Patterico's Pontifications


Dem Ad: Your “First Time” Should Be With Obama

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:19 am


At some point after the “first time” there is often a conversation that begins something like this:

Barack, we need to talk.

P.S. The main difference: I don’t want to be friends.

163 Responses to “Dem Ad: Your “First Time” Should Be With Obama”

  1. Turn it around and try to imagine the same ad done by a young male.
    This ad is the real “war on women” mentality on full display.

    Sue (056513)

  2. So voting for Obama is something that is painful, doesn’t live up to the hype, and usually done while under the influence of mind-altering substances?

    Chuck Bartowski (11fb31)

  3. Republicans: no war on women (that isn’t a fairy tale in the mind’s of the left)

    Democrats: women, you are nothing more than your lady parts; please vote that way.

    kinlaw (2fb87c)

  4. Oh, forgot to add: and can have lead to lasting feelings of guilt.

    Chuck Bartowski (11fb31)

  5. Turn it around and try to imagine the same ad done by a young male.

    It is only Obama’s homophobia that prevents it.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  6. If I’m supposed to vote based solely on sex appeal, giving final say to my hormones and “lady parts”, Ø still wouldn’t be getting my vote.

    You have to wonder about the “men” girls like this are exposed to if they think that Ø is the alpha male they want to lose their virginity to.

    LibraryGryffon (06c781)

  7. The Putin ad this is based on at least had a classy young woman rather than a naive and childish airhead.

    Are 20-somethings really so concerned about free birth control rather than, say, jobs? If so, we are so doomed.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  8. Sexualizing the vote, Russian style.

    Chimperor/lovie will be first in line.

    JD (b6d8e8)

  9. And, btw, where IS the satirical gay version of this? You’d think it would be an obvious retort. Doesn’t even have to be tasteless.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  10. @KevinM #7 – Childish is the word. I haven’t been able to bring myself to actually watch the ad, but in the screen shots I’ve seen she looks younger than my 17yo. And neither of my daughters, 14 and 17, are stupid enough to vote based on who they think they’d like to go to bed with.

    And at least Putin has that alpha male vibe going for him. There is nothing alpha about Ø.

    LibraryGryffon (06c781)

  11. Nothing is sacred for Obama. Everything, and everyone, should be about him.

    He wants your wedding gifts when you get married. And he wants your virginity, too. Droit du seigneur?

    Steven Den Beste (99cfa1)

  12. Uh, why does she have boy hair?

    That’s all I could think about when I saw this.

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)

  13. Wasn’t an ad like this first used for some commercial product?

    That one isn’t exactly the same – I think more recently this was tried more in a way like the Putin or Obama commercials.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  14. There’s also this:

    Uploaded by sejhanna on Oct 11, 2006

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  15. According to Wiki, Lena is 26 years old. My compliments to her make-up artist.

    Sue (056513)

  16. Putin wasn’t first.

    A group exposed as a Democratic Party front by Newsbusters was.

    Every other officer or board member has similar deep Dem roots.

    The clincher? WVWV is a project of The Tides Foundation


    UPDATE:Rush read from this column during his broadcast of today. Also, note that WVWV’s misrepresentation of itself as non-partisan is blameworthy in at least two ways. As a supposedly ‘non-partisan’ group, WVWV is claiming that contributions to it are tax-deductible, effectively forcing the American taxpayer to subsidize its partisan activities. Second, WVWV is putting out a series of PSAs, meaning that it will be getting free advertising for a highly partisan cause. Perhaps some devious GOP thinkers will start a similar group: GVGV – Golfers’ Voices, Golfers Vote, seeking to increase turnout among that ignored niche – country club members

    This was targeted to single women, a group believed to heavily tilt Demoocratic, about 2-1.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  17. I do feel sorry for her for that horrible leprosy lesion on her arm.

    gp (5a38d9)

  18. What does Sandra Fluke feel about this?

    pat (75b00c)

  19. A bit OT, but since we’re talking about commercials, here is the greatest commercial ever made:

    I am in absolute awe of that. Seriously. Think of how much information is packed into those 30 seconds, but in such a simple uncomplicated way.

    It’s a masterpiece.

    I wonder who was the unsung genius who shot it?

    Gojira, King of Monsters (5a9950)

  20. So, have we settled on Gojira?

    JD (b6d8e8)

  21. This ads is just wrong. Taking something very personal and that really shouldn’t be any of my business and turn it into a Obama ad send the wrong signal to me.

    I tried to give a chance, but after the birth control came up I walked away from it. Why is it right for the government to take money from me, a single male to give to some woman I don’t even know? If she doesn’t want to get pregnant, SHE should do things to avoid it, not rely on Obama or some government bureaucrat. Maybe I’m just slow or something…

    Antonio (c8fa6c)

  22. Antonio,

    Common sense sometimes seems uncommon.

    Glad to see you’re sticking with the blog.

    Patterico (8b3905)

  23. I thought Obama was at least a good father to 2 teen girls.

    I was wrong.

    Bugg (234f77)

  24. JD — works for me.

    btw, the other day when I said, “Nobody likes a nark,” I forgot to add one of those cutesy winky-smiley thingies, like this: 😉 It was a shrugging remark, not a pointed one.

    I don’t take your vigilance amiss. But since those monikers were each addressed to different subjects and not working in tandem (which is what genuine cynical sock-puppeting is), I’m surprised you cared.

    Gojira, King of Monsters (5a9950)

  25. To quote the Jonah Hill teen character Seth in “Superbad”-“You know when you hear girls say ‘Ah man, I was so s**t-faced last night, I shouldn’t of slept with that guy?’ We could be that mistake!”

    Bugg (234f77)

  26. If you check the “hip” lefty sites — Slate, the Atlantic, all the Gawker nonsense — the common refrain is “These right wing ninnies are wasting their time; this ad was not pitched to them, it is pitched towards young women whom we need to turn out to vote for Obama and Democrats.” Does it occur to them at all that in our digital information age that independents and undecided voters also see this ad, and they are running a huge risk that that voter segment is a lot less sanguine about using young women’s sexuality as a way to entice voting for a candidate?

    We will never so for certain — partly because no one will probably run this poll and partly because the question is too hard to track — but wouldn’t it be great if Obama loses and we find out that this ad brought him 20,000 young female votes that he otherwise would not have received but also cost him 100,000 independent votes that he otherwise would have received? It would be just desserts for what has been a lazy, smug, and witless campaign by the Obama crew.

    JVW (f5695c)

  27. If you don’t want to be punished by an Obama baby and four more years just like the last four years, why would you risk voting voting for Obama? Don’t they teach these airheads anything these days?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  28. “These right wing ninnies are wasting their time; this ad was not pitched to them, it is pitched towards young women whom we need to turn out to vote for Obama and Democrats.”

    So they thought it was a good ad? It was creepy—period! I’d like to hear what NOW has to say about it.

    Media Mutters (721840)

  29. not working in tandem (which is what genuine cynical sock-puppeting is), I’m surprised you cared.

    The rules don’t differentiate, and are right there where you hit submit comment.

    JD (b6d8e8)

  30. ==Does it occur to them at all that in our digital information age that….=

    Heh, JVW. There’s so much that apparently never “occurs” to them. In IL a young Dem congressional candidate is cluelessly running an ad with archival footage of LBJ talking about Medicare. LBJ!!–as if he is universally considered a hero!!!. LBJ, one of the most villified and universally disliked presidents of the 20th century –against whom both Democrat and Republican raised boomers were railing at draft boards and on their respective college campuses for darn good reason 45 years ago.

    elissa (106c9c)

  31. Me, I have higher standards. Who wants some 18 year old virgin who’s going to be a nervous wreck and, probably, a lousy lay?

    Leave that trash for the football team.

    Space Cockroach (8096f2)

  32. Oh, stop it with the pearl clutching and faux outrage. It’s double entendre, and it’s nothing new.

    Who, for example, said this?

    I know what it’s like to pull the Republican lever for the first time, because I used to be a Democrat myself, and I can tell you it only hurts for a minute and then it feels just great.

    Ronald Reagan

    Kman (5576bf)

  33. Yeah, Putin used it too, kfap!

    Media Mutters (721840)

  34. Kman,

    No faux outrage here – I just think it’s juvenile, stupid, and embarrassing. But then I consider the source and it all comes together.

    Dana (292dcf)

  35. Kman believes Reagan was addressing first time voters, not party switchers and that a speech is the same as an advertisement. More false equivalency in defense of stooooopid.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  36. I agree with Dana. I don’t at all feel outrage (faux or otherwise) at the stupidity of the tatted young female imbecile. I just see imbecilic stupidity on display. And it makes me both very sad and sorry that it’s coming from a person of my gender who is so obviouly not using the brain cells God gave her.

    elissa (106c9c)

  37. Vote early, vote often!

    No, they should just get married so Obama can collect those wedding gifts.

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)

  38. Kman is a fan of false equivalncies.

    JD (436368)

  39. In 2008, you fell in love with Obama, and gave him your voting virginity.

    In 2012, it’s time for a cure to that Socially Transmitted Disease.

    Another Anon (f43943)

  40. Socially Transmitted Disease.


    More false equivalency in defense of stooooopid.

    Comment by daleyrocks — 10/26/2012

    He’s quite predictable that way. I can’t recall a single conversation he’s been part of where he doesn’t attempt a ‘you or your side did it too!’ in a way I find unreasonable. Half the time it turns out he didn’t even read the post before making the assertion. I don’t get that. It’s like he has a prejudice.

    Dustin (73fead)

  41. I suppose if fear isn’t working they may as well try sex. Sex sells.

    You’re so special. Trust me, everything will be OK. If you love me, you’ll do it.

    Our young people are so screwed.

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)

  42. It is more important for Lena and Sandra to get protection by rubber than to provide security for Ambassador Stevens.

    JD (436368)

  43. Would that make Patrick Moran-style voting for other people the moral equivalent of rape?

    Of course not. God intends Obama to be reelected. And if the vote was illegitimate then it won’t be counted, a la Akin.

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)

  44. Is her show any good? She is very unappealing. Are people interested in her sex life?

    MayBee (4901b0)

  45. They had better be careful with this. Without voter-ID some of those reluctant virgins could be under 18.

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)

  46. Kman believes Reagan was addressing first time voters, not party switchers and that a speech is the same as an advertisement.

    I see. So if Obama had made reference to “first time” with respect to party switchers and/or had done it in a SPEECH, the right wing outrage machine wouldn’t have a problem?


    The thing you (claim to) object to — the injection of virginal sex into politic speech — is THE SAME in both the Reagan comment and the Obama ad.

    Hence, it’s not a false equivalence.

    Nice try though.

    Kman (5576bf)

  47. I find it mildly interesting that they say, sort of at least, that the first time you vote, it should be for a man.

    At least we won’t see this trotted out when the Hillary 2016 train gets on the tracks.

    Brian (c1167b)

  48. MayBee – no and no. Except hipsters. And the Maddiw criwd. Venn diagram.

    JD (436368)

  49. Kmart @32 proves that liberals will lie about anything.

    The leftosphere is reduced to pretending that the conservatives are talking about this out of some sense of prudishness. Which isn’t the case at all.

    It’s a stupid, juvenile, tasteless add. In other words, it accurately reflects the candidate.

    I agree with JVW @ 26; don’t the libtards realize that others besides the target audience will see this? Not like I mind; focus groups have found that lots of Obama’s ads do nothing to rally the base, but motivate Republicans and independents to vote for Romney. Because of the stooopid, and in this case the weeeerd, in Obama’s campaign ads.

    Jim Treacher at the Daily Caller had an excellent point.

    Keep in mind, this is an official Obama for America ad. This isn’t some PAC, or some minor celebrity trying to get upvotes on Funny or Die. OfA put this out there. “Take that, Mitt! Sure, you’ve got that cranky old bastard Clint Eastwood, but we’ve got Lena Dunham.”

    Well, Team Obama has definitely cornered the Flighty, Uninformed, Tatted-Up Hipsters Who Have HBO Shows for Some Reason vote. How will it play with the other 99.999999999% of the country? Oh, I’m sure they’ll love it too.

    Some people are aghast that Team Obama is so creepy and cultlike that they think this is a good ad. To them I say… What are you complaining about? This is a very promising sign.

    …If he thinks his base is so helpless and infantilized that something like this appeals to them, great. If he thinks this will sway “independents” and “undecideds” and other people who won’t admit they’re voting for Romney because their friends will think they’re uncool and/or racist, fantastic. Run with that.

    Read more:

    Iowahawk tweets:

    For Democrats this year, voting will be like sex. Awkward, embarrassing, with lots of crying afterwards.

    And Instapundit notes, for added creepiness, that OFA chose the one chick in the world to do an add on the subject “for your first time choose a great guy like Barack Obama” a B-list celebrity with the same name as his mom.


    I’m not worried about any potential fundraising advantage Obama and his associated PACs may have. They seem to be hiring ad companies that are not-so-secretly working for the GOP.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  50. That Biden big stick comment might make those virgins think twice.

    OK, I’m done now.

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)


    A new survey of presidential campaign ads reveals that those from Mitt Romney and President Obama jazz Republicans, pushing GOP enthusiasm 42 percent higher than it was in 2008 for Sen. John McCain.

    “Democratic ads are goosing Republican enthusiasm,” said poll analyst Adam Schaeffer of Evolving Strategies, a public opinion research firm. “That in turn will boost Republican turnout,” he added.

    …”Romney and Obama ads increase the highest level of voter enthusiasm of ’08 McCain voters by 13 points–a 42 percent surge in the number of McCain ’08 voters who are extremely enthusiastic to vote this year,” said Schaeffer. What’s more, he said, Obama’s ads did not boost Democratic enthusiasm for the president.

    The genius Obama (he approves these messages) has come up with another ad designed to demotivate Dems and motivate Repubs.

    Sometimes I really do think he’s a Karl Rove plant, designed to rehabilitate Bush and teach the country to never, ever vote for a Dem.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  52. It’s a stupid, juvenile, tasteless add. In other words, it accurately reflects the candidate.

    I see. It’s confirming what you already believe. Just like people who are really into UFOs are the same people who “happen” to get abducted.

    Fair enough.

    Kman (5576bf)

  53. Geez, who has the air-freshener?
    There is a real stink in the air.

    AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92)

  54. We found someone that the ad was evidently targeted to …

    SPQR (768505)

  55. SPQR – sophists like Ms Doubtfire eat this stuff up.

    JD (436368)

  56. Man, Kman is absolutely pillaging those straw men today — that is when he is not producing all those red herrings.

    JVW (f5695c)

  57. This is one of the most fun threads ever.

    elissa (106c9c)

  58. Lena is gonna be disappointed when Teh O fails to live up to the hype.

    JD (436368)

  59. Finally!

    An honest politician!

    For once, we have an ad admitting voters who vote for a politician are screwed…

    Karl_L (ff486c)

  60. And, btw, where IS the satirical gay version of this? You’d think it would be an obvious retort. Doesn’t even have to be tasteless.

    Oh, here it is.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  61. “The thing you (claim to) object to — the injection of virginal sex into politic speech — is THE SAME in both the Reagan comment and the Obama ad.”

    Kman – Does any sentient being imagine Ronald Reagan was a sexual virgin when he switched parties? The 26 year-old airhead pop tart voting for the first time at age 22 comes across as dumb enough to pull the double entendre off, especially with credulous progtards. Reagan wasn’t.

    The faux outrage you claim to sense is not outrage, it is pity, moron, over how low you lizards have to stoop to garner votes.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  62. “These right wing ninnies are wasting their time; this ad was not pitched to them, it is pitched towards young women whom we need to turn out to vote for Obama and Democrats.”

    They miss the point. What cause the revulsion was the caricature of a young female voter. Is this what a millennial voter sound like? Are these the utterly trivial banalities that they base their votes on? God help us.

    We need to raise the voting age back to 21. Or 30.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  63. Daleyrocks – hipster d-bags like Ms Doubtfire go for this crap. See above.

    JD (436368)

  64. JD – Kman likes chorus lines of dancing vaginas to rev up Democrat voters.


    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  65. BRING YOUR VAGINA TO NORTH CAROLINA!!!!!!!!!!11ty!!!!!!

    For the Democrat National Convention

    Actual Democrat Slogan

    This happened

    Respect women

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  66. Kevin beat me to it.

    Mike K (1c38da)

  67. meh… I heard her first was Anthony Weiner. Besides, this is old news. Think how many people voted for 0bama in 2008 and know they got screwed… and not in a good way. No kiss… not even a reacharound.

    Colonel Haiku (b7f139)

  68. and by the looks of the li’l hosebeast, casting her virgin vote was the only way she’d ever get some…

    Colonel Haiku (b7f139)

  69. Now, Col., that’s just cruel.

    AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92)

  70. wonder if li’l hosebeast
    would ask for photo ID
    before spreading legs?

    Colonel Haiku (b7f139)

  71. out of practice!

    Colonel Haiku (b7f139)

  72. Well, it confirms my belief that the Obama campaign appeals to the mentally disadvantaged.

    You’d have to be a blithering moron to vote for Obama given his abysmal four years of arrogance, ineptitude, and brazen falsehood.

    SPQR (768505)

  73. I’d say that it is a perfectly on point. After all, we did vote for Barack Obama in 2008, and now we’ve all gotten f***ed.

    The realistic Dana (f68855)

  74. Barack was really not lyin’
    When he said he wanted your hymen
    It ain’t just a screw
    He really loves you
    Just forget our economy’s dyin’.

    The Limerick Avenger (f68855)

  75. He’ll never leave Michelle, morons. [joke comment]
    Sick ad. [serious comment]

    It is my thought that Axelrod is trying to lull Republican voters into a false sense of security — making them think that Romney is a shoe-in — and that way keeping Republican turnout down.

    nk (875f57)

  76. Has the Emperor just confirmed that he’s never actually been with a woman?

    The snarky Dana (f68855)

  77. his abysmal four years of arrogance, ineptitude, and brazen falsehood.
    Comment by SPQR — 10/26/2012 @ 4:10 pm

    I heard a clip today of him saying (he really did) that he had kept all of his commitments and promises.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  78. Ok, I don’t care if the Emperor is banned or put in moderation but this comment of its needs to be deleted.

    nk (875f57)

  79. Sorry, He likes old men and downtown Chicago Low Boys club and bathhouses.

    Judy (657f08)

  80. @snarky Dana. I need answers. Didn’t see no blood when I was with my virgin gf. Was she really a virgin?

    The Emperor (03864d)

  81. Kman,

    Do you agree this ad is probably aimed at young female first-time voters and females who first voted (for Obama) in 2008? If so, do you think it works to motivate them to vote this time?

    I think it could help Obama with that target audience. What’s interesting is that he must believe he’s having trouble with them, either getting their vote or motivating them to go vote. That strikes me as very bad news for Obama.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  82. I second nk’s request.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  83. @DRJ. Why? I mean no harm. Just asking a question that has troubled my mind for a while.

    The Emperor (fc6588)

  84. I third nk’s request. Also, moderation at the very least.

    Dana (292dcf)

  85. Barack, he wants him some virgin
    So he can do some hot mergin’
    Too bad for Barack
    He ain’t so hot
    And Romney’s numbers are surgin’.

    The Limerick Avenger (f68855)

  86. Just be warned, ladies… if your first time is with Barack, you can NOT later choose to have an abortion to get rid of the consequences of your action.

    malclave (4f3ec1)

  87. I am the son of a woman, the (former) husband of a woman, the father of a daughter, and this s*** turns my stomach.

    nk (875f57)

  88. What the hell is the matter with you, Chimperor?

    JD (436368)

  89. Comment by MD in Philly — 10/26/2012 @ 4:35 pm

    All politicians are liars, but Obama’s brazen lying has astonished me, frankly.

    SPQR (768505)

  90. @jd, what is the problem? I just can’t see it.

    The Emperor (fc6588)

  91. The Emperor, this isn’t a gynecological blog. You need to worry about something other than your own virginity.

    SPQR (768505)

  92. Lovie has managed to disgust me more than the dogs*** with maggots growing on it that I had to clean up from my front lawn once. But that’s the Democrats, I guess.

    nk (875f57)

  93. @SPQR. My virginity?

    The Emperor (fc6588)

  94. False rage much, nk?

    The Emperor (03864d)

  95. The Emperor and Kman have unleashed a small squadron of rabid squirrels on here. They don’t like us mocking lil Lena and this pathetic ad, apparently.

    elissa (106c9c)

  96. You are not worthy of rage, pig.

    nk (875f57)

  97. Sorry. Pigs are useful animals. You are not worthy of rage, rat.

    nk (875f57)

  98. This is gonna be crude, but so be it.

    I think that any woman that thinks the taxes I pay should be used to provide her with FREE birth control should be forced to wear a sign that states “Taxpayer funded birth-control recipient”. And since I am forced to pay for their birth control without my consent, then I should be allowed to hit it whenever and wherever I want to. Seems only fair to me. Screw me over, then I get to screw you too. Lets see how many line up then.

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  99. I pay for my lady friends birth control so I can play. So in return, if I am unwillingly forced to pay for theirs too, then I should at least be allowed to play and receive some bang 😆 for my bucks!

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  100. Emperor—If you think this Lena ad will “touch” and attract new voters for Barack Obama–and if you believe it has qualities or art that we are missing, then please discuss that. What is your personal opinion of this ad and on what are you basing your opinion? Please explain it to us. Do you accept that some viewers may not find the ad persuasive and that it may in fact turn some more highly educated women of all ages against Democrats? Do you think it will attract more young voters for Obama than it will repel others? If so, in what percentage?

    This ad is well worth discussion on a variety of levels IMO. But we’re getting nothing of substance from you. The vulgarities and personal attacks you’ve been posting today just make you look like a simple thread jack squirrel.

    elissa (106c9c)

  101. Lovey – I think Andrew Sullivan has the answers to your important questions since he has become such an expert in lady parts over the past several years. I suggest asking him.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  102. You mean to say that it took almost for years for King Barry to get jus primae noctis?

    Matador (1f9554)

  103. “four”. Perhaps I should have warmed up before my first comment here in many a moon. I shall return to the sidelines now. . .

    Matador (1f9554)

  104. “I think that any woman that thinks the taxes I pay should be used to provide her with FREE birth control should be forced to wear a sign that states “Taxpayer funded birth-control recipient”. And since I am forced to pay for their birth control without my consent, then I should be allowed to hit it whenever and wherever I want to. Seems only fair to me. Screw me over, then I get to screw you too. Lets see how many line up then.”

    – peedoffamerican

    Too bad he’s a regular, right? Otherwise you could just label him a Moby and not have to think about it.

    Leviticus (17b7a5)

  105. There are a lot of nasty comments on this thread. It’s scary to think how nasty they’ll be after the Unfortunately Unlikeable Mr. Romney loses this election to the Unfortunately Craven Mr. Obama.

    Leviticus (17b7a5)

  106. I wouldn’t do her with Michele’s d!ck.

    Thresherman (b808d1)

  107. Too bad he’s a regular, right? Otherwise you could just label him a Moby and not have to think about it.

    Comment by Leviticus — 10/26/2012 @ 9:11 pm

    Who is the “you” in that sentence of yours, Leviticus?

    Hell, I say more s*** in ten words than the rest of you do in a thousand.

    nk (875f57)

  108. Romney roolz Obama droolz I think

    happyfeet (578930)

  109. If you really sit back and think about it, you are left with the the notion that a sitting President is resorting to push people to the polls by inferring voting for him will simulate orgasm in virginal women because he’s the “right” guy.

    I don’t understand how that could possibly be a winning strategy.

    I don’t mean to be nasty or scary, but the ad is just creepy.

    Imagine if Romney or Bush had some young woman talking about voting for either in the same way.

    I honestly can’t see this ad any other way than cultish.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  110. “Who is the “you” in that sentence of yours, Leviticus?”

    – nk

    Anyone on this site who goes around claiming that a stranger who says something repulsive is a repulsive liberal disguised as a conservative instead of a repulsive conservative.

    Leviticus (17b7a5)

  111. Well screw you Leviticus. If I pay for a car, then I damn well expect to drive it. If I buy a house, then I damn well expect to live in it or at the least rent it out. If I buy a hamburger, then I damn well expect to eat it. And if THEY expect me to pay for THEIR birth control, then why in hell shouldn’t I be able to reap the benefits? So very simply, if you wanna screw like a bunch of sex crazed rabbits, I could care less. JUST DON’T F@CKING ASK ME TO PAY FOR IT!

    Do you not understand what I am saying? I am making the point with an absurd statement to combat the absurdity of them wanting me to pay for THEIR birth control so they can have irresponsible sex!

    Did you just refuse to see my 101 comment,

    I pay for my lady friends birth control so I can play. So in return, if I am unwillingly forced to pay for theirs too, then I should at least be allowed to play and receive some bang 😆 for my bucks!

    Comment by peedoffamerican — 10/26/2012 @ 5:42 pm”

    In other words, I pay for mine, then they should pay for theirs and not act like it is everybody else’s responsibilty to do so. If you can’t afford the cost of birth control then maybe you shouldn’t be having sex PERIOD. I remember my dear departed mother advising her two daughters and two sons; No one ever gets pregnant by abstaining from sex, unless you happened to be named ‘Virgin Mary’.

    I am sick and f@cking tired of everybody wanting MY tax dollars to pay for their sh!t. If they want something they can do what I do, pay for it themselves or f@cking do without. And I have to without a lot of things already because of having MY money stolen by the govt to give to their worthless asses.

    peedoffamerican (d22d0e)

  112. Hence my handle of peedoffamerican! These liberal crybabies always wanting their FREE sh!t pisses me off to no end. It is never free, but comes directly out of my pocket and the pockets of every other taxpayer.

    I grew up poor and wore hand me downs. Pretty damn bad when you are a boy, and had to wear your older sisters dresses to school! 😆 Just kidding about the dresses. We raised a garden, picked fruit from neighbors that let us, canned our own food, raised a hog every now and then, milked our own cow that we borrowed money to buy, didn’t have heating in anything but the bathroom, kitchen/dining room, and living room, no air conditioning period, and the only time we had meat was on a Sunday. Had a black and white TV with tubes that we kept repairing ourselves. I have to admit it was remote controlled though. My dad would tell one of us kids to get up and change the channel for him. Mowed yards, picked up returnable bottles from the sides of roads, trapped for fur, and every penny went to help the entire family.

    Oh, and the bathroom was located on the back porch, since it was the house my great grandmother was born in, the bathroom was added when we moved in. Try walking down a porch in the middle of winter to take a piss why don’t you. And never got one damn red cent from the gubmint in help either! And now all of these whining crybabies want my money to pay for their pleasure? Well f@ck them and the horse they rode in on!

    peedoffamerican (d22d0e)

  113. And don’t even get me started on Santa Clause, that was the poorest S.O.B. that I ever saw. Pretty hard to understand why friends in school got all kinds of things, but by the time he got to our house his f@cking bag was almost empty!

    Hell, we looked forward to Halloween because that was about the only time that we had candy. Once, maybe twice a year did you get a candy bar or a coke.

    The problem with this country is that everybody is looking for a handout, but not willing to work for it themselves. It’s always Gimme, Gimme, Gimme! Waaahhhhhhhhh, I want my free sh!t. Well pardner, there ain’t nothing in this life that’s free, somebody somewhere has to pay for it.

    peedoffamerican (d22d0e)

  114. Why would any young woman want her first time to be with a man who makes her pay all the bills (except for birth control, which he’ll make other people pay for)?

    bridget (862c19)

  115. Matador!

    Icy (1c9801)

  116. At least we won’t see this trotted out when the Hillary 2016 train gets on the tracks.
    Comment by Brian — 10/26/2012 @ 12:53 pm

    — Don’t be surprised if that train never leaves the station.

    Icy (1c9801)

  117. Obama 2012
    Bend Over and Take It, America!

    Icy (1c9801)

  118. @DRJ. Why? I mean no harm. Just asking a question that has troubled my mind for a while.
    Comment by The Emperor — 10/26/2012 @ 4:52 pm

    — We’ve all been asking the question of what has troubled your mind for awhile.

    Icy (1c9801)

  119. Treacher wins – voting for Obama is just like losing your virginity. If you lost your virginity in prison.

    JD (436368)

  120. Methinks there be a lot of Obama 2008 voters that now say “I feel dirty.”

    Icy (1c9801)

  121. She’s just trying to get back at her dad.

    Icy (1c9801)

  122. “Anyone on this site who goes around claiming that a stranger who says something repulsive is a repulsive liberal disguised as a conservative instead of a repulsive conservative.”

    – angry nihilist, lost in New Mexico

    Colonel Haiku (9c8cb0)

  123. Last night I sent this Lena ad to the unmarried daughter (bridges Gen X and Millennial) of close friends with the simple question “I’m just curious–what is your take on this?”.

    She’d lost her job in early 2011 when the business she worked for closed and only in August of this year was she able to find and return to full time employment. Although she’s quite intelligent, she is a one issue voter. She voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and unquestionably will vote for Obama again on Nov.6.

    Still, her response to my question was a single word: “EEuuuw!!”

    elissa (d7578c)

  124. All I know about this sleazy Lena Dunham is the trailer they ran on HBO just before her series started that showcased her “empowerment” as she was hanging halfway out her second story window, taking it from behind.

    Colonel Haiku (9c8cb0)

  125. Col. — There was also a short blurb on Lena in the printed Oct. Vanity Fair Mag in a list of the “up and comers”. It said she had semi-famous parents (neither of whom I had ever heard of). Based on what I know about her series, I suspect this ad has a lot more to do with Lena’s agent and HBO wanting to promote her, and desiring to embellish her reputation for “sexual outrageousness”, than it is to actually help elect Barack Obama. But of course the O campaign was more than happy to oblige and pay for the shtick.

    elissa (d7578c)

  126. and who can forget this one… hilarious!

    Colonel Haiku (9c8cb0)

  127. Lib’s message to women,

    Vote with your twot, it’s all you’ve got


    jeff (ad7c70)

  128. It took me days to pinpoint what about this ad bothers me because I don’t care about the sexual innuendo.

    What bothers me is how Dunham convincingly claims that voting for Obama turned her from a girl into a woman — but than she ends the video with a little girl shrug and giggle. It’s classic girly behavior that IMO makes women look weak and manipulative.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  129. What bothers me about this ad is
    a) Our sitting President is running for reelection based on making the rest of us buy birth control for this chick
    b) how sloppy this girl is. Is the Rachel Maddow look a thing now?

    MayBee (4901b0)

  130. I really think this girl is just some chest hair away from looking like Khalid Sheik Mohammed.

    MayBee (4901b0)

  131. she looks like she smells like axe body spray

    happyfeet (8745a3)

  132. MayBee – that was not very nice 🙂

    JD (436368)

  133. Did y’all see Steven Crowder cross dressing and doing a “like totally” on-point parody of Lena and her ilk? I watched it earlier over at GatewayPundit. Quite amusing.

    elissa (d7578c)

  134. Here’s a link to the Gateway Pundit post she refers to.

    I hadn’t seen it, and she’s right that it’s hilarious.

    Dustin (73fead)

  135. And tell me one thing Leviticus, if they want to go around acting like sluts and whores, then why shouldn’t they be treated that way?

    peedoffamerican (d22d0e)

  136. Showed the ad to my 25 year old son. He had a good laugh, saying it reinforced a stereotypical young women: vapid & shallow. His gfriend (27), on the advice of gfriends got 10 mins into Lena Dunham’s HBO show and turned it off…said it was too stupid. My 29 year old daughter got about 15 seconds into the campaign ad & turned it off. Said it really wasn’t worth her time.

    So if that’s the reaction of 3 moderate/Libertarian leaning 20-somethings, it suggests perhaps the campaign misjudged their target audience and didn’t take into consideration they’re more politically *realized than given credit for.

    (*In the words of the president, “Well, that’s a bullshitter, I can tell.”)

    Dana (292dcf)

  137. You’re actually asking me why you shouldn’t be able to rape women you disagree with?

    Leviticus (1aca67)

  138. Guess that’s why I’m glad we have a gubmint – to keep people like you from acting in accordance with their basic nature.

    Leviticus (1aca67)

  139. Leviticus,

    It seems to me that Ms. Dunham has invited a highly sexualized discussion. She certainly hasn’t invited rape but I don’t see how she can object to people assuming she thinks sex is something to joke about and take casually.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  140. Leviticus–I think we might agree that POA was perhaps unnecessarily crude in making his initial point. I know that you are focused on that aspect. But can you at all step back and sift out the larger societal point I think he was attempting to focus on? (That too much “free stuff” poisons a civilization on many levels as members of that society become ever more reliant, and are slowly starved of ethical self-responsibility generation by generation?)

    elissa (d7578c)

  141. “if they want to go around acting like sluts and whores, then why shouldn’t they be treated that way?”

    – peedoffamerican

    I think that’s his real point. Even if his real anger is directed at a “free stuff” mentality (vs. a “women’s rights” mentality), I don’t see how it’s relevant to Lena Dunham pitching for Obama via sexual innuendo. Did she talk about free birth control, or was it just assumed that she was for it, or what?

    Leviticus (1aca67)

  142. Obama has screwed everyone in the country the past 4 years.
    There aren’t any virgins left.

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  143. Did she talk about free birth control, or was it just assumed that she was for it, or what?

    Comment by Leviticus — 10/27/2012

    When democrats talk about access to contraception, that is a euphemism for free birth control.

    And while of course it is wrong to talk about sexual retribution, I do wish the shameful would be shameable in a more sober sense.

    It is not good for society for people to sleep around. It is not good for the government to subsidize it. There is something far superior to a nuclear family, monogamy, abstinence. Many fail to live up to this ideal, which is used as justification for abandoning it and pretending any lifestyle is equal, but it just isn’t so.

    Dustin (73fead)

  144. elissa @ 143,

    I’m glad you’re statement clarifies and questions. Well said.

    I found POA’s comment to be offensive in its crudity but understood his point. You’ve said it well.


    It is because POA is a regular here, there is a written history of comments to refer to and know that he is committed to the America where personal responsibility is assumed and believing the entitlement attitude of so many has weakened the fiber of our country. And now we’re all paying for it, both literally and figuratively.

    Certainly there has been nothing that I’ve ever seen that would lead any to believe his base nature is something as abhorrent as you’ve. Read the record. It is perhaps intellectually dishonest to assume that.

    Dana (292dcf)

  145. I think that’s his real point. Even if his real anger is directed at a “free stuff” mentality (vs. a “women’s rights” mentality), I don’t see how it’s relevant to Lena Dunham pitching for Obama via sexual innuendo. Did she talk about free birth control, or was it just assumed that she was for it, or what?

    Do you see the video playfully juxtaposing voting with having sex? That in itself opens the door.

    Dana (292dcf)

  146. Yeah Leviticus, that’s it exactly! I want to run around raping women willy-nilly, guess that’s why I am wanted in all 57 states! NOT! Notice that I said above I was using the absurdity to highlight the absurd. Her little snarky ad that relates voting to sex is truly disgusting. Sexual congress is and should be a private matter, not broadcast for all the world to see. By the way, I wouldn’t touch any of these skanks with a ten foot pole, with their casual attitude towards sex no telling what disease they might have. I want to see a doctors exam and inspect them myself before I would take a chance with my life and health. The only reason this little schutta is supporting Obeyme is for the free sh!t that she wants.

    She says, “A guy who cares whether you get health insurance. (free Sh!t) And specifically whether you get birth control. (free sh!t again)” Also states that she is in college. Probably that’s free sh!t for her too. Either thru a Pell grant or college loan which she will never be able to repay since it seems she is more interested in majoring in Sex Participation 101.

    peedoffamerican (d22d0e)

  147. Notice that I said above I was using the absurdity to highlight the absurd. Her little snarky ad that relates voting to sex is truly disgusting.

    It does cheapen the seriousness of this election. Obama’s judgment is bankrupting our country. But he’s like cute and stuff.

    Dustin (73fead)

  148. To me selling your vote because someone promises to give you free sh!t is prostituting yourself and makes you a whore. At least a real prostitute is only selling herself, that which she owns, and not taking from other people through confiscation of taxes. Obeyme is the biggest whore of all, he is trying to sell an entire nation right down the proverbial drain.

    peedoffamerican (d22d0e)

  149. Nowhere in the Constitution does it give the federal govt the power to collect taxes and redistribute them in any form of welfare to another person, in fact it forbids it. If we truly had a federal govt that only spent what is constitutionally authorized and mandated, the budget would be reduced by over 52%. But noooooooo, go on voting for largesse to the unproductive populace and this country will not continue.

    peedoffamerican (d22d0e)

  150. OMG–Rep. Marsha Blackburn pens a scathing “open letter to President Obama”. It’s mostly about his Lena ad’s insult to women–but she gets in a lick or two about Benghazi, too! Here’s a sample, but read it all.

    As a father of two beautiful girls, how could you possibly have allowed this to be aired? Did you approve this? Did someone on your campaign staff actually think this was a good idea? It is offensive, repulsive and should be removed immediately.It is beneath the dignity of the office you hold. Mr. President, are you and your Democrat colleagues so focused on sex and reproductive rights that you really think that is the single motivator for women? Are you not aware that women in 2012 are focused on jobs, the economy, economic opportunity? Women are running companies, serving as the human resource director of companies and helping employees solve problems. Women are doctors, lawyers, teachers, sales managers, marketers. They handle problems in the workplace by day and manage their families by night. They are concerned about the healthcare of their families and are the drivers in healthcare decisions, making 85% of all healthcare decisions. Many women are heads of households. Many are the primary wage earners for their families.

    elissa (d7578c)

  151. Wow, elissa, women really aren’t just sex objects and breeders, eh?

    Dana (292dcf)

  152. Des Moines Register endorses Romney — first Republican endorsement since 1972.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  153. That’s a big endorsement that could make a difference for Romney in Iowa.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  154. I would consider being in favor of “free birth control” for liberals, if they would promise to never procreate. And my second stipulation would be that liberals would have to promise to never sleep with a conservative, so that they’d only give their syphillis to fellow liberals.

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  155. I just think it’s funny how so many college students think they’re all independent and contrarian and all for revolution or whatever, yet they insist on other people paying their way. They only think they’re Raging AGAINST the Machine, but in reality, they’re Raging FOR the Machine.

    Radio talker Michael Medved every so often re-counts the anecdote about the billboard he used to see on a San Diego area highway during the 1964 Goldwater VS LBJ campaign that had a picture of Uncle Sam, and it read, “He’s your Uncle—not your Daddy.”

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  156. However, the NY Times unexpectedly endorsed Obama.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  157. I suggest the following Mitt Romney ad:

    [black screen, white text of scrolling nespapers names]

    [Voiceover]: This is for those that voted for change in 2008 and are disappointed in the results. You are in good company. Over NNN newspapers that endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 have now endorsed Mitt Romney for 2012.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  158. Actually, Kevin, Romney’s next add should be “my first time was with Obama in 2008, and I caught a raging case of Obamarhea. Now no one will hire me, and no one will sleep with me unless I give them a rubber so they don’t catch Obamarhea, too. Which is something I can’t afford since no one will hire me, so I need to get them for free.”

    At least it should be if these guys were running for president of the high school student’s association. Which Obama apparently is, but Romney instead seems to be running to become POTUS.

    Steve57 (c8ac21)

  159. Here’s a libertarian woman’s take on the “first Time” ad. I’ve never seen a video fisking before, but this comes close.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  160. First Time with Obama
    He Screwed Us All


    Ken in Camarillo (645bed)

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