Patterico's Pontifications


Feinstein: CIA Snooping on Secure Congressional Network

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:39 am

Dianne Feinstein says that the CIA has snooped on the secure Congressional network.

The executive ignores the legislative branch and makes up its own laws. What makes you think it wouldn’t spy on you?

The question is: what are y’all going to do about it?

And you and I both know that the answer is nothing.

93 Responses to “Feinstein: CIA Snooping on Secure Congressional Network”

  1. Big Brother knows what
    He can kiss and how often
    careful who you meet

    Colonel Haiku (4ba97e)

  2. There’s an ethos (or I could just be imagining that there is) in the CIA, that they are the guardians of America, a super-constitutional institution not a mere government organization.

    Besides, I wouldn’t trust the dweebs at the Senate, or their staffers, with national security secrets, either, so there’s that too. Remember Leaky Leahy and the tracking of Al Qaeda with satellite phones? Senate politicos are no less likely to misuse confidential information, for their personal agendas, than White House politicos.

    nk (dbc370)

  3. among nations anymore, America has become the incontinent filthy bag lady what puts on her fanciest hat and flashes her boobies at passing cars

    what a joke

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  4. You know, maybe Senator Rand Paul would have a right to combitch about this, but when it comes to Senator Feinstein or any of the Democrats who have so enabled this President, I just see it as karmic justice.

    The Dana who believes in karma (3e4784)

  5. The Congress would make a fuss but they’re scared of getting audited too. It’s tough out there for a player.

    East Bay Jay (a5dac7)

  6. they didn’r catch on for three years, that’s the takeaway, the other issue, is who was the ultimate recipient of that information, about black sites,
    which would include the identities of interrogators.

    narciso (3fec35)

  7. You vote to enable the federal government to use the Infernal Revenue Service to check on us to see if we’ve got health insurance, and you shouldn’t be surprised when that government comes back to bite you in your skanky ass. When you vote to destroy our rights under the Constitution — the Second Amendment, which Senatrix Feinstein would discard — then you shouldn’t be surprised when that government starts violating your other rights.

    The Dana who believes in karmic justice (3e4784)

  8. Senator Feinstein ought to be glad that she’s too ugly for any man to want to copulate with, so she can’t have an affair for President Obama and his minions to discover.

    The sexist pig Dana (3e4784)

  9. If there were a day for a Congresscritter to go work with a tin foil hat this would be it. A gaggle of Congresscritters, even better. The only way this is a story is if the Rs force it to be one. Obama, and the media, do not like to be mocked. So the media will reflexively engage.

    East Bay Jay (a5dac7)

  10. there has been a lot of interest on the part of left wing activists, re rendition contractors, interrogators, et al, as targets for lawsuits, that’s where I see some of the concern,

    narciso (3fec35)

  11. “secure”

    Senator Feinstein, you keep using that word…

    Kevin M (dbcba4)

  12. “At issue is whether the CIA violated an agreement made with the committee about monitoring the panel’s use of CIA computers. The CIA provided the computers to congressional staffers in a secure room at its headquarters so that the committee could review millions of pages of top secret documents.”

    Democrat Senators want to investigate “the Bush CIA” for torure of detainees and “the Obama CIA” doesn’t trust them not to leave the room with documents in their socks. Figuratively speaking, Cf Leon Panetta and the 9/11 investigation. Seems like sound practice on the part of the CIA to me.

    So, what’s the real story? Obama and Reid (a/k/a Feinstein) want to purge “Bush loyalists” in the CIA, and if they can’t get them with “torture” they’ll get them with “obstruction”?

    nk (dbc370)

  13. Dana,

    I am pretty sure that Rand Paul would have a chance in California, which (despite Feinstein) tends not to like having government spying on them. Especially if the Democrat is tied to the Administration’s security state. His only real problem in CA is to defuse the abortion thing, which really does not play here. A Republican who can win in CA will win period.

    Kevin M (dbcba4)

  14. 13. Oh, yeah, we’ll take that to the bank. Yes, we will.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  15. From a republican standpoint – where members of Congress (theoretically) represent the electorate in miniature – I am more than ok with this.

    If the people are being spied on everyday, the people’s representatives should be spied on everyday.

    Leviticus (f9a067)

  16. Oh, don’t like it? Yeah, neither do we, a**holes.

    Leviticus (f9a067)

  17. Remember Feinstein’s staff ‘accidentally’ leaked the location of a Air Force base in Pakistan, where drone strikes were being conducted, this was right
    before those other documents were taken from the database.

    narciso (3fec35)

  18. It’s probably nothing:

    And I do mean, nothing.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  19. I’m with Leviticus on this: if Congress doesn’t like a governmental agency spying on it, welcome to the club.

    And let’s not underestimate Sen. Feinstein’s anger at the Obama Administration, and he willingness to seek retribution. Why remember when Bill Clinton let her go out and serve as one of his chief defenders during the early days of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and remember how angry she was when it turned out that he had been lying all along? If I am not mistaken, she was so enraged that she declined to show up at a Rose Garden bill signing ceremony, and then even failed to smile at him at the next Presidential luncheon with Senate Democrats. Her fury truly knows no bounds.

    JVW (9946b6)

  20. When the TV show “Person of Interest” debuted 2 years ago, the premise that the government was watching and listening to everything every citizen in America did or said seemed farfetched. Not so much anymore.

    The political elite has always smugly exempted themselves from the same laws they inflicted on the rest of us. What they failed to anticipate was the extreme power invested in the NSA and the executive branch in general to violate everyone’s privacy and Constitutional rights with absolute impunity. They have become a power center of their own beyond the control of Congress, the Courts and the people. What could possibly go wrong?

    in_awe (7c859a)

  21. While I’d certainly vote for either of them, I’m trying to visualize each as the Executive-elect and I’m just not feeling it.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  22. Her fury truly knows no bounds.

    Perhaps her fury was at least partially salved by billions of dollars of defense contracts, exclusive post office real estate deals, etc. directed to her husband’s firms over the past decade. For which I am certain his firms were highly qualified and exceptionally adept at handling for the benefit of the nation.

    in_awe (7c859a)

  23. But the CIA did it because the Senate staffers spied on the CIA (or were leaked documents)because they (the Senate committee staffers) suspected the CIA was lying to them.

    Senator Feinstein is basically saying the CIA has no right to investigate the Senate.

    Sammy Finkelman (032a0d)

  24. Yeah, well, enduring a speechwriter’s lecture isn’t a whole sight better.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  25. Ya know, bud, I think we’d extend that sentiment a step further:

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  26. (a) From the news report that HotAir links to:

    > Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, the top Republican on the Intelligence Committee, said he disagreed with Feinstein on the dispute with the CIA, without fully specifying. He called for a study “on what happened so people can find out what the facts are.”

    > “Right now we don’t know what the facts are,” Chambliss told reporters. “We’re going to continue to deal with this internally.”

    I have to say that comports with my impression that in general leading Republicans are very pro-executive-power in cases like this.

    (b) From my perspective, if this is true, then everyone who approved it should be fired and/or indicted, and *if the White House knew*, it’s an impeachable offense.

    aphrael (d09290)

  27. Leviticus, I’m not generally in favor of the level of spying-on-the-citizenry which seems to be accepted today.

    But even in that framework, I think spying on the other branches of government is fundamentally different than spying on the citizenry. The CIA spying on Congress or on the Supreme Court *per se* interferes with those entities’ ability to do their jobs free from fear of executive interference. It’s a line the executive should not be crossing.

    aphrael (d09290)

  28. Senator Feinstein is basically saying the CIA has no right to investigate the Senate.

    Or is she saying that she doesn’t want her staffers getting caught when they try to access information they are not authorized to access?

    nk (dbc370)

  29. Cause it sure looks to me that’s the whole “danger” of this particular instance of the CIA “spying on the Senate”.

    nk (dbc370)

  30. “I have to say that comports with my impression that in general leading Republicans are very pro-executive-power in cases like this.”

    They are far more concerned with national security than Democrats. That doesn’t mean they are right. I am very unhappy with the federal government since 9/11. Obama is worse than Bush but only because he has taken this lawlessness to domestic issues like the the Endangered Species Act.

    In partnership with green activists, the Department of Interior may attempt one of the largest federal land grabs in modern times, using a familiar vehicle—the Endangered Species Act (ESA). A record 757 new species could be added to the protected list by 2018. The two species with the greatest impact on private development are range birds—the greater sage grouse and the lesser prairie chicken, both about the size of a barnyard chicken. The economic stakes are high because of the birds’ vast habitat.

    Interior is expected to decide sometime this month whether to list the lesser prairie chicken, which inhabits five western prairie states, as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act. Meantime, the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service are considering land-use amendments to protect the greater sage grouse, which would lay the groundwork for an ESA listing next year.

    This is a direct attack on fracking on private land. Clinton did the same thing on coal with his National Monument in Utah.

    MikeK (cd7278)

  31. I’m defending the CIA, in an investigation of the torture of prisoners. Sigh. I blame California for sending such an untrustworthy dipstick to the Senate.

    nk (dbc370)

  32. Just so you’re all aware, the next step following empty stores is empty shelves among the survivors.

    The yen drops below 102 to the dollar, market crashes. The yen rises above 103 the market crashes.

    A tad hidebound?

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  33. NK:

    > Feinstein said the Senate staff members had an electronic search tool to deal with 6.2 million pages of documents and the ability to make copies on their computers. She said the arrangement suffered a blow when CIA personnel electronically removed the committee’s access to documents that had already been provided to the panel.

    > She said about 870 documents were removed in February 2010, and an additional 50 were withdrawn without the knowledge of the committee.

    Assuming that she’s correct, that’s not “trying to catch staffers who are trying to access things they don’t have permission to act”. It’s looking at a Congressional computer and removing documents from it *which the CIA itself provided*.

    aphrael (d09290)

  34. aphrael wrote:

    But even in that framework, I think spying on the other branches of government is fundamentally different than spying on the citizenry. The CIA spying on Congress or on the Supreme Court *per se* interferes with those entities’ ability to do their jobs free from fear of executive interference. It’s a line the executive should not be crossing.

    And this is different from the government spying on private citizens how? Unless someone is reasonably suspected of a crime — at which point a warrant could be applied for and obtained — by what right or reason should the public not be free “to do their jobs free from fear of executive interference?”

    The baffled Dana (3e4784)

  35. 31. Her mind is no longer keen. Sticking her fingers into Harvey’s wounds blew it irreparably.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  36. Dana: Please note my preface that I don’t actually support widespread spying on the citizenry. I’m fundamentally opposed to, for example, the NSA metadata collection.

    That said, spying on a coequal branch of government *threatens the integrity of the government*, which strikes me as being much more dangerous than *threatening the freedom of a private citizen*.

    I’m discussing relative rankings within a hierarchy of bad.

    aphrael (d09290)

  37. The lovely Mrs Feinstein stuck her fingers into Harvey Milk’s wounds? We’ve all heard of a fellow named Thomas who had to check on the holes in some famous person’s hands, but I’d not think that Mr Milk would have achieved such status.

    The doubting Dana (3e4784)

  38. REcall they had Mark Udall front this, with the score from ‘Enemy of the State;

    narciso (3fec35)

  39. 37. Yes, if there was a follow up by a reporter I did not catch one.

    The emotion of the moment left the hearer’s stunned into senselessness.

    I’m kinda thinking this concern about freedom and liberty falls short of stunning. Finding the gas pump empty and no milk to be had at any price will be more attention grabbing.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  40. We’ve heard a little about the first handful of Chinese shadow bank(50% of banking) failures of bonds, here’s a quote on the first corporate failure last Friday:

    CITIC Trust tried to auction the collateral but failed to do so because the developer has sold the collateral and also mortgaged it to a few other lenders.

    All because the PBOC, et al., has decided to suffer the pain at the beginning of the five-year plan.

    This, in a nutshell, describes all of Europe, beginning with Britain.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  41. it was a clean energy company, i’ve given to understand.

    narciso (3fec35)

  42. Chart fu:

    I’m not saying domestic spying and foreign policy aren’t serious and necessary items for discussion.

    I’m saying the US Chamber of Commerce and big donors are not your friend, are happy you are currently occupied, and own, lock stock and barrel, the whole Kabuki theatre.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  43. Ron Furrier, yer a racist!

    Colonel Haiku (c838ad)

  44. ‘welcome to the party, pal’

    narciso (3fec35)

  45. When did that happen?

    I thought we washed our hands of these people?

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  46. aphrael wrote:

    That said, spying on a coequal branch of government *threatens the integrity of the government*, which strikes me as being much more dangerous than *threatening the freedom of a private citizen*.

    I’m discussing relative rankings within a hierarchy of bad.

    I fail to see how this is so. Spying on private citizens being somehow less bad than spying on other branches of government corrupts the notion that the private citizen is the legal equal of the governors, and that the governors are just as subject to the limitations of the law as anyone else.

    Furthermore, it stands on its head the concept that the government works for the people. If it is less bad for the government to spy on private citizens, then it makes increasing the vulnerability of private citizens to government sanction; freedom and democracy cannot survive that.

    The Dana who disagrees (3e4784)

  47. Now that they are no longer GovMo, they are targets Gary.

    narciso (3fec35)

  48. so Fineswine is butthurt her stuff got looked at, but gives damn about the rest of us?

    par for the course.

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  49. It is not about the ox being gored.

    It is about WHOSE ox has been gored.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ca9e04)

  50. Feinstein has nothing to worry about. It’s Ted Cruz that they are snooping on.

    AZ Bob (c949f7)

  51. Leviticus makes an interesting point about if the NSA is going to spy on the people, then what’s good for the goose should be good for the gander, and so, too, the people’s representatives (Congress) should be spied on.

    I wonder if Senator Frankenstein is going to start complaining about how members of Congress were forced to sign up for ObamaCare.
    It appears she doesn’t want that standard to apply to Congress, either.
    She’s a silly goose, isn’t she ?

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  52. Wait until the NSA finds out that Barbara Boxer has been using botox.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  53. ==Barbara Boxer has been using botox.==

    Get out!!

    elissa (ed8e9f)

  54. Yeah, governments all over need access to more information. They need breaks between pR0n sites.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  55. Some dude named Dallas Seavey just won his second Iditarod. Said warm weather and wind made it a tougher than usual race.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  56. Next we’ll find out the IRS audited the SEIU PAC, and heads will roll.

    Kevin M (dbcba4)

  57. NSA may also discover that all of Senator Durbin’s colleagues refer to him as “Dick“—behind his back, as well as to his face !

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  58. Additionally, NSA may discover that many of Senator’s Reid’s colleagues refer to him as “Dick.”
    Even though his name is Harry.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  59. The NSA has Bette Davis Eyes.
    Or something.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  60. I say too much, so here let Drew over at Ace’s say it differently.

    I’d skip the blue quotation, empty drivel.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  61. I just hope that the NSA doesn’t reveal that Senator Pat Leahy and Karl Rove!!!1!! have been exchanging secret emails about how to ensure that Hillary wins the White House in 2016.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  62. Today is a special runoff election in Florida to elect someone to assume the Congressional seat held for forty years by the late Bill Young.
    Doug Jolly is the Republican VS Alex Sink, the dishonest Democrat.

    There’s also a 26 year old guy running as a Libertarian. He is currently polling around 4-7%, though one poll has him at a whopping 12%.

    I wonder which of the two major party candidates is having more votes siphoned off by the Losertarian Libertarian. (Cue ‘Jeopardy’ thinking music.)

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)


    Malaysia Jet Changed Course at Time of Disappearance, Officials Say

    If this is the truth, and there is also a report that the a transponder was sturned off…how can anyone say there is no indication it was terrorism??

    What’s the point of all this NSA intelligence if there is nmo common sense in evaluating things?

    If there was any kind of mechanical trouble, but they changed course, how would they not call an airport? The pilots have time, and need to radio.

    You’re left with losing radio capability.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  64. It looks to me like a United Airlines Flight 93 scenario.

    But maybe they didn’t even take the pilot out of the cockpit. I don’t know if there would be people who would stir themselves too rebel aboard that plane. The hijackers must have been more incompetent.

    The thing about debris: If the plane exploded in mid-air, there’d be scattered debris, but nothing has been found anywhere near the plane’s regular course. So no bomb.

    If it lost altitude and broke up near sea level, there’d be bigger pieces.

    If it went intact into the water, the plane would be in one piece. It wouldn’t be seen, but once found, the black boxes would be found quickly and and the plane itself would tell you. But it would not have flown miles off course.

    If it crashed off the west coast of Malaysia, little besides a hijacking could explain it.

    The hijackers would probably have been trying to head toward Singapore to crash into a building, except these hijackers knew less than the 9/11 hijackers.

    On September 11, 2011, we knew about the hijackings almost right away because Mohammed Atta had something wrong abouyt the plane. He thought the way to transmit to outside was the way to transmit to the cabin and he taught that mistake to all the other hijacker pilots. When he thought he was talking to the passenger cabin, he was really talking to the control towers.

    But this time they didn’t make that mistake, so no radio transmissions.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  65. I like this fellow’s writing but the ‘cheap labor’ angle is kaput.

    In fact, they’re angling for more market to share with the demographic pfffft.

    The proof of this hypothesis is that truck farm robotic harvesters are in alpha and beta testing.

    Work is no longer a goal of the Collective.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  66. I’ll give Roger Corman a call and tell him I’ve come up with a great film title for him to use; “Attack of the Truck Farm Robotic Harvesters.”

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  67. Feinstein is running point on this in order to control the narrative. It was obviously going to be leaked. Controlling the messaging includes deflecting yet another scandal in an election year to an “agency” and not the WH.

    cedarhill (2f8a64)

  68. Good observation #71, cedarhill.

    Senator Frankenstein is hoping the low information voters won’t remember that as head of the executive branch, Barack O’drama has some authority over the CIA and the NSA.

    It’s the same thing with the clever leak about how conservatives were being targeted by the IRS.
    And then O’drama got to act all outraged and stuff, in an attempt to distract away from the fact that the crumb of bread trails probably leads back to his political operatives.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  69. Another “gate” in the making.

    The Emperor (6e6084)

  70. The Emperor has no clothes no sense !

    Shorter Emperor; (which would probably be Napoleon ? Or somebody ?)

    Anyhow, shorter The Emperor; “Obama is God. He can do anything he desires. Because he’s for fairness and the American European Statist Way ! But when Bush was authorizing NSA wiretaps of overseas terrorists, I was so pissed off, I picketed his Crawford Ranch !”

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  71. In other news, the White House reports that 187 million more people have signed up for ObamaCare since last Tuesday.

    Winning !

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  72. 75. Wow, that’s a surprise.

    The last I’d heard only 1 in 10 of the Uninsured had visited the 404Care site and poked around long enough to get tagged as Enrolled.

    Nobody tells me anything.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  73. this bit from the Times piece;

    She said that the acting general counsel was previously a lawyer in the C.I.A.’s Counterterrorism Center, the section of the spy agency that was running the detention and interrogation program.

    narciso (3fec35)

  74. So, one way to read this, was to compromise the operational aspects of this division.

    She said the man’s name is mentioned more than 1,600 times in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report.

    narciso (3fec35)

  75. I’m praying Issa stays clear of this investigation.

    mg (31009b)

  76. What you send around, comes around. Did they think they were immune to this? Oh, “think”. OK, I understand.

    htom (412a17)

  77. “Anyhow, shorter The Emperor; ‘Obama is God. He can do anything he desires. Because he’s for fairness and the American European Statist Way ! But when Bush was authorizing NSA wiretaps of overseas terrorists, I was so pissed off, I picketed his Crawford Ranch ‘”

    – Elephant Stone

    That’s actually what you call “longer.”

    Or something.

    Leviticus (474b53)

  78. “Senator Feinstein is basically saying the CIA has no right to investigate the Senate.”

    Comment by nk (dbc370) — 3/11/2014 @ 10:38 am

    Or is she saying that she doesn’t want her staffers getting caught when they try to access information they are not authorized to access?

    Actually, she is saying they didn’t – and if they did, the CIA handed it over by mistake.

    The issue concerns whether the U.S. actually got any significant intelligence from the enhanced interrogation methods or not – more tahn would have hapepned another way.

    They said no, the original CIA report to panetta said no, and then later the CIA comes out witha report that says yes.

    So the question is, where did that come from?

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  79. This except from Politico, suggests this is not the whole story, shocker;

    Republicans complain Feinstein’s version of events is hardly the full picture — some of the details are classified, they note — and others point to potential wrongdoing by the Senate staff in investigating the situation.

    narciso (3fec35)

  80. Senator Feinstein went on the senate floor because of a provision in the United Sattes constitution.

    Article I, Section 6, Clause 1:

    The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  81. From narciso’s link:

    ….Classified briefings on Iran and Syria scheduled for Thursday have been postponed so panel members can continue their fight over the investigation.

    The GOP allegations are tied in part to [Sen. Mark] Udall’s actions related to the nomination of Caroline Krass to serve as the CIA’s general counsel.

    Udall has threatened a hold on that nomination until the CIA answers more questions about its classified internal review of its detention program and interrogation techniques. At a Dec. 17 hearing on Krass’s nomination, Udall publicly revealed that the CIA’s own internal documents were in conflict with its response to a 6,300-page Senate report over the controversial post-9/11 programs. …

    …In a March 4 letter Udall sent to President Barack Obama, Udall obliquely mentioned an “unprecedented action taken by the CIA against the [Intelligence] Committee in relation to the internal CIA review, and I find these actions to be incredibly troubling for the Committee’s oversight responsibilities and for our democracy.”

    Udall was referring to allegations that CIA officials improperly attempted to retrieve documents from computers used by Senate Intelligence Committee staffers to conduct their review of the agency’s detention program, as well as conduct electronic searches of those computers. Feinstein and other Intelligence Committee senators are furious over these actions, saying the CIA is trying to avoid congressional oversight.

    In addition, CIA officials made a criminal referral to the Justice Department claiming that Intelligence Committee staffers improperly removed a copy of the agency’s internal review of its detention and interrogation program files. Feinstein claims this was an effort to thwart the committee’s inquiry.

    The day after Udall’s letter was sent to the White House, a New York Times story on the CIA-Intelligence Committee fight ran.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  82. And you and I both know that the answer is nothing.

    Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

    Just Wrong.

    Clearly they will WHINE about it.

    After all, it’s what Lefties are good at.

    They certainly can’t SHOOT worth a damn, and wtf would they use to shoot with, anyway…? The only ones of them who own guns are the nutjobs. And they can’t shoot worth a crap unless they’ve got sitting ducks as targets.

    Smock Puppet, "Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses." (225d0d)

  83. The Republicans on the senate Intelligence Committee stopped participating in the investigation when Attorney General Eric Holder opened up a criminal investigation because they said this made it imposisble to interview CIA people – the investigation has relied solely on documents.

    Sen. Feinstein said she didn’t know how the committee got the info – whetehr on purpose by the CIA, accidentally, or a CIA whistleblower.

    The CVIA seems to have ignored or defied white House instructions.

    My guess: They probably did teh crimianl referral which Sen feinstein says has no basis – to allow the FBI to spy on the committee.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  84. A little perspective;

    narciso (3fec35)

  85. From Dow Jones feed re NSA snooping – rattling some chains, of course – Zuckerberg called Pres. on this:
    The new document dump includes a minute-long video purportedly produced by the NSA and marked “top secret” that details the way the agency can manipulate computers into thinking they are contacting Facebook’s servers, when they are in fact being directed to servers controlled by the NSA. According to the article, the deception involving Facebook was one of several techniques used by the NSA to conduct surveillance on millions of computers. The video depicts a man using Facebook on a laptop computer. When he attempts to access a Facebook page, an NSA computer detects the request and sends the man data from its own servers disguised as Facebook traffic, a so-called man-on-the-side attack. The man thinks he is downloading his Facebook page, but is in fact also downloading what amounts to a computer virus that siphons information from his computer and sends it to the U.S. government. A Facebook spokesman said the company hasn’t seen any evidence that the NSA has used the tactic against Facebook users. He said the method described in the video would not work now, since Facebook began using a higher level of security on its site last year. In any case, he said, Facebook isn’t the only company that was vulnerable to such tactics by the NSA. It’s unclear how many people might have been targeted by the NSA’s Facebook strategy. Based on the video supplied by Snowden, it appears that the NSA was using it against individuals, and not as an indiscriminate data-gathering strategy. Citing Snowden documents, The Intercept says the NSA hopes to target millions of individuals. The U.S. government — either through the FBI or NSA — has long used such hacker techniques to go after specific targets. Posing as a Facebook server — or that of any other social network — doesn’t require cooperation from the tech company. In a statement, the NSA said it monitors communications “exclusively where there is a foreign intelligence or counterintelligence purpose” and that “all of NSA’s operations are strictly conducted under the rule of law.” In an additional statement Thursday, the NSA denied the thrust of the Intercept story. “Recent media reports that allege NSA has infected millions of computers around the world with malware, and that NSA is impersonating U.S. social media or other websites, are inaccurate,” the agency said in a written statement. “Reports of indiscriminate computer exploitation operations are simply false.” This post has been updated to include the NSA’s additional statement. More at The Wall Street Journal’s Digits blog, (END) Dow Jones Newswires March 13, 2014 17:11 ET (21:11 GMT) Copyright (c) 2014 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. 031314 21:11 — GMT Story ID: MAR132014_DJB_03QU Keywords: ALL COMPANY NEWS, TECHNOLOGY

    Judy Eaton (aee826)

  86. I hope they are able to find the plane soon. I do not think a black hole sucked it in. That would mean the black hole would be too close to earth.

    Naomi (ddc987)

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