Patterico's Pontifications


Breaking: Obama Admits: If You Like Your Doctor, You, Uh, Might Not Be Able to Keep Him

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:23 am

Obama dropped the bomb that you and I both knew was coming in an interview with WebMD (via

What we have said is, for example, if you’re in the middle of life-saving treatment with a particular doctor, then we will work to make sure that you can keep, uh, that treatment, and not shift. But for the average person, many folks who don’t who don’t have health insurance initially, um, you know, they’re gonna have to make some choices, and, they might end up having to switch doctors, in part because they’re saving money. But that’s true, you know, if, if, your employer suddenly decides: we think this network’s gonna give a better deal, we think this is gonna help keep premiums lower, uh, you gotta use this doctor as opposed to that one, or this hospital as opposed to that one. Uh, the good news is, in most states, people have more than one option. And, you know, what they’ll find, I think is that their doctor, or network, or hospital that’s conveniently located is probably in one of those networks. Now, you may find out that that network’s more expensive than another network. And then you’ve gotta make a choice in terms of what’s right for your family. Do you want to save on cost, or do you want to save on convenience?

It’s a pretty far cry from “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

First, no matter what you’ve heard, if you like your doctor or health care plan, you can keep it.

The new version is basically: “If you like your doctor, you can keep him . . . if you want to pay more.” We have heard that before from Zeke Emanuel. Now we’re hearing it from Obama.

Will Big Media pick up on this? It’s a big story, so I would assume the answer is no.

144 Responses to “Breaking: Obama Admits: If You Like Your Doctor, You, Uh, Might Not Be Able to Keep Him”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. But that’s true, you know, if, if, your employer suddenly decides: we think this network’s gonna give a better deal, we think this is gonna help keep premiums lower, uh, you gotta use this doctor as opposed to that one, or this hospital as opposed to that one.

    It’s all the employer’s fault.

    AZ Bob (533fbc)

  3. The best way to find out how the ACA will affect you is to listen to everything Democrats said to sell it…then imagine the opposite of what they said.

    This may be true for all other political statements too, but I haven’t pondered the scope of that yet.

    DejectedHead (a094a6)

  4. Well it can’t be the Bamster’s fault. Maybe it’s the fault of that fellow over there standing on the sidelines, or maybe a unicorn farted and disturbed the balance of the universe, or maybe–on and on with this pathetic little manchild.

    Skeptical Voter (12e67d)

  5. “And then you’ve gotta make a choice in terms of what’s right for your family. Do you want to save on cost, or do you want to save on convenience?”

    And my deal for you is that you’re going to get neither! You’re going to pay more for less. And available only in Obama’s America.

    John Pomeroy (5def18)

  6. I just really cannot stand to listen to this liar talk anymore.

    Especially knowing that half his mind is on his next golf game even as he’s speaking with her.

    no one of consequence (325a59)

  7. You just have to give up your cell phone and cable! You’re not prioritizing right.

    Your employer really isn’t giving you the best of choices, you know.

    And those insurance companies need to give up a little bit more to help out the little guy.

    Did you hear IIIIII started a program called My Brother’s Keeper?

    –narcissistic, preening, arrogant, self-congratulating, pass-the-buck, vacation-hogging delicate orchid who needs the Oval Office at 80 degrees and wouldn’t dream of passing up Martha’s Vineyard or Hawaii or advance copies of House of Cards or golf games except right before an election but wants you to go without a cell phone to pay more for higher-deductible insurance

    Does it sound like I hate this man? No – I despise him.

    no one of consequence (325a59)

  8. To this very day I fluctuate back and forth between the following two scenarios: 1. believing that he knew he was lying month after month after month–speech after speech after speech– and was loving every minute of his mendacity and mind control over the clueless American people’s erroneous understanding of ACA, or 2. believing that he was so utterly disengaged from the reality of his “signature political accomplishment” and so wholly uninvolved and disinterested in its construction that he was truly not aware of the clearly available proof that what he was spouting was nonsense.

    Both scenarios are damning and there is ample evidence and history within the conduct his presidency to support either one of them.

    elissa (ab9919)

  9. make that “within the conduct *of* his presidency to support either one of them.”

    elissa (ab9919)

  10. elissa,

    well said. I did used to think he was clueless. Now I think he knew, and just lied and lied, relying on Big Media to spread and support the lies, and slanders of “racism!” to shut up his critics, knowing quite a lot of people are either too busy or too ill-informed to follow up on details of big, complicated issues like this until after it hit them personally.

    no one of consequence (325a59)

  11. 8. Actually there is a third scenario rather like your first, let’s call it 1b.

    The Chicago Mob had in mind a politically achievable temporization that might easily be made a mandate for single payer.

    They, in their lazy azz opportunism, merely overachieved, in making it a hop, skip and jump into Greater Depression.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  12. Last night at the supermarket I was checked out by a remarkable woman of a certain age.

    When I commented that we’d been thru this before, Nixon’s Stagflation, Carter’s Malaise, but it just was not getting better this time.

    Her reply “It’s not meant to get better”.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  13. elissa,

    Well said. My feeling is tht Obama knew he was lying because he cares about the details of things that matter to him, so he knew what ObamaCare would do to our health care system. However, I also think that once he’s said those lies enough, he starts to believe them.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  14. One thing that FL 13 did demonstrate was that a serious effort in defense of 404Care, with a lot of money, a stump by Bubba, a third party candidate, and a lobbyist who did himself little more than stand against Amnesty in a Republican district was a big fail.

    Pols not being risk takers I think this Dooms the ACA in a lot of Donk campaigns.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  15. what is wrong with you racists?

    don’t you know Obamacare is the settled law of the land?

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  16. One thing is certain: The GOP will be the very last to know.

    Pretty sure Asia Minor has the ball just now.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  17. More evidence of opportunism.

    Nixon is spinning like a top.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  18. GM follows 13-odd deaths due to known ingnition fault, with 303 deaths due to crash-bag deployment failures.

    Jobs saved or created up in smoke.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  19. I don’t like my President, and I don’t want to keep him.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  20. Dear America,

    If you would get off the couch and go exercise more, and use Purell hand sanitizer, and eat more arugula, you wouldn’t need to see a doctor as often.



    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  21. @3: A good rule of thumb. I take it farther (in CA) to the point of seeing what the nurses and/or teacher associations, or the SEIU likes in candidates or proposals and go the opposite way. I’m grossly outnumbered but it lets me sleep nights.

    @10: The big problem is that so many issues are too big and/or too complicated for those who think they can fix them to understand them, let alone actually fix them. Also a lot of what they think are problems are not problems at all and should be left alone.

    We are doomed.

    gramps, the original (e6edf4)

  22. Patterico: It’s a big story, so I would assume the answer is no.

    I am not sure it is really that big a story.

    The takeaway is:

    Obama is getting a little bit more honest.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  23. The open-ended question is: Will he STAY THAT WAY?

    Or will the gain in honesty be lost?

    We will have to wait and see if he sticks to that point.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  24. Did you notice what he was saying that: It never was true that you could keep your dioctor if you were on an employer provided plan, because the employer could always change your plan in such a way so as to force you, or to incentivize you, to change your doctor.

    Also, did you notice THAT OBAMA TALKS AS IF THERE WERE NOT EPOS’s – that the worst thing you could get was a PPO? But a lot of indurance plans on the exchanges are EPOs?

    He is still attemoting to mislead people.

    As I said,

    A little bit more honest.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  25. But that’s true, you know, if, if, your employer suddenly decides: we think this network’s gonna give a better deal, we think this is gonna help keep premiums lower, uh, you gotta use this doctor as opposed to that one, or this hospital as opposed to that one.

    He didn’t mention:

    Obamacare does a lot to cause employers to change their plans: in fact, that’s one of its stated purposes! I mean with the Cadillac tax. Which has been postponed.

    It was an early postponement – it was done in the days when they actually utilized Conmgress to change the law.

    But what Obama is doing here is justifying his claim “you can keep your doctor” because he’s already explained that could only apply to people who buy insurance on their own and don’t get it from an employer.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  26. Did you notice:

    Obama thinks the chief difference between different doctors is location. Otherwise, they are fungible.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  27. Schlong to an Hispanic head of household(documentation uncertain) making $36K:

    If you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill… it may turn out that, it’s just they haven’t prioritized health care. Because right now they’re healthy.

    I’d say voter turnout of 1/3 in 2014 is a best case scenario.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  28. they haven’t prioritized health care. Because right now they’re healthy.

    In Obama’s universe, you need to see a lot of doctors to stay healthy.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  29. and where the hell in the original bill or its numerous amendments is the ” if you’re in the middle of lifesaving treatment, we’ll work with you” clause?
    and who the hell is the “we” that is supposed to work with the patient?

    Kyle (9d9e73)

  30. A “little more honest”.

    Just to articulate, telling a lie, as a matter of maintaining deception, must appear plausible, must resemble veracity and therein characterize reality to some extent consistent with the hearer’s conception.

    Calling this ‘honest’ or a bona fide attempt at truthfulness is not credible, given what we know about human nature.

    Schlong has simply made a modest adjustment to a changed battlefield. Both his loyalists and enemies, together 80% of the citizenry know him to be an unscrupulous liar. He’s trying to entrain the remaining 20% who have their doubts.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  31. 8. Comment by elissa (ab9919) — 3/14/2014 @ 9:11 am

    Both scenarios are damning and there is ample evidence and history within the conduct his presidency to support either one of them.

    Well, actually, I think, both are true, depending upon the particular things he was saying.

    He was not truly not aware of how bad the legislation was in general, but when it came to some details was lying to people, thinking that in the long run, it’s really good, so he won’t suffer any strong penalty for the lying.

    I believe he actually said that he thought that if only 2% of the people would discover a problem with something he told them, it would be OK.

    With respect to the pledge I made that if you like your plan you can keep it….Keep in mind that the individual market accounts for 5 percent of the population. So when I said you can keep your health care, you know, I’m looking at folks who’ve got employer-based health care. I’m looking at folks who’ve got Medicare and Medicaid. And that accounts for the vast majority of Americans. And then for people who don’t have any health insurance at all, obviously that didn’t apply. My commitment to them was you were going to be able to get affordable health care for the first time.

    You have an individual market that accounts for about 5 percent of the population. And our working assumption was — my working assumption was that the majority of those folks would find better policies at lower cost or the same cost in the marketplaces and that there — the universe of folks who potentially would not find a better deal in the marketplaces, the grandfather clause would work sufficiently for them. And it didn’t. And again, that’s on us, which is why we’re — that’s on me.

    Obama is saying only 2% of the people would be disturbed by his lie. Eitehr the lie would not affect them – now he’s making that clear – or they’d find themselves better off anyway.

    Note he says that only 5% of the people would be impacted (Obama is being clearer now that his claim applies only to those people purchasing individual insurance policies on their own)

    Five percent is not quite correct, but let’s use
    it because that’s Obama’s thinking – or eaht eh was told.

    A majority would be satisfied with their new plans. Say 60%.

    That leaves 40% of 5% who would disturbed by the violation of his pledge, which is 2%.

    So basically it is: If you can satisfy 98% of the people, you’re doing all right because the other 2% don’t cast enough votes, and if some people are lied to in the process, only what they find out in the end matters.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  32. 29. Comment by Kyle (9d9e73) — 3/14/2014 @ 12:03 pm

    and where the hell in the original bill or its numerous amendments is the ” if you’re in the middle of lifesaving treatment, we’ll work with you” clause?

    There might actually be some clause, or some other law, that gives them some leeway to do that. Emergency care, you know.

    and who the hell is the “we” that is supposed to work with the patient?

    The Administration he heads.

    Notice, he’s only promising to “work with you”

    That is, try to figure a way out.

    Now he might not succeed, like King Darius the Mede did not succeed in keeping Daniel out of the lion’s den. (Daniel 6:15, which says he was up all night looking for a loophole)

    But I think he’s promising better success.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  33. 15. what is wrong with you racists?

    don’t you know Obamacare is the settled law of the land?

    Comment by redc1c4 (abd49e) — 3/14/2014 @ 10:18 am

    Yes, just like the National Maximum Speed Limit. We all know that when one Congress passes a law, it’s forever. It binds future Congresses, which can never repeal it.

    Now, let’s all join the Democrats in declaring the Constitution, particularly the 2nd Amendment, obsolete and no longer the law of the land. It’s old and hard to understand, according to Ezra Klein, ex-journ-O-lista and formerly of the WaPo.

    Steve57 (5d6714)

  34. Comment by gary gulrud (e2cef3) — 3/14/2014 @ 12:13 pm

    Calling this ‘honest’ or a bona fide attempt at truthfulness is not credible, given what we know about human nature.

    I didn’t say this was a bonafide attempt to be honest. But it is more truthful.

    Now he’s probably more honest here because he doesn’t want to be pathetic, and he doesn’t want to create unnecessary difficulty for himself.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  35. ==Now he’s probably more honest here because he doesn’t want to be pathetic, and he doesn’t want to create unnecessary difficulty for himself.==

    He’s already a day late and a dollar short for that, Sam.

    elissa (ab9919)

  36. I didn’t say this was a bonafide attempt to be honest. But it is more truthful.
    Comment by Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 3/14/2014 @ 12:27 pm

    All due respect, what this really means is, it’s less of a bald faced lie. If it wasn’t an attempt to be honest, It. Was. A. Lie.

    no one of consequence (325a59)

  37. Here’s a place where he really looks desperate to salvage something:

    Quoted by Mark:, March 12: The White House is bringing all hands on deck in the push to increase ObamaCare enrollment, and that includes a visit from pop singer Lance Bass.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  38. Can I get a waiver from having Obama as my President ?

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  39. I still say if we really must have a Golfer-In-Chief as President, I want it to be Phil Mickelson.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  40. Comment by no one of consequence (325a59) — 3/14/2014 @ 12:38 pm

    All due respect, what this really means is, it’s less of a bald faced lie. If it wasn’t an attempt to be honest, It. Was. A. Lie

    Yes, and he still had the lie in there like the PPACA would have nothinbg to do with a possile employer change of policy.

    But it’s an improvement.

    Whatever the reason for sticking closer to the truth, it makes it easier to deal with.

    (Reading this more clsoely, I think he ia acknowledging EPOs but he;s saying people can probably find away to get a preferred doctor.

    Not quite true, because sometimes a person might want a combination that’s not in any network.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  41. 34. This may fall within your dreaded ‘philosophy’ but I would submit ‘honesty’ to be volitional. Perhaps one can make an honest statement without intention.

    But honest statements made accidentally buy a known prevaricator are well within Sheriff Joe’s capability. I don’t believe that accidence in Ogabe’s case.

    You are flailing.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  42. elissa @8, I think his recent MyRA proposal is sufficient to demonstrate malicious intent. It is designed purely.

    How will the account work? The account will function as a Roth IRA, which allows savers to invest after-tax dollars and withdraw the money in retirement tax-free.

    But unlike traditional Roth IRAs, the accounts will solely invest in government savings bonds. They will also be backed by the U.S. government, meaning that savers can never lose their principal investment.

    It is designed merely to take advantage of the poor and/or LIV. It implies that if your employer doesn’t provide you with a retirement plan, then you have no other options. It plays on their ignorance of the fact that anyone can set up their own IRA at a financial institution.

    And as the article states it functions exactly like an existing product that already is available to everyone, a Roth IRA. Except it limits the “investor’s” options to only government bonds. Not that this is a good deal for the individual, hence “investor” is in scare quotes since the goal of investing is to maximize returns. Not minimize them with this high risk, no return scheme of the Preezy’s.

    The MyRA is only “better” than a traditional IRA or Roth IRA in the sense it’s better for Barack Obama. Which is exactly the same way that Obamacare policies are better. Barack Obama needs the money, so he’ll just take it.

    There is no innocent explanation for this. It is a pure scam designed to benefit the government at the expense of the individual, and like all cons designed to convince the mark that the opposite is the case.

    Although I’m sure that Sammy will come along to imagineer an innocent explanation shortly. I’m guessing the explanation is that a man with all these investments and assets including a 403(b) retirement plan is too stupid to understand how IRAs work and who can have them.

    Steve57 (5d6714)

  43. I forgot to add the link to the Preezy’s financial disclosure form.

    Steve57 (5d6714)

  44. Comment by Steve57 (5d6714) — 3/14/2014 @ 12:54 pm

    It implies that if your employer doesn’t provide you with a retirement plan, then you have no other options. It plays on their ignorance of the fact that anyone can set up their own IRA at a financial institution.

    Yes, but it’s actually maybe not so bad, if you don’t think of it as a retirement plan.

    In the frist place, most places charge a fee, and low or no cost Roth IRAs are hard to find. Obama wouyld let peoiple save extremely small; amounts of money.

    Now it seems like anybody can pull out all the principle from a Roth IRA at any time without penalty. the only penalty is that if you put it back it counts as an additional contribution.

    But a person might be able to save 3 or 4 times as much as they are actually doing in one of his MyRas.

    So it works as an emergency fund, and you do get a tiny bit of accrued interest – like $29 say – which has to stay in the IRA – to save for eentual retirement.

    And as the article states it functions exactly like an existing product that already is available to everyone, a Roth IRA.

    It is a Roth IRA. woith veyr low minimum contribution limits.

    I’m sure people enrolled in that might later be targeted by companmies offering better returns.

    Except it limits the “investor’s” options to only government bonds. Not that this is a good deal for the individual, hence “investor” is in scare quotes since the goal of investing is to maximize returns. Not minimize them with this high risk, no return scheme of the Preezy’s.

    This is not an good IRA – still it might get people used to the idea, and meanwhile they have some emergency savings. Not bad, as far it goes.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  45. The MyRA is only “better” than a traditional IRA or Roth IRA in the sense it’s better for Barack Obama.

    Although I’m sure that Sammy will come along to imagineer an innocent explanation shortly.

    It’s better rthan a standard IRA because you could add as little as $5 a month.

    And it’s better than a savings account at a bank.

    And that’s what it should be treated as the equivalent of.

    Isn’t 1.79% a year better than 0.0003% a year?

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  46. Obama’s policies are making me sick.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  47. Sammy, it’s a scam. You’re still losing money compared to inflation.

    This is not an good IRA – still it might get people used to the idea, and meanwhile they have some emergency savings. Not bad, as far it goes.

    No, it’s bad as far as it goes. If Barack Obama actually gave a $chitt he’d inform people of their options. Instead, he takes advantage of the fact that they don’t know their options in order to use their money to finance his profligate spending.

    If people were aware of their options they’d put their money into better products. Which would give them the option of investing in the private sector. This, like all of Obama’s schemes, is designed to divert money from the private sector into his hands.

    There is no innocent explanation for that. But I called it, didn’t I? I knew you’d try to manufacture one out of the ether.

    Steve57 (5d6714)

  48. Compare:

    You don’t have to go down very far to find the rate on the fund Obama proposes the MyRA be invested in – the Thrift Savings Plan Government Securities Investment Fund, which had an annual return of 1.47% in 2012, and an average annual return of 3.61% from 2003 through 2012.

    But in the case of the MyRa there’s no penalty for early withdrawal!!

    When the sum saved gets to be $1,000 or more then maybe it can be put in some other ROTH IRA. When it reaches $15,000 it must be rolled over into a private sector IRA.

    And it still could be withdrawn without penalty.

    There are just some limitations on what could be added back. But if someone is only saving $1.000 or $2.000 a year, there’s no loss, unless someobody attempts to pull out the money anbd put it back in over and pver again.

    This is not a bad idea..

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  49. This administration has engaged in stupid “public information” campaigns from “Let’s move” to “drink water.”

    Yet the one area they want to keep people in the dark about is what is in the individual’s best financial interests.

    Because the individual’s best interests are not Barack Obama’s best interests.

    Steve57 (5d6714)

  50. 48. …This is not a bad idea..

    Comment by Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 3/14/2014 @ 1:15 pm

    Only if you think losing money on loans to the government isn’t a bad idea, Sammy.

    Steve57 (5d6714)

  51. It’s the Ghilarducci plan, in embryo,

    narciso (3fec35)

  52. 45. With a Roth IRA you can haz your money in a few days.

    With a demand deposit, you can under the current economic regime, write checks or transact at an ATM anytime and make withdrawals during branch hours.

    Offhand, 1.79% per year is not available in Amerikkka.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  53. This will appeal to the kind of person who thinks overpaying on their deduction and getting a huge tax refund is good financial planning.

    Sure, let the government make interest on your money instead of making interest on your own money yourself.

    Steve57 (5d6714)

  54. ” This is not an good IRA – still it might get people used to the idea, and meanwhile they have some emergency savings. Not bad, as far it goes.”

    47. Comment by Steve57 (5d6714) — 3/14/2014 @ 1:14 pm

    Sammy, it’s a scam. You’re still losing money compared to inflation.

    Yes, but when you accumulate an emergency fund, you are not interested in whether it gains or loses a little compared to inflation.

    No, it’s bad as far as it goes. If Barack Obama actually gave a $chitt he’d inform people of their options. </I.

    He'd want a website that would tell people of otehr possibilioties.

    Nevertheless the MyRa is only to be allowedd to grow to $15,000. This is actually still a pilot project. I don't know when and if this actually might become available.

    The idea really didn't come from Barack Obama.

    Somebody thought of it. It does a little for the government, and it does a little for ordinary people.

    Instead, he takes advantage of the fact that they don’t know their options in order to use their money to finance his profligate spending.

    It’s trivial. If you tell people this really does what an IRA does, it’s misleading people.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  55. The big drawback with not having your money in hand is that the government can make a withdrawal anytime it pleases.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  56. This will appeal to the kind of person who thinks overpaying on their deduction and getting a huge tax refund is good financial planning.

    Sure, let the government make interest on your money instead of making interest on your own money yourself.

    Comment by Steve57 (5d6714) — 3/14/2014 @ 1:21 pm


    no one of consequence (325a59)

  57. narciso, it’s more like the EU’s Cyprus plan in embryo.

    Margaret Thatcher noted that the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.

    The EUrocrats and Barack Obama think they’ve figured a way around that.

    Steve57 (5d6714)

  58. 53. Comment by Steve57 (5d6714) — 3/14/2014 @ 1:21 pm

    This will appeal to the kind of person who thinks overpaying on their deduction and getting a huge tax refund is good financial planning.

    And it may be good financial planning, as they’ll never save monmey any otehr way. The myRA would depend on payroll deductions, just like the overwitholding does.

    But it is better than overwitholding as you get to acumulate a small sum of money (with a $25 start and $5 added every two weeks, you’d have about $150 at the end of the year, with about $1 in accumulated interest, which $1 could not be withdrawn without penalty until age 59 1/2)

    And it is better than a savings account at a bank.

    And there is no worry about putting away your money out of reach.

    Sure, let the government make interest on your money instead of making interest on your own money yourself.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  59. Sure, let the government make interest on your money instead of making interest on your own money yourself.

    The myRA corrects that problem, except that the interest is low, although better than a bank.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  60. interest that is less than the real rate of inflation isn’t a ROI.

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  61. 54. …Nevertheless the MyRa is only to be allowedd to grow to $15,000. This is actually still a pilot project. I don’t know when and if this actually might become available.

    Comment by Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 3/14/2014 @ 1:22 pm

    Yes, of course, Sammy. The truth is a triviality.

    So I’ll take this as an opportunity to segue back to the topic of this thread.

    If you believe that Barack Obama only wants to nationalize some people’s retirement savings and only up to a limited amount, you probably believed President “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone” when he said if you like your plan you can keep your plan, period, and if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period.

    What the GOP needs to do to get ahead of the Dems is to start pointing out that the same people who lied about keeping your plan, your doctor, young people could get health insurance for less than a cell phone bill, and how an average family’s premiums would go down so much your boss could give you a raise, are now lying to the American people about how Obamacare can be fixed.

    Just like you can’t keep your plan, you can’t keep your doctor, young people can’t get health insurance for the same price as an average cell phone bill, and your premiums are going up so much the Preezy is telling people they need to get rid of their cell phones and cable in order to spend money on his priorities, not yours, Obamacare can’t be fixed.

    It is over 2,000 pages of poison as legislated, to be followed by over a million words of poison in regulations issued. And the same people who have done nothing other than foul things up with their “unintended consequences” (yeah, right, unintended) now claim they can fix it?

    If that were possible they wouldn’t have broken it in the first place. Obamacare simply can’t work as sold to the public.

    So the GOP needs to get ahead of the Dems, who will try to defend Obamacare by claiming they’re standing up for the middle class by “giving” them affordable health care.

    They’re simply lying again, as they lied to get their Obamacare in the first place. If the Dems get their chance, they will only make their horrible plan even worse.

    And the beauty is, Americans have all the evidence they need right in front of them.

    Steve57 (5d6714)

  62. Properly inflate your tires. Save on gasoline which has doubled in price under Obama!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  63. I inflated my tires properly, but all I got in return was a deflated economy !
    Winning !

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  64. 60. So just for jollies, lets compare the dollar with a more captive currency, less susceptible to debasement:

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  65. daley, if you have 10 kids and can’t afford gas for your van, according to the book of Obama you need to trade in that gas guzzler for a hybrid van.

    You have to sit through Obama’s display of economic ignorance to get to his “let them eat cake” moment at the 2:28 mark.

    Because of course what every worker who has to give up his cable and cell phone to afford Obama’s unaffordable health insurance policies is a hefty monthly car payment to afford Obama’s unaffordable gas prices.

    Naw, just kidding about the last part. You can’t make payments on something that doesn’t exist. Such as 12 passenger hybrid vans.

    Steve57 (5d6714)

  66. * needs is a hefty monthly car payment…*

    Steve57 (5d6714)

  67. Obama might as well have told that guy to sell his van and use unicorns for transportation instead.

    Steve57 (5d6714)

  68. “daley, if you have 10 kids and can’t afford gas for your van, according to the book of Obama you need to trade in that gas guzzler for a hybrid van.”

    Steve57 – No, you were punished with too many babies. You have to give some up along with your cable TV, cell phone and properly inflate your tires in order afford the wonders of a new doctor on Obamacare and gasoline.

    Call 1-URD-OIN-ITRNG for an explanation from the government who will help.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  69. I’ll tell you the real problems with myRAs:

    1) It can only be done through a company. Not many companies will do it, and perhaps the Treasury can’t handle very many. The whole thing is PR.

    It would make a lot of sense to do this through the IRS, or allow the Post Office to take contributions (savings) but that would require legislation and Obama is trying to act without asking Congress for anything. He might have to compromise.

    2) It costs money to administer. Low value IRAs really cost a lot. That’s why the private sector doesn’t make them available. He’s using already appprpriated funds now.

    Later, presumably he will dare Congress to not fund it. he won’t ask to expland this and make this better. Tying it to W-4 forms would make a lot of sense. It could serve as an emerge3ncy fund or extra unemployment insurance.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  70. 68. …Steve57 – No, you were punished with too many babies. You have to give some up along with your cable TV, cell phone and properly inflate your tires in order afford the wonders of a new doctor on Obamacare and gasoline.

    Call 1-URD-OIN-ITRNG for an explanation from the government who will help.

    Comment by daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 3/14/2014 @ 2:17 pm

    But of course first you have to tell the IRS under penalty of perjury that you are not giving up your cell phone and your cable and your kids in order to afford Obamacare and gasoline or face civil and criminal penalties.

    Because we can’t have any more of them thar damn Koch brother commercials featuring liars who claim it’s anything but beer & skittles in this Obamanation.

    Steve57 (5d6714)

  71. In other news Russia is claiming they shot down a U.S. drone in Crimea.

    elissa (ab9919)

  72. 62. So daley, your buds were getting somewhat anxious during your absence.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  73. Good to hear from you, daley,

    well it was fun, while it lasted;


    narciso (3fec35)

  74. Comment by Steve57 (5d6714) — 3/14/2014 @ 1:44 pm

    young people could get health insurance for less than a cell phone bill

    He is still saying that, or said it on something taped two weeks ago and put on the internet this week “Between Two Ferns”

    Sammy Finkelman (20cc53)

  75. Why would Obama come out with this admission now? Could it have something to do with the March 31st enrollment deadline?

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  76. This actually was old news, three-plus years ago. Anyone in a managerial position, HR or otherwise, pretty much in any private sector enterprise knew by the middle of 2011 or thereabouts that most employer-sponsored coverage plans would have to be jettisoned or radically restructured. That the Internet/media/politico cabal is catching up at this ridiculous late date is not surprising and of course speaks volumes about the absurd demographics of the political chattering classes. Journalists, full-time academics, government clerical workers and retired drones in idle time, idle mind modes, nearly always are the last to know about cold reality.

    That all said, Obama certainly knows his audience and at this point, given that any Democrat supporter by definition is too young and inexperienced to have a clue or is mentally ill, he’s doing what not only is expected but what probably will turn out to be quite effective, from the Machiavellian standpoint: double-talk his way into convincing a useful idiot group of people that he never was lying to them from the get-go. Many if not most of them actually will believe it, sadly enough.

    Lawrence Westlake (4fc30a)

  77. they’re mentally ill
    Or they have teh sh*t for brains
    these Obama fans

    Colonel Haiku (224dfe)

  78. you step outta line
    Man comes and takes you away
    Stop! hey what’s that sound?

    Colonel Haiku (224dfe)

  79. I do not like this president
    I do not like where country went
    you take your fuggin’ healthcare plan
    shove up ass of crazy Biden man

    Colonel Haiku (224dfe)

  80. how you like them apples, Nancy Snyderman?

    Colonel Haiku (224dfe)

  81. Sign that machine, Barack Obumbles

    Colonel Haiku (224dfe)

  82. go on toot yer horn
    on thing’s certain Barcky yer
    one shabby villain

    Colonel Haiku (224dfe)

  83. The .01% better enjoy their Concierge Docs while they can!

    askeptic (2bb434)

  84. It is wrong and unfair to point out that inflation and interest is stealing. An entire culture is based on interest and inflation as a primary source of wealth extraction from less mathematically knowledgeable cultures.

    Would you expect them to get real jobs that required manual labor? Or the production of real goods and value added production?

    That would be racist and wrong.

    highpockets (192540)

  85. “62. So daley, your buds were getting somewhat anxious during your absence.”

    gary – If Preparation H doesn’t help, try the Tucks medicated pads or cut down on the number of ice sitting contests in which you participate. Otherwise, I have no idea why you want to talk about your hemorrhoids and why they make you a nasty, angry person on a blog.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  86. try teh Tucks® gary
    in land of ten thousand lakes
    saves puckah suckah

    Colonel Haiku (224dfe)

  87. 24/7/365 dickhead needs all help he can get.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  88. Dafuq?

    nk (dbc370)

  89. My, my I seem to have hit a sore point. No idea what, it stayed in Vegas, perhaps.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  90. The lies told by um uh huh uh uh um the uh um liar are too numerous to count, not to mention how he never really did address how choices have become reduced, and that this was not simply a choice made by private plans. He conflates terms, avoids answering, stammers, and shows a sketchy, at best, understanding of insurance, other than as his tool of control.

    The sammalanche today is sad.

    JD (dd904d)

  91. A more interesting line of inquiry might be who took the 777 and who is the target?

    I’m thinking its a Sunni group and China is the target. The Uighur PhD tilts in that direction along with the knife attacks.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  92. 90. Indeed, ingenuousness, a sense that honesty carries is completely absent in Ogabe’s demeanor.

    Samuel and his antihero occasionally blow their cover and this is just another bridge way too far.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  93. possible, but considering the last reports;

    narciso (3fec35)

  94. “My, my I seem to have hit a sore point. No idea what, it stayed in Vegas, perhaps.”

    gary – Buy a clue douchebag. Might be your anti-social personality disorder. Help is out there. Take your meds. Kick the dog.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  95. 95. Yes, I do seem to have missed something.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  96. “95. Yes, I do seem to have missed something.”

    96. It seems to be a permanent condition for you.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  97. Oh, well, I coulda been Republican.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  98. DALEYROCKS!!!!!!

    Patterico (8325c1)

  99. If neither the Fed nor the Amerikkkan consumer are plumping the world full of dollars, and China pays its considerable bills in yuan do we have a reserve currency?

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  100. I’m the nastiest, angriest person on this blog, and I’ll task you to remember it.

    Or my Cabal will get you.

    SPQR (768505)

  101. Sammy, truly guy, you remind me of Tamara K. who says her Indian name is “Tells jokes to aspies”.

    SPQR (768505)

  102. daleyrocks,

    I think gary gulrud was referring to the fact that several of us mentioned that we hadn’t seen you around recently, we missed your comments, and we hoped you were okay.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  103. 103. I think daley is just flashing his gang signs, announcing as it were, the Badazz is on his turf once again.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  104. DRJ, I know you know that Daley has read most of these comments, but it is nice to hear someone say it.

    Yeah, I missed you (Daley) too, dude.

    oh, and don’t hold back on your comments about my pal Gary, HE can take it. BTW his Gooseberry syrup is the bomb!

    felipe (6100bc)

  105. 101.I’m the nastiest, angriest person on this blog, and I’ll task you to remember it.

    Or my Cabal will get you.

    Comment by SPQR (768505) — 3/14/2014 @ 7:41 pm

    Neither DRJ, nor I disagree with you. HEH. 😉

    felipe (6100bc)

  106. 106. Thanks bud, you’re on my Xmas list.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  107. Comment by SPQR (768505) — 3/14/2014 @ 7:45 pm

    Hey, nk. SPQR knows a good joke when ha steals one!

    felipe (6100bc)

  108. Gazprom CEO sold his entire stake before Pooter invaded Crimea.


    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  109. Dang it! ((can I say that on tv?)
    ha = he (but you knew that!)

    felipe (6100bc)

  110. I forgot. Who did I compare poor Sammy to?

    nk (dbc370)

  111. I call insider trading!

    felipe (6100bc)

  112. A “summers day”, nk

    felipe (6100bc)

  113. Anyway, there’s no point in insulting Sammy between sunset of Friday through sunset on Saturday. He’s not on the internet during that time.

    nk (dbc370)

  114. Nk! you get a finder’s fee for providing the title to my next (unpublished) book: Poor Sammy’s almanac

    felipe (6100bc)

  115. Seriously (hah!), what joke did SPQR steal?

    nk (dbc370)

  116. Gasp! NK! I had no idea that you were an anti samite!

    felipe (6100bc)

  117. No, it’s a fact. Sammy observes the Sabbath. You haven’t noticed?

    nk (dbc370)

  118. No, I have not. I am one of the “have-nots”.

    felipe (6100bc)

  119. May The Lord bless Sammy Finkleman for his faithfulness!

    felipe (6100bc)

  120. This will appeal to the kind of person who thinks overpaying on their deduction and getting a huge tax refund is good financial planning.

    Sure, let the government make interest on your money instead of making interest on your own money yourself.

    There are plenty of sheeple out there who will see your comment, shrug and say, so, what’s the problem?!” They’re the ones who’ll be complacent and compliant until the bitter end.

    That mentality is often on full display to me on a regular basis when I’m waiting at a two-lane freeway on-ramp that contains a stop signal. Quite a few people — like the proverbial lemmings — will gravitate over to, or happily stick with, the one lane that already contains plenty of other waiting cars, while leaving the other side wide open, or at least with fewer idling vehicles.

    I guess many of us are sheeple in various ways, and conniving, manipulative, pushy politicians (generally of the left) know that aspect of human nature backwards and forwards.

    The sheeple mentality is why a tricky person like Hillary Clinton — who can feign goodness, caring and love (which sheeple eat up by the gallon) — much less what’s true of her husband, can get away with so much crud and crap.

    Mark (d72f8d)

  121. 101. Sorry Boss, I’m sure I drew the 105 clue, but having Aspies I didn’t make the conscious connection.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  122. I just looked it up. I thought it had something to do with Aspen, CO a la “Valley girl”.

    nk (dbc370)

  123. Just another day in the SammyFile…

    Colonel Haiku (224dfe)

  124. The Rockford files
    The X files
    The Sammy files

    One of these things is not like the others.

    felipe (6100bc)

  125. young Master Sammy
    his inquisitive nature
    fistful of mutton

    Colonel Haiku (224dfe)

  126. Sammy felt lucky
    but fat Nina felt naughty
    left him in tight spot

    Colonel Haiku (224dfe)

  127. Second term in the bag…now He can be. [slightly more] honest.

    PolitixFireball (6991c8)

  128. The Obama quote that has me worried is, “If you like your Constitution, you can keep it.”

    WarEagle82 (b18ccf)

  129. 122. May the Lord draw him to Himself.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  130. Via SDA, good news!

    Can’t wait to stick it in their godless eyes in the Home.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  131. We have Days of Advent, Lent, Pentecost, any number of somber holy days. And, speaking of Lent, I just realized why I have been buying canned fish and beans, and eating cold lunches, without consciously planning to. That religious stuff you grow up with (my mother observed fasting holy days) gets implanted deeeeep.

    nk (dbc370)

  132. With Obamacare as one shaky leg of the proverbial table and other things like the following as another shaky leg of that same table, we can at least feel confident that we’re in good hands with people like the guy now in the White House. Yes, uh-huh., March 15: Another warning shot was fired before an all-out assault on the dollar system begins. This time, an official shot: Alexey Ulyukaev, Russia’s Minister of Economic Development and former Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank, fired it. It was a major escalation, Valentin Mândrăşescu, editor of The Voice of Russia’s Reality Check, told me from Moscow.

    As Mândrăşescu reported in his excellent article…: From the economic point of view, everyone should get ready for tough actions from Moscow. Sergei Glazyev, the most hardline of Putin’s advisors, sketched the retaliation strategy: Drop the dollar, sell US Treasuries, encourage Russian companies to default on their dollar-denominated debts, and create an alternative currency system…with the BRICS and hydrocarbon producers like Venezuela and Iran.

    Washington’s decision to release a minuscule 5 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve caused the price of oil to tank – a direct attack on the main revenue source of the Russian government, and a sign that Washington is willing to hit where it hurts the most. Russia instantly retaliated, it seems. Suddenly, there was a mysterious mega-plunge of $104.5 billion in US Treasuries held in custody by the Federal Reserve during the reporting week ended March 12. It brought the balance down to $2.86 trillion.

    …The mega-plunge of $104.5 billion? No data is available yet to confirm these securities belonged to Russia. And if they did, it’s unlikely that Russia dumped them on the market, but it could have transferred them to another banking center, such as Luxemburg, to get them out of reach of the US government, and be able to dump them at an opportune moment.

    The warning, issued officially and publicly by a Cabinet member, to target the dollar, has been vigorously ignored by the mainstream media in the US. It’s a touchy subject here. The dollar reigns supreme. Its status as the sole world reserve currency, which has provided the US with enormous economic advantages, remains unquestionable forevermore.

    “I have a suspicion the Western media don’t want to report on this,” Mândrăşescu said. “It could be a bit unpleasant for the S&P 500 and the nanobots trading the US stock market.” Better keep them in the dark.

    There are certain parallels to this period of time in American and world history and that of the first half of the 20th century. Except the US is more ideologically corrupt — due to things like Obama (who’s far more philosophically/symbolically defective than FDR) — while Europe is also more feckless and nihilistic in its own Obama-wins-the-Nobel sort of way, and entities like Russia and China are peculiarly amoral but not necessarily as deranged as that of Hitler’s Germany or Tojo’s Japan.

    How this will all turn out is anyone’s guess.

    Mark (d72f8d)

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    Metal Fence Post Caps 4X4 (e81849)

  134. 127. Comment by felipe (6100bc) — 3/14/2014 @ 9:08 pm

    The Rockford files
    The X files
    The Sammy files

    One of these things is not like the others.

    The Rockford File and the X files are fiction.

    Sammy Finkelman (20cc53)

  135. Sammy on Sunday
    will bring me to my knees but
    I haven’t a prayer

    Colonel Haiku (7d6f25)

  136. Sammy does have a good sense of humor.

    elissa (96d669)

  137. Sammy does have a good sense of humor.

    He needs it when reading the NYT.

    Amalgamated Cliff Divers, Local 157 (f7d5ba)

  138. Sunday was Purim.

    The weather, now. It was cold, yesterday, 24 degrees I think in the morning, later warmer,.

    Today should be in 30s, standard high in the 50s.

    It will snow but in New Jersey (also Washington, D.C) Possible snow flurries in the city, depending on where the storm goes, but I don’t think it came.

    The holdover Sanitation Commissioner earlier said he would retire March 28, but it seems he’s been replaced already. (Two weeks vacation?)

    Sammy Finkelman (cb261b)

  139. From Morning Jolt today:

    Morning Jolt
    . . . with Jim Geraghty

    March 18, 2014

    Always Read the Fine Print on Obamacare News!

    The happy headline, printed everywhere: Obamacare Enrollment Hits 5 Million!

    The Fine Print, Part One: “Officials have not said how many of those who have enrolled have paid their initial premiums.

    The Fine Print, Part Two:

    Americans buying health insurance outside the new Obamacare exchanges are being forced to swallow premiums up to 56 percent higher than before the health law took effect because insurers have jumped the cost to cover all the added features of the new Affordable Care Act.

    According to a cost report from eHealthInsurance, a nationwide online private insurance exchange, families are paying an average of $663 a month and singles $274 a month, far more than before Obamacare kicked in. What’s more, to save money, most buyers are choosing the lowest level of coverage, the so-called “bronze” plans.

    The Fine Print, Part Three: Heck of a year for Obamacare; not only did it trigger the Lie of the Year, but opportunistic sleazebags — I mean the ones outside of Congress — used it for what the Council of Better Business Bureaus called, “The Scam of the Year.”

    Scam of the year: Affordable Care Act scam

    Scammers had a field day with the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, using it as a way to fool Americans into sharing their personal information. Scammers would call claiming to be from the federal government and saying the would-be victim needed a new insurance card or Medicare card. However, before they can mail the card, they need to collect personal information. Scammers do a lot to make their requests seem credible. For example, they may have your bank’s routing number and ask you to provide your account number. Or, they may ask for your credit card or Social Security number, Medicare ID, or other personal information. But sharing personal information with a scammer puts you at risk for identity theft.

    “That’s not the fault of the administration!” Democrats will scream. Yes, but enacting a massively complicated, confusing, constantly-changing piece of legislation that affects the health insurance and care of every American is pretty much setting the stage and opening the door for every shyster from Topanga to Berlin.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

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