Patterico's Pontifications


A Look At The Genders

Filed under: General — Dana @ 3:20 pm

[guest post by Dana]

Several non-surprising differences in men and women were observed this week.

First, in a nationwide sex survey done in the magazines Men’s Health and Women’s Health, 1,000 men and 1,000 women were polled to identify their idea of the perfect body in both genders.

Interestingly, women chose the young Ryan Gosling with sensitive looking eyes as the ideal man, while men chose the more mature, but oh, so seriously built Hugh Jackman. (He’s got my vote!)

Regarding the ideal woman, women chose Cameron Diaz, while men chose Kate Upton.

A simple theory: Women do not like other women that they view as a threat or competition. This is nothing new. Women have been jealous creatures since day one. Upton, with all of her robust voluptuousness, is the quintessential threat. Without exerting any effort, she has the natural ability to easily snag the attention of another woman’s man. And that gives her power over him. Women don’t like other women usurping their power over their men. For that, she’s a threat. #WarOnWomen…ByHotWomen! In contrast, Diaz, however, is simply not the threat Upton is. She’s a tomboyish, fun-loving, good-time gal pal who is everybody’s friend. That fact, along with her attainable athletic look makes her enviable, but not a threat.

A second look at the genders this week supported researchers’ theory that “men are idiots, and idiots do stupid things.” This study confirmed that far more men than women have received Darwin awards:

Men tend to take more risks than women do, and they also seem to be ahead of women in engaging in risky behavior that is extremely “idiotic,” according to researchers who revealed in a new study that the majority of the receivers of a Darwin Award are men.

To win a Darwin Award, a darkly humorous honor that has existed for more than 20 years, a person must die in “an extraordinarily idiotic manner,” and thereby protect the human gene pool and improve the species’ chances of long-term survival. For example, one person in the new study was a “terrorist who posted a letter bomb with insufficient postage stamps and who, on its return, unthinkingly opened his own letter,” the researchers wrote.

researchers in the United Kingdom used the Darwin Award database to examine an idea they call “male idiot theory,” to see whether men’s generally higher inclination for risk-taking extends to taking “idiotic risks.” [Macho Man: 10 Wild Facts About His Body]

The researchers reviewed the stories of all nominees for the Darwin Award from 1995 to 2014, noting the gender of the winner. To win a Darwin Award, the story of how the death happened must be verifiable, and the person must have been capable of sound judgment, while showing “an astonishing misapplication of common sense.”

The researchers looked at 332 cases confirmed by the Darwin Awards Committee to be true incidents. For their analysis, they excluded 14 cases of deaths of adventurous couples, leaving them with 318 cases.

Of those, just 36 were women. The other 282 winners, or 88.7 percent, were men, the researchers found.

Of course, both genders have their fair share of idiots. It’s just that the idiocy manifests itself in a different way.


37 Responses to “A Look At The Genders”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  2. young ryan looks constipated

    happyfeet (831175)

  3. “men are idiots, and idiots do stupid things”


    happyfeet (831175)

  4. I don’t even ….

    nk (dbc370)

  5. A serious primer for men about women . It also has a lesson for women about men at the end.

    Educational !

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  6. Hello.

    Denver Todd (5f001f)

  7. Spot on, Dr. Mike.

    nk (dbc370)

  8. I heart the Darwin Awards.

    JD (86a5eb)

  9. I think Cameron Diaz is way hotter than Kate Upton

    JD (86a5eb)

  10. What were the choices? There are lots of women who look better than those two. There is more to ladies than how big their teats are.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  11. More guys than gals say, “Hey, watch this!”

    Beldar (fa637a)

  12. If Sam Huston had been Samantha, Texas would still be part of Mexico.

    nk (dbc370)

  13. I think Cameron Diaz is way hotter than Kate Upton

    You obviously have not seen her skin up close. One cruel wag suggested that an appropriate nick name would be “Titleist.”

    Gazzer (cb9ee2)

  14. Sam *Houston*

    nk (dbc370)

  15. myself i never seen cameron diaz’s skin up close

    and i’m pretty sure it’s just not gonna happen for me

    and i’m ok with that

    cause she probably looks like an effing golf ball with stupid chipmunk teef

    stupid cameron diaz

    happyfeet (831175)

  16. 10. You’re right. It’s how big those … lungs … are, and how quick they can get my sammich to me.

    John Hitchcock (18116b)

  17. I would also be curious to know the average age of said Darwin Award winners. I’ve read that our ability for rational thought doesn’t fully develop until the late twenties. Any of us who have managed to keep our teenage sons from killing themselves knows this to be true. If young men make up only a minority of award winners there could be only one reason: their mothers!

    By the way, I’m a first time commentor. Nice piece, Dana. 🙂

    Terrie VanB (011fb1)

  18. bienvenido senorita vanb!

    happyfeet (831175)

  19. I think it’s true of young women too. We do stupid things only different stupid things.

    SarahW (267b14)

  20. Completely off topic, but I do not see another place to park it…
    Bear in mind this priest was operating in Baghdad, not Mosul or another place.

    kishnevi (3719b7)

  21. He said ISIS/ISIL/Daesh/the Islamic State did it, and they are not in Baghdad.

    He means this happened someplace else, in IS-occupied territory. And probably weeks ago at least/

    Sammy Finkelman (8bd44f)

  22. teen girls get pregnant at way way way higher rates than teen boys

    it’s all about making good choices

    happyfeet (831175)

  23. 19. Like Jackie?

    Sammy Finkelman (8bd44f)

  24. at least Jackie was savvy enough to not use her real name while not getting gang-raped on broken glass

    that’s some vulcan chess type strategery right there

    happyfeet (831175)

  25. Mike K,

    That Hot Crazy matrix is so funny. I don’t know if it’s accurate or not because what a man might see as crazy could just be a woman frustrated and acting crazed because she is not being taken seriously… or it could just as easily be her hating herself for eating too much and experiencing her waistband painfully digging into her flesh. How does a man really know?

    Dana (8e74ce)

  26. Sammy…Canon White, serving a church in Baghdad, was firced to leave Iraq because IS wants to kill him. Something entirely different from the martyrdom of the four children he reported on.

    You did read to the end of the article?

    kishnevi (a5d1b9)

  27. Freaking hilarious, Mike K!

    I like how the instructor never cracks a smile.

    norcal (331c11)

  28. Dana, you might be doing the shoe thing wrong.

    nk (dbc370)

  29. Of those, just 36 were women. The other 282 winners, or 88.7 percent, were men, the researchers found.

    Since this is a political blog, after all, I wonder how that 36 and 88.7% break down along ideological lines?

    I wouldn’t be too surprised if a slight — at least a slight — majority in both cases will say, for example, that Obama is a wonderful, caring, inspiring president, and claim that Bill and Hillary Clinton can bring dignity to the White House. (An article in the New Yorker detailing the big flop now occurring at the New Republic magazine actually said that Bill Clinton attending that publication’s birthday dinner this year was among the “dignified” VIPs at the soiree.)

    Mark (c160ec)

  30. Men take risks. Women less so; they need to be around to care for the children. That’s why 105 males are born for every 100 females.

    The downside of this is the asymmetric male/female numbers in the Darwin Awards; men are more likely to do stupid things than women (note teenage male driver insurance rates v. teenage female rates).

    The upside of this, as noted by Camille Paglia, is that we no longer live in grass huts (“If women ruled the world we would all still be living in grass huts”). That is the result of risk taking, too.

    T (e17715)

  31. lots of women who look better than [Cameron Diaz]

    Just not in the Charlies Angels franchise.

    Where is this magic place with lots of women looking better than Cameron Diaz?

    And how crazy are they?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  32. Far be it from me to disagree with my fellow males, but this is the ideal woman.

    Chuck Bartkowksi (3e0e89)

  33. Nothing at all wrong with that, nk!

    Chuck Bartowski (11fb31)

  34. I’m guessing Hugh Jackman does more than a few deadlifts and power cleans every week. Maybe some pullups.

    Ryan Gosling looks like the guys who do 5 sets of isolation curls in the power rack so they can watch their biceps in the mirror.. (I despise them for befouling the power rack with bodysculpting nonsense they can do anywhere else in the whole gym)

    But some women have an uncanny sense of whether or not a man can bring home more in this economy… so maybe Gosling projects some vibe of success that trumps the look of physical power.

    steveg (794291)


    Men look at Diaz and see a fun time.

    Men look at Upton and see the mother of their children.

    John P. Squibob (4affc3)

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