh on airing stories critical of the White House (which ironically, was reported about in The Daily Caller).