Patterico's Pontifications


Christmas Card

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:21 pm

Perfection. Seen on Facebook.

Screen Shot 2014-12-19 at 9.20.19 PM

UPDATE: redc1c4 sends word that the Hollywood sign has been redone to show who’s really in charge:

Screen Shot 2014-12-20 at 11.46.09 AM

41 Responses to “Christmas Card”

  1. From my family to yours.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. Is this thing on ?

    Gazzer (ae5179)

  3. It will be the battle of algeirs happy kwanzaa!

    movie goer (ce4fc6)

  4. Oh, puhleese!

    nk (dbc370)

  5. There is a bright side. Did anyone see the trailers for “The Interview,” especially the R-rated trailer? That’s the only time I have ever felt like walking out of a theater before the movie even began.

    Diffus (4a5ca6)

  6. yes, it wasn’t going to be a quality product, neither was Anthony Fuqua’s paen to Obama, White House Down, but it sank normally, that other film involving North Korea, Olympus Has Fallen, wouldn’t be released either,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  7. someone P-shopped a photo of the “Hollywood” sign so it reads “North Korea”… tagged you on my FB page & e-mailed you a copy of the file Pat….


    redc1c4 (34e91b)

  8. So the local movie theatre is running free movies this Xmas season, for which all the local businesses are handing out coupons.

    Could this be a naked ploy to publicize the industry’s existence?

    DNF (d52fb5)

  9. Dr. Strangelove?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  10. Speaking of Strange love (safe): mysterious floating orb.

    felipe (40f0f0)

  11. Greetings:

    As to your mention of North Korea, you may find this somewhat interesting but different.

    Since the analog to digital TV signal conversion, I’ve been watching a bit of the [South] Korean Broadcasting System’s KBS World TV programming and what has occurred to me this holiday system is that the word “Christmas” seems to be used more by the South Koreans than by American TV broadcasters.

    Think about that a bit if you dare. And, of course, have a Merry Christmas.

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  12. I have thought about it, and I am ashamed. Merry Christmas, everyone! Even though it is still Advent for us Catholics. Happy Chanukah to my elder brothers!

    felipe (40f0f0)

  13. someone P-shopped a photo of the “Hollywood” sign so it reads “North Korea”


    redc1c4 (34e91b) — 12/20/2014 @ 7:19 am

    Classic. Oh, I want to see that.

    Merry Christmas Patterico family. And 메리 크리스마스 to our Korean overlords too!

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  14. NoKo’s call for a “joint investigation” may get a positive response from Choomin’ Barack Obama! #Roll’EmEasy

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  15. felipe – I am all about precious bodily fluids.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  16. Love it!

    Patricia (5fc097)

  17. Colonel – I am verklempt!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  18. Yeah, me too, nk – Purity of essence!

    Remind me to always, no, never get on the Colonel’s bad side! He may want to make me eat one of my crayons.

    felipe (40f0f0)

  19. OOPS! I meant Daleyrocks, of course! I’ll just go write that 100 times on the blackboard.

    I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .

    -changes hands_

    I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .I meant Daleyrocks! .


    felipe (40f0f0)

  20. My apology is caught in the spam filter!

    felipe (40f0f0)

  21. Peace, my friends…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  22. 228 followers can’t be wrong.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  23. It would be 229, but I am not on twitter. I am a-scared it will steal my soul – or something.

    felipe (40f0f0)

  24. Almost makes me sorry I deleted my Facebook.

    nk (dbc370)

  25. Truly Hallmark material Colonel!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  26. I’m thinking it has the makings of a very special Christmas or birthday card, daley.

    Cream of teh crop, papertiger.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  27. felipe – Twitter is teh debbil.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  28. Holy Toledo! Well, Christian Toledo.

    Colonel Haiku, you look nothing like I expected.

    You are a special snowflake, too. Happy holidays to you and yours…

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  29. same to you and yours, Simon!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  30. I am a-scared it will steal my soul – or something

    Got that very same fear

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  31. when small things bother you…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  32. “maybe this’ll lead to a resurgence of indie films and filmmakers what aren’t under the thumb of the warner disney universal spielbergian obamasluts,” happyfeet mused hopefully

    outside though, the air was dank and the deadfishbelly sky spurned everything a pikachu from sunnier climes might’ve once loved about saturdays

    happyfeet (831175)

  33. As a corollary, I can’t wait to see who the GOP will allow me as POTUS.

    Some white rich guy my age I’m thinkin’.

    DNF (d52fb5)

  34. UPDATE: redc1c4 sends word that the Hollywood sign has been redone to show who’s really in charge:

    Screen Shot 2014-12-20 at 11.46.09 AM

    Patterico (9c670f)

  35. Patterico – I think theaters will be allowed to show videos of Obama’s 2009 Apology Tour this holiday season which will surely give America backbone to stand up to overseas bullies!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  36. Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 12/20/2014 @ 11:30 am

    A question and a thought-

    Q-1) How do we get a “picture” of the Milky Way that looks like it is from the “outside”, when we are on the “inside”?

    T-1) And if you want a real mind-blower, when you see the earth in the context of everything else, know that Jesus said the God knows the number of hairs on each of our heads, as well as the names of all of those stars.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  37. miss

    happyfeet (831175)

  38. #39

    Q… beats me, MD. I had that link sent to me by an atheist/amateur astronomer friend o’ mine

    T: indeed.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

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