Patterico's Pontifications


Health Industry Officials: ObamaCare Premiums Will Skyrocket

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:41 am

In fact, in some places, they will double:

Health industry officials say ObamaCare-related premiums will double in some parts of the country, countering claims recently made by the administration.

The expected rate hikes will be announced in the coming months amid an intense election year, when control of the Senate is up for grabs. The sticker shock would likely bolster the GOP’s prospects in November and hamper ObamaCare insurance enrollment efforts in 2015.

Who could have seen this coming?

Only people who were paying attention.

UPDATE: Speaking of paying attention, hey let’s all look at President Obama’s Final Four picks!!!!! SQUIRREL!!!!!

47 Responses to “Health Industry Officials: ObamaCare Premiums Will Skyrocket”

  1. I wish paying attention paid the bills.
    I could retire.

    mg (31009b)

  2. I wish paying attention paid the bills.

    Perhaps our fiscal deficit is exceeded only by our attention deficit.

    JVW (9946b6)

  3. But, but Republicans’ WAR ON WOMEN!!! Conservatives don’t want workers to be paid fairly!! Republicans hate immigrants!!!!! Right wingers want to prevent people of color from voting!!!

    That should keep the peons in line.

    in_awe (7c859a)

  4. Come on people, let’s not blow it:

    Professor Sowell knows well the economic rule that if you want more of something you subsidize it and if you want less you tax it. Think of the primaries as a tax on the GOP history of big spending and support for big but not quite as big government as the Democrats want. But hey, if you’re a fan of big spending so long as the GOP is doing it, have at it.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  5. I like Charles C. W. Cooke’s article that shows the democrat response to any Obamacare problem is much like the Monty Python argument sketch.

    A:  Obamacare is really hurting people.
    B:   No it’s not.
    A:   Yes it is. Look at this woman over here. She’s lost her doctor.
    B:  She’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with her. Koch Brothers.
    A:  She’s not fine. And many of her friends are paying higher premiums.
    B:   No they’re not. Karl Rove. Misinformation. Pre-existing conditions.
    A: They are. This is a matter of public record.
    B: This isn’t the case. This would have happened anyway.
    A: If it isn’t the case, how can it have happened anyway?
    B: I didn’t say it had.

    Being a far left liberal means never having to say you’re sorry when something inevitably goes wrong with one of your big government grand plans.

    Tanny O'Haley (c0a74e)

  6. This will create a BONANZA for the insurance companies, which is why progressive say they love Obamacare. The only problem with that scenario is that insurance company profits are capped under Obamacare and represent a low return on capital.

    Facts don’t matter. Those greedy insurance companies will lose a little on each customer but make it up on volume. If they actually make any money, Congress will regulate it away, even Republicans (see related post).

    It just doesn’t get any better than that!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  7. This post is a giant Kock Brother lie.

    JD (9c73be)

  8. Pretty sure the rate hikes won’t be announced until the middle of November. Or else.

    Kevin M (dbcba4)

  9. Sure Obamacare is bad, but is it as bad as breaking into people’s houses when they are sick and shooting them in their beds to prevent the spread of disease? If Republicans were serious about anything but playing politics they would come up with a realistic alternative, but they just keep presenting bills which they know Reid is going to refuse to vote on and that Obama would never sign. Obamacare is bad but it is better than the alternative of making a headcold into a death sentence. Fix Obamacare don’t end it, and tell the GOP to quite playing politics with the health of the citizens.

    max (131bc0)

  10. The saddest thing about Obamacare is that there are smart people who actually thought Congress (of all things) could radically restructure a functioning dynamic system that encompassed tens of millions of workers and several trillion dollars of economic activity, and have the result work as a system.

    This is more than a train wreck. This is hubris of such monumental proportions that it will be used as a case study in government classes as long as there are such.

    Kevin M (dbcba4)

  11. Sure Obamacare is bad, but is it as bad as breaking into people’s houses when they are sick and shooting them in their beds to prevent the spread of disease?

    I’m going out on a limb here, but I think that’s what they call a “false choice.”

    Kevin M (dbcba4)

  12. Max – thanks for the laugh. That was an awesome parody of a leftist

    JD (9c73be)

  13. Sure Obamacare is bad, but is it as bad as breaking into people’s houses when they are sick and shooting them in their beds to prevent the spread of disease?

    Thank you for so pithily encapsulating the Obamabot position on this grave matter.

    JVW (9946b6)

  14. The next “surprise” on this topic will occur when the media finally determines that it’s safe to report (1) that a material percentage of all of these putative “Obamacare enrollees” are people who never actually secured their coverages because they never made their initial premium payments and (2) that a colossal percentage of the real signups are the very same people who lost their coverages because of Obamacare itself, e.g., those who involuntarily were converted by their employers from full time to part time under 30 hours and then stripped of all plan-sponsored health insurance benefits.

    The brutal irony is that in 10 years or so, perhaps sooner, when the media/Dems are making their final push for single payer, their Exh. A will be . . . . the skyrocketed costs of healthcare insurance under Obamacare.

    Lawrence Westlake (4fc30a)

  15. Where are the Obama proposals to “fix” the glaring structu flaws of ObamaCare? So far, they how vowed to veto codification into law their own waivers, and their waivers aren’t a policy fix, they are simply trying to push pain past the next election cycle.

    JD (9c73be)

  16. Helen K and i saw this coming years ago, but you fools said we were blind.

    Ray Charles (abd49e)

  17. Where are the Obama proposals to “fix” the glaring structual flaws of ObamaCare?

    Propose? Why propose anything? He can just order it changed.

    Kevin M (dbcba4)

  18. The plan is this: Sibelius and the administration will go on and on about how there will be some small increases and how everything is working well. Then the insurance companies will announce big increases. The administration will then declare them greedy, evil “wreckers” and call for nationalizing the insurance industry under single-payer.

    Their only hope to avoid disaster in 2014 (and 2016) is to motivate their base. They have nothing to lose at this point by doubling down and going for the socialist dream.

    Kevin M (dbcba4)

  19. I can safely predict that enrollments in Obamacare during 2015 and 2016 with the higher expected premium rates will be totally, super duper, fantastically, awesome or compliance deadlines will be moved again further out in the future so as not to reflect negatively on Democrats who designed this sh*t sandwich.

    Meanwhile, the insurance company executives are dancing jigs because they love the law so much. Just check out the videos on youtube.

    No dog whistles implied.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  20. meanwhile, on to the important news of the day:

    Obumbles is already hard at w*rk on his summer vacation plans.

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  21. #20: President LePetomane at work:

    Kevin M (dbcba4)

  22. redc1c4 @20 – Lotta the 1% vacation on Martha’s Vineyard, but the chowderhead socialist has never cared much about the optics of his own actions.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  23. Reduce income inequality, vacation in Hawaii, Spain, Africa, China, Colorado, California, Martha’s Vineyard.

    Set teh example Mr. Preezy!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  24. but… but… unexpected!

    Colonel Haiku (9c0af7)

  25. Obama can vacation in the Crimea with his pal Vladimir, they’re in cahoots. The nomination for Best Actor in a Supporting Role was sincere praise for a job well done, an acknowledgment of Obama’s key contribution to the Kabuki melodrama.

    ropelight (eae785)

  26. Perhaps Putin can loan him his Crimean dacha?

    askeptic (2bb434)

  27. headcold death sentence!
    womens and kids hit hardest
    dem crooked vultures!

    Colonel Haiku (9c0af7)

  28. Dog Trainer Alert:
    Did Fracking cause the L.A. earthquake, curious minds (if any are evident at City Hall, this will put that claim away) want to know?

    askeptic (2bb434)

  29. of course it was fracking….

    the fact that this area is crisscrossed with dozens, if not hundreds of faults, each capable of triggering an earthquake, has nothing to do with that event.

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  30. The fault lies within ourselves….
    for voting these morons into office (well, it keeps them off of skid-row).

    askeptic (2bb434)

  31. Interesting, but appearing via satellite at a conference doesn’t count as “in”.
    It would be like PP saying that you’re “in L.A.” when you comment herein.

    askeptic (2bb434)

  32. “Did Fracking cause the L.A. earthquake, curious minds (if any are evident at City Hall, this will put that claim away) want to know?”

    Mr. askeptic – I don’t know about the earthquake, but I’m pretty sure fracking did cause our faked moon landing.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  33. And 9/11.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  34. I love limousine anti-science envirotards. They provide an endless source for mockery.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  35. askeptic and redc1c4,

    There are times I wish this site had a way to give a thumbs up on comments. Your comments made me laugh and feel,sad at the same time. Far left liberals just can’t let facts get in the way of the narrative, so fracking which has never been shown to cause earthquakes, caused an earthquake in an earthquake zone. Sometimes I think they are willfully ignorant.

    I don’t understand why they hate actual progress that helps people and instead they glorify evil like communism and socialism and anything that hates the United States. As much as they talk about the poor, it seems that they are doing everything they can to make the poor’s lives miserable and make the rest of us feel guilty for partaking in a better life. It seems like they think evil is good and good is evil.

    Tanny O'Haley (c0a74e)

  36. Fracking is bad, but building a subway in an earthquake zone is….
    well, the science is settled.

    askeptic (2bb434)

  37. “Fracking is bad, but building a subway in an earthquake zone is….
    well, the science is settled.”

    Mr. askeptic – Some folks a wee bit concerned about underground transportation in earthquake zone may perhaps want to think about bullet trains or some such instead. If you go fast enough, you can outrun the earthquakes or so the consensus of scientists say.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  38. as i said at a public hearing here on fracking, the last thing Failifornia needs is a steady supply of cheap, clean energy and all the tax revenue that would come from it.

    having that would just encourage you fools to keep doing what you’ve been doing, only with more assets…

    therefore i strongly support this motion and urge you to pass it forthwith.

    there was dead silence after i said that, and, idiots that they are, they passed the motion.

    mocking idiots in public is fun! 😎

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  39. Well, they were going to pass it regardless – because they are idiots.

    askeptic (2bb434)

  40. Let’s see – the last figure I saw was 5m people lost their insurance because of Obamacare.
    Today, some were boasting that 5m people have signed up for Obamacare – with no figures as to how many actually have paid their premiums.
    We have this monumental cock-up because 45m weren’t covered – and we’re probably at a point now where even more are not covered.
    Premiums have gone up more in the time since Obamacare became the law than in the previous 8 years combined.
    Math is raaacist!!11!

    Walter Cronanty (d16f1a)

  41. Some folks a wee bit concerned about underground transportation in earthquake zone may perhaps want to think about bullet trains or some such instead. If you go fast enough, you can outrun the earthquakes or so the consensus of scientists say.

    San Francisco has a widespread subway system and it wasn’t the problem in the Loma Prieta quake. What broke were elevated roads and bridges. In the Northridge quake and the earlier Sylmar quake, it was also roadways that fell.

    Drive through the maze that is the Century/Harbor freeway interchange and consider what happens in a big quake. Which of the 20-odd ramps would you want to be on or under?

    No, subways are safe by comparison.

    Kevin M (dbcba4)

  42. Did max ever come back an address the questions posed?

    JD (9c73be)

  43. “Fix Obamacare don’t end it, and tell the GOP to quite playing politics with the health of the citizens.”

    Said the D candidate in the FL 13 election.

    Just push the “Down” button on the elevator and expect to go up.

    MikeK (cd7278)

  44. Kevin M – Is there a reason you took my comment seriously?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  45. American woman.


    Now woman…

    Steve57 (ab7166)

  46. The Pennsylvania Insurance Department put out an interesting press release on March 17 regarding all the delays in the enforcement of the provisions of Obamacare and the confusion it is creating for consumers. Specifically they talk about the creation of a two track market of non-compliant and ACA compliant policies which I had raised previously as potential grounds for consumers to establish standing and sue to invalidate what is being done. Below the state is saying the Obama administration is prohibiting anyone who purchased an ACA compliant policy from cancelling and buying a now permitted through extension non-compliant policy:

    “The Insurance Department’s goal is to assure that Pennsylvania consumers have access to coverage and health care, including access to a stable, competitive health insurance market. We take very seriously our responsibility to provide the best guidance possible regarding insurance issues – as our consumer service efforts will attest.

    “In this instance, it is the federal government which is responsible for the enforcement of the ACA. It is difficult to understand how HHS can decline to enforce provisions in the law. While we remain extremely troubled by the constitutional ramifications of the announced approach, and concerned about the unsettling impact of a two-track marketplace, the Insurance Department will not stand in the way of any insurance company that chooses to extend non-compliant policies in accord with the most recent federal announcement.

    “To clarify a potential point of confusion, it is our understanding that HHS does not intend to permit an insurance company to offer non-ACA compliant policies to consumers who may have already enrolled in ACA compliant policies. Therefore we do not believe that an insurance company may make such offers.


    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

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