Patterico's Pontifications


Texan Cop Saves the Day By Felling Gunman with Fatal Shot Fired from Over 100 Yards Away While Holding Reins to Two Horses

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:17 pm

And probably yelling “Heigh-ho, Silver!” as he did it:

The gunman who attacked the federal courthouse, the Mexican consulate and the Austin Police Department headquarters was killed by a single shot taken from 312 feet away by mounted patrol Sgt. Adam Johnson who also held the [reins] of two horses.

Sgt. Johnson told Chief Art Acevedo that he credits “divine intervention” and that the other officers in the mounted patrol unit who were advancing on the shooter should get the majority of the credit.

In case you were unaware, Texans are awesome.

37 Responses to “Texan Cop Saves the Day By Felling Gunman with Fatal Shot Fired from Over 100 Yards Away While Holding Reins to Two Horses”

  1. I wonder if he blew over the tip of his barrel as he holstered his weapon.

    Gazzer (cb9ee2)

  2. it was just a federal courthouse, not a texas one

    so fatal shooting seems a bit over the top

    but i suppose there have to be consequences

    happyfeet (831175)

  3. Whoa! That’s a good shot. A real man, that sergeant. One usually associates mounted patrol officers with more of a community relations kind of an assignment and mindset. Sgt Johnson is wasted in Mounted, or maybe Austin’s Mounted is not the typical horsey kind fo a job.

    JCC (469de6)

  4. That’s pretty fair to middlin shooting. One shot, one-handed, at over a 100 yards. The NYPD should send all its cops to him to show them how it’s done.

    nk (dbc370)

  5. At a full gallop?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  6. Gen Patton would have been proud.

    seeRpea (2a32aa)

  7. Somehow I sense that Sgt. Johnson at some point in his life was a Marine.
    Wierd how the full article calls bullet holes “defects”. Also wierd that I had heard nothing in the news about all this. (Of course the fact I worked a 12 hour shift on Friday and hence did not turn on the TV news may have been relevant to that.

    kishnevi (a5d1b9)

  8. Shouldn’t someone say that he could have shot him in the legs or something. I heard that offered recently on another big case.

    AZ Bob (34bb80)

  9. So, the good Sgt. attributes the event to divine intervention,
    apart from divine intervention, how many people could expect to make a shot like that?

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  10. Harry Callahan?

    Gazzer (cb9ee2)

  11. R.I.P. Bobby Keys, longtime saxophonist for the Rolling Stones

    Icy (697310)

  12. If this were New York City, the story would have been 312 shots from one foot, with 311 innocent bystanders wounded and the suspect merely grazed.

    navyvet (edabdc)

  13. i can’t believe he didn’t shoot to wound the suspect…

    another brutal police murder.

    redc1c4 (2b3c9e)

  14. I wouldn’t wish a single person the need to pull the trigger on any living creature, but my hat is off to Sgt. Johnson.

    AZ_Langer (a65cb5)

  15. In Texas, even the horseholders are dangerous.

    Skeptical Voter (12e67d)

  16. how many people could expect to make a shot like that?

    Elmer Keith would shoot lamb-stealing eagles out of the sky with a pistol when it was still legal. FBI agent Jelly Brice reportedly could see bullets coming out of a pistol. (I may have imagined reading that Ted Williams could too.) Jerry Miculek has been the reigning Police Pistol Combat champion for a long time. It’s innate physical attributes and lots and lots of practice.

    nk (dbc370)

  17. Everyone seems to think this was with a handgun, but I don’t see that actually said anywhere. Most mounted police (even here in Minnesota) come equipped with rifles as well as handguns. A rifle would make it somewhat easier (much longer or effective sight radius, among other things.) “Holding the reins to two horses in one hand, he drew and fired strong-side one handed”, though, sounds likea pistol shot. Not to say that shooting offhand while holding two horses would be much easier with a rifle, it might well be harder. Confession: I’ve never fired at anything while holding two horses, or riding one (mounted on a standing horse, yes; I’m not very good doing that.)

    Good shot, Sgt; that you thank the Lord for his assistance is commendable.

    htom (9b625a)

  18. Sgt. Johnson is a prime candidate for the Texas Rangers.

    felipe (40f0f0)

  19. As you cited, htom, it sounded like a pistol shot, or, as you say, holding a rifle one-handed,
    unless the two horses were standing still and his hand holding the reins actually was supporting his rifle as well,
    but the simplest seemed to be to assume it was a handgun.

    Now, I know very little about these things directly. I do not know if it would make much difference if it was something with a long barrel, or whether it was simply a combo of skill and providence.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  20. We also have not heard a whole lot about the fellow beaten to death with hammers, or the 22 yo man found shot dead in a car in Ferguson the first night of rioting.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  21. A four-inch barrel would have been enough. Proper sights, sighted in, are critical.

    nk (dbc370)

  22. I found one report that said handgun.

    That bullet came from the Smith & Wesson M&P .40 caliber handgun of a police officer standing 104 yards away and holding the reins to two horses with his other hand.

    Read more:

    Gazzer (cb9ee2)

  23. 20.
    So it is not just me?
    But think how “right wing wacko on shooting spree” plays for the leftist agenda.

    kishnevi (a5d1b9)

  24. i can’t believe he didn’t shoot to wound the suspect…

    another brutal police murder.
    redc1c4 (2b3c9e) — 12/2/2014 @ 8:21 pm

    Maybe he did, but he “missed.” 🙂

    At 100 yards with a handgun, sounds more like a lucky shot even if the shooter was very skilled.

    Dan (00fc90)

  25. “Awesome”


    DNF (9efcdc)

  26. This is a demonstration of the “gun control” I was taught: only hitting your intended target.

    Thanks, Dad. He died this morning, at 95, of pneumonia and congestive heart failure (there may have been other more immediate things, it’s early days.)A WW2 vet, first as enlisted in the Army, sent to OCS, and then as an officer in the Army-Air Force. War over, he went to school on the GI Bill, married my Mom, and raised five kids while working for John Deere for forty years, raising from whole good over the road sales to … one of his last titles was Director of Data Processing. He and Mom were splendid parents; the worst thing I can say about Dad is that he never figured out that children, when they are children, follow orders, but when they grow up they are not soldiers and need to make their own decisions, and mistakes. It’s a common fault among fathers, I’m told. Plans are pending; interment will be with Mom in Leavenworth National Cemetery.

    htom (9b625a)

  27. sounds like a life dazzlingly well-lived my condolences Mr. htom

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  28. Heigh-ho Silver?

    Not hardly.

    Yippee-ki yay, M-F.

    Brent Glines (057386)

  29. My condolences as well, htom.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  30. Please accept my condolences, htom.

    nk (dbc370)

  31. I believe the USMC requires soldiers to qualify with pistols at 50-yds, the Army uses a shorter distance. A 100-yd hit on the heart is VERY good shooting concentrating on center-mass.
    But then, everything is bigger and longer in TX.

    askeptic (efcf22)

  32. htom, it sounds like your Dad had a life well lived.
    My Condolences.
    (December is a cruel month to lose loved ones: Dad’s Dad, Dad, Mom –
    it’s enough to want to avoid December altogether)

    askeptic (efcf22)

  33. In case you were unaware, Texans are awesome.

    Yes, yes they are.

    Can be a bit eccentric though.

    machinist (313c6a)

  34. Love Texas. Can’t imagine anything that would get me back to California.

    machinist (313c6a)

  35. “In case you were unaware, Texans are awesome.”

    Why, yes, yes we are. : ) : ) Modest, too.

    And daleyrocks, a galloping horse provides a fairly smooth and stable ride, much more so than a trot. C’mon down and we’ll give you a ride.

    I don’t know if SGT Johnson was a Marine. Probably not or he’d have charged at the guy qith a K-knife, but I sure would wager that he is ex-military. Gimme a decent weapon and 100 yds is pretty dam close. Don’t know what he fired, but doing it while holding two reins of two horses is worth buying the man a beer.

    NeoCon_1 (df7752)

  36. htom,

    Your Dad was terrific. My condolences to your family but I’m glad he’s back at your Mom’s side.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

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