Patterico's Pontifications


R.S. McCain: “Vile Lie-Peddler @Karoli Kuns and the Posthumous Vindication of Breitbart”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 2:32 pm

An absolutely beautiful blog post about an especially nasty lefty partisan: Crooks & Liars liar Karoli Kuns, one of the prime apologists for Neal Rauhauser, Brett Kimberlin, and their creepy pals. Excerpt:

Whereas in 2012, you were certain that Anthony Weiner was an innocent victim of a “setup” by “Breitbots” — and thus, Weiner’s defender Neal Rauhauser was deserving of praise — now that Andrew Breitbart has been vindicated and Anthony Weiner has been disgraced, you say the Weiner story is “not of national concern.”

Because you peddle vile lies, that’s why.

There was never any “setup” of Anthony Weiner by anyone. All honest and intelligent people recognized this in 2011, but Neal Rauhauser manufactured a series of lies intended to deceive the ignorant and Rauhauser was, as you say, the one person who “wouldn’t let it go.” He was the acknowledged leader of “Weiner Truthers” and he kept lying about Andrew Breitbart even after Breitbart was dead.

Want to know everything you need to know about Karoli Kuns? Here you go:

Screen Shot 2013-08-02 at 7.22.55 AM

47 Responses to “R.S. McCain: “Vile Lie-Peddler @Karoli Kuns and the Posthumous Vindication of Breitbart””

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. Well I always thought ‘Crooks and Liars’ was self descriptive on their part, but Joan Walsh and respect, snorfle,

    narciso (3fec35)

  3. I have to wonder how anyone could (credibly) think that the little Weiner was set up. Just what do you have to do to force a man, in a remote location, to take half-naked pictures of himself and send them to young women?

    The amused and amazed Dana (af9ec3)

  4. You could still be “The Dana who got in the first substantive comment”…

    Patterico (9c670f)

  5. Whoops, too late for that too!

    Patterico (9c670f)

  6. This paranoid Karoli person suffers from a classic case of projection.
    The lefties always scream that everyone on their team has been “set up !” because they’re often so engaged in staging events and providing false testimony.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  7. Tetyana Kimberlin needs to be in a safe house.
    And so does the kid of Carlos.

    mg (31009b)

  8. Looks like he’s trying to get her to sue him.

    Steven Den Beste (99cfa1)

  9. Team Kimberlin stands for human trafficking, statutory rape and terror bombing.

    SPQR (768505)

  10. RSM has been great these days.

    Tetyana Kimberlin needs to be in a safe house.

    Comment by mg (31009b) — 8/3/2013 @ 2:52 pm

    Keep her in your prayers.

    Dustin (1799b4)

  11. An aptly named bunch if there ever was one.

    JD (3eff55)

  12. Karoli now wants to talk about Republicans who sext. She is squirreling big time. In addition to the people Stranahan has mentioned, I noticed that she’s a part of the whole Bayne crew who has some sort of weird connections to the crew at Red State (Kathleen Sweets was attacking people who made even slight criticisms of the writers at RS). Hell with all of them.

    ratbeach (f5aad4)

  13. Why do you care so much about this, Patterico?

    daleyrocks who is channeling Leviticus (bf33e9)

  14. Just what do you have to do to force a man, in a remote location, to take half-naked pictures of himself and send them to young women?

    He had his back against the wall, Dana. What could he do?

    Colonel Haiku (f07db7)

  15. Definitely no shortage of dishonest morons on the Left.

    Colonel Haiku (f07db7)

  16. A little known fact: Kimberlin, Rauhauser and their lot have selected “Turd On The Run” as their theme song for the foreseeable future…

    Colonel Haiku (f07db7)

  17. On GOP sexting, that is all she has to run with?
    Maybe Karl Rove will send her a selfie

    SteveG (794291)

  18. like flies on doo-doo
    Bellicose Karoli Kuns
    sure picks some winners

    Colonel Haiku (f07db7)

  19. Karoli is just another dishonest pedophilia supporting lefty. Nothing to see here.

    daleyrocks who is channeling Leviticus (bf33e9)

  20. A selfie with no sack.

    mg (31009b)

  21. remember to fix handle

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  22. This paranoid Karoli person suffers from a classic case of projection.
    The lefties always scream that everyone on their team has been “set up !” because they’re often so engaged in staging events and providing false testimony.

    Comment by Elephant Stone (6a6f37) — 8/3/2013 @ 2:46 pm


    That projection thing really does explain an awful lot.

    Dustin (1799b4)

  23. Mr Rocks wrote:

    remember to fix handle

    You think that you have a hard time with that?

    The Dana who sometimes forgets (af9ec3)

  24. It isn’t like a leftist “suffers from a classic case of projection.” It’s a deliberate tactic. Preemptively accuse the other side of doing what you’re guilty of.

    Remember the Clintons calling the ’80s the “decade of greed” and blaming Republicans for it? They were the biggest grifters in Arkansas.

    I think another classic example is Eddie Bernice Johnson of the Congressional Black Caucus. As is common with the several racist caucuses in Congress (which is axiomatically true since they are based explicitly and entirely on race) they engage in stirring up racial hatred by claiming from among other things that Whites owe them reparations because Whites stole from them. That they’re still stealing from them.

    The interesting thing is what was Eddie Bernice Johnson doing? Sending her own relatives and cronies’ kids to college with scholarships meant for her poor constituents.

    It was worse than this article makes it sound. It was no mere oversight; she personally, knowingly approved the awards.

    But the bottom line is that Eddie Bernice Johnson was the one actually stealing from her constituents. The CBC shakes businesses down for donations to fund various causes like this. Money which they claim will be used to benefit people in their districts. And I’ve got a bridge to sell you in Cairo if you imagine Johnson is the only one converting that money to their own personal use.

    But they get away with it because they’re constantly blaming whitey for all the theft.

    They don’t suffer from anything, since it requires a soul and a conscience to suffer. This isn’t projection as a syndrome we’re witnessing. It’s projection as a diversion. Pickpockets and thieves need diversions and in politics projection works great.

    Steve57 (a65996)

  25. This paranoid Karoli person suffers from a classic case of projection. The lefties always scream that everyone on their team has been “set up !” because they’re often so engaged in staging events and providing false testimony.

    With absolutely no sarcasm or snark intended in such an observation, I think your theory is quite correct. There’s a guilt complex involved with such people, in which they in reality have the opposite traits (in particular, those of humaneness, tolerance and compassion) that they correlate with other humans, or certainly their political opposites. I don’t think that irony and contradiction are understood or acknowledged by a good percentage of the public.

    Mark (938403)

  26. This is the way, they dealt with Rangel;

    A million dollars in undeclared property in the Dominican Republic, nothing to see here.

    narciso (3fec35)

  27. Why would a woman support a drug addicted, bomb making, drug peddling, murdering thug who only preys on women….

    EPWJ (1ea63e)

  28. Remember the Clintons calling the ’80s the “decade of greed” and blaming Republicans for it? They were the biggest grifters in Arkansas.

    I remain also quite fascinated by the apparent bigotries of such people, by the Clintons reportedly spewing truly racist comments in private casual conversation. And by the other major figureheads of the Democrat Party/liberalism (ie, Roosevelt, Truman, Woodrow Wilson) being just as bad as they are.

    Mark (938403)

  29. As I tweeted yesterday (and got blocked): ”
    @Karoli Like you? You’re a worthless, amoral assclown. Try snorting more rainbow colored unicorn farts. @rsmccain @ali @BobBelvedere”
    I think my cotempt was clear and there is nothing more to say.

    Richard M Nixon (R-Deceased) (051d6c)

  30. This is the reason I started reading Patterico. Because a friend mentioned to read the amazing blog by a former Breitbart worker.

    Absolutely one hundred percent correct. Andrew is totally vindicated if he wasn’t already two years previously.

    Come to think of it, I suppose i speak for others, many, many, others when I honestly say that….I miss Andrew Breitbart the journalist and all of his timely up to date work, projects ahead of the curve, and a steadfast willingness to go wherever his research findings would take him.

    Sorely missed, but not so easily forgotten.

    We miss you, Andrew
    God Bless

    Kenneth Simmons (6f8eca)

  31. Hmm, I dunno, Dana. (Mildly NSFW)

    nk (875f57)

  32. A couple who obviously had a little bit too much free time on their hands. 🙂

    The mildly amused Dana (af9ec3)

  33. Alinsky’s Rules Numbers 5 and 6 conjoined.

    nk (875f57)

  34. I’ve been too busy to follow anything, let alone comment,
    but this morning I hear on the radio that “somebody” drove a car into a bunch of pedestrians out in California,
    they have a “person of interest in custody that matches the description of the driver” is what our local 24 hr news radio says
    along with the statement that they have security tape showing the car go from stopped to swerving past yellow vehicle obstacles to prevent such an “accident”.
    The same radio station (a major network mind you) has said that this week a trial starts of an army officer “accused of murdering” people on a military base in Texas.
    I don’t know if Orwell is spinning, laughing, crying, or some combination in his grave.

    I am betting that the person in custody in CA is not a white Tea Party member, because if so I think we would know his name (and life history) already.

    I wonder if it is connected to the end of Ramadan and the State Dept and Interpol security alert.

    I’ll be happy to learn more facts and learn that I am wrong if I am.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  35. I wonder if it is connected to the end of Ramadan

    If it is, it must undeniably be connected to duodenal loading on baklava and other sweets after coming off such a long fast.

    nk (875f57)

  36. I am sure Hitler (exaggerated example) had good intentions in his heart also.
    But alas I am a behaviorist and these guys are evil scum because of what they do, not what they claim is in their hearts.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ae12ec)

  37. Perfect Dilbert (Sunday Paper Comic) punch line.

    More or less:

    Boss: I thought you said [the meeting] went better than you expected.

    Dilbert: It did. I go into every human encoutherecpecting to be framed for a crime I didn’t commit.

    August 4, 2013 strip

    BfC (a1cf00)

  38. Perfect Dilbert (Sunday Paper Comic) punch line.

    More or less:

    Boss: I thought you said [the meeting] went better than you expected.

    Dilbert: It did. I go into every human encounter expecting to be framed for a crime I didn’t commit.
    August 4, 2013 strip

    (need edit function…}

    BfC who can't spell check (a1cf00)

  39. #37 MD in Philly, now we know his name, nathan louis campbell. You guessed the motive, we’ll see.

    tifosa (edc8f3)

  40. Venice Beach boardwalk, 5pm on a warm Saturdey evening, crowded with people, 1 dead, 11 injured, driver intended to commit mayhem, stopped car and ran away, later turned himself into police, 38 years old.

    ropelight (e20e9e)

  41. Here’s the vid, labelled as him getting out of his car:

    tifosa (edc8f3)

  42. before

    tifosa (edc8f3)

  43. Never trust links from trolls.

    nk (875f57)

  44. What is a “Karoli Kuns” and why is anyone paying attention to it?

    Rob Crawford (e6f27f)

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