Patterico's Pontifications


Charles Barkley: Ferguson Grand Jury Got It Right

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:35 am

He was a heretic on Zimmerman and he is a heretic now:

“The true story came out from the grand jury testimony,” Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of “key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story…” He continued, “I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. ”

He also called those who rioted after the decision was announced “scumbags,” and said “There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people’s businesses, burning down police cars.”…

“[W]e have to be really careful with the cops, because if it wasn’t for the cops we would be living in the Wild, Wild West in our neighborhoods,” he said. “We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad…. Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn’t for the cops?”

Thanks to Allahpundit.

36 Responses to “Charles Barkley: Ferguson Grand Jury Got It Right”

  1. He is a traitor.

    JD (86a5eb)

  2. Well this man could not have said “The Grand Jury made a turrible call”. Too much of a self- caricature.

    felipe (b5e0f4)

  3. I’ve read that he was in agreement with the Martin/Zimmerman outcome as well. Able to look at evidence, come to his own conclusions, and stick to them.

    Dear Mr. Barkley,
    You may have once said you were simply a pro-basketball player and not someone that should be looked up to as a role model,
    but I, for one, think you would have done a better job as the first African-American President than the one we have.
    I hope this finds its way to you.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  4. There goes his invitation to the NAACP convention.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  5. Racist badge licking authoritarians!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  6. Maybe those neighborhoods need to find out what happens when the police stand down.

    f1guyus (647d76)

  7. Uncle Charles

    mg (31009b)

  8. What’s up with Sir Charles? Is the message too difficult to get through his bald head? Bad Cop Kills Innocent School Boy – Hands Up, Don’t Shoot – Police are racists and violent street crime is an understandable and fully justified response – the law doesn’t apply to Black thugs – it’s Affirmative Action’s logical conclusion. C’mon Man, who can’t see that?

    It’s Constitutional (now there’s a Community Organizer in the White House with his own pandering Poodle running interference at the so-called Justice Department. Hell, we even got SCOTUS buffaloed). Now, I ask you, is this a great country, or what? OK, so they got both houses of Congress, but so what? What’s that compared to the White House telephone and an executive pen? Nothin’ that’s what! That feeble GOP crew’s got nothin’ at all. Pack of old fools talkin’ to themselves. Useless idiots. Wannabe stumbling blocks and insignificant bystanders to democracy’s inevitable parade into a glorious dictatorship of the proletariat.

    Barkley’s big mouth is corrupting the minds of black youts who should be 100% united behind designated Black leaders – and damnit show up on schedule! First riot, then loot – It ain’t rocket science. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes here and there, and coordinating it all ain’t easy. The youts could at least pay attention, watch the damn TV news, be ready when the sun goes down.

    Is that too much to expect?

    Notify the Thought Police, or better yet, get Valerie Jarrett to make a few calls to the New Black Panthers. Get our pals in the media to insinuate Barkley wears lady’s undies, owes back taxes, carries an illegal handgun, and is under investigation for shoplifting, or domestic violence. A little negative publicity will fix Mr Big Mouth Barkley’s wagon.

    After he feels the full weight of official displeasure Sir Charles and his little foray off the Democrat plantation will quickly come to a screeching halt. Why with a little help from Jessie and Al and a firm nudge or two from the Watchdogs of Democracy backed up by the Fruit of Islam, brother Barkley will either get his mind right, or have his head handed to him.

    You can’t build a New World Order without breaking a few heads, and Sir Big Mouth will make a fine example. Yep, the more I think about it Sir Charles’s shinny bald head on the platter of political expediency will make it crystal clear just what happens to those who refuse to play ball. After all, Politics Ain’t Beanbag.

    ropelight (e4de28)

  9. If a voice of reason speaks in the black community, does anyone hear it?

    Bill M (906260)

  10. What?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  11. 9 – Bill M
    Good one.

    mg (31009b)

  12. Sir Charles isn’t the only one to speak truth to power. He’s just the most visible one. The heroes of Ferguson are those brave Black souls who chose to speak truthfully before the Grand Jury. That couldn’t have been easy.

    ThOR (5d4ee2)

  13. True, ThOR.
    Thanks be to God for those who found the courage, like “Witness #10”.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  14. How long do you thin k before Sir Charles starts experiencing the Cosby Effect?

    Joe K in PGH (dbe57f)

  15. You miss the point. Sometimes what’s legal, isn’t necessarily what’s right. The entire slavery/Jim Crow era shows that. Legally, with the evidence that’s available, there is only one legal judgment that can be rendered. However, that still doesn’t make the underlying issue go away. Obviously there is absolutely no trust between the people of Ferguson and their police. And too many commentators, on the right, are tap dancing around that. They would much rather talk of the riots and looting – falling back on the old “entire black community are criminals” meme. Pretending that the reason blacks dislike the police is because of that “criminal gene” we have.

    Mike Giles (b8b724)

  16. well riots is what we’ve seen in the last week, a baker’s dozen years ago in Cincinatti, twenty some years ago in LA, and what did that accomplish, in the long run,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  17. You know who is having an uncomfortable time in the locker room nowadays? The token “wigger” sitting on the bench of the NBA team.
    He’s spent his whole life emulating the Hollywood liberals illusion of a black man, and just now finally meets the real McCoy.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  18. that’s not what I thought you were gonna say

    happyfeet (831175)

  19. RIP Bobby Keys…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  20. Some one should ask him why cities turned away from sheriffs and put in police departments.

    barkley sucks (73dbb1)

  21. this idea that it’s just black people what have contempt for america’s crappy union whore pension piggy police jerkoffs is a lot overstated in these discussions i think

    happyfeet (831175)

  22. Drink your nice Metamucil now, Perry.

    nk (dbc370)

  23. “However, that still doesn’t make the underlying issue go away.”

    Mike Giles – What do you see as the underlying issue in Michael Brown’s robbery of the convenience store and assault on Officer Darren Wilson?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  24. “Obviously there is absolutely no trust between the people of Ferguson and their police.”

    Mike Giles – I wouldn’t say that because there were black residents of Ferguson who were willing to testify truthfully before the Grand Jury at great risk to themselves rather than the repeat the fabricated narrative of racial oppression the media wants everybody to believe.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  25. now after the false Feguson meme it is looking more and more that
    the University Virginia story in Rolling Stones is a fake story to feed a meme.

    seeRpea (2a32aa)

  26. What in the world would Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and even our President do if Black folks stopped hatin’ on White folks? Of course, we know from past experience. They would fade into ignominy along with the likes of Lester Maddox and Bull Connor.

    Race relations will not change in America until the White community is willing to hold racist Blacks up to the same measure of contempt we hold White racists of the mid-twentieth century.

    And to answer Sir Charles’ question “Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn’t for the cops?” Nobody knows as well as the Black residents of Ferguson.

    ThOR (5d4ee2)

  27. Thing about Barkley is that he may often be wrong, but he calls ’em as he sees ’em. Those of us who lived in L.A. back in the 90’s and listened to the late Jim Healey’s sports radio show often heard a sound clip of Sir Charles. He was sitting in his NBS team’s locker room after a game in which they’d got their backsides kicked. Charles was sitting down shaking his head and saying, “Bad team man, bad f@#king team, man.”

    Over the course of his NBA career he earned “go to hell” money, and can say and do what he thinks. But then Barkley would say what he thinks whether he was rich or poor.

    Skeptical Voter (12e67d)

  28. Here’s an excerpt from an article at The American Spectator by George Neumayer dated 12/3/14.


    It grows more desperate and trivial

    The self-appointed champions of “civil rights” render the term racism increasingly meaningless. Where juries see self-defense, they see homicidal racial animus. They turn aggressors into victims and demand that society accord the victims the status of heroes, deserving of memorials in public schools, a suggestion that the White House recently touted for Michael Brown.

    A desire for power, not justice, is driving their protests. Their willingness to commit injustices during the protests underscores their lack of interest in justice. They are perfectly willing to harm innocent people for the sake of attaining power. “No justice, no peace” is just a slogan for new injustices. It is a slogan that leads to everything from looting and burning down buildings to disrupting traffic with “die-ins” to throwing police officers in prison for acts of self-defense.

    It is not that the Ferguson protesters have a good end but select bad means to achieve it. Their end isn’t even good. It is simply raw power, and if they got it, they would use that power to commit fresh injustices.

    This is what makes the “national conversation on race” so hopeless. It has nothing to do with the truth and couldn’t possibly culminate in a better society. The definitions of injustice and racism used in it are bogus. Struggling to find real instances of racism, the organizers of the conversation have to resort to claims of “collective” racism, which ends up meaning defensible polices with which they disagree. By defining racism so loosely, they can find racism pretty much anywhere and hurl accusations of racism with greater and greater confidence.

    Under this shapeless definition of racism, liberals can see racism in opposition to Obama’s policies, in questioning of Eric Holder on Capitol Hill, in opposition to affirmative action, in policing of high-crime areas, and so on. If racism is “collective,” meaning all whites are racist whether they realize it or not, then why not twist a police officer’s act of self-defense into an act of sinister racism?

    False accusations of racism are exactly what one should expect in a culture that defines racism so imprecisely. Eric Holder has long encouraged the idea that racism is “subtle” and that the worst forms of racism are concealed in conservative policies…

    ropelight (bc5e14)

  29. Race relations will not change in America until the White community is willing to hold racist Blacks up to the same measure of contempt we hold White racists of the mid-twentieth century.

    Thank you ThOr! The blatant and constant public displays of black racism have grown to the point where frankly, I don’t give a rat’s ass about any complaints by the black community because all they do is complain. And all they complain about is “whitey”. Funny how people from India, Korea, China, Cuba, Africa, Haiti and dozens of other countries come here and manage to prosper without one complaint. There is today something I term a “Black Attitude” and it’s ugly, un-American , un-Christian and most importantly destructive to the black community and the black race. Until they stop the crappy attitude and take responsibility for themselves I have no time nor sympathy for them any longer.

    Hoagie (4dfb34)

  30. The New York Post had an editorial on Charles Barkley.

    It says that what he said about turning over police cars and burning down small businessess doesn’t differ in substance from what President Obama and even Al Sharpton said, but the difference is that everyone knows he really means it.

    Sammy Finkelman (c41e9f)

  31. 30. What’s quoted there is very good.

    Sammy Finkelman (688d8d)

  32. I’m very proud to say that I attended school with Charles Barkley (where everybody called him “Wade” — and most still do).

    As a senior with his basketball scholarship to Auburn all locked up, he blew off the required term paper and, much to his surprise, was given an F by the English teacher. This meant that he didn’t get to “walk” at graduation and had to attend summer school. I read an interview with him years later where he admitted that was one of his biggest regrets.

    He also has a deep love for and pride in our little hometown of Leeds, Alabama and has, as far as I know, never said a bad word about it — despite experiencing the dark days when our schools were desegregated in the early 70’s and things got rather ugly. He’s given boatloads of money to the schools there over the years.

    Wade is a great guy.

    Susan (223562)

  33. Nothing from Mr Patterico yet about the NYC chokehold decision?
    oh well, let me bring up the liar-in-chief here:

    seeRpea (2a32aa)

  34. A very simple solution: comply with what the police ask you to do. All of the frothing at the mouth, histrionics, whining and racial crap in the world won’t change that simple prescription.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

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