Patterico's Pontifications


Bad Lip Reading: The Debate

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:56 pm

These things are always funny, and once you watch one you’ll want to watch more. My kids were cracking up watching the “Twilight” one.

P.S. This is the “Twilight” one:

The “Hunger Games” one is pretty good too.

P.P.S. Speaking of the debate, apparently Obama thought he won.

P.P.P.S. I hadn’t noticed that JD already noted that last part. But it’s funny enough to mention again anyway.

11 Responses to “Bad Lip Reading: The Debate”

  1. The Debate lipread took it to the next level.

    Dustin (73fead)

  2. Bad link on Obama thinking he won…

    reff (4dcda2)

  3. “He’s asleep.” Funny.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  4. I hadn’t laughed that hard since the Newt Gingrich one… “Can’t think when you’re f**kin high!”

    Ghost (2d8874)

  5. I also like that thing that Kimmel, I think as I don’t watch network, where he unnecessarily bleeps stuff.

    Gazzer (9b910f)

  6. ^_^

    I know smileys annoy you but I liked the post.

    nk (875f57)

  7. BTW, we are on the Jacob team.

    nk (875f57)

  8. Re: E&B

    Probably a lot better if you’ve actually watched the movie. Thankfully, I’ve managed to avoid the torment.

    IGotBupkis, Legally Defined Cyberbully In All 57 States (8e2a3d)

  9. Re: The debate, here’s an article about it:

    Obama ‘believed he had BEATEN Romney’ in Denver debate – after ignoring advice of top aides on preparation

    Obama approached the debate with the same kind of inept incompetence and arrogant presumption of his ability to handle it on the fly that he has approached pretty much EVERYTHING about his Presidency.

    From his inept “gifts” to the UK (on *TWO* occasions!) to his bowing to foreign leaders, to his cronyism and support for stupid crap like Fast and Furious, he has show himself utterly unable to do something as complex as the job of PotUS.

    I want my OTP!!

    IGotBupkis, Legally Defined Cyberbully In All 57 States (8e2a3d)

  10. Right, now that the contest is decided all the skinny on Down Low is eeking into the Sunday Funnies:

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  11. I love this genre. Below is one of my favs. It’s actual video of Joe Cocker performing? at Woodstock, with added subtitles and pictures to help out those who may have trouble understanding the lyrics.

    elissa (acdee1)

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